Amount of student scholarship per year. What scholarships, benefits and benefits can students receive?

Freshmen and senior students who are good students receive an academic scholarship, the amount of which is standard. The approximate amount is 1,500 rubles (this is in institutes, and less in schools and colleges). Excellent students receive, at the discretion of the management, either an academic or an increased scholarship, the amount of which can vary from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

On the one hand, paying a scholarship is a serious matter, but it becomes ridiculous. Nowadays, there are also scholarships that few people even suspect exist; these are the ones we will talk about now. Are you wondering if you might be eligible for one of the following scholarships?

Types and amounts of scholarships for students in Russia

  • high level of academic performance;
  • publication in a scientific journal;
  • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
  • participation in a grant, all-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
  • the presence of a patent indicating the authorship of a scientific discovery.

Graduate students, residents, interns and doctoral students receive a little more, but this is still very far from what is necessary. True, if a student or graduate student does not have any other source of income, then he has the opportunity to receive some additional scholarship. The most successful ones manage to receive about 20 thousand rubles monthly.

Scholarship for students in 2017-2018

  1. Academic– provided to full-time students who study at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debt. In other words, on this type payments can be calculated by those who only have “good” and “excellent” in their records. Although this is not the final indicator and the score for receiving a scholarship may vary in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Advanced academic The scholarship for students is awarded from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain high results in education or sports during the first year of study, as well as take direct part in cultural life of the educational institution.
  3. Social– paid to students in need of financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of documents provided confirming the corresponding right of a citizen to state aid. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean’s office.
  4. Increased social intended for socially vulnerable students during their 1st and 2nd year studies. Like a regular social scholarship, this scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under one condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Nominal government and presidential scholarships – payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

The scholarship amounts, in most cases, are set by the educational institution itself, and, therefore, can differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those who have entered the contact form of education, are deprived financial assistance states.

Are students paid a stipend in the summer and under what conditions?

According to the rule, students in their final year are expelled from the beginning of July, so the scholarship will not be paid in the remaining months. But many higher educational institutions expel graduates in the middle or end of summer, but their accounting department works individually.

Each university is given the opportunity to carry out the procedure for providing benefits according to its own calculations; this does not mean that some higher education institutions do not pay benefits in summer period, in relation to them, nuances are made in the calculations.

Scholarship amount for students in 2018

The social scholarship is not paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades based on the results of the session. If academic performance improves, payments are restored. At the same time as this type of scholarship, an academic scholarship can also be paid on a general basis.

In 2017, the scholarship for students was increased by 5.9%, which is 1,419 rubles. in universities of the country. The scholarship at the technical school in 2017 is 487 rubles. For 2018, this increase is planned by 4.8%, which will amount to 1,487 rubles. It is obvious that the minimum scholarship in Russia does not cover the minimum demands of student life, so the desire to receive an increased scholarship is obvious. A student who passes the exam without “C” grades has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of about 6,000 rubles.

Freshman scholarship amount

Exists state social scholarship. This scholarship is intended for students who are orphans and children left without parental care, for disabled people of groups I and II and disabled children. This category also includes students exposed to radiation, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during the course of military service, combat veterans, etc. The right to receive a state social scholarship is available to a student who has provided a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence and has written an application to the dean’s office (directorate of the institute) about the appointment and receipt of state social assistance. A certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence is provided annually. Students receiving state social scholarship
, have the right to apply for a state academic scholarship on a general basis. This year the state social scholarship will be 2,415 rubles.

Based on a certificate from social security, an increased state social scholarship can be awarded to “good” students of 1–2 years. It is 7253 rubles. and is added to academic and simple social scholarships.

A separate item is scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation for full-time students and graduate students studying in specialties corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

The state academic scholarship is awarded to students depending on their academic success based on the results of the interim certification in accordance with the academic calendar from the first day of the month following the month of its completion, at least twice a year.

There are about 900 universities in Russia, with about 5 million students studying. Most state-funded students receive a scholarship. According to the new rules, its value will be adjusted depending on inflation and the cost of living.

The procedure for assigning and paying state academic scholarships to students

- having high results in the unified state exam in specialized subjects and university entrance tests. The amount of points of the unified state exam and entrance examinations, at which the scholarship is increased, is established annually by a decision of the Academic Council of the university.

b) recognition of the student as a winner or prize-winner held by an institution of higher education vocational education, public and other organization of an international, all-Russian, departmental or regional olympiad, competition, competition, competition and other event aimed at identifying the student’s educational achievements carried out during the 2 years preceding the award of the scholarship (the clause corresponds to clause 7-b of the Rules of the Government of the Russian Federation );

Scholarship in Ukraine: how much, how and when will students be paid?

The new procedure for paying scholarships came into force on January 1, 2017. As before, the Ukraine Scholarship Fund provides two types of scholarships - social (for socially vulnerable citizens, beneficiaries) and academic (for academic achievements). As part of the student (scholarship) reform, about 7% of students will receive a social scholarship.

In addition, the criterion when determining a student’s right to a social scholarship is financial condition families. So, according to the changes made to the legislation, social. scholarships are provided to university students (cadets) based on the level of family income and academic achievements, in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Types and sizes of scholarships in Russia

  • named after A. A. Voznesensky - 1.5 thousand rubles per month for students receiving education in the field of literature and journalism (RF Government Decree of September 20, 2012);
  • named after E. T. Gaidar - 1.5 thousand rubles for students of economic faculties of universities;
  • named after D. S. Likhachev - 5 thousand rubles for university students studying in the fields of “Cultural Studies” or “Philology” (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2001);
  • named after Yu. D. Maslyukov - 1.5 thousand rubles for students of universities training personnel for organizations of the military-industrial complex (RF Government Decree of January 26, 2012);
  • named after E.M. Primakov - 5 thousand rubles for students of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (resolution dated April 13, 2016);
  • named after A. A. Sobchak - 700 rubles for students receiving higher education majoring in “Jurisprudence” (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 23, 2002);
  • named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn - 1.5 thousand rubles for students involved in journalism, literature and political science (resolution dated April 23, 2009);
  • named after V. A. Tumanov - 2 thousand rubles for students and 10 thousand rubles for graduate students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (resolution of March 21, 2012) and others.

An academic scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session. It can only be received by those students who passed the exam session with “good” and “excellent” and who do not have academic debt for the previous semester. The amount of the scholarship may vary from one educational institution to another. In addition, the university has the right to establish an increased scholarship for students: for good studies, for special achievements in research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities, including for compliance with the standards and requirements of the golden insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

Scholarship in universitiesrepresents various options financial support for students. We will tell you in this article what types of scholarships there are at universities, what the amounts of academic and advanced scholarships are.

What is a university scholarship?

A scholarship is a way of government financial assistance full-time students of secondary and higher educational institutions, graduate students and doctoral students.

What kind of scholarship do students get? Currently, scholarships in universities are of the following types:

  • academic, including advanced academic;
  • personal, for example Potanin scholarship from the Potanin Foundation;
  • social;
  • scholarships for graduate students, assistant trainees and residents;
  • presidential and government;
  • for students of preparatory courses - special scholarships paid by the organization that appointed them to particularly distinguished students (usually a scholarship from the organization that sent the student to study at a specific university).

However, when most people say or hear the word “scholarship,” they think of an academic scholarship that students receive monthly if they successfully pass exams and tests.

What is an academic scholarship and how do I get one?

The amount of the academic scholarship for the current year is established by the Standards for the formation of a scholarship fund, approved. Government Decree No. 1390 dated December 17, 2016. Students of secondary specialized educational institutions cannot receive less than 539 rubles, and university students cannot receive less than 1,484 rubles per month. In this case, the educational institution can set its own higher amounts of scholarship payments.

First-year students are paid a stipend to everyone before the first session, regardless of academic performance. After the first session, an academic scholarship is awarded at least 2 times a year to those students who do not have a grade of 3 in the subjects studied at the end of the session, and who have no debts on exams or tests.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 No. 1000, scholarships are issued by order of the head of the educational institution, paid every month. Payment of an academic scholarship at a university stops if the student is expelled from the educational institution, as well as from the next month after receiving a C in exams or tests, or the appearance of debt on subjects taken.

What is an increased scholarship and how to get it?

  • students who have distinguished themselves in their studies or social (sports, science, culture) life of the university;
  • students in difficult financial situations.

The 1st group includes students who have achieved success in one or more areas: who have passed the last 2 sessions with grades of 4 and 5, more than half of which must be 5; With positive result participated in olympiads, competitions, shows; constantly participating in cultural events of the university; having sports achivments. The exact list of grounds for receiving an increased scholarship is established by the Rules for Improving Scholarship Provision, approved. Government Decree No. 945 dated November 18, 2011.

The 2nd group includes students, due to life circumstances those in need of additional material support. These students include: orphans; disabled people of groups 1 and 2; victims of a radiation disaster; combat veterans; students under 25 years of age who have only one parent who is disabled; students from low-income families (see: ).

The decision to pay an increased scholarship is made by the university within the limits of the money allocated from the budget for scholarship payments. If for the 1st group of students the amount of the increased scholarship is not directly stipulated, then for the 2nd group of students the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2012 No. 679 “On increased scholarships for needy first and second year students of federal state educational institutions higher professional education, full-time students studying at the expense of federal budget allocations for bachelor's degree programs and specialist training programs and having academic grades of "good" and "excellent"" have established a minimum amount of the increased scholarship. It cannot be less than 6,307 rubles, taking into account academic or social scholarships.

State educational institutions financed from the budget provide students with a stipend of a certain amount.

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Its size primarily depends on its type. At the moment, academic scholarships are most often awarded.

It has its own characteristics. The student first needs to become familiar with all of them. The algorithm for assigning such a scholarship is completely standard and does not have any significant difficulties.

Separately, it is worth noting that its purpose depends primarily on how successfully a particular citizen completes his studies at an educational institution.

Basic information

Today in educational institutions various types are used different schemes encouraging students to study for good grades.

The main reason for such incentives for an educational institution itself or another is to increase its prestige due to the quality of the graduates.

One way of incentives is monetary. Students who study with positive marks are awarded an academic scholarship.

First of all, such an appointment depends precisely on assessments. Accrual is carried out both before the session and after.

Today there is standard legislation for all state-type educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation

The scholarship calculation is scheduled after the reports are submitted at the end of the semester. The scholarship itself must be calculated in rubles.

Students themselves need to understand all the subtleties and specifics of such calculation.

What it is

Today, a state academic scholarship means a certain amount of money awarded to students who successfully submit reports at the end of the semester.

It is important to note that the amount of such scholarship is standard throughout the territory. Russian Federation.

The accrual is carried out at a time. But there are a number of specific points. Students will need to carefully study the legislation to protect their own rights.

To the main ones important points the following will need to be included:

In addition to the points outlined above, there are also a number of other, additional ones.

Moreover, it is important for heads of educational institutions to know that non-payment of scholarships is equivalent to delayed wages.

Accordingly, it is assumed criminal. Therefore, you should not violate the law.

It is especially important to respect the scholarship award date. This can be accrued either in cash or by bank transfer.

Who is entitled to payments?

The main point for receiving an academic scholarship is the fact that all the requirements that apply to the recipient are met.

Moreover, the student must have not only an appropriate status, but also certain achievements in terms of completing training.

Standard requirements for receiving a state academic scholarship:

  • training is carried out full-time at a state educational institution;
  • entrance exams or the session were passed accordingly with excellent marks;
  • earlier classes without good reason were not missed;
  • there was active participation in the life of the educational institution.

In general, universities may have different requirements for individuals applying for such scholarships.

It is also important to remember that a student, graduate student, or other citizen may be deprived of an academic scholarship accordingly.

This happens in the following cases:

Usually, first of all, this concerns the marks received at the session. Most universities establish the requirement that a scholarship will be received only if there are “excellent” marks in all subjects.

At the same time, in some cases, the presence of three or four is allowed. The management of the university independently determines most of the criteria on the basis of which the appropriate decision regarding the award of a scholarship takes place

The situation is similar with increased academic scholarships. You can get acquainted with how the receipt is processed and received in different ways.

Legal basis

State academic scholarships are awarded to students in a standard way, within the framework of specialized legislative documents.

At the moment, there is a special NAP that regulates the issue of awarding academic scholarships to full-time students.

The main regulatory documents that will need to be followed first of all are.

Such a document includes a fairly extensive list of various sections. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

This way it will be possible to prevent many complications and difficulties in the future. The issue of payment of state academic scholarships is addressed directly in this federal law.

Determines the main points associated with such cash payments. Moreover, this article touches on the issue of not only academic scholarships, but also a number of others.

It is important for any student to become familiar with this federal law. Since it defines the basic rights and responsibilities of the student.

Knowledge regulatory documents will avoid difficulties. And also, without outside help, to protect your rights and interests.

Accordingly, if a violation of your own rights is detected, you should defend them. Optimal solution- contact the university management directly and try to resolve the situation peacefully.

If for some reason this is not possible, then it is worthwhile to carry out the process of protecting your rights.

It is important to note that this process often takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this in advance. There are quite a lot of different nuances and important points.

The procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship

The process of assigning a state academic scholarship is determined in each case strictly individually.

All the nuances and subtleties of the algorithm should be understood, including by the potential recipient himself.

This will prevent many difficulties and problems. There are a number of issues that, if possible, will need to be worked out in advance.

These include the following:

  • on what terms it is paid;
  • benefit amount;
  • required documents;
  • how is it different from ;
  • is it paid on vacation?
  • termination of academic fees.

On what terms is it paid?

It should be noted that the accrual of a scholarship of the type in question is possible only if there is compliance certain conditions, requirements.

However, there is a standard set of them. At the same time, they may differ. But it is possible to highlight the following:

Training must be carried out on a non-commercial basis A student or other student must go to a “budget” educational place (students on a “contractual” basis cannot receive such a scholarship)
Requires certain achievements directly in the institution itself First of all, this concerns the completion of training (for example, in many institutions such scholarships are awarded only to excellent students)
Having a certain student status Student
Graduate student

In addition to the above requirements and conditions, various others may apply. All of these will need to be dealt with in advance. These are always publicly available in educational institutions.

According to the rules of document management at a certain university, the conditions for receiving a scholarship are public

Therefore, every student can familiarize themselves with them without any difficulty. In addition, it is important to note that local government, represented by the rector, has the right to independently determine who exactly needs to be given a scholarship.

When determining such a moment, a combination of factors is taken into account. Often the basis is the financial situation of a particular citizen.

It is also possible to independently contact the management of the institution with a request to assign a scholarship.

Benefit amount

The state academic scholarship has a value established at the legislative level. For 2019, the state scholarship standard is set at the following level:

In some cases, it is possible to receive an increased scholarship. This, again, can be issued for various merits.

And not only in terms of education, but also due to the presence of certain sporting merits or for participation in the leisure activities of the university.

Again, information about the amount of the scholarship can be easily obtained on your own. This information is usually public and accessing it is not difficult.

Required documents

Since the university is usually responsible for awarding scholarships on its own, the student is simply not required to provide any additional, special documents.

That is why it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all the features and subtleties in advance. At the same time, usually the appointment of a scholarship implies the presence of:

  • a special report with assessments of educational activities;
  • an order to award a scholarship of a certain amount;
  • passports.

The document flow process in different educational institutions can differ quite significantly. That's why the question necessary documents may vary.

How is it different from social

An academic state scholarship is an incentive expressed in monetary form.

At the same time, a social scholarship is intended for students who are in a difficult financial situation.

Accordingly, this will be the main difference. The basis for prescribing “social services” is an unsatisfactory social situation.

Is it paid on vacation?

It is important to note that payments stop if a student or other citizen entitled to such a scholarship goes into academic studies. Since accrual is expected only for direct students.

All students know about the existence of a social scholarship, but do not understand that they have the right to receive it every month. Payments are received by both the student and the graduate student. Nothing depends on the student’s academic performance, unlike other scholarships. According to the law of the Russian Federation, the first to receive payments are orphans, children left without care, disabled people of 1st and 2nd degrees who fell ill due to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Higher education institutions have the right to increase or decrease the number of candidates for social scholarships. Children from low-income families are added to the number of scholarship recipients.

If the average salary of one family member is less than the subsistence level, a student from such a family is entitled to a scholarship.

Payment amount

In higher educational institutions, the amount of the state social scholarship is 2,130 rubles, in college – 795. In 2016, the state decided on a scholarship in the amount of 2,010 rubles. make it minimal.


The list of documents is different in each city, so the student will need to contact the social security authorities at their place of residence and find out what papers are needed. You also need to ask what the cost of living is in your region.

If wage family members total less than the subsistence level - feel free to collect documents and contact the institution where you are studying.

When contacting authorities, take with you:

  • passport;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate of income for each family member for 6 months;
  • a document confirming from the educational institution that you are studying there;
  • a document that states whether you are receiving other scholarships or not.

It will take a long time to collect the papers. Documents are collected once a year, and scholarships are paid monthly.

A certificate of family composition is issued free of charge by the housing and communal services. Each family member receives income certificates at work. Pensioners are in the pension fund, the unemployed are in the Employment Center.

Freshmen apply for the scholarship within the first month, starting from the first day of classes. The scholarship committee reviews each application received without fail.

Promotion in 2018-2019

The State Duma raised the issue of increasing the scholarship fund by 20%. Vyacheslav Nikonov believes that orphans, disabled children, and students who suffered from Chernobyl need an increase.

“A university student receives at least 1,200 rubles a month, and a college or technical school student receives 430 rubles. Why is there such a big difference that those studying in colleges are worse than the guys from the university? - Vyacheslav said at the meeting.

Grigory Balykhin, a member of the education committee, has been trying to achieve justice on this issue for the 7th year, but to no avail.

Types of scholarships and their sizes


Issued to students of budgetary institutions. It is received by students of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. To receive, you must meet four mandatory conditions:

  1. Study on a budget basis.
  2. Study full-time.
  3. Pass the session with “excellent” and “good”.
  4. The educational institution has state accreditation.

Presidential and governmental

Issued for merit in any activity. They are received by students and graduate students, but also by people not studying at universities who have achieved high results in their profession. The amount of such scholarships is high compared to others.

Scientists and graduate students carrying out promising projects and scientific research in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, receive 20,000 rubles monthly. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2012).

Adjutants, graduate students, students, cadets and students of educational institutions of higher professional education receive a scholarship if they have achieved outstanding success in their studies and scientific research. Cadets, students and listeners receive 2200, and adjutants and graduate students - 4500 rubles (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2012).

To support talented youth and raise the prestige of some professions and specialties in secondary vocational education, the state also allocated funds for scholarships. The amount of payments for students in high-quality educational programs of secondary vocational education reaches 2000 rubles.

Undergraduate and graduate students studying on a budgetary basis, full-time in specialties that meet the priority areas of reconstruction and scientific and technical formation of the economy, receive payments from the government every month. The scholarship amount for university students will be 7,000 rubles, and for graduate students – 14,000 rubles.

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