Do-it-yourself model of a Russian hut made of paper. Wooden house made of ordinary paper. Description of the interior of the hut


The game is designed for a group of 2-3 children, but you can play with 1 child.
Print illustrations on a color printer. My printer can print on white cardstock or sketching paper, if yours can't handle it, just paste the pictures on the cardstock. You will get a layout of the hut (glue the exterior and interior with each other) and interior items. I made the layout in A3 size. (In the printer properties there is a poster print, I chose a breakdown by 2), but you can also use A 4.
First, the adult talks about appearance Russian hut, showing the facade of the house, and then turns the layout over and the children find themselves in an empty room of the hut. The task of the children is to arrange the interior items. Each child is given 2-3 pictures. An adult makes riddles, asks questions, a child who has a hidden picture raises it up (the rules of the loto game), and an adult shows where the interior item was in the Russian hut and briefly talks about the purpose of this item. The game is very educational and interesting.
Introduce your children to the history of our people, let them know how they lived and arranged their way of life. Good luck!


About the hut
Huts were built from pine or spruce.
They cut down straight even trees, cut off branches, logs were obtained, a log house was erected from them (from the word to cut)
Huts were built without using nails.
Then they cut through the windows, covered the roof, covered it with straw, in winter, when there was not enough food for livestock, the straw from the roof could go to feed.
Next came the decoration of the house, a horse was put on the roof, and shutters were hung on the windows.

And what is inside the house? We pass through the hallway, this is a cold unheated corridor, we go into the hut, and there .... And there is one room - the upper room, it is both a kitchen, and a living room, and a bedroom. What is in this room? There is an empty chamber in front of you, now we will arrange in the room various items, and you get the interior of a Russian hut.

About the stove
What was the oven for? (to cook food, heat the hut, dry felt boots, sleep on it.
In many huts, it was usually made of clay mixed with stones - adobe on wooden base.
And in our time, many huts with a Russian stove have been preserved.
FURNACE - a nurse, a protector from the cold, a healer of diseases. It is no coincidence that the oven is a common character often found in Russian fairy tales. Name a fairy tale you know. (Swan geese)

About Goddess
The goddess was in the red corner.
This is a small shelf (sometimes two-tiered), a goddess, on which one, two small icons, painted on wooden planks or cast copper.

About buffet, cabinets
The cabinets were various sizes and types, were decorated with carvings, turning parts, and painting. Often through lockers were used in lockers, which was done to ventilate products.

About the bench
She was nailed to the wall and could not be moved. A portable bench is called a bench.
The shop was made by the owner himself from thick and wide boards. Each member of the family had their own place. The owner sat under the icons, and the hostess on the edge, so that she would not interfere with anyone when serving.
Later, chairs appeared, and stools for sitting the worker - Koryak. Find them among the items.
About the table
The whole family gathered at the table, all questions were discussed.
The place of the owner of the house was called great place. The rest of the family sat down at the table in order of seniority.

About chest
Chests are an obligatory accessory of the hut. They kept clothes, canvases and other household utensils. Chests were made big and small.
About dishes
The dishes were earthenware and wood. The dishes were decorated with carvings and paintings during long winter evenings.
About the spinning wheel
Spinning was usually done by girls. A spinning wheel with a wheel was called a self-spinning wheel.
Distaffs are still preserved in many village houses. From sheep wool knit, as before, socks, mittens, felt boots.
About irons
Irons were of two types, in which hot coals were placed and which were placed on the stove.

About grip
Pots of food were sent to them in the heat. This device was a long wooden stick with a metal slingshot at the end.

Location of items :



The house is white.
The door is black.
The owner is red.
What went into the house
Everything went to heaven.

She bakes pancakes
It shows dreams.

Say a word:
- there is no heat in winter, and there is no colder in summer (riddle) ... OVEN

2.- heater in farmhouse…STOVE

3. GOD
The shelf on which the icons were placed. (Suggest name)

A piece of furniture for storing dishes, clothes

On it people slept, worked, ate, cooked and met guests. (shop)

Under the roof - legs,

On the roof - spoons,
And next to them
With chowder bowls.

* grandma's storage

*say a word.
- Wolf, look, - he said to the wolf, -
You will put your teeth on ...

*Name it in one word
(show pictures)

9.Spinning wheel
* With the help of it, threads were obtained.

* Mystery
The longer I spin

The fatter I get.

Hisses displeasedly, bites painfully,
It's dangerous to leave him alone.
Gotta get along with him.
And you can iron
But don't iron it.

It cooked food in the oven.

Grain was crushed in it, peeling it from the husk.

Vera Karpovich

Master class on making a layout"Russian hut"

In our garden, a review competition "Patriotic Corner" was announced. For him we decided make a model of a Russian hut.

I took the korbu from under the shoe and cut off the two sides.

I then proceeded to making a Russian stove. For this I needed a box of toothpaste. I cut it into two almost even parts, connected it with glue and pasted it over with white paper. Then I drew a hearth, etc.

The box was inside white color so I didn't have to glue or prime it. I just drew log walls, floor and windows.

From ice cream sticks made a table and tents.

I made curtains on the windows from napkins. I put an icon in the red corner. In the "women's corner" behind the brown cardboard stove made a chest.

Crocheted rug. Blinded from plasticine kitchen utensils. From the shell walnut made a crib.

Russian layout hut occupied worthy place in our patriotic corner.

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Chernyshova Ekaterina. game layout"Russian hut".

Purpose: to introduce the history of Russian peasant life and the traditions of our ancestors.

Get to know the device peasant dwelling, household items, their names and purpose;

Enrich children's vocabulary with new words;

Develop interest in Russian folklore;

Bring up careful attitude to ancient things, traditions, customs of hospitality;

Help children to realize the relationship of the present and the past, to feel themselves in the flow of time.

In the hut there is: a stove (made of cardboard), a shelf with dishes (salt dough dishes), a samovar ( salty dough), basket (salt dough), table and benches (styrofoam and sticks), spindle (cardboard), chest (cardboard), bed (cardboard), baby cradle (cardboard), bed dress(shreds of fabric), rocker (egg from under the "kinder surprise, wire, thread), windows (cardboard, White paper, shreds of fabric), the hostess and the baby are made according to the technique of Russian folk toys.

The game layout is intended for senior preschool age. After a detailed acquaintance with the arrangement of the dwelling, the children play independent games based on the “life of a Russian family”

If you think a little, then from the simplest and most ordinary materials, which are quite often at our fingertips, you can make great things. with my own hands.

One such example is a wooden house made of paper.

But as for the ideas that arise to create such a miracle, it appears for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, inspiration just comes and it's not bad at all.

For this we need
Cocktail tubules
A4 paper
multi-colored cardboard

Step 1

The first thing to do is to take paper, preferably A4, without cells or rulers. The paper must be white. Next, you need to twist it into tubes.

Step 2

For more convenient operation, the paper must be divided into several equal parts, and only then twisted. First, do it on the sides, and only then in the middle.

You will never calculate how many such tubes are needed in the exact amount. That is why, do them in the process. So it will be easier.

Step 3

As for the foundation, in order to build it, you need to pick up quite thick cardboard. Remember, the “life” of your house will depend on it. Paper tubes will need to be glued along the side parts. A few need to be made shorter.

Step 4

After you complete the process of laying out the tubes in three rows, make a small mark where the doors and windows will be. Remember, in order for your house to look more symmetrical, you need to have both windows and doors at the same height.

Step 5

For a striking effect, you can make colored paper curtains in the middle of the windows. By the way, in order for all fasteners to be stronger, you can use transparent tape. But this is all optional, of course.

Step 6

Next, don't forget about the roof. But initially, you need to build several supports so that it does not collapse. The roof can be cut from cardboard. Moreover, the shape of the cuts can be very different. It all depends on your own imagination.

Glue the roof, preferably with a simple, colorless glue in order to make it all look more realistic.

Step 7

Once you've completed all of the above steps, decorate your windows with the simplest self-adhesive. And in the same way, decorate the doors. As for the stairs, you can make them out of them, or you can not do them. And if you still prefer a house with a ladder, then they can be built from those tubes that you made. Do more if necessary. It is advisable to glue the steps with a “wooden” self-adhesive.

Step 8

And the final step will be the manufacture of railings. And they are also made from tubes, after pasting them in Brown color. And now, your house is finished. It remains only to decorate it. Here, you can dream up. For example, put a variety of figurines, animals, a fence, or even a garden, as if it were a real village. In any case, it will turn out just great!

First you need to cut a lot of sticks that are square in cross section on a circular saw. Approximately 16mm thick. If there are six crowns in this house, then 24 sticks are needed. Our house is square in plan, which means the sticks are needed the same length. The length of the sticks must be chosen according to the length of the future walls of the house. Plus 2 inches.

Then you need to give the sticks a cylindrical shape. This is usually done on a special machine. We don’t have it, so we use a regular wood lathe.

The front and rear centers of the machine leave quite noticeable indentations when processing on a stick. Therefore, the ends of the sticks, where the recesses remained, must be cut off. A centimeter on one side and a centimeter on the other. And so you need to process all 24 sticks.
In this picture, the depressions are clearly visible.

Then two indentations are cut in each stick.

Then we smear these recesses with glue "Joiner" (quick-drying PVA). If necessary, then smear the entire length of the stick.

And we glue. Crown after crown.

Until we collect the whole log house. The “joiner” will need about 15 minutes to dry. Therefore, all this time the entire log house must be pressed from above. You can just use your hands. When everything is glued together, it should look like this.

Now we mark the slots for the door and windows.

And saw through with a jigsaw.

Before cutting out the windows, we drill a hole in the wall of the house. We will then insert a file into it. Sawing windows and doorways will just show us whether we glued the sticks tightly or not.

Where necessary, cut with a knife.

As a result, we should get this.

Then we grind and trim the ends of the logs on a rotating plywood wheel with sandpaper.

We paint the house with a strong solution of manganese. Can only be outside.

When the manganese dries, wipe the house with sandpaper. So we have a stretch in color. Some places are highlighted, others remain dark.

The result should be like this. Here we have blanks for two houses at once.

Then we cut out two triangular pediments from fiberboard. The roof angle on most houses is 90 degrees. In the blank of the pediment, you need to make two semicircular cutouts for the sticks. They are made with a semicircular chisel.

Then birch bark is glued onto these blanks. And already an embossing is made on it, depicting boards and the structure of a tree. Embossing can be done with a very large needle. Then the embossed surface is painted with manganese, and the excess dye is erased with the 646th solvent. You need to rub hard. Firmly pressing a cloth moistened with solvent to the birch bark. It should turn out like this.

Then windows are cut out of birch bark according to the size of the openings. Double layers are better. Then they need to be glued together and glued into the openings.

But the windows and gables are already glued into place.

Then we make the roof. The roof is made of birch bark on a cardboard basis. On the birch bark, rows of scales are cut with two incisors. And thick cardboard is first dyed with manganese, then with a non-aqueous stain for shine.

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