Water mist fire extinguishing systems. Water mist fire extinguishing systems (MAW). Advantages of using fine atomization technology

Extinguishing fires with water still remains one of the most effective, cheap and popular methods of fighting fires at various types of facilities. Compared to aerosol, powder and gas fire extinguishing systems, systems using water are the safest, which is why they are used to extinguish 90% of all fires. Two fire extinguishing systems with water are effectively used - and. Despite their many “advantages”, they are not without disadvantages, among which the following can be noted:

  • high consumption of extinguishing agent – ​​water;
  • there is always a possibility of causing additional damage to material assets that fall into the area of ​​operation of the water fire extinguishing installation;
  • there is a need for additional engineering premises to accommodate tanks, pumping stations, drainage installations, etc.;
  • complex and costly maintenance of fire extinguishing configurations of this type.

To eliminate the listed disadvantages and use water as an extinguishing agent, a special fire extinguishing technique was developed - fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water.

Features of water mist fire extinguishing systems

Traditional water fire extinguishing systems form water droplets with a size of about 0.5...2 mm, but in new installations the droplet diameter does not exceed 100 microns. If in the first case only 30...35% of water extinguishes the fire, then in the second almost 99% of small water drops take part in the process of neutralizing the source of fire. Thanks to small sizes, finely sprayed water has a high penetrating and cooling ability. This contributes to the rapid and highly effective extinguishing of fire over a large area.

In addition to the fact that fire extinguishing installations with finely sprayed water effectively neutralize open flames, they are also capable of absorbing heavy smoke particles, ensuring its neutralization.

System design

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of fire extinguishing systems of this type include:

  • high efficiency indicators with minimal water consumption - no more than 1.5 liters per 1 m 2;
  • safety for personnel who are in premises where fire extinguishing systems with fine spray water have been activated;
  • effective smoke deposition;
  • complete independence from external sources of water supply;
  • possibility of use for extinguishing fires in libraries, archives, as well as at industrial facilities with equipment connected to electrical networks with a voltage of no more than 35 kV;
  • simplicity Maintenance And reusable fine spray fire extinguishing modules;
  • compact dimensions of the main components of the system;
  • environmental cleanliness.

Despite the wide range of advantages and positive aspects, fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water also has its disadvantages. The main ones include the following:

  • Considering that the fire extinguishing installation is in standby mode most of the time, the working holes through which water is sprayed may become clogged;
  • To operate this type of fire extinguishing, you need to use additional equipment - special water treatment systems;
  • installations cannot be used to extinguish high-voltage equipment (more than 35 kV) and substances that support combustion without air access.

TOP 5 water mist fire extinguishing modules

  • Fire extinguishing with Typhoon finely sprayed water is a highly effective way to neutralize fires in short periods of time. As fire extinguishing agent sprayed water is used, to which is added special additives or fire extinguishing gases. Thanks to this, the fire protection of the facility is significantly increased.

  • Fire extinguishing complex with finely sprayed water Minifog EconAqua. These modular fire extinguishing installations with finely sprayed water are automatic systems that allow the formation of a gas-liquid mixture supplied to the combustion area and capable of effectively influencing combustion sources over a sufficiently large area.

  • Fire extinguishing TRV Buran. This modular systems extinguishing fires using mist water. The units are simple in design, minimal costs for maintenance and a small consumption of water to extinguish the fire. There are also . In terms of efficiency, these modules are practically the same.

  • EI-MIST is a modular water fire extinguishing, which uses water mist to combat fires, formed by supplying water through special high-pressure sprayers. Thanks to the finely dispersed structure of the fog (cable size no more than 100 microns), it quickly fills the entire volume of the room, ensuring the settling of smoke and extinguishing the fire.

  • TRV-Garant is another version of fine-spray water fire extinguishing modules to varying degrees difficulties. The devices can be effectively used as execution units in autonomous systems fire extinguishing of various objects.

How to install systems correctly?


Fire extinguishing systems with finely sprayed water can be of 2 types - high or low pressure.

In the first case, such systems contain nitrogen cylinders or pumps high pressure. Their main purpose is to provide mechanical mixing and supply, under high pressure, of a gas-water mixture to the spray units. In this case, the cylinders should be located as close as possible to the spray devices to prevent loss of pressure. If a high-pressure pump is used, then pipeline lines are laid from it to the sprayers, which can be laid behind suspended ceiling without spoiling the design of the room.

The low-pressure water mist fire extinguishing module provides for separate storage of liquid and gas. Special impurities can be added to the formed gas-liquid mixture to help quickly extinguish fires. The working mixture can be supplied through one pipeline, which simplifies the task of installing this type of fire extinguishing systems and their subsequent maintenance.

When placing gas cylinders on the territory of the protected object, you need to take into account the working area for which one cylinder is designed and, in accordance with this, select their number.

It is not allowed to install tanks filled with fire extinguishing solution at a large distance from sprinklers, and gas cylinders at large distances from these containers.


Correct calculation and selection of the number of gas cylinders, as well as uniform distribution of sprinklers, will allow you to effectively combat flames in the event of a sudden fire. Thanks to the high efficiency of water mist generated by fine-spray fire extinguishing modules, it is possible to achieve record-breaking fast time neutralize a fire of any complexity. This will protect valuables stored in protected premises, as well as minimize the likelihood of accidents at the site during a fire.

Finely atomized water fire extinguishing systems (SP water extinguishing systems) make it possible to use all the advantages of water as a fire extinguishing agent as efficiently as possible, without having most of the disadvantages of classical systems. Therefore, SP TRV is one of the most popular today.

According to SP 5.13130.2009, the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems with finely sprayed water should be carried out in the following types of premises:

  • , including multi-level ones;
  • cultural objects: galleries, theaters, exhibition pavilions;
  • , trading floors and others.

Such a system is designed to provide effective class A, B, C classes, as well as rooms in which electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V are located. The rules for the design and installation of automatic SP TRVs are regulated by 69-FZ of December 21, 1994, 123-FZ of July 22. 2008, NPB 88-2001, SP 5.13130.2009 and a number of other regulatory documents.

Operating principle of a water mist fire extinguishing system

The principle of operation of fire extinguishing systems with finely dispersed water is as follows: when one or more fires occur, it is triggered and water is sprayed into the room. The diameter of a drop of finely atomized water is very small - about 100 microns.

As a result, water mist forms at the source of the fire. Due to high temperature the water boils, forming a cloud of steam, cutting off the access of oxygen to the fire. Thanks to this, the fire is extinguished in less than a minute. The water cloud hangs in the room for about 15 minutes, which prevents the possibility of re-ignition. In addition, drops of finely sprayed water absorb part of the solid smoke particles, which reduces the risk of high smoke in the room.


SP TRVs have qualitative differences from classic ones:

  • Firstly, large area coatings compared to spraying or jet water supply systems, while water consumption is extremely low - up to 1.5 l/m²;
  • secondly, the effectiveness of extinguishing is not affected by the number of ignition sources and their location in the protected area;
  • thirdly, the system does not allow smoldering and re-ignition;
  • fourthly, the system is easy to install and operate and does not depend on external energy sources;
  • fifthly, water and its gas-liquid mixture are a non-toxic substance;
  • sixthly, spraying water promotes effective smoke removal.

Water mist fire extinguishing systems

A simplified diagram of a fire extinguishing installation with finely sprayed water is a water reservoir connected to a propellant gas cylinder and to sprinklers located directly in the fire protection zone. When responding to a fire, the shut-off and starting device on the gas cylinder is activated and the displacer, passing through a high-pressure hose, enters the tank, where it forms a gas-liquid mixture with water. This mixture passes through the pipeline to the sprinklers.

There are two types of installations: high and low pressure. High pressure installations are characterized by the fact that the required dispersion is achieved mechanically– using high pressure pumps or nitrogen cylinders. In low-pressure installations, a gas-liquid mixture is formed, to which fire extinguishing agents are added. A low pressure installation with separate storage of the starting gas reserve is considered preferable.

Features of design and installation

When installing fine spray installations, you should avoid common mistakes made by non-professionals. These shortcomings can lead to either unjustified complexity of the system, a decrease in the efficiency of its operation, or improper functioning of the entire system as a whole and its breakdown.

Most common mistakes:

  • installation of fewer fire extinguishing installations or starting gas cylinders than required by the area of ​​the room;
  • use of non-galvanized pipes for pipelines;
  • placing water tanks too far from sprinklers, placing gas cylinders too far from tanks;
  • irrational division of the protected premises into fire extinguishing sections;
  • Placement of water tanks too low.

To protect several or one small room, autonomous fire extinguishing installations with finely sprayed water are used. For large premises (more than 1000 m2), it makes sense to organize extinguishing by zones using distribution devices and a propellant gas storage station.

To avoid mistakes when designing and installing water mist fire extinguishing modules, contact qualified specialists. provides full complex services related to the design, installation and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems with finely sprayed water, and is also ready to provide consulting assistance on the identified issues.

Features of fires in hotels
Modern hotel complexes are usually located in multifunctional high-rise buildings. In addition to hotel rooms, they include premises of other functional purpose: administrative, sports, cultural and leisure, service, healthcare, educational, economic, parking, etc.
Today, the hotel industry is characterized by a high degree of automation and a tendency to minimize service personnel.
Features of fires in hotel complexes include the following:
there are a large number of people in the building at the time of the fire;
fires often occur at night, and most of them start in rooms with limited access to people;
The duration of fire extinguishing is approximately 3 to 5 hours;
fire causes great material damage. Fires that occurred in hotels are divided into the following main groups: fires caused by smoking;
fires that occurred during hotel renovations;
fires caused by incandescent lamps;
fires caused by violations of rules fire safety during installation electrical appliances;
fires in kitchens;
fires in areas where people live.

Typically, a fire occurs due to non-compliance with fire safety measures. And, despite the fact that they are clearly stated by law, many premises owners ignore them. However, statistics show that every hour one person dies in a fire and another 20 receive burns and injuries of varying severity, and every 5 minutes a new fire starts in the country. Hotels and hostels belong to a high-risk zone - these are buildings in which there are always a lot of people, and many of the guests, while on vacation, lose their vigilance and neglect basic fire safety rules.

Rationale for using TRV Fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water in hotels is especially important, since it is there that high extinguishing efficiency is required and minimizing damage from water spills is important.
Usually indoor fire hotel complexes develops according to the following scenario:
During the first 10–20 minutes, the fire spreads linearly along the combustible material. At this time, the room is filled with smoke and it is impossible to see the flames. The air temperature in the room gradually rises to 250–300 degrees. This is the ignition temperature of all flammable materials.
After 20 minutes, the volumetric spread of the fire begins. After another 10 minutes, the glazing begins to fail. Inflow increases fresh air, the development of the fire increases sharply. The temperature reaches 900 degrees.
Burnout phase. Within 10 minutes it is achieved maximum speed fire.
After the main substances burn out, the fire stabilization phase occurs (from 20 minutes to 5 hours). If the fire cannot spread to other rooms, the fire goes outside. At this time, the collapse of burnt out structures occurs. That is why it is of great importance to have in the building automatic system
fire extinguishing
At the same time, the water fire extinguishing system has a number of disadvantages:
– causes damage to property and interiors by spilling large amounts of water;
– due to the high intensity of irrigation, powerful pumps and large diameter pipes are required.
The average time to extinguish a fire when using fire extinguishing installations with finely sprayed water is several minutes, the estimated operating time of the installation is 10 minutes, thus, the fire is extinguished at the stage of the first phase, which makes it possible to almost completely avoid the consequences of the fire for people and material assets. The demand for water mist equipment is growing every year. Wide Application found both modular water mist installations and automatic installations
extinguishing fires with finely sprayed aggregate type water.
Water mist fire extinguishing installations are divided into 2 types:
modular (with cylinders);

using high pressure pumps.

High-pressure water spray (FAW) is a safe, effective and economical type of fire extinguishing, widely used abroad and in our country, ensuring fire safety of various facilities at the level of world standards.

The principle of operation of TRV fire extinguishing installations is based on the supply of sprayed water with a droplet diameter of less than 100-150 microns to the protected room or object. A large volume of fine water mist is obtained as a result of the dispersion of microdroplets, which greatly increases the cooling effect of water. In addition, when droplets come into contact with fire, water vapor is formed, which reduces the oxygen concentration in the fire zone.

The main mechanisms of action of finely sprayed water on the source of fire: Cooling

– thanks to the ultra-small size of the droplets of water mist and the resulting total surface area of ​​all droplets, which has increased many times over, the rate of evaporation of water upon contact with fire increases sharply. In this case, there is an intensive extraction of heat from the combustion object.- when water evaporates in the combustion zone, water vapor is formed - an inert gas, which helps reduce the oxygen concentration near the fire source to values ​​​​that do not support combustion. A large volume of water vapor replaces oxygen in the fire zone, which proportionally reduces the rate of combustion of the material and the intensity of heat release.

Isolation (shielding)- steam temporarily prevents the gas exchange of combustion products with oxygen. Finely sprayed water particles absorb the energy emitted by the fire. This greatly reduces the ability of materials near the fire to reach combustion temperatures, even though they are not directly reached by the flame. Thus, the fire is localized, suppressed and extinguished.

Advantages of TRV systems

▪ high efficiency and speed of extinguishing

minimum consumption water

(for example, several tons of water are poured into a room with an area of ​​20 sq.m. during conventional water fire extinguishing; when a expansion valve is supplied, 20-40 liters are poured.)

▪ independence from water supply networks

▪ high smoke settling ability

The expansion valve cools and precipitates flue gases in the room, sharply reduces the power of thermal radiation, facilitating the safe evacuation of people

▪ prolonged action

water mist remains in the room for several minutes after water supply, preventing re-ignition

▪ favor an earlier start of action by fire brigade personnel

▪ the ability to extinguish live equipment

▪ extinguishing without causing damage to the protected object

▪ does not require room sealing

▪ environmental safety


TRV automatic fire extinguishing installations can be used to extinguish class A and B fires in following types premises:

- libraries, museum collections, archives, concert and shopping halls

- hotel complexes

- production workshops and lines

- garages and underground parking

- ship premises and compartments

- machine rooms of compressor stations

- painting and drying booths

- warehouse complexes, including for storing flammable liquids and flammable liquids

- cable structures

TRV units are available in modular and modular (pump) versions.

In modular installations, the calculated volume of waste water (water) is under the pressure of the propellant gas (nitrogen) directly in the module cylinders.

The modular fire extinguishing installation of the TRV includes the following main components:

High pressure pumping station with electric pumps (main and backup);

A reservoir with specially prepared water of various capacities, in accordance with the required volume;

Switchgears from of stainless steel with manual and electric drive for supplying water to nozzles in different zones;

Special sprinkler or deluge sprayers (the quantity is determined by calculation);

Pipelines and special connecting devices made of stainless steel.

"TECHNOS-M+" produces fire extinguishing modules for finely sprayed water MUPTV "ATAKA 4" and modular (pumping) installations of high-pressure TRV UPTRV-N-V-ATAKA. The units are equipped with deluge and sprinkler sprayers TUMAN.

Despite the lack of the necessary regulatory and technical base, the fire extinguishing system with finely sprayed water can be used now, but not at all in the way that unscrupulous sellers position it on the market.

Over the past five years in its professional activity I have repeatedly had to deal with questions related to proposals for the use of modular and stationary fire extinguishing systems based on finely sprayed water. It is sometimes called for greater effect "water fog"

This system is often presented as a panacea for all types of fires, and its use, according to suppliers of equipment for creating expansion valves, is practically unlimited.

Moreover, there is an aggressive policy to introduce this equipment. And no barriers - normative, moral, professional, scientific - stop people who are ready, in order to expand the sales market, to create myths and shamelessly, with inspiration, in pseudoscientific articles, state what is in no way true.

Here are excerpts from one such article. I don’t name the authors, I think they will recognize themselves. I quote:

"Now there is no longer any need to advocate for finely atomized water (FWA). Its advantage over traditional ways firefighting is more than obvious. At the same time, fire extinguishing systems that use high pressure (10 MPa or more) are becoming increasingly important. At such pressures, problems associated with pressure losses in the main lines; disputes about the size of water particles that have an effective fire extinguishing ability (a high-speed highly dispersed water jet has a distribution of water particles from several microns to tens of microns), and fire extinguishing itself, even at open areas, from the surface goes into the category of volumetric (at a water flow rate of, for example, 200 m/s, the resulting water mist is able to bend around obstacles, penetrating into the most inaccessible places)... The high dispersion of droplets and the velocity pressure significantly increase the fire extinguishing ability of such installations.. "

Without entering into polemics, let’s leave all of the above on the conscience of the authors and read on:

"When creating fire extinguishing installations using high-pressure expansion valves (high pressure expansion valves), we had to face main problem- lack of scientific and practical knowledge about the process of the flow of high-speed jets of water into the atmosphere, about the interaction of a high-speed jet, consisting of droplets of fine dispersion, with counter thermal (convective) flows, etc.”

What can you say, the problem is really complex and its solution requires more than one doctoral dissertation and more than one patent. But, as we see below, the authors were able to do it:

“To solve this problem, it was necessary to develop a scientific-theoretical apparatus, create special fire nozzles for high-pressure expansion valves, develop fundamentally new jet, rotary, tangential, etc. nozzles, and carry out a large amount of experimental research.”

After this, any matter and problem should be easily solved, but suddenly such an annoying little thing. According to the authors, “the main obstacle to large-scale implementation remains new technology fire extinguishing using high pressure expansion valves is the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework."

It seems that it costs the specialists who developed both the scientific and theoretical apparatus and fundamentally new nozzles to develop half a page of typewritten text, so necessary for the design of such installations? However, for more than 10 years now there has been no regulatory framework.

And now is the time to finally figure out what a TRV is, why all its supporters and manufacturers cannot determine its standard costs and the conditions for its use for extinguishing fires. To do this, let us turn to the opinion of serious scientists and specialists, far from adventurism and irresponsible statements.

V.P. Pakhomov, Chief Engineer JSC "PO "Spetsavtomatika":

“The use of AUPT with finely atomized water is significantly hampered by the lack of regulated requirements. This is due to the fact that to protect an object using finely atomized water it is not enough to provide a given irrigation intensity, as is the case with ordinary water, for which NPB-88 defines quantitative values ​​of irrigation intensity , guaranteeing reliable protection For various groups premises. The fact is that in order to realize all the benefits that the expansion valve provides, the droplets must overcome convective heat flows and reach the combustion surface."

Without going into details and mathematical calculations (this has been done more than once on the pages of specialized magazines), it can be argued that to perform this task, drops of finely atomized water must have a much higher initial speed.

It is the droplet speed that is the parameter without which it is impossible to unambiguously regulate the process of ensuring fire safety using expansion valves. However, we will not find this characteristic in any of the official documents, including the passport data of the sprinklers. This is due to the fact that the process of extinguishing with finely sprayed water has not yet been sufficiently studied, and to obtain accurate dependencies it is necessary to conduct a large number of experiments.

In the current situation, the use of TRV sprinklers, according to NPB-88, should be based on the regulatory and technical documentation of the manufacturer. The manufacturer, in turn, is guided by the results of fire tests, during which the ability of the sprinkler to extinguish a fire of a certain class is experimentally confirmed. In this case, the correctness of the declared parameters of the sprinkler depends on the experience of the manufacturer, the availability of the necessary techniques, equipment and personnel at his disposal. Not the least role is played by his “moderation” in his desire to inflate specifications in the hope of gaining additional profit due to the wider scope of application of sprinklers.

It should be noted that the conditions under which water droplets have a high initial speed and are able to reach the surface of the combustion site can be characterized as a surface extinguishing method.

A number of publications show that the size of droplets that can fall on the surface of a combustion site should be at least 150-200 microns. Such droplets fall very quickly and cannot accumulate in the air. For volumetric fire extinguishing, it is necessary to generate droplets 30 microns in size, which could accumulate in the air and create the necessary fire extinguishing concentration. However, in addition to the fact that stable generation of droplets with a size of less than 30 microns at a high mass velocity is a difficult task, simultaneously with the process of droplet formation, their aggregation and rapid sedimentation occur. To date, there are no reliable results on creating equipment for obtaining a stable fire extinguishing concentration of finely dispersed water droplets throughout the entire protected volume.

Opinion from NaNo Mist System, USA, K.S. Adiga RF Heger:

"In the case of fire extinguishing techniques using finely sprayed water, droplets with an average diameter of more than 30 microns are formed. Droplets of this size are too large to be used to completely fill the fire zone; such drops experience significant gravitational influence and do not penetrate well into those burning zones , where there is a high volume load.”

A.N. Baratov, chief researcher at VNIIPO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor:

"Extinguishing with spray jets has a number of advantages (first of all, it reduces water consumption), and therefore last years this method is increasingly being used.

At the same time, there is an opinion among experts that extinguishing fires with finely sprayed water is less effective than volumetric extinguishing with fire-inhibiting compounds. Moreover, the possibility of implementing a volumetric method of fire extinguishing with sprayed water is being discussed, which consists in uniformly filling the protected volume with a stable suspension of an approximately monodisperse droplet-like medium.

Available technical devices cannot solve this problem. They create, in essence, local flows of atomized water, and under these conditions, the penetration of droplets into the flame is associated with the need to take into account the counter flow of combustion products. For this purpose, the droplet size should be approximately 100 µm. At the same time, the water consumption turns out to be very significant, which means that this extinguishing method cannot compete with volumetric gas fire extinguishing.

Water cannot be used to extinguish substances that react violently with it, releasing flammable gases. Also, the use of expansion valves is not effective enough to extinguish materials prone to smoldering."

From all of the above, and also based on own experience, I can draw the following conclusions:

The fire extinguishing method based on finely sprayed water is, of course, superficial in area. This fire extinguishing method cannot compete with volumetric gas fire extinguishing. IN regulatory documents The volumetric concentration of expansion valves cannot be regulated, since to date there is no such equipment. Use this fire extinguishing method at those facilities where, according to the standards, it should be used volumetric fire extinguishing, it is impossible, and all discussions about this and attempts to implement it in the current state of science and technology, in my opinion, should be stopped.
Federal regulatory documents do not contain requirements for fire extinguishing installations with finely sprayed water in terms of irrigation intensity (l/s m2) and time of supply of the fire extinguishing agent; this does not allow the development of standard design solutions for the protection of facilities.

Application prohibited!

The issue of using TRV installations on industrial enterprises as an analogue of a deluge fire extinguishing system also raises serious doubts. This is due to expensive water treatment, which has completely different, higher requirements compared to in the usual ways water fire extinguishing, more expensive materials for the manufacture of equipment for obtaining expansion valves, high requirements for the operating conditions of the systems, subject to which their operation can be ensured.

As a practical worker who has repeatedly observed the blockage of holes with a diameter of a centimeter, I am sure that if the above conditions are not met, all the holes in the expansion valve supply units will be blocked and they will become inoperable.

And why, in fact, bother with all this expensive special equipment, when the problem can be effectively solved using a conventional deluge system with the addition of a film-forming foaming agent to the water? The inertia of the system is low and the pressure required is less than 10 atm.

Fire extinguishing installations based on finely sprayed water are prohibited at Gazprom facilities. In accordance with the Concept of fire protection of OJSC Gazprom facilities, a volumetric method has been adopted at gas transportation facilities gas fire extinguishing using carbon dioxide.

All objects where technological process liquid hydrocarbons are used, protected by automatic deluge fire extinguishing installations with the addition of a special film-forming foaming agent to the water. At the facilities of OAO Gazprom, when choosing an automatic fire extinguishing system, we proceed from the criteria of reliability, ease of maintenance, unification at all similar facilities in the industry, optimal price, maximum low inertia, effective fire extinguishing technology, preventing re-ignition and without causing damage to process equipment.

The question arises: so, fire extinguishing installations based on expansion valves are worthless and inapplicable anywhere?

Use permitted!

I dare say that they already have a field of application today.

It's all about the unprofessionalism and dishonesty of people trying to introduce these installations into industrial facilities at any cost. There is an explanation for this - large sales volumes.

But here’s what I’d like to draw your attention to. At the All-Russian Firefighting School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, during classes on fire tactics, analyzing extinguished fires, building graphs for increasing forces and means, as well as water consumption for extinguishing, we were taught that ideally, to extinguish 1 m2 of solid flammable substance, 0.5 liters of water are required. In real fires, hundreds of liters, and sometimes tons, of water are poured per 1 m2. It is no coincidence that during fires in residential buildings Often more damage occurs not from fire, but from spilled water.

In my opinion, the use of backpack TRV units for extinguishing apartment fires is not only justified, but also necessary. And the fact that they are not in everyone’s arsenal fire truck, standing in combat crews in urban units, causes bewilderment.

The use of stationary installations of finely sprayed water is justified only where automatic fire extinguishing other types of fire extinguishing are necessary, but cannot be used; These are mainly objects with permanent residence of people. And this range is quite wide: subway cars, cruise ships, hotels, hospitals. The list goes on.

The cooling effect of the sprayed water will reduce the temperature in the room, allowing people to evacuate and making the work of fire departments easier. The resulting large volume of sprayed water will help reduce water consumption for extinguishing, and accordingly the damage caused by the spill will be reduced. The use of expansion valves at these facilities will be effective and will save many lives and property. In this case, the use of specially maintained and expensive expansion valve supply units is appropriate and justified. In addition, this will save nerves and time for specialists involved in fire protection industrial facilities on professional level, and we hope that there will be no need to be distracted from the main work in order to fight off the next “revolutionary”, “unparalleled” method and the installation of fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water.

P.M. Tagiyev,
deputy general director LLC "Gazobezopasnost" OJSC "Gazprom",
Doctor of Technical Sciences

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