Boho style in the interior is an original style for extraordinary people. Boho chic - rich interior colors

If you are a fan of minimalism and strict order, then you will not like the boho style and will seem somehow too colorful and even tacky. This style appeals to creative people who love everything unusual and adore handmade items. Boho is a combination of incongruous things, a lot of fabric and plants, an abundance of bright shades, ethnic colors, paintings and trinkets brought from all over the world. The style may seem disorganized and relaxed, but this appearance is deceiving. In practice it is not easy to create the illusion of creative disorder so as not to descend into a mess. Here you need to have subtle taste and know a few life hacks from designers. We will share the latter with you. So, how to organize a boho style in the interior of an apartment in order to get a cozy and relaxing room? Read and get inspired by the photos.

No. 1. Origins of style

Boho style comes from the 18th century. It was then in France that a group of young artists challenged society. They promoted art for art's sake, and the artist himself, in their understanding, had to look so that one would want to look at him. It is not difficult to guess that their clothing style and manner of arranging their own homes were special, similar to gypsies. The French called the gypsies Bohemies, Bohème, so a new style by analogy, they called it bohemian, or boho. Gypsies used elements from different countries: bright Indian skirts, scarves with embroidery and fringe from China, European fur coats, and all this accompanied by a variety of accessories. About the same, assembled from different styles and directions, the interior has become boho.

In the 1960s, this style of clothing and interior design was favored by hippies. Today, boho is common in the West. We are wary of it, considering it, to put it mildly, pretentious, tasteless, too colorful - gypsy, in a word. It is believed that it is not difficult to arrange a room in this way: you took out everything that was stored there from the closets, bought the first wallpaper you came across and did not think about the combination of colors - that’s all ready. But with this approach you can only get bad taste. True boho style is all about thoughtful disorganization. Yes, there will always be many shades, textures and materials in the room, but the use of each is subject to an overall strategy.

No. 2. Main features of boho style in the interior

The motto of the style is “combine the incongruous.” Traditional elements can easily coexist in the room. The space should be as if overloaded with things, but everything souvenirs and trinkets dear to the heart are not supposed to be hidden - they fill all the walls, shelves and window sills. TO important features style, it is also necessary to include the following nuances:

  • abundance of bright natural flowers, but at the same time it is important to outline a color scheme in advance so that the interior is colorful, but not tasteless;
  • every interior detail should convey the character, morals and preferences of the owner. That is why things, paintings, embroideries, bedspreads and other handmade items are at a special price. Souvenirs brought from overseas travel are also capable of revealing a person’s tastes, so they need to be placed in a prominent place, and in large quantities;
  • the emphasis is on ethnic ornaments, paintings and furniture from different peoples of the world;
  • the more textiles there are in the room, the better. Preference is given to natural fabrics, both quite heavy and dense, and airy, flying. Remember that in the boho style different universes intersect, so you can even combine diametrically opposed things;
  • from materials wood is preferred, in second place is metal. It is better to use natural materials, and you can combine any textures;
  • You can never have too many plants! This is another rule of boho style, so don't be afraid to go overboard with the landscaping;
  • modern technology, if present in the rooms, he hides behind furniture facades;
  • The furnishings in the room should be cozy and conducive to rest.

Boho is the absence of dullness and routine, it is a riot of colors, expression and motley comfort. Only in this style can vintage and military, lace and velvet, things from different countries and eras coexist. Everything that previously seemed too bright and incongruous to you can be used to create a boho-style interior.

No. 3. Color spectrum

Despite all the democracy of the boho style and the seeming absence of rules, some nuances are still worth considering in order to get a truly cozy interior:

Geometric, ethnic and floral patterns, and images of animals are held in high esteem.

No. 4. Preferred Materials

Every time you think about what color, material or furniture to choose for boho, remember that this style implies freedom of expression. This means that the principle works: do as you want. When we're talking about about wall cladding, this rule works very well. It is best, of course, to leave the walls alone, without paint or, but if you want, do not deny yourself this pleasure. Do you want to decorate your walls with themed photo wallpapers? Forward! Are you missing decorative moldings, borders and rosettes? Don't hold back! For floor finishing, parquet or tiles are usually chosen.

The only rule that can be followed in terms of choosing materials is their preferred naturalness. Of course, it is better to refuse, as well as too modern furniture from new materials. It will look great in a bohemian interior wood and textiles. You can also use natural materials such as stone, metal, ceramics. If money is not enough, you can take cheaper synthetic substitutes, but true boho can only be created with an abundance of natural things. This is a rare case when it is better to take out old stuff from the bins, which it was always a pity to throw away, restore and use.

No. 5. There is no such thing as too much textiles

The fabrics play into the boho style so much significant role, that they should devote a separate section. Textiles cover all possible and impossible surfaces in the apartment. It lies on the bed, sofa and floor, hangs on the wall and on the windows, hangs from the ceiling and lies in wait in all sorts of and sometimes unexpected places.

Boho style fabrics of different densities, colors and patterns fit perfectly together. You can use both cotton and linen, as well as fur, velvet, silk, chiffon and cambric. Yarn, macrame, embroidery– this is something that not only can, but must be used in interior design. If the tablecloth is knitted by hand, then its value for bohos increases significantly.

N Feel free to cover all surfaces and furniture in the house with textiles. Use bedspreads, plenty of pillows, blankets, canopies, cute rugs and tablecloths, chair covers. A carpet is one thing that boho cannot do without. Carpets can be not only on the floor, but also used as wall decoration. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly. There is a lot of oriental in the boho style, and in Vosk carpets are treated in a special way.

As for fabric colors, preference is given to colorful colors, ethnic American, Indian, Chinese and Moroccan patterns. Woven, knitted and embroidered items are welcome.

Even the most ordinary modern sofa You can transform it by decorating it with a themed blanket or throwing in a few colorful pillows. Don't forget that the curtains should be bright.

No. 6. Boho style furniture

Furniture in the boho style should, if possible, be natural. No chrome elements typical of modern styles. Another important conditionfurniture should be comfortable and functional, promote rest and relaxation.

Great option for boho - wooden furniture , but also other natural materials are in price. Any wooden furniture will look appropriate in a bohemian interior: antiques, simple items Scandinavian style, shabby and chairs, as well as truly royal furniture with carvings and textile inserts. Also suitable are chairs with high armrests, wicker chairs, soft poufs. Things with history are held in high esteem, so feel free to use antiques and distinctive pieces of furniture from different countries.

However, the sofa and armchairs can be easily replaced with an abundance of pillows thrown on the floor. There should be so many of them that you can literally surround yourself with them, taking a comfortable position. The ideal way relaxation!

No. 7. Accessories and decor

It seems that when there is an abundance of colors, fabrics and pillows around, decorating the interior is too much, but adherents of the boho style do not think so. The decor of the room should convey the preferences and hobbies of the owners. If you bring souvenirs from each country you visit, then feel free to display them. Are you interested in painting? Wonderful! Hang your art on the walls and don't be afraid to go overboard. Have you made a collage with your children? Let it remind you of a great time and remain in a prominent place.

Everything that is dear and dear to the heart should be in sight: candlesticks and boxes, vases and figurines, photos and paintings, globes and posters, African masks and books - all this is placed on shelves, window sills and floors, and hung on the walls. All these things, one way or another, characterize the owner, which means hiding them is a big mistake.

Accessories can be bright, catchy and contradictory - the main thing is that there is a story behind each item, and the result is a very personal interior, filled with memories and warmth.

No. 8. Plants

If the boho style is so characterized by everything natural, then it’s impossible without plants. This is quite logical. Moreover, it is not necessary to limit yourself to a single cactus or geranium - it is quite appropriate to create small Botanical Garden right in your apartment. Greens go well with colorful colors and wood, balances the interior, making it calmer and more relaxed. Flower pots can be placed on the floor, on special stands and hanging flowerpots.

No. 9. Boho in different rooms

Designers have accumulated a lot of ways to instantly convey the mood of the boho style in the interior of a particular room.

Boho style kitchen

A boho kitchen is more than just a place to prepare food. This special zone for cozy family gatherings, relaxation and rest. painted or plastered in one tone, you can lay them out using, but wood will do. Don't forget about rugs. If they are knitted or woven with your own hands, it will be absolutely wonderful. The more unusual and original they are, the better.

For furniture, you can choose rough sideboards, and ordinary chairs can be upholstered with multi-colored fabric. Instead of chairs, you can use soft poufs or sofas. All bottles, jars, cereals, preparations, scales, spices, cookbooks and more kitchen utensils can be placed on numerous shelves and hung on - this is an excellent kitchen decoration. Chrome parts and modern technology are prohibited. It is better to hide the latter under.

Living room in boho style

The living room can turn into a small home museum or even an arboretum - anything, but modern interior grayness called minimalism must be avoided. There are no requirements: paint, plaster, wallpaper, brickwork, decorative moldings - all this is allowed, and the combinations can be the most daring.

The main thing in the living room is cozy and comfortable furniture. You can’t do without a sofa with colorful upholstery, just like you can’t do without a mountain of pillows. You can complement the soft corner with armchairs and poufs, frame it with a bright rug and an unusual one. Vintage elements can be used as cabinet furniture. Don't forget about tablecloths, bedspreads, curtains and drapes, rare items, family heirlooms, your own collections, souvenirs from travel and handmade items. If there are no paintings painted with your own hand, then you can decorate the walls with your favorite canvases, be it a reproduction of a painting by a Renaissance artist or a bright abstraction.

Boho style bedroom

The sleeping area may not be as shocking and colorful as other rooms. Calm beige, blue and green shades are welcome, but bright splashes can also be present. The center of the room is filled with a mass of pillows and bedspreads. There may be a canopy or a dream catcher above it. A flowing bedspread and curtains will give the room a relaxed atmosphere. Choose bed sheets with an ethnic pattern, but you can get by with a calmer linen set, complementing it with characteristic pillows and rugs. Paintings and plants are suitable as decorations.

Children's room in boho style

For a child's room, the boho style is perfect. A fabulous bright room, like something out of a fairy tale, will please any child. It is better to decorate the room in light colors, and convey the diversity using textiles. Colorful rugs, quilts made from scraps, children's toys and crafts - all this will bring the spirit of boho style into the room. One of the walls can even be painted so that children can show their creativity.

No. 9. Boho can be different, or Types of boho in interior design

People who love simplicity and minimalism in the interior and value symmetry and order really don’t like boho. Yes, an abundance of fabric, multi-colored and multi-style things can create a feeling of chaos, but this chaos should resemble creative chaos, but certainly not a dump of unnecessary things. It’s very difficult to balance on the brink, so the designers have identified several boho trends to make it easier for us to navigate and recreate the trends at home:

  • classic boho- these are ethnic motifs with a bias towards oriental theme. Canopies, screens, patterned rugs and textiles are held in high esteem. As for shades, preference is given to yellow and blue tones with a slight inclusion of brighter shades;
  • eco-boho assumes the use only natural materials, incl. brick, wood, stone are allowed paper wallpaper and metal (but not chrome) elements. The textiles used are mainly linen and cotton. This is a calmer boho direction, but bright colors must be used here too;

  • boho chic– this is an emphasis on expensive furniture made of wood and leather, expensive fabrics, solid accessories (collectible book editions, classical paintings, valuable vases and figurines). The riot of colors here is conveyed by a large number of bedspreads and carpets. Mirrors and paintings in chic frames, a fireplace, a lush bouquet of flowers, interesting textures and materials will become a decoration;

  • boho-hippie– the most chaotic of all directions. Ethnic ornaments, floral and animal motifs, souvenirs from different countries, hand-woven baubles, as well as fringe that hangs literally from everywhere are held in special esteem here. Lace and unimaginable combinations of colors and textures find their place in such an interior;
  • glamorous boho differs in overall light color scheme, against which bright beads on chandeliers, fur capes, numerous pillows, vintage items, posters of stars and modern paintings will be clearly visible.

No. 10. What else to consider when recreating the boho style in your apartment?

Is it fair to say that the main rule of boho is that there are no rules? Yes, but not really. To avoid turning your apartment into a barn, follow these tips from professional designers:

The boho style has existed for a long time, but has never gone into oblivion. He lives and develops, and all because he goes against the rules. This distinguishes it from other interior styles. This makes him almost hateful by some people. But I like it so much creative people who love everything unusual and non-standard.

The boho (Bohemian or gypsy) style originates from France and spread from there thanks to creative life nomadic students who decorated their temporary housing with improvised bright decor. The interior looks bright, overly colorful and rich, there is an organized disorder that is characteristic of the younger generation in wandering conditions.

In the photo there is a living room with yellow walls, a carpet with a bright print and leather poufs in oriental style, boho eclecticism combines the interiors of many nations.

  1. Antique and forgotten items for decoration can be found in your grandmother's chest or attic; things with family history will be distinctive feature interior design.
  2. There are no rules for combining colors, but in order to avoid emotional discomfort, it is better to think through the integrity of the design, alternating textures and colors of textiles.
  3. Homemade decor will become the best decoration boho interior.

Distinctive style features and colors

First of all, the boho style is distinguished by its range of bright natural colors and the boldness of their combination. The interior combines from 4 to 8 shades in different proportions and without following the rules of combination. The basis for color creativity is bedspreads, paths, panels, patterns on furniture, curtains and homemade lampshades.

Boho interior is loaded with an abundance of decor and a lot of accessories that create a feeling of disorder. All decorative items are important for style; only favorite and symbolic things for a person are used. The creative interior environment encourages the development of creativity, the ability to create new things and implement ideas.

Boho Features:

  • Wooden furniture and decor, a large amount of textiles.
  • Bright and at the same time natural colors(raspberry, light green, sky blue, marsh).
  • Abundance of decor.
  • Eclecticism (a combination of different textures and colors, borrowing from different styles).
  • Simple furniture, lack advanced technologies and trends.

The most popular colors in boho style are: red, blue, orange, grass, yellow. Berry and natural shades of these colors are used, there are no acidic combinations. Bright colors are combined in the interior without rules or precautions. In order not to overload the style with colors, the walls and background furniture can be white, gray or beige.

In the photo, the Bohemian interior of the living room combines modern bright panels with classic stucco on the fireplace.

Varieties of style

The boho style and the nature of its clutter are also different, so you can separate boho interior into the following categories:

  • eco-boho (with wooden furniture and natural textiles);
  • hippie-boho (with floral and animal prints, fringe, baubles and beads on floor lamps);
  • chic-boho (high-quality furniture and upholstery, expensive carpets, classic decor, clutter);
  • art-boho (modern paintings, rhinestones, crystal, glass, fur and satin decoration);
  • classic-boho (ethnic motifs, bright natural colors, combination of different furniture).

The photo shows a boho living room with a patchwork carpet, different finishes walls, a combination of metal and wood. Wooden ceiling with beams is not decorated with anything and is independent decoration style.

Apartment interior in boho style


The interior of a kitchen in the boho style is reminiscent of country in the simplicity of the set, where all kitchen appliances are hidden in built-in cabinets, since boho is not modern style.

Often instead of chairs there is a small sofa or sofa.

The photo on the right shows a fragment of a small boho kitchen with brick wallpaper, bright chairs and a soft corner.

Living room

A living room in boho style looks like a gallery or exhibition due to the abundance of decor, figurines, and flowers. The furniture here combines glass table with a leather sofa, fur rug, antique and modern wardrobe.

Fireplace, large panel, fabric floor lamps, velvet, poufs, forged design elements are combined in one room.


The bedroom is a platform for realizing your imagination; there is wooden or iron furniture on legs, an abundance of textiles, bedspreads and pillows.

The photo shows the bedroom in purple color with an openwork canopy and chest. Floral curtains in a cold shade they make the room cooler.

Antiques are combined in one interior with oriental motifs. It is better to choose shades that are as muted and pale as possible to promote relaxation.


In the boho interior, the children's room develops the creative curiosity and natural curiosity of the child.

The photo shows a children's room with classic wooden furniture and a bright designer chair. Boho is expressed in an abundance of flowers, patchwork bedspreads and a garland on the window.

Many textures develop tactile perception, and the abundance of colors does not let the baby get bored.

A patchwork blanket, crafts, soft pom-poms, flags, pillows, and a drawing wall will give your child bright memories.


A boho-style bathroom emphasizes vintage furniture (dressers and cabinets) and modern fixtures.

If there is a window, it should be decorated in classic style with lambrequin and garters. The decor will be walls with oriental or African designs on tiled friezes. Here you can set aside a wall for an art gallery or decorate it with a Moroccan rug.

Finishes and materials


In the boho style, the walls are decorated with plaster, plain paint, wallpaper with texture or ethnic patterns.

The photo shows a pink bedroom with walls decorated with colored wallpaper with a pattern, which combines oriental and classic motifs interior

Also in the interior, the walls act as a backdrop for colorful decor, so the pattern on the wallpaper should be neutral.


The floor in the boho interior is made of stone (marble, granite) or boards, light or dark laminate. The flooring is always decorated with carpet and runners.


It can be white, colored, single-level, plasterboard or with wooden beams.

Furniture selection

Furniture in a boho interior is a combination of classic and rustic furniture. Most often this is wooden furniture, simple massive and antique with carvings and bright upholstery.

Boho as a cluttered style combines leather armchairs, modern chairs, a Provence style buffet, a classic round sofa, wrought iron and a wicker rocking chair in one interior.

In the photo there is a yellow suede sofa and crimson armchairs with wooden frame. The carpet on the wall and floor is reminiscent of the creative eclecticism of the boho style.

Boho has no signs of chrome fittings, trim or glossy surfaces.

Selection of textiles and curtains

In the boho style there is never too much fabric; it hides the simplicity of life and old furniture. Textiles do not match each other in texture and color, this creates a Bohemian interior. Cotton is combined with satin, linen with velvet, almost the entire interior is created from boho-style fabric: chair covers, bedspreads, runners, carpets, rugs, poufs.

On curtains you can often find Moroccan or oriental designs, Indian and African motifs. Curtains should be as loose as possible, with drapery and abundant waves that will echo the canopy or tablecloth. Blinds, roller blinds, and tulle are also suitable.

Lighting and decor


There are as many sources in the room as needed for sufficient lighting; in the boho style, the emphasis is on appearance chandeliers and floor lamps.

You can decorate an ordinary lamp yourself by making a frame and hanging ribbons, lace, colored threads, and tassels. Suitable for the kitchen designer chandeliers from bottles or cans. Glass sconces can be painted stained glass paints, and fabric floor lamps are decorated in boho style with beads, beads and bugles.


The boho style is manifested in the little things, it is the complete opposite of minimalism, the shelves are replete with figurines, books, boxes, paintings, there are bright panels and paintings on the walls, there are a lot of plants on the windows, and collectibles are stored on the shelves and on the floor.

The boho interior emphasizes the creativity of the apartment; hand-embroidered, painted paintings, decoupage, and crafts made from wool and beads can hang on the wall.

The photo shows a bedroom, the simplicity of which is decorated with the maximum amount of textile decor to create comfort in a nomadic life.

Photo gallery

If you respect the line between bad taste and creativity, the boho style will make the interior of your apartment stand out from others. Eclecticism and the combination of opposites creates unique look room and makes it dynamic for change. Below are photo examples of boho style interiors in rooms for various functional purposes.

Bright, colorful interiors chock-full of accessories are not to everyone’s taste, but people who have difficulty parting with their favorite things will appreciate them. One example of the design of rooms with many different colors and styles of details is the boho interior, or boho-chic (boho-chic). This style is often called bohemian, and is associated with the region of Bohemia, where mainly gypsies lived - nomadic people, they did not care about the rules established in society and any conventions. In turn, Bohemians were people of art who also did not adhere to generally accepted rules, supported freedom of expression and lived a vibrant life.

The boho style in the interior fully complies with these principles - there are no mandatory rules according to which the color scheme of the room should be selected, furniture and accessories should be arranged. At the same time, the abundance of details does not create a feeling of a pile of unnecessary things and the rooms do not at all look like a landfill. Every little thing here has its own meaning.

“Dream House” will help you understand the features of this style today. Let's see together what kind of rooms can be created using the principles of boho-chic.

Main features of boho style in the interior

Perhaps, main feature Boho style in the interior is that natural materials are mostly used for repairs and decoration:

  • “boho” has a lot of wood and textiles;
  • the floor is most often wooden or stone, covered with all kinds of rugs;
  • You can rarely find wallpaper on the walls; it is either whitewashed, or plaster with painting, or wood.

High technologies in this style, if found at all, are quite rare, mostly only regarding the equipment necessary in the house. But simplicity in boho style is everywhere. Just look at this kitchen, where wide slats are nailed to the walls, and on them, in turn, shelves, utensils and all kinds of kitchen appliances are already hanging.

Boho style - green light for textiles

As we have already noted, in the boho style there are quite a lot of interior items made from textiles - these are all kinds sofa cushions and bedspreads, upholstery, curtains, kitchen textiles, tablecloths, covers for chairs and stools.

There is even a place for simple woven rugs, blankets and rags made from shreds. In turn, such simple accessories can coexist with expensive and antique furniture, modern household appliances and plumbing fixtures.

Boho chic - rich interior colors

Looking at interiors in the boho style, it can be noted that there is no specific principle of color combination - it is either one color, or a complete variety and mix of even incompatible shades. But one thing is for sure - boho style involves the use bright colors in the interior of any living room, kitchen or office, there is no place for boring design.

As you can see, furniture upholstery is often replete with patterns, but such patterns can be used in any detail. So, in addition to furniture, textiles, rugs and accessories, they can even be used in finishing, for example, the kitchen work area - kitchen apron.

Furniture for interior in boho style

Living rooms in the boho style are most often furnished with upholstered furniture, sometimes you can see leather sofas and armchairs, wooden rocking chairs With soft upholstery, wicker chairs.

There is room in the dining room wooden tables, benches and chairs, the legs of which can be either carved or metal.

Modern interior boho style

Colored and transparent plastic furniture fits well into the boho chic style, but antique or artificially aged pieces of furniture would be especially appropriate. Often the same chest or bag is used as furniture.

An abundance of accessories for a boho-chic interior

If in the minimalist style all kinds of figurines, sculptures, vases and other “bells and whistles” that clutter up precious space are not particularly welcome, then the boho style in the interior is bright that opposite. There are a lot of items on the shelves, window sills, coffee tables and even just on the floor. Large and small vases, sculptures, candlesticks will find their place in the living space of your apartment or house. And in the bedroom or workshop you can even put a mannequin, which you certainly won’t find in every home.

Boho chic style in the interior

And in conclusion, I would like to say that boho is not for everyone, but if you like cute things, then you should try to adapt it to yourself. After all, a lot of colors and details do not mean that your house will look like a gypsy camp.

Gypsy distinctive feature it is considered a deliberate display of wealth - all the gold that is there is put on at once.

Homes to match: accumulated porcelain and tapestries, antique carved furniture, marble... Of course, if you have the money.
Among the poorer gypsies, in the foreground there is also an exhibition of everything and everyone, with the difference that instead of marble there is a board, and instead of silk carpets there is a simpler rug:

2. In general, habitat gypsy habitats - Eastern Europe. How the owner of this home wandered into Provence is a mystery:

3. This girl has such a passion for sewing that even the door cash is not visible. Instead there is braid.

4. The gypsy soul knows no end either in decorations or flowers. The dining room is all in the colors of May:

5. Antique dishes. Spoons-forks – silver. Gypsies don't eat aluminum.

6. Due to the abundance of flaps, all the rooms in the house are mixed up so that you can’t tell where the bedroom is, where the living room is, where the kitchen is. An old sofa is visible through the thickness of the blankets, which means this is a formal living room:

7. There used to be a stable in this house. Upholstered with boards and hung with fabrics, now it is more like a tent for nomads.

8. In principle, there is no new furniture in the apartment - everything is old, in some places dilapidated.

9. Even the fabrics are mostly from grandma’s blankets:

12. But this room with a plate on the wall looks like a dining room:

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