Double-circuit solid fuel boiler: advantages and price. How to choose a solid fuel double-circuit long-burning boiler

A solid fuel boiler is a common option for heating private houses and cottages.

Features of work

A long-burning double-circuit solid fuel device is a device that provides not only water supply, but also hot water supply. Such units are easy to install and are the main competitor of gas boilers. Unlike gas boilers, solid fuel units are more independent of the fuel source.

One boiler circuit is directed for heating and heating of a private house, and the other for submission hot water . The circuits maintain the same temperature due to built-in sensors that can record the minimum drop in set values. Having received a signal from the sensor, the device burns the raw material, releasing heat to the water in the circuits. Often double-circuit boilers are equipped with a container - a boiler, where hot water is accumulated, maintained at a given temperature and distributed throughout the house without requiring extra work devices. The heating circuit is cyclical, the waste liquid returns back to the unit.


When choosing a boiler for your home, you need to pay attention to the fuel. Various models of appliances, coal, pellets or several types of fuel at once. Coal and firewood are considered the cheapest options.

Sawdust, wood chips, briquettes are also inexpensive material, but a lot of them are required, so this type of fuel is convenient to use if there is a wood processing plant nearby.

- This eco-friendly look biofuel in the form of granules, which is obtained from peat, waste Agriculture and forestry industry. The granules consist of crushed material, dehydrated and compressed under pressure without adhesives. Pellet boiler models have a special container into which pellets are poured, and they are consumed automatically, so there is no need to monitor the fuel supply. Depending on the type of equipment, you can put coal, sawdust, and wood chips into the container.

Read also: Features of automatic coal boilers

Types of long-burning boilers

Depending on the method of fuel combustion, dual-circuit devices for the home are:

  1. Regular, equipped with a volumetric firebox.
  2. Long-term combustion, in which the fuel burns almost completely due to the process of pyrolysis (fuel and gaseous combustion products are burned separately).

Double-circuit pyrolysis gas boilers have two types of design:

  1. The gas generator type of devices has two combustion chambers, the first one contains fuel, and the second one burns the gases formed as a result of combustion. This version of the device has a high efficiency rate of about 98%. Combustible raw materials burn very efficiently (almost no ash remains) and release a large amount of heat. This unit operates in autonomous mode.
  2. Top burning. The design has a cylindrical shape; water circulates between two layers of the boiler body, heating up from contact with the wall of the firebox. Hot water goes through the pipes into the heating system and returns back. U of this type devices have a large amount of space inside, into which a large amount of fuel (usually wood) is loaded on top. The combustion process occurs in the upper gas part of the fuel layer, where oxygen is supplied.

Advantages and disadvantages of long-burning boilers


  1. Easy to install and connect to the heating and hot water supply system.
  2. Ease of use, many models are equipped electronic systems work management, in which the necessary mechanisms for automating processes have already been installed.
  3. Low price of the fuel used and its variety.
  4. Economical consumption of resources and high efficiency.
  5. Environmental friendliness. Combustible material burns almost without residue, the emitted flue gases have a minimal content of impurities.
  6. Many manufacturers guarantee long life service life – more than 25 years.
  7. Does not require special permits for installation in a private home.

For owners of private houses, the issue of installing a heating and hot water supply system is quite relevant. The comfort and convenience of living directly depends on its decision. Since it is not always possible to connect to the central heating network, you have to use one of possible ways home heating.
Dual-circuit solid fuel boilers Heating a private home is the most economical in terms of the cost of fuel consumed. Thanks to this, they are the most popular in the heating device market.
Operating principle.
Before you buy heating equipment, it is important to understand it characteristic features and principle of operation. The dual-circuit unit is based on two heat exchangers. One of them is responsible for ensuring comfortable temperature in residential or production premises, the other for heating water. Solid fuel boilers differ from each other in the principle of energy combustion. There are two main types:

  • Pyrolysis heating equipment. Inside these boilers there are 2 chambers. One of them contains fuel. The resulting combustion products enter the adjacent chamber, where they are mixed with forced oxygen. The resulting mixture burns again and releases heat. Due to the implemented technology, the efficiency of the equipment was significantly increased. Coils in in this case located horizontally above the combustion chambers.
  • Top combustion units. In such models there is one firebox in which the burner can be lowered. Energy combustion is carried out strictly from top to bottom. This allows for more economical use of fuel by increasing the time of its complete combustion. The coils surround the combustion chamber, which allows for the same output efficiency for both installations.

How to choose the right double-circuit solid fuel boiler for heating a private home
Your choice should be made based on the following parameters:

  • Automation. Its presence increases comfort and safety when operating the equipment. But the price of boilers with numerous sensors that fully control the combustion process and operation of the boiler is not democratic.
  • Reliability. It is worth buying only high-quality equipment. It has a long service life, without warranty service.
  • Features of maintenance and control of units. Models that are equipped with the installation option required temperature, are more convenient and practical. They allow you to use fuel more economically, which can be used as firewood, pallets, coal, sawdust, and pyrolysis blocks.

Our store presents various models double-circuit solid fuel boilers. You can buy equipment at the best prices, which are affordable.

The inability to connect to gas mains and the high cost of electricity supply forces owners of country houses to look for alternative way heat your own facility. Increasingly, solid fuel double-circuit boilers for home use are used for such purposes. They are distinguished by significant savings, ease of operation and other qualities, about which information is given below. How to choose and what to consider - about everything in detail.

Operating principle and features of a solid fuel boiler

Unlike a traditional wood or coal stove, the unit is modernized and optimized for the realities of each home - the required heating and water heating for domestic needs. Boilers differ in combustion principle:

  1. Pyrolysis. In addition to the main action - burning fuel, the system collects the released gas - usually CO - and mixes it with oxygen, and then ignites it. As a result of the combustion of the mixture, a certain amount of temperature is again released, which is used to heat the medium.
  2. Upper combustion chamber. The principle does not work from the bottom up, but, on the contrary, allowing the process to go slowly and with greater impact.

The design of heat exchangers for the units is different. In the first option, it is located horizontally above the combustion chambers, in the second, the vertical heat exchanger completely surrounds the firebox. As a rule, containers are made in the form of coils.

Pros and cons of double-circuit solid fuel boilers

Any double-circuit solid fuel boiler cannot be called ideal. However, its popularity is due to the following advantages:

  1. Durability. The service life is 15-20 years, which is superior to electrical or gas units by an order of magnitude.
  2. Reliability. This includes fuel availability, autonomous process, automatic control above the level of fuel consumption and the use of an emergency unit.
  3. Easy to use. No special knowledge is needed to load the boiler and clean the chambers from fuel decay products. Also, the control unit helps optimize fuel consumption, therefore, the savings are significant.

Solid fuel double-circuit heating boilers do not have their drawbacks. To decide on a purchase, you should consider them:

  • Dependence of the boiler on the energy resource. Automation works from the network. In the event of a power outage, such boilers may lose forced ventilation.
  • It follows from the first point that you will need to install a good gas duct, arranged according to all the rules. If you treat the work negligently, then the minimum that awaits the owners is the inability to breathe in their own home.
  • The boiler has weak side– heat exchanger for generating hot water for domestic needs. It is small and the accumulation of scale leads to its rapid failure.
  • The place for installing the boiler and storing fuel must be arranged according to the rules. In addition, the large unit takes up precious square meters area.
  • Physical effort is required to maintain the boiler - refueling at least twice a day, cleaning, regular maintenance. Deprived of all this electric boilers and gas mini-boiler houses.
The model range offers the consumer a wide range of units, whose characteristics may be ideal for a specific facility.

What to look for when purchasing double-circuit solid fuel heating boilers - details below.

How to choose a double-circuit solid fuel boiler for home heating

Before purchasing any heating system, it is important to calculate required power to replenish heat loss at home. The calculations are difficult; they would be better done by a specialist, taking into account the construction material, insulation, number of window and doorways, and total area object.

When the final figure is found, then models that satisfy this value can be considered. You also need to pay attention to the following points:

The last point requires confirmation. When purchasing a double-circuit solid fuel boiler, reviews about it should be evaluated first. So:

We installed a long burning wood boiler. We have never regretted making a choice in favor of domestic manufacturer. Our unit is called Dymok, from the Zota plant. It is multifunctional - heating, water heating, cooking. Built-in heating elements allow you not to get up at night to load fuel or even leave the boiler unattended for a long time.

Vladislav, Astrakhan

We have been using the Danko TE boiler for two winters now and have never regretted it. Warm, dry, hot water all the time. The controller allows you to set the desired heating mode, so you don’t have to run all the time. Unfortunately, we didn’t notice any particular fuel savings - our winters are severe, but we’re happy with everything else.

Anna, Berezniki

A few years ago we installed an EKO-CKB 50 Wirbel. Such a unit can operate on any type of fuel, which is very good - coal is not always available. But at the same time, performance does not decrease when switching from one type of fuel to another. The power regulator is clear even to our grandmother - if it needs to be warmer, she knows how to do it. If it had been possible to use blue fuel, we would, of course, have done it, but having compared a gas and solid fuel double-circuit boiler, we did not regret purchasing the latter - the efficiency is almost the same.

Solid fuel boilers is a highly efficient equipment used for heating cottages, administrative buildings and industrial facilities. They can operate on wood, sawdust, coal, briquettes and pellets and are indispensable in places where there is no centralized gas supply and power outages occur.

Types of solid fuel equipment

Boilers are classified based on their functionality, materials used and combustion principles.

Depending on the material of manufacture, there are two types of solid fuel boilers.

  • Steel units are lightweight and affordable.
  • Cast iron models are heavier and larger, but their service life is much longer. They are practically not subject to corrosion, are durable and can withstand high temperatures.

According to its purpose, a solid fuel boiler can be single-circuit or double-circuit. The first is intended exclusively for heating rooms, the second, in addition to the heating function, also performs the function of heating water.

A solid fuel water boiler operates according to the classical scheme - fuel combustion occurs from the bottom up. Loading is carried out through the top door, and it is ignited below through the firebox window, which is also used to clean the unit.

Considered the safest and most durable pyrolysis boilers. They are characterized by long-burning technology. In this regard, boilers have certain advantages: efficiency, high productivity, long-term operation on one load, and environmental friendliness.

Sales and professional connection of boilers

You should not install solid fuel boilers yourself. Not knowing technical features, you may damage the equipment. We recommend entrusting the connection and installation of the boiler to our specialists.

Today on the market there are a wide range of boilers operating on different types of fuel, including: gas, liquid fuel, electricity. However, the most popular type heating equipment A double-circuit solid fuel boiler is considered.

The reasons for the popularity of solid fuel units lie in the relative cheapness of the equipment and fuel for its operation. It is also important that there is no need to go through permitting procedures, as is the case with gas boilers

. In addition, in remote areas, solid fuel is often the only available source of energy. When choosing solid fuel boiler

  • You should take a closer look at several important parameters:
  • Type of fuel;
  • combustion principle;

heat exchanger type.

The solid fuel boiler can operate on many types of fuel: wood, coal, pellets, briquettes and wood chips.

Firewood and coal

Solid fuel boilers operating on coal and wood belong to the most affordable price category. The disadvantage of this equipment is the inability to operate on fuel with a high level of humidity.

At the same time, if the fuel is well dried, the efficiency of the equipment is much higher than if we were talking about burning briquettes and pellets. One bookmark is enough to heat for 12 hours.


The production of pellets is based on the processing of wood and agricultural waste. Thus, pellets are the result of secondary production. The choice of a pellet boiler is justified if pellets, as a type of fuel, are absolutely available.

The pellet boiler is simple and comfortable to use. Design features The unit allows you to fully automate the process of feeding pellets into the firebox.

Thus, there is no need to regularly supply fuel to the boiler. It is also worth noting that double-circuit solid fuel boilers are best sold in the form of pellet units.

Sawdust, wood chips, briquettes

Installation of solid fuel boilers using wood chips, sawdust and briquettes is almost always carried out in places where there is a woodworking industry nearby. In a private home, such equipment is rarely used. Unless there is a sawmill in the yard. Note! In many cases best option - This universal equipment , capable of working with different types


Combustion principle

When choosing a double-circuit solid fuel boiler, you need to decide on the method of fuel combustion.

  • There are two options:
  • unit with a volumetric combustion chamber;

possibility of controlled combustion. Purchasing a boiler with a large firebox will cost much less.

However, a volumetric firebox cannot be considered a solution to the problem, since everything will have to be done to add firewood - just a couple of hours later. Moreover, this must be done regardless of the time of day, as the fuel burns out. Thus, you will have to constantly keep an eye on the boiler.

The solution to the problem of autonomy lies in the acquisition of a pyrolysis unit, the so-called long-burning boiler. Such equipment can function without human intervention for several days.

  • Long-burning double-circuit solid fuel boilers are available in two variations:
  • gas generator structures; boilers

Such equipment is presented in two versions:

  1. Gas generator models.
  2. Top combustion boilers.

The operating principle of gas generator models is that a large amount of heat is used in combustion. To do this, such boilers are equipped with two chambers, one of which contains solid fuel. In such units, very heat, since oxygen enters the chamber.

Thanks to the high temperature regime, dry wood fuel burns out almost completely and releases the maximum possible amount of heat. In this case, gas is released, which is directed into the second chamber - it is smaller than the firebox for solid fuel. This chamber also contains a small burner that burns gas, resulting in additional heat. Thus, the efficiency can reach up to 98%.

The main disadvantage of long-burning boilers is their high cost. Moreover the lineup There is no variety of such equipment.

Solid fuel boilers with top combustion can also operate in autonomous mode. Typically their firebox is made of ceramic. Such boilers are equipped with complex automation, which affects the cost.

Units with top combustion have two steel cylinders inserted into each other. The diameter of the cylinders is different enough that there is space between them where the coolant is located. The firebox is located in a smaller cylinder. Fuel is supplied through the door on the top cover.

Scheme of a solid fuel boiler with top combustion

There is an air distributor inside the unit. It looks like a pipe equipped with an umbrella-shaped tip. This tip rests against the walls of a small cylinder. The air is directed in portions - only to the upper part of the loaded fuel. In this regard, first of all, this part of the load burns out. Gradually, the fuel level decreases, and at the same time the umbrella lowers, supplying air for the next level of firewood. Briefly, this is the operating diagram of a long-burning unit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Solid fuel equipment with two circuits is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages.


  • maintenance of such equipment is kept to a minimum, so there is almost no ash left;
  • high efficiency;
  • possibility of autonomous control;
  • a dual-circuit system means the possibility of both heating and water heating;
  • no need for circulation pump, because the system can operate on natural circulation;
  • upper combustion equipment is considered the safest, since the system is closed;
  • The warranty periods for such units are the longest among competing equipment.


  • metal parts of equipment take a long time to cool down;
  • the boiler is adapted to work only with dry fuel, and it must be of a certain size;
  • with an arbitrary increase in draft or fluid pressure, condensation appears inside the system, which is difficult to get rid of;
  • lighting an incomplete firebox is not an easy task;
  • Wood burning units must not be loaded with sawdust or small wood chips.

Heat exchanger material

Three types of materials are used for the manufacture of heat exchangers: steel, ceramics or cast iron.

Heat exchangers made of steel reduce the cost of equipment. Such devices tolerate temperature changes well, but are susceptible to corrosion processes. The service life of a steel heat exchanger is up to 15 years. The choice of such a boiler is most often dictated by the need to save money or as a temporary solution.

The ceramic heat exchanger is also based on a steel frame. However, ceramic coating is applied on top of the steel. Boilers with ceramic heat exchangers are characterized by high reliability, quality and long service life.

A heat exchanger made of cast iron is not subject to corrosion, but is not adapted to heavy mechanical loads and is different high cost. The service life of a cast iron heat exchanger is up to 30 years.

Construction of a cast iron solid fuel boiler

Thus, when choosing a long-burning boiler, you need to take into account a whole range of factors. The main ones are: the availability of a particular type of fuel, the principle of combustion, as well as the material from which the heat exchanger is made.

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