The meaning of the name Anna and her fate and character. The influence of the name Anna on future fate. Sex and love

The name Anna in different languages

Name Anna in English: Hannah, Ann, (Hannah, Ann)
Name Anna in Chinese: 安娜(Anna)
Name Anna in Japanese: アンナ(Anna)
Name Anna in Spanish: Ane (En)
Name Anna in German: Anne, Anna (Anne, Enna)
Name Anna in Polish: Anne, Hanna (Anna, Hannah)
Name Anna in Ukrainian: Ganna

Origin of the name Anna:

Type. It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: they contain the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal is the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people possessing some kind of secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

Psyche. Introverts are not easily influenced and have incredible memories.

Will. Strong. This woman wants to have it all. And immediately! He only believes in himself.

Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

Speed reactions. The type is hot and hot. These women resist everyone, which often interferes with their lives. They are vindictive, proud, conflictual and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be.

Field activities. At school they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially have conflicts with female teachers. Dreams: to become an actress, painter, singer, sculptor.

Intuition. They are guided by clairvoyance. They have a presentiment, guess, and envelop you with their charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly.

Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only their loved ones.

Susceptibility. Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. This woman is a queen in need of subjects.

Moral. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to control moral principles and change them at their own discretion.

Health. They have fragile bones and a very “impressive” stomach. We do not recommend neglecting and having dinner late. Possible related to motor transport. As a child, you need to take care of your eyes.

Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they don't like you.

Field activities. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell and make people listen to themselves.

Sociability. They receive guests they like, but turn others out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they like to collect men indiscriminately.

Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They constantly start from scratch, neither marriage nor emerging maturity is an obstacle for them.

Anna and pets

Popularity and statistics of the name Anna

The name Anna, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period):
1900-1909: 92 (2nd place)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: 76 (4th place)
2008: (4th place)

Name days and patron saints of Anna:

Anna of Adrianople, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Anna of Bithynia, venerable (venerable woman who labored as a man), June 26 (13), November 11 (October 29).
Anna Gotfskaya, martyr, April 8 (March 26).
Anna (monastic name Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun, June 25 (12), October 15 (2).
Anna the Righteous, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9); December 22 (9) - conception of Eve, Anna. On this day from his elderly parents, righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.
Anna of Novgorod, princess, reverend, February 23 (10).
Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuel, February 16 (3), September 10 (August 28).
Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel, December 22 (9).
Anna of Rome, virgin, martyr, February 3 (January 21), July 18 (5).
Anna of Seleucia (Persia), martyr, December 3 (November 20).
Great and famous Annas

The name Anna is rightfully considered the most popular and famous in Russia. However, it can be found in many other countries. Given to a girl at birth, the name leaves an imprint not only on her character, but also on her destiny. It determines advantages or negative qualities, contributes to the choice of profession, affects relationships with loved ones or strangers. Therefore, it is very important for attentive parents to know its meaning.

Origin of the name and its meaning

The name Anna has been known since ancient times, and its origin is attributed to the Hebrew language. The meaning of the name Anna is literally translated as “merciful” or “ God's grace", "graceful", "pretty".

IN early period in ancient Judea, its decoding meant courage and boldness, but over time its meaning underwent changes, and “grace” was added to it, the roots of which originate in the Holy Scriptures. Also in Old Testament there is a mention of this name, because mother Holy Virgin Mary's name was Hannah - an analogue of the name Anna. There is a well-known soothsayer Anna, who, together with Elder Simeon, predicted the birth of a savior to the world. This happened on Candlemas, the day when the Mother of God brought the baby Jesus to the temple. In those distant times, even men were called Annas.

In Rus' it became known only after the adoption of Christianity. This was the name of the wife of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. Since then, the tradition began to give this name to noble persons. This is how they named the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, and Anna Ioannovna from the Romanov family, and the queens of France, Anna of Brittany and Anna of Austria, the wife of King Louis XIII.

Currently, this name is considered the most common and popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. There are many abbreviations of this name: Anya, Anyuta, Asya, Anechka, Annushka, Annochka, Anka, Anusya, Nyura, Nyusha, Nyusya, Anusha, Nyuta, Neta.

There are also many analogues of this name in other countries, and it sounds similar to the Russian version:

  • on Spanish– Ana;
  • in Italian – Anna, Anita;
  • in English - Ann, Annie;
  • in French - Annette;
  • in German - Enne;
  • in Dutch - Eni;
  • in Georgian - Ani;
  • in Hebrew and Polish - Hannah;
  • in Belarusian and Ukrainian – Ganna.

The fate of many literary heroines is connected with the name, as in the works classical literature, and in the works of modern authors. The heroine of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” was called exactly that. Many famous women whose lives went down in history were also named by this name: Anna Pavlova - the greatest Russian ballerina, Anna Akhmatova - poetess, Anna German - singer with a unique timbre of voice, etc.

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Name day

Anna's name day is celebrated ten times a year. Because the fate of many holy martyrs is connected with this name:

  1. 1. Anna the Righteous, mother of the Virgin Mary, name days are celebrated on August 7, September 22, December 22 - the day of the conception of the Mother of God from seventy-year-old parents - the righteous Joachim and Anna.
  2. 2. Anna of Adrianople, martyr - November 4.
  3. 3. Anna of Bithynia (saint in male form) - June 26, November 11.
  4. 4. Anna Gotfskaya, martyr - April 8.
  5. 5. Anna Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun - June 25, October 15.
  6. 6. Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuilov - February 16, September 10.
  7. 7. Novgorod princess Anna Blagovernaya - wife of the great ancient Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise - February 23.
  8. 8. Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel - December 22.
  9. 9. Anna of Rome, virgin, martyr - February 3, July 18.
  10. 10. Anna of Seleucia (Persia) - martyr, December 3.

Positive and negative traits

The advantages of this name include:

  • kindness;
  • altruism and willingness to help everyone in any difficult situation;
  • developed sense of duty;
  • enormous strength will;
  • self-confidence;
  • an unbending disposition that helps to withstand any adversity;
  • the ability to anticipate troubles and developed intuition;
  • the gift of positively influencing others;
  • sharp mind, excellent memory and high degree of learning ability;
  • outstanding creativity;
  • thriftiness, neatness.

Besides positive traits, Anyuta also has certain disadvantages:

  • authority;
  • excessive emotionality in all areas of life, artificiality of feelings;
  • excessive seriousness, which is not always appropriate;
  • cynicism;
  • the desire to solve all problems at once, which sometimes leads to nervous breakdowns;
  • Too demanding of yourself and your children.

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Impact on character

When choosing a name for a girl, parents from birth endow her with a special character and destiny. Even the state of health largely depends on the name chosen for the child. Therefore, before naming your baby anything, you should study all the information as much as possible.

Despite its brevity, the name Anna is very deep, multifaceted and contradictory. As a child, Anechka is a calm and uncapricious girl. She is prone to the development of diathesis and scoliosis, but she endures all her suffering patiently and without tears. She loves to help her mother, as well as read books and imagine herself in the place of the main character. Despite his easy-going nature, he displays arrogance and authority in his interactions with peers. He often takes pity on stray animals, brings them into the house, and cares for them.

At school, Anyuta reacts violently to everything that she considers wrong and unfair. She is prone to arguments and conflicts with teachers and classmates. Young Anya never follows other people's advice and does not recognize any authority. She chooses her company very carefully and often becomes a leader in it. Growing up, she becomes very charming and is always the center of attention. Anya has excellent intuition, almost the gift of foresight, which makes her mysterious and enigmatic. At the same time, she is vengeful and proud. She has a lot of energy, she strives to get everything at once.

Mature woman wearing given name, has a calm and open character. Kindness is her middle name, but this does not prevent her from being moody and capricious. Anya is a sacrificial nature, overly compassionate and attentive to others, sometimes even to the detriment of herself. It is absolutely not a burden for her to take care of loved ones or strangers, even if they abuse her selflessness and kind attitude.

Despite her easy-going disposition, she has enormous willpower. She makes all decisions independently and copes with life’s difficulties alone, always relying only on herself. By nature, she is an introvert and does not succumb to the influence of others, although she herself can perfectly manipulate other people.

Anna has an analytical mind, she is gifted with a good sense of humor, and has an excellent memory. He is distinguished by diligence and conscientiousness in his work. She is too emotional and does not hesitate to vigorously express her feelings. Girls with this name have excellent taste, they know how to dress elegantly, are very neat and attentive to detail.

The bearer of this name has high demands on men, preferring to choose them herself. It is useless to seek her affection and mutual feelings. Anna is a conflict-free person, but sometimes she is harsh and cynical. Despite the fact that she is surrounded by a significant number of fans, having fallen in love, she becomes indifferent to most of them in the first years of marriage and gives all her attention and care to her beloved husband and children. Anna is a good and zealous housewife; she is always at home perfect order.

Anyuta, born in winter, has been smart and reasonable and fair since childhood. He is a leader among his peers, although he can be tough with them. “Autumn” Anna is more stable in her relationships with others. Women with this name born in summer period, are kind, but reserved, and those born in the spring are very romantic.

What is the fate of women named Anna?

The owners of this name have a difficult fate in terms of personal relationships. Anya is a very passionate person, she loves male attention, compliments, and this weakness forces her to start relationships and affairs on the side. Forgiving betrayals to herself, she is not able to forgive their spouse. This may be why, in most cases, the first marriage of women with this name ends in divorce, after which they become closed for a long time to new relationships.

The name Anna has high compatibility with Konstantin, Boris, marriage is possible with Stepan, Evgeniy, Alexei. You should not connect your fate with Alexander, Sergey, Stanislav and Ruslan.

Anya is very attached to small children, which makes her a wonderful mother. She is ready to completely devote herself to their life, sometimes forgetting about herself, her career and hobbies.

And the owner of this name chooses a profession where she can devote herself to helping people. She will make a good nurse, teacher, teacher in kindergarten. Artistry and love for everyone's attention contribute to the choice of creative professions. Anna can realize herself as an actress or singer, critic.

It often happens that we take things too seriously that do not deserve our attention. And at the same time, they are frivolous in relation to those that are really important.

Here, for example, is the name of a person. Not all parents, when naming their child, are interested in such aspects as the origin of the name, its influence on the person’s character, and the mystery. And it’s absolutely in vain, because getting such information is not at all difficult. Today we will help those who are interested in such a noble name as Anna, and we will tell you a lot about it:

  • Origin, meaning of the name Anna, its full, abbreviated, diminutive, as well as derivative forms.
  • Anna's character, the secret of her name.
  • With which male names does Anna have good compatibility, and in which cases is compatibility poor.
  • Other interesting moments (angel days, patronizing plants, animals, talisman stones, etc.).

Qualities inherent in a person at an early age

First of all, we will address this historical fact, the origin of the name, how it is translated and what forms of its pronunciation exist. The name Anna is of Hebrew origin.

What does the name Anna mean, what is its literal translation? And it means “favor,” the mercy of God. According to Christian doctrine, this was the name that the grandmother of the Almighty, Jesus Christ, bore. She was a woman of noble family and led a righteous lifestyle.

One thing darkened her earthly life - she could not give birth to a child. The woman prayed a lot, and already mature age she had the opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood - she gave birth to a daughter, Mary, who became the mother of Jesus Christ.

The full form of the name is Anna, the short form is Anya, the diminutive is Anyuta, and also affectionately - Anya. Derivatives (those that have the same meaning) - Annochka, Nyura, Anyuta, Nyusha, Asya. Well, the choice of what to call a person named by this name is quite large.

What words can you choose to describe your character? small child, who was named Anechka, what will her fate be like and what is the secret of this name? It is difficult to find a child as sweet and affectionate as Anechka. Her level of kindness is just off the charts!

This girl is ready to lend a helping hand to everyone who needs it. There are always a lot of people around her, and Anya is certainly the center of attention. It can be compared to a magnet that attracts people to itself.

Speaking about the character of this sweet girl, one cannot fail to mention her artistry. Anya performs at children's matinees without any hesitation and takes part in home performances with pleasure. We can give only one piece of advice to mothers and fathers of such children: do not spare effort and money on developing your child’s talent, because you can give him a ticket to a great future! This is the meaning of the name Anna for a girl, her destiny.

What words can you choose to describe the character of the growing Anya, what will her fate be like? Words such as kindness and sociability are suitable for this - and these qualities are no less relevant for a growing girl named by this beautiful name.

Among the new, or rather, traits of her character that have matured due to age, one can highlight a keen sense of justice. Anya will not choose softer words to express her indignation at the sight of meanness and dishonesty.

As for her studies, the girl is making progress here. Anya’s parents won’t have to blush for her grades; the same goes for her behavior. In addition, growing up Anya shows interest in needlework and cooking.

Two or three words about health. Everything is very good here, there are no serious illnesses on the horizon. The only thing that can cause inconvenience to a girl is teenage problems with her facial skin. But proper nutrition(less sweets and fatty foods), as well as careful care, will help you deal with annoying pimples in no time. This is what the name Anna means in school and student years, and we move on.

The character of a mature woman and interesting facts

What words can you find to describe the character of a mature woman named Anna, what will her fate be like and what is the secret of this name? This is an incredibly energetic woman, she is always on the move, both at home and at work.

Anna is still kind and sympathetic, therefore, along with her worries and troubles, she takes part in the lives of other people. Unfortunately, modern world cynical, and people often abuse Anna's help.

Such a character can play a cruel joke on Anna. This woman is capable of loving a person suffering from an illness (be it a physical illness or an addiction such as alcoholism), or a loser. And she will carry her cross, not every time looking for a vest to cry into it about her difficult fate, and will strive to help this person.

What other words can describe female name Anna? This is a person who has his own point of view on everything that happens around him. It's quite difficult to convince her.

Anna has an excellent memory, a sharp look - not a single circumstance will be missed by her. By the way, despite the fact that people who want to change Anna’s point of view need to choose their words long and carefully, she herself can easily convince anyone.

Let's talk about relationships with the opposite sex. If Anna is in love, then she is a very passionate nature; if she has no feelings for a man, she is cold. The character of this woman is such that she chooses her man herself; you shouldn’t “impose” yourself on her, it will lead nowhere.

Often the first marriage ends unsatisfactorily, and Anya cannot come to her senses for a long time. But it is worth saying that this is a faithful wife who does not allow betrayal either on her part or on the part of her husband. As a mother, she is simply magnificent: attentive, caring, loves to tinker with the baby.

Two or three words about a career. One thing is for sure: Anna is a real workaholic. She is responsible and always worries about the end result. Anna has excellent compatibility with medical professions and teaching activities. Don’t forget about her artistry - she can become a TV presenter or journalist.

Next, we’ll talk about which of the male names Anna has good compatibility with, and with which compatibility is poor. Anatoly, Alexey, Denis, Maxim, Dmitry, Yaroslav - a man with what name can become her soul mate? With names such as Alexey, Artem, Peter, Vitaly, Maxim, Ruslan, compatibility is excellent. But in the case of the names Sasha, Andrey, Nikita, Taras, Igor, compatibility is very low.

At baptism, a person is spiritually purified and has a guardian angel. Today, upon baptism, a person is given a baptismal certificate, which contains information about the date of baptism, the name of the heavenly patron, as well as the date of the name day. Anna's birthday church calendar fall on:

  • 11.01.
  • 03.02; 16.02; 17.02; 23.02; 26.02.
  • 11.03; 14.03.
  • 08.04; 13.04.
  • 11.05.
  • 23.06; 25.06; 26.06.
  • 18.07.
  • 03.08; 05.08; 07.08; 29.08.
  • 10.09; 22.09.
  • 11.10; 15.10.
  • 04.11; 10.11; 11.11; 16.11; 23.11; 27.11.
  • 03.12; 11.12; 22.12; 23.12.

What shades, stones, numbers are considered close to Anna? In terms of color, red and blue shades are best. Among the stones you need to pay attention to ruby ​​and opal. Favorable number- five. Element – ​​fire. Among the inhabitants of the animal world, take a closer look at the bunny and lynx; vegetable - to rowan and aster.

It's time to sum up the conversation about what the name Anna means. He is a wonderful person with an open and kind heart. Very talented and artistic. Anna is a passionate person who knows how to bring happiness to a man. She will become a good wife and an excellent mother. You can rely on her not only in the family, but also at work. She is successful in her profession because she works hard and responsibly. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

Winter Anna smart and practical, reasonable and fair, and sometimes too straightforward, which often prevents her from making friends. In addition, Anna, born in winter, has pronounced leadership qualities, so her opinion is always authoritative and not subject to any criticism.

Autumn Anna knows how to find mutual language with others, compromise and take into account other people’s opinions. Autumn Annas make excellent teachers, artists, fashion designers and designers.

Summer Anna is the embodiment of kindness and sacrifice, which does not always have a positive effect on her fate, because people often take advantage of her goodwill. Anna often withdraws into herself, preferring to hide her experiences within herself.

Spring Anna - romantic, capricious and narcissistic nature. She was used to everyone admiring her, extolling her virtues. Professional activity spring Anna is associated with the presence of an audience.

Stone (talisman)

The stones that bring Anna happiness are opal and ruby.


Opal is a rather controversial stone, since the attitude towards it is ambivalent.

On the one hand, opal is a stone of deceptive hopes, losses and obstacles, passions and vices. It brings happiness only to people with magical abilities and those who inherited it.

On the other hand, in the East they believe that opal symbolizes love, faith, hope and compassion. This stone is able to disperse dark thoughts and all kinds of fears.

This gemstone attributed and medicinal properties: opal is believed to help cure heart disease, calms nervous system, restores visual acuity.


This stone banishes melancholy and gives energy.

Ruby is a symbol of power, brilliance and, of course, vanity, so “ordinary mortals” will feel uncomfortable with it. But for those who have achieved a certain status in society, he will only help. In general, a ruby ​​will lead to victory for a noble and truly moral person, whereas to the common man will give happiness and love.

It is believed that ruby ​​helps lower blood pressure and cure diseases such as psoriasis, anemia, heart failure, insomnia, and depression.

They will also take care of Anna’s health citrine And amber, giving strength and helping to prolong youth.


The colors most suitable for bearers of the name Anna are red, blue and brown (in the article you can learn in more detail about the meaning of the listed colors).



The patron planet for Anna is Proserpina, symbolizing irreversible transformation, renewal, a qualitative revolution that allows you to go beyond the limits of your Self.

People born under the sign of this planet are ready to go to the end when achieving a goal, overcome all difficulties with dignity and not give up under any circumstances. It is not surprising that Anna can quickly adapt to any conditions.

Proserpina endows Anne with such qualities as self-sacrifice, patience, self-denial, and the ability to accumulate and systematize facts.


Animal - symbol

The animals that patronize those bearing the name Anna are the hare and the lynx.


This timid, but at the same time lustful animal has a lot of symbols, which are often quite contradictory.

On the one hand, this is a timid and even cowardly animal that is afraid of every rustle; on the other hand, the hare symbolizes excessive fertility, debauchery and lust.

Thanks to its speed and agility, this animal can easily elude its pursuers. But at the same time, the hare is a defenseless creature that can only rely on its own strength.

IN Slavic tradition Demonic properties were often attributed to the hare.


It is a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, change, all kinds of surprises and fun.

People who are patronized by the lynx are cunning, intelligent, secretive and strong-willed, while they are able to perfectly disguise all these qualities under the guise of frivolity, gentleness and cheerfulness.

The lynx is proud and independent; like a cat, it prefers to walk alone.

The secretive nature of the lynx, as well as the acuity of its vision, formed the basis of beliefs and legends that this animal is able to see through any obstacles.

Lynx people are very fair and straightforward; they cannot accept lies.


Anna is under the auspices of Virgo (you can learn more about this zodiac sign in the article (“The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).


Anna's lucky plants are rowan, blueberry and aster.


This plant resists witchcraft, the evil eye and damage; it has long been used as one of the main anti-witch amulets.

There is a belief that rowan growing in close proximity to the house brings prosperity and happiness. But if the tree withers without any reason, then disaster awaits.


It is a symbol of love, peace and prosperity.

In addition, blueberries have healing properties:

  • helps cure eye diseases (especially myopia);
  • calms the nervous system;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.


Aster symbolizes beauty, charm, modesty, love, humility and sadness.

This flower is considered a particle of a distant star, given to people by the gods as a talisman. For this reason, the aster symbolizes sadness for a lost paradise, for unfulfilled dreams of eternal life.


Copper is the most suitable metal for Anna, symbolizing strong family ties, mother's love, kindness, beauty, prosperity, as well as warmth and responsiveness.

Therefore, it is advisable for selfish people with a tough character to at least from time to time wear copper products, when in contact with which they become calmer and more restrained.

Auspicious day



Anna's lucky year is the year of the Ox. Annas born this year are distinguished by their steely character, excellent organizational and management skills, and enormous willpower. They are patient, dexterous and self-confident, but at the same time proud, vain and grumpy.

Important years of life

The most important and responsible years for Anna: 17 and 20, 25 and 29, 33 and 35, 45 and 55.

Name popularity

The name Anna was common in Ancient Rus', as well as during the reign of the Romanov dynasty. It is no less popular today, as evidenced by the fact that the name Anna is among the top ten most popular female names.

Origin of the name Anna

Name translation

The name Anna is translated from Hebrew as “merciful,” “lovely,” “good,” “graceful.”

History of the name

The name Anna is truly international, since for more than two thousand years it has been common in various variations in England and Italy, Germany and Denmark, as well as in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Anna: Anechka, Annushka, Anyuta, Anita, Anya, Nyura, Nyusha, Anusya, Annetta, Asya.

The legend of the name Anna

Perhaps the most famous Anna was the grandmother of Jesus Christ - the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is mentioned in Holy Scripture. She was very pious and devout, and she was able to cultivate the same benefactors in her daughter, the Mother of Jesus.

According to legend, Saint Anna gave birth to Mary in old age, after for long years a marriage in which there were no children. Together with her husband Joachim, she stoically endured the ridicule of people (at that time childlessness was considered a shame) and fervently prayed to God, asking Him for offspring. For this reason, prayers are turned to the face of St. Anna for the healing of ailments (especially infertility).

The secret of the name Anna

Patrons of the name

  • Saint Anna - Mother of God.
  • Prophetess Anna.
  • Martyr Anna of Seleucia (or Persia).
  • Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod.
  • Schema nun Anna Kashinskaya.
  • Martyr Anna of Rome.
  • Martyr Anna Gotfskaya.
  • Righteous Anna.
  • Venerable Anna of Leucadia.
  • Anna the Prophetess, who is the mother of the prophet Samuel.
  • Venerable Anna of Bithynia.
  • Reverend Princess Anna Vsevolodovna.
  • Martyr Anna of Adrianople.
  • Anna the Prophetess, who is the daughter of Phanuel.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 4th and 11th.

February: 16th, 17th, 23rd and 26th.

March: 20th.

April: 8th and 13th.

May: 11th.

June: 25th and 26th.

July: 18th and 26th.

August: 3, 5, 7, 13 and 29th.

September: 10th and 22nd.

October: 15th.

November: 1st, 4th, 10th, 11th and 16th.

December: 3, 11, 21, 22 and 23 numbers.

Famous people

Famous singers named Anna:

  • Anna Semenovich;
  • Anna Sedakova;
  • Anna German;
  • Anna Veski.

Famous actresses named Anna:

  • Anna Snatkina;
  • Anna Magnani;
  • Anna Kovalchuk;
  • Anna Samokhina.

Famous writers named Anna:

  • Anne Louise de Staël;
  • Anna Dostoevskaya;
  • Anna Akhmatova;
  • Anna Bronte.

Famous athletes named Anna:

  • Anna Kournikova - Russian tennis player;
  • Anna Dmitrieva is a Soviet tennis player and TV presenter.

Anna Pavlova - the greatest Russian ballerina.

Anna Durova - trainer and director of the Animal Theater named after. Durova.

Anna Kern - the muse of A. S. Pushkin, to whom he dedicated the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”

Madame Tussauds (real name Anna Maria Grosholz) is a sculptor and founder of the wax museum of the same name.

The meaning of the name Anna

For a child

Little Anna is a charming child with a kind heart who does not cause her parents much trouble. She will not refuse help to either relatives, friends, or complete strangers, and in return she does not expect gratitude or gifts. But such concern often results in the girl forgetting about herself, because she has so much to do: help her mother around the house, visit her grandmother, and feed a stray kitten. It often happens that others take advantage of Anechka’s kindness for selfish reasons. Anya takes betrayal very hard, worries about it for a long time and looks for the “root of evil” in herself.

Anya is a calm, obedient, serious and reasonable girl who loves order in everything. She studies well at school, and she is equally good at both the exact sciences and the humanities. Her peers love and respect her for her responsiveness, good nature and willingness to always help. Besides, she has her own way for everything. own opinion, from which she will not give up.

Since childhood, Anechka has been trying to be independent; she tries to rely on herself. But Anya also has a minus - she is subject to rapid mood changes, so don’t be surprised if the sweet girl is suddenly replaced by an irritable whim.

For a girl

In her youth, Anna may face problems both with her peers and with teachers, because it is not in her nature to put up with injustice. In addition, she often harshly defends her opinion and her interests, which leads to conflicts. Despite this, teachers, like her peers, recognize her leadership, and therefore sometimes “get away with” the manifestation of her character.

Young Anna tries to keep up with fashion, she scrupulously monitors her appearance, while trying to create her own individual and bright image that will arouse envy among girls and admiration among men. Her image combines femininity, elegance, coquetry and challenge.

Anna is kind, modest, charming, selfless, trusting and capable of self-sacrifice. She is not very picky when choosing suitors, which is why she often suffers (Anna firmly believes that her chosen one will become better next to her, but even having suffered a fiasco in “raising an ideal man,” she does not leave her chosen one, accepting life with him as your cross).

Anya is a loyal and devoted friend who you can rely on in Hard time. But you should remember that she will not tolerate betrayal, rudeness and rudeness.

For woman

Adult Anna is a rational nature, she is guided more by reason rather than by feelings, despite her subtle mental organization. Just as in her youth, she is upset by injustice, but now she knows how to hide her emotions and feelings behind a mask of toughness and seriousness. She will not show her resentment to anyone, but will experience it alone, perhaps even withdrawing into herself.

Proud Anna knows her worth, so she defends her opinion without emotions or hysterics; she also will not “give in” to her offenders, but will express everything to their faces.

Anna has a lot internal energy, she has a strong will that is simply impossible to resist. But at the same time, she wants to have everything immediately (if her aspirations do not correspond to reality, she becomes irritable and can leave the job halfway).

One of Anna's shortcomings is that she is too serious attitude to life, which does not allow her to fully enjoy the gifts that fate gives her. Such an attitude towards life can lead to nervous breakdowns and stress, from which Anna (we must pay tribute to her optimism) quickly recovers.

Anna is sociable, charming and beautiful, so she has no shortage of admirers.

Description of the name Anna


Anna is not distinguished by strict morality; on the contrary, she easily adjusts moral principles to the circumstances in which it finds itself. Today she can act as an intelligent intellectual, and tomorrow, without a twinge of conscience, she will transform into a licentious coquette.


Anna has not been in good health since childhood. Scoliosis, bronchitis, gastric dysfunction and fractures are Anna’s frequent companions. Her nervous and cardiovascular system, so she should lead healthy image life, get proper rest, watch your diet and worry less. By the way, diet plays a big role in Anna’s life. special place, since the bearers of this name are often predisposed to being overweight.


Anna is capable of truly deep feelings, she can choose her soul mate for a long time, but, having chosen, she will go through “fire, water and copper pipes". For the sake of her love, she will move mountains, but on the condition that the man will be faithful to her, will not betray her in difficult times, will love her and show his feelings.

Anna is not one of those people who seek benefits in love. On the contrary, her self-sacrifice sometimes reaches the point of absurdity: for example, she can fall in love with a sick person, a drinker, or a complete loser. Her love and support can awaken in a man a thirst for life, the desire to achieve a lot for the sake of his muse.


Anna marries solely for love, and her first marriage most often ends in complete failure. She will not remember her husband’s betrayal, but she will never forgive her and will try to save the marriage to the last (her violated dignity worries her much less than the prospect of being left alone).

For Anna's marriage to be successful, she needs to choose a man who has an excellent sense of humor, looks at this world easily and knows how to enjoy life. Only such a husband can teach Anna to take what is happening around her less seriously. But a serious and correct man, on the contrary, will worsen Anna’s already idealized attitude towards reality, which is fraught with nervous breakdowns.

Family relationships

Anna does not like to share the ups and downs happening in her family life with her friends and parents, preferring to solve family problems on her own.

In general, Anna’s goodwill, trustfulness and selflessness are capable of making happy life any family without exception.


Anna believes that sex is a whole ritual in which there is no place for monotony and haste.

It is interesting that Ann, born in different time years, attitudes towards sex can be diametrically opposed.

Winter Annas prefer varied and passionate sex, full of novelty and liberation.

Summer Annas more calm and restrained in sex. They rarely go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, because beyond these very boundaries they feel constrained and cannot fully enjoy themselves.

Autumn Annas They can be both passionate and cold (it all depends on their mood). And here a man must take the initiative into his own strong hands.

Spring Annas perceive sex as one of the ways to keep themselves in good shape (both physically and mentally). For them, sex is another source of pleasure.

To be fair, we note that Annas (regardless of when they were born) do not like to change partners, especially if the chosen man copes well with his role as an “alpha male”.

Mind (intelligence)

Anna has a keen analytical mind, and her ability to quickly organize information helps her make the right decisions instantly. Anna has an excellent memory, thanks to which she promptly identifies the most important from the unimportant.

It is also important that Anna knows how to competently argue her opinion and her actions, which contributes to her advancement in career ladder and gaining authority among colleagues and subordinates.


Despite her intelligence, Anna rarely chooses a profession related to intellectual and analytical work, because she considers it boring. She prefers to help people, give them her warmth and care, and share her knowledge. Therefore, Annushka makes excellent doctors and nurses, teachers and educators, social workers and veterinarians.

Innate artistry allows Anna to find herself in creative profession(she can become a writer, artist, actress, journalist and fashion designer), while accuracy means mastering specialties that require attentiveness. But no matter what field Anna chooses, she will work conscientiously everywhere.


Anna easily organizes own business who will flourish thanks to her qualities such as accuracy, discipline, conscientiousness and self-confidence. Anna will benefit from her kindness and sincerity, which endears her to others. It is better to start a business related to medicine, veterinary medicine, and tourism.


Anna's hobbies are related to her family, which she loves to take care of and for whom she arranges family holidays and creates his own family traditions. In addition, Anya loves to travel.

Character type


Anna has a fairly stable psyche, but she can also be enraged by manifestations of rudeness, lies, and commercialism. She does not give in to other people's influence, but at the same time she loves to have her opinion taken into account. Demandingness and capriciousness often push people away from Anna, but behind these qualities lies kindness and impressionability.


Anna has a well-developed intuition, although she very rarely uses it.

Horoscope named after Anna

Anna - Aries

This is a very impulsive woman, characterized by lack of composure and a certain degree of irresponsibility (she often promises more than she can deliver). Her impetuosity leads to the fact that she is inclined to commit rash actions, which result in problems at work and in family life. Anna-Aries is very amorous, and even marriage cannot become an obstacle to her new hobby.

Anna - Taurus

She is balanced, confident, reliable and patient. Anna-Taurus belongs to the category of people who carefully consider their actions, so they rarely make mistakes in life. She is faithful to her chosen one because she values ​​stable and serious relationships.

Anna - Gemini

Anna, born under this sign, is flighty, irresponsible and impetuous, so she often finds herself in unpleasant situations, from which, oddly enough, she gets away with it. She is annoyed by monotonous work and the unchanging landscape outside the window, so she is constantly looking for change. She enjoys work that involves frequent business trips and interacting with people. She is also fickle in marriage, so her husband will have a hard time, because it is possible that she will cheat on him.

Anna - Cancer

This soft and sincere woman has extraordinary willpower, which does not allow her to lose heart at the most Hard times. Anna-Cancer's patience can be envied, so she will make a good leader who enjoys the respect of colleagues and subordinates. She is ready to forgive her husband a lot if he loves her and supports her.

Anna - Leo

Anna, who is patronized by Leo, is self-centered and domineering; she expects unquestioning obedience from everyone.

Her personal ambitions and interests are important to her (both at work and in the family). If you want to earn her favor, you will have to resort to flattery and admiration. Anna Leo will give her heart to someone who will idolize and adore her.

Anna - Virgo

This is the most good combination name and zodiac sign, which promises Anna good luck and favor of fate. Anna-Virgo is guided primarily by reason, while her emotions are always under strict control. She is reserved and patient, so it is almost impossible to see her angry. And even love passion is unable to awaken her sensuality. She sees her chosen one primarily as a friend and partner, who should treat her with respect, trust and understanding.

Anna - Libra

The woman is impressive, neat and flexible. She is sociable and responsive, so she is always surrounded by many friends. Any business “burns” in her hands. Anna-Libra easily gets along with people, because she knows how to find a compromise in various situations. She is romantic, dreams of a prince, of ideal feelings and relationships, but, having never received all this, she often makes the mistake of marrying the first person she meets, while she may never decide to divorce.

Anna - Scorpio

This is a vain and often exalted nature who is used to being a leader. She considers her achievements to be real feats, while demanding the same attitude towards what she does from those around her. She prefers not to notice the successes of those around her (she will envy her rivals, but will never show it, because it is beneath her dignity). There is no room for monotony in a relationship with such a woman, otherwise she will quickly find a replacement for her chosen one.

Anna - Sagittarius

Adventurism, gambling, activity and impulsiveness are the defining traits in the character of Anna-Sagittarius. She knows how to work on mistakes, but she never publicly admits that she was wrong. She does not know how to succumb to despondency for a long time, especially since she has a large number of friends and acquaintances who are always ready to support her in difficult times. Anna-Sagittarius knows how to love passionately and sincerely, and gives herself over to her feelings without a trace.

Anna - Capricorn

Laconic, quiet and hidden, Anna-Capricorn rarely opens her soul (her trust must be earned). She is neat, decent and rational. The basis of life for her is a family in which she feels calm and reliable. She does not need noisy companies; she would rather spend time with her loved ones or read a book. She will surround her husband and children with tenderness, love, affection and care, and they will repay her for this a hundredfold.

Anna - Aquarius

This unusual woman, who has original views on life, which often interferes with her life, because people often do not like dissidents. Anna-Aquarius does not try to explain her position, because she is not interested in the opinions of others. Men are attracted to Anna-Aquarius, but they cannot withstand her originality for long.

Anna - Pisces

She loves to dream and imagine herself as the heroine of fairy tales. Such romanticism prevents her from doing her work efficiently and on time, because she constantly “has her head in the clouds.” For this reason, it is better to choose Anna under the sign of Pisces creative path. She envelops men with her tenderness and love, so they treat her with adoration.

Compatibility of the name Anna with male names

Anna and Alexander

Anna and Evgeniy

Anna and Victor

This is a creative union that draws strength from communication not only with each other, but also with friends. It is important for them to feel needed; they are ready to give their care to all those who need it.
Victor - name meaning

Anna and Anatoly

Mutual understanding and trust reign in this couple. Anna and Anatoly distribute their roles competently, so quarrels rarely arise between them. Their home is always open to friends and family.

Anna and Stanislav

Anna turns a blind eye to Stanislav's weaknesses, but he does not demand that she become an ideal housewife. They enjoy each other and their feeling. The main thing is that their relationship is not spoiled by boredom.

Anna and Vadim

This is enough strange union, in which Anya longs for a full life, associated with large material costs, and Vadim is ready to be content with little. But Vadim is ready to pamper his beloved, who for him is the center of the Universe.

There are so many women, girls and girls in the world with the beautiful and noble name Anna. It will be interesting to know the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its owners. This article will discuss this.

Meaning of the name

The name Anna came to us from ancient times. This name is also mentioned in the Old Testament. This was the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary. Also known is the prophetess Anna, who, together with Elder Simeon, predicted to the world the birth of the Savior of the world (this was on Candlemas, when the Holy Virgin Mary brought the infant Christ to the temple).

Anna is a fairly common name now. Translated from Hebrew, it means the grace of God, mercy, merciful, comely, pretty. By the name itself one can guess about the character and fate of its owner. For girls and beloved women, there is an abbreviation of this name: Anya, Anechka, Anyuta, Annushka, Nyura, Nyusha, Nyusya, Asya and others.

Anna's name day is celebrated nine times a year. Because there are many saints, saints and martyrs with this name. It is popular not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. There are quite a lot of heroines of famous novels by classics and modern authors.

Everyone knows that by giving their daughter a certain name, for example Anna, parents, knowing the meaning of the name, lay in her a special character and destiny. Even health also largely depends on the chosen name. Therefore, it is important to know all the information that a particular name carries.

Character of the owner of the name Anna

Kindness and decency, mercy and patience, meekness and quietness - these are the main character traits of Anna. The meaning of the name fully confirms the character of its owner. Therefore, the fate of a child with this name will be merciful.

A girl named Anna will show mercy to others from an early age. She will take pity on a homeless kitten, feed a hungry puppy, give the last to her friends, and take pity on an offended one. She will always obey her mother strictly. She will grow up to be a little helper.

Anya has been an ideal housewife since childhood. She is always neat, tidy, and cleanly dressed. She will not tolerate sloppiness in other people. Anna loves to cook, wash, and tidy up. She is always hospitable and can feed and receive even uninvited guests.

Anna is naturally artistic. She knows how to read poetry with expression and portray this or that acquaintance. She does all this brilliantly. Many of them become professional artists.
The bearer of this name will always come to the aid of friends in need. You don’t even need to ask her, she herself will feel that trouble has happened to her loved ones. This is all thanks to his transcendental intuition. Anna is ready to give her neighbor the last thing she has.

A woman with this name knows how to persuade and win over to her side. She always brilliantly defends her point of view.

But along with positive qualities Anya, of course, has her shortcomings. This is imperiousness, touchiness. She is prone to excessive activity and knows no limits. Anna places a high value on her own self-realization. Therefore, she often faces a choice between career and family life. If she failed to realize herself in life, then she places these hopes on her children.

Anna is very demanding of herself and others. She has a heightened sense of duty. She can never act against her conscience.

Among other things, Anna is a laugher. She has wonderful feeling humor, she loves to joke and laugh.
Usually women with this name are charming and attractive. They fall in love early and begin to have a wild sex life. She has many fans. Anna loves male attention. If she gets a husband with a phlegmatic temperament, then the marriage promises to be strong.

Anna has multiple talents. She either sings, or dances well, or knows how to draw beautifully. There is no woman named Anna who would be deprived of some talent. You just need to be able to open them in time.

Since childhood, Anna has been a born leader. Everyone recognizes this, both classmates and teachers. She loves to defend her point of view and severely punishes those who disagree with her. Anya prefers to take revenge on her offenders rather than endure and forgive. Everyone must recognize her authority in society, otherwise it will be bad for them.

The fate of women named Anna

Anna, thanks to her irrepressible temperament, starts love affairs early. But it's all for love. If she doesn't like a man, she will never enter into a love affair with him. She can date several men at once. The thirst for adventure and the search for true love can often force Anna to cheat on her husband. Moreover, she is not at all embarrassed by the fact that she is deceiving her husband. Anna will be happy to tell her friends and family that she has both a husband and a lover. She doesn’t feel guilty about it, because she’s faithful to both of them!

But if her husband suddenly decides to cheat, Anna will never forgive. Sometimes even she can decide to commit suicide. Therefore, the first marriage of women with this name is usually short-lived. She will start subsequent relationships with great caution. Having been burned on milk, he will blow on the water, if you follow the saying.

Anna, according to the meaning of her name, will have a caring character towards loved ones. And fate will smile on such a man who took her as his wife. For her child she will sacrifice everything, talents, career, personal life.

Her household will be happy, seeing the busy mother of the family next to them. She always manages to do everything. The children and husband are always deliciously fed, cleanly dressed and well-groomed. This is a very caring mother and wife!
Anna is a real Russian woman, whose image was sung by poets. She will “stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut!” She has a compassionate and sacrificial nature.

Annas, who were born in the spring, are rather narcissistic individuals, capricious and romantic. The professions of secretary, music teacher, saleswoman, director and critic are well suited for them.
Women with this name, born in the summer, are very kind and merciful. They usually become doctors, nurses, and educators.

Autumn Annas have endurance and sensitivity. Professions suitable for them: teachers, models, artists, sculptors. And finally, Anna, born in winter time, reasonable, fair, a little cruel. They make good engineers, conductors, and actresses.

Among the actresses there are quite a few women named Anna. These are: Anna Samokhina, Anna German (famous singer), Anna Pavlova (ballerina), Anna Esipova (pianist), etc. There are poetesses and writers: Anna Akhmatova, Anna Dostoevskaya (writer’s wife and memoirist), Anna Knipper (writer, common-law wife Kolchak). Anna Golubkina is a famous sculptor. As you can see, among the representatives of this name there are quite a few servants of art. This confirms that Anna is always endowed with some kind of talent.

There are also rulers in history with the name Anna: Anna Ioannovna, Anna of Byzantium - the wife of Prince Vladimir. Their power and authority were fully revealed.

Anna's health

Anna's health is generally good, but in childhood she may have problems with her eyes. Often vision deteriorates even after younger age. You need to consult an ophthalmologist. She should not sit close to the TV screen, and should not be near the computer. Can't read in poor lighting. Ani often wears glasses.

Sometimes curvature of the spine and flat feet occur. In such cases, it is worth showing little Anya to an orthopedist. Anyuta is also prone to diathesis. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sweets from a very young age. Sometimes illnesses occur in childhood respiratory tract: whooping cough, bronchitis. They can even develop into asthma in adulthood.

Ani also have fragile bones and joints. Arthritis and arthrosis are diseases that plague Anna in old age. They usually tend to be overweight, so you need to watch your diet. Eat less sweets and starchy foods, and include more protein foods in your diet.

Anna's compatibility with others

Anna, according to the meaning of the name, has a caring and kind character, and those who have cast their lot with her will not be able to complain about the lack of compatibility. But sometimes Anna, contrary to the meaning of the name, shows an imperious and impatient character. This especially happens when people refuse to pay due attention to it, listen to it and understand it. A happy fate awaits her with a certain compatibility of names.

Her relationships with men who bear rather rare names will be bright and unforgettable. Such as: Innocent, Rodion, Abraham, Emelyan, Vsevolod, Panteley, Timofey. If Anna can meet the owner of such rare name, she is guaranteed insane happiness. But, oddly enough, she is not destined to be connected by marriage with these men.

Not all male names they suit her. Anna should avoid men with names: George, Stanislav, Alexander, Sergey, Lev. Based on the meaning of the name and character, Alexey suits her best. If she connects her heart and destiny with Alyosha, a successful marriage and a happy peaceful life awaits her. family life like no one else.

Family ties with men named: Stepan, Evgeniy, Konstantin, Zakhar are also possible. If her husband has a calm, phlegmatic temperament, he will be able to balance his wife’s stormy character. But if the husband is also hot-tempered, angry, and not humble, the spouses are expected big problems in family. This must also be taken into account when choosing a life partner.

Family is everything for Anna. She can sacrifice anything for the well-being of her family. Anna often leads her husband, but as if unnoticed by him. She is a loving and caring wife, a respectable mother, and a good mother-in-law.

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