Drawing lesson on insects. Summary of educational activities with children of the preparatory group in kindergarten with a presentation. Insects. Drawing on the topic “Insects” - OOD notes on drawing using non-traditional techniques “Such different butterflies” in the old days

Creative project V preparatory group

The mysterious world of insects

Chekrygina Larisa Anatolyevna

Project type- cognitive and creative.

Project participants

Project duration- 2 weeks.

Objective of the project

Project objectives:

Project implementation stages:


2. Main

3. Final.

Expected results:



Situational conversations on the topic.

Children's messages about insects.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic creativity



Collaboration with family

Final event


"The mysterious world of insects."

Project type- cognitive and creative.

Project participants- children, teachers, parents, music director.

Project duration- 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world of insects.

Project objectives:

1. Develop cognitive interest in the world of insects, encourage curiosity and search activity about the life of insects, their structure, methods of movement.

2. Promote the activation of joint activities with peers, parents and teachers.

3. Develop creativity in productive activities.

4. Foster a caring, environmentally conscious attitude towards nature.

Project implementation stages:


Studying methodological literature on this topic

Informing parents about the project;

Preparation of material and equipment.

2. Main

Collection and systematization of information about insects living in the Leningrad region:

Conducting conversations and didactic games to expand ideas about insects;

Creation of collective works “Insects”, “Dragonflies on the pond”, “Visiting a clattering fly”, drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “In a forest clearing”.

3. Final.

Organization of an exhibition of children's collective works;

Compiling a card index of reports about insects (made by children and parents at home);

Carrying out musical leisure “On a sunny clearing”.

Expected results:

Children must master the general concept of “insects”, know and name insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper);

Have a basic understanding of some features appearance(jumping, flying, running), sounds made (buzzing, jumping), where and how insects hibernate.

Know about the benefits that insects bring to people and plants.

The main directions of project implementation in educational areas:


Observing insects in the natural environment.

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Insects”.

Getting to know the circuit distinctive features insects

Examination of illustrations, photographs, encyclopedias depicting insects, the collection “Insects and their friends.”

Observing the flight of a helicopter, comparing it with a dragonfly.

Didactic games “Gifts of Nature”, “Good - Bad”, “The Fourth is Extra”.


Situational conversations on the topic.

Children's messages about insects.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic creativity

Drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “On a Sunny Meadow”.

Application “Dragonflies on the pond”

Modeling “Insects” (from natural material), "Visiting a fly - clattering sounds."

Reading fiction

K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”, “Cockroach”, V. Stepanov “Dragonfly”, magazine “Maya the Bee”, V. Bragin “In the Land of Dense Herbs”, G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, V. Bianki “Adventures” ants”, N. Abramov “The Tale of a Cheerful Bee”, Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and the Ant”, S. Mikhailov “Forest Mansions”, Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, V. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”. Riddles about insects. Learning poetry for musical leisure.


Carrying out work assignments, cleaning the workplace.

Making butterflies - masks for the matinee, grasshopper hats together with the teacher.


Conversations: “Rules of behavior in nature: in the forest, in the field..”, “Why you need to protect nature”, “How to protect yourself from dangerous insects", "About bites and first aid."

Collaboration with family

Preparing messages on the topic: parents write down information, children draw.

Final event

“In a sunny clearing” - musical leisure.


1. Shorygina T.A. Insects. What are they? - M., 2004

2. Skorolupova O.A. Spring. Insects, migratory birds, - M., 2010

3. Blinova G.M. Cognitive development children 5 - 7 years old. - M., 2010 Creative project in the preparatory group on the topic:

"The mysterious world of insects."

Project type- cognitive and creative.

Project participants- children, teachers, parents, music director.

Project duration- 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world of insects.

Project objectives:

1. Develop cognitive interest in the world of insects, encourage curiosity and search activity about the life of insects, their structure, methods of movement.

2. Promote the activation of joint activities with peers, parents and teachers.

3. Develop creativity in productive activities.

4. Foster a caring, environmentally conscious attitude towards nature.

Project implementation stages:


Studying methodological literature on this topic

Informing parents about the project;

Preparation of material and equipment.

2. Main

Collection and systematization of information about insects living in the Leningrad region:

Conducting conversations and didactic games to expand ideas about insects;

Creation of collective works “Insects”, “Dragonflies on the pond”, “Visiting a clattering fly”, drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “In a forest clearing”.

3. Final.

Organization of an exhibition of children's collective works;

Compiling a card index of reports about insects (made by children and parents at home);

Carrying out musical leisure “On a sunny clearing”.

Expected results:

Children must master the general concept of “insects”, know and name insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper);

Have the simplest ideas about some features of their appearance (jumping, flying, running), the sounds they make (buzzing, jumping), where and how insects hibernate.

Know about the benefits that insects bring to people and plants.

The main directions of project implementation in educational areas:


Observing insects in the natural environment.

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Insects”.

Familiarization with the diagram of the distinctive features of insects.

Examination of illustrations, photographs, encyclopedias depicting insects, the collection “Insects and their friends.”

Observing the flight of a helicopter, comparing it with a dragonfly.

Didactic games “Gifts of Nature”, “Good - Bad”, “The Fourth is Extra”.


Situational conversations on the topic.

Children's messages about insects.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic creativity

Drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “On a Sunny Meadow”.

Application “Dragonflies on the pond”

Modeling “Insects” (from natural material), “Visiting a fly - clattering sounds”.

Reading fiction

K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”, “Cockroach”, V. Stepanov “Dragonfly”, magazine “Maya the Bee”, V. Bragin “In the Land of Dense Herbs”, G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, V. Bianki “Adventures” ants”, N. Abramov “The Tale of a Cheerful Bee”, Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and the Ant”, S. Mikhailov “Forest Mansions”, Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, V. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”. Riddles about insects. Learning poetry for musical leisure.


Carrying out work assignments, cleaning the workplace.

Making butterflies - masks for the matinee, grasshopper hats together with the teacher.


Conversations: “Rules of conduct in nature: in the forest, in the field..”, “Why you need to protect nature”, “How to protect yourself from dangerous insects”, “About bites and first aid”.

Collaboration with family

Preparing messages on the topic: parents write down information, children draw.

Final event

“In a sunny clearing” - musical leisure.


1. Shorygina T.A. Insects. What are they? - M., 2004

2. Skorolupova O.A. Spring. Insects, migratory birds, - M., 2010

3. Blinova G.M. Cognitive development of children 5 - 7 years old. - M., 2010 Creative project in the preparatory group on the topic:

"The mysterious world of insects."

Project type- cognitive and creative.

Project participants- children, teachers, parents, music director.

Project duration- 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world of insects.

Project objectives:

1. Develop cognitive interest in the world of insects, encourage curiosity and search activity about the life of insects, their structure, methods of movement.

2. Promote the activation of joint activities with peers, parents and teachers.

3. Develop creativity in productive activities.

4. Foster a caring, environmentally conscious attitude towards nature.

Project implementation stages:


Studying methodological literature on this topic

Informing parents about the project;

Preparation of material and equipment.

2. Main

Collection and systematization of information about insects living in the Leningrad region:

Conducting conversations and didactic games to expand ideas about insects;

Creation of collective works “Insects”, “Dragonflies on the pond”, “Visiting a clattering fly”, drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “In a forest clearing”.

3. Final.

Organization of an exhibition of children's collective works;

Compiling a card index of reports about insects (made by children and parents at home);

Carrying out musical leisure “On a sunny clearing”.

Expected results:

Children must master the general concept of “insects”, know and name insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper);

Have the simplest ideas about some features of their appearance (jumping, flying, running), the sounds they make (buzzing, jumping), where and how insects hibernate.

Know about the benefits that insects bring to people and plants.

The main directions of project implementation in educational areas:


Observing insects in the natural environment.

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Insects”.

Familiarization with the diagram of the distinctive features of insects.

Examination of illustrations, photographs, encyclopedias depicting insects, the collection “Insects and their friends.”

Observing the flight of a helicopter, comparing it with a dragonfly.

Didactic games “Gifts of Nature”, “Good - Bad”, “The Fourth is Extra”.


Situational conversations on the topic.

Children's messages about insects.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic creativity

Drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “On a Sunny Meadow”.

Application “Dragonflies on the pond”

Modeling “Insects” (from natural material), “Visiting a fly - clattering sounds”.

Reading fiction

K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”, “Cockroach”, V. Stepanov “Dragonfly”, magazine “Maya the Bee”, V. Bragin “In the Land of Dense Herbs”, G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, V. Bianki “Adventures” ants”, N. Abramov “The Tale of a Cheerful Bee”, Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and the Ant”, S. Mikhailov “Forest Mansions”, Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, V. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”. Riddles about insects. Learning poetry for musical leisure.


Carrying out work assignments, cleaning the workplace.

Making butterflies - masks for the matinee, grasshopper hats together with the teacher.


Conversations: “Rules of conduct in nature: in the forest, in the field..”, “Why you need to protect nature”, “How to protect yourself from dangerous insects”, “About bites and first aid”.

Collaboration with family

Preparing messages on the topic: parents write down information, children draw.

Final event

“In a sunny clearing” - musical leisure.


1. Shorygina T.A. Insects. What are they? - M., 2004

2. Skorolupova O.A. Spring. Insects, migratory birds, - M., 2010

3. Blinova G.M. Cognitive development of children 5 - 7 years old. - M., 2010 Creative project in the preparatory group on the topic:

"The mysterious world of insects."

Project type- cognitive and creative.

Project participants- children, teachers, parents, music director.

Project duration- 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world of insects.

Project objectives:

1. Develop cognitive interest in the world of insects, encourage curiosity and search activity about the life of insects, their structure, methods of movement.

2. Promote the activation of joint activities with peers, parents and teachers.

3. Develop creativity in productive activities.

4. Foster a caring, environmentally conscious attitude towards nature.

Project implementation stages:


Studying methodological literature on this topic

Informing parents about the project;

Preparation of material and equipment.

2. Main

Collection and systematization of information about insects living in the Leningrad region:

Conducting conversations and didactic games to expand ideas about insects;

Creation of collective works “Insects”, “Dragonflies on the pond”, “Visiting a clattering fly”, drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “In a forest clearing”.

3. Final.

Organization of an exhibition of children's collective works;

Compiling a card index of reports about insects (made by children and parents at home);

Carrying out musical leisure “On a sunny clearing”.

Expected results:

Children must master the general concept of “insects”, know and name insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper);

Have the simplest ideas about some features of their appearance (jumping, flying, running), the sounds they make (buzzing, jumping), where and how insects hibernate.

Know about the benefits that insects bring to people and plants.

The main directions of project implementation in educational areas:


Observing insects in the natural environment.

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Insects”.

Familiarization with the diagram of the distinctive features of insects.

Examination of illustrations, photographs, encyclopedias depicting insects, the collection “Insects and their friends.”

Observing the flight of a helicopter, comparing it with a dragonfly.

Didactic games “Gifts of Nature”, “Good - Bad”, “The Fourth is Extra”.


Situational conversations on the topic.

Children's messages about insects.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic creativity

Drawing “Beauty Butterfly”, “On a Sunny Meadow”.

Application “Dragonflies on the pond”

Modeling “Insects” (from natural material), “Visiting a fly - clattering sounds”.

Reading fiction

K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”, “Cockroach”, V. Stepanov “Dragonfly”, magazine “Maya the Bee”, V. Bragin “In the Land of Dense Herbs”, G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, V. Bianki “Adventures” ants”, N. Abramov “The Tale of a Cheerful Bee”, Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and the Ant”, S. Mikhailov “Forest Mansions”, Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, V. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”. Riddles about insects. Learning poetry for musical leisure.


Carrying out work assignments, cleaning the workplace.

Making butterflies - masks for the matinee, grasshopper hats together with the teacher.


Conversations: “Rules of conduct in nature: in the forest, in the field..”, “Why you need to protect nature”, “How to protect yourself from dangerous insects”, “About bites and first aid”.

Collaboration with family

Preparing messages

Natalya Krasovskaya
Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic activities in the preparatory group on the topic “Insects of the meadows”

Summary of GCD on artistic and aesthetic activities in the preparatory group.

Subject: Meadow insects

1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about insects;

2. Activate, enrich lexicon children by topic;

3. Teach children how to maintain health using health-saving technologies (breathing exercises, physical exercises);

4. Development fine motor skills hands, secure method "dipping" And "poke".

5. Educate careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: recording with music, watercolor paints, napkins, sippy cups and brushes. Layouts of colorful flowers, colorful silhouettes insects.

Educator: Hello! Children, do you like to travel? I want to invite you to go to a fairy meadow. Want to? Here is a path in front of us that will lead us to the meadow. Let's go! (Children approach the improvised meadow).


What is a meadow?

A carpet of grass all around.

Decorative corollas of flowers,

Voiced grasshoppers,

Playful moths

Beetles are leisurely.

With sweet honey bees,

Quail song.

Mint aroma,

Summer's tender look

And up to the white flies

A shepherd with a pipe.

Educator: Smile at each other. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and calmly. Imagine... We are in a meadow. A warm breeze is blowing. The sun is shining. We're lying on soft green grass. Dragonflies fly, butterflies flutter from flower to flower. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing, a grasshopper is chirping. (Quiet music sounds "Sounds nature: in the meadow")

Breathing exercises "Breeze"

Educator: Take the flower in your hand and blow. Take more air into your mouth without puffing out your cheeks, round your lips and pull them forward. Blow strongly without interrupting your breathing. Like this (showing to children). Now try to do it yourself. (Children perform the exercise 3-4 times.)

What great guys you are, how good you are at blowing, and do you like to solve riddles? The children solve riddles, and the teacher plants a flower for each flower. insect.

Even though they sting painfully,

We are satisfied with their work. (Bee)

Jumping Champion

Jumps and jumps across the meadows. (Grasshopper)

In the fall he will climb into the crack,

And in the spring he will wake up. (Fly)

Furry Belly

It sat in the flower's ear. (Bumblebee)

Born in water

And he is afraid of water. (Dragonfly)

Red wings, black peas.

Who is this walking on my palm? (Ladybug)

It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

2. Talk with children about insects.

Educator: Guys! Which ones else do you know? insects? By what criteria do you determine Is it an insect or not?? (antennae, 6 legs, head, chest, abdomen, sting, wings).

What benefits do they bring? insects? (pollinate plants, provide food for birds, bring honey, silk) How harmful insects you know? (cockroach, fly, mosquito, Colorado beetle) Why do some brightly colored insects, but others don’t? Tell us what they can do insects? (fly, jump, chirp, sting, flutter)

3. Didactic game "Pick a sign"

4. Educator: Guys, we remembered different insects, repeated where they live, fixed the structure of the body. Now let's draw them.

Children go to the tables and make a pencil sketch of what they like. insect according to sample cards.

Then it is carried out finger gymnastics "Bee"

Arrived to us yesterday

Striped bee. (Waving their palms.)

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly (For each title insect bend one finger.)

Like lantern eyes. (Make circles from your fingers and bring them to your eyes.)

They buzzed, they flew, (Waving their palms.)

They fell from fatigue. (They drop their palms on the table.)

The lesson continues and the children begin to carefully paint with watercolors. When working with paints, the method used is "dipping" And "poke". During the practical part, quiet music from the cycle is played "Sounds nature: in the meadow", I'm keeping an eye on correct posture children.

5. Summing up:

Well done boys! Did you enjoy your visit? insects? What do you remember most? What games did we play? What did you find difficult?

Publications on the topic:

Application “A squirrel walked through the forest” in the preparatory group. Objectives: teach carefully, cut out parts, stick them according to the sample; develop.

Application Topic: “Flower Meadow” Purpose: Creating a social situation of development in the process of artistic and aesthetic activity. Tasks:.

Drawing Topic: “Berry” Goal: Creating a social situation of development in the process of artistic and aesthetic activity. Tasks: -show.

Abstract of artistic and aesthetic activities “Spring has come. Birds" ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada" D/s No. 72 "Podsolnushek" Synopsis of artistic and aesthetic activities

Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic activities in the preparatory group.

Subject: Insects

1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about insects;
2. Activate and enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic;
3. Teach children how to maintain health using health-saving technologies (breathing exercises, physical exercises);

4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands, reinforcing the “dipping” and “poking” method.
5. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: cards with insects, recording with music, insect toys, watercolor paints, napkins, cups and brushes.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Hello guys! I want to invite you to visit the insects.
I have prepared many tasks for you, interesting games, which you and I will play. (Children sit on chairs)

Let's start our lesson with breathing exercises"Spider"
What great guys you are, how good you are at blowing, and do you like to solve riddles? Children guess riddles, and the teacher shows toys.
1. Two flowers moved
All four petals.
I wanted to catch him -
He took off and flew away. (butterfly)

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (grasshopper)

I worked all year round
You will have fragrant honey. (bee)

Masters without axes
They cut down the hut without corners. (ant)

2. Talk with children about insects.
Educator: Guys! What other insects do you know? By what signs do you determine whether it is an insect or not? (antennae, 6 legs, head, chest, abdomen, sting, wings).

What benefits do insects provide? (pollinate plants, provide food for birds, bring honey, silk) What harmful insects You know? (cockroach, fly, mosquito, Colorado potato beetle) Why do some insects have bright colors and others not? Tell us what insects can do? (fly, jump, chirp, sting, flutter...)

3. D/i “Beast bird, fish, insect, fable...” (ball game)

4. Children go to the tables and make a pencil sketch of the insect they like using sample cards.

Then a physical exercise “Butterfly” is carried out

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

(torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(torso in front, back.)

He moved, stretched,

(hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew,

(hands up, right, left.)

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly is spinning and curling.

(spin around)

The lesson continues and the children begin to carefully paint with watercolors. When working with paints, the “dipping” and “poking” method is used. While working, children listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky "April"

5. Summing up:
Well done boys! Did you enjoy visiting the insects? What do you remember most? What games did we play? What did you find difficult?

Samples of work are attached:

Summary of the event on Visual Arts

"Flowers and Insects."

(teacher for visual arts at MBDOU TsRR – d/s No. 69 “Unicum” of the city of Stavropol)

Educational field "Visual activities".

Integration of areas: “Cognitive development”, “ Speech development», « Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Program content

Goal: To create interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; cultivate interest in art creative activity.

Educational objectives: 1. To develop the ability to fluently use a pencil and brush when making rounded lines and curls in different directions.

2. Learn to see the beauty of the created image in the transmission of shape, smoothness, unity of lines or their subtlety, elegance, rhythmic arrangement of lines, uniform shading of the picture.

Developmental tasks: 1. To develop freedom and at the same time accuracy of hand movements under visual control, their smoothness and rhythm.

2. Develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, experiences; the ability to independently create artistic images.

Educational tasks: 1. Cultivate interest in artistic and creative activities.

2. Foster love and respect for works of art.

Health and Safety: Use different kinds gymnastics

Preliminary work with children: Introducing children to the new technique of drawing double (mirror symmetrical) images with watercolors (Monotype) on previously prepared album sheets (flower meadow).

Preliminary work of the teacher:

Prepare demonstration and handout materials.

Vocabulary work: landscape, composition, color scheme, “Monotype” - subject.

Methodical techniques:

Gaming (use of surprise moments).

Visual (use of illustrations, multimedia images).

Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).

Encouragement, lesson analysis.

Equipment: graphite pencils according to the number of children, honey watercolors according to the number of children, brushes according to the number of children, album sheets, glasses, napkins for each child, multimedia equipment.

Demonstration material: presentation on the topic.

Handouts: graphite pencils according to the number of children, honey watercolors according to the number of children, brushes according to the number of children, album sheets, glasses, napkins for each child.

Planned result: at the end of the lesson, children are able to master the non-traditional drawing technique “Monotype” - subject-based, liberated in actions and emotions.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: game “Transformations”.

Surprise moment: the appearance of a butterfly.

Finger gymnastics.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson content:

Educator: Hello guys! Guests came to our lesson, say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, please look at the picture and tell me what our lesson is about.

( 1 slide – flowers, insects )

Children: Our lesson is dedicated to flowers and insects.

Educator: Right. Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes, we love fairy tales.

Educator: Have you ever heard a fairy tale about a little elf?

Children: No, we haven't heard.

Educator: Do you want me to tell it to you?

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator: Then, listen.

“One day, early spring morning, a flower elf was born in a forest clearing. He was very small and knew nothing in life. Opening his eyes, he saw cups of flowers.”

( Slide 2 – little elf )

Music started playing, flower children ran out and stood in two rows.

The elf from the flower stands up and speaks.

Elf: Oh, what amazing world. Who you are?

Flower children read poetry.

(3 slide – cornflower flower)

1 child: Vasilek

Like by the river by the river

The cornflowers turned blue

Interspersed with spikelets

They look with blue eyes.

Middle yellow,

And the leaf is blue.

Cornflower blue eyes

In my Russia.

(4 slide – chamomile flower)

2nd child: Chamomile

You go out for a walk in the field -

You can meet me.

My petals are so tender

So thin and snow-white,

The middle is yellow

Looks like a fashionable hat.

So as not to spoil the beauty,

Everyone needs to take care of flowers!

(5 slide – dandelion flower)

3rd child: Dandelion

And I'm a humble field worker

Dandelion is white.

As soon as the breeze blows,

I will fly boldly.

To the fields and meadows,

I would like to settle there

To sometimes in summer

Dress up in yellow.

(6 slide – poppy flower)

4th child: Mac

As soon as the sun rises -

The poppy will bloom in the garden.

Cabbage Butterfly

It will fall on the flower.

Look, the flower

Two more petals.

(7 slide – daisy flower)

5th child: Daisy

Daisies, daisies

You could see everywhere:

And in gardens and orchards,

On the sides of the roads.

(8 slide – bell flower)

6th child: Bell

Don - ding - dong! –

the bell sang -

I could ring in the morning,

But my little blue handkerchief

I was completely wet from the dew.

And to ring me, by the way,

The breeze helps.

I'm singing much louder

If it's a sunny day!

Elf: Who are your friends?

Children: Our friends, insects.

Educator: Guess what kind of insects they are based on the riddles.

1. On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter descended -

Golden eyes.

Who is this?

Children: Dragonfly!

(9 slide - dragonfly)

2. Drinks fragrant flower juice,

Gives us both juice and honey.

She's nice to everyone,

What's her name?

Children: Bee!

(10 slide - bee)

3. She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it,

Little black dots.

Children: Ladybug!

(Slide 11 – ladybug)

4. She is light, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged,

She looks like a flower herself.

And loves to drink flower juice.

Children: Butterfly!

(12 slide - butterfly)

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly! Children, do you want to play the game "Transformations".

Children: Yes, we do.

Elf: I also want to play with you, I have Magic wand. I will turn you into insects. 1,2,3 – you are bumblebees (w-w-w); 1,2,3 – you are mosquitoes (z-z-z); 1,2,3 – you are butterflies (fly without sounds); 1,2,3,4,5 – here you are, kids again!

Educator: And now, surprise! Our guest is a butterfly.

IN music hall butterfly runs in

Butterfly: We butterflies are one of the most beautiful living creatures on Earth. We are like flowers. The whimsicality and brightness of the coloring of our wings is fabulous. For our beauty, people gave us beautiful names: Lemongrass (Slide 13 ), Zorka (Slide 14 ), Swallowtail (15 slide ), Golubyanka (16 slide ), Peacock Eye (Slide 17 ) and so on.

(Slide 18 – meadow of flowers with butterflies)

We fly during the day, and at night, with our wings raised, we rest.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you draw our guest. Now you and I will become artists and depict a butterfly in an unconventional way “Monotype” - subject.

For the image you need to fold album sheet in half, in the form of a “book”. Inside, on one side of the fold, draw the shape of a butterfly wing with a simple pencil. Then, quickly apply paint with a brush and close the “book” to make an imprint on the second half of the sheet. Then unfold the sheet and decorate one wing with sinuous lines and dots and fold the sheet in half again to create a print. Then we unfold, the missing parts - the body, head and antennae - are completed.

Educator: In order to start drawing, we need to prepare our fingers for work. Let's play with them.

We count our fingers together.

( clench and unclench your fingers )

We call insects

( alternately bend your fingers into a fist, starting with thumb )

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly

This is a beetle with a green belly.

Who's calling here?

( rotate your little finger )

Oh, a mosquito is flying here.


( put your hands behind your back )

Educator: And now, let's get to work.

Guys, we're finishing up. We take our work and come to me.

Educator: Who did we draw?

Children: We drew a butterfly.

Educator: What is she like?

Children: She is motley, beautiful, multi-colored.

Educator: What does she look like?

Children: The butterfly looks like flowers.

Educator: What unconventional technique did we use to draw the butterfly?

Children: We used the non-traditional technique “Monotype” subject.

Educator: We will organize an exhibition of your works. And let everyone admire what kind of artists you are. It was a pleasure to work with you. I wish you excellent success, attention, and to be kind and obedient children.

Our lesson is over. Goodbye!

Children leave the music room.

| Drawing on the theme “Insects”

Educator. Real spring has come! Warm and joyful on earth. All people are happy! This wonderful time of year is spring! Many poets dedicated their poems to her. 1st child (reads the poem “Spring Kingdom” by S. Drozhzhin) The kingdom of spring days has returned. Ringing on the pebbles...

Drawing lesson “Butterfly” Lesson on drawing. Subject:"Butterfly" Target: continue to introduce children to unconventional method drawing - drawing with palms; develop imagination and interest in creative activities. Methods and techniques We: game - surprise moment, verbal, visual - display. Materials: sheets...

Drawing on the topic “Insects” - OOD notes on drawing using non-traditional techniques “Such different butterflies” in the senior group

Publication “OOD Notes on Drawing Using Non-Traditional Techniques...” Program content: - systematize children’s ideas about the diversity of insects, highlighting their distinctive features general signs- introduce children to the technique - monotype; - develop an understanding that an image can be obtained using various drawing techniques -...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Abstract of GCD on Non-traditional drawing “The World of Insects” Goal: - learn to create an image using various drawing techniques. Objectives: Improve hand function, promote the development of eye-hand coordination. Strengthen your drawing skills additional elements drawing with a cotton swab, fingertips. Develop...

Notes on drawing in the second junior group “Ladybug on a dandelion” Notes on drawing “Ladybug on a dandelion” for children of the second junior group Goals: to expand children’s understanding of spring and the appearance of primroses and insects, to teach children to draw a ladybug using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Tasks:...

Summary of an open lesson in non-traditional drawing techniques “Magic Flowers for a Butterfly” for the middle group Abstract open class on fine arts activities in non-traditional drawing techniques for middle group on the topic: “Magic flowers for a butterfly.” Goal: to introduce children to unconventional drawing techniques. Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic...

Drawing on the topic “Insects” - Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Ladybug”

Drawing lesson in the second junior group Topic: “Ladybug” Program content: Objectives: 1. Teach children to draw an expressive image of an insect. 2. Continue learning how to create a composition based on a green leaf. 3. Improve the technique of drawing with gouache, the ability...

For younger preschoolers Drawing classes form the basis of the educational process. At the age of 3–4 years ( junior group) in children, thanks to classes in fine arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué), there is an active development of mental processes, in...

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