Romantic games for lovers. Games for couples in love: different options and detailed description of the rules

Some people like it hot or what else can you do with your loved one in the evening

What can two bored people in love do late at night? What if several loving couples gathered at once? What if there are no vulgarities? No options? We know one wonderful way to have fun while away the evening. We invite you to play games.

“But games are for children. What are we to you: teenagers in puberty, for whom playing spin the bottle is out of the ordinary? - you ask. And we will confidently invite you to read about the following games and radically change your opinion.

“In Love” - or love and nothing more

The game set consists of bright pink (for girls) and blue (for boys) cards and a dice with hearts on the sides. The cards are divided into several categories: Relationships, Reflections, Feelings, Competitions, Mission. The most important cards are the Mission cards because the number of cards is written on them a certain color, which you need to collect to win. The enemy should not know about this. The principle of the game is simple: complete the task and get a card. Cards of the “Bonus” category are a kind of reward. On them you can find the inscription “Tell me a compliment every day for a week”, “Kiss me 100 times”. These cards can be attached to a magnetic board, which in turn can be hung on the refrigerator so that the other half does not forget about their obligations.

Before the game starts, the guy and girl take the “Mission” card and find out how many cards they need to collect to win. Then the guy puts pink cards in front of him, the girl puts blue ones. The girl starts the game. She rolls the dice, which shows which pink card she should take. She gives the card to the guy so that he can read out the task. The girl performs it and how well she performs it determines whether she will receive the card or not. Everything is repeated for the guy. The game lasts until someone collects the number of cards indicated on the “Mission” card.

For you

This game is one of the most unusual. What is its originality? Yes, at least in the fact that one game lasts 2-3 weeks, and you can play this game only once in your life. The game set includes two envelopes - red and blue. Each of them contains 15 tasks. Each task is a surprise for your other half. Each card details a romantic surprise and how to properly prepare for it. The tasks can be both incredibly simple and with a catch. You won’t be able to find too intimate tasks in this game. To do this, you should look for other, more adult games. And there is only one winner in this game and that is your Love.

Fanta Love Marathon - let's run?

This game is played only by two people under the cover of darkness, in cozy room, the twilight of which is illuminated by candlelight. With the help of the game you can become significantly closer to your other half. And if your relationship is just developing, then with her help they will begin to develop rapidly. The set includes a certain number of cards with a dating scenario and...with pictures with instructions from a famous Indian book about love. Forfeits are perfect for bold experimenters looking for new sensations. Are you ready to spice up your intimate life? On your marks. Attention. March!

Fanta Absinthe - let's light up this night

Every relationship can be weakened by everyday life over time. Everything is no longer felt so acutely; the partner can no longer surprise you with anything. So what should I do? Looking for a lover? In order not to break the vow of celibacy, you can simply play absinthe forfeits. 70 degrees of intense feelings and pleasure are guaranteed to you. The set includes 4 sets of cards - white, yellow, pink and red. They represent tasks of varying degrees of frankness - from ordinary role playing games before experiments. There are 200 of them in total. And in one night you can use a maximum of 15, so several hot nights are guaranteed. The set also includes a blindfold (you can arrange your “50 shades” in bed) and a list of necessary products from the adult store. While playing, you should forget about any restrictions, embarrassment and puritanical upbringing. You are playing with the person your heart chose and who chose you, so why should you be shy?

Fanta Chocolate - sweet night

All children love sweets, and adults should appreciate chocolate forfeits. Each card is its own story, which is proposed to be played out. A caring doctor and a modest patient, a rich slacker and a depraved call girl... There are a whole sea of ​​options, or rather, 200 of them. There are also tasks that I could not even dream of even in my wildest fantasies. What do you need for this game? Just a little bit. Minus modesty, plus desire, time and a soulmate ready for anything. And the night will sparkle with new colors. Even if some tasks seem too revealing, it’s still worth trying. Suddenly you like it...

Fanta hot experiments - not for the modest

Ready for the most daring, reckless, exciting experiments in your life. Then it’s worth playing forfeits. But before starting the game, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of the cards and put aside for the future those whose tasks will be unacceptable for your partner. Perhaps during the game he will decide to take a risk. The hottest are the red cards. they involve the involvement of available means in the process. Tips for use and colorful pictures and illustrations are described in detail.

Fanta adult fun - only for adults

Is life boring and uninteresting? Are you already tired of your significant other and want recklessness, debauchery and whores? Why spend a lot of money on a trip to Las Vegas or Amsterdam. The secret of a crazy night is simple: forfeits “adult fun” + alcohol + loved one = passion until dawn. Each card has a couple of lines that push you into the abyss of recklessness. They can be used more than once. Who said that a honeymoon cannot be repeated? For adults, nothing is impossible.

Fanta-flirting Holiday romance - we're going to the sea!

The most passionate and memorable stories always unfold at resorts. starry sky, sound of the surf, light noise resort town in the distance...What else is needed for a romantic adventure. But if neither the means nor the opportunities allow you to go to the south, you can simply play the forfeit game “Resort Romance”. Choose the country where you are going on vacation and first draw white cards, then yellow, pink and red. Thanks to this game, men will be able to significantly replenish their stock of compliments, and girls will be able to learn various secrets of seducing beautiful strangers.

Forfeits-flirting Sweet couple - everything is in chocolate

Do you know how to flirt? What if you think about it? Is it always easy to approach the person you like and make an acquaintance? In order to once again practice this art of conquering people and just have fun, there is the game “Sweet Couple”. Hundreds of dating options, hundreds of seduction options. And all this in one game. We draw the card one by one and complete the tasks.

Fanta-flirting pepper - relationships with spice

Going through this game from beginning to end means starting with chaste kisses and ending with the most unimaginable experiments. Even the most modest person will get so carried away during the game that he will completely forget about his principles. The authors of the game did their best. Although on the one hand it may seem that this is just a book for adults in pictures, it is still a game for lovers. Many cards contain tasks for players to show tenderness and affection towards each other.

Regardless of which game you decide to play, good evening will still be provided. After all, it is important, first of all, to play with interest and treat everything with humor.

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This selection games will do for a meeting on the topic: “Relationships between boys and girls” or for celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Chicken coop

The game was originally called: Oaks and Squirrels

Number of players: any, the main thing is that there is one more girl. Guys are oaks, girls are squirrels. The guys stand in a circle, with their backs to each other so as not to peek. The music turns on and the girls begin to dance (run) in a circle around the oak trees or from oak to oak. As soon as the music ends, each squirrel must jump onto the oak tree. Those who don't have enough oak leaves and take one of the oaks with them.

As an option, play this game to the song DJ Farmer - Chicken (download...) It turns out such a fun Chicken Coop - Chickens and Nests! Passes with squeaks, squeals and cackles!


Everyone sits on chairs or on a long sofa in one line. Next, they place their hands on their knees, but not on their own.

Hands are positioned as follows: you need to put them on the knees of your neighbors on the right and left. In turn, the hands of your neighbors are on your knees: on the right knee is the hand of the right neighbor, on the left is the hand of the left.

The end players in chains use only one hand.

Make 2 hand claps on the very knee.

Next, do 1 clap on the second knee.

Then 1 clap is made on the third knee.

Next, clap on the next knee and so on until the end.

The most important thing is to watch your hands and not confuse them, so that the claps are performed on all knees one after another.

You need to slap the last knee again 2 times and run everything in the opposite direction. If someone gets confused, for example, claps his hand ahead of time, hits the wrong knee, or forgets to make 2 claps at the end of the chain, then he removes this “offending” hand behind his back. The knee slapping continues, but now there is one less hand in the chain. The one who remains in the chain until the end wins. "Can-can of kisses." Everyone stands in a boy-girl circle. They pass a kiss to the music - a girl kisses a boy on the cheek, a boy kisses a girl’s hand.

Competition "Shooting with eyes"

We invite 8 girls to participate in the competition. We line them up in one line. We ask the guys what dangerous weapons do the ladies own, what can they shoot? Of course, all guys know that girls shoot with their eyes! After this, we say that today the scientists of the city of N decided to present their discovery - only today you can not only see, but also hear how their companions shoot with their eyes! (For the competition we prepared 8 tracks-shots (1- shots from a pistol, 2- from a machine gun, 3- sound

laser weapons

etc., the last one is the sound of bombs falling with a whistle)). Each girl, taking a step forward, demonstrates her ability to shoot with her eyes, and also, together with the audience, for the first time in her life, also “hears” this process.

"Suppose you and I went to a party and someone comes up and kisses you. What would you do in this case?"

"Suppose you and I went to a party and someone comes up and insults you. What would you do in this case?"

"What brand of car would you imagine yourself to be? Describe it."

"Why did you agree to participate in this game?"

"Before we go anywhere together, you will have to meet my parents. Is this right? What do you think?"

“What do you think true love is?”

“What should relationships be built on?”

Don't stretch out the time for questions. As soon as you notice that enthusiasm is drying up, stop the questions and bring the “interviewer” to the need to make his choice.


As the guys arrive at the club meeting, put a ring on each finger different colors. Start a club meeting by asking the guys to find a person of the opposite sex with a ring of the same color. The last person to find a match loses.

You can use this game in the next game by dividing the guys into teams according to the color of the ring.


Place the chairs in a circle. All Cinderellas (girls) sit on chairs. The princes (boys) each choose their own Cinderella and kneel near her. The princes take off Cinderella's shoes and remember them. The leader claps his hands and the Princes throw their shoes into the center of the circle. Then the Cinderellas blindfold the Princes, after which the host shuffles the shoes. At his signal, all the Princes crawl to the center of the circle and try to find the shoes of their Cinderellas. Cinderellas can only help them verbally, shouting advice and directions. Having found his Cinderella's shoes, the Prince crawls back to her (guided only by words), puts her shoes on (right!!) and removes the blindfold. The game continues until all Cinderellas are wearing shoes.

Test "Researcher"

Choose two couples from the audience and place them in different places hall Take three minutes for the guys to learn as much information as possible about the girls. Then bring the pairs back to the audience and ask each of the guys the following questions:

  • What is her full name?
  • How old is she?
  • What color are her eyes?
  • Does she have a ring on her finger today?
  • Does she wear nylon tights?
  • What's her favorite color?
  • What color is her dress/sweater/blouse?
  • Where does her father work?
  • What is her home address?
  • What is her hobby?
  • Does she have brothers or sisters?
  • What size shoes does she wear?
  • What's her phone number?
  • Does she have any animals at home?
  • Does she walk confidently?

When you lead the guys to the audience, let the girls go back into the hall, and only then start asking questions. Keep score of the game. The one who dials larger number points, receives a prize.

Love confession

5 pairs play. They draw one card at a time. Ages are written on the cards: 3-5 years; 13-16 years old; 20-25 years; 40-45 years old; 65-70 years old. Couples are given 5-7 minutes to prepare a declaration of love for each other at the age given on the card.

In the beauty salon

3-5 pairs are selected. The girls put lipstick in their teeth and paint the guy's lips. Whoever comes up with the funniest pair wins.

Secret admirer.

This is a role-playing game. The presenter collects the names of girls in one box and the names of boys in another. Invites everyone to learn to be secret friends, to come to the rescue in Hard time, make surprises and gifts without being noticed. After this, he invites the boys to draw out the names of the girls, and the girls to draw out the names of the boys. The game takes place over 1-2 days. At the end of the second day, secret friends can be declassified and make appointments. It is important that no one is left unattended, so the presenter must come up with surprises in advance that he will send out on behalf of secret friends.


At least three people play. The first participant (let's say a girl) stands in the center of the room, the other two are blindfolded. Assignment: the first one is brought to the girl and he must tie several ribbons on her in random places. After this, they bring the second one, he must find them all by touch and untie them. After this, the presenter switches everyone’s places so that everyone plays different roles.

Rolling pin

Everyone is invited to play as soon as possible large quantity participants. Everyone is invited to make a circle, distributing the participants in order - boy, girl, boy, girl... Then the presenter tells the rules of the game. Now music will play (like the Macarena), all participants dance, and during the dance they pass the rolling pin to each other holding it under their arm. You need to pass it from the right to the standing participant, also under the arm.

According to the rules of the game, dropping or assisting with a pass with your hands is prohibited. Whoever violates one of these rules must leave the game, But... Since the point of this fun is in the process itself, and not in the final result, the presenter can tell the violator that he is saying goodbye for the first time, so that he is more attentive, in general, everything whatever, and continue the game. Since the participants cannot pick up the rolling pin with their hands, the presenter himself introduces it into the game, showing how to pass it correctly. When the rolling pin has completed a circle, the presenter stops the music, praises the participants for doing an excellent job with the task, especially since it was not so difficult, and suggests making the task more difficult... In the next stage, the rolling pin is clamped between the head and shoulder, then, having completed the circle , clamped between the legs and passed in front. AND the last stage, the rolling pin is inserted between the legs from the back, and is passed on in the same way... The game can be played for as long as desired (at the request of the participants), the main thing is to ensure that the laughter of the participants and spectators does not turn into hysterics - so as not to spoil the impression. At the end, the presenter can sum it up by saying that - in this game there are no winners and losers, but only those who enjoyed it!

Broken mechanism

A volunteer is chosen from among the players and taken out the door. Among the remaining ones, they choose a “broken mechanism” - and everyone decides together which part is broken. After this, the volunteer is launched and told that he is a mechanic, but armless, and he must determine where the breakdown is in the mechanism. The closer he gets to the breakdown site, the stronger the mechanism starts. When a mechanic guesses this place, he himself becomes a mechanism.

It is impossible to imagine that an article with such a title could have appeared in a women's magazine thirty years ago. From the section " Useful tips“In such magazines one could learn how to get rid of moths, make a face mask from cucumbers and starch a linen tablecloth. Magazines published recipes for salads and appetizers for festive table, but recipes on how to diversify sex life, they didn’t give it.

Of course, intimate relationships between a man and a woman are an area of ​​their personal life that is closed to outsiders, but if they freeze at one point, this does not bring joy to either party. Today this topic is discussed more freely and uninhibitedly, and many couples do not hesitate to use erotic games from time to time in order to rekindle cooled passion.

Why are erotic games needed?

Erotic games are not only about the expression of sexual emotions. With their help, you can diversify your intimate relationships, awaken your former passion and interest, and they also help you understand the needs of your body and make your most immodest dreams and fantasies come true. They give you the opportunity to find out what your partner really expects from intimacy, and will add a “zest” (or even “spice” - for those who like more intense sensations) to sexual relations.

Some games can be quite sophisticated and require the presence of certain props. For others, nothing is required other than the desire to please your partner. So, what games can be recommended for those who have decided to diversify their sex life?

Games that do not require dressing up or special surroundings

1. Blind kiss

This game is quite simple, but that doesn't mean it's boring to play. One of the participants is blindfolded. He holds his hands behind his back - according to the rules of the game, he is not allowed to use them. The second player takes any position and freezes without moving. He “orders” those areas of the body where he would like to be kissed. The first participant kisses his partner at random. The game continues until the blindfolded player completes the “order”. After this, the partners change roles. The game can go on for quite a long time - the first player can deliberately miss, and the second can specifically name hard-to-reach areas of the body.

2. Beach

Another fairly simple and uncomplicated game for two, which nevertheless can bring a lot of fun to both parties. A wide beach towel is spread on the carpet or bed. One player rubs the partner's body with massage cream or lotion, trying not to miss anything. Such a gentle and at the same time sensual massage will make the skin more receptive to further caresses. You can rub each other at the same time, not forgetting to exchange affectionate words and kisses.

3. Guess what I'm thinking about

One of the players makes a sexual wish (kiss my lips, stroke my breasts, etc.). The second participant looks into the partner’s eyes and tries to guess what he is thinking about. Both players are not allowed to say a word. The guesser can begin an action and observe the partner's reaction. The one who makes a wish is allowed to give hints with a look, smile or movements. The role change occurs after the first player's wish is fulfilled.

This game for two is a great way to fulfill those erotic desires that both participants are embarrassed to tell their partner out loud. They can also figure out each other's sexual preferences and give each other maximum pleasure.

4. Magic deck of cards

For this game you need to take the most ordinary playing deck with an arbitrary, but necessarily even number of cards. Participants divide the deck into 2 parts: black and red. The main thing is that the number of cards of “black” and “red” suits is equal. The girl takes the red half of the deck, the young man takes the black half. Next, each card is assigned an erotic desire. Desires can be written down on a separate sheet of paper or directly on the card. For example: Ace of Hearts - French kiss, King of Hearts - striptease, Queen of Hearts - foot massage, etc. Give freedom to your sexual desires and do not limit yourself to familiar caresses, because immodest fantasies will make the game much more interesting.

The cards must be shuffled and placed face down. Players take turns taking cards. If a girl takes out a card of a black suit, she fulfills her partner’s wish, which he made for this card. The young man, accordingly, fulfills the girl’s wish if he gets a “red” card. If one of the players draws a card of “their” suit, then the right to move passes to the other participant.

This is how a magical deck of cards will help you forget about conventions and unleash your most immodest erotic fantasies.

5. Time bomb

Very often, couples reduce love foreplay to a minimum, trying to move on to the “main thing” as soon as possible, and do not think that in this case a very important emotional component of the sexual relationship is lost. This game helps focus on foreplay and kissing and teaches players to take their time and enjoy the love game.

You need to set an alarm or timer for 20 or 30 minutes. Partners caress each other until this period of time expires. Then you can gradually increase the playing time. A long foreplay will awaken “dormant” imagination and ingenuity, and sexual relationships will sparkle with new colors.

Dress-up games, or erotic role-playing games

So-called role-playing games also add variety to intimate relationships. Many couples refuse this kind of games, explaining their reluctance by the lack of acting abilities. But in fact, their refusal may hide embarrassment, fear of seeming funny or ridiculous, inability to liberate themselves, or fear that sexual fantasies will not be supported by their partner. Therefore, trust and willingness to play along with a friend are the main conditions for role-playing games for two.

You can start with ready-made scripts role-playing games. In the future, when couples understand whether such games are suitable for them, they will either abandon them or be able to come up with their own erotic scenarios. Those who actively practice sexual role-playing games even enjoy the selection of “props,” mentally or out loud voicing their wildest dreams.

1. Teacher (or teacher) and inexperienced student (or student)

In the game, a couple acts out the seduction of a naive and inexperienced student (student) experienced teacher(teacher). To play, you will need appropriate clothing and some attributes of the learning environment, for example, a table, textbooks, a pointer, etc. You can start with innocent stroking and kisses and gradually increase the intensity of passions. You can play for several days in a row: the teacher gives the second player “ homework": for example, master a certain sex position and then strictly check its performance.

2. Nurse and patient

One of the most popular and widespread sexual role-playing games. The woman plays the role of a caring nurse, and the man plays the role of the patient. The nurse supposedly carries out the doctor’s orders - gives the patient a massage, gives him medicine (fruit, chocolate or even a glass of wine can act as medicine), etc. The patient is allowed to be capricious, demanding increased attention a charming girl in a white coat: for example, he may ask to examine him not only with his hands, but also with his lips. Clothes required to play nurse. You can sew red crosses onto your underwear or draw them on your body with lipstick.

3. Maid and guest

Another popular plot in role-playing games for two. A pretty maid without complexes willingly fulfills all the desires and whims of a man. The maid's costume consists of a white apron and a dust broom. You can also play an alternative version of the game: a modest, touchy maid fulfills the guest’s demands at first timidly and reluctantly, but then she gets more and more into the taste and, no longer embarrassed, submits to the man.

4. Online store courier and customer

The man plays the role of the courier, the woman the customer. The piquancy of the scenario is that the woman allegedly ordered goods from a sex shop. She invites the courier to check the quality of the goods, and he, of course, readily agrees. Unlike previous scenarios, this game does not imply the obvious dominance of one of the partners. No special suits are needed: just enough casual wear(T-shirt and trousers for men and robe for women). Some couples may already have the necessary props - goods from an intimate store. But even such couples need to buy something new to add an element of novelty to the relationship.

5. Movie star and paparazzi

The plot of the game is as follows: a famous actress in an evening dress and sexy lingerie returns home after filming. A paparazzi photographer hides with a camera behind a curtain or behind a chair. The actress begins to undress and notices the camera flashes. A small scandal breaks out, but since the photographer is sweet and charming, the woman allows him to take a series of erotic photographs. Gradually the photo shoot moves into nude mode.

Role-playing game scenarios can be modified by changing the details of the plots, adjusting them to suit your tastes, desires and dreams. For example, in the game “Courier and Customer,” you can “mix up” the address and deliver the order to an unsuspecting housewife who has no idea how to use these “things.” An uninhibited courier will happily teach the girl all the intricacies of love.

There are no losers

The best part about erotic games for two - this is that there can be neither winners nor losers. Such games are not a competition of erudition, intelligence, speed or skill. The main prize goes to both participants. It is important not to be shy in expressing sexual desires and emotions. There are no restrictions in such games, except those set by the partners themselves. You can do whatever brings pleasure to both parties, because that’s what erotic games are for.

Let's add romance to your life!

Romantic games for lovers– entertainment, a game with the aim of rekindling erotic feelings, having fun, having fun, enjoying each other’s company.

Romantic games for lovers - games without losers

Such games are not a competition in intelligence, speed, dexterity, knowledge and skills. It doesn't matter at all who lost and who won. The process of communication, touch and closeness of people is important here. Romantic games for lovers are perfect for a date or a romantic dinner alone. This is a great scenario for Valentine's Day, dating anniversary or wedding day, as well as any weekday, which you want to make your personal holiday. Romantic games for lovers can lift the mood, break the ice (literally and figuratively) after a quarrel, introduce an element of flirtation into everyday life, and become a prelude to beautiful sex. Next, we will tell you the rules of simple, fun, fun games that you can play with your loved one.

Game "Tender words"

Take turns saying sweet words to each other. Don't repeat what was said. The loser is the one who cannot say another kind word within five seconds.

Game “Me and Fire, Me and Ice!”

Place an ice cube in your mouth in such a way that, without removing the ice from your mouth, you can draw it on your partner’s body. Draw ice on his body, write letters, draw hearts. The goal is to pass the ice into your partner's mouth without using your hands. Now it’s his turn to write cherished confessions for you with an ice cube.

Game “Guess the inscription”

Game “Where I draw, I’ll kiss you”

Draw lip prints on your partner's body. Use lipstick or multi-colored confectionery paints for this. In addition, sponges can be painted with chocolate, jam, cream. And now your task is to kiss each print. It turns out very funny if you use multi-colored paints.

Today, romantic games for lovers can be bought in the store

Game "Kiss by Kiss"

Take a dice used for playing dice. Agree that each side of the cube means a certain type of kissing. For example, 1- Kiss the cheek, 2- palm, 3- lips, 4- neck, 5- inner side elbow bend, 6-navel. Kiss each other in turns depending on what comes up on the dice.

Game "Magic Word"

Game "Hot - cold"

Prepare a small surprise (small souvenir) for your loved one, hide it in the room where the date is taking place. Your partner must find a gift. If he approaches in search, say “Warm,” if he moves away, then “cold.” This is a simple children's game, you probably played it as a child. On Valentine's Day, it's time to remember her.

Game "Watching a movie"

Wonderful game. Play it with your loved one while watching a movie at home. Make a wish for a specific action of the characters in the film. When these actions are completed, kiss each other. For example, you can guess the following actions of the characters: when they eat, kiss, enter a room, swear obscenely, laugh, and so on. For one movie, limit yourself to just one action sequence. For example, while we are watching this movie, we kiss when the heroes are shooting (great for action films, isn't it?). And in another film we will kiss when the characters are using an umbrella...

Game "Let's have a snack, darling"

Eat one apple, banana, sandwich without using your hands, passing the treat from mouth to mouth. The task is to eat the whole treat without dropping it or spilling it.

The bedroom is a great place for romantic games for two!

“Erotica is not erotica”

This simple game- an exact copy of the children's game “edible - inedible”. Throw the ball to each other in turns, calling “erotic” and “non-erotic” words. This is a very fun game! In practice, you will be able to see that what you thought was a completely ordinary word can suddenly be filled with erotic meaning right during the game!

Surely, you were able to see that games for lovers are very simple, even elementary. If you have love, passion and a sense of humor in your life, then you can come up with many games yourself, the main thing is desire and creativity! Let good mood does not leave you not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. May ordinary daily chores never take away your desire to rejoice. simple things! May romance always live in your heart.

Or just a pleasant pastime - there is something that each of the couple in love wants to organize for their loved one. Some resort to traveling together, others to unusual walks, and others come up with something else.

Games for couples can serve as an example of “something else.” Have you heard of this? Then be sure to read the article below. We promise there will be no vulgarity.

Games for couples in love will refresh your senses

First, let's pay attention to those games for lovers where you have to be “active.” Best options Similar entertainments are described below.


A moderately active game, suitable for lovers who are already at an advanced stage of communication. The essence of this entertainment is as follows:

  • The lovers determine among themselves which elements they are wearing they will consider clothing. For example, are socks two items or one?
  • After this, the playing pair tosses a coin or otherwise determines which of them will start the game.
  • Then each of them, naturally taking into account the previously drawn lot, takes off his things one by one and puts them somewhere. Whoever stops first or gets completely naked loses.

Duelists is exactly the kind of game that, perhaps, will not only entertain lovers, but also develop into something more...

Unusual dances

The main thing is not to argue when determining the winner

In order to play this game, you will have to do some preparation. More precisely, you need to get four records (to play music).

After this, in the appropriate environment, you can start having fun. The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Slow music starts first.
  2. Then the lovers place 2 or 4 plates between them and press against each other (it is advisable to place the plates without placing them one on top of the other, but place them separately).
  3. After this the dance begins.
  4. By the middle of the game, you can speed up the tempo of the music. The loser is the one whose fault the last record falls.

The main thing in “unusual dances” is not to quarrel when determining the winner. If you succeed, consider it a success.

Reverse stripping

This type of entertainment does not have any particular difficulties and is quite fun to enjoy. In progress similar game one “beloved” is dressing up in the clothes of another “beloved”. At will, the rules of the game can be modified and modernized.

Entertainment of this kind is valuable because it has no winner and is aimed only at making a couple in love fool around, lift their spirits and just have a good time.


Perhaps a game familiar to many. Regarding the couple in love, this game can be modernized. Most good example will put the Twister card on the bed and play it there with your loved one.

If desired, the rules of such entertainment, again, can be modified. For example, playing naked or partially naked. In general, it all depends on the imagination and desires of the couple.

Love hide and seek

Games for couples - not only for young people, but also suitable for married couples

The essence of this game has little in common with ordinary hide and seek, because it is as follows:

  1. First, the couple determines the “seeker” by drawing lots.
  2. Secondly, the person they are looking for takes two glasses and pours champagne into them.
  3. Thirdly, the “seeker” blindfolds himself with a non-transparent cloth.
  4. Fourthly, with his “equipment” the “sought” couple finds a secluded place in the apartment or separate room(of course, you shouldn’t go into the closet).
  5. And fifthly, the search begins. The one they are looking for may well give hints to the “detective” by tapping glasses or whistling.

If the “love hide and seek” ends successfully, you can drink champagne for brotherhood and continue spending time together.

As you can see, in active games for lovers there is a place to “walk”. The main thing is the desire to have fun and a proactive approach to business.

Games of wits

Romantic feelings need to be nourished with appropriate emotions and mood!

Let's say you have a couple of intellectuals. In this case it will be ideal option arrange entertainment to test your wits. Luckily, there are plenty of them for couples in love. Let's look at the top three.

Guess the word

Enough interesting entertainment, associated with the organs of touch and directly with the ability to think. The essence of the game “Guess the Word” is that on the open torso (preferably the back), one of the couple in love gives a massage to the other.

In between the corresponding movements, the “masseur” must use his finger to clearly write a specific word on the back of his loved one 2-3 times. Each of the couple does similar manipulations several times. Whoever guessed the most words or was close to it won.


A game familiar to everyone without exception. Its essence is as follows:

  • One of the pair thinks of a word and writes it down on a piece of paper, after which he hides it nearby.
  • Then the same person tries to explain the intended word to his loved one using gestures.
  • You are given 5 minutes to explain, and the piece of paper is used to ensure that no one deceives each other.
  • Inventing punishments for those who do not guess the words will help make “Pantonyms” even more interesting. For example, give coffee or a massage to the winner. In general, if you wish, you can give free rein to your imagination.

Lovers Lottery

The essence of this game is that each of the couple, before the start of the game, writes down 10-15 questions regarding the life of lovers together (date of meeting, first kiss, etc.). After this, all questions from both lovers are placed in some container and mixed.

Then each of them, in turn, takes a question out of the container and answers accordingly. The game continues until the last sheet. The winner is determined by the number of given answers: whoever answered better and more correctly wins.

To make the entertainment more interesting, you can also come up with a punishment for the loser or something like that.

Romantic options for entertainment

At the end of the article, let's talk about, perhaps, the most important thing for any couple in love -. As for romantic entertainment, there are a lot of them, but the most interesting ones are presented in the following list:

Clockwork cubes

So, for this entertainment, take two leaves and two dice. On each sheet of paper, make a numbered list, on one of them write six actions (kiss, squeeze, bite, lick, etc.), and on the other six body parts (lips, forehead, cheek, nose, etc.).

Then, alternately throwing the dice, do what you get. Perhaps you will get carried away and the entertainment will develop into something more...

Magic word

The game is extremely simple, requiring only two actions:

  • Secretly with your loved one, think of words from everyday life(one word each).
  • During a date, keep an eye on whether your partner says the word you wished for or not.
  • If yes, feel free to kiss without warning.

Drawing and kissing

Also, everything is extremely simple. One of the couple draws 5 lip prints on his body, and the other must kiss them directly on the drawn print. Whoever does it faster wins.

Movie buffs

Entertainment great for couples who love together. To play “movie buffs”, lovers just need to make one or two wishes, during which the movie characters will kiss. Thus, it is very easy to add variety to watching your favorite films, making your vacation even more relaxing.


The game follows a familiar principle. At the same time, to improve it, it is necessary to write on 10 leaves any intimate actions, after hitting them with the bottle, the person twisting it must perform those in relation to his loved one.

Perhaps this is the most interesting games everything for couples in love. We hope the information presented above was useful to you. Love and happiness!

Board game In Love - game review:

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