Russian biotechnology market: industry leaders, promising young projects and investors. Founders of domestic biopharmaceuticals: pilot biotechnological production of IBH

Biotechnology of dairy products

The range of food products obtained with the help of microorganisms is extensive. These are products obtained as a result of fermentation - bread, cheese, wine, beer, cottage cheese and so on. Until recently, biotechnology was used in the food industry to improve established processes and more skillfully use microorganisms, but the future here belongs to genetic research to create more productive strains for specific needs, and to introduce new methods in fermentation technologies.

The production of dairy products in the food industry is based on fermentation processes. The basis of dairy biotechnology is milk. Milk (the secretion of the mammary glands) is a unique natural nutrient medium. It contains 82-88% water and 12-18% dry matter. The composition of milk solids includes proteins (3.0-3.2%), fats (3.3-6.0%), carbohydrates (milk sugar lactose - 4.7%), salts (0.9-1% ), minor components (0.01%): enzymes, immunoglobulins, lysozyme, etc. Milk fats are very diverse in their composition. The main proteins of milk are albumin and casein. Thanks to this composition, milk is an excellent substrate for the development of microorganisms. Streptococci and lactic acid bacteria usually take part in the fermentation of milk. By using reactions that accompany the main process of fermentation of lactose, other milk processing products are obtained: sour cream, yogurt, cheese, etc. The properties of the final product depend on the nature and intensity of fermentation reactions. Those reactions that accompany the formation of lactic acid are usually determined special properties products. For example, secondary fermentation reactions that occur during the ripening of cheeses determine the taste of their individual varieties. Peptides, amino acids and fatty acids found in milk take part in such reactions.

All technological processes The production of milk products is divided into two parts: 1) primary processing - destruction of by-product microflora; 2) recycling. Primary milk processing includes several stages. First, the milk is cleared of mechanical impurities and cooled to slow down the development of natural microflora. The milk is then separated (in the production of cream) or homogenized. After this, the milk is pasteurized, the temperature rises to 80 o C, and it is pumped into tanks or fermenters. Recycling of milk can proceed in two ways: using microorganisms and using enzymes. Using microorganisms, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk, casein, cheeses, biofructolact, biolact are produced; using enzymes, food hydrolyzate of casein, powdered milk mixture for cocktails, etc. When microorganisms are introduced into milk, lactose is hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose, glucose is converted into lactic acid, the acidity of the milk increases, and at pH 4-6 casein coagulates.

Lactic acid fermentation can be homofermentative or heterofermentative. In homofermentative fermentation, the main product is lactic acid. Heterofermentative fermentation produces diacetyl (which gives flavor to butter), alcohols, esters, and volatile fatty acids. At the same time, proteolytic and lipolytic processes occur, which makes milk proteins more accessible and enriches them with additional flavoring substances.

For milk fermentation processes, pure cultures of microorganisms called starter cultures are used. The exception is kefir starters, which represent a natural symbiosis of several types of lactic acid fungi and lactic acid bacteria. This symbiosis could not be reproduced in the laboratory, so a culture isolated from natural sources is maintained. When selecting cultures for starter cultures, adhere to the following requirements:

The composition of starter cultures depends on the final product (for example, acidophilus is used to produce acidophilus, and lactic acid streptococci are used to produce curdled milk);

Strains must meet certain taste requirements;

Products must have the appropriate consistency, from brittle, grainy to viscous, creamy;

Certain acid-forming activity;

Phage resistance of strains (resistance to bacteriophages);

The ability to syneresis (the property of a clot to release moisture);

Formation of aromatic substances;

Combinability of strains (without antagonism between cultures);

Presence of antibiotic properties, i.e. bacteriostatic effect against pathogenic microorganisms;

Drying resistance.

Cultures for starter cultures are isolated from natural sources, after which directed mutagenesis and selection of strains that meet the above requirements are carried out. Biotechnologies based on milk include, as a rule, all the main stages of biotechnological production, which can be considered using the example of cheese making.

Traditional biotechnology began ten to twelve thousand years ago, when the last glaciation ended. For centuries, people have used microorganisms to bake bread, make beer, cheese, grow soybeans, produce wine, and vitamins. Interest in production food products continues unabated in our time, but these industries have switched to new level using all the latest achievements of modern biology.

Biotechnologies for producing environmentally friendly food are being developed to ensure balanced nutrition both on the basis of higher plants and with the help of microbiological synthesis.

Biotechnological products

Biotechnology products are the result of the functioning of biological systems for technical and industrial processes. This includes both traditional organisms and organisms that are the result of genetic engineering.

Plants are the cheapest producer of proteins and other food products. The cost of protein obtained by agricultural cultivation of soybeans or corn is less than $1/kg. While the current use of microbial cells in closed systems(fermenters) and especially cultured animal cells as producers of pharmaceutical proteins are hundreds and thousands of times more expensive. Therefore, research recent years had the goal, on the one hand, to show the possibility of obtaining biologically equivalent forms of a particular protein in transgenic plants, and on the other, to increase the protein content and make its subsequent purification easier and cheaper.

It has now been shown that plants can produce animal proteins such as enkephalin, a monoclonal antibody specific for bacteria that cause dental caries. It is assumed that based on such monoclonal antibodies produced by transgenic plants, it will be possible to create a truly anti-caries toothpaste.

Among other animal proteins that are of medical interest, the production of human β-interferon in plants is shown. Potatoes expressing oligomers of the nontoxic subunit of cholera toxin B have been obtained. These transgenic plants could be used to produce a low-cost vaccine against diseases such as cholera. Moreover, in the case of cholera, immunization occurs quite effectively by taking the vaccine orally.

Genetic engineering of vegetable fat metabolism has already led to new commercial products. The most important raw material for obtaining various types of chemical substances are fatty acids - the main component vegetable oil. In 1995, experimental testing was completed and permission was received from federal authorities USA for the cultivation and commercial use of transgenic rapeseed plants with a modified composition of vegetable oil, including, along with the usual 16- and 18-membered fatty acids, also up to 45% of the 12-membered fatty acid - lauric acid. This substance is widely used for the production of washing powders, shampoos, and cosmetics.

Further study of the specifics of biochemical synthesis fatty acids will likely lead to the ability to manipulate this synthesis to produce fatty acids of varying lengths and varying degrees of saturation, which will significantly change the production of detergents, cosmetics, confectionery, hardeners, lubricants, drugs, polymers, diesel fuel and much more related to the use of hydrocarbon raw materials.

However, one of the rapidly developing branches of biotechnology is the technology of microbial synthesis of substances valuable to humans. According to forecasts, the further development of this industry will entail a redistribution of the roles of crop production and animal husbandry, on the one hand, and microbial synthesis, on the other, in the formation of the food supply of humanity.

The lion's share of products created on the basis of modern biotechnologies (genetic engineering) were pharmaceutical proteins, primarily insulin, alpha-interferon, hepatitis B virus antigen, erythropoietin, granulocyte stimulating factor and many other substances. These molecules contain such power that many different diseases that were incurable just five years ago have a completely different prognosis.

For example, significant progress has been made in the fight against cancer and age-related blindness, diseases that were previously incurable. A few years ago, there were fewer than 10 anticancer drugs in clinical trials, most of which were highly toxic chemotherapy drugs. Today, more than 400 anticancer drugs are in human trials, almost all of them targeted, biotechnology-based, and with minimal side effects.

230 created based on biotechnology medicines and related products, including medications for insomnia, multiple sclerosis, acute pain, chronic kidney disease, incontinence, oral ulcers and cancer.

Biotechnology has not done as much for any branch of medicine as for oncology. With the advent of new drugs that destroy only tumor cells, with little or no damage to healthy tissue, the entire paradigm of cancer treatment has changed.

Medicine now views cancer as a chronic, treatable disease. In 2004 alone, the FDA approved four targeted cancer drugs—Avastin, Tarceva, Iressa, and Erbitux. Genentech's Avastin can extend the lives of patients with lung, breast and colorectal cancer—a primary goal for any cancer drug.

Many new biotechnological products have been created and launched into the market to increase crop yields and the productivity of farm animals.

Biotechnology products are renewable energy sources - different kinds biofuels. Ethanol production has been established from raw materials containing sucrose, glucose, fructose, other mono- or oligosaccharides, starch or cellulose, using yeast or bacteria. Currently ethanol is all in to a greater extent used as environmentally friendly motor fuel. The production of butanol and acetone using fermenting bacteria of the genus Clostridia has been established. The hydrogen production technology has so far been tested only on a laboratory scale.

The production of methane, or biogas, by a mixed microbial culture eliminates waste that threatens the planet and produces a valuable gaseous fuel substitute. natural gas. The production of long-chain hydrocarbons (bio-oil) from the biomass of hydrocarbon-synthesizing unicellular algae is promising. These algae can be grown in a bioreactor as a pure culture. They can also be cultivated as part of natural ecosystems in lakes, ponds or lagoons.

The processes for obtaining traditional biotechnological products, which include antibiotics, alkaloids, plant growth hormones, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, etc., continue to develop. Antibiotic molecules are very diverse in composition and mechanism of action on the microbial cell. At the same time, due to the emergence of resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to old antibiotics, there is a constant need for new ones. In some cases, natural microbial antibiotic products can be chemically or enzymatically converted into so-called semisynthetic antibiotics with higher therapeutic properties.

Microorganisms are capable of carrying out transformation reactions in which certain compounds are converted into new products. The conditions for these reactions are mild, and in many cases microbiological transformations are preferable to chemical ones. An example of existing large-scale industrial bioconversions is the production of vinegar from ethanol, gluconic acid from glucose. Microbial modification of steroids, which are complex polycyclic lipids, is widely used. Now cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone and whole line other steroids, which reduces the cost of production of steroids by hundreds of times.

So far, obtaining enzymes using microorganisms is more profitable than from plant and animal sources. Microbial cells produce more than 2 thousand enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions associated with growth, respiration and the formation of products. Many of these enzymes can be isolated and exhibit their activity independently of the cell. About 20 enzymes are produced in the world in a volume of 65 thousand tons (and there are supposed to be 25,000 enzymes).

For example, industrially produce enzymes such as amylase, glucoamylase, protease, invertase, pectinase, catalase, streptokinase, cellulase, lipase, cellulase, oxidase, etc. The use of immobilized glucose isomerase for continuous glucose production is the largest process of its kind in the world.

Microbial enzymes are actively used in clinical diagnostics to determine blood cholesterol and uric acid levels. Enzymes are proposed to be used for cleaning sewer and water pipes and in many other areas of human activity. Enzymes for medical or analytical purposes must be highly purified.

Amino acid production is one of the most advanced areas of biotechnology. Amino acids are obtained by chemical synthesis or extraction from protein hydrolysates. Essential amino acids can be produced microbiologically more efficiently than through chemical synthesis. Abroad, 60% of amino acid production capacity is occupied by glutamic acid, followed by methionine, lysine and glycine. With the help of microorganisms, up to 60 organic acids can be obtained. Many of them receive industrial scale- itaconic, lactic, vinegar, lemon.

Vitamins are synthesized mainly chemically or obtained from natural sources. However, riboflavin (B2), vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid obtained microbiologically. There is production of riboflavin based on the use of yeast-like fungi Eremothecium ashbyii and Ashbia gossypii. Riboflavin is also produced by Clostridium and Ascomycetes species. Microorganisms are also a valuable source of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

Microorganisms are a source of special-purpose lipids with predetermined properties. Microbial fats replace vegetable fats (and in some cases are superior) and can be used in various industries, agriculture, and medicine.

Microorganisms are an important source for the production of polymeric materials based on polysaccharides. A valuable microbial polysaccharide is dextran, produced by bacteria of the genus Leucomonstoc. Dextran serves as the basis for the production of medications (blood substitutes) and preparations for biochemical research - Sephadex and other molecular sieves. One of the promising biodegradable polymers synthesized by bacteria is polyhydroxyalkanoates. The scope of use of this class of polymers is wide - from agriculture to medicine.

Humanity pins its greatest hopes on molecular biotechnology for the most accurate diagnosis, prevention and treatment of many infectious and genetic diseases, for a significant increase in crop yields, and for many other still unresolved problems.

Unfortunately, the lion's share of production costs is often not the growth of biomass, but the subsequent processes of isolation and purification of the product. The cost of purification is higher, the lower the concentration of the substance in the cells. This is especially important in the case of pharmaceuticals that require a high degree of purity.

This chapter will look at last stage obtaining the target product - its isolation. This stage varies significantly depending on the location of the product and its chemical nature. If the product is in the culture liquid, then, as a rule, it forms very dilute solutions and suspensions containing, in addition to the target, a large amount of other substances. In this case, it is necessary to separate mixtures of substances of a very similar nature, so it is necessary to use methods that allow separation, for example, one or another type of chromatography.

If the target product is localized in the cell, then it is necessary to use a more complex approach to extract it from the cell.

ON THE. Voinov, T.G. Volova


BIOTECHNOLOGY- industrial use of biological agents (in particular microorganisms) to obtain healthy products and implementation of targeted transformations. Biotechnological processes also use biological macromolecules such as proteins - most often enzymes, ribonucleic acids.

Biotechnology is the science of using biological processes in technology and industrial production. Its name comes from the Greek words bios- life, teken- art, logos- word, doctrine, science. In accordance with the definition of the European Federation of Biotechnologists (EFB, 1984), biotechnology is based on the integral use of biochemistry, microbiology and engineering sciences for the industrial implementation of the abilities of microorganisms, tissue cell cultures and their parts. Already in the very definition of the object its location as borderline is reflected, due to which the results basic research in the field of biological, chemical and technical disciplines acquire pronounced applied significance.

The main focus of Propionics LLC is food biotechnology:

(food bioindustry) - a section of biotechnology that deals with the development of the theory and practice of creating food products for general, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes and special orientation.

The development of production and food engineering of products in this group is necessary element to form a market in Russia healthy eating. The objective of this set of measures is to create probiotic products, expand research and introduce new products and integrated solutions into the range of enterprises.

Functional food products include systematically consumed food products that preserve and improve health and reduce the risk of developing diseases due to the presence of functional ingredients in their composition. They are not medicines, but they prevent the occurrence of certain diseases, promote the growth and development of children, and inhibit the aging of the body. In accordance with world practice, a product is considered functional if the regulated content of micronutrients in it is sufficient to satisfy (at the usual level of consumption) 25-50% of the average daily requirement for these components. The development of this area is an important social task that reduces the burden on the medical sector and the socio-economic damage from diseases.

"Food ingredients, including vitamins and functional mixtures"

Food ingredients are used to increase the nutritional value, extend shelf life, change the consistency and enhance the taste and aroma of products. The food ingredients used by manufacturers are usually of plant or bacterial origin. Many amino acid supplements, flavor enhancers, and vitamins added to foods are produced through bacterial fermentation. As a result of the implementation of a set of measures, biotechnology should provide food producers with the opportunity to synthesize large quantities food additives, which are currently too expensive or inaccessible due to limited natural sources of these compounds.

"Deep processing of food raw materials"

Biotechnology provides many opportunities to improve methods for processing raw materials into final products: natural flavors and dyes; new technological additives, including enzymes and emulsifiers; starter cultures; new means for waste disposal; environmentally friendly production processes; new means to ensure that products remain safe during the manufacturing process.

Agricultural biotechnology

Note: Here, relevant for Propionics LLC are the areas of Agricultural Biotechnology noted inprogramunder clause 5.7. and 5.9 (feed protein and biological components of feed and premixes):

"Feed protein"

According to the terminology of this program, feed microbiological protein (feed yeast)* is a dry concentrated biomass of yeast cells, specially grown to feed farm animals, poultry, fur-bearing animals, and fish. Adding feed protein to feed dramatically improves their quality and helps increase productivity in livestock farming. The set of measures will provide for the development of feed protein production in Russia and the creation of new scientific and technical foundations that improve the technologies of its production and types of use.

*Note: However, it should be noted here that the use of bacteria as a protein feed producer is more effective, since bacteria form up to 75% of protein by weight, while yeast - no more than 60%. For example, the use of various strains of propionic acid bacteria (Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii) makes it possible to obtain feed protein with significant technological and quality advantages.

"Biological components of feed and premixes"

The current level of technology for feeding farm animals is based on wide application biological components (enzymes, amino acids, BVK, probiotics and others). As a result of the development of livestock farming in Russia, which mainly relies on the import of technology and livestock, a large market for these biotechnology products has formed. However, the formation of the market has not yet led to the development of the production and technological base, the emergence of new products created on the basis scientific achievements Russian scientists.

In 2010, 45 million tons of grain were used as feed in livestock farming, which indicates the extremely low efficiency of feed production in the country. The share of grain in compound feed is 70% (in the countries of the European Union - 40-45%), in addition, more than half of the total amount of grain intended for feed was used in unprocessed form.

It is important to note that the production of feed and premixes is largely carried out without the use of biological products (enzymes, veterinary and feed antibiotics, probiotics, and so on). With such feeding, the conversion of feed into livestock products significantly lags behind world indicators, which reduces the competitiveness of Russian livestock farming. A set of measures will create conditions for the development of the production and technological base of biotechnological components of feed and premixes.

The implementation of these sets of measures will make it possible to solve the issues of creating highly efficient agriculture and providing the population with a nutritious, balanced diet.

See also:

  • Probiotics in livestock (poultry) farming

“If there cannot be modern industry without science, then without it there cannot be modern science.”

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

Stages of biotechnological production

A wide variety of biotechnological processes found industrial application, leads to the need to consider the general, most important issues problems arising during the creation of any biotechnological production. Industrial biotechnology processes are divided into 2 large groups: biomass production and production of metabolic products. However, such a classification does not reflect the most significant aspects of industrial biotechnological processes from a technological point of view. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the stages of biotechnological production, their similarities and differences depending on the final goal of the biotechnological process. IN general view The system of biotechnological production of microbial synthesis products is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Biotechnological production system

There are 5 stages of biotechnological production.

The two initial stages include the preparation of raw materials and biologically active principles. In engineering enzymology processes, they usually consist of preparing a substrate solution with specified properties (pH, temperature, concentration) and preparing a batch of enzyme preparation of this type, enzymatic or immobilized. When carrying out microbiological synthesis, the stages of preparing a nutrient medium and maintaining a pure culture are necessary, which could be used constantly or as needed in the process. Maintaining a pure culture of the producer strain - the main task any microbiological production, since a highly active strain that has not undergone undesirable changes can serve as a guarantee of obtaining the target product with the desired properties.

The third stage is the fermentation stage, at which the formation of the target product occurs. At this stage, microbiological transformation of the components of the nutrient medium occurs, first into biomass, then, if necessary, into the target metabolite.

At the fourth stage, the target products are isolated and purified from the culture liquid. Industrial microbiological processes are typically characterized by the formation of very dilute solutions and suspensions containing, in addition to the target, a large amount of other substances. In this case, it is necessary to separate mixtures of substances of a very similar nature, which are in solution in comparable concentrations, are very labile, and are easily subject to thermal destruction.

The final stage of biotechnological production is the preparation of commercial forms of products. Common property Most products of microbiological synthesis are characterized by their insufficient storage stability, since they are prone to decomposition and in this form provide an excellent environment for the development of foreign microflora. This forces technologists to take special measures to improve the safety of industrial biotechnology products. In addition, drugs for medical purposes require special solutions at the packaging and capping stage, so they must be sterile.

The following describes the characteristics of each stage of industrial microbiological synthesis. Today, biotechnology in the food industry is developing at a rapid pace. IN Everyday life

We constantly use products produced using biotechnological processes. The most commonly used are lactic acid and alcoholic products - yoghurts, starter cultures, kefir, cheeses, beer, wine, as well as bakery products, etc. These products are prepared using enzymes that form specially cultivated microorganisms. Nowadays, the use of food biotechnology makes it possible to produce new types of products by reducing production costs, which is a stimulating factor in the development of the food industry. At the same time, the quality of agricultural and animal products significantly improves, and their usefulness and safety increases significantly. Food biotechnology includes all technological processes aimed at creating, optimizing or improving certain characteristics and properties of living organisms (bacteria, plants and animals). She has practical use

Perhaps the most basic vocation of biotechnology in the food industry is the optimization of traditional methods for the production of wine, ethanol, cheese, bread, as well as products where various microorganisms, successfully cultivated by humans, take an active role to extract certain benefits. Moreover, at the moment everything is used consciously, with an understanding of what is being done. This approach leads to the active use of biotechnological methods in many sectors of the food industry. To study biotechnology and introduce innovations, research institutes dealing with this area have been established. Their activities are aimed at finding and improving various mechanisms and methods that help improve the resulting products, for example, obtaining active enzymes, starter cultures, natural dyes, food protein, flavors, emulsifiers and many more. useful to people products.

To ensure the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to use food additives, add essential amino acids, various vitamins, microelements, proteins, fiber, etc. to food. Creation of new drugs, for example, insulin, increasing the shelf life of products, increasing their nutritional value, changing consistency , saturating food with beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to improve digestion and assimilation of consumed food - all this is achieved thanks to food biotechnology. Industrial biotechnology occupies an important place in human life because the need for the creation of new drugs and biological additives is increasing every day.

The increase in the number of people on the planet makes scientists look for newest directions in science. Today, it is impossible to imagine the existence of industry without biotechnological innovation. In livestock farming, genetically modified organisms are used; in medicine, drugs are obtained to combat diseases, even such complex ones as cancer. New biology is increasingly paying attention to the study of microorganisms and their life activities, since they bring a lot of benefits to both humanity and nature. Every year biotechnological production will develop on an even larger scale and we can safely say that biotechnology is modern science, which is capable of changing the world for the better.

Biotechnology in the food industry

The latest data released by the UN on the amount of food and the production of agricultural products show that there is a real problem of providing humanity with food. About half the population is not provided with the proper amount of food, approximately 500 million people are hungry, 1/4 of the people on Earth are undernourished. Today there are 7.5 billion people on the planet, so if the necessary measures are not taken to improve the quality and quantity of products, the problem of food shortages for the people of developing countries can have disastrous consequences

The food taken should be varied, enriched with essential proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, and also contain all essential vitamins and microelements. Lipids and carbohydrates are substances from which body cells produce energy; they can also produce it from protein foods, but if the first and second substances can be replaced, then it is currently impossible to find a replacement for protein.

Modern research shows that about 15 million tons of protein annually are not enough to provide adequate nutrition for humanity. The largest source of protein today is oilseeds. Soybeans and sunflowers contain about 30% useful plant proteins, and their essential amino acids are extremely important for the functioning of the human body. Data on the content of some amino acids vegetable proteins can be compared to fish or poultry protein. Soy products are widely used in the United States of America, England, and developed countries of Europe, where this protein, thanks to a biotechnological process, has become a very valuable nutritional product.

The microbiological synthesis technique allows the use of seaweed as a source of protein. It is this feature that a number of scientists working on the problems of biotechnology in the food industry have recently turned their attention to. The fact is that microscopic algae are capable of multiplying very quickly, and protein makes up approximately 70% of their own dry weight. Such microorganisms are capable of synthesizing protein 100 times faster than animals do. For example, a cow weighing about 400 kilograms is capable of producing 400 grams of pure protein per day, while 400 kg of bacteria during the same time synthesize approximately 40 thousand tons of protein products. Obtaining such a protein is profitable and less labor-intensive. If we compare that for the cultivation of bacteria, only properly created conditions in bioreactors are needed, from where a large amount of protein products can be removed daily, then Agriculture requires significant investment of resources and time. Here it is worth adding various diseases, negative natural factors such as droughts, frosts, lack or excess of solar radiation, and so on.

Modern biotechnological production of protein products is based on the formation of special protein fibers, which are impregnated with the necessary substances, giving them the desired shape, color and smell. This approach allows you to replace almost any protein and make it to your taste and appearance similar natural product. For example, everyone has seen red caviar on supermarket shelves, very similar to salmon, but it is made from seaweed. This is how various types of artificial meat are obtained, reminiscent of beef and pork. You can get milk dairy products etc. After laboratory testing and testing, these products fill the markets of advanced European countries: USA, Africa and Asia. For example, in Britain, 1,500 tons of such protein products are produced annually, and in the United States today it is allowed to replace 20-30% of the diet of schoolchildren with biotechnological proteins made from soy protein.

In addition to the fact that these products can replace natural meat, they differ in some useful characteristics. For example, “plant-based protein meat” will be low in cholesterol, which has a positive influence on the circulatory system. This product It will be useful for people on a diet, those who are contraindicated in animal protein or fatty meat, the elderly and people who have digestive problems. Therefore, traditional products can and should be replaced with biotechnological ones. Such meat can be preserved, frozen and done with everything that is done with a natural product.

It is worth special mentioning the use of amino acids obtained synthetically. Of the twenty amino acids contained in proteins, eight are essential. This means that the human body cannot synthesize these amino acids on its own. Using microorganisms, we obtain the entire range of amino acids added to food in the form of dietary supplements. They are added to plant-based feeds of farm animals, which increases their growth and reduces maintenance costs, significantly increasing farm productivity.

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