Marmoleum flooring. Marmoleum is a beautiful and durable coating of natural origin. What is marmoleum made from?

The appearance of new materials on the construction market is always accompanied by increased interest in them, because if they turn out to be better and, preferably, cheaper than their analogues, then they must immediately begin to be used so that the structures and/or finishing of the latter are always carried out at a modern level and meet the ever-increasing technical standards and operational, as well as your own and/or requirements end consumer. A relatively recent innovation in the construction industry called “marmoleum” can generally be classified as a special case. It has already managed to win over a considerable part of the sales market from its analogues and is promised a great future, but at the same time, “passions” still do not subside and questions remain regarding its real properties and characteristics.

What is marmoleum and how long has it actually been produced?

Perhaps someone will be surprised to learn that marmoleum is a linoleum that is made from natural ingredients. Alas, but so. What may be even more surprising is the fact that marmoleum is not some special new material at all. It was invented more than 150 years ago, and has been produced and used for more than 100 years, during which it was called linoleum. And the official world manufacturers of marmoleum do not hide this . To verify this, just visit their official websites.

Apparently, some suppliers and sellers of marmoleum advertised it as a new product in order to whet the interest of buyers and thereby increase their sales. So the information that this is the latest material obtained as a result of some kind of technological breakthrough is just a marketing ploy.

It’s just that earlier, due to the imperfection of the equipment and partly the production technology of marmoleum, as well as the scarcity and high cost of obtaining a number of ingredients for its production, it turned out to be very expensive. As a result, with the development of the chemical industry, this material was almost completely displaced from the market for a long time. construction market replacing it with linoleum made from various synthetic polymers.

Moreover, marmoleum is actually the “big brother”, or rather even the “father” of modern synthetic linoleum. The technologies for their production are identical, but the first appeared much earlier, and the second was obtained by replacing some of the natural components in it with polymer compounds.

So, marmoleum is linoleum made from natural ingredients. Accordingly, as construction material it refers to floor coverings. One of its features is that it can only be used in this capacity - as a floor covering.

The production of modern marmoleum, which is relatively inexpensive and at the same time has improved characteristics, was made possible thanks to several factors. Those natural components for its production, which were previously scarce and/or expensive, are now produced in sufficient quantities and at the same time they are much cheaper. Another layer consisting of pressed cork chips was introduced into the marmoleum structure. The production technology of natural linoleum has been significantly refined and improved. In particular, for its production they began to use hot dry pressing technology, which was developed for the production of MDF. And finally, the current marmoleum is made on ultra-modern equipment, which is many times more efficient than what was once used, which also ensured a significant reduction in production costs.

The main components of natural flooring:

  • linseed oil;
  • wood flour;
  • limestone;
  • resin from coniferous trees;
  • jute;
  • cork chips;
  • natural dyes (inorganic pigments of natural origin).

Main technical characteristics and classification of flooring

Modern natural linoleum is produced with a thickness of 2–4 mm and in three versions, which, of course, makes its use even more attractive:

  • Rolled. Width 1.5 - 6 m (standard and most common - 2 m). The weight of the rolls, respectively, is 60–120 kg. Roll coverings are mainly produced for household use, and their thickness in this case is 2–2.5 mm.
  • Tiled. They are produced in the form of individual tiles in sizes 250x250, 300x300, 500x250, 500x500, 750x500, 1000x150, 1000x250 mm and other dimensions.
  • Panel - on a wood fiber base (HDF board). They are produced in the form of separate panels with dimensions of 300x300, 600x300 and 900x300 mm, with a thickness of up to 9.8 mm inclusive (including the base and cork backing).

These floor coverings are available with or without soundproofing cork backing. If it is not there, then when laying linoleum under it it is necessary to place additional substrates. If there is, then the material is laid directly on a wooden or concrete base floor, as well as over existing old flooring.

Can be with or without cork soundproofing underlay

General main characteristics:

  • specific gravity – 2.6–3.4 kg/m2;
  • mechanical strength– 160 kg/cm 2 ;
  • The warranty period corresponding to the type and classification of the selected coating is at least 20–35 years, depending on the purpose of the material.

All produced marmoleum is divided into 9 classes of coatings. The classification is made depending on its wear resistance. But for industrial and commercial convenience and for consumers to have these 9 combined into 3 main classes - depending on the manufacturer’s recommended use and price category of linoleum:

  1. 1. With the lowest cost material, conventionally called general or household use. These are coatings with wear resistance class 21, 22 or 23. They have a thickness of just marmoleum (without HDF base and/or cork backing) of 2 mm. If there is no base or backing, then this is the thickness of the linoleum itself. These classes are best suited for domestic (in residential premises) and use in small offices, where traffic (the number of people visiting during the day and/or the frequency of their movements) is minimal. The warranty period is 20 years.
  2. 2. With an average cost, called industrial or semi-commercial. Wear resistance class: 31, 32 or 33. The thickness of the marmoleum layer is 2.5 or 3.2 mm. Designed for installation in areas with medium traffic: in enterprises for various purposes, in production workshops, small and large offices.
  3. 3. High cost, called commercial. Wear resistance class: 41, 42 or 43. Marmoleum layer thickness: 3.2; 3.5 or 4 mm. Designed for use in high-traffic areas: train stations, airports, sports complexes, shopping centers and so on.

“- today many people are asking this question. The answer is very simple: it is a modern, environmentally friendly flexible coating with an innovative design and high level durability. The most popular manufacturer of the material is the company Forbo, producing solutions for all types of premises, with a wide variety color palette and the most incredible design structures. Natural linoleum is produced both in tiles and in rolls.

What is marmoleum made of?

Composition of marmoleum includes 97% natural raw materials. The main component for the manufacture of the material is flaxseed, which is supplied directly to the plant. Forbo from plantations. In addition, marmoleum consists of jute, wood flour and timber waste. Flax and jute are annual crops that can be produced by year-round cultivation and regeneration in the natural environment. All this makes the product biodegradable and recyclable.

Linoleum – marmoleum

This coating has a history of more than 150 years and already among its achievements includes the Reichstag, Buckingham Palace, the White House, Alcatraz and other buildings around the world in which it was chosen as a floor. All collections Marmoleum Forbo differ in double finishing layer Topshield2, responsible for long-term preservation appearance and reduced maintenance costs. Thanks to it, marmoleum does not require the application of additional polymer materials to the surface, and is resistant to dirt and scratches (this can be seen in numerous photos). Material price not the lowest, between 1100 and 3500 rubles per square meter, but this is justified by wear resistance and high quality flooring

Rolled marmoleum

Buy natural linoleum floors It is possible in a roll version, it is considered the most convenient for installing marmoleum in the interior of covered spaces: gyms, children's play gyms, commercial establishments, office and residential premises, and other public areas. Coating thickness varies depending on the purpose of the territory, from 2.5 to 6 millimeters. Forbo brand material is supplied in rolls with dimensions: 28x1.22 m / 28x2 m / 32x2 m. Among the entire range of Forbo natural marmoleum, the following collections stand out: Ohmex with current-dissipating characteristics, Acoustic, Decibel with noise-absorbing properties, Touch, classic Global 4, Unexpected nature, Bulletin Board, Mendini, Furniture Linoleum, Modular, Textura and Linear.

Laying natural linoleum must be carried out carefully, meeting the requirements for dryness (no more than 2% humidity), solidity, strength (not less than 300 kg/cm2), cleanliness, evenness (gap no more than 2 mm), temperature (not lower than 14 ° C) and moisture absorption. The base can be used, for example, concrete-cement floor, rubber substrate, wooden system. Conditions for installing a coating are limited to stable air temperature (not lower than 17°C) and humidity (not higher than 75%). Also marmoleum laying technology implies preliminary preparation material: before installation, the rolls must be adapted to the room in which they will be installed by keeping them in a vertical position for at least 24 hours. After preparatory stage You can start rolling the marmoleum along the wall, trimming it, joining it tightly and gluing it.

Marmoleum is a rolled floor covering made from environmentally friendly raw materials. The prototype of the material is oiled canvas, which appeared in the 16th century. Industrial production marmoleum began in 1864 in England.

What is it – structure and modern production

Marmoleum is highly wear-resistant, durable and has a service life of more than 25 years

The main value of marmoleum as a material is its environmental friendliness and safety, since the coating contains only natural components, without synthetic impurities. The material formulation consists of resin coniferous trees, flax oil, wood raw materials, crushed cork, chalk and lime.

For coloring, only natural pigments are used that do not emit harmful substances. The structure of marmoleum is a homogeneous coating. That is, the material has one complete layer with a pattern applied across the entire thickness of the product.

From a technological point of view, marmoleum is a modernized version of natural linoleum. Initially, linseed oil and resin were used to produce linoleum from plant and natural components.

As technology improved, substitutes for these components, obtained from special breeds, were found and introduced tropical crops. This made it possible not only to reduce the cost of mass production of the material, but also to increase its performance qualities.

Additionally, a pressed layer of natural cork was added to the structure, which improves the strength and stability of the coating on the surface. The manufacturing process has also undergone some changes - to obtain finished product The method of dry hot pressing began to be used.

As a result, the improved natural linoleum received the trade name marmoleum, under which it is successfully sold in construction stores.

Characteristics, classification and release form

Natural cladding in rolls and tiles

Technically, marmoleum flooring has higher characteristics than conventional polyvinyl chloride linoleum. The coating can withstand up to 160 kg per 1 cm2 of surface, without visible signs of deformation.

The specific gravity of 1 m2 of material is 2.5-3.5 kg with a total coating thickness of 2-4 mm. The average service life of the material, subject to installation technology and general operating rules, is at least 30 years.

Taking into account the technical characteristics, marmoleum is classified into the following classes:

  1. 21-23 – coating intended for use in conventional living conditions. It is distinguished by its small thickness (up to 2 mm) and low cost. It is recommended to install it in city apartments and private houses, as it has increased resistance to variable loads.
  2. 31-32 – marmoleum, intended for installation in industrial premises and small industries. Has a thicker upper layer(up to 2.5 mm). It is resistant to static load, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with a large amount of heavy furniture and machines.
  3. 41-43 – coating intended for use in public spaces with high traffic and continuous foot traffic. The total thickness of the coating is from 3-4 mm. The main area of ​​application is airports, train stations, hospitals.

It is important to understand that the class of marmoleum indicates not so much the characteristics of the coating, but rather the scope of application and the presence of certain technical qualities. That is, it makes no sense to buy thicker or more durable material for installation in an apartment.

In domestic conditions, the floor surface is subjected to a completely different load than in industrial or public premises. Marmoleum class 21-23 with a thickness of 2 mm is sufficient to ensure trouble-free operation during the stated service life.

According to the form of release, marmoleum is divided into the following types:

  • roll 2 m wide;
  • tiles 30×30 and 50×50 cm;
  • panel 90×30 cm.

Rolled marmoleum, unlike PVC linoleum, is not recommended to be purchased if you plan to lay the coating yourself. The rolled material is quite heavy, which will cause difficulties in delivery to the work site. Care should be taken during transportation, as if broken, the material is fragile and may crack.

Marmoleum in the form of tiles and panels does not have these disadvantages. The panels have a fairly convenient locking system, which allows you to install them yourself, without much experience working with the material. Photos of the main types of marmoleum can be seen above.

Pros and cons of operation

Marmoleum is one of the few floor coverings that combines high performance characteristics and weight. positive qualities. In fact, this is the reason for the high popularity of this coating in its price segment.

Naturalness is one of the main advantages of this material.

Among the advantages of marmoleum are the following:

  • environmental friendliness - the coating is absolutely safe for human health and pets. The coating can be laid in residential areas where allergy sufferers and small children live;
  • hygiene - marmoleum floors are quite easy to clean by wet cleaning without using a large amount detergents. After cleaning, it remains clean for a long time due to the bactericidal properties of the coating;
  • durability - the material does not fade, does not absorb moisture when wet, does not ripple, does not warp. Has high local resistance to damage and other negative factors;
  • insulation – no use required during installation heat-insulating material for floor insulation, since the material has low thermal conductivity. Does not accumulate static electricity, is not flammable, does not emit harmful substances;
  • cost - the total cost of laying the coating, even taking into account the cost of the material, is slightly lower than when laying laminate or parquet boards;
  • variety - marmoleum has high decorative qualities. Large manufacturers produce coatings in 100 primary colors, 30-50 texture solutions and 2000 shades.

Among the disadvantages of marmoleum, one should note its fragility, especially in the corners and along the edges of the roll. If the installation technology is incorrect, there is a high risk of damage to the material, as a result of which this area will have to be cut off, since cracks along the break line will be very noticeable on it.

During operation, the material may spread slightly over the floor surface and harden in the most trafficked areas of the floor. This is clearly visible in poorly sealed seams, which become tighter over time.

When working with rolled marmoleum, it is advisable to have installation experience, since the material does not cut well, and getting a perfectly even edge along the cut line is quite problematic. That is why most large retail outlets offers additional service on installation, since failure to comply with the technology will void the warranty on the floor covering.

Instructions for laying on the base

The general requirements for laying marmoleum are similar to other types of flooring. The supporting base for installation must be monolithic, strong, and dry. The maximum deviation in accordance with GOST is no more than 2 mm per 2 m of surface.

Scheme of laying tiles from the center of the room

The strength of the supporting base is determined based on the planned loads. In residential premises, warehouses and small industries - this is no more than 300 kg/cm2.

Depending on the material used, the base can be divided into three groups: concrete surface, cement-sand or gypsum thin-layer screed, base made of sheet materials.

Almost any concrete surface requires leveling by installing a cement-sand screed or pouring a leveling mass. In rare cases when concrete slab the ceiling meets the requirements stated above; surface repairs are sufficient.

To eliminate small irregularities and potholes, dispersion putty should be used. Leveling by laying sheet materials (chipboard, gypsum fiber board) is more suitable for wooden bases and floors with a structure on joists.

The purchased material must be delivered 24 hours before installation. If marmoleum was transported at temperatures below 10 C, then unpacking must be carried out at least 24 hours later.

Tiles can be laid from the far corner of the room

Laying modular marmoleum with your own hands is done in the following sequence:

  1. The laying pattern on the surface is selected based on design solution. On the diagram you need to indicate the center line from which the installation will begin. For a symmetrical pattern, you can divide the room in half with the center in the middle.
  2. Next, you will need to carefully study the instructions for the purchased adhesive mass. The glue is applied to the rear surface of the module using a notched trowel. During the application process, it is important to monitor the drying time of the adhesive mass. If the glue has dried out and lost its adhesive properties, then it must be completely removed from the surface of the element.
  3. When laying, each marmoleum tile is rolled with a smooth roller weighing 50-75 kg. This tool can be rented in stores specializing in the sale of linoleum.
  4. Laying the modules starts from the central center line, as shown in the figure above. The tiled module is laid without gaps or deviations relative to the previous elements.
  5. The laying process continues until the last element in each row remains that requires trimming. To trim the tile, you will need to apply markings to its front side. Next, cut the tile along the cutting line using a knife with a straight blade. The final cut is made using a knife with a hook blade.

Before commissioning, the floor surface should be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining adhesive that may have been squeezed out of the seams between the modules. To do this, you can carry out wet cleaning with a small amount of detergent approved by the manufacturer.

For daily care, dry cleaning with a special mop with a microfiber attachment is sufficient. Constant use of detergents is not required.

Modular marmoleum with locking system“Click” is installed in a similar way, with the only difference being that the installation of panels can begin from the far corner of the room. To trim an element near the wall, you can use a jigsaw or a wood saw.

When laying the first row, a technological gap of 15-30 mm should be maintained between the tiles and the wall. The gap is needed so that the cladding does not warp during operation.

To lay the second and subsequent rows, it is most convenient to assemble the row as a single piece, and then carefully lower it onto the floor surface until the locking connection is completely snapped into place. The video above shows detailed instructions for laying modular marmoleum.

Cost, manufacturers and installation costs

Products of the Swiss company Forbo

The world leader with a 65% share in the production of marmoleum is the Swiss company Forbo. It is this company that owns the “Marmoleum” trademark, which is used as the name of their main line of natural linoleum.

Forbo marmoleum is distinguished by high resistance to mechanical loads, low abrasion, low residual deformation, good elasticity, and the presence of bactericidal and anti-slip properties.

In many ways, it was the Forbo concern that received natural linoleum wide use all over the world, including in Russia, where their official representative office is present.

The company's line includes both cladding in rolls and coating in the form of natural tiles with a special locking system. The entire range of products can be found on the company’s official website. Cost for marmoleum various types can be seen in the table above.

Marmoleum is a floor covering that is used in decorating various rooms. Unfortunately, many consumers only learn about it in the store, although experts say that over time, this particular material will occupy a leading position among construction products. There are a number of reasons for this, firstly, marmoleum has many positive qualities, and secondly, its installation is so simple and familiar that it will not cause difficulties even for people without experience construction work. In our article we will talk about what advantages this coating has, what types there can be, and how can it be installed?

To consider what types of this material there are, you need to have a little idea about what kind of marmoleum coating it is, and why is it so valued? Its value lies in the fact that only natural ingredients are used in its production: flour, lime, jute fiber, linseed oil, wood flour, and pine resin. Therefore, this material can easily be entrusted with the design of children's or other premises where people with a tendency to allergies will be.

Construction stores will offer you several types of marmoleum:

  • roll type material;
  • in the form of tiles;
  • in the form of panels.

In addition, marmoleum can be:

Flooring material can also be differentiated by size. For example, if we consider the rolled version of marmoleum, then its width varies up to 6 m, while the weight of the roll will be about 120 kg.

Working with rolled material is quite difficult, in the sense that once the roll has been laid out, it cannot be rolled back, so you will need several people to load and unload the coating and transport it from the store.

The material in tiled form has more modest dimensions, 30x30 cm or 50x50 cm. Laying such a coating, as well as its transportation, is simpler, so you can handle everything yourself.

If speak about panel version marmoleum, then its dimensions are slightly more tiles, 90x30 cm, but the installation technology does not change. If you have once laid laminate, parquet, porcelain stoneware or tiles on the floor, then you will cope with laying marmoleum perfectly.

Advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, most designers are inclined to believe that marmoleum will soon occupy a leading position among floor coverings. What are such statements based on? To answer the question posed, you need to understand what advantages and disadvantages this coating has.

The advantages of laying marmoleum include:

The disadvantages of the material include:

Laying such flooring material will not cause any difficulties even for a beginner, but you should not refuse expert advice. It is much easier to prevent an error than to correct it.

What you need to know when laying marmoleum with your own hands:

  • Installation of a new coating on the previous one is possible, but provided that it is in perfect condition: no depressions, large cracks or other changes.
  • Marmoleum can be laid immediately on a concrete base, without additional insulation.
  • The base for marmoleum must be smooth, without roughness, otherwise the design result will be distorted.

If the previous base has minor flaws, then it is more advisable to correct this with the help of a special substrate for the laminate.

  • Before laying the material, it is recommended to lay it out on the floor surface and accurately calculate where to cut it. But even the most accurate calculations may have errors, so it is recommended to stock up on material around the entire perimeter.
  • It is better to use a jigsaw to cut marmoleum.
  • To attach the material to the floor, it is recommended to use any tile adhesive, mastic or other compounds.
  • After laying the material, let it rest until the glue dries completely. The recommended time can be found on the packaging of the adhesive.
  • If delamination of the edges occurs when laying the material, this error is corrected using a special grout. But it is not recommended to purchase it in advance, as you may lose with its color.

Despite the excellent moisture-resistant properties of the material, it is not recommended to be placed in bathrooms or kitchens, where there is constant humidity or sudden temperature changes.

Do-it-yourself technology for installing marmoleum on the floor

If you have decided to lay marmoleum in one of your rooms, but still doubt your abilities, then our article will tell you about the installation technology and help you overcome all the difficulties during the work process.

Laying marmoleum using locks

The process of laying interlocking material is not much different from installing tiles or laminate; the technology for carrying out the work is similar, but with minor additions.

The laying technology is as follows:

  • Bring the material into the room where you plan to install it. Leave it to lie for a day in this room.
  • Prepare the base in advance so that before installation work it was clean, dry and smooth.
  • The base, before using marmoleum, is covered with waterproofing material. If film is used as this material, then the joining of the film should be done overlapping and taped. Allowance for the walls must also be made.
  • The first panel is laid in such a way that its ridge is turned towards the wall. I install subsequent covering elements in the same way.

To avoid strong compaction of all fragments of the coating, it is recommended to use a wooden block as a spacer.

  • The distance between the wall and the material should be such that it can subsequently be hidden with a plinth. To adjust this gap, it is recommended to use spacer wedges.
  • After installing the first row, the cut piece of tile is laid at the beginning of the next row. It is installed in the groove with a tenon, but is not snapped into place, but left at an angle. Next you will need bars, with which you need to join the panels with the end parts to the end of the row, then remove the bars and snap the formed row along the entire longitudinal side.
  • Every 4 rows you need to adjust the placement of the tiles to maintain the distance between them.
  • As a rule, the last row cannot be laid in the standard way, so you need to cut the lock along the longitudinal side, and when laying the last tile under the obstacle, glue the rows together.

This type of material installation is called a “floating floor”, so the skirting boards need to be attached only to the wall.

Laying marmoleum on an adhesive composition

Preparing the base before laying such material is no different from the previous method, so let’s move on to the work right away.

  • Installation begins from the short side of the room. A strip wrapped in film is applied to it, and a portion of the glue is applied, evenly distributing it over the surface. Then you need to apply the material to the adhesive.

In this way you can attach as roll material, and tiled.

For more details on how to lay marmoleum with your own hands, you can watch the video:

What material to use when decorating your premises is up to you. Linoleum, laminate or marmoleum have good performance characteristics, although the first two are noticeably inferior compared to the new coating. If you decide to give your preference to marmoleum, then no matter what type of this material you purchase, roll sheet, tile or panel, its installation will not cause you much difficulty. The main thing is to prepare the base and choose the installation method.

Rolled flooring materials are one of those materials that initially have high requirements, which are best met by linoleum and laminate. Unconditional ease of use, long service life and a wide range of models determine that the buyer prefers to “vote with rubles” for his “favorites”. However, difficulties await the buyer here too. Laminated MDF panels (laminate) or linoleum? The lack of significant differences in price only makes it difficult to choose. But no one canceled free competition, the struggle for the buyer, which was relevant among manufacturers, tended to grow and reached its apogee when manufacturers refused to “reinvent the wheel” and began developing, at first glance, a new one, but, as it turned out, a well-forgotten old one material, which is a symbiosis of linoleum and laminate. This is how marmoleum appeared - a material from the new line of the manufacturer Forbo, the name of which later became a household name.

Marmoleum is a new material made from environmentally friendly raw materials

Marmoleum can rightfully be considered a new step in interior design, but a similar statement, the essence of which is that marmoleum is a product of innovative technologies taking place in the arena modern market, only half true. Despite the fact that marmoleum, which you can buy at any hardware store, is considered a new material, this statement is not sufficiently substantiated. In essence, this is a material produced using old technologies, in the manufacturing process of which ultra-modern equipment was used. As a result of modifying the proven manufacturing chain and using only natural ingredients, consumers were able to purchase, without a doubt, high-quality flooring that combines the advantages of linoleum and laminate.

Linoleum made from natural raw materials - marmoleum attracts the attention of consumers with its unique composition, which does not contain artificially synthesized components. The raw materials for making marmoleum include cork bark, linseed oil, wood flour, chalk and coniferous tree resins. The decorative properties of marmoleum are in no way inferior to the technological ones - unique way Coloring and drawing not only allows the material to retain its decorative characteristics for a long time, but also allows you to significantly diversify the color range of the material. The growing popularity of marmoleum is also facilitated by other advantages of the material, which will be discussed in the article.

Advantages of Marmoleum that you need to pay attention to

  • Absolute environmental safety of marmoleum, due to the use of only natural components in the manufacturing process;
  • Non-toxic and, moreover, hypoallergenic marmoleum has bactericidal properties;
  • The affordable price of marmoleum also contributes to its popularization among various segments of the population: finishing a floor with marmoleum will cost 20-30% less than finishing it with laminate;
  • The presence of insulating characteristics of marmoleum means that there is no need for additional heat and sound insulation;
  • Resistance to external damaging factors and hygiene of natural linoleum is another advantage of the material. According to research results, it turned out to be indifferent to the effects of solar radiation, moisture and mechanical deformation. Paint spilled on a marmoleum coating does not stick to it, and therefore cleaning it does not require the use of specialized cleaning products; it is enough to wipe the floor with a cloth;
  • No tendency to accumulate static electricity and absolute non-flammability.
  • Marmoleum is characterized by a variety of shades and textures, which currently includes more than 100 primary colors and a shade palette of more than 2000 options;

Thus, marmoleum, the characteristics of which are presented above, receives well-deserved primacy among finishing floor coverings. Due to its resistance to temperature and humidity changes, exposure to chemical reagents, mechanical stress, as well as the absence of the need for specialized cleaning, marmoleum in the kitchen becomes optimal solution for those who are connoisseurs of premium finishing materials.

Disadvantages of marmoleum coating

Despite the abundance of advantages inherent in marmoleum, this material is not without its shortcomings, about which a few words also need to be said.

  • Fragility, especially pronounced at the edges, necessitates the need for extremely careful handling of the material during its installation, as well as compliance with certain rules, for example, twisting marmoleum into a roll can only be done once, and the base of the material must be facing outward;
  • A tendency to harden, which, on the one hand, is beneficial for the floor, but on the other, can cause cracking. In addition, over time, the material has become somewhat blurry over time, which is also only a relative disadvantage that has its own positive sides and makes it possible not to seal the seams between the tiles, which will smoothly converge over time.
  • The heaviness of marmoleum, associated with residual plasticity and favorable for floor finishing, excludes the use of the material for wall finishing, which will cause a possible violation of the integrity of the material under the influence of gravity;
  • And finally, the inability to obtain an even cut when cutting the material is due to the fact that marmoleum is cut only along the walls, where the uneven cut can be covered with a plinth. This somewhat limits the decorative capabilities of the material by laying out a pattern from standard tiles.

Forms of release, classes and individual characteristics of marmoleum

Forms of release of marmoleum

  • Rolled marmoleum, which is characterized by a standard width of 2 meters, and variable widths that vary depending on the class of material.
  • Marmoleum tiles in standard sizes 50x50cm and 30x30cm;
  • Standard panels 90x30cm, equipped with an improved locking system that allows the lock to be installed using glue;

Rolled marmoleum is a modified type of PVC linoleum, which is based on cork chips, which increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the material, as well as providing additional flexibility. The flexible and elastic base, which ensures the material’s pliability during the installation process and, as a result, facilitates this event, is the reason for the significant shortcomings of marmoleum that are revealed during operation.

Here are the main ones:

  • Tendency to increase the linear dimensions of the material during operation, to prevent this, craftsmen advise the linoleum to “rest” and only then press it with a plinth;
  • The legendary wear resistance of marmoleum, due to its increased rigidity, can result in another disadvantage of the material - an unstable structure, which causes the appearance of pits from furniture. High rigidity affects the quality of elasticity of the material, which causes a violation of its original structure;
  • Cork chips, which eliminate the use of toxic substances in the laminate, also adversely affect its elasticity and slightly reduce thermal conductivity.

Despite all existing myths about the fragility of rolled marmoleum, we will try to dispel your fears: if you handle the material carefully, if there are no kinks and if you follow the instructions, rolling, cutting and laying the material will not cause you unnecessary trouble.

Marmoleum photo

Marmoleum classes

Speaking about the classes of marmoleum, we will highlight three main ones:

  • 41-43 class of marmoleum is characterized by the presence of an upper decorative layer exceeding 3 mm. It has the greatest resistance to mechanical stress and is mainly used for finishing public spaces with a continuous flow of visitors;
  • 31-33 grade. Marmoleum intended for finishing industrial premises. The thickness of the top decorative layer is no more than 2.5 mm. It is characterized by less resistance to variable loads than that of the previous class of marmoleum, however, static loads are the prerogative of the described class;
  • 21-23 grade - general purpose marmoleum. It differs from previous classes in the smaller thickness of the top layer (less than 2mm), however, for finishing residential premises it is considered the most preferable option, not only in terms of lower cost, but also greater wear resistance. It is important to note that this type of marmoleum, the price of which depends on the class, is most preferable for finishing residential premises.

Thus, a logical conclusion suggests itself, the essence of which is that you should not choose the most expensive material in pursuit of its greater wear resistance. The first class of marmoleum, despite the large thickness of the top layer and the most high cost, is not resistant to static loads, and therefore, under the influence of furniture standing for a long time, mechanical deformations can form on the linoleum. This can be avoided by choosing a cheaper material designed for finishing residential premises and having greater resistance to static loads.

Marmoleum Forbo. Historical facts

As already mentioned, the American company Forbo became a pioneer in the production of a qualitatively new variety of linoleum, called “marmoleum”.

Subsequently, the word “marmoleum” became a common noun and was used to name similar products from other manufacturers. According to the results of numerous tests, forbo marmoleum is a floor covering that meets international quality standards and meets environmental safety requirements. The most popular among consumers is forbo marmoleum, characterized by the presence of a locking mechanism, which is produced using Aquaprotect technology. The coating is produced in the form of a panel or tile, the basis of which is cork and moisture-resistant NDF, coated with a protective layer.

Forbo marmoleum is resistant to mechanical factors, as a result of which it is not susceptible to damage from animal claws, thin female heels and other influences that would be detrimental to other floor coverings. It is not without reason that forbo marmoleum flooring is called “indestructible”.

Technological features of laying marmoleum in various forms of release

If in the process of laying marmoleum you decide to use laminate tools, then you must use them with great care, since the edges of the material are characterized by fragility. Ideally, it is better to give preference to rubber or wooden hammer and a hook clamp with a hook of at least 150 mm, however, in general, the set of tools remains standard.

Preparing the base

In most cases, there is no need to prepare the base before laying marmoleum, since it can be laid on the previous coating using any mounting adhesive, however, if the previous coating has been subject to severe wear and tear, it is better to lay marmoleum directly on the concrete base, without worrying about the need for additional thermal insulation, since marmoleum is a high-quality heat insulator. In the case of installing marmoleum on the previous coating, the tiles are laid end-to-end using glue, while the panels, due to their fragility, are better mounted on a concrete base.

The concrete base and cement-sand screed require additional leveling. It is necessary to get rid of sharp protrusions, which can reach 1.5-2 mm and are removed using a drill or grinder. Having completed the leveling, the dust is swept away from the floor, the remains are collected with a vacuum cleaner, and the floor is sprayed with water.

Cutting material

Cutting the material must begin by determining the number of solid tiles or panels, after which the number of rows that will lie along the length of the room is determined. During the measurement process, it is necessary to take into account a gap of at least 15-30 mm around the perimeter, which is closed using skirting boards. It must be taken into account so that during the process of deformation the coating does not rise over time.

Laying tile marmoleum

Tiled marmoleum, equipped with a locking system, is often laid on a plastic base, which is overlapped. It is used to prevent the formation of condensation. In the “click” marmoleum process, the use of glue is not required, as a result of which installation is carried out in a “floating” way. During the installation process, the tiles are connected using the tongue-and-groove system. The first tile must be laid at a distance of 1 cm from the wall, with the groove directed to the side, opposite wall, and the comb - to the wall. Each subsequent tile of the first row is inserted into the groove of the previous tile at a slight angle.

The second row is also laid at an angle with the obligatory formation expansion joint, for which it is necessary to place a block under the tile. After installing the remaining tiles, the block is removed and the locks are snapped into place. Having completed work on the last row, you need to make sure that the rows are parallel and check the distance from the wall to the tiles. When installing the final row, part of the groove is removed, a small amount of glue is applied to the tiles and tacked with a timber. The gap formed between the wall and the tile is closed using a plinth.

Rolled marmoleum. Flooring Features

Flooring of rolled marmoleum is carried out mainly in large, commercial premises. Technological features The floorings are no different from those of commercial and semi-commercial varieties of linoleum. However, there are some nuances that must be observed:

  • the base must be absolutely clean, without traces of paint or oily substances;
  • mandatory use of specialized glue.

Laying panel marmoleum

Panel marmoleum has won consumer recognition due to its ease of installation. Installation of a “quick floor,” as consumers call it, is several times faster than installation of a traditional tiled floor.

During the installation of panel marmoleum, it is important to follow safety rules and handle the panels carefully, since the material is prone to cracking and deformation. In order to correctly install the panels, it is necessary to carefully study the structure of the material, since the spikes located on the sides of the panels can be easily damaged if handled inexperienced.

Marmoleum flooring care

When caring for the coating, it is not recommended to carry out machine cleaning, and during the manual process, it is not recommended to use abrasive sponges. From the point of view of the greatest efficiency, dry cleaning has proven itself, and in the case of difficult to remove stains, wet cleaning using neutral cleaning agents. Currently, specialized cleaning products have been invented - maintainers, designed to maintain a presentable appearance of hard floors.