Scenario of the autumn holiday "Golden Autumn", (2nd junior group). The scenario of the autumn holiday for the younger group. "Autumn fairy tale


- introduce children to the festive culture at a common event with parents;

- support the desire of children to sing, dance, play;

- to help create a joyful atmosphere.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, an audio recording of the sound of rain, a large multi-colored umbrella, a metallophone, a fake fly agaric, 2 buckets, dummies or handouts "mushrooms", a large scarf, sweets or apples for treats.

Toddlers, along with their mothers, enter the music room. Moms can be planted next to the children if this is the first holiday for the kids with their parents.


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

Soon I will have to give way to my sister, Snowy Winter, but for now I am the mistress of the earth and I want you to sing, dance and read poetry for me.

Wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I will read the poem, and you will understand who I am.

What's happened? What's happened?

Everything burns like gold.

Colored leaves everywhere

Even visible from a distance.

And the circle is light, beautiful -

This Autumn has come.

Guess who I am?

The children answer.

Yes, I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for a holiday,

I brought beautiful leaves for the children.

Autumn from the basket distributes colorful leaves to children.

Children perform a dance with leaves (according to the presenter).

Oh guys, hush, hush,

I think I hear something

By the leaves of cap-cap,

Drip-drip on the palms.

The sun has hidden somewhere.

It's raining guys.

An audio recording of the sound of rain sounds.

Guys, let's sing a song about the rain.

Children perform the song "Rain" (lyrics by A. Barto, arr. by G. Lobachev).

Rain, rain let down, soaked all the guys.

Well, let's hurry, we'll run away from the rain.

Musical game "Sun and rain"

Children dance to cheerful music, and as soon as they hear “raindrops”, they hide under an umbrella. The teacher with an umbrella changes his location in the music hall all the time. "Raindrops" is performed by any mother on a metallophone.

Autumn. And with an umbrella you can also dance.

Girls perform a dance with umbrellas.

Rain good friend It happens. Will not grow without rain good harvest vegetables, and mushrooms will not appear in the forest. Look how mushrooms love water. I water a small mushroom, a fly agaric, with water from a watering can.

He pretends to pour water on the fake fly agaric, and from behind the tree comes the hero Fly agaric, who quietly removes the fake.

fly agaric

I grew up in a dense forest

Oh what fun it is.

It's full of guys here.

They look at me

Or maybe they want to dance?

Children perform the dance "Fingers-pens".

Oh, and they danced great, but we haven’t played yet and haven’t picked mushrooms.

The game "Who will collect mushrooms faster"

The first child collects edible mushrooms in a bucket. The second collects fly agaric.

Autumn. The children danced and played with great joy. I think we are all a little tired. Let's sit and listen to the verses that the children learned especially for our holiday.

fly agaric. Read poems about me, Amanita, and about the rain, which I love very much.

Autumn. Why only about you, and about other mushrooms, about autumn, autumn leaves. Let's listen and be happy for the guys.

1st child

Here comes the autumn

And the leaves are flying.

Here are the little bunnies

They want to change their coats.

2nd child

Crow cries in the sky: -

Kar! Fire in the forest, fire in the forest!

And it was just very

Autumn settled in it.

E. Intulov

3rd child

The rain is pouring, trying

Even if they don't ask him.

The sun is in the clouds,

So it's autumn.

G. Shestakova

4th child

Grew up on a stump of mushrooms,

Cheerful guys.

We are still crumbs

Put us in a bowl.

5th child

If I walk for a long time

I get very tired.

It's raining all day long

Why doesn't he get tired?

6th child

And in the forest there is a traffic light,

Mushroom huge - fly agaric.

Poisonous, red-red,

Don't tear it - it's dangerous.

Autumn. Thank you, children, for the poems, I will remember meeting with you for a long time. Fly agaric, what is that handkerchief you have?

fly agaric

Somehow I walked along the path

And I found a big scarf.

I offer you friends

Play with a handkerchief.

The handkerchief game

Children run around music hall while the music is playing. The music stops, the children crouch and close their eyes. A fly agaric covers one of the children with a scarf, the rest must guess who was covered.

Fly agaric. One, two, three, who's hiding inside?

The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Time flew by quickly

It's time for us to part.

There is still work waiting for me

Goodbye, kids.

Fly agaric. Well, in this very moment I will turn into a baby mushroom.

Autumn closes the Amanita, which goes out the door and leaves a dummy in its place.

Autumn. The autumn holiday has come to an end. Mothers came to visit us and watched how you dance and play. You are great today, and I want to treat you.

Autumn treats children with sweets or apples, and then they all take pictures together.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten №4.

The scenario of the autumn holiday in the 2nd junior group:

"Under the Mushroom" (based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev, with the involvement of children of senior preschool age)

Compiled by: Musical director of MBDOU kindergarten No.; 4

Gadzhieva Irina Vladimirovna

Novocherkassk 2017

"Festival of Autumn" in the second junior group.

Leading: Guys with leaves enter the hall, become a semicircle

look how beautiful we are today! And you are so pretty! Today we have an autumn holiday.

Presenter: We are starting the autumn holiday,

We read poetry today.

Autumn delights us with beauty,

It's not called gold for nothing.

1 child

leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying

Under the foot rustle, rustle,

Soon the garden will be bare.

2 child

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

3 child.

A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come.
dried flowers,
And look sadly bare bushes.
The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows,
Only the winter turns green in the fields.

4 child.:

How, cap. The rain is pouring. This Autumn is coming to us.

Leaves fly in the wind, showering the kindergarten.

Leading: Well done, you read poetry beautifully.

circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning

I began to dance under him

We danced like friends

rain of leaves and. Let's dance with you with our leaves.

Children perform a dance with leaves. To the song and words

(after the dance, the children collect the leaves in a bouquet for the teacher.

Leading: How beautifully the leaves were spinning and flying, and now let's sit down and rest a little and sing a song about autumn.

Children sing a song: "Autumn, autumn has come to us."

Presenter: The guys sang well, their voices rang loudly, and now the time has come for the kids to play.

The sun is shining in the morning, come out, kids.

The game "sun and rain"

The children become scattered, their hands are joined above their heads and they sing.

The sun looks out the window, shines into our room.

We clapped our hands very happy with the sun.-clap.

Heels, heels, our heels are dancing - (they put their feet on their heels in turn).

Twirled, twirled and stopped (twirled with flashlights)

- rain music sounds - children run under a large umbrella to 2 teachers.

Presenter: Those are some fast guys. The rain didn't get anyone wet.

Let's play with him - sing him a funny teasing song.

(children stood under an umbrella, sing a song: “Rain, rain

forest" r.n.p.

Presenter: Guys, check if it's raining or not? Children check with their palms. No. The sun is shining again, come out to play.

The game is played 2 times.

Goals: introducing children to images autumn season, knowledge of the beauty of the surrounding world, manifestations by means of musical expressiveness. Development creative imagination ability to quickly respond to tasks, to bring joy and satisfaction from actions to the music.

Tasks: to consolidate the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bautumn. Develop creative, singing, dancing abilities, memory, thinking, speech. The desire to participate in games with elements of competition.

Preliminary work: learning songs, dances, poems. Individual work with leading characters. Selection and installation of musical accompaniment.

The course of the holiday.

The hall is decorated in autumn. Children drive by car to the song "Machine".

Child 1: In the morning we go to the yard.

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Child 2:Autumn golden

Came to us for the holiday

autumn leaves

Brought to all the children.

Presenter: so many leaves flew into our yard! Both yellow and red, very beautiful! Is it true?

This sorceress-Autumn has decorated the yard! Now let's take a piece of paper and sing a song.


Child 3: Autumn holiday in the forest

Light and fun!

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here!

Child 4:Each leaf is golden-

Little sun-

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom!

Autumn appears.

Autumn: Hello guys, hello dear guests. Who called me here?

Leading: We are children from a friendly kindergarten.

You are welcome, dear Autumn!


Autumn: I liked your song very much. Thanks guys. Did you like the mon leaves?


Leading: how many golden leaves!

I'll pick it up in a bouquet!

Our kids love to dance - check it out!

Double dance"We quarreled, we made peace."

Autumn: Do you like to play? Then let's play.

A game"Cones and Nuts".

Leading:Autumn sorceress calls us again

And the lesnub is calling to the clearing

Who else is coming to visit us?

(Mashenka appears to the music).

:Mashenka Here's a tree, here's another

Where is the fungus, now I know

I'll go to the tree and find a fungus.

No, I don't see any mushrooms.

Oh! My legs are tired

I'll sit down and rest a little.

(Sits on a stump and falls asleep).

Leading: I'll go and see how many mushrooms Mashenka gathered in the forest. (approaches looking into the basket). And Masha's basket is empty, there is nothing in it. Guys, let's play hide and seek with Alyonushka. We have mushroom caps on our heads and Masha will think that we are real mushrooms! (Children come up to Alyonushka and sing).

Children: We'll go to the woods

We'll find fungus...

In a smart hat

light chocolate

We'll find the fungus! (squat)

Masha: (opens her eyes and notices the children)

Oh! And how many mushrooms!

Where is my shopping cart?

(while Mashenka takes out a basket, the children run away)

Where are the mushrooms? There is nothing! But I just saw a lot of beautiful hats of different mushrooms - and chanterelles, and whites, and aspen mushrooms, and honey agarics! In the meantime, I took a basket, the mushrooms all disappeared. I probably dreamed it.

(The game is repeated. Finally, she notices the children)

Masha: Yes, these are kids! I thought they were real mushrooms! So you were playing hide and seek with me?

Masha: While I was walking through the forest,

Here's a scarf I found!

colorful, painted,

Unusual, difficult!

I offer you friends

Play with a handkerchief.

Scarf game.

Throws on the box, removes, inside the leaves.


1. I walk with leaves

I'll show you all the sheets

Like this, like this, I’ll show everyone the leaves, 2 p.

2. I dance with leaves

And I wave the leaves

Like this, like this, I wave the leaves - 2 p.

3. I'm spinning with leaves,

And I bow to the guests.

Like this, like this, I will bow to all the guests - 2 p.

4. And now, my friends,

I'll hide behind the leaves.

Like this, like this, I'll hide behind the leaves - 2 p.

Sit down at the end.

(The leader covers one child with a scarf).

Masha: There were sons here,

Mommy's daughters.

I can't find the guys now

Only the leaves rustle ...

One, two, three - who's hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn - answer quickly

(The game is played 2-3 times.

Autumn. One, two, three - who's hiding inside?

Don't yawn, yawn - answer quickly

The last time he covers the basket with refreshments with a scarf).

Leading: No! All the guys are here! Who is hiding under the scarf?

We raise the handkerchief

What's under it - now we'll find out!

What is this? Basket!

And in the basket?

Children: Apples!

Mashenka: We had a lot of fun

We love all the guys

But it's time for us to say goodbye

What to do? Waiting for business!

Goodbye! Guys.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about autumn.


  • create comfortable conditions for children in the post-adaptation period;
  • introduce children to autumn signs, songs, games and dances;
  • develop public speaking skills;
  • create festive mood in children and parents.

Characters: Adults: Hare.

Children: boys - fly agaric, girls - mountain ash.

The course of the holiday.

Children of the younger group enter the hall to the music. They sit on chairs.

Presenter: Today I looked at the holiday in every house

Because autumn wanders outside the window.

I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,

To please both adults and children.

And we have prepared poems about autumn and now we will read them for our guests.

Poems for children at the choice of teachers.

Song "Autumn has come"

Vedas. Guys, I invite you to the autumn forest! (hands out leaflets)

In autumn we go to the forest

Leaves fall like rain

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly!

Let's take the leaves and dance our dance.

Dance with leaves.

At the end, the children arrange leaf fall and the presenter offers to collect autumn bouquets.

Leaf game.

Host: I hear someone's steps. Who is coming to us?

Hare exit.

Hare: Wow! How many guys are here! And adults! What are you doing in the forest?

Presenter: Zainka, it's autumn now and it's very beautiful in the forest. So we came to admire the beauty of autumn. Where are you going with the basket?

Hare: Yes, I collect mushrooms. (Pulls out mushrooms one by one) This White mushroom, this is a boletus, and this is a boletus. There are just too many mushrooms. Rain is needed.

Presenter: And we, hare, know the song about the rain. Let's sing now, maybe our song will help?

Song "Sun and Rain"

Host: Now it's time to play.

A game "Sun and Rain"

Presenter: Look, hare, what beautiful mushrooms have grown after our song.

Hare: So these are fly agarics, you can’t eat them. And they are of no use.

Presenter: There may be no benefit, but there is a lot of beauty. And our mushrooms also know how to dance. Do you wanna take a look?

Hare: I want!

Dance of the Fly Agaric. (Boys)

Hare: Well danced! I'll probably take you with me.

Presenter: Zainka, count up to 5. And try to find fly agarics.

Hare: Well, all the fly agarics fled. I'm going to look for berries.

Presenter: So we have berries. Look what rowanberries!

Hare: Beautiful. And how can fly agarics dance?

Host: Of course they can.

Dance of the rowan.

Hare: They danced beautifully. I'll take the mountain ash with me.

Presenter: Zainka, count up to 5. And try to find mountain ash.

The hare believes, the children run away to the chairs.

Hare: Well, the mushrooms ran away, the berries too. There is almost nothing in my basket. What will I bring to my bunnies?

Presenter: Guys, let's help the bunny pick up mushrooms.

A game "Pick mushrooms"

Presenter: And now we are gathering berries for your rabbits.

A game "Pick the Berries"

Hare: Thank you guys for your help. And I have a present for you. (gives gifts) And now it's time for me to go home. Goodbye, guys

The hare leaves.

Presenter: Well, well, our holiday has come to an end and it's time for us to return to the group. Let's end the holiday with a fun dance. Invite your guests to dance.

Dance with moms "Heel-toe"

Presenter: And now let's go to the group and see what kind of gifts Zainka brought us.

Autumn has come.

1. Autumn, autumn has come, the leaves are crumbling.

There is no sun and it has darkened, the rain begins.


Drip-drip on the tracks, drip-drip on the palms.

Rain, water the earth, play with us.

2. Spiders, bugs and midges hide, hide.

And the birds are going on a long journey

Rain and sun.


"Drip-drip, 2 claps to lose

Knock-knock-knock "- We knock with fists.

We hear a cheerful knock. Bent over, listen

He wet everything around. Two springs, we catch drops.

1. Jump like a ball along the lanes, 2 jumps

It's rain outside the window. We wave "Hello"

Jumping through puddles on the grass. 2 jumps

He is everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. We swing with the index finger

2. Drumming on glass. Imitate drumming.

Where are you, I don’t understand the rain? shrug 2 times

He drums on the roof. Drum

Hush, rain, hush, hush Forefinger to the lips

Autumn fairy tale in the younger group.

Target. To form in children emotional and joyful feelings from active participation in joint musical and gaming activities.

Tasks :

Develop creative activity;

To form the ability to convey through their movements the characters of game images;

Bring up communicative qualities.

Roles are played.

Adults: Host, Autumn, Sunshine.

Children: Grandma, grandfather. Gingerbread Man, Bunny, Wolf, Fox

1. Against the background of the song "Autumn Has Come" - a presentation.


Guys, Autumn invites us to visit, and we will go to her along the forest path.

In the hall, a multi-colored path of autumn leaves is laid out on a carpet.

2. Children's song "Autumn in the forest" - the host leads the children into the hall and leads along the autumn path.


yellow leaf ik in the palm of your hand,

It used to be green

He flew into our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

Who, friends, do not ask -

They say it's come...

Children: Autumn.

Guys, look how beautiful!

Autumn holiday in the forest

Light and fun.

Here are the decorations

Autumn is here!

Music sounds, Autumn enters the hall, dancing.

3. Song "Autumn, dear, rustling!"


Here I am! Hello my friends!

We haven't seen each other for a whole year

Summer is my turn

Are you glad to meet me?

Do you like forest outfit?


Autumn is a beauty!

Everyone loves your outfit!

Guys, let's sing for

Autumn our song.

4.Children perform the song "Autumn in a Golden Scarf", music and lyrics by N.P. Bobkova .

1. Autumn in a golden scarf

Invites us to walk.

Spank fun in the puddles

and collect leaves.

Chorus: jump jump, jump jump!

Jump over the puddle.

And around, and around

The leaves will spin.

2. Let's walk along the paths,

We'll pick up a lot of leaves.

AND beautiful bouquets

We'll bring it to our mothers!

3. Do not scare, girlfriend autumn,

We are neither wind nor rain.

We won't be bored at home.

Let's go for a walk anyway!


You guys are great, real singers! And I want to give you my autumn leaves. You take the leaves and dance with me.

Children perform the "dance with leaves"

5. "deciduous"

With the end of the dance, the children hide behind the leaves.


Where are the guys? I see here only multi-colored leaves?


And here they are! (children are shown from behind the leaves).


Guys, let's make an autumn salute from leaves.

The children toss the leaves up.

Children recite poems about autumn


What time of year?

The weather is frowning

Leaves fall,

The birds are flying away.

The cloud covered the sun

This autumn has arrived!

2Child: SOFIA

The hedgehog lay down in his bed,

And fell asleep in it sweetly sweet.

Autumn closed the shutters

Quietly turned off the light.

The wind sang a song

So that the hedgehog sleeps in the winter.

3Child: DINA

Yellow leaf on the palm

I'll put it on my cheek

This sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

Yellow leaf don't fly away!

Don't forget about me!

4Child: MIRAN

How quiet autumn garden,

Leaves fly from the branches.

Quietly whispering, rustling,

They want to lull us.

6Child: RAMZAN

The cold rain pours and pours,

It doesn't let us walk.

The road called the birds -

This autumn has come to us ...

7 Child: KARINA

Leaves all autumn day

Such beautiful ones.

Let's sing a song

For you, dear guests!

6. Children sing a song: "Autumn has come"


Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden...

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

2. Rufina T

Birch braids unraveled,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars flooded.

3. Madina
Willows drooped by the pond,
Aspens trembled
Oaks, always huge,
It's like they've gotten smaller.

4. Azamat

Everything calmed down.
It drooped, turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is pretty
She got better for the winter.

5. Alisher

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.

6. Timur

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind from the maple leaves dropped.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink - maple.

7. Giliana

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.


All day today
Everyone is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.


And now kids

It's time to play

Fast, friendly, don't yawn

Collect all the leaves!

Children collect leaves in baskets and sit on chairs.


Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children's answer.

7. "Come visit us"


Listen, I'll tell you an autumn fairy tale.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Grandmother.

8. Grandmother and Grandfather come out to the music of the “Song of Kolobok”.

This is what Grandpa says to Grandma:

Bake, old woman, bun.

What will I bake it for you, no flour? Grandma answers.

And you scratch the box, mark the bottom of the barrel and pick up flour for a bun.

Grandma was saddled up. She scratched the box, broomed the bottom of the barrel and collected flour on a bun. She baked a bun. The gingerbread man turned out ruddy, beautiful (picture). The old woman put Kolobok on the window to cool. Gingerbread Man looks out the window, and outside the window (phonogram of the sound of rain) the rain is pouring.

9. Phonogram of rain

It pours and pours from morning to evening. Grandfather and Grandma are sitting on the stove sad: they can’t go out into the yard, they can’t chop firewood, they can’t weed the beds ... Gingerbread Man decided to go to the Sun and find out why it doesn’t shine, where did he hide?

10. Under the song "Kolobok" 1 ( to the words ... and he left his grandmother) The gingerbread man runs around the hall.

Gingerbread Man rolls along the road, towards him the Hare.



Do not eat me, do you want me to sing a song for you with the children?

Hare: Want.


Guys, let's sing a song about rain with Bunny and Kolobok.

11. Children sing the song "Rain"


Bunny was amused, he even forgot that he wanted to eat our Kolobok, and Kolobok rolled further, and the terrible Wolf met him!

12. To the music of "Wolf Exit"

The wolf approaches Kolobok:

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!


Don't eat me, let's play with you.

Autumn invites children to play a game together.

Children play the game "We shared an orange"

We shared an orange, we shared an orange, (children stand in a circle)

We shared an orange, because there are many of us, and he is one. (perform "spring")

This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens (the little finger is bent, nameless)

This slice is for the snake, and this slice is for the hedgehog (bend the middle, index)

This slice is for a beaver, and for a wolf a peel (they bend a large one, shake their hands)

He is angry with us, trouble, (shake his head)

Everyone run away, who goes where! (scatter)

Children scatter, the wolf catches them.


Stay, Volchok, have fun and play with us.


And our story continues. Gingerbread Man rolled further along the autumn path, and Mishka-Bear met him.

13. To the music "Exit Bear" Bear out:

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!


Don't eat me, I'll sing a song about you.


Guys, let's help Kolobok, let's all sing a song for Mishka together.

14. Children sing the song "Clumsy Bear" (Pestushka's nursery rhymes)

Bear clumsy walks through the forest ( are waddling)

Shishiki collects, sings a song ("collect cones")

Shishika bounced right on Mishka's forehead ( hand rub forehead)

The bear got angry and top with his foot. ( shake their heads and stomp their feet)


Stay, Mishenka, with us.

15. "Exit Fox"


Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Do not eat me! I'll feed you fish.


Guys, let's help Kolobok feed Chanterelle with a fish!

Children play the game "Treat Chanterelle with a fish"

Children line up in two teams. Between them, Chanterelle sits on a chair and holds a basket. On the contrary, fish lie in two hoops. The children take turns running and taking one fish at a time and carrying it to Chanterelle's basket.


Chanterelle did not eat Kolobok, took a basket and ran to feed her foxes, and Kolobok rolled on. He rolled up to the house where the Sun lives and began to call him:

Sunshine, come out!

Sunny-bucket, shine!


The sun does not hear. Guys, let's all call the Sun together.


Sunshine, come out!

Sunny-bucket, shine!

I can’t get out, the evil cloud has closed me in the house, it won’t let me out.


Guys, let's sing a song about the Evil Cloud, maybe she will release our Sun.

16. Children perform a song with movements “Guilty Cloud”, music by D. Tukhmanov.

1st verse:

The evil cloud was punished (they threaten with a finger)

You're bad, she was told.

And she cried, (rub her eyes)

Yes, drip-drip-drip dripped.


2nd verse:

The mice immediately trembled. (depicts mice)

Mice ran into holes.

Birds flew down, (waving "wings")

Yes, the birds sat on the ledge.


Drip-drip-drip the rain has gone, (they jump - legs apart, together)

Drip-drip-drip the rain has gone (they jump - legs apart, together)

3rd verse:

A dog named Barbos (show "ears")

He was not a joke.

He barely took his legs (run in place)

In your doghouse. (they sit down on their knees, make hands

Chorus: "house" over your head)

Drip-drip-drip the rain has gone, (they jump - legs apart, together)

Drip-drip-drip the rain has gone (they jump - legs apart, together)

4th verse:

Well, you and I do not grieve, (run in a circle, legs overlap)

We run barefoot through the puddles.

The spray goes straight up

They meet with a cloud.

And then they back

Yes, they return from the sky (stop)

Slap-slap-slap it's raining, (stomp their feet in place)

Slap-slap-slap it's raining

5th verse:

They forgave the poor cloud, (they show with their hands "forgiven")

The cloud was released in peace. (show hands "let go")

The cloud has stopped crying, (spread their arms to the sides)

And then she completely disappeared.


Drip-drip-drip the rain has passed (they jump - legs apart, together)

To the music of “The Sun is Shining”, the Sun comes out of the house:


Thank you, Kolobok, thank you guys for helping me out of the house. I want to give you my golden rays (distributing satin ribbons), dance with them.

Autumn: Gingerbread man returned to Grandma with Grandfather, Grandma sees weeding the garden, Grandfather is chopping firewood. They saw Kolobok and were delighted. Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!


Thank you Autumn for a good fairy tale and our fun.


for the sake of holiday

I have a surprise

Here is a fungus - not a simple one

It's not empty inside.

Hats off one, two, three

And let's see what's inside.

Autumn distributes treats to children.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.