A lump after a tick bite in a dog and its causes. Edema after an encephalitis tick bite

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Questions and answers on: tick bite hurts

2015-10-16 10:32:15

Elena asks:

Good afternoon Looking for advice on my health condition. Over a year ago I was bitten by a tick. The tick was pulled out incorrectly. I gave tests: there was a confirmation of Lyme disease. Treated with doxycycline - as directed by an allergist. After 3 months, the analysis indicators began to decrease. But now a year has passed and the bite site hurts a lot, the temperature is 37 and the feeling that all the muscles hurt and throb. The general feeling is like a cold, but since there was a bite and the bite site hurts, I’m very worried. I ask to prompt to me what analyzes it is necessary to hand over or probably urgently will address to doctors. Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

2013-05-06 04:51:08

Marina asks:

Hello. at the site of a tick bite on the head on the 4th day a huge lump formed and it hurts what could it be? Thank you

Responsible Batsyura Anna Vladimirovna:

Hello! You need to contact an infectious disease specialist and a surgeon for an examination.

2012-07-15 15:25:45

Tatyana asks:

Hello, after a tick bite, a month has passed, a non-encephalitic tick was removed at the trampoint, the doctor said you can’t go to a neuropathologist, but at the site of the tick bite, a small payment in the form of a small bump does not bother me, it doesn’t hurt me, but if I touch it in any way, it’s as if a needle pricked me, what would you advise make her disappear.

2011-11-27 15:33:04

Julia asks:

On September 9, I was bitten by a tick.
Donated blood on September 19: anti-Borrelia burg. Ig M - 26.4 units / ml (more than 22 - positive).
The doctor prescribed Doxycillin for a 3-week course. Drank on purpose.
About a month later I passed the analysis:
10 November: anti-Borrelia burg. Ig G - less than 5 U / ml (negative); anti-Borrelia burg. Ig M - 23.8 U / ml (more than 22 - positive).
After 2 weeks, re-tested:
November 25: anti-Borrelia burg. Ig G - less than 5 U / ml (negative); anti-Borrelia burg. Ig M - 26.0 U / ml.
How to evaluate such results?
There were no manifestations of borreliosis. Feeling normal. The only thing is that there is still a small spot left at the site of the tick bite (like a scar, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t itch and doesn’t bother).
I would be grateful for any information!
thank you in advance!

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon Julia. In case of early borreliosis, in order to detect seroconversion, paired patient sera should be examined at an interval of 20–30 days, which you did. The detection of IgM to Borrelia antigens in the patient's blood serum after a tick bite in most cases indicates an early stage of borreliosis and precedes the appearance of IgG class antibodies to the same pathogen. The detection of IgM in the absence of seroconversion (increase in titer) in the analysis of paired sera most often indicates a false positive result of the analysis. When testing for tick-borne borreliosis, all serum samples that showed positive or questionable results during initial testing should be confirmed by a second study in a standardized IgG and / or IgM immunoblot. Therefore, Bm should confirm the obtained data in the immunoblot to exclude a false positive reaction. It is important that both classes of specific antibodies (Ig G and M) can be detected in the blood for a long period of time (more than 10 years), including after successful antibiotic therapy. Be healthy!

2016-08-28 08:17:17

Asks Danna Krylova:

July 24 found a tick in the head. They removed it in the hospital, we did not touch it ourselves. They sent it to be checked. It turned out to be simple. But for a whole month there has been a red spot at the site of the bite, it hurts when you press it and sometimes itches. Well, how it hurts ... It tingles more when pressed.
The condition is absolutely normal. Not sick .. nothing.
What could it be? Maybe it was removed incorrectly?

2016-06-01 07:58:29

Vladislav asks:

Hello! The tick was pulled out at 7 am in the hospital, it was on the thigh closer to the groin, the bite site was very hot, and closer to dinner the bite site turned red, swollen about 10 cm. The hospital said it was an allergy to make lotions with dimexide, drink suprastin and pierce ceftriacon. today 3 a day already, the place does not hurt and the redness disappears. Do I need to donate blood for analysis when bitten by ticks?

Responsible Yanchenko Vitaly Igorevich:

Analyzes need to take an immunoblot for borreliosis IgM and IgG no earlier than 2 weeks after the bite and three days of ceftriaxone is very small. You need to consult an infectious disease specialist who has modern knowledge on the treatment of borreliosis. You can book a consultation with me by phone. +38 044 569 28 28

2016-05-31 00:58:39

Anastasia asks:

I rested for a week in nature and in the forest at the end of May, after which my arm near the elbow ached. I found a sucking tick and a red spot around. The tick was removed at the clinic, the stain did not go away after that, the pain only intensified to the point that I wake up at night. The bite site hurts constantly, the pains are either throbbing or aching, but most often they are like it bakes with fire and burns, if you touch this place, it hurts even more. I went to an infectious disease specialist, the doctor recommended to drink doxycycline once, two tablets of 100 mg each, and that's it. She said that nothing else was invented for borreliosis, except for this. I feel a strong burning sensation at the site of the bite, the skin is red and inflamed, the pain is constant, especially strong at night such that I can't sleep. Advise me what to do? Could it be a blood poisoning? Or did the tick bring some kind of infection to this place? They didn’t prescribe any tests for me, they didn’t recommend taking the tick for analysis, I planned and the tick was alive, but the doctor categorically dissuaded me. She said that the main thing is positive thinking and everything will pass. I'm at a loss. The only recommendation is to drink doxycycline and that's it. Advise methods of treatment of borreliosis, judging by the severe pain, burning and spot, this is borreliosis. I'm very worried. Help.

Responsible Yanchenko Vitaly Igorevich:

Analyzes should be taken immunoblot for borreliosis IgM and IgG no earlier than 2 weeks after the bite and 4 tablets of doxycycline is very small. You need to consult an infectious disease specialist who has modern knowledge on the treatment of borreliosis. You can book a consultation with me by phone. +38 044 569 28 28

2016-05-23 14:43:13

Maya asks:

19 days ago I was bitten by a tick in the leg. We pulled it out, there was nothing left in the wound. For the first 3-4 days, this place hurt, it tingled, I treated it with iodine and brilliant green, then it began to pass .. A week later it turned a little red. The bite site looked and still remains like a small spot, similar to a small red pimple, it became paler, dried out a little, it seems to be healing .. But the thought still does not leave if he brought me some kind of infection. There are no red circles around the bite. There seems to be no temperature. But next to the bite, the vein became a little inflamed and the leg hurts a little. How long does a tick bite last? I'm very afraid .. To be honest, this tick killed a lot of mine nerve cells.. Please share your experience, who was bitten by a tick? When can you calm down that he did not infect anything? what symptoms to be afraid of? I heard that it makes no sense to take an analysis for borreliosis earlier than a month after the bite ..

A bump after a tick bite can appear even if the tick was not a carrier of the infection. The tick is an extremely dangerous insect. One bite can provoke a huge number of diseases. In summer, you need to be especially careful and try not to allow a tick bite. If you're lucky, the reaction will be of an allergic type. There will be itching, redness of the skin, bumps and swelling are possible.

In the worst case, paralysis of the limbs, damage to the nervous system can occur.


The reasons why the lump appeared may be different. For example, it often happens that the wrong one provokes the appearance of inflammation and suppuration.

A lump occurs due to the penetration of a foreign protein into the body, which is rejected by the immune system.

Another reason for the appearance of a pimple at the site of damage is a banal allergy to saliva. This is a non-serious phenomenon that does not harm the body. Allergy for some time manifests itself in the form of a small bump-shaped pimple under the skin.

If the temperature rises after the tick, this indicates an allergic reaction to the tick. An increase in temperature on day 3 indicates that an infection has entered the body, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Temperature at tick-borne encephalitis appears after 5 days, lasts for a while, and then decreases. Temperature fluctuations must be recorded under medical supervision.

Encephalitis is dangerous for its consequences. The best thing that can wait is a feeling of constant weakness. The condition will pass in 2-3 months. In a severe case, the condition will last for about six months. With a severe course of the disease, epilepsy and disability can develop.

How can you help yourself?

A lump in itself is not a dangerous phenomenon, if it is not accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. After a mosquito bite, a small pimple or swelling may also appear.

In the event that after the bite the temperature increased, appeared headache chills, an urgent need to see a doctor. The thing is that ticks carry the most dangerous diseases - encephalitis, Lyme disease. The lump may remain for 2-3 weeks, but this should not be a concern if there is no deterioration in well-being.

When a bump remains and pus appears in it, you need to see a doctor. Any inflammation in a pimple can be dangerous and lead to sad consequences. It is very dangerous to try to cure a pimple on your own. If you experience discomfort in the lump, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Redness on the skin can be a sign of Lyme disease. A red ring may appear at the site of damage on the 3rd day. In the future, redness may increase and give discomfort. The rash usually resolves within a month, and can cause serious complications. You cannot self-medicate.

It must be remembered that a tick bite is an extremely serious thing that should not be ignored.

Treatment and preventive actions

The very first thing is to remove it. You can do it yourself, or you can go to the hospital. In order to remove the tick yourself, you need to lubricate it abundantly vegetable oil. When it comes out a little, you need to carefully pull it out with tweezers, making circular motions. After the tick is removed, you need to check if the proboscis is left in the skin. After pulling out the tick, you need to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.

In the future, the skin should be lubricated with antibiotics for 3 weeks. If the tick is removed on its own, then you should definitely visit a doctor to prevent complications. After about a month, the rash disappears, but this is not a reason to lose vigilance if something that worries appears after the bite.

To prevent a tick bite, a number of measures must be taken. People who are often in nature should be vaccinated against ticks. During vaccination, a person is injected with a special substance that will significantly reduce the risk of the consequences of a bite.

Fans of rare picnics or hikes in the forest can be advised to wear tight clothes, open areas the skin must be smeared with a special protective agent, the head should be covered with a headdress. Hair while in nature should be tucked under a scarf or hat.

If the reaction to the bite was prompt and correct, then there should be no complications. The occurrence of a negative reaction to a bite does not appear immediately. The first symptoms may be mild and pass quickly, but when they reappear, it is cause for alarm.

By contacting in time, you can avoid many problems and death.

Many underestimate and take lightly the protection of their skin from these dangerous insects. To avoid such a nuisance, you need to carefully prepare for a trip to nature, smear protective equipment and protect your hair by hiding it under a panama hat or scarf.

There are a lot of cases when a tick bite was fatal, so you should be very careful. You should ensure the safety of yourself and your children so that a trip to nature leaves only pleasant impressions.

Everyone who has four-legged friends sooner or later faces the problem of interacting with ticks. If, after a tick bite, a dog has a bump, then this causes cause for concern and even panic. How dangerous this is and what it may be connected with will be discussed below.

Why you should be afraid of ticks

It is very important to detect a tick on a dog's body in time, as they can carry serious diseases, such as:

  • babesiosis (piroplasmosis);
  • hepatozoonosis;
  • spotted fever;
  • borreliosis;
  • bartonellosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • neurointoxication;
  • various infectious diseases.

Half of the listed diseases are dangerous for humans, including.

The reaction of the animal's body to a bite

In any case, a bump remains on the skin after a tick bite in a dog. This is due to the following reasons:

The safest consequence is the option that after a tick bite, the dog has a lump to the touch, resembling a slight tissue induration. It's an allergy to chemical composition tick secret. When pressed, this seal does not cause pain, in general does not affect the activity of the animal, only occasionally it can cause itching.

The only negative is the time of disappearance. It can take up to six months. Sometimes wool may fall out at the site of the cone or its color may change.


If there is any doubt about the dog's health (poor appetite, lethargy, refusal of water, fever, discoloration of urine, etc.), then you should immediately go to the hospital to take smears to determine the infection.

Treatment of cones after a tick bite

Sometimes the owners begin to treat the bite site with lotions, ointments, iodine, brilliant green and various alcohol infusions. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Since, depending on the cause of the formation of bumps, different drugs can be used. Improper processing can lead to increased itching and irritation, as well as create a burn, which will greatly complicate the healing process of the affected area. In order to alleviate the condition of the dog in the presence of a wound on the bump, the veterinarian prescribes an individual medication that is suitable in a particular case.

Veterinarians identify 3 main reasons why a bump appeared in a dog after a tick bite:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Remained part of the body of the tick.
  3. Infection.

The most common cause of a bump is an allergic reaction. The fact is that tick saliva contains chemical substances which may cause irritation. Usually such a bump is small in size. On the body of the animal, it is felt like a seal or a pea. The bump does not increase in size, does not hurt, does not fester and does not bring discomfort to the pet. Occasionally it can cause itching. Compaction appears immediately after a tick bite. May last up to 6 months.

Veterinarians note that in the event of an allergic reaction, hair may even fall out at the site of the bite. Do not lubricate the pimple with iodine - this will only increase the itching. You can use brilliant green or special ointments. During this period, it is worth following the dog and not letting it rip off the wound so as not to infect the infection.

  • slow tumor growth;
  • hair loss at the site of the bite;
  • pain when pressing on the bump;
  • occasionally there is suppuration.

It is important to know that often the dogs themselves rip off the pimple and, thereby, bring the infection into the wound. In these cases, you need to pay attention to the tumor: it may become red or bright pink; start growing fast. In addition, the pet may have a fever and experience weakness and lethargy of movement. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will remove the remnants of the tick and prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection.

Most worst reason the appearance of bumps - infection with piroplasmosis. The carrier of the disease is the ixodid tick. Immediately after his bite, a tumor may appear on the spot, and after that there is a process of blood infection. The usual incubation period is 2 weeks. It is during this period that you need to carefully monitor the pet and the resulting tumor. Symptoms of piroplasmosis:

The acute form of the disease can appear within 2-4 days after infection. Urine will immediately become dark in color, and the temperature may rise to 42 ° C. In this case, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian immediately! He will prescribe a series of tests that will confirm piroplasmosis, and prescribe treatment. It is important to know that without proper treatment, most dogs simply die.

Very often in dogs there is a chronic course of piroplasmosis. The temperature may rise in the first few days, and then return to normal. The animal's appetite gradually worsens, it quickly gets tired and weakens. The bump continues to grow slowly. Such signs can be observed within 6 weeks. Dog owners often confuse this condition with an allergic reaction to the bite.

Only a peripheral blood smear test can confirm the diagnosis. Along with special preparations for the treatment of piroplasmosis, the veterinarian also prescribes:

  • preparations for the removal of intoxication;
  • diuretics;
  • heart drugs;
  • vitamins.

The animal is recommended to be restricted in movement for 2 weeks. During this period, it is important not to let the pet comb the bump. Otherwise, an infection may be introduced into the wound. It will be very difficult for a dog to fight 2 infections at once.

The main thing in the treatment of piroplasmosis is to seek the advice of a specialist immediately after the appearance of any alarming sign.

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can save a pet's life and keep it healthy for years to come.

A tick is an insect from the class of arachnids that feeds on the blood of animals and humans. It lives on tall grass, low bushes, sometimes on trees. Most of the time, he is in anticipation of a potential dinner. When some animal or person passes by, he clings to wool, hair, clothes and thus penetrates closer to the body.

After an insect bite, most often, a pimple or bump remains on the body. This is a natural reaction of the body to a bite provoked allergic reaction. In addition, in the process of feeding, the tick releases toxins into the blood, which can also cause such a response. If the bite site is intensively scratched (when healing of any damage, the skin itches), then it turns into a small bump.

Unfortunately, a tick bite does not always go away without consequences. It often happens that an insect, having previously profited from the blood of an animal infected with a disease, itself becomes its carrier. When a person is bitten, it becomes infected. Unfortunately, often a tick is a carrier of diseases that, if not timely intervened, can lead to severe irreversible damage to the body or death. That is why, having noticed a pimple, tubercle, bump on your body, you should carefully consider it, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

A lump after a tick bite may indicate the possibility of the following diseases.

Tick-borne encephalitis. In the event that a person became infected by a transmissible route (that is, through a tick bite), signs of the disease do not appear immediately, but after a while. The duration of the incubation period depends on the strength of the immunity of the infected person, and on the characteristics of his bodily organization. During this period, there is a strong increase in temperature, somatic weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting. A little later, fever appears, impaired consciousness, muscle function, which indicates a destructive effect on the nervous system.

Encephalitis therapy is carried out individually. It depends on the level of damage to the body and its rehabilitation capabilities. specific therapy in modern medicine does not exist. In any case, these symptoms are indications for mandatory hospitalization.

Lyme disease. It manifests itself with exactly the same general infectious symptoms as encephalitis. The only difference between them is that with this disease, a red spot appears at the site of the bite, which is caused by the expansion of capillaries. This redness is prone to migrating, that is, moving from the bite to the periphery. It looks like expanding circles.

The treatment is very long time. During this period, the body is constantly exposed to antibiotics, which requires the appointment of mandatory accompanying therapy.

Typhus. The disease may not appear for up to two weeks. Symptoms come on suddenly and get worse quickly, so it pays to respond quickly and effectively. There is a sharp increase in temperature, as a result - chills, fever, as well as headache, neuralgia of the back. Consciousness becomes cloudy, speech becomes incoherent, disorientation in time and space appears.

This disease often leads to the death of an infected person, but in case of timely seeking help, this outcome can be avoided. Treatment takes place within a few days with antibiotics.

Tick ​​scabies. IN this case the tick does not disappear after it is satiated, but constantly lives in skin. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples literally all over the body, which are constantly itchy. As a result of combing the foci, local infection occurs, which can cause the appearance of abscesses. In this case, infection does not occur from a tick bite, but from constant tactile contact with carriers of the disease.

Treatment proceeds with the help of drugs that can infect ticks. In the course of therapy, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

in the event that the patient is not alone in the ward, treatment should take place simultaneously;

The drug should be applied to the entire body, except for the face and head; part of the skin under the nails should also be treated;

It is necessary to adhere to all instructions for the use of the product;

The drug should be applied by hand, in places of thick hairline - with a brush;

wash before the procedure and 12 hours after it;

· bed sheets should be changed only at the end of the course of treatment.

When an insect bites, there are no pain sensations, since its saliva contains a substance with an analgesic effect. As a rule, they choose soft places, such as the neck, the back of the head, the place under the buttocks, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to notice it on your body, sometimes the person does not even know that he was bitten by a tick.

Of course, all of the above diseases may not occur when the tick was not a carrier of the infection. In any case, the bite site should be treated with an antiseptic healing agent. It is necessary to consult a doctor, because the untimely start of treatment can minimize its effectiveness.

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