Scholarships for excellent students. Scholarship and social support for students

1. What is GAS (state academic scholarship)?
GAS is received by students - state employees. A necessary requirement is academic performance of “good” and “excellent” without retakes or debts.
Before the first session, ALL 1st year public sector students receive GAS.

2. Who gets INCREASED GAS and how?
For SPECIAL achievements in educational, scientific, sports, social, cultural - creative activity a public sector student who receives the State Academic Scholarship has the right to receive an increased state academic scholarship (PGAS).
The competition for PGAS is held 2 times a year: in June and December. Submission of applications - electronically.

3. Who is eligible to receive a social scholarship?
Social scholarships are paid to certain categories of students - state employees upon provision of a document confirming their right to receive social scholarship(disability, orphanhood, Chernobyl survivor (or equivalent), combat veteran receiving social assistance). The deadlines for the documents are indicated on the document. The social assistance recipient's certificate is valid for a year.
Payment of the scholarship begins on the date of submission of documents and terminates when the student is expelled or from the first day of the month following the month of termination of the basis for its appointment.
The student must submit documents and an application for a scholarship to the educational office of his structural unit:
4. Increased social scholarship - what is it and how to get it?
Increased social scholarships are received by needy 1st and 2nd year public sector students based on the results of the session for “excellent” and “good” results. There is no need to provide any additional information or statements. The scholarship is awarded based on previously submitted documents and the results of the session. More details:

5. Is a commercial student eligible to receive a scholarship?
A commercial student has the right to participate in competitions for personal scholarships and foundation scholarships (in accordance with the Regulations on these scholarships).

6. What is the biggest scholarship?
The size of various scholarships at HSE varies from 400 rubles. per month up to 30 thousand rubles. per month. The student has the right to simultaneously participate in various scholarship competitions. Moreover, his total scholarship could actually amount to 40 thousand rubles. per month.

7. When will the scholarship be paid? On what dates are scholarship payments made?
All assigned scholarships for the current month are paid/transferred to MIR bank cards from the 25th of the current month to the 5th of the next month.
For all questions regarding accrual/payment of scholarships, transfers of funds to a bank card, please contact directly to accounting:

buh. Baykova O.V.: 8-495-772-95-90*113-20, buh. Zharikova D.A.: 8-495-772-95-90*116-87, book. Krivova A.S.: 8-495-772-95-90*117-51,115-76,

8. Where will I receive the scholarship, on what card?
To receive a scholarship on a MIR bank card, you must provide its details to.
Myasnitskaya st., building 20, office. K-425
(contacts of accounting department employees - see above).

9. What is ? This is a card that is issued to all students studying on a budget to pay for discounted travel on public transport.

10. How to apply for a MIR bank card?
Go to the accounting department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Monday-Friday, 9.30-18.00, break 13.00-14.00), fill out the form and provide copies of documents (passport, student ID).
About readiness and receipt bank cards You can check with the accounting department when filling out the form.

For graduates of Russian schools, one of the most difficult periods of their lives is coming to an end. The majority of recent schoolchildren successfully passed the Unified State Exam, received the results and applied to Russian universities for the specialties with which they dream of connecting their lives. While waiting for the announcement of the verdict and preparing for additional tests required for admission to budget places in the most popular educational institutions in the country, it’s time to ask what the scholarship will be in the 2017-2018 academic year. After all, what is a scholarship for a student? Often questions of actual survival and the need to find part-time jobs depend on it. Consequently, the size of the scholarship directly affects the quality of education and standard of living.

From this article you will learn:

Before you start detailed analysis, it is worth clarifying what the scholarship is.

A scholarship is financial assistance established at a certain level, which is provided to students of universities, colleges, technical schools, colleges and a number of other educational institutions, as well as cadets, graduate students and doctoral students.

The scholarship amounts, in most cases, are set by the educational institution itself, and, therefore, can differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those enrolled in contact form of education, are deprived of financial assistance from the state.

So, the average student of a state higher educational institution in Russia studying on a budget can count on the following types of scholarships:

  1. Academic– provided to full-time students who study at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debt. In other words, on this type payments can be calculated by those who only have “good” and “excellent” in their records. Although this is not the final indicator and the score for receiving a scholarship may vary in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Advanced academic The scholarship for students is awarded from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain high results in education or sports during the first year of study, as well as take direct part in cultural life of the educational institution.
  3. Social– paid to students in need of financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of documents provided confirming the corresponding right of a citizen to state aid. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean’s office.
  4. Increased social intended for socially vulnerable students during their 1st and 2nd year studies. Like a regular social scholarship, this scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under one condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Personalized government and presidential scholarships– payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

Amount of scholarships in the 2017-2018 academic year

As mentioned earlier, the dimensions financial payments students at different universities in Russia may differ due to the fact that the law gives educational institutions the opportunity to independently set the amount of scholarships, regulating only the lowest level of payments. All universities enjoy these rights, establishing scholarships for students in accordance with financial capabilities.

According to the changes made to the federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation”, three stages of increasing scholarships are planned:

1 in 20175,9 % 1419 rub.
2 in 20184,8 % 1487 rub.
3 in 20194,5 % 1554 rub.

It is obvious that for a student to have a normal life, it is not enough just to have good academic performance and no debt. It is necessary to strive to obtain the right to increased payments. For comparison, the average size The increased academic scholarship last academic year was about 7,000 rubles.

Today, the views of all Russian students are turned to the State Duma, where a bill has been introduced justifying the increase in scholarships to the level of the minimum wage, which means raising the minimum payment bar to 7,800 rubles.

Increased scholarships

The right to an increased social scholarship is granted on the basis of a package of documents confirming the special status of the student. Applicants for increased social benefits include:

  • orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Accrual of an increased academic scholarship is a complex process, since the amount of payments directly depends on the student’s rating and personal achievements. The amount of financial assistance, as well as the criteria for its applicants, is determined by each university independently.

If you are planning to compete for an increased academic scholarship, it is important to know that:

  • The scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis;
  • only 10% of students receiving a regular scholarship can qualify for increased payments;
  • The award decision is reviewed every semester.

An informational video was released for students of the Siberian Federal University on how to receive an increased scholarship. Perhaps it will shed light on some of your questions.

Personalized government and presidential scholarships in 2017-2018

For special achievements in studies and scientific work Students of universities of the Russian Federation are provided with a Presidential scholarship, which in the 2017-2018 academic year will be provided to 700 undergraduates and 300 graduate students in the amount of 2,000 rubles. and 4500 rub. respectively.

The number of students at a particular university will be determined by allocating quotas. The largest number of presidential scholarship recipients this year will be:

The distribution of quotas for graduate students for 2017-2018 gives the right to assert that the President's scholarship will be more accessible to scientists from the following universities:

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology7
2 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"7
3 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics7
4 Ural federal university them. Yeltsin6
5 Peter the Great St. Petersburg National Research University5

In addition to presidential awards, students can compete for other personal payments:

  • Moscow government scholarships;
  • regional scholarships;
  • scholarships commercial organizations: Potaninskaya, VTB Bank, Dr. Web, etc.

Why can a scholarship be revoked?

Most budget students expect to receive a scholarship upon admission. But, in practice, not all university students retain high level and get financial assistance throughout the entire training period. Loss of scholarship for many serious problem, and therefore it is worth finding out in advance what can lead to such negative consequences and strive to avoid such situations.

So, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a student is deprived of a scholarship if:

  • the student systematically skips classes;
  • at the end of the academic semester there is academic debt;
  • grades below the “good” level appear in the record book.

You will also have to say goodbye to the scholarship when you switch to correspondence form training and when applying for academic leave. However, all these reasons are well known and lead not only to the loss of a scholarship, but also to expulsion from the university.

Last year, deputies of the State Duma of Russia promised to consider a draft law that would initiate an increase in scholarships for students studying under state orders and full-time graduate students. The question of the level of this payment is quite acute - the realities of today indicate that the scholarship award does not at all correspond to the costs of providing at least a student. All this forces young Russians to look for opportunities for additional income, and often this happens to the detriment of gaining knowledge in the field.

The Russian government is moving into austerity mode, and it is not yet known how this will affect the amount of scholarship payments

News from the government

Not long ago it became known that the Ministry of Finance initiated a reduction in budget allocations for the implementation of state programs “Development of Education” and “Development of Science and Technology.” In late July 2016, Dmitry Medvedev, who holds the post of Prime Minister of the country, held a meeting to develop approaches to optimizing these programs and other expenditure items. The result was a decision to freeze general budget expenditures in the amount of 15.78 trillion rubles per year for the period from 2017 to 2019.

So far, the leadership of the Ministry of Education says that the scholarship fund will not be the item on which they will save - we're talking about on reducing investments in the construction and repair of educational buildings and dormitories of universities, colleges, technical schools and other educational institutions. But let's figure out what consequences Russian students and graduate students can expect from these measures.

Indexation of scholarships in 2017

Last year, Dmitry Livanov, head of the Ministry of Education and Science, announced that scholarships should be indexed according to current indicators. Debate on this issue went on for quite a long time and were accompanied by an intense struggle between departments. Thus, representatives from the Ministry of Education insisted that scholarship payments should be increased by as much as 20%.

The Ministry of Finance said that the state of the budget does not allow this step to be taken, and the government was considering issues of a general reduction in the budget burden, figuring out how to reduce its expenditure side. The entire debate ended with the adoption of standards defining the amount of academic and social benefits for university students, according to which in 2017 Russian students should not expect an increase in scholarships.

However, in 2016, scholarships were raised slightly. Let us recall that Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which the cost of living was set at 9,662 rubles, which is significantly higher than the amount of payments due to students. The Ministry of Education spoke about the need to reconsider scholarships, emphasizing that higher payments will pay for themselves in the future.

Students will be able to devote more time to studying and acquiring professional skills, since financing their current needs for food and accommodation will allow them to abandon the search for additional income. Ultimately, the country will benefit from having competent specialists. Well, payments, of course, increased, but on average they never reached the minimum threshold required to live in Russia.

In 2017, scholarships will not reach the cost of living

Amount of scholarships in 2017

It is expected that in 2017, undergraduate and graduate students will be able to count on the following amounts of remuneration for their studies:

  • the maximum amount of a regular scholarship will be up to 10,000 rubles, however, not every student will be able to count on such a reward amount. The amount of scholarships varies depending on the region and city of Russia in which the educational institution is located. The minimum scholarship has a clear link to the subsistence level of the region, and the size of this indicator is different parts countries may have discrepancies of up to several thousand rubles. Only some categories of students from capital universities can count on the significant figure of 10,000;
  • the initial level of scholarships for bachelors, master's and specialist students is a much more modest amount - 1,340 rubles per month;
  • scholarships for college students are even more modest - payments start at 487 rubles;
  • The situation looks somewhat better for those who pass the sessions with grades 4 and 5. Thus, for good students, based on the results of the session, a scholarship is provided in the amount of 1400-2200 to 6000 rubles, and for excellent students - from 5000 to 7000;
  • the amount of scholarships awarded by the President of the country to citizens who carry out research of national importance will average up to 7,000 rubles for students and 11,000-14,000 for graduate students;
  • A separate article includes presidential scholarships, which are awarded, including to undergraduate and full-time graduate students who carry out promising developments in the field of modernization and development. This payment can reach 22,800 rubles;
  • Regular postgraduate payments are 2,637 rubles. If postgraduate study is in a technical specialty, this payment may increase to 6,350 rubles per month;
  • for certain categories of students, social scholarships are provided, which reach 730-2010 rubles, depending on the region of residence or study.

A student can become a recipient of an increased scholarship in 2019 in two cases, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 28, 2013, namely:

  1. student who has distinguished himself with particular success in various areas activities (such as study, science, sports, cultural, creative and social activities) or,
  2. if you are studying in the first or second year, you are studying at “four” and “five” and are recognized as needing additional financial support.

For convenience, we will divide these two categories of those receiving increased scholarships into “merit” and “needy” and derive general criteria for these two types:

  • training financed from the federal budget
  • obtaining higher education
  • Full-time education

General provisions

1) Increased cash payments are assigned by the educational institution within the limits of the funds provided for increasing the scholarship fund

2) The number of students applying for increased cash payments cannot be more than 10% of the total number of state-funded students

3) The decision to award an increased scholarship remains with the academic council (in addition to the criteria listed below, if a similar situation arises for several students, other criteria developed by the educational institution, such as academic rating, can be applied), but at the same time, priority should be given students in more advanced courses.

Now let's move on to category 1 (for merit)

The amount of the increased scholarship is determined by the educational institution based on its scholarship fund. The minimum amount is not fixed by law; it should also be noted that the increased payment includes the amount of the academic scholarship. The student must meet all or at least one of the criteria for each activity:

1. Study

  • Passing the previous two sessions only with “excellent” and “good” marks, of which at least 50% were A’s
  • Recognition of a student as the winner of a special competition aimed at identifying his educational potential in the previous two years

2. Science

  • Availability of documents certifying receipt of an award or grant for research work or the exclusive right to scientific result intellectual activity
  • Availability of publications in this field of knowledge
  • Other other (e.g. speaking) outstanding achievements in this field

3. Social activities

  • Constant participation in organizing and conducting various types of events
  • Constant participation in informatization of students about socially significant processes
  • Student entry into one of public organizations for at least 1 year
  • Systematic assistance in ensuring the protection of students’ rights
  • Carrying out gratuitous activities of a socially beneficial type

4. Culture and creativity

  • Availability of documents confirming the results of activities in this area for 2 years
  • Public presentation during the 1st year of a self-created work of art and literature
  • Systematic assistance to the institution in conducting cultural and creative events

5. Sports

  • Awards and prizes confirming sporting achievements
  • Regular participation in sporting events

Category 2 (needy)

Students of 1-2 years studying at “4” and “5” can count on receiving an increased scholarship for those in need.

The law classifies the following categories of students as needy:

  • your family income per person is below the subsistence level in your region Russian Federation(availability of a confirming certificate from the social protection authority)
  • You are an orphan or a student without parental care
  • disabled person of the first and second groups
  • You are a victim of actions that took place at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or other actions related to radiation disasters
  • You are no more than twenty years old and at the same time you have only one parent left - a disabled person of the first group
  • Are you disabled or a combat veteran?

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2012 N 679 minimum size increased scholarship paid to this category - 6307 rubles taking into account the amount of academic and (or) social scholarships that are paid to the student.

To receive an increased scholarship, you will need to study well and actively participate in all endeavors of your higher education institution. You don’t have to spread yourself thin and not participate in all types of activities, but at least choose one direction. And if you belong to the category of those in need, then collect everything Required documents, confirming your appropriate status and reporting this to the dean’s office. But remember – the final word belongs to the educational council. Increased scholarships in colleges is assigned by decision of your secondary vocational institution.

New in 2019

The Russian government proposed to increase the size student scholarships by 4.3% in 2019. The initiative was formed within the framework of the draft federal budget for 2019–2021.

“The draft federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021 proposes an increase in budget allocations in connection with the indexation of the scholarship fund for students from September 1,” says the explanatory materials for the project.

In 2019, the Cabinet proposes to index scholarships by 4.3%, in 2020 by 3.8% and in 2021 by 4.0%.

In 2018, the volume of the scholarship fund was indexed by 4%.

At the beginning of 2019, the average stipend for a first-year student was 1,484 rubles. Payments are assigned to full-time students studying on a budget basis and who completed the last semester with “good” and “excellent” marks. Increased scholarship for academic excellence and social activities averages 8,755 rubles.

Some students enrolled in a college, technical school or higher education institution have the opportunity to receive monthly scholarship amounts. The amount of the state academic scholarship is calculated based on the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Types of government scholarships

Regulation of standards for the formation, accrual, and payment of scholarships occurs in accordance with the provisions

  1. Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  3. Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

These legislative acts establish and also secure the right of students of secondary and higher educational institutions to apply for monetary incentives in the form of scholarships.

Scholarship awards can be divided into several types:

  • social;
  • academic;
  • increased state academic scholarship;
  • personal (paid to a specific person);
  • target (intended for a student admitted in the direction);
  • appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government (based on a decree or relevant resolution).

The calculation of the amount for each type of material incentive will be different.

Please note: one student may be awarded several types of cash payments, or none. For example, an excellent orphan student can receive an increased and social sum, since both grounds are present for this appointment.

Amounts of monetary incentives are paid from the established scholarship fund. Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” states that the size of the fund is determined by the number of full-time students admitted to budget places through competition, for each level of education and categories (bachelor, master, graduate student).

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Appointment Criteria

An academic scholarship is awarded to those candidates who meet all the criteria:

  • study full-time at an educational institution at the expense of funds from the state budget (both Russian and foreign citizens);
  • during the session period, the candidate received only positive assessments (marks “satisfactory” are excluded);
  • The student completed the curriculum without any debts in the disciplines.

In the first year of study, all state-funded students receive a cash payment before the first session. Based on its results, the following scholarship amounts will be awarded.

Important: students who receive at least one “satisfactory” mark during the session period are deprived of the right to receive a state academic scholarship.

Candidates for receiving monetary incentives transferred from another educational institution, or from a paid one to budget place, can become scholarship holders. To do this, students must meet the conditions for appointment as an academician, that is, successfully pass all exams and tests. Based on the results of the first session of such a student, the head of the educational institution prepares a draft order on the appointment of monetary incentives.

While on academic leave, for example, for pregnancy and child care, the student retains the right to receive monetary incentives. This means that payments are not suspended.

Who is eligible for a social scholarship?

The purpose of the social scholarship is somewhat different, since only certain categories of students can receive it in accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”:

  • and those left without parental care;
  • 1, 2 groups;
  • received a military injury or illness during service;
  • citizens who have served at least 3 years under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other government agencies.
Please note: the status of such citizens must be documented. This gives grounds for receiving social cash payments.

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Required documents

To receive a state academic scholarship, a special application is not required.

The day of assignment of social benefits is the date of submission of the document on state social assistance to the educational institution.

The scholarship holder submits the following documents to receive social benefits:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of family composition.
  3. Document confirming residence in the hostel.
  4. Certificate of confirmation from the educational institution.
  5. Documents about income, if there is a source of income.

Social scholarships are confirmed every year, so the candidate must know the application procedure.

For graduate students, as well as doctoral students, the assignment of monetary payments for successful completion of the curriculum occurs in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1663. The distribution of amounts is carried out by the university student council.

Please note: any monetary payment is assigned only by order of the head of the university. Download for viewing and printing:

Who is paid an increased academic scholarship?

Students have the opportunity, in addition to the usual payment from the educational institution, to receive an increased state academic scholarship.

This incentive measure is provided for those students who:

  • showed the best educational results (only excellent grades, or if the educational institution provides a percentage of “good” marks);
  • participated in the research activities of the educational institution (scientific conferences);
  • won sports awards;
  • participated in the cultural and social life of the educational institution.
Important point: the calculation of the amount of increased monetary incentives depends on the educational institution and is established by it internal orders.

To receive an increased amount of incentives, the candidate will need to submit his characteristics with the described achievements, a copy of the grade book, as well as a copy of documents on special achievements

Termination of payments

The reasons why a student may not receive scholarship payments are:

  1. Availability of academic debt in disciplines.
  2. Receiving a “satisfactory” grade for the session period.
  3. Expulsion of a student from an educational institution.
  4. Transfer to distance learning.
  5. Student's academic leave.
Please note: the payment of monetary incentives can only be restored based on the results of the next training session. If the student receives positive grades and passes everything on time.

Amount of academic payments

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the amount of the academic scholarship is determined by the educational institution, taking into account the standards stipulated by the Government of the Russian Federation and inflation.

For 2018, academic scholarships are represented by the following amounts:

  • 487 rub. for scholarship holders of mid-level educational institutions;
  • Not less than 1340 rub. for regular payment;
  • From 11 to 14 thousand rubles. for graduate students, subject to their active participation in the life of the university and excellent academic performance;
  • Up to 20 thousand rubles. presidential scholarship standard, paid one-time (1500 - 4500 rubles per month);
  • About 1000 rub. for students from disadvantaged families (performance does not affect the payment).
Important: an educational institution can set its own amounts of a state academic scholarship, but not lower than the standard prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

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