Research work is the way to the stars. The amazing world of stars. Research work. The structure of stars. Models of some types of stars

"EXCELSIOR - 2012"



Ignatieva Veronika, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Klimovskaya Secondary” comprehensive school»,

9th grade

Scientific adviser:

Belova Svetlana Nikolaevna, physics teacher, Klimovskaya Secondary School, Ibresinsky District, Chuvash Republic


Relevance The topic I have chosen is that many 9th grade students are confused when choosing a profession and they are always interested in questions: does the Universe influence the character and destiny of a person when choosing a profession.

The purpose of my research work: find out whether the Universe influences the character and destiny of a person when choosing a profession.

Research objectives:

  1. Find out whether the two sciences - astronomy and astrology - are related to each other.
  2. Find out what character traits are inherent in carriers of a certain zodiac sign and what types of specialties correspond to them.
  3. Find out what zodiac signs the students in my class were born under.
  4. Find a correspondence between the predictions of the stars and observations in the character traits of my classmates.
  5. Compare whether the research results coincide with those “attributed” to the stars?

Object of study: Human.

Subject of study:character of a person, his zodiac sign.

Research methods:analytical and statistical work with reference, scientific, educational and special literature; searching for information on Internet resources; conducting a survey among students in our class; summarizing.

The value of the results obtained:when choosing a profession, each person should know which professions correspond to his character and make right choice in life.

Sources for writing work:reference, scientific, educational and special literature; information on Internet resources.

Brief literature review: 1) Encyclopedia for children. Astronomy / editorial board: M. Aksenova and others - M.: World of Avanta encyclopedias. 2) A large book of questions and answers. What? For what? Why? /Trans. K.. Mishina, A. Zykova.-M.: Eskimo Publishing House3) Internet resources.

The degree of study of this problem:You can work on this problem forever, but the results obtained can be used when choosing a profession.Characteristics of personal contribution to solving the selected problem:I tried to compare the predictions of the stars with the personal qualities of a person when choosing a profession.

Everyone has their own zodiac sign...

Stars, planets, satellites, the Universe - all this was and is an incompletely solved mystery. Scientists have written and are writing their works about them: mathematicians, astronomers, philosophers, physicists. Poets sing of them. People have always been interested in how the world in which they live works and asked many questions, including what place it occupies in the Universe...

E Even ancient people paid attention to the starry sky. For thousands of years, spending the night by the fire and looking at the sky, man has learned that from evening to evening the stars are the same, and the distance between the stars does not change.The human eye, not equipped with any instruments, is capable of seeing 3 thousand stars. In order to navigate the sky, ancient people grouped bright stars according to relative position, making up any figure. These stars were mentally connected by straight lines. And this group of stars was called a constellation. For example, the constellation Ursa Major is seven very bright stars connected by straight lines. However, due to its long tail, the constellation Ursa Major does not look like a bear, but rather resembles a ladle or pan. So it is with other constellations... Almost never in these figures is there any resemblance to those objects whose names the ancient astronomers symbolically named these figures. F Antasia of the ancients inhabited the sky mythical creatures and animals, many of which are not found in any menagerie on Earth. These names have been preserved to this day.

Nowadays a constellation is understood as a whole area in the sky within certain boundaries. A constellation includes all the stars that are visible in this area of ​​the sky. Astronomers count 88 constellations. Each constellation has its own name. They all have very beautiful and poetic names. According to astrologers, only 12 constellations in the sky influence the life and destiny of people. Astrologers call these constellations “zodiac signs.” So, according to astrologers, the fact of birth under a certain sign affects a person’s personality. Is it so? This is what I wanted to find out.

What is astrology? The word “astrology” itself (Greek) comes from “astron” - “star” and “logos” - “teaching”. Astrology is a teaching that came to us from ancient times. It is based only on the ancient belief that all events in people's lives are determined by heavenly forces. Sayings about astrology are very diverse. Although most astronomers are very skeptical about astrology, it is a generally accepted fact that the Sun influences people's lives and health. Does this mean that the Earth, its past, present and future are really connected with space? And I think, since we believe in God, why not believe in a science like astrology?

Study 1.

According to astrologerseach bearer of a certain zodiac sign corresponds certain types specialties (Appendix 1).

I decided to check it out. To do this, using Holland’s method, I found out what types of specialties, based on the subject of work, corresponded to my classmates and compared them with those that were “attributed” to the stars.Psychologist Holland created a special technique that allows you to accurately determine the social character of a person and his predisposition to a particular profession.The results of tests conducted by the class teacher during professional self-determination lessons helped me with this (Appendix 2). After comparison, it turned out that for 22 students, the types of specialties based on the subject of work according to Holland’s method coincided 79% with those “attributed” to the stars.

Study 2.

According to astrologersEach bearer of a certain zodiac sign also corresponds to certain character traits (Appendix 1).

The following study aimed to find out, what character traits are inherent in the carriers of a certain zodiac sign among my classmates and whether the character traits coincide with those that astrologers attribute to them. I conducted a survey among students in my class. From a huge number of tests, we chose the simplest test. This is a character test. (Appendix 3). The test consists of choosing among geometric shapes the one you like the most. You can choose either a square, or a rectangle, or a triangle, or a circle, or a zigzag. And after that - learn about the character traits of each.

It was much more difficult to compare here, since everyone has different characters. I got 15 approximate matches, which is 54%. Much less than in the first study. After this research, I got the impression that it is probably better not to believe the predictions of the stars. But I came across one very interesting article called “THE KING AND THE ASTROLOGER”.

An interesting story is told about the astrologer of the French king Louis XI (1461-1483), a tough and crafty ruler. This astrologer had the misfortune of predicting the death of the king's beloved lady; she actually died. Then the king ordered the astrologer to be called and ordered his executioners to be ready, so that, at his sign, they would take the fortuneteller away and execute him. When the astrologer appeared, the king asked him: “Do you consider yourselfskillful, that you know well the fate of people. Then tell me immediately how much time is leftshould you live on your own? The astrologer realized the trap. Without being confused, he calmly replied: “Your Majesty! The stars showed me that I should die three days before your death.” Superstitious Kingnot only canceled the execution, but also took care the best way about the health of the astrologer and his complete safety. If you believe history, then predicting the stars helped save a person’s life, and that’s worth a lot.


While conducting my research, I: 1) learned that the sciences of astronomy and astrology are completely different sciences, although it is possible that they are closely related to each other and 2) came to the conclusion that the stars still have an influence on character, and possibly on the fate of a person, although this has not been scientifically proven. And I also believe that it is necessary to study this topic and, perhaps, after some time it will be possible to accurately predict the fate of a person and determine what place he occupies in the Universe, only one question will remain unresolved: “will the person himself want to know what awaits him?” in future?" After all, no one can guarantee that the fates of all people will be prosperous, and while we do not know what awaits us ahead, we are happy... In conclusion, I would like to note the words American psychologist Samantha Davis “Horoscope is just a diagram, we choose the path ourselves” …

Annex 1.

12 constellations in the sky that influence the lives and fate of people.

Astrologers attribute certain character traits to each bearer of a certain zodiac sign.

1) People born under the sign of Aries: -the nature: reckless pioneers, enthusiastic enthusiasts, selfish, loving complete freedom and do not tolerate obstacles, are optimistic and ambitious;

2) People born under the sign of Taurus: - by character: patient, hardy, persistent, hardworking, love comfort, beauty, emotional, but suspicious and cautious. Likes to make acquaintances.

Based on the subject of work: “man is nature”, “man is a sign system”, “man is an artistic image”.

3) People born under the sign of Gemini: -by character: curious researchers, charming, intelligent, sociable. They are characterized by duality of mental makeup. They don't know or understand themselves.

Based on the subject of work: “man is a sign system”, “man is a person”, “man is an artistic image”.

4) People born under the sign of Cancer: -by character: wise, selfless in love, dreamy. They love science, are keen on religion, and have a mysterious character;

Based on the subject of work: "man - technology", "man - man", "man - artistic image", "man - sign system", " person - alive nature".

5) People born under the sign of Leo: -by character: powerful, generous, hot-tempered, love to give rich gifts to others and receive gifts from others, always put themselves in the center of the world. Leo is a symbol of courage and strength, wisdom. They know how to manage people, they have nobility and dignity.

Based on the subject of labor: “person is a person”, “person is Live nature", "man is a sign system", "man is an artistic image".

6) People born under the sign of Virgo. - by character: thorough, scrupulous, neat, thrifty, inventive, denying themselves for the sake of others. They have a keen analytical mind and practical acumen.

Based on the subject of work: “man is a person”, “man is a sign system”, “man is an artistic image”.

7) People born under the sign of Libra: - by nature: hardworking, collective, insecure, requiring unity and joint action from others. Libra is a symbol of friendliness, politeness, and justice. Those born under this sign have a developed artistic taste and the ability for internal and external harmony. Libra is the darling of fate.

Based on the subject of work: “man is an artistic image”, “man is technology”, “man is a sign system”, “man is living nature”.

8) People born under the sign of Scorpio: - by character: hypersensitive, insightful, vindictive, stubborn, ready to swim against the tide, iron will. People of this sign are difficult to understand even to astrologers.

Based on the subject of work: “man - man”, “man - sign system”, “man - living nature”, “man - technology”.

9) People born under the sign of Sagittarius:

By character: wise, sincere, decent, honest, principled, energetic, self-satisfied, at the same time kind, selfless and flexible. They are ready to help anyone who needs help.

Based on the subject of work: “man is a person”, “man is an artistic image”.

10) People born under the sign of Capricorn:

By nature: dispassionate, cautious, vigilant, reasonable, have strong character, homebody, stubborn, strive to achieve their chosen goal, serious, with a huge sense of duty, relying only on themselves.

Based on the subject of work: “man is an artistic image”, “man is a person”, “man is a sign system”.

11) People born under the sign of Aquarius:

The nature: rebels, instinctively feel that old traditions are wrong, that people and the world need drastic changes, are subject to instant and completely unexpected changes in life;

Based on the subject of work: “man is a man”, “man is a sign system”, “man is an artistic image”, “man is living nature”.

12) People born under the sign of Pisces:

By character: proud, dreamy, religious, illogical, living in their fantasies, contradictory, constantly looking for the best.

Based on the subject of work: “man is an artistic image”, “man is a person”, “man is a sign system”, “man is technology”.

Appendix 2. Comparative table.

The first study I conducted was: do the types of specialties based on the subject of work according to Holland’s method coincide with those that are “attributed” to the stars (22 matches - that’s 79%).

Last name, first name


Zodiac sign

Holland test results

Alekseeva Katya




Arlanov Artem



"man - technology"

Bronnikova Elya



"man - artistic image"

Valerianov Dima



"man - technology"

Vasilyeva Lyubov



"man - artistic image"

Vasiliev Vitaly



"man - technology"

Gavrilova Tatyana




Efremova Veronik a



"man - artistic image"

Zaitseva Diana




Ivanov Alexander



"man - artistic image"

Ivanova Tatyana



"man - artistic image"

Ignatieva Veronica




Ilyin Peter




Kozlova Diana




Konnov Mikhail




Maximov Maxim




Maksyutov Ilya



"man is a sign system"

Orlova Anastasia




Pavlov Anton



"man - man"

Petrov Mikhail



"man - artistic image"

Petrova Rina




Savelyeva Elena



"man - artistic image"

Sergeev Andrey



"man - technology"

Sibetov Alexander



"man - technology"

Sosnova Valentina



"man - artistic image"

Stepanova Raisa


a lion

"man is living nature"

Khakimova Yana




Tsvetkova Ekaterina

04.06. 1996


"man - artistic image"

Appendix 3.

Character test.

The test consists of choosing among the geometric shapes the one you like most. You can choose either a square, or a rectangle, or a triangle, or a circle, or a zigzag.

*If a person chooses a square, he is characterized by such character traits as diligence, hard work, and the desire to bring things to their logical conclusion. He is a friend of order and likes to put all things in their designated places. At the same time, he is distinguished by some pickiness towards others.

*When a person chooses a rectangle, we can state that this person is interesting and inquisitive, easily assimilates knowledge, and loves everything new. However, in some cases for this person it is problematic to determine what he likes most, to determine what is most important.

*A person who likes a triangle is goal-oriented. It is not easy to hold him when he follows the chosen goal. He doesn't mind bossing others around. But it is quite possible for him to become confused when another person has a desire to lead.

*The person who chose the circle is friendly. He tends to want to help others and worry about them. However, his desires are not always accompanied by specific actions.

*It is typical for a person who has chosen a zigzag to constantly invent something. And these inventions are not always harmless. The actions of such a person are difficult to predict, and words are hardly worth believing.

Last name, first name

Zodiac sign


By choice of figure


Alekseeva Katya


curious, charming, sociable

didn't match

Arlanov Artem


mysterious character


Bronnikova Elya


noble, sublime nature

constant inventor, actions are not predictable


Valerianov Dima


love comfort, persistent

emotional, patient

hard work, loving order, persistent, diligent


Vasilyeva Lyubov


good native and sublime nature

hard work, loving order, persistent

didn't match

Vasiliev Vitaly



Gavrilova Tatyana


deeds differ from actions, but are good

didn't match

Efremova Veronik a


deeds differ from actions, but are good

didn't match

Zaitseva Diana


emotional, likes to make acquaintances


Ivanov Alexander


good native and sublime nature,

inquisitive, easily absorb knowledge


Ivanova Tanya


homebody, strives for the chosen goal

inquisitive, loving everything new


Ignatieva Veronica


deeds do not match actions

didn't match

Ilyin Peter


loves clarity and crispness

inquisitive, loving everything new


Kozlova Diana


Emotional, patient, love to make friends

deeds do not match actions

didn't match

Konnov Mikhail


the best qualities of all members of the Zodiac


Maximov Maxim


optimism and ambition

diligent, love order, hardworking


Maksyutov Ilya


loves clarity and crispness

deeds differ from actions, but are good


Orlova Anastasia


selfless in everything

inquisitive, loving everything new


Pavlov Anton


selfless in everything


goal-oriented, don’t mind giving orders

didn't match

Petrov Mikhail


optimism and ambition

constant inventor, actions are not predictable


Petrova Rina


good native and sublime nature,

diligent, love order, hardworking

didn't match

Savelyeva Elena


the darling of fate - he will succeed in everything

deeds differ from actions, but are good

didn't match

Sergeev Andrey


iron will to fulfill duty

deeds differ from actions, but are good

didn't match

Sibetov Alexander


optimism and ambition

goal-oriented, don’t mind giving orders

didn't match

Sosnova Valentina


loves clarity and crispness

deeds differ from actions, but are good

didn't match

Stepanova Raisa

a lion

will strive for brilliance in everything

constant inventor, actions are not predictable


Khakimova Yana


optimism and ambition

inquisitive, loving everything new

didn't match

Tsvetkova Katya


mysterious character

inquisitive, loving everything new


It's much more difficult to compare here. Matches -15, that's 54%.

XV City Interschool Conference “First Steps into Science”

(District stage)

Section: “Astronomy”

Topic: “Stars on flags”

Completed by: 4th grade student “B”

MBOU Secondary School No. 54 “Sunday”

Stolyarova Vesta

Scientific supervisors: preschool teacher


Samara, 2014

Introduction 3 pages

Chapter 1. Reflection of astronomical events on flags. 4

    1. The legend of the appearance of the Muslim crescent. 4

      What kind of phenomenon is reflected by this sign? 5

      The main luminary on the flags of states. 5

Chapter 2. Constellations on flags. 7

    1. What do the constellation Ursa Major and the Southern Cross have in common? 7

      Stories of the appearance of constellations on flags. 7

      The most “astronomical” flag of Brazil. 9

Conclusion 10

Bibliography 12

The vault of heaven, burning with the glory of the stars,

Looks mysteriously from the depths,

And we float, a burning abyss

Surrounded on all sides.

F. Tyutchev


We live on the planet Earth. We study, work, relax and rarely remember that our Earth is just a small planet in the vast expanses of the Universe. But still, the night sky sometimes makes us remember this, leaving a mark on history in the form of astronomical symbols on coats of arms, flags, coins, and temple walls.

Once I was looking at a book where flags of different countries were depicted. And on some of them the Sun, stars, and crescent were painted. It seemed to me that if I explained what this means, such a topic would be relevant. Indeed, in the age of space flights, we must not forget how closely connected our earthly life with life in deep space.

That's why target my job: to find astronomical symbols on the flags of different states and, using printed materials and the Internet, explain the history of their appearance.

In accordance with the set goal, the following are solved in the work: tasks:

View the atlas of flags and select flags with astronomical symbols;

Review the literature on the history of the appearance of these symbols;

Get acquainted with some astronomical phenomena and constellations.

Subject of study: astronomical symbols on flags.

Object of study: flags of different countries.

Hypothesis: the stars and planets depicted on the flags show the inextricable connection of life on Earth with the life of the Universe around us.

The work consists of four parts: introduction, two chapters and conclusion. There are many publications on this topic. This work uses materials from N. Mamuna’s article “Star Heraldry” from the magazine “Stargazer” No. 5, 1997, the World Encyclopedia “Flags”, etc., as well as articles and photographs of flags from the Internet.

Chapter 1. Reflection of astronomical events on flags.

    1. The legend of the appearance of the Muslim crescent.

On national flags Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Mauritania are depicted with a crescent and a star. Now it is a symbol of the Muslim state. How did this symbol appear on the flag and what does it mean? Legend has it that a very, very long time ago the city of Byzantium was besieged by enemy troops. The assault lasted several days, but they failed to take the city. Then the enemy decided to use cunning. When the sky became cloudy, they decided to dig under the fortress walls. The inhabitants of Byzantium were not aware of the mortal danger. But when the tunnel was ready, the clouds suddenly cleared, and a crescent moon appeared, next to which a bright star shone. In their radiance, the defenders saw the enemy and managed to thwart their plan. So the crescent with a star became the emblem of Byzantium, and then of Constantinople, which was built in its place. Then the Turks conquered this city and the emblem of Byzantium was transferred to the flag of Turkey and other Muslim countries. (Fig.1)

Rice. 1. State flags of Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Mauritania.

    1. What kind of phenomenon is reflected by this sign?

Sometimes we can observe a similar phenomenon in our sky. Astronomers call itconnection Moon and Venus. The crescent is the Moon, and the star is the planet Venus, after the Sun the brightest objects in the earth's sky. A planetary conjunction is when planets are observed close to each other. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Conjunction of the Moon and Venus.

What about the Sun? We forgot to look for the Sun on the flags!

    1. The main luminary on the flags of states.

Do not think that the Sun itself turned out to be “offended.” No, it is present on the flags and coats of arms of many states. Just look at the flag of Japan - the country rising sun: white banner with a red circle in the middle. This red circle is the symbol of the rising Sun.

I found the bright Sun on the flag of Argentina, Uruguay, Namibia, Kyrgyzstan and 6 other countries! After all, without the Sun, our main star, life on Earth would be impossible. That is why many countries chose to depict it on their flags (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Flags of Argentina, Uruguay, Namibia, Kyrgyzstan.

Chapter 2 . Constellations on flags.

    1. What do the constellation Ursa Major and the Southern Cross have in common?

The most famous and prominent figure in the northern starry sky is the Big Dipper. In the southern sky, the constellation Southern Cross plays a similar role. Despite the fact that these constellations are so different from each other, they have much in common: they point to the poles of the world. (Fig. 4)

Fig.4. Constellations Ursa Major and the Southern Cross.

These two constellations also have similar histories of their appearance on the state flags of Alaska and Australia.

2.2. Stories of the appearance of constellations on flags.

When Australia became a state in 1901, the country announced a competition for the country's flag. After a nationwide discussion, the following project was adopted: the symbol of the southern sky was placed on the banner - the constellation of the Southern Cross and another star, as a symbol of the commonwealth of the states of the country. The idea of ​​such a flag belonged to a thirteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne, Ivar Ivans.

It should be noted that the Southern Cross is present on the flags of several other countries, for example, New Zealand and Samoa:

A. In 1926, a competition was announced for the flag of Alaska, the northernmost territory of the United States of America. After considering several thousand projects, the jury chose a flag with the star symbols of the northern sky - the Ursa Major bucket and the North Star. But what is most surprising is that the author of this proposal was also a thirteen-year-old schoolboy - Benny Benson!

2.3. The most “astronomical” flag of Brazil.

The Brazilian flag is worth paying attention to Special attention. It depicts a blue celestial sphere, and the southern constellations shine on it - a total of 27 stars (Fig. 5). These stars were visible in the sky at 8.30 am over the capital Rio de Janeiro on the day the republic was proclaimed.

Rice. 5. Different southern constellations on the flag of Brazil.


As a result of the work done, I learned a lot of interesting things about the history of flags and became acquainted with some constellations and astronomical phenomena. I shared the information received first with my classmates, and then with students in parallel classes.

I wonder what flags future countries and states will have? And not only earthly ones! Maybe one of my friends, or even me, will come up with a flag for the first settlements on the Moon or Mars? For example, like this...


    Dunlop S. ABC of the starry sky. M: Mir, 1998;

    Magazine "Stargazer", No. 5, 1997;

    Siegel F.Yu. Treasures of the starry sky. M: Nauka, 1976;

    Znamierovsky A. Flags. World Encyclopedia. M: Eksmo, 2009;


    Reichard, G. and Schurdel, G.D. Flags. Children's encyclopedia "What is what." M: Slovo, 1994.

Scientific research work Topic: Stars Author: Polina Koshechkina Class: 4D Scientific supervisor: Komagina T.V.G. Podolsk, 2014 1. Stars 2. Space objects 3. Constellation Ursa Major 4. Constellation Sagittarius 5. Constellation Orion 6. Astrology 7 Research among classmates 8. Conclusion Purpose: - Find out what stars are; - Explore celestial objects; - Observe the constellations; - Conduct research among classmates. Objectives: - Study the science of “Astronomy” - Raise the level of classmates on this topic - Find your constellations in the sky Stars, hot luminous celestial bodies like the Sun. Stars vary in size, temperature and brightness. In many respects, the Sun is a typical star, although it appears much brighter and larger than all other stars, since it is located much closer to the Earth. Even the closest star (Proxima Centauri) is 272,000 times farther from Earth than the Sun, so stars appear to us as bright points in the sky. Although the stars are scattered throughout the sky, we see them only at night, and during the day they are not visible against the background of bright sunlight scattered in the air. Living on the surface of the Earth, we are at the bottom of an ocean of air, which continuously agitates and seethes, refracting the rays of starlight, making them seem to us to blink and tremble. Astronauts in orbit see stars as colored, unblinking dots. The more massive the stars, the fewer of them there are in space. Most stars are red and yellow (like our Sun) dwarfs; on the other hand, massive stars shine much brighter. Most dwarfs remain outside our field of vision because they are too dim. Space object - a celestial body (astronomical object) or spacecraft located outside the earth's atmosphere in outer space. Natural space objects include stars, planets and their natural satellites, asteroids, comets, etc. Artificial space objects - spacecraft, the last stages of launch vehicles and their parts. Cosmic bodies that are part of space systems usually have a common origin, are interconnected by gravitational and electromagnetic fields and move in space as a single whole. My dad knows a lot about stars, one evening he told me about Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and showed them through the telescope. Ursa Major (lat. Ursa Major) is a constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky. The seven stars of Ursa Major form a shape resembling a ladle with a handle. The two most bright stars- Aliot and Dubhe - have a magnitude of 1.8 apparent magnitude. By the two extreme stars of this figure (α and β) you can find the North Star. The best visibility conditions are in March-April. Visible throughout Russia all year round(except for the autumn months in southern Russia, when Ursa Major descends low to the horizon). At school we are taught astronomy, it is a very interesting subject, I began not only to study it in class, but also to ask my family to buy me books about planets and stars! For example, according to my zodiac sign I am Sagittarius, this is what I learned: The constellation Sagittarius is the zodiac and is partially located in Milky Way, and partly in the zodiac belt. This constellation can be best observed in the southern part of the horizon at night in July and August. Now I know about the most beautiful constellation Orion. Orion by ancient legend was a brave and beautiful young man, the son of the ruler of the seas, Poseidon. From his father he inherited the ability to move with ease both in the depths of the seas and on land. Orion was a famous and passionate hunter. The constellation Orion was known three millennia before the dawn of civilization. The people of Mesopotamia called it "Uru-anna", which translates as "heavenly light". It is not difficult to find in the southern part of the sky, relatively low above the horizon. Astrology (from ancient Greek ἄστρον “star” and λόγος “thought, reason”) is a group of predictive practices, traditions and beliefs that postulate the influence celestial bodies on the earthly world and man (on his temperament, character, actions and future) and, accordingly, the possibility of predicting the future by the movement and location of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere and relative to each other. European and Indian astrology originate from Sumerian-Babylonian astral myths, in which celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, planets) and constellations were associated with gods and mythological characters; the influence of gods on earthly life within the framework of this mythology was transformed into an influence on the life of celestial ones. bodies - symbols of deities. Babylonian astrology was borrowed by the Greeks and then, through contacts with the Hellenistic world, penetrated into India. Questions posed to students in grade 4-D and answers: There are 29 students in the class 1. Which constellation is zodiac and is partially located in the Milky Way? 29 students Sagittarius Gemini I don’t know I don’t remember 2. How many stars go to Ursa Major? Students 3 5 7 I don’t know 3. Whose son was Orion? Students Poseidon Zeus Hades I don’t remember 4. Is the sun a star? Students I don’t know No 0% 0% yes I doubt it 0% 100% 5. Do you like Astronomy as a subject? Students Yes No - - - When analyzing the results of the survey, I came to the following conclusion: The constellation Sagittarius is widespread. Every person can observe Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in the sky without a telescope, and count how many stars it includes. The history of Astronomy is very interesting, so I believe that it is worth studying it not only at school, but also at home. The sun is the most important and largest star for all inhabitants of the earth! Like all bodies in nature, stars do not remain unchanged, they are born, evolve, and finally “die.” To follow up life path stars and to understand how they age, you need to know how they arise. In the past this seemed like a big mystery; modern astronomers can already describe with great confidence the paths leading to the appearance of bright stars in our night sky. Astronomy is a very interesting and fascinating science. Therefore, I advise you to study this!!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. “Variable stars” - V. Wenzel - 2013 “Young astronomer” - Erpylev N.P- 1012 “Star Islands” - Yu.N. Efremov -2012 “Treasures of the starry sky” - F.Yu.Siegel - 2013 “Your Universe” - E.P. Levitan - 2011 “Why is the sky dark” - Rubin - 2011 “The Universe from A to Z” - V. G. Surdin - 2012 “ Great encyclopedia astronomy" - 2012 "Planet Earth" - B. Taylor - 2012 "What and how to observe in the sky" - V. P. Tsesevich

Research topic:« Amazing world stars"

Relevance: We covered the lesson The starry sky is mesmerizing! Large and small stars, collected in constellations, are strewn across the blue-black sky. Many people would be interested to know how certain constellations appeared in the sky, what they mean and why they have such a name, so the topic of our work is relevant.

Slide 3

Purpose of the work: to study the most famous constellations starry sky, give short description each of them. Objectives: Study the history of the names of constellations. Give a brief description of each of them. Introduce listeners to the mythology of stars.

History of the names of constellations

The history of the constellations is very interesting. A very long time ago, sky observers united the brightest and most noticeable groups of stars into constellations and gave them various names. These were the names of various mythical heroes or animals, characters from legends and tales - Hercules, Centaur, Taurus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, etc. There are a lot of constellations - 88. But not all of them are bright and noticeable. The winter sky is richest in bright stars. At first glance, the names of many constellations seem strange. Often in the arrangement of stars it is very difficult or even simply impossible to discern what the name of the constellation indicates. Some constellations were identified back in the Bronze Age, at a time when our ancestors had just begun to understand the world around us and observe the movement of the Sun and Moon.

Astronomy is the oldest of sciences. The first astronomical discoveries were made in prehistoric times.


Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - a large northern constellation, whose seven bright stars form the famous Bucket. The constellation is also known as the Little Dipper, called Ursa Minor.

Cassiopeia constellation Northern Hemisphere; The 5 brightest stars of Cassiopeia form a figure similar to the letter M. You need to look for Cassiopeia from the first star in the tail of Ursa Major. Moving towards the North Star and passing it.

Orion – the hunter from Greek myth wears the most prominent constellation in the winter sky. It can be found by a “belt” of three stars. The belt divides the constellation into two parts. Above, on the shoulders of Orion, the stars Betelgeuse and Bellatrix shine. At the bottom is one of the brightest stars in the sky - Rigel.

SWAN, constellation of the Northern Hemisphere with the bright star Deneb. Many peoples see the outline of a bird in this constellation.

LIRA , a small but very beautiful constellation between Hercules and Cygnus. The Arabs called it the Falling Eagle. The main star is Vega.

Constellations through which the ecliptic passes. are called zodiac.



Twelve signs of the Zodiac:

Horned Bully Goat,

In the brilliant splashes of Aquarius,

Two Fishes in the scales of lights,

Lamb in curly clouds

And the vigorous Bull in the lunar grasses,

Twins with their eternal fuss,

Cancer with a dazzling claw

A lion roaring menacingly from the sky

And a girl in a starry cape,

Scales hanging between the clouds

And Scorpio's burning ray,

Sagittarius, who takes aim from the darkness, -

Twelve signs of the Zodiac!

(Eleanor Fargen,

translation by G. Kruzhkov)

Zodiac constellations .


Aries is considered the first in the zodiac belt. The symbol of a white meek, innocent creature, sacrificing itself to people for the sake of their good and atonement for their actions - this is the idea of ​​​​the hieroglyph of the constellation Aries.


Taurus, constellation with the bright star Aldebaran. Among the ancient peoples, the most important constellation was Taurus, since New Year began in the spring. In the zodiac, Taurus is the most ancient constellation, since cattle breeding played a huge role in the life of ancient peoples, and the bull (Taurus) was associated with the constellation where the Sun seemed to conquer winter and herald the arrival of spring and summer. In general, many ancient peoples revered this animal and considered it sacred. IN Ancient Egypt there was the sacred bull Apis, who was worshiped during his lifetime and whose mummy was solemnly buried in a magnificent tomb. In Greece, the bull was also held in high esteem.


GEMINI - Castor and Pollucas, two bright stars of the constellation Gemini, which are very close to each other, named after the inseparable twin brothers from ancient Greek mythology. They are the sons of the powerful Zeus and the earthly beauty Leda, who accomplished a number of feats.


How did cancer appear in the sky?

CANCER - The Egyptians placed Cancer in this area of ​​the sky as a symbol of destruction and death, because this animal feeds on carrion. Cancer moves tail first. According to ancient mythology, a huge sea Cancer attacked Hercules when he was fighting the Lernaean Hydra. The hero crushed him, but the goddess Hera, who hated Hercules, placed Cancer in heaven. The Louvre houses the famous Egyptian circle of the zodiac, in which the constellation Cancer is located above all others.

a lion

Is the lion in the sky scary?

The lion is a symbol of courage and strength, supported by the serpent, a symbol of wisdom. At the end of the serpent's tail is a falcon - a symbol of the god Horus. Above the back of a Lion with a scroll in his hand - a symbol secret knowledge sits the god of knowledge Sioux, who helped the creator god Atum create the building of the world. The meaning of the hieroglyph comes down to the fact that a person reaches the full flowering of his spiritual and physical strength and strives for further improvement.


Constellation with the bright star Spica.The Virgin was depicted with an ear of corn in her hands, indicating the connection of this star with human agricultural activities. It is possible that her appearance in the sky coincided with the beginning of some agricultural work. She stands motionless, and this means that she is eternal.


LIBRA is a double star, the Arabs called it Zuben Elgenubi - Southern Libra and Zuben El Hamali - Northern Libra.Libra is the only “non-living” zodiac constellation. More than two thousand years ago, the Sun was in this constellation during the spring equinox, hence the emergence of a sign that “balances day with night and work with rest.”


Sagittarius is half-animal, half-man, having defeated Scorpio he turns into thinking man who must think about his actions and be responsible for them; then the scales will be in balance, and the person will begin to be in harmony.


According to classical Greek mythology, this is the same Scorpio that fatally stung the giant Orion and was hidden by the goddess Hera on the opposite side of the celestial sphere.Therefore, when one of these constellations rises in the sky, the other is sure to set.It was he, the heavenly Scorpio, who most frightened the unfortunate Phaeton, the son of the god Helios, who decided to ride across the sky on his fiery chariot, without listening to his father’s warnings. According to many astronomers, the sign of Scorpio is the most sinister - a symbol of death.


On the “forehead” of this animal the main star Giedi is double. Each of its constituent stars is in turn triple. The name of the Tropic of Capricorn is associated with the sign of the constellation.


Zodiac constellations AQUARIUS. In ancient star atlases, this constellation was depicted in the form of a man pouring from a jug into the mouth of the Southern Fish.


Zodiac constellations PISCES, the constellation in which the vernal equinox is located.Pisces closes the ring of zodiac constellations

The main star of Pisces is the beautiful double star El-Risha. Nowadays the vernal equinox is located in the constellation. The two symbolic fish shown in the figure are connected by a cord. The Sun entered this constellation at the time of rich fishing. The goddess of fertility was depicted as a woman with a fish tail, which, as legend has it, appeared when she and her son, frightened by a monster, threw themselves into the water. The Greeks believed that Aphrodite and her son Eros turned into fish: they walked along the river bank, but frightened by the evil Typhon, they threw themselves into the water and were saved by turning into fish. Aphrodite became the southern Pisces, and Eros became the northern Pisces.

Conclusion : In this work we talked about the mythology of some constellations. We will not stop there and will try to further explore the world and the interesting science of “Astronomy”.

Slide 29

Thank you for your attention!

Zodiac belt

January snow on the road,

The sun shines in Capricorn.

In February the days are longer,

The sun is shining in... (Aquarius).

There are a lot of snow blocks in March,

The sun is somewhere among... (Pisces).

And in April from... (Aries)

The sun is already warming up.

In May the sun is in... (Taurus) -

Expect freckles on your face.

In June the Sun is in... (Gemini),

Children drink Fanta in the bushes.

In July the sun rolls towards... (Cancer),

Music lover - to the poppy garden.

August school opens,

... (The lion) runs away behind the sun.

It's "september" outside the window,

... (Virgo) The sun will shelter.

In October, according to the owls,

The sun shines from... (Libra).

In November in the sky

The Sun is shining in... (Scorpio).

In December, like a tomboy,

He will hide behind the Sun... (Sagittarius).

(A.G. Novak)


Siegel F.Yu. Treasures of the Starry Sky: A Guide to the Constellations and the Moon. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 312 p.

I explore the world: Det. Encycl.: Space / Author. - comp. T.I. Gontaruk. - M.: 1995. - 448 p.







Completed by: student of class 2 “A”

Petizheva Amalia

Head: Eliseeva N.P.

New Urengoy 2012


Survey results…………………..…………..……4

  1. Why are stars visible only at night…………………...5
  2. The Mystery of Star Shine……………………………………………………5
  3. Birth of stars………………………………………………………..…6
  4. Color of stars..……………………………………..………..6





When the sun disappears behind the horizon and night falls, the most amazing picture in the world appears before our eyes: the starry sky. We all love to watch these countless sparkling points with which the sky is strewn - stars. At first glance, you can count several thousand stars, but in reality there are billions of them.

The mystery of the starry sky is interesting to all children, without exception. Scientists and astronomers have conducted a lot of research and revealed many secrets. Many books have been written about stars, many educational films have been made, and yet many children do not know all the secrets of the starry sky.

The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that despite the high interest that students show in this topic, their knowledge in this area is insufficient. The chosen topic takes into account age characteristics students and contributes to the development of their cognitive activity. The results of the study can be used in lessons on the subject " The world" Since childhood, we have all wondered why we cannot reach the stars to touch and count them.

Thus, the goal of the work is to conduct research, study the secrets of the starry sky, prepare materials for a report and tell classmates about the stars. To achieve this, the following tasks were set:

  1. conduct a questionnaire survey among 2nd grade students
  2. process the questionnaires and find out what they already know about the secrets of the stars;
  3. study literature, Internet sites and select the necessary material;
  4. complete a research paper and presentation.

The methodology for writing a research paper is based on a questionnaire survey, studying educational and scientific literature, as well as practical materials on this topic.

Survey results

2nd grade students were asked to answer a questionnaire in order to assess their knowledge on this topic (Appendix 1). The questionnaire included 4 questions; 22 students took part in the survey. After processing the questionnaires, we received the following results:

  1. Only 2 students (9%) answered 1 question of the questionnaire correctly; the rest of the students either answered incorrectly or found it difficult to answer at all;
  2. Only 1 student (4.5%) answered question 2 of the questionnaire correctly;
  3. To question 3, about the birth of stars, all the guys found it difficult to answer;
  4. Question 4 was answered correctly by 2 students (9%).

The survey results are clearly presented in Appendix 2.

Thus, we can conclude that the relevance of our research is obvious. Consequently, our further research was based on these 4 questions.

  1. Why are stars visible only at night?

Just as the light of a light bulb or lantern is not visible during the day, but in the dark they are clearly visible, stars sparkle brightly in the darkness of the night and are not visible during the day because they are eclipsed sunlight. And that’s why they are hard to see under a clear moon. The only star that can be seen during the day is the Sun, but it is so close to the Earth that you cannot look at it directly because the intensity of its light is blinding. The Sun is not the largest star and does not have more heat than the others, but it is closest to the Earth and therefore appears larger than the others. The stars are very far from the Earth, which is why they appear so small.

  1. The Mystery of Starlight

Stars are like huge balls of fire, they emit a huge amount of light - and from Earth we perceive this light as a silvery sheen. This happens because stars are formed by burning hydrogen and helium, and these gases release light and heat when burned. The brightest stars have a brightness many millions of times greater than the Sun, although there are stars whose luminosity is millions of times less.

  1. The Birth of Stars

The stars did not always exist. Let's look at how stars are born. Almost all of them developed in small groups from a relatively cold mass consisting of gas and stardust. This mass was concentrated, that is, particles of cosmic matter united, forming a kind of cloud called a nebula. Perhaps this nebula began to rotate and reached highest temperatures, approximately about a million degrees on the centigrade scale. The nebula, having caught fire, already becomes a star.

  1. Star color

When we look at the stars, it seems to us that they are all the same color: white-bluish. But it is certain that they all have different colors, which depend on their temperature. Stars highlighting large quantity heat - white and blue, which have an average temperature, - yellow and orange, and red have the least heat. The Sun is a medium-temperature star, so it is yellow, but when it begins to fade and enters its last phase of activity, it will become a red star and eventually go out.


During the research work, a survey was conducted among 2nd grade students, on the basis of which research materials were prepared. As a result of the survey, we found that the level of knowledge of the children on this topic is quite low.

Based on this, the structure of the work was built on the basis questionnaire. The research materials are also presented in presentation form.

The work consists of an Introduction, 4 paragraphs, a Conclusion, a List of References and 2 Appendices.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the tasks set in the work have been completed, the goal has been achieved. The research materials can be used in the lesson “The world around us”.


  1. What? For what? Why? Big book of questions and answers / Translation from Spanish. - M.: EKSMO, 2009
  2. What's happened. Who is it: children's encyclopedia. - M: Astrel, 2008
  3. Internet resource -

Annex 1


Please answer the questions asked!

(Place “V” or “+” next to the selected answer)

  1. Do you know why stars are only visible at night?
  1. Do you know why the stars shine?

I don’t know ______ Yes, I know, because____________________


  1. Do you know how stars were born?

I don’t know _____ Yes, I know, because _____________________


  1. Do you think all the stars are the same color?

Yes _______

Don't know _______

No, because _________________________________________________


Thank you for participating!

Appendix 2

Survey results