Why do you dream of feces: interpretation of a nasty dream. Why do you dream about feces: meaning on a subconscious level

A person who had a dream with feces appearing in it may call such a sight unpleasant. However, the decoding of such a plot itself evokes more positive emotions.

The thing is that excrement in night visions is very good sign, foreshadowing favorable changes in life. More detailed information about what feces means in dreams can be obtained by studying dream books.

Dreams with a delicate subject, in which there is feces, in most cases promise improvement material condition. As in real life, stepping into a pile of excrement in a dream means gaining money. The same applies to stories in which you dream about clothes stained with feces. If a person sees such pictures, he will soon receive a bonus or salary increase.

If a person sees a dream where feces are in the form of a large heap, a more significant sum of money awaits him.. This can be either a one-time reward (winning) or permanent profit ( high paying job). The same meaning is conveyed by visions where the dreamer sees huge manure heaps or street latrines.

However, when you dreamed that a person had fallen into and was plunging into the slurry, this is a warning. This means that in the near future the dreamer will face a tense period, the events of which depend on the decisions of the main character. Therefore, you should be especially careful about others and monitor your own actions so as not to get into unpleasant situations.

At the same time, the dream book considers auspicious sign when you dreamed of feces, if a person smears himself with them in a dream. In this case, the substances promise to achieve the goal. The same version applies to dreams in which a person feels the unpleasant smell of excrement smeared on his clothes. Moreover, the stronger the smell of feces in a dream, the higher the peak achieved.

Some dream books interpret the plots of night visions, in which the dreamer manages to smell a bad smell as a signal of possible illegal manipulations. Therefore, before you accept important decision, be sure to check if there are any pitfalls.

Very often we dream of feces that a person carries in for analysis. Collecting, carrying and donating such biological material in a dream means the need for support. This means that on at this stage In life, the dreamer needs the help and advice of a close friend or relative. If substances intended for analysis are lost on the way to the hospital, such a dream may indicate a missed opportunity.

When studying interpretations of what feces mean in dreams, it is worth highlighting the importance of their location:

  • Excrement does not dream of the appearance of a rich sponsor in life. If a girl sees such a dream, there is a chance that her relationship with her sponsor will develop into something more.
  • Your own feces appear in a dream as a harbinger of easy profit. Perhaps soon the dreamer will be able to win a prize or receive a monetary reward.
  • Baby feces in a potty are a sign of a good investment. The dream book interprets such a phenomenon as evidence that a new endeavor will bring unexpectedly good results.
  • A pile on the floor will indicate excessive naivety of a person, which may cause the loss of a sum of money. Therefore, if the plot shows such a picture, the dreamer should become a realist if he does not want to lose part of his financial fortune.

When you dream about non-human excrement

The fact that explains the origin of feces is also very important point when interpreting dreams. A dream in which there is non-human excrement can be interpreted in different ways.

One of the happiest symbols.

Excrement dreams of quick and easy enrichment, especially if you get dirty about it.

Nevertheless, even in such a dream you need to pay attention to details, especially to the amount of excrement. The more of them in a dream, the more money you will receive in reality.

Excrement in a plate or on dining table mean that you don’t have to spend any effort to earn money, it will come to you on its own.

If you see a pile under the threshold of your door, you will be returned a forgotten debt or paid for work that you did a long time ago.

Stepping on excrement means one-time income.

If you get dirty in a dream, someone will send you money from afar, or you will go on a business trip to another city, and this will bring you good income.

To strengthen positive influence sleep, imagine that excrement is everywhere, you cannot take a step so as not to get into trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Excrement

Something dirty, indecent: indecent behavior, selfish pleasure.

Excrement is also associated with the clay from which Prometheus man was created.

An indication of the image of the great mother.

Interpretation of dreams from

Ancient interpreters were sure that feces dreamed of profit. Modern authors of dream books believe that excrement can mean the totality of life experience. Most often, such a vision promises money. Moreover, the more unpleasant the picture that a person sees in a dream, the better everything will turn out in real life.

Key interpretations

If a person happened to see feces in a dream, then this promises great profit and successful implementation creative projects, which at first seemed unprofitable.

Basic interpretations:

  1. 1. For businessmen, this dream foreshadows the signing of a profitable contract or the conclusion of a major deal, which over time will bring significant income. The dream promises farmers good harvest. A large pile of excrement foretells the dreamer the beginning of a carefree life, the solution to all old problems.
  2. 2. If a person dreams of the smell of feces, this means that the dreamer is not on the best terms with his immediate environment. If the owner of the vision was looking for a source unpleasant odor, this indicates the desire of some people to interfere in his personal life.
  3. 3. If the dreamer saw excrement in a completely unexpected place, this is a warning sign that he is too influenced by other people. You should train your willpower and learn to say “no” in different situations.
  4. 4. If you dream of feces with worms, this promises an unpleasant meeting. A dream in which you saw your own liquid fecal matter, the consistency of which resembles water, portends deception or betrayal of friends or a loved one. A large river of excrement warns the dreamer that false rumors and gossip are being spread behind his back.
  5. 5. If you dreamed about your feces with blood, it means rivalry between relatives when dividing the inheritance.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Who does feces belong to in a dream?

Seeing fresh human feces is a sign of contentment with your life. If the stool is dry, you need to add a little variety to your daily routine. Another meaning of this vision is the presence of envious people and gossips in the immediate environment. The dream book advises limiting communication with your friends and not revealing your secrets to them. Baby feces seen in a dream promises a new addition to the family.

Seeing dog feces in a dream means interesting communication with an old friend. Cat excrement portends betrayal of the other half, goat excrement - prosperity, wealth and a prosperous life. If you dreamed of cow dung, then this indicates that the dreamer’s work will be appreciated by his superiors. The owner of the vision expects a salary increase or promotion up the career ladder.

What do the dreamer's actions promise?

Flushing it down the toilet means that in the near future the dreamer will make an expensive purchase for the home.

Pick it up - an unfamiliar person will provide selfless help.

To hand over - someone needs the dreamer’s help.

Getting dirty means permanent financial income.

Feeling the smell means opening your own profitable business. The dreamer should also reconsider relationships with his immediate environment.

Smear on yourself - night vision portends rich life, luxury, fulfillment of a cherished desire. Feces on the head promise the girl an acquaintance with a rich groom.

Collect for analysis - the dreamer needs advice wise man.

Stepping on, getting clothes dirty means promotion, receiving a big bonus.

To clean - the dream suggests that the owner of the vision is very dependent on someone.

Yes - the dream speaks of the dreamer’s hot-tempered character, his greed and greed. Another interpretation is that the dreamer will be able to earn a lot of money thanks to his eloquence.

Falling into the toilet with feces is a shame before big amount of people. To avoid this situation, you need to watch your words and actions.

To rush - you will need to lend to a loved one.

Scrubbing in the toilet means receiving a large sum.

Emptying yourself - a dream promises great losses and material losses.

To give an enema means to need money.

Lying around - a dream foreshadows a noisy party with friends.

Washing clothes is a loss of a large amount due to the fault of the dreamer.

Smearing feces with blood on the face means the dreamer will not live up to his father’s hopes and will be disgraced.

Holding green feces in your hands means signing a rather profitable agreement with foreign business partners.

Location of feces

In the toilet - to great material profit. In order to get it, you will have to work a lot.

On the floor - a dream promises winning the lottery, a valuable find, or receiving an inheritance. Another meaning of the dream is that the dreamer’s house or apartment will be robbed.

Feces in cesspool- an attempt to deceive or scam. You need to stop communicating with strangers about your financial matters.

On your bed - to meet a rich man. If a woman has a dream, she will have a romantic relationship with him.

On a chair - the dream suggests that you don’t need to sit in one place, but try to radically change your life.

In pots - a dream promises an exacerbation of a chronic illness.

On festive table- to an unexpected visit from a friend.

In the bag - to a successful purchase.

In a rural toilet - to big profits.

On the walls - soon the dreamer will learn the good news.

On the ceiling - the dreamer will have the patronage of a rich person.

Dreaming about feces generally has a positive interpretation. However, if you are not satisfied with the interpretation of a dream, you need to take the dream as a warning and change something in your behavior.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream about feces:

Interpretation of the dream book: Feces - Seeing human foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise; being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person; to get dirty with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness; Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Feces - Most often, money (enrichment); negative ideas, emotions. Liquid - you will be defamed, deceived, betrayed.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Kal?

As the dream book interprets: Feces - Receiving money.

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Kal according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see feces in a dream - bowel irregularities reflect your problems. Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits. Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism. To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected. Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Egyptian dream book If you dream about feces:

Feces, shit - If a person sees himself filling pots in a dream, it is bad, it means that he will be in pain.

Seeing Poop in a dream - Dreaming of human feces means money.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about feces?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Feces

Feces (poop) in a dream is a symbol of enrichment. If you dreamed of human feces, then this dream predicts that you will receive money. If you dream of liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits, they will tarnish your name, they will deceive you, they will commit treason. Getting dirty with feces in a dream promises big money.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about feces mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see feces in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dream interpretation of getting dirty in feces

Why do you dream of getting dirty in feces in a dream according to the dream book?

Did you happen to get dirty with someone else's feces in a dream? It promises receiving money from this person. Was the stool yours? Rash actions will lead to failure. You only have yourself to blame for the troubles. Animal excrement foretells financial success.

Trying to dry your hands? In reality there is high probability get into an awkward situation that could affect your reputation in the best possible way. This will happen by chance and unexpectedly. The reason will be information that is unknown to most people around you.

If you dream about feces, what is it for?



Why do you dream about feces? Here's what it means:
· Many people believe that feces predict prosperity and wealth. But it should be noted that this can mean both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something he himself produced, and therefore as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up because he dreamed of feces and felt light and free from it.
· If you detect feces or do not see them, but are aware of their presence, then you are concerned about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. The issue of money may also be involved here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.
· To interpret a dream, it is important to know the source of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if in a dream feces appear in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces it is and what you do with it (you just saw it, cleaned it up, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the characters in the dream.
· In principle, this approach to psychotherapy is one of Freud’s perpetuated developments (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience, which is mentioned in his biography.
· As noted in one of the chats, it doesn’t matter how bad fate treats your children; There will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing.

Natalia Boo

to the money!

Zhenya Saenko

It's too late to run to the toilet.


There's nothing to worry about - it's about money.

Igor Ushakov

For Money, of course!

Unset man

Or you’ll get fucked or, much worse, you’ll poop in the bed.

Alexander Nikiforov

you-------by lunchtime


to money, wealth...

Mikhail Tubli

Definitely - to default!! !
As a last resort - to a meeting with Medvedev!


that means in the morning, when you wake up, you need to urgently inspect your shoes, otherwise you dream about something that stinks a lot... well, you understand in short


you'll get rich


If you haven't eaten it, then you won't have any luck...

Galina Efimova

This is money. I have a toast: May MONEY attack you and you will not be able to fight them off!


Are you sure you're sleeping?


To the money.

Sasha Novikov

At night you need to eat less fatty foods


to big profits!!

Ekaterina Timoshenko

Danger of becoming a poop.


I think the above answers have already said it all...

Homemade truth Homeless

Someone above turned on the program for money for you.

Feces with worms

Dream interpretation of feces with worms dreamed of why you dream about feces with worms? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see feces with worms in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Worms

If you dreamed of worms, then in reality dishonest people will weave intrigues around you.

Earthworms dream of changes in your relationship with someone dear and close to you.

The aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms were crawling on her will always be connected with something material.

If she managed to kill or throw them off, then in reality she will strive for spiritual and moral values.

A dream in which you used worms as bait for fish foretells that your ingenuity will help you outwit your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms should be taken as a call: take care of your health.

If in a dream you put a worm on a hook, planning to catch fish, it means that you urgently need to change your style of clothing. Those around you have long been accustomed to you, and you don’t surprise them with anything. And the person you like won't pay attention to you either if you don't change.

If a woman dreamed that she crushed a worm, then some very persistent suitor would lay claim to her. You will need to behave very harshly with him - then he will understand that he has no chance.

If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not arrange endless scenes of jealousy for her.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms means profit.

Rain - sadness.

Eating worms is a nuisance.

To kill a worm is to free yourself from some evil.

Seeing them on yourself means secret sorrows, unpleasant company.

Seeing a lot of worms around you means laziness/longing for the past, approaching old age.

Worms devouring everything around are a symbol of time.

Taking them out of your pocket makes you feel like a “living corpse.”

To be among giant worms is to contemplate your voluptuous aspirations.

Worms are crawling out of the ground around you - fatty waste from your body

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing earthworms in a dream foretells disappointment in love and marriage. A worm in an apple or other fruit is a sign annoying misunderstandings and mutual reproaches between spouses.

If you dreamed of white worms swarming in sewage, this predicts that in the near future you will have an unpleasant conversation and be convicted of treason. Catching fish with worms in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity in the house.

Worms like card suit- you will have to give up your principles, because only in this way will you be able to achieve what you want. If worms in your dream are the trump suit, it means that you are guaranteed lasting success in the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

Worm - Seeing earthworms in a dream means changes in your relationship with someone dear and close to you.

If in your dream you put a worm on a hook, planning to catch fish, it means that you urgently need to change your style of clothing, to which everyone around you has long been accustomed, and you do not surprise them with anything. If you continue to dress like this, the object of your affection will not soon turn his attention to you.

Crushing a worm in a dream - for women, this dream means the claims of some very persistent suitor, with whom you will need to behave very harshly - only then will he understand that you are not interested in him. If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not suspect her of cheating at every turn.

Dream Interpretation - Earthworms

Despite the fact that seeing worms in a dream is not very pleasant, the symbolism of the dream means success and prosperity. If you have seen worms crawling to the surface of the earth after rain, do not be afraid of a rainy day: friends will provide you with the necessary assistance. financial assistance when required. If in a dream you were digging worms for fishing, your work will bring you super profits.

Imagine that you collect worms and go fishing. The fish are biting great! You return home with a wonderful catch.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Diarrhea - losses.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms in a dream means that you will be depressed by the base intrigues of dishonest people.

If a young woman sees in a dream that they are crawling all over her, the dream suggests that her aspirations and hopes will always be connected with something material. If she kills or throws them away, then in reality she will be able to get rid of her lethargic immersion in the world of material and property interests and will strive to live in a world of spiritual and moral values.

Using worms in a dream as bait for fishing foretells that, thanks to your ingenuity, you will be able to benefit from the mistakes of your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms encourages you to take care of your health.

Feces defecation

Dream Interpretation Feces defecation dreamed of why you dream about feces in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see feces in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Repressed emotions, feelings, sexuality; tension, delays in business, difficulties, failures; unfulfilled need for recognition or self-expression; desire for spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Refusal or aggressive discharge, autistic withdrawal.

A situation of disgust or helplessness.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

This may indicate that it is time to get rid of unnecessary ballast in your life, such as shame, guilt and resentment.

Is something poisoning you from within?

Are they treating you badly?

It can also be a symbol of what you despise or judge in yourself or others.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Get a medical examination.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Abnormal bowel movements reflect your problems.

Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits.

Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism.

To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected.

Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you dreamed that you had a bowel movement, then very soon you will receive a lot of money. To make this happen, do not eat salt for a week.

If you dreamed that you stepped on feces or smeared yourself in someone else's feces, you risk losing all your investments. To protect them, place 3 coins of different denominations and a lock of your hair in salt water for 3 days.

Get smeared in human feces

Dream Interpretation Smeared in a person's feces dreamed of why you dream about being smeared in a person’s feces? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of being smeared in a person’s feces by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Abnormal bowel movements reflect your problems.

Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits.

Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism.

To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected.

Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you dreamed that you had a bowel movement, then very soon you will receive a lot of money. To make this happen, do not eat salt for a week.

If you dreamed that you stepped on feces or smeared yourself in someone else's feces, you risk losing all your investments. To protect them, place 3 coins of different denominations and a lock of your hair in salt water for 3 days.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you fill pots with feces, it’s bad, it means pain.

Dream Interpretation - Smear your hands in shit

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Kal

receiving the money

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Most often, money (enrichment); negative ideas, emotions. Liquid will defame you, deceive you, betray you.

Excrement has always been and remains disgusting for most people. Even on a symbolic level, feces represents dirt itself. However, this symbol is not as clear as it may seem at first glance. If we consider the theory of psychoanalysis, then feces are assigned significant role. For example, in relation to one’s own feces, some basic personality traits can be determined.

In a dream, feces also mean a lot; the symbol requires detailed interpretation. If you see feces in a dream, then this dream may indicate different things. Let us further understand why feces are seen in dreams.

Dream interpretation

Almost everyone who is not particularly versed in dream books and knows only the most popular interpretations will talk about the presence of feces in a dream as a sign of impending income. Indeed, poop is often dreamed of, but this meaning is not the only one.

Let's consider what options do various dream books offer us.

Interpretations may be different. On the one hand, feces in a dream can indicate accumulated problems, on the other hand, it can indicate the possibility of receiving a gift or income.

In addition, we give some general interpretations of feces in a dream according to dream situations.

  • Swim in feces. Promises possible income, but you will most likely refuse advantageous offer, and you will end up regretting it later.
  • Poop in the water. You have enough money, but you spend excessively. As a result, you doom yourself to continuous work.
  • Poop in the mouth. A double symbol can speak of your dirty speech and intemperance, and of earning money through your own eloquence.
  • Lots of feces. Often interpreted as a symbol of your lack of will. You cannot refuse anyone and show your own position, and you suffer from this.
  • Light feces. Talks about your optimistic attitude towards reality. You look at your surroundings much more positively than others, but now your optimism is drying up. You need to find new resources and regain positive attitude to all.
  • Dry feces. Talks about general stagnation and routine in your everyday life. It is useful for you to somehow diversify your everyday life and reconsider your existence. You are stuck in outdated opinions and habits and need something new.

Who do they belong to?

First, let's look at the interpretation of feces of various animals. It should immediately be noted the significance of such a dream for people who have pets.

If on the day of your sleep you cleaned up after your dog and were unhappy with it, or the cat took a shit somewhere where it was not necessary, the dream may simply be a processing of your daytime emotions. Sometimes during the day you just received some information that ended up in your brain. In a dream, this information is simply processed and remains in the subconscious, or is disposed of.

Seeing different feces in a dream means profit, but not dogs and cats. They tell you the need to be careful.

Cat feces as a symbol in a dream are not so severe, you just have to be vigilant in reality, but dog feces are a serious matter. Try to refrain from dubious undertakings, and do not get involved in new incomprehensible matters. If you dreamed about dog feces, be careful in society, there is a danger of looking unprofitable or experiencing a feeling of shame.

Although there are other interpretations that are similar to the previous ones, but view the sign in a positive way. For example, dog feces, according to some dream books, really indicates some projects and enterprises that may appear in the future, but speaks of this as an opportunity to obtain a more advantageous position.

Such dream books They advise, on the contrary, to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the opportunities that arise, and they even recommend not to miss new chances that will appear after sleeping in dog feces.

According to other interpretations, cat feces are also seen as a warning. In particular, from various scammers, you better be vigilant and not make dubious investments anywhere. In addition, cat feces as a sign are interpreted as the likelihood of losing some valuable item.

Now let's turn to human feces and start with your own. If you see your own feces in a dream, you should remember exactly what properties of feces you observed:

  • Liquid fecal matter- can be interpreted as wasted efforts or betrayal on the part of loved ones; in addition, the sign may indicate vain rumors that someone will spread about you.
  • Solid- you may strive to help someone, but your help will not be accepted; a dream where you want to go to the toilet, but you are tormented by constipation, has an identical meaning.

Human feces in a dream indicates your conservatism. You are probably overly attached to something established, to some habits. It is useful for you to reconsider your own personality traits and your own way of life.

Others talk about their own shit, seen in a dream as a symbol of their own shame and inconvenience. You may experience a feeling of awkwardness in society in the future; you should be vigilant.

Baby poop: what does it mean?

Here the interpretations depend on your waking situation, among other things. For example, Baby poop may indicate pregnancy. If there are prerequisites for this, it is advisable for you to get checked.

Such a dream can symbolize betrayal, and from your friends, from whom you do not expect this. You may suddenly become disappointed in your loved ones.

This interpretation may be considered an indication of profit. Baby poop also indicates income that you can get from trading or something similar. In doing so, you may begin to experience negative emotions in relation to some close person.

Get dirty in them

In fact, the interpretation here is in many ways similar to the reality sign that many people know. As you know, if you walk along the road and step in feces, then the omen is considered to be money. Dreams where you step or get dirty in feces are interpreted in a similar way.

If you are lucky enough to fall into shit, then the dream means that you enjoy wealth and luxury.

For example, Loff’s dream book considers this an omen of almost one hundred percent guarantee of any profit or income. Therefore, you should not be sad about such a slightly unpleasant dream.

Worms: why?

If you simply see worms in a dream, then such a dream is often interpreted as a positive sign. You can get a lot of positive emotions from chatting with friends and similar entertainment.

As you know from the previous material, feces often also promise something positive, in particular income.

However, if you see worms swarming in feces in your dream, such a dream is a negative omen. Most likely you should exercise extra caution.

Feces with worms often indicate your enemies who are planning something against you. They have already come up with or are actively coming up with various scams and traps in order to cause you some damage. After such a dream, you should carefully analyze your own situation and objectively consider your relationships with other people.

However, if you openly see such a picture in a dream, then Nak may indicate the opportunity to reveal other people’s dirty tricks, and find out who exactly is preparing evil against you. Therefore, in a sense, the dream is positive; you will be able to find out who exactly wants to harm you.

There is also a simpler interpretation. Seeing a lot of worms means you will meet a lot of people in the future, like a new team or something like that.

Clean up feces

Various manipulations with feces are seen as a return to an outdated relationship that has actually lost value or as the cultivation of negativity. However, if you remove feces, then such a dream speaks of your rejection of what is outdated and unnecessary; you have consciously understood your own negative personality traits or relationships with other people and can consciously get rid of negative factors.

From the point of view of dream books, if you wipe your own feces in a dream, then someone has learned something about your past. You should think about possible compromising information, since this person may divulge some unpleasant information about you and generally wants to use this data not in your favor.

On the other side cleaning up feces is a positive sign that indicates your future prosperity. Especially if you are cleaning up cow feces. It is considered one of the best signs in dreams that involve feces.

Cleaning up feces may indicate a manipulative influence on you. If you are cleaning up feces and see a familiar person in a dream or feel someone's presence, in reality this person is trying to control you for his own benefit. It is best to get rid of such dependence and try to become more independent.

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