The meaning of the rare name Bogdan. origin of the name Bogdan

Bogdan - "Given by God" (glor.)

Very balanced, excellent self-control. Good health as a consequence of his character. In extreme cases, he may be disturbed by nervous disorders if he does not adhere to the correct lifestyle.

Bogdan has a highly developed animal instinct. It is easy to communicate with him. Rotates in a simple society where he is understood and loved. This is enough for complete happiness. An extrovert by nature. Studying with interest the world. Impressive human lung, pleasant Keeps everything secret in itself. Unsightly when angry. The reaction is slow, but fast is useless to him. Why get nervous and angry if you can't change anything anyway? Only the weak hide insecurity under aggression.

He must be constantly monitored, otherwise he will remain an "eternal student." He spends his whole life in search of perfection. He is drawn to medicine and psychology. The ability to adapt to any situation and a fervent imagination allow him to become a good writer, teacher or politician.

Bogdan has a well-developed intuition, but he rarely uses it, he is guided only by reason. After the successful outcome of the case, he recalls that he had a presentiment from the very beginning. He has an amazing gift for getting out of hopeless situations. An excellent memory gives him the opportunity to be known as a walking encyclopedia. Very sensitive. He knows well who is sincere with him. His actions cannot be questioned. Morally stable, you can take an example from him. And there is no need to ask why his actions are exactly like that, morality lives in him from birth.

Possessing a strong potency, Bogdan simply blossoms in marriage, especially if the wife is tender and dearly loved. He easily picks up friends who share his interests and tastes, sympathies and outlook on life. Bogdan is not perfect. Like all seekers, he can go astray, but he has enough instinct to turn in the right direction in time.

"Winter" - eccentric, with strong character, purposeful.

"Autumn" - strict in judgments, a good diplomat, tends to medical research. This patronymic is more suitable: Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Viktorovich, Fedorovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Aleksandrovich, Vitalievich.

"Summer" Bogdan - amorous, sensitive, keenly experiencing any failures.

"Spring" - selfish, spends a lot of time at the mirror, merry fellow, careless. The name is suitable for patronymics: Boleslavovich, Gavrilovich, Yakovlevich, Stanislavovich, Nikonovich, Makarovich.

The meaning of the name Bogdan option 2

1. Personality. Seeking men.

2. Character. 81%.

3. Radiation. 87%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Susceptibility - morality - health - will.

7. Totem plant. Laurel.

8. Totem animal. Vampire1

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. Very balanced, self-controlled, but meanwhile they have strong animal instincts.

11. Psyche. Living or working with them is quite pleasant. They revolve in a simple society, where they have enough understanding and love to be happy. They are extroverts by nature and always watch the world with interest.

12. Will. They give the impression of spontaneity and lightness, far from hard efforts.

13. Excitability. Everyone keeps inside themselves, but sometimes breaks down.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Slow. Why be nervous or angry, they say, if the situation still does not change?

15. Field of activity. It is from them that “eternal students” are obtained. They are irresistibly attracted to medicine and psychology. Adaptability and a fervent imagination make them good writers, educators, and politicians.

16. Intuition. Bogdan trusts not intuition, but reason.

17. Intelligence. They have the gift to find a way out of even the most hopeless situations and an excellent memory, the latter gives them the right to be considered a "walking encyclopedia".

18. Susceptibility. Very sensitive, they will always understand whether you are sincere or not.

19. Morality. Do not ask these men why they did this and not otherwise - their actions always meet the requirements of morality.

20. Health. Good health is a consequence of their balance, and only if they do not adhere to the correct lifestyle, they can be disturbed by nervous disorders.

21. Sexuality. It all depends on the strength of heartfelt attachment... They simply blossom in marriage.

22. Activity. Corresponds to their balanced character.

23. Sociability. They manage to gather friends around them who share their tastes, sympathies and views.

24. Conclusion. There is no perfection in this world, so they are not perfect either. They can also go astray, get lost, but Bogdan is always able to find a way out and own decision Problems.

Large bat.

The meaning of the name Bogdan option 3

The name is borrowed from Old Church Slavonic, where it appeared as a tracing paper with Greek name; Bogdan - given by God. He is often a long-awaited, late and only child.

Parents, whether they like it or not, often give this name to those children whose birth was associated with great anxiety and fear.

As a child, Bogdan often gets sick, catches a cold easily, and the mother, worrying about her son's health, indulges all his whims. The father is almost not allowed to raise his son. The child is very strongly attached to the mother, is jealous of those who “take away” her from him, and, you can be sure, will surely throw a tantrum if she suddenly decides to have a good chat with her friend. Doesn't get along well with children. At school, he usually makes friends with someone who enjoys authority among his comrades and can protect him. Studying average. He has abilities, even talent, but Bogdan's inherent laziness, which, however, passes over the years, prevents them from developing to the fullest extent.

An adult Bogdan is a calm person who knows his own worth. It shows the desire to get well and thoroughly in life. It can sometimes achieve high skill in a profession that is quite specific, not requiring inspiration and improvisation. With others, he is somewhat closed and dry. tight-fisted. Artists, musicians, military leaders, historians sometimes come out of the "winter" ones.

IN family life Bogdan strives for unconditional leadership. In his wife, he appreciates humility most of all, “keeps her in strictness,” and is even able to shout at her in the presence of strangers. This is not only with his wife. Many notice in him arrogance and categoricalness, not always appropriate adherence to principles and stubbornness. After drinking, he begins to argue over the slightest reason, not at all trying to delve into the essence of the dispute or the arguments of the opponent. However, he has many qualities that make him a good husband. For example, he is persistent in search of additional income, does a good job, is economical in expenses. The only thing he spares no money for is rest. He likes to go on vacation with the whole family. Bogdan is monogamous and becomes unrecognizable in jealousy. Negative qualities are slightly softened in the "spring" and "summer" Bogdanov. But remember: alcohol in the house where Bogdan is, should appear as rarely as possible.

Anastasia, Svetlana, Yulia, Varvara, Venus, Bogdana, Victoria, Nelly, Elena, Nadezhda, Olga can become good friends in life for him. There is a high probability of an unsuccessful marriage with Angela, Valeria, Clara, Nina, Wanda, Dina, Oksana, Yana, Tamara.

The meaning of the name Bogdan option 4

Efficient as an ox. Very hardworking. Sociable. Loves people. A true craftsman, loves to craft.

Painful in early childhood, reads a lot. Sexy. With women is kind, but proud.

The meaning of the name Bogdan option 5

Bogdan - from Art. glory. given by the gods.

Derivatives: Bogdanka, Bogdash, Dana, Bogd, God, Body.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

The baby is not baptized - Bogdan.

Born, not baptized, so Bogdashka.

Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.


The external appearance of Bogdan does not correspond to his inner world. At first glance, he gives the impression of a well-balanced person. However, purely animal instincts are very strong in him. He chooses the communication environment according to the principle “it would be simpler”: if nothing can be changed, he will not strain in vain, be nervous. But if in a difficult situation he sees a small loophole to improve the situation, he, with his inherent practicality, will slowly and dignifiedly get out of the water.

The meaning of the name Bogdan option 6

BOGDAN - god-given(old Slav.).

  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Green color.
  • Auspicious tree - laurel.
  • The treasured plant is immortelle.
  • The patron of the name is a vampire.
  • Talisman stone - green marble.


Bogdan outwardly is a balanced, self-controlled person, but meanwhile animal instincts are very strong in him. He prefers the company of people who are not burdened high intelligence: he has enough understanding and love to be happy. In any situation, calm: why be nervous and angry if nothing can be changed? However, Bogdan has a practical mind, and if he suggests the possibility of a small loophole in order to improve the situation, Bogdan immediately uses it and often gets out of an unpleasant situation in which a more refined intellect and more sophisticated feelings get bogged down.

  • Male name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Bogdan: The name Bogdan came to Rus' along with Christianity and is a tracing paper from the Greek name Theodotus, which means "Given by God."
  • Energy named after Bogdan: Persistence, artistry, ambition

This name has amazing perseverance, firmness and balance. It consists of two completely equivalent parts, which leaves a peculiar imprint on its energy. Most often, this is manifested in the fact that Bogdan has a rather mobile mind, which in some cases can even become dodgy, which opens up to Bogdan the possibility of the existence of his second "I" hidden from human eyes. It also happens that in the soul of Bogdan the most contradictory qualities coexist calmly, which nevertheless do not lead to internal conflict: after all, the balanced Bogdan is not controlled by emotions, rather, he uses opposite sides nature for any particular purpose.

He is a player who also has good artistic skills, which usually allows him to adapt perfectly to a wide variety of situations. Still more this ability is enhanced by the sufficient rarity of the name; often Bogdan becomes too noticeable against the background of the general environment, and in order to avoid excessive influence from society, he unwittingly has to be an artist. In addition, even though the "God-given" meaning of the name has long been erased, it is more than obvious to Bogdan himself, and this can give him confidence in his abilities, and at the same time inspire ambitious thoughts. However, most often the logical Bogdan has a purely material problems take precedence over ambition.

In general, one can expect that Bogdan's life will turn out quite well, he is hardworking and persistent and often not inclined to be shy in choosing means to achieve his goals. However, for full happiness, he often lacks simple warmth in relationships with loved ones.

How do you feel about the name Bogdan?

Bogdan is a name that has become increasingly common in Russia and the CIS countries. Boys with this name grow strong and hardy, bring joy to parents and others. The name Bogdan has collected many features that positively affect the fate of a person.

This name boasts richest history. However, there is no exact version of its origin.

The first version is considered the main and more real. In Rus' there was a tradition of naming a person for his glorification with a specially invented name. Therefore, it was customary to create names from several parts. The first part, as a rule, was the word God.

According to another version, the name Bogdan comes from the Greek names Theodotos and Theodotos. His for a long time couldn't find the calendar christian church, but with increased popularity, it was decided to enter the name in the holy book.

Previously, the name was fashionable among the inhabitants of Ukraine and the southwestern parts of Russia. Now it is found everywhere, regardless of regions.


The name Bogdan means "God-given person."


As a child, Bogdan grows calm child who obeys his parents. Growing up, the guy begins to feel confidence and strength in himself, so he does not tolerate superiority. From the outside, he seems so calm that many consider him insensitive. Therefore, in his fate there are often people with whom he cannot establish contact and maintain relations for a long time.

Bogdan has the ability to attract the fair sex, win their favor, use their feelings. For a long time, the only and beloved woman for him is his mother. When the guy finds his soul mate, she will not have to worry about his intentions, he will be honest with her and immediately make it clear that he is ready to start a family.

Bogdans are very jealous and selective. In a woman, they value fidelity, intelligence and the ability to understand them. Therefore, not every girl will be able to meet the stated requirements. Moreover, the spouse will very subtly understand the mood of the companion and it will not work to deceive him with pretense.

Much in the fate of Bogdan depends on the quality family union. If he is strong, then the man will begin to flourish quickly and will be able to achieve great success. Despite the desire to take the place of a leader in the family, Bogdan knows that it is he who must provide for the family, raise children and give them a decent future.

As for the profession, Bogdan, having creative and commercial abilities, can find application in leadership position, in business and art. He can easily adapt to any conditions, is not afraid of difficulties, can find a way out of any situation. Business relationship, unlike personal ones, he will be able to support even with people who are unpleasant for himself.

Problems and extraordinary events only provoke the Bogdanovs, real superpowers are revealed in them, which allow them to “get dry” from the current situation. Bogdan also has good intuition, but does not trust her too much. He prefers to rely on reason and logic.

In the life of Bogdashi special place occupies material well-being. Such qualities as diligence and perseverance allow him to achieve good results financially.

Sometimes the bearer of this name can go against the rules, in which case he will not take care of the savings, spending everything available for the goal. But he is lucky, so he can always provide himself with a decent and comfortable existence.

Bogdan spends the bulk of the money earned, even if it comes to him “by sweat and blood”, on vacation. Over the years, this passes, and a slightly squeamish old man grows out of a spendthrift guy who saves money and tries to prove his case to everyone.

Bogdan's life, in terms of health, is quite stable. Good immunity, laid down in childhood, allows him to cope with many problems. But the owner of the name has a risk of developing unusual, rare diseases of the digestive tract and internal organs.

In the life of Bogdashi there are always many friends who differ from him in a more "earthly" intellect. Therefore, he feels comfortable among them, thus achieving even greater confidence in himself and his abilities.


The characterization of the name Bogdan is quite specific:

  • Secretive.
  • Serious.
  • Obstinate.
  • Calculating.

In childhood, character traits appear little. Basically, the boy grows obedient, quickly learns new information. But already in school years the characterization of the name makes itself felt. The boy is reluctant to communicate with peers, preferring older children. At school, he is not interested in subjects, so he studies only “for show”, and then so as not to offend his mother.

In the future, as they grow older, negative traits begin to appear to a lesser extent, since the guy is already able to control his emotions. But internal aggression takes place all the time. If you bring a person to the limit, then emotions can break out. But this happens extremely rarely, because the motto of Bogdashi is not to be nervous in a situation where you cannot change anything.

Character traits also differ according to the season of birth. The summer and spring Bogdanovs have a more restrained disposition, and optimistic outlook on life. As a child, they prefer friendship with "authoritative" guys who can, in which case, stand up for him. But this is not cowardice, but a desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. From summer namesakes, more caring husbands are also obtained, who idolize their wives, show less obstinacy and love their children to the point of insanity.

Winter and autumn Bogdans are more capricious and hidden. They do not share secrets even with the closest people, neither mother nor wife will ever know about their plans. During their school years, they surround themselves with either older friends or those who are an order of magnitude lower than them. mental development. And it is also self-affirmation at the expense of others.

IN family relationships they can show despotism, but they live with a faithful and understanding wife until old age. Children are loved, they are not brought up harshly, they try to devote as much time to them as possible.

From positive traits such a name can be noted:

  • Resourcefulness.
  • Observation.
  • The ability to analyze.
  • Strength of character.
  • Self confidence.
  • The ability to think logically.

name day

When does Bogdan celebrate the day of the angel? Several times a year, on the days of commemoration of the martyrs and saints with the names of Theodot and Bogdan:

  • January 14;
  • March 4 and March 15;
  • May 12 and 31;
  • June 11 and 20;
  • July 17th;
  • 15 and 28 September;
  • the 25th of October;
  • 16 and 20 November.

If you baptize a child with the original name Bogdan, then the name day will be once a year - March 4th.

Name color

Name color is green.

name flower

Immortelle and laurel.

Church name, saints

Theodotos and Bogdan.

Name translation, in different languages

Translation of the name Bogdan into different languages has a similar sound.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

There are several options for diminutive forms - Bogdanka, Danya, Bogdash. Full name- Bogdan.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

Patronymic Bogdanovich and Bogdanovna are suitable for many names.

Girls names:

  • Olga.
  • Natalia.
  • Svetlana.
  • Zhanna.
  • Catherine.
  • Elena.

Boys names:

  • Oleg.
  • Peter.
  • Vladimir.
  • Daniel.

Name Compatibility

Good name compatibility with Anastasia, Galina, Diana, Evgenia, Polina, Zinaida, Valeria and.

Difficult relations will be with Olga, Angela, Zhanna, Bella, Tatyana.

How to decline

This name can be declined in cases as follows:

  • Nominative - Bogdan.
  • Genitive - Bogdana.
  • Dative - Bogdan.
  • Accusative - Bogdana.
  • Creative - Bogdan.
  • Prepositional - Bogdan.

Notable people with this name

Among famous people with this name there are versatile personalities:

  • Bogdan-Zinoviy Khmelnitsky statesman, commander, leader of the rebel Cossacks during clashes with the authorities of the Commonwealth.
  • Bogdan Schweitzer is an astronomer from Russia.
  • Bogdan Deditsky - poet and writer, the first Galician-Russian journalist (professional).
  • Bogdan Saltanov - court artist under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, chief designer of the Armory.
  • Bogdan Nilus is an architect from Russia.
  • Bogdan Stupka - Ukrainian theater and film actor.
  • Bogdan Glinsky - a prince from the Glinsky family.
  • Bogdan Lobonts is a football player from Romania.
  • Bogdan Gelfreich I - hero Patriotic War 1812, lieutenant general.
  • Bogdan Blavatsky - Ukrainian football player.
  • Bogdan von Glazenap - Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, agent of the Naval Ministry in Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
  • Bohdan Benyuk - Ukrainian actor.
  • Bogdan Plum - Polish chess player
  • Bogdan Shershun - Ukrainian football player.
  • Jon Bogdan Mara - Romanian footballer
  • Bogdan Mamonov - author of painting, installations, art critic from Russia.
  • Bogdan Kiselevich - Russian hockey player.
  • Bogdan Filov - Bulgarian politician, archaeologist and art critic.
  • Bogdan Hasdeu - Moldavian and Romanian poet, writer, historian.
  • Bogdan Chaly is a children's writer from Ukraine.
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If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Bogdan.

What does the name Bogdan mean?

The name Bogdan means - given by God (glor.)

The meaning of the name Bogdan - character and fate

A man named Bogdan is confident, self-aware, calm and balanced. He strives for a stable financial position, is not afraid of any work. In the family, he needs to be a leader, his well-being at work and in his career is connected with this. Somewhat unceremonious with his wife, he can teach and make comments in the presence of strangers. Arrogant with others, claims absolute superiority. He likes to argue, rarely agrees with the arguments. However, Bogdan has many excellent qualities: he knows how to earn money, is economical, caring, does not spare money for rest and the health of family members. A man named Bogdan is monogamous by nature, jealous. Likes to drink, but never gets drunk. In communicating with a woman, the main thing for him is spiritual closeness, understanding, similarity of intellectual interests. He makes high demands on his future wife, so it may take years before he makes his choice. He is very afraid of making a mistake, because an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for a long time. Children are brought up in severity, no frills. A man named Bogdan raises beautiful, disciplined and highly organized children who love sports, are attentive to their parents, and good-natured to others.

The meaning of the name Bogdan for sex

Bogdan is not indifferent to sex, but does not like to advertise his connections, does not tolerate conversations on intimate topics. He takes care of a woman for a long time before deciding on intimacy. A man named Bogdan is sentimental, but he tries not to show it. He wants to be sure that the girlfriend belongs exclusively to him, only then is he able to feel the fullness of sexual experiences.

The nature and fate of the name Bogdan, taking into account the patronymic

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Bogdan Borisovich, Bogdan Vadimovich, Bogdan Vitalievich, Bogdan Grigorievich, Bogdan Pavlovich, Bogdan Eduardovich has a contradictory character, shows stubbornness about and without it. Somewhat lazy. Doesn't get along well with "winter" people, prefers "summer" ones. Only a woman who earns his trust, recognizes his refined nature, and becomes his support in life can become his wife. difficult moments. Bogdan in extreme conditions indecisive, capricious, willful. Often a man named Bogdan complains about a difficult fate, needs pity and attention. exposed nervous breakdowns, depression. He does not like to do housework, but then he vigilantly monitors how his wife copes with it. She is not involved in raising children, only sometimes she can take part in their games.

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Bogdan Andreevich, Bogdan Arkadievich, Bogdan Kirillovich, Bogdan Matveevich, Bogdan Nikitich, Bogdan Romanovich, Bogdan Tarasovich, Bogdan Timofeevich, Bogdan Yakovlevich balanced, with his amazing calmness he is able to influence the interlocutor. Sociable, can not stand loneliness. Marries in adulthood, seriously approaches the issue of creating a family. He takes a modest wife, serious woman, economic and devoted. A man named Bogdan is caring in the family, knows how to cook deliciously and sets the table for guests with pleasure. A faithful husband, too sensible to have an affair on the side. He devotes a lot of time to children. Be sure to get a pet for them, he willingly tinkers with him. Most of all he loves dogs and fish.

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Bogdan Bogdanovich, Bogdan Vyacheslavovich, Bogdan Gennadievich, Bogdan Georgievich, Bogdan Danilovich, Bogdan Egorovich, Bogdan Konstantinovich, Bogdan Robertovich, Bogdan Svyatoslavovich easy to communicate. His life is not easy, his talent is not revealed immediately, the formation of his personality takes a long time. A man named Bogdan has a sense of humor. Very amorous, can spontaneously marry in early youth, but this marriage, as a rule, is fragile. Remarriage, concluded in adulthood, will be happy. Willingly helps his wife around the house, but does not dictate his own rules. Knows how to make, but only when there is a desire. He loves children, does not stop relations with a child from his first marriage, takes an active part in his personal life, provides financially. Not inclined to change sexual partners, loves stability in intimate relationships. Appreciates intelligence and devotion in a woman.

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Bogdan Antonovich, Bogdan Arturovich, Bogdan Valerievich, Bogdan Germanovich, Bogdan Glebovich, Bogdan Denisovich, Bogdan Yegorovich, Bogdan Iosifovich, Bogdan Lvovich, Bogdan Mironovich, Bogdan Olegovich, Bogdan Ruslanovich, Bogdan Filippovich, Bogdan Emmanuilovich closed and laconic. Restrained in manifestations of feelings, stingy. In family life, a man named Bogdan strives for unconditional leadership. He takes a calm and patient woman as his wife. Demands unquestioning obedience from her, can shout at her, emphasize his superiority. Not distinguished by tact and delicacy. With friends, he likes to show off his dominant position in the family. It is difficult to get along with him, but you can be sure that he will never leave his family. He needs to have a strong rear, which he finds in the family. He is not at all interested in the household and does not take part in its conduct. He is strict with children, but he is not involved in their upbringing.

Name Bogdan and patronymic ....

Bogdan Alanovich, Bogdan Albertovich, Bogdan Anatolyevich, Bogdan Veniaminovich, Bogdan Vladlenovich, Bogdan Dmitrievich, Bogdan Nikolaevich, Bogdan Rostislavovich, Bogdan Stanislavovich, Bogdan Stepanovich, Bogdan Feliksovich hot-tempered and conflict. He likes to argue, he does not know how to lose. Great actor. Wise by experience, gives good advice. He rarely makes mistakes in calculations. He likes noisy companies, he welcomes guests with pleasure, you can come to him at any time, he will be glad to everyone. A man named Bogdan tries to surprise his friends with his exquisite taste and hospitality. He is generous with his soul, loves to give gifts to loved ones, often brings flowers to his wife. He enjoys the manifestation of his cordiality. Marries late, chooses a spouse for a long time. He takes an accommodating, compliant woman, patient and not overbearing, as his wife. An attentive loving spouse, but very jealous and aggressive, especially when drunk, can make a scandal in the house. He strives to re-educate his wife, forces her to adapt to his rhythm of life, which is why marriage often breaks up. Economical, somewhat fisted, constantly points out to his wife about unnecessary expenses. He is strict with children, does not spoil them, but he also does little to educate them.

For those who are interested in the meaning of the name Bogdan, there is an opportunity to make a lot of pleasant discoveries and not be disappointed in their choice. Traditionally, the interpretation of the name begins at an early age. Bogdasha is inclined to colds. Given that in most cases it is a rather late only child, for the mother it becomes the "center of the universe."

As a result, the baby learns to use childhood illnesses to their advantage, the mother is ready to fulfill any whim, for her only his good mood. A father is categorically not allowed to be brought up, especially with harsh methods.

This a prime example special connection between mother and son, is jealous even of her conversations with her friends, constant attention from the side of the child is of great importance for the baby loved one. The meaning of the name Bogdan for a boy testifies to his spoiledness at an early age. This male name often chosen by parents of long-awaited sons.

The boy rarely makes friends with his peers; the authority of an older friend matters to him. In school years, he does not strain, spends a minimum of time studying subjects. At the same time, studying the meaning of the name Bogdan for a child, one can observe cardinal changes that occur at a certain age, laziness remains in childhood.

With regard to study, the interpretation of the name allows us to conclude that he needs an incentive and, most importantly, a certain time when the inner voice will tell you about the need to reveal abilities, and sometimes talents.


Sentimental in relationships with women. For him, beautiful courtship is of particular importance, during which he shows maximum ingenuity, surrounds his chosen one with attention, and prepares surprises. romantic atmosphere he needs in order to feel confident.

Random connections are excluded. This means that frivolous women do not attract his attention. Even at a young age, he does not give in to fleeting passion, he looks at the girl he likes for a long time.

The companion will feel confident next to such a man, you can really rely on him, he will find a way out of any situation. If his lady was insulted, he will behave like a real man, without thinking about the consequences.
Intimate intimacy is possible only with the one who fully trusts.


He is not in a hurry to marry, because he must be sure of his chosen one, the slightest bit of doubt about comfortable cohabitation rule out marriage.

Having decided on the choice, he begins to “build a fortress” according to his own laws, which means the desire to single-handedly take important decisions in family. The main disadvantages are the result of excessive maternal care at an early age. He is demanding of his wife, she must constantly surround him with attention and care.

Often behaves selfishly, without thinking about others.
Not the last role in family relations is played by the mother, who is extremely painful for her son's wedding, because of this, quite often the first marriage breaks up. The wife needs to establish contact with her mother-in-law in order to save the family.

Sometimes manifestations of jealousy go beyond the bounds of decency, attaches importance to the slightest signs of attention to the wife from strangers. The ideal match for him is a calm woman who will not argue and will allow him to take a leadership position. A demanding husband can afford to raise his voice in the presence of strangers.

Jealousy and irascibility do not interfere with being a caring spouse who, without hesitation, is ready to fulfill any homework. Prefers to spend free time in the family. In organizing holidays, he has no equal, savings are excluded.

He is ready to pamper his children, especially nostalgic memories of childhood, in which he did not know the refusal of anything, contribute to this. Ready to become a real friend to children.

A woman's priority is her inner world, intellectual abilities, appearance is of secondary importance.

Business and career

As they grow older, whims disappear, completely opposite features appear: confidence and calmness. He behaves boldly at any age, his self-esteem is slightly overestimated, which means that it helps him to confidently move forward. When it comes to a career, it's best not to get in his way. He knows exactly what he wants from life.

An adult man is not afraid of difficulties, accepts non-standard solutions and confidently moving towards the goal, without exaggeration, he can be assigned the status of a war. From the school bench shows interest in the exact sciences, as a rule, the university chooses the appropriate one. If he continues this way, he will quickly achieve success. It has various abilities, but from creative professions worth giving up. Can realize himself in the business sphere, become a successful entrepreneur. Whatever he does, he will definitely not need.

origin of the name Bogdan

The etymology of the name indicates that the origin of the name Bogdan is inextricably linked with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. It came from the Byzantine Fedot, from where it came in parallel with Christianity. History contains enough facts about people whose name commands respect. The secret of the name will allow you to find sources of energy, talismans.

Characteristics of the name Bogdan

The character of the boy is strongly influenced by the excessive guardianship of the mother. From childhood, the child gets used to the support at any time. In addition, the characteristic of the name Bogdan indicates that he prefers to communicate with the strong, enlists their support if necessary, imitates in many ways.

As they grow up, independence and confidence in their abilities are manifested. Like any person, he has his pros and cons. To achieve the set goal, he uses any methods, does not recognize the superiority of others. A serious drawback is laziness, prefers to do one thing, is not overloaded. However, over time, for the sake of the goal, ensuring the prosperity of the family, he is ready to give up rest.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: green marble
  • Name day: March 4, 15; May 12, 31; June 20; July 17th; September 15, 28; 20 November.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Aries

Famous people

  • Bogdan Stupka - actor;
  • Bogdan Titomir - singer;
  • Bogdan Bondarenko is an athlete.

Different languages

Quite rarely, the question arises as to how it is translated: "given by God." Given the modern rhythm of life, the translation of a name into foreign languages, this is necessary primarily for the error-free execution of documents.

  • in Chinese 波格丹 Bō Gé Dān;
  • in Japanese, 神出し is Kamidashi.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Bogdan.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Bob, Boyda, Bogdik, Bogo, Bogdasya, Boto, Bogdanek, Botio, Boncho, Boban, Dancho, Danyo, Danko, Dan, Dacho, Dachko, Bogdanko, Danya, Dani, Vogdas.
  • Declination of the name - Bogdan, Bogdan.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Theodotus, this is how it will be written at the time of baptism.
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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
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