Class hour on the theme of the heroes of the fatherland (Grade 3). Class hour (Grade 3) on the topic: Class hour "Heroes of the Fatherland Day"

On December 9, Russia celebrates the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. This memorable date was established by the State Duma Russian Federation January 26, 2007. IN explanatory note the document said the following: “... we not only pay tribute to the memory of the heroic ancestors, but also honor the living Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Knights of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory.

On February 21, 2007, the deputies' initiative was approved by the Federation Council. And on February 28, 2007, it was approved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin ( The federal law No. 22 of February 28, 2007 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia".

Until 1917, in Russia, on the day of memory of St. George, the feast of the Knights of St. George was celebrated, back in 1769 Russian empress Catherine II established the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, the highest military award of the empire. This order was awarded to the military, who showed courage, valor and courage in battle. The order had 4 degrees of distinction, of which the first was the highest. It is known that only 4 people became gentlemen of all four degrees, among which are the great Russian commanders: M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly.

After the revolution of 1917, the holiday was canceled and the order itself was abolished as a state award. Only in 2000, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 4463 “On approval of the status of the Order of St. George”, the provisions on the insignia - the St. George Cross, the order was returned to its status - the status of a state military award. Now the Russian Federation.

Exterior view of the Order of St. George, 1st class

The first Knight of St. George in the Russian Federation was Colonel-General Sergei Makarov. The award found a hero in August 2008. At that time, he commanded the troops of the North Caucasian Military District. The date itself speaks of what Sergey Makarov's award is connected with. It is connected with a successful operation to force Georgia to peace.

Order with award book:

In the USSR, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, established in April 1934, was a high degree of distinction. The first (April 20, 1934) this title was awarded to the pilots who rescued members of the Arctic expedition and the crew of the Chelyuskin icebreaker in the Chukchi Sea (M. Vodopyanov, I. Doronin, N. Kamanin, S. Levanevsky, A. Lyapidevsky, V. Molokov , M. Slepnev).

During the entire existence of the USSR, 12,772 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The last Hero of the country, which ceased to exist in December 1991, was captain of the third rank Anatoly Solodkov, who, in the course of scientific experiments, dived to a depth of 120 meters. It was a new record. Anatoly Solodkov was presented for the award in the fall of 1991.

Since 1992, one of the main state awards has been the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (Law of the Russian Federation of 03/20/1992).
The first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was Major General of Aviation Sulambek Oskanov, when he was performing a flight mission on a MiG-29 aircraft, an equipment failure occurred (a false horizon), and General Oskanov, at the cost of his life, prevented the aircraft from falling on the village of Khvorostyanka, Lipetsk region. He was awarded the high rank on April 11, 1992 posthumously. The first Hero of the Russian Federation was buried in his native village of Plievo (Republic of Ingushetia).

At present, for the second year, the Russian military is taking part in the fight against terrorist groups in Syria. Some of them were awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation for their courage, bravery and selflessness in the performance of military duty (Vadim Vladimirovich Baikulov - colonel, officer of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Alexander Vladimirovich Dvornikov - colonel general, chief of staff - first deputy commander of the troops Central Military District, Andrey Alexandrovich Dyachenko - Major, Deputy Commander of the Aviation Squadron of the 47th Mixed Aviation Regiment of the 105th Guards Mixed Aviation Division of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army, Viktor Mikhailovich Romanov - Colonel, Senior Test Navigator of the 929th Flight Test Center GLITs, Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov (posthumously) - lieutenant colonel, crew commander of the Su-24 aircraft from the Russian Air Force aviation group, Prokhorenko Alexander Aleksandrovich (posthumously) - senior lieutenant, serviceman of the Special Operations Forces of the Russian Armed Forces).

Alexander Prokhorenko, who died during the liberation from ISIS militants (banned in the Russian Federation) of ancient Palmyra, having caused aviation fire on himself, became not only a Russian, but also a truly international hero. Alexander's family says that one of the most different countries of the world and today condolences continue to come in connection with the loss of a guy whose courage is worthy of respect. Alexander Prokhorenko is one of the symbols of the heroic struggle against international terrorism.

Every year in December, a solemn reception is held in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, to which Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory and holders of the Order of St. George, members of the Russian government, members of the Federation Council and the State Duma, as well as representatives of public associations, cultural figures are invited , science and art. The reception is held by the President of Russia, Supreme Commander armed forces RF.

The holiday is widely celebrated throughout the country with the active assistance of various public organizations, including military-patriotic clubs. Various cultural institutions hold rallies, solemn meetings, arrange thematic exhibitions and festive performances in parks and concert venues. The holiday aims to once again say a huge thank you to all citizens who have shown heroism not only in the military field, but also in the field of saving people, while contributing to the development domestic science and technology. One of the main tasks is connected with the indispensable improvement of the system of patriotic education in modern Russia.

Russia celebrates many holidays that are memorable to our spirit and heart. Among them there are those that operate exclusively in Russia, and nowhere else. One of these holidays is the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. A truly unique and important day in history.

Holiday of Heroes of the Fatherland

Brave people who accomplished feats are in every state. Russia in this case is no exception to the rule.

In 2007, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "On the celebration of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland." The date was set for December 9th. The initiative to create a separate day to honor their heroes in Russia belongs to

In the same 2007, the initiative of the State Duma was supported by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially approved the celebration of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.

history of the holiday

However, the roots of the event do not go back to 2007, but much further. In 2007, the holiday of the Heroes of the Fatherland was only restored.

On December 9, 1769, Empress Catherine II approved a new state award. She became the Victorious. This order was awarded only to people who showed exceptional courage and valor on the battle fronts.

At one time he had 4 degrees of distinction. The very first of them was the highest. first degree in the Russian Empire was considered the highest award for an ordinary military man who went through all the horrors of the war.

It was a silver badge. It was focused exclusively on the lower ranks of the Russian army. Among ordinary and small military commanders, it was considered an honor to receive such an award from the hands of the Empress.

December 9, 1917 in Russia began to celebrate the feast of the Knights of St. George. However, after this celebration was removed altogether. The thing is that the Bolsheviks denied everything that was connected with Russian Empire. The holiday of the Heroes of the Fatherland has been cancelled.

The holiday is back

It was originally known in Byzantium and in Rus'. He was the patron of princes and his subjects in military campaigns. He was depicted on icons, and believers gave him his due.

However, for some period of history, he was completely forgotten. It was the time from 1917 to 2000. Heroes of the Fatherland of Russia celebrate their day again.

In 2000 the order was returned Russian government, and in 2007 the day of the Heroes of the Fatherland received the status of an official holiday again.

The purpose of the celebration and its meaning

We have already said that this holiday was returned by the State Duma and the President of Russia in 2007.

The authors of this draft law set themselves the goal of creating ideals in Russian society that the country would be proud of and worth emulating. Politicians wanted the youth to be more patriotic towards their heroes and to know them by sight.

However, not everyone in Russia reacted well to the idea of ​​celebrating such a day. But it is safe to say that this holiday has great importance for the history of the country. This date unites and gathers together the heroes of military exploits and ordinary soldiers. Russian army who have achieved great success in the field of hard war.

On their examples, official power and propaganda are going to educate the younger generations. On this day, attention is focused on the fact that Russia is a state that has very often faced military confrontations throughout its history. Mention is made of the long-standing military exploits of soldiers who showed their valor and real courage.

Heroes of the Fatherland - our countrymen. However, not every Russian can be honored to receive this prestigious award today. The most frequent "winners" of this holiday are senior and junior officers. They are the heroes of the Fatherland, the list of which is increasing every year. However, many of them are well known, and young people know them. Here are just some of the names of the heroes of the Russian Federation:

  • Zharov Alexey Viktorovich (second
  • Em Yuri Pavlovich (second Chechen war).
  • Yashkin Sergey Leonidovich (Colonel and Commander of the Special Forces Detachment).

historical moment

It should be noted that this award is interesting story. In 1991, in August, there was a putsch. At that moment, they wanted to restore the order in order to reward the heroes of the White House. However, this idea was not destined to come true. After the collapse in 1992, the independent republics created their own administrative apparatuses, which were occupied with the internal affairs of the country. At that moment, the procedure for restoring the state award of St. George the Victorious was launched.

However, it did not happen right away. The procedure was long. Only in 2000, at the level of the State Duma and the President of Russia, December 9 received the status of an official holiday.

Participation and congratulations

Heroes of the Fatherland Day is a holiday celebrated throughout Russia. People are involved in it different ages, generations and views. We can safely say that this holiday unites people around one goal - to remember their real heroes.

Young people are most actively involved in the celebration. Patriotic education in Russia is at a high level.

By December 9, various competitions are held throughout the country. In particular, competitions of military song and drawings. Heroes of the Fatherland always react enthusiastically and joyfully to children's drawings. It is always a pleasure to receive a gift from the smallest patriots, it is more expensive than any awards.

The winners of military song contests, which are held until December 9, then sing at concerts for the military, who distinguished themselves as a result of hostilities.

Holiday traditions

The holiday of the Heroes of the Fatherland is widely celebrated throughout Russia. On this day you can see many concerts and competitions. Winners always receive awards from the hands of government officials.

The opening of various monuments to the victims of the war is often timed to coincide with this day, rallies and meetings of patriots are held. Schools conduct a kind of "lessons of courage", which are designed not only to awaken patriotic feelings in young people, but also to prepare them morally for their civic duty to the state.

Various sports competitions are held on this day. Boys and girls show themselves with better side in his military training.

On this day, thematic exhibitions are held in museums and lectures are given at universities, which are dedicated to the heroes of the Fatherland and the hostilities in which they took part.

Traditionally, the top officials of the President's Office and the State Duma lay flowers at the main monuments of the country. Memorials of glory and Eternal Lights are visited in various corners Russia, meetings of veterans for round table, where they can drink front-line 100 grams and talk about the hostilities that they had to endure in their time.

A holiday - is it necessary?

Often, residents of Russia have a question about whether we need this holiday when there is an official May 9th.

However, the holiday of the Heroes of the Fatherland, which is celebrated on December 9, is celebrated only in Russia. We can safely say that the day of the Heroes of the Fatherland is our national heritage. Heroes of the Fatherland - our countrymen.

It does not harm May 9, but only complements it. The holidays of May 9 and December 9 are similar, but have their differences.

It is important that the first and second are aimed at arousing patriotic feelings among young people. More importantly, the Russian government decided to do this not once a year, but twice. This contributes not only to patriotism. On this day, educational evenings and lectures are held that help young people learn and understand their history much better. This is now more important than ever in order to prevent wars and disrespect for our historical past.

in 3"B" class
on the topic: "Heroes of the Fatherland"
Date: December 9, 2016

Conducted by: Zenchenko I.V.
Teacher primary school
MKOU "Secondary School No. 14"

1. To activate the patriotic education of the younger generation, to broaden the horizons of students.
2. Increase interest in the history of the Fatherland, help create conditions for emotional experience.
3. To cultivate respect for the historical past of their people and a sense of pride in their country.
Equipment: slide presentation "Heroes of the Fatherland", interactive whiteboard, children's drawings on the topic: "Heroes of War".

1 student:
Smart, strong our people
Looks far ahead.
But the tributes of antiquity
We must not forget.
Glory to Russian antiquity!
Glory to our side!
2 student:
I love you my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.
3 student:
I want the pride to be for the country,
So that the day lived was beautiful,
To fall asleep in a good feeling in captivity
Remembering good people
Dear Guys! Today our country celebrates the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.
This memorable date was established in 2007. The Russians, marked with the honorary title of heroes, deserve to have their own holiday. Until 1917, on this day (November 26, old style) in Russia, the feast of the Knights of St. George was celebrated. The authors of the bill propose to honor Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory on this day. The date December 9 was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1769, Empress Catherine II established the Order of St. George the Victorious. This order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, courage and courage in battle.
Pay attention to this order. In the center of it is St. George the Victorious. He sits on a white horse right hand he holds a silver spear that helped him defeat the serpent. The black snake is a symbol of evil. He is a hero. The faithful horse tramples the dragon with its hooves.
Where else can we meet this rider? (On the coat of arms of the Russian Federation)
The next award - the Order of Glory, consists of three degrees: I, II, III degrees. The highest degree of the order is the 1st degree. The Order of Glory was established on the same day as the Order of Victory. He became the last of the “land” orders created during the war years: after him only the “sea” orders of Ushakov and Nakhimov appeared.
The order had several features that no other domestic award had. Firstly, this is the only combat distinction intended to be awarded exclusively to soldiers and sergeants. Secondly, they were awarded only in ascending order, starting from the lowest - III degree. Thirdly, the Order of Glory until 1974 was the only order of the USSR, issued only for personal merit and never issued to military units, enterprises, or organizations. Fourthly, the statute of the order provided for the promotion of holders of all three degrees in rank, which was an exception for the Soviet award system. Fifthly, the colors of the ribbon of the Order of Glory repeat the colors of the ribbon of the Russian Imperial Order of St. George.
Medal "Gold Star" attribute of the Hero of the Soviet Union
Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest degree of distinction [ Download the file to view the link ], was usually awarded for accomplishing a feat.
The Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded:
the highest award of the USSR [ Download the file to view the link ];
badge of special distinction [ Download the file to view the link ];
diploma of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR
[ Download the file to view the link ] The Hero of the Soviet Union is worn on the left side of the chest above the orders and medals of the USSR.
Along with adults, these awards were awarded to children, just like you, who, despite all the protests of adults, by hook or by crook, joined military units, becoming sons and daughters of regiments. They were sometimes indispensable as scouts, messengers, nurses, bombers. They became famous for immortal heroic deeds in the name of the Motherland in the unforgettable years of the armed struggle for the power of the Soviets, in the terrible days of the Great Patriotic War or on the peaceful fronts of our people.

I have in my hands the book “Children are Heroes”, these are the pages of the history of our Motherland. In a partisan family, children who covered themselves with unfading glory grew up - Heroes of the Soviet Union Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik and Marat Kazei.
Let's get acquainted with the guys awarded the highest government award. (The teacher reads lines from the biography - Leni Golikov p. 146, Vali Kotik p. 153, Marat Kazei p. 171)
heroic history of our country, the biographies of boys and girls in red ties, many of whom gave their lives for your peaceful, happy childhood, should be known to each of you.
Russian lands devoted children,
You have become immortal on the planet.
Towards the sun with clean hands
You raised the banner of our victory.
War is a very scary word. It is also terrible because it happens in peacetime, when young soldiers have to fulfill their international duty, following the order of the government of their country and protecting the interests of a friendly state. Unfortunately, thousands of young servicemen died in armed conflicts on the territory of other countries, and the war broke the lives of many. But they honestly fulfilled their duty, proving their loyalty to the historical traditions of Russia. On February 15, the war in Afghanistan, which had lasted for 10 years, ended and the last column of Soviet military personnel was withdrawn from Afghanistan. The date of February 15 became the Day of Remembrance of Warriors - Internationalists. Today we will talk about it.
The song "My Afghan friends" sounds.
Opening diary Afghan
Yellowed these sheets.
Saved me the wind of wanderings
Across the Afghan deserts
We returned to our work
And we have worries every day,
And their heads are white.
But with all our worries
We have something in common
something unforgettable, something unforgettable
That we will remember again and again.
No matter how much further travel,
No matter how many countries we recognize, There will be Afghan friends for all of us - a common Afghanistan.
We recognize the one who served in Afghanistan not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes, we recognize them by their calm, hard faces. These people who
you can always rely on. Each of us would like to have such friends. Someone very rightly noted that human life is measured not by its duration, but by what fills it.
Guys, today we had a great honor: the opportunity to talk with a veteran. He visited the hottest frontier Afghan war and fulfilled his civic and patriotic duty to the end.
He served the country as his heart was told.
Profession - Protect the Fatherland!
Merits? – Loyalty to the Motherland, Russia
2. The word is given to the veteran.
- You have the floor.
3. There is a performance.
- Thank you very much for your story. Low bow to you for your courage and heroism.
- It's hard to talk about the war, but we have no right to forget about it. About those who did not return, and about those who returned with a crippled soul. But despite everything, life goes on.
The song is "Let's Go".
- Russian officer! This is a proud title, a heroic profession. The profession is to defend the Motherland.. Like a relay race, the heroic glory of our grandfathers and fathers, officers of the Armed Forces, who defended the independence of the Motherland with weapons in their hands, is passed from generation to generation.
The song "Gentlemen" sounds.
1 student:
We are rightfully proud of the great victory,
She was born on the roads of war.
Eternal memory to you, eternal glory to you,
Our faithful sons of the Fatherland.
2 student:
You gave your life in fierce battles
For a clear sky and our peaceful work.
You will be an example to all generations,
After all, glory and courage live forever.
4. Bottom line
- What holiday does our country celebrate on December 9?
- On December 9, the heroes of the Fatherland are honored.
- When is the Day of Remembrance of soldiers-internationalists celebrated?
-Who are the heroes? Who can be called a hero?
What qualities should a hero have?
-Choose from the proposed list the most important quality, in your opinion, and try to explain why.
Answers of children (qualities: brave, courageous, honest, decisive, stubborn, kind, responsible).

Scenario extracurricular activities"Heroes of my Russia" dedicated to the day Heroes of the Fatherland.

Shchedrina L.A.

Target: to acquaint with the history of the origin of the holiday "Day of Heroes

Fatherland”, its heroes and their exploits.

- to form a sense of patriotism among pupils;
- develop a sense of pride and respect for the soldiers - defenders of the Fatherland;
- preserve the memory of the exploits of the Heroes of the Fatherland;
- to intensify interest in the study of the history of Russia, the symbols of the state;

Cultivate love for the motherland.

Event progress.


Clip about Russia. (Slide 1)

What is this song about?

Russia is our Motherland. (Slide 2)

Russia is our Fatherland, our fatherland, i.e. native home. We admire the beauty of nature, look at the peaceful sky above our heads, rejoice in the sun. But it was not always so. Many difficult and terrible trials have befallen our fatherland, our Motherland. But our Russia survived, overcoming all the difficulties and trials.

Why do you think?

And her faithful sons and daughters, her people, her heroes came to her aid.

Who is called a hero?

Hero - a person who performs feats, unusual in their courage, valor, selflessness. (Slide 3)

Student 1.

Heroes of the motherland - how much sense in this!
Both honor and courage in these two words.
You can't become heroes too quickly.
A hero is only one who knows no fear.

Student 2.
To all those who bravely fought against enemies,
Who is courageous, resolute and bold,
You can assign the title of a hero,
And who has accomplished many important things!

Let's figure out together what qualities a hero should have.

(Children have cards with the words: brave, courageous, lazy, irresponsible, brave, honest, decisive, cowardly, responsible, kind, indecisive, deceitful. They choose the names of the necessary qualities for the hero and attach to the board)

It is to these courageous people that the holiday is dedicated, which our whole country celebrates ... And when? Guess the date.

This number is odd, one-digit, previous to ten. (9) (Pin on board)

Now guess the month. This is the last month of the year, or the first month of winter. (December) (Pin on board)

Let's find out the name of this holiday.

(A student of each class flips 1 star)

Heroes of the Fatherland Day

Student 3 (Slide 4)

- There is a new holiday in Russia, it is only 8 years old.

And on this day, we honor our

Heroes - Heroes of the Fatherland!

Clip "Heroes of the Fatherland Day" (Slide 5)

    Message about the theme and goals of the event.

So who is our event dedicated to? What are we going to learn about today?

Today you will learn how this holiday appeared, get acquainted with some of the heroes to whom we owe our lives. Let's create a board in memory of the heroes that you will learn about today.

Let's turn the pages of a book dedicated to the heroes of our Motherland, our Fatherland.

The holiday "Day of Heroes of the Fatherland" has been celebrated in our country recently, since 2007.

Tell me, do we need this holiday? Why do you think so?

Every country has its own heroes, and it is on their experience, on their exploits that we are brought up. Our Motherland, Russia, is a heroic country. In its thousand-year history, the war years in total were more than the peaceful years, But no matter what enemies challenged us, we survived. We must know, remember and honor the heroes of our country.

The date of December 9 for the celebration of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland was not chosen by chance. According to the old style, until 1917, December 9 was the date of the holiday dedicated to honoring the merits of the Knights of St. George. Back in 1769, Empress Catherine the Great established the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Empress Catherine II herself received the first such award. (Slide 6)

George the Victorious is one of the most popular Christian saints. The symbol of the order is a rider sitting on a white horse, striking a dragon with a spear. He personified the courage of a warrior capable of defending his land from enemies.

(Slide 7)

Our emblem depicts a rider - this is St. George the Victorious, one of the oldest symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland.(Slide 8)

The full name of the order is the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. The motto of the order: "For Service and Courage". The order consists of signs: a golden cross, a ribbon and a four-pointed star.The order had 4 degrees of distinction.

(Slide 9)

It was the most important military award. This Order was very important and many military and soldiers were very happy with such an award. They deserved it in battles and received it for courage and ingenuity. This order was awarded to both outstanding Russian commanders Mikhail Kutuzov, Mikhail Barclay - de - Tolly, Alexander Suvorov, as well as ordinary sailors, soldiers, Cossacks.

(Slides 10, 11, 12)

IN Soviet time The Order of St. George replaced the Order of Glory. This order had three degrees. The order of the 1st degree was made of gold. Signs of the 2nd and 3rd degrees are made of silver, the circle with the image of the Kremlin with the Spasskaya Tower is gilded. The order was decorated with a yellow - black ribbon. Later St. George ribbon adorned many Russian medals. (Slide 13)

For outstanding services in our country until 1991, the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded. This award exists to this day, but they call it the Star of the Hero of Russia. (Slide 13)

And since 2000, according to the Decree signed by V.V. Putin, the Order of St. George again became the highest military award Russia. (Slide 14)

For 70 years the country has been illuminated by the light of victory in the Great Patriotic War. She got it at a heavy price. Soviet people for a long 1418 days he walked the paths of the hardest of wars in order to save his homeland and all of humanity from fascism. The further the years of the Great Patriotic War go into the past, the clearer the role of each soldier and officer who won this war becomes.

Student 4.

Sunday afternoon the day before

Cloudless skies.

Black shadows grew in the mist

A cloud in the sky is dark.

The first shell exploded in the distance,

This is how the war started

Clip about the war. (Slide 16)

On par with adults against fascist invaders boys and girls fought, who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their exploits.

2nd grade teacher

Marat Kazei (Slide 17)

Together with his sister, a Komsomol member Ada, pioneer Marat Kazei went to the partisans in the Stankovsky forest. He became a scout at the headquarters of the partisan brigade. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command.

Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let the enemies get closer and blew them up ... and himself.

For courage and bravery pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

4th grade teacher

Zina Portnova (Slide 18)

The war found the Leningrad pioneer Zina Portnova in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays. She participated in daring operations against the enemy, in sabotage, distributed leaflets, and conducted reconnaissance on the instructions of the partisan detachment.

It was December 1943. Zina was returning from a mission. In the village of Mostishche, a traitor betrayed her. The Nazis seized the young partisan and tortured her.

The brave young girl was brutally tortured, but before last minute remained steadfast, courageous, unbending. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with her highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

This list can be continued for a long time. They are not with us, but we remember them. They are the real heroes of our country.

A heavy fate fell on the lot of the inhabitants of the city of Ostrov and the Ostrovsky district.

At the beginning of the war, the city of Ostrov lay in the path of the offensive of the group German armies"NORTH". main goal this grouping was the fastest capture of a large Soviet city and industrial center of Leningrad. On the outskirts of the Island, Pskov, Leningrad, fierce battles unfolded. They were in the sky and on the ground. (Slide 19)

Which of the heroes do you know?

1st grade teacher.

One of them - Claudia Ivanovna Nazarova - Hero of the Soviet Union. (Slide 20)

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the capture of the city of Ostrov by the invaders, Claudia Nazarova began working in a sewing workshop. From the Komsomol members who remained in the city, she created an underground organization that was engaged in the distribution of reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and intelligence. Information about the actions of the occupiers was transmitted to the partisan detachment, which delivered accurate strikes against the occupiers.

In addition, the underground, led by Claudia Nazarova, helped prisoners of war escape from the camp and get to the partisans. More than 50 people were rescued. The invaders suspected the existence of the underground, but for a long time they could not get on the trail of the organization. Only on the denunciation of a traitor did they manage to do this, and on November 7, 1942, Nazarova was arrested. For more than a month she was subjected to severe torture, but she did not betray any of her comrades. On December 12, 1942, the invaders publicly executed her on the square of the city of Ostrov. For three days the girl's body hung on the gallows, and only then was it allowed to bury her.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 20, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command in the rear of the Nazi troops and the heroism and courage shown at the same time, Nazarova Claudia Ivanovna was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She was awarded the Order of Lenin.

The name of K. Nazarova is immortalized. In the city of Ostrov, a monument was erected to her, the following are named after her: a school in the city of Ostrov, streets in cities and towns.

(Song about Klava Nazarova)

Soviet pilots defended troops and civilians from enemy air raids.

Soviet pilots Pyotr Timofeevich Kharitonov, Andrey Nikiforovich Vitruk in the battles for Ostrov in July 1941. committed air rams and became the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. (Slide 21)

July 4, 1941 Leonid Vasilyevich Mikhailov rammed a fascist tank column on the SB plane passing the Pytalovo-Ostrov highway. July 22, 1941 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Slide 22)

Heroes of the Soviet Union studied in our school: Petrov Alexei Ivanovich and Sergeev Vladimir Fedorovich. (Slide 23)

Petrov Alexey Ivanovich (Slide 24)

Born in 1925 in the city of Ostrov in a peasant family.

Commander of the gun of the 84th Guards separate anti-tank battalion, junior sergeant. July 6, 1943, together with the infantry, repelled enemy attacks in the area of ​​the Ponyri railway station Kursk region, knocked out and set fire to 4 tanks. In this battle he died a heroic death. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him posthumously on August 7, 1943.

Sergeev Vladimir Fyodorovich (Slide 25)

The commander of the machine-gun company of the 4th Guards Airborne Regiment of the Guard, Senior Lieutenant Sergeev, in battle on 10/6/1943, while repelling the enemy counterattack with well-aimed machine gun fire, forced the enemy to retreat. Having raised the fighters to attack, he broke into the enemy trenches and entrenched himself at the reached line.
10/11/1943, despite being wounded, continued to fight.
Died in this battle.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously. In the city of Ostrov, a street is named after him, and a memorial plaque is installed there.

- Unfortunately the Great Patriotic War did not become the last. Afghanistan, Chechnya - these words are inscribed in black letters in our history, sprinkled with bitter motherly tears.

During this period, over 600,000 Soviet citizens went through the war in Afghanistan, more than 15,000 of them died.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 72 people, 25 of them posthumously.

(Slide 26)

Andrey Konstantinov Viktorovich. Corporal, reconnaissance machine gunner of the parachute company. Repeatedly participated in military operations.Killed 12/21/1985 in action.For personal courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (posthumously). Buried in Ostrov. (Slide 27)

Chechnya. Two military campaigns, two bloody wars from 1994 to 2000.

160,000 people died and 5,000 people went missing! (Slide 28)

A story about the heroes of the 6th school and the 6th company. (Slide 29)

February 28, 2000 in Chechnya at the Ulus-Kertom pass - a company of paratroopers took the battle with a detachment of militants. For each paratrooper there were 20 (according to some sources -25) militants. The landing force did not flinch and calmly accepted the fierce battle. The forces were unequal, but the guys survived! When the cartridges ran out, the landing force went into hand-to-hand combat like an indestructible wall. And then the bandits realized what the Russian soldier was worth. 84 paratroopers died heroically.
Of the entire 6 company, 6 people survived. But the company is alive, it will remain in our memory forever. The guys proved that there is no force that could defeat the Russian soldier! Some of the guys were awarded the title of Heroes of Russia, the rest were awarded the Order of Courage.

Among the fallen in Chechnya, who served in the 6th company, were our countrymen, students - graduates of the Ostrov Gymnasium: Biryukov Vladimir Ivanovich and Shukaev Alexei Borisovich. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. (Slide 30)

Clip about the 6th company. (Slide 31)

There is restlessness in the world now. There is a war going on in Syria. Terrorists threaten the whole world. Our pilots are fulfilling their international duty to protect our state from the terrorist threat. They make sorties, destroying the places of accumulation of militants, their weapons and equipment.

A tragedy in the skies over Syria on November 24, where a Russian bomber was shot down by the Turkish Air Force.Both pilots - Oleg Peshkov and Konstantin Murakhtin - managed to eject. If not for the shelling from the ground, then perhaps both pilots survived, but the militants began to shoot paratroopers and Oleg Peshkov died. Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the deceased pilot with the title of Hero of Russia. Konstantin Murakhtin was awarded the Order of Courage. died in a rescue operation, was awarded (posthumously) the Order of Courage. (Slide 32)

The title of Hero of Russia is awarded for courage and heroism to soldiers who fought in "hot spots", as well as for outstanding achievements in the development outer space, new aviation technology and special services to the state, for heroic deeds in peacetime. But these are already pages of another book, which you will definitely get acquainted with in the future.

Russia is a long-suffering land. Many troubles befell her. Many tears were shed by her mothers. Paying tribute to the living and honoring the memory of the dead is, first of all, important for the younger generation. That is why our school celebrates the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland with a special feeling.

There are many heroes in our country. It is impossible to tell about everyone. But we remember, recognize and are proud of their exploits. So that in the memory of generations the feats of people in different periods time, in the cities of the Pskov region, in Ostrov and the Ostrovsky district, monuments to the heroes of the Fatherland were erected.

Clip to the music "Heroes of my Russia" (Slide 33)

Student 5.

Thank you for everything we say

We will proudly tell our children about you,

Let them know about you, let them remember you

May the heroes of Russia be remembered forever.

In memory of them, we will all light our joint Eternal Flame together. Thus, giving a piece of their warmth and memory of those heroes who died for our Motherland, for a peaceful sky, for Russia.

(Children have lights in their hands. They take turns going to the board, attaching lights, creating an eternal flame. At this time, the song “U eternal flame"") (Slide 34)

Student 6.

On this holiday, the great Hero's Day,

We will honor their blessed memory while standing,

We honor those who are still alive

Let them know that we are proud of them.

A moment of silence. (Slide 35)

Student 7.

We will remember your names

And bequeath the memory to future generations.

Heroes never leave

They are not threatened by cold oblivion. (Slide 36)

III. Summary of the event.

Our Motherland in different times defended different people: dressed differently, owned different weapons. But they had one thing in common.

What united the heroes of different times? ( Strong love to the Motherland).

Love your Motherland, be proud of it and remember the names and surnames of the heroes of your Fatherland, your Motherland, remember at what cost a peaceful sky was won in our country. Only a few you learned about today. There are a lot of heroes. Watch movies, read books and remember their exploits.

(Books about war)

Russia is sometimes called a country whose past is difficult to predict. Indeed, sometimes we evaluate events differently depending on our views. past days, and sometimes even try to abandon some of them. However, there are dates in Russia that are sacred for every inhabitant of our country.

They are called memorials. They are officially established and are designed to preserve the memory of the most glorious, most important events our Fatherland. One of these dates - Day Time changes, other interpretations of historical events appear, but every year in December we remember the best representatives of Russia, marked with the highest awards.

December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

Like all the past of our country, this day has a difficult history. Officially, it began to be celebrated only in 2007. However, it has existed since November 1769, the day when Catherine established one of the most important and honorary orders in the history of the country: the Order of St. He had four degrees. Interestingly, out of 10 thousand awarded the highest degree in a hundred and fifty years, only 23 people received all four degrees, only four. The highest ranks who received such an order were called his cavaliers. They awarded, though very rarely, civilians from the lowest classes, but they were not called cavaliers.

So, Matvey Gerasimov received an award for having managed to capture the British military who captured his ship. However, once Alexander 1 awarded the general with a soldier's order. Miloradovich, having left his place due to his rank, entered the battle along with his soldiers, for which he was awarded. One of the most famous people, who received all the degrees of the order, (but at a later time) was S. M. Budyonny. Those who received the order were congratulated annually on the day of its establishment. The holiday of the Knights of the Order is a prototype of today's memorable date, which is called the "Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland." During the revolution, the order was awarded to soldiers who performed the duties of officers in battle. Then the order was abolished, but until 1920 they were awarded to soldiers of the white army who distinguished themselves in battle.

Glyph of Valor

Heroes of the Fatherland Day became officially approved memorable date not so long ago, only in 2007, but in fact it only changed its name: heroes in Russia have always been celebrated. So, in 1934, the title appeared. By the way, it was also awarded to foreigners who performed feats in defense of our Motherland. Khrushchev introduced the vicious practice of awarding the order not for feats, but congratulating on the anniversary. So, L. Brezhnev received the star of the Hero 4 times. However, after some time, the vicious practice was stopped, and, as before, only the most courageous and worthy began to receive the award. With the collapse of the Union, this honorary title was replaced by another - Hero of the Russian Federation (1992). All those awarded with the Orders of St. George, the stars of Heroes are honored today on December 9th. Heroes of the Fatherland Day is a symbol of courage, love for the country, personal valor, heroism.

This is not just a tribute to memory, it is a celebration of the best Russian sons and daughters who were not afraid to put the good of others above their own lives. The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is of unsurpassed importance for the education of citizens. It helps to form the ideals of selfless service to the motherland, to the living and historical examples shows examples of heroism and selflessness.

We remember…

Events dedicated to the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland are not only festive. Spartakiads are held in schools and universities, memory lessons are held, at which students are introduced to the heroes who live or lived in their area. Raids are carried out to help war veterans and veterans. The Book of Memory has become a good tradition in many regions, the creation of which is most often done by schoolchildren. The names and biographies of fellow Heroes are entered into the Book. On this day, it is customary to watch films that tell about the courage of the defenders of our Motherland at different stages of its history, lay flowers at monuments, visit local history museums. In schools and other educational institutions, either solemn assembly or other events are held, rallies are held in organizations, literary and musical compositions are held in parks and concert venues. And of course, events to honor the heroes are held at all levels of government.

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