The program changes the voice in the microphone to a female. How to change the voice in any program or game - MorphVOX Pro

Surely, many have heard about various voice change pranks.

At one time, this service was very popular with mobile operators, and now you can do it yourself - by applying related software.

As you may have guessed, we will talk about changing the voice on the video using the application on the iPhone.

Let's look at how this feature can be implemented, and why it is needed at all. ↓↓↓

How to change it - all methods

It's about about a program that can process an audio track in a video.

  1. robot
  2. girls
  3. chipmunk and more.

You can also use this software if you want to create an interesting video on YouTube or voice an event.

In any case, the effect will be unforgettable and your creation will definitely not be left without attention.

There are several ways to easily change the voice in a video on iPhone: ↓↓↓

  • Video editing applications. ← There are several programs in the AppStore that allow you to change the voice directly in the video. That is, both during the shooting of the video, and in finished video.
  • Sound recording applications. ← In this case, the program only edits the audio track, but cannot work with video. However, this is not a problem, because you can simply overlay audio on the video with the desired effect.
  • Third Party Apps on PC. ← With their help, you can change the voice in the video to funny directly on your computer. It is also one of the most simple ways surprise loved ones.

Top 5 programs

And now let's get straight to the point and find out what applications you can use on iPhone to change the voice in the video as easily as possible. ↓↓↓

1) Voice Changer App - smart voice recorder

Voice Changer App will please simple design and convenient settings, and most importantly, the program is distributed free of charge. Apart from the basic voice changer features, you can apply various background effects that will make your video unforgettable.

Other features worth highlighting: ↓

  • work with social networks;
  • additional effect packs;
  • nice design.

2) Voice Changer Plus - maximum effects

An interesting ringtone, a prank or a funny video - with the Voice Changer Plus app, you can do almost everything.

Main functions: ↓

4) Voice mode -your best draw

In this application, everything is also simple. After installation, open the program and start recording.

1) From the list below, you can choose the voice of the character that you like.

2) Now you can safely speak, after which the information will be saved to the playlist.

Here you can subsequently find the sound file and send it to friends via social media.

A couple more new items in the AppStore

Despite its simplicity, these novelties boast very interesting settings and convenient controls. With their help, you can make a very funny voice in a video, like a chipmunk or an alien ... ..

In addition, there are additional effects in the form of reverb and more.

Features include: ↓↓↓

  • about 6 different effects;
  • automatic saving of the record;
  • slowing down or speeding up the voice;
  • can be shared on social networks.

to help you edit your video on your computer.

Various computer programs are now capable of influencing many areas of life, and can be used both for entertainment purposes and for any purpose.

They can work both separately and as an application to any programs.


As mentioned above, all software of this kind can be split into two large groups:

Each of these programs differs in functionality.

Some are able to record and save files in one format or another for later playback, while others provide changes to the timbre only in real time.

There are also differences in the subtlety of the settings, how natural the final result is and how wide the range of its change is.

Among additional features stand out overlaying noise during sounding, removing noise, applying filters to the voice(male, female, children's, mechanical voices, etc.). Sometimes the resulting saved files can be further modified. The simplest software does not have additional functions at all.

In addition, a number of programs are clearly entertaining and can only be used as a joke, as they have filters that make the voice clearly artificial.

In contrast, they are presented with software that can be used when processing songs and for other professional purposes.


To select as quickly as possible suitable program, the main characteristics of all the software discussed below are shown in the table.

Table 1. The main characteristics of programs for changing the voice
Name License Recording Fine settings Effects and filters Additionally
AV Voice Changer Diamond Paid (trial period 14 days) Yes Yes Yes Works both online and by recording
Voxal Voice Changer For free No Yes No
Scramby For free No Yes Yes Works only online, does not process recordings, has background noise
MorphVOX Junior For free No Yes Yes Works only online, does not process records
fake voice For free No Yes Yes Works only online, does not process records
AV VoizGame Paid (trial period 7 days) No Yes Yes Works only online, does not process records
Skype Voice Changer For free No Yes Yes Works only online, does not process records

Below in the material, all the programs presented in the table are placed in the order of the TOP - from the most popular to the most simple and free.

AV Voice Changer Diamond

This program is one of the most popular and in demand among users. of this type software.

It combines high convenience and ease of operation with a variety of functions and the ability to fine-tune the sound.

In addition to fine tuning, there are also basic filters that can be used, for example, you can create the voice of the opposite sex.

It works both in real time and in recording, with already recorded files, and is also able to record the entire conversation itself.

  • Diverse functionality;
  • The ability to record files and work both in real time and with recorded materials;
  • Easy to use interface.
  • The program is paid and not cheap, while the free demo version only works for two weeks;
  • May be too complicated for a novice user due to the abundance of settings;
  • Takes up a lot of space in the computer's memory.

Reviews about the program are different. There are both positive and negative ones. "A good program", "It does not work well with the Russian language and even with a Russian accent."

Voxal Voice Changer

More simple program than the previous version. Nevertheless, it enjoys considerable popularity in many respects and thanks to this.

She takes on the computer less space, it is easier to manage.

It works exclusively in conjunction with a headset, that is, it can change your voice only when you are talking on the headset.

  • Simple control;
  • Sufficiently low loads on the PC with such functionality;
  • You can create sound filters yourself.
  • Work only online (material is not recorded);
  • Narrower functionality;
  • You cannot change the sound of an existing recording.

User reviews about this program are as follows: “Low quality of voice changes”, “Program drivers are not compatible with Genius device drivers, headsets and microphones”.


It is distributed free of charge, which is also its advantageous difference.

  • The program is different stable job;
  • The load on the hardware resources of the computer is negligible;
  • Distributed for free, although it has the same high quality like the paid version.
  • Works not always stably.

Voice changer software can be a great tool for both fun and privacy. Programs of this type usually present people with a variety of effects to replace or enhance their tone. The male voice can be changed to a female or children's one, you can also turn on the voice of a character from a cartoon or a movie hero.

funny voice

Perhaps the easiest, and at the same time free utility. It does not require installation and hardly reaches fifty kilobytes. All you need to turn it on is a microphone. The main options are tone warping, that is, you can make your voice data higher or lower.

There is only 1 auxiliary effect - "robot". The recording option helps you to use this app to create funny ringtones.

But integration with other software is not enabled - it is impossible to use this option during communication.

Scramby for skype

Another great utility for changing voice online without downloading. It can change speech at any time and at the same time can function together with programs for communication, for example, in Skype. Many people think about how to change the voice in the microphone.

To do this, go to "Sound Settings" and find the Scramby Microphone.

In the menu you can find twenty-six effects for the distortion and change of speech. You can add any effect in VST format to the created templates or make your own by working with a special editor.

In addition, Scramby offers background melodies, such as the sound of the sea, the barking of dogs or the roar of an engine. Their list can also be increased by adding an mp3 file.

MorphVOX Junior

This version of MorphVOX is shown in a slightly truncated form, and therefore you can download the program "on the ball". Options and effects can help you change speech and tone, or specifically change the timbre. The program is known to many game fans as a utility for changing speech in games, but it can also be used in services for correspondence and making calls. Most often, this utility is used as a voice changer for a microphone.

Clownfish online

AV Voice Changer Diamond

AV Voice Changer is recognized by many people as an excellent online voice changer. Its functionality is truly amazing. Functionality and advantages:

Skype Voice Changer

With this utility, you can modify speech during Skype calls, change male to female, work with timbre and tone, or use various effects. In addition to the inclusion of "echo", wheezing or subtlety, it is also suggested to launch the voice of a robot or beast. In addition, the creators have made interesting additions. Thus, at the service of the user sound signals bursts, broken glass, car horn, animal bleating.

fake voice

Fake Voice is a very lightweight program that has amazing functionality. With its help, you can talk in such a way that the subscriber is hardly recognized by relatives or relatives. You can use the program both when talking on the messenger through the camera, and during a simple game. Change speech, laugh like an alien or like a drunken stupid guy who fell into a well.

To choose a suitable real-time Russian converter for yourself, you need to decide why to use it - some of the programs are "tuned" for Skype, a number of applications work together with games, there are also unique programs that work both on the phone and on the computer. The functionality of all utilities (even those that require registration) can be enabled for free, so do not rush to purchase a license. You can try downloading and installing a couple of applications for free and choose the best software for yourself.

The right to privacy is perhaps the most important thing for every free person. This right can be expressed not only in the construction of high fences, but also in the desire to remain anonymous. That's why it's so important to know how to change your voice on the phone.

How to change the voice on the phone with improvised means?

Not so rare is the situation when a person would like to remain unrecognized in a telephone conversation. Installing programs on a computer or phone takes time and requires some training to use.

But you can also ensure your anonymity by others. ways:

  • Acting talent. The ability to faithfully imitate the voices of several people is one of the rarest gifts that nature can bestow on a person. People endowed with such talent, as a rule, become voice actors for foreign films. Calculate the fact that several characters were voiced by one person, often only specialists can do it. Sometimes imitators find their calling in the field of universal parody.
  • You can change the voice if there is a wind musical instrument kazoo. Outwardly, it resembles a cigarette irregular shape with a thin paper film that strongly distorts incoming sound waves.
  • You can change speech beyond recognition if you hold your nose with your finger for a while.
  • If you have a helium cylinder on hand or filled with this gas balloon, then it is worth inhaling one sip of gas, and the voice will become like a child's.
  • Also try bringing any glass vessel(the more the better) and speak into it. The voice will take on a metallic tone due to the reverb.

Speech maskers

The task of ensuring the secrecy of a telephone conversation appeared long before the advent of mobile communications and personal computers. In order to protect the communication channel for negotiations, a special device was invented, called in Russian " speech masker". Its essence lies in the fact that if you use this device during a conversation, then the criminal who wants to listen to him will not understand anything because of extraneous sounds. At the same time, the interlocutor at the other end of the wire will hear everything perfectly if he has a special decoder device.

Similar gadgets from the life of James Bond are still used today. There is a whole palette of devices on sale: both for ultra-modern smartphones (connected as a headset), and for ordinary city (landline) phones. The cost of such devices ranges from 7,500 to almost 75,000 rubles.

PC software

The modern computer is an extremely versatile device. By connecting ordinary headphones with a microphone, it can be turned into a full-fledged phone, which you can call for free. This opportunity is used by millions of people around the world. However, along with convenience comes the challenge of protecting personal data.

In order to change the sound coming from the microphone, you can use the following programs:

  • Voxal Voice Changer- is shareware, but the basic functionality is more than enough to complete the task. The disadvantages include unstable work with USB microphones.
  • Clownfish - designed specifically for paired work with the Skype calling program. In other "dialers" does not work.
  • Skype Voice Changer - also sharpened to work with Skype. There is a whole palette of effects for speech conversion.
  • MorphVOX - works with all communication applications and has an interesting functionality of turning a man's voice into a woman's and vice versa. For some additional features will have to pay.

It must be remembered that the installation of such programs can cause serious malfunctions in the system: the disappearance of sound, unstable work Skype, etc.

Smartphone applications

Today, mobile telephony is the most popular method of voice communication. In view of this, it goes without saying that there is special programs for smartphones that would provide proper privacy.

In the app stores for both Android and iOS, there are several dozens of such applications. Some of them have a pronounced humorous focus, but there is also paid professional software.

Some of the most popular voice encoder apps include:

How to change the timbre of the voice?

A person cannot permanently change the timbre of his voice without surgical intervention, however, the following tricks can be used to temporarily mask:

  • Soften consonants and add the letter "y" before the vowels;
  • Try to parody a Caucasian or some other well-known accent or dialect pronunciation;
  • Put forward the lip: the timbre of the sound will decrease;
  • Practice pronouncing words through clenched teeth.

If for some reason all of the above methods did not suit you, then you can always adjust the timbre with hardware. Both the smartphone and the computer have a whole bunch of programs that have a variety of speech change settings (Voxal Voice Changer, AthTek Voice Changer and others).

So, now you know how to change the voice on the phone. To help in the implementation of this task can be both specialized hardware and software. In the end, you can just pinch your nose with a clothespin. That's just joking like this with the authorities - not the best idea.

Video tutorial: completely change the voice

In this video, Anton will show you how to change your voice in hardware when calling from a mobile phone, what you need for this:

If you are embarrassed about your voice or want to transform it into a funny or unusual one to have fun with your friends, you can easily do it. Today, everything is much simpler than it used to be. There are many programs available on the Internet that allow you to change the sound in the microphone directly at the time of the conversation. Many of these programs are free. So there is no objective reason to abandon your venture.

Video - Step-by-step instruction by changing the voice in the microphone

This program has a lot of ready-made sound effects, including:

  • alien;
  • clown;
  • acceleration;
  • slowdown;
  • male voice;
  • helium;
  • robot etc.

This program is supported by Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.

Once you download the program to your computer and install it, the program logo will appear in your toolbar. As soon as you right-click on the icon, a menu will appear on the screen. You can select the listening mode for your voice. This is very convenient to set up so you can hear how the program changes the sound.

Step 1. Download the installation package from the official website of the program. To do this, visit the official website, scroll down the main page to the appropriate section or click on the "Download" button in the horizontal menu at the top of the page. Choose the version that suits your computer based on the operating system version.

Step 2 Open the downloaded document and run the program installation.

Step 3 Wait while the installer prepares the computer. It may require you to close some programs if they are currently using the microphone. If there are none, continue the installation by clicking on the "Install" button.

Note: during the installation process, the audio service will be temporarily disabled, but it will start again before the installation is completed. That is why it was necessary to close programs that have access to the microphone of your device.

Step 4 Complete the installation by clicking on the "Finish" button.

We complete the installation by clicking on the "Finish" button

Step 5 Find this program in the Start menu.

Step 5 Once you click on it, the same icon will appear in the toolbar. While he is there, the program works, converting all the sounds.

This program has another useful feature - the transformation of text into audio. To do this, right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select the "Voice Assistant" option.

A special window will open on your screen, in which you need to select the voice with which the text will be read and paste it into the appropriate field. Click on the "Read text" button and

Voxal Voice Changer

Change the sound of your voice immediately at the moment of a conversation or add the desired effect to existing audio files using this program. The library includes a variety of effects, including a robot, an alien, a child, and others. As the name suggests, the program allows you to change the original voice. You can use it for various purposes, such as playing games on the Internet, recording audio for presentations or just for fun, it is compatible with various programs that use the microphone.

The program is easy to use. Once you launch it, you can select the speech filter you want to use. There are a huge number of voices and effects, from a chipmunk and a cartoon, to AM radio or a stadium announcer.

Another one interesting feature- Synthesize option. It allows you to write lyrics and convert them into a vocal file. You can then apply the desired filter as usual. This feature is useful for recording background conversational comments for videos or slideshows, among other things.

The program is free to download and use, and there are paid versions for home or commercial use that are quite affordable. You can get them on the developer's site.

Key features:

  1. Effects can be used to modify already existing files.
  2. Apply effects in real time.
  3. Create an unlimited number of unique effects created by you.
  4. Suitable for all programs that use the microphone of your device.
  5. Low resource usage of your computer. This program will not interfere with the functioning of other important programs.
  6. Simple and user friendly interface.

Note! Ad support. The program may prompt you to install additional software during installation.

Video - Scramby Program

A Brief Overview of Other Voice Transformation Software

The programs discussed above are far from the only and not the best. In fact, there are many of them and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it makes sense to get acquainted with other programs that cope with their main task no worse than Clownfish or Voxal.

ProgramImageTerms of UseCompatibilityPeculiarities
For freeWindows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
42 audio effects. You can see demos of these effects on the official website.

Allows users to change the sound of their voice immediately

$99.99 - free trial period availableWindows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XPAccording to the developers, this program can be very useful for dating in a video chat, because among the available effects there are those that make the voice more attractive, deep and languid
For freeWindows 10/MobileOriginally developed for mobile phones. Now available for owners of computers and laptops on the operating Windows system 10
For freeWindows and Mac
Voicemod is a tool that allows you to instantly change the sound of your voice. It works on Bebo, Skype, Discord and many other platforms.
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