Mustard-colored curtains in the interior of different rooms. Using mustard-colored wallpaper in the interior Mustard and turquoise in the interior

If you want to create for real attractive interior, then you should think about correct selection colors. Even the most expensive renovation can be done tastelessly due to thoughtless choices. color solutions. As a rule, when making repairs, everyone chooses the color that he likes and, based on this, selects suitable shades.

There are several rules for combining colors with which we can simplify the selection necessary options. One such example is color circle. This is an optimized scheme of colors that you can choose for your room design. Only black, white and gray shades are missing.

Color circle

Let's figure out how to use this designer “weapon”?

Using colors of the same shade is the easiest option for the upcoming renovation of a room. This design solution It looks very nice and is easy to understand. A scheme based on dominant and auxiliary colors works well here. The dominant color is the basis that sets the character of the design. The auxiliary color nicely dilutes the remaining components.

When choosing a combination different colors, the circle will also be useful to us. The further the colors are from each other in the diagram, the more contrast they create.

Selecting such a combination requires professional design skills. Contact a specialist with this question, because it wasn’t excruciatingly “painful” to look at it later.

If you do crave variety and want to use 3 or 4 colors, you can also use the color wheel. There is a way to select colors called the color box. Choose as a basis specific color. Next, draw a rectangle in the center of the circle, starting from this color. The vertices of the rectangle will indicate the colors that are optimally combined with each other. For an example, see below.

Color circle

In this scheme, we chose as a basis Blue colour. This is what happened. To complement the design we can use purple, orange and yellow. Next, choose for yourself. We can select accessories, furniture, carpets, etc. in additional colors.

Let's look at the most interesting design solutions. Perhaps you will choose the best option for your future renovation.


Let's start with yellow shades. Widespread Got a mustard color. The mustard shade soothes and warms. This color is usually combined with light colors(beige, olive, brown). Use of furniture chocolate color it will be very useful. Warm colors will add coziness to your room. Spending time in such a room will be as comfortable as possible.


Everyone knows that green color favorable to the human eye. It is also familiar, because conveys shades of living nature. Such a room will create a feeling of security and stability for its residents. The combination of green and white is a common and win-win solution.


White color is universal for the kitchen. If you want to feel order and cleanliness in your home, this color is right for you. At the same time, do not forget to clean regularly, because... without cleaning, the euphoria of whiteness can quickly fade.

White color is beneficial to the eye, as is green. Moreover, it goes well with almost all other colors (especially red and black).


This color is good for large kitchen. Scientists have proven that the color red causes an increase in appetite. Bright red colors can quickly get boring and begin to irritate residents. Therefore, you should choose less bright colors, for example, dark red. In addition, red color goes well with metallic or stainless steel kitchen equipment.

Metallic gray

This design is exclusively applicable to the kitchen. Color creates the illusion of solidity. In addition, this shade is very discreet and will not irritate you. When adding white You can rejuvenate the room and set the tone modern style. When combining such shades, be careful, the room may be too “cold”.

Recently, there has been a tendency to combine “metal” with bright shades. Looks good with this design Orange color. It adds a sunny and warm mood.


Blue color is good for bedroom design. It gives a cool shade that relaxes and induces sleep in its residents. Those who like to take a nap will be pleased with this trend. It's nice to fall asleep in a bedroom that feels cool and fresh. In such an environment you can feel peace of mind and balance. However, you should not use this color with dark tones (especially black). Such a solution can have the opposite effect of oppression and depression.

Mustard color in the interior, from the category of hard colors. It may look harsh or defiantly bright, and in poor lighting, it may generally look unattractive. But when to use it correctly...

Mustard color in the interior apartments

If you use mustard color in a balanced manner, taking into account the functional load of the room, the degree of its illumination at different times of the day, as well as wisely selecting additional shades, you can achieve truly unique combination results.

Paired with neutral shades, mustard, will almost always look perfect. Look how the brightness of the mustard sofa is muted against the light gray wall.

Choosing color pairs that perfectly cooperate with each other is the main key to successful interior design. Classic options pairs such as:

  • black and white,
  • pink and purple,
  • brown chocolate with cream,

are a win-win option when choosing color range interior design. But of course you shouldn’t limit yourself to just these colors, given the endless number of different combinations and shades.

Combination flowers in the interior- mustard

Dilute the mustard color in your interior design with a creamy shade and you will get a bright and at the same time balanced picture. Expressive accents of furniture and decorative accessories work well: chairs, sofas, curtains, against the background of pale, soothing wall colors.

Fashionable colors in the interior

In addition to furniture, you can use much larger areas, for example walls. Remembering to maintain balance and percentage mustard, relative to other colors, consider painting only one wall in the room mustard color.

This technique can be used to divide a room into functional areas, without using physical partitions. For example, highlight the living area in a studio apartment by painting the wall behind the sofa.


The large number of different shades with which mustard color abounds allows it long time stay on top of fashion. This is easy to notice not only on the catwalks, but also in home interiors. Mustard curtains stand out effectively against the background of neutral walls, filling the room with sun - warm, soft, without sweltering heat and heat. With their help, you can create calm, restrained window compositions, depending on the saturation and proportions of yellow and brown.

What a mustard color it is

Mustard color is usually classified as a shade of yellow, obtained by adding brown to yellow in different proportions. It can be seen not only in the famous seasoning, but also on the peel of a ripe banana, in the shine of gold jewelry. The more brown it contains, the warmer, more original it looks and the more universal it becomes.

Mustard refers to warm colors, therefore, in combination with other shades of also warm colors, it looks brighter and more impressive, but in combination with cold colors it takes on a grayish-dirty tint and becomes inexpressive.

Some of its features will be useful to those who want to decorate or change the interior of the house themselves, remember that mustard:

  • dominates the interior, it is for it that you need to select additional shades, and not vice versa;
  • suitable for any premises - residential, office, public;
  • appropriate in many modern and historical, ethnic styles;
  • forms harmonious combinations with many participants in the color palette.

Any shades of mustard should not be combined with open red or deep and rich grassy green. IN Not large rooms with insufficient and dim lighting, the color will lose its purity and “fade out,” which will immediately affect the overall perception of the interior.

Mustard curtains in the kitchen

When color palette for the kitchen is based on life-affirming warm and light shades of mustard; it is pleasant and comfortable to be in the kitchen. Mustard-colored curtains made of dense but thin fabric in conjunction with the facades of cabinets and cabinets, painted similarly, should form the brightest and most luscious spots. The rest of the furniture and walls can be lighter or darker, but always less saturated.

Do you want a cozy, color-free kitchen? Match mustard curtains pastel colors. Small accents of canary color, in the form of bas-reliefs of pears, corn, melons hung on the wall, as well as a tablecloth and napkins, glasses will even make small room with simple furnishings and amazing elegance.

You can add a light transparent layer of curtains made of delicate organza or tulle to the curtains. The pearl color or light shade of wenge chosen for such a curtain, a little brown in the decoration - all that is needed for perfect design. The main palette is ready.

A small kitchen will be refreshed by curtains of a light mustard shade with a slight touch of milky greenery. Short, sill-length roller or Roman blinds, with or without short tulle, will suit most styles. They can be used in Provence, modern, minimalism and a number of ethnic styles.

If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, dining area Do not oversaturate with mustard color. Simple long curtains, a lampshade the color of ripe corn hanging over the table, the decoration of soft chairs - the list should not be continued, because everything bright and extravagant can distract even a large group from eating.

Mustard curtains in the interior of the living room and bedroom

Competent, balanced use of authentic mustard color in the interior of the living room will give it a refined and sophisticated look. But with the brighter shade of spicy mustard, turmeric, you need to be careful. It is chosen for finishing modern interiors; accents are very carefully created and played up with additional colors.

A successful combination of brown chocolate cream and saffron can be combined with golden trim, the same patterns and designs on the fabric. For balance, you can add tulle in light olive tones. Gold-plated or bronze fittings would also be appropriate. Curly handles on doors, cabinets, tables will further refine the entire interior.

Gray holds the assertiveness of mustard. Walls and darker flooring will not allow the visual centers to be overloaded. Also don't forget the white shades. In large rooms it is customary to highlight different ways separate zones. The color method is one of them. To attract attention to the recreation area, most often a TV and a group upholstered furniture with a coffee table, on the wall behind the sofa you can hang a carpet with mustard color predominant in the patterns. Curtains and carpet are the main two large spots on which the entire composition rests.

Mustard curtains in the bedroom and living room are a great way to decorate a room both in the good old classic style and in a creative way. They look noble, unobtrusive, and bring the necessary dose of warmth and comfort to the interior.

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A mustard sofa in the interior adds energy and warmth to the room - all designers know this property and skillfully use it. The shade of a mustard sofa sometimes goes far from green, becoming closer to yellow or straw. Mustard is considered the chosen color - an unusual yellow-green shade similar to the gold with which some antique trinket is coated. Do you want to bring the spirit of antiquity and aristocratic aesthetics into your home? We'll show you how to do it!

"Mustard + purple"

A combination that exudes the exquisite aroma of overseas spices! The mustard shade is perfectly offset by the hot pink, this pair looks incredibly harmonious and instantly attracts the attention of anyone who enters the room. Try not to take it out of focus - the big danger here is the wrong shade of wallpaper. Dull beige or dirty lime green can play a cruel joke on you, so, ideally, the walls should remain white.

"Mustard + blue"

This mixture is undoubtedly familiar to everyone who is interested in fashion - for the last few seasons, designers have been showing clothes that combine these stylish shades. To make your room design look no less impressive, you need to choose a mustard sofa where yellow clearly takes precedence over green. The richer the yellow, the more golden tint it contains, the brighter the contrast will look.

"Mustard + brown"

An interior with a mustard sofa is almost always perceived as warm. If you want to emphasize this point, you should not complement the sofa with black or gray furniture, such a color mismatch will produce the effect of an ice shower and the feeling of comfort in the interior will disappear. Choose furniture that is obviously warm in color, perhaps with a noticeable red or caramel tone.

"Mustard + neutral colors"

To neutral colors, in in this case, we include the achromatic range: white, black and shades of gray. Against their background, mustard looks very expensive and interesting, so don’t neglect this simple opportunity to decorate your interior.

"Mustard + white"

  • Even this simple combination will not look boring; the mustard color is quite self-sufficient to feel comfortable surrounded by clean walls. If this contrast is too dramatic for you, simply add a few smaller mustard accents to the room.

"Mustard + black"

  • If your goal is to create a spectacular contrast, use black as an additional color, but only in small doses. To fill the entire room with black furniture means to create an unreasonably alarming and unsteady atmosphere in it. In an interior with a mustard sofa, limit yourself to only black elements, for example, pillows, furniture legs and armrests, and picture frames. Leave the main background white, as in the illustration below, then both the mustard and pistachio sofa in the interior will look especially bright.

  • And in the next illustration you can see the same design when the black color turned out to be too much, and the mustard color lost some of its lightness and spontaneity. A khaki sofa in the interior, more neutral and unpretentious, would be much more suitable here.

“Mustard + shades of green”

As we have said more than once, there is nothing difficult in building monochrome combinations. As you might guess, you need to play with shades of the same color, defining one of them as the dominant one, and assigning the others the role of complementary ones. If a mustard sofa is your dominant feature in the interior, make sure that accent colors didn't take it by chance large area than him. Or turn a green sofa into an interesting accent by decorating the room in delicate shades herbal and mint.

"Mustard + light green"

  • If you want to shift the interior vector towards freshness and richness, you cannot do without light green color. Like the olive sofa in the interior, the mustard one will benefit from such a neighborhood, acquiring exactly what it lacks - the brightness of colors. To light green, in turn, you can add a little pink, then you will get a really stylish complex combination.

"Mustard + mint"

  • We call mint not the greenery of this plant, but a pastel green-blue color, which is at the same time dense and transparent, dim and noticeable. Mint color It refreshes any interior well, visually expands the walls, makes the atmosphere a little cooler, but much lighter. Analyzing next photo, we can notice that mint is an excellent background for a mustard sofa, but they should not be placed very close to each other in the interior. In a word – yes to wallpaper, no to pillows!

Creation modern interior that meets all the canons of design art is a very difficult task. A designer needs to have great knowledge and impeccable taste, given by nature. The variety of styles dictates its own laws, but it is based on such fundamental design concepts as proportionality, harmony, golden ratio and the golden mean. From antiquity to modern trends such as functionalism, minimalism, pop art, hi-tech, deconstructivism, kitsch, eclecticism and stylization - style has its own characteristics and laws of design.

At all times, mustard color in the interior has been at the peak of fashion. It is very popular among decorators. This is due to the fact that mustard color has many shades. It all depends on what predominates in color - yellow or brown. Designers are also attracted by the play of color depending on the lighting. In bright sunlight a yellow tint appears more when low light– the color becomes darker. Brown adds warmth and mystery to yellow. It does not irritate, does not cause concern or vague anxiety. Shades of mustard are warm and cozy. At all times, it has been associated with luxury and wealth. There is no vulgar vulgarity of kitsch in it. This is a calm, moderate shade that gives solidity and inimitable style to the room.

The advantages are the following aspects:

Mustard color in the interior of the apartment

Interior design in mustard color

Rules of application

Its features include its complexity. Not every designer will take it upon himself to use this color in the interior. This is the lot of experienced and confident masters of their craft.

  • When using this shade, you must take into account its dominant role in the room. It interrupts other colors due to its unusualness and brightness.
  • Mustard walls in the interior do not combine with many colors, for example, red, bright green.
  • It is not advisable to use it in small, poorly lit rooms. Mustard becomes dark and the brightness disappears. This color requires space and light. Then he will play in all his splendor.
  • It should be borne in mind that this mustard color visually reduces the space. Therefore, now designers use it to zone a room, that is, they paint one wall with this shade or use one item in the decor.

Mustard color in room design

Light room design in mustard color

Room interior in mustard color

Combination of mustard color with other colors in the interior

Designers offer various models and options for combining mustard color with other shades in the interior.

The simplest and most popular option is a combination with neutral colors. These are white, gray, beige, peach. They seem to highlight the mustard color, making it less aggressive. The interior looks especially fashionable and original with a combination of gray and mustard colors. You can add a little black here for contrast. This could be any trinkets or accessories. Just don’t get carried away with both mustard and black. It will be too eclectic. It is difficult to relax in such an interior. White will lighten and highlight colors, creating lightness and ease.

Mustard color in the interior of the apartment

Interior design in mustard color

Mustard + purple looks unusual and original. The golden rule must be followed. Purple should be used in decorative items and accessories in order to break up the monotony of mustard color and add a bright note.

Mustard color in room design

Light room design in mustard color

Room interior in mustard color

A bold design decision to combine mustard + blue colors. It is interesting to use blue as the main color and add mustard accents in the form of decorative elements or upholstered furniture. Different colors are very popular now. Combination unusual flowers gives room for imagination, creating your own, unique interior of the room.

Mustard color in the interior of the apartment

Interior design in mustard color

From the same series, the use of a combination of mustard + shades of green. This combination is suitable for creating ethnic styles using herbal shades. Especially typical for oriental style, in particular Japanese. Usage dark shades mustard, brown and olive in combination with expensive woods - this is the Japanese ethnic style.

Mustard color in room design

Light room design in mustard color

Room interior in mustard color

Mustard sofa in the interior: 10 golden rules

Enough interesting solution is a mustard sofa in the interior. But you need to be extremely careful when purchasing a rather bright piece of furniture, so read the 10 rules.

We hope that the article was useful for reading and now you know all the main points of the design combination.

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