Device for dismantling of pallets and wooden floors. How to disassemble a wooden pallet without cracking? How to properly disassemble pallets so as not to break

Sometimes at the disposal of the summer resident are used (used) so-called. euro pallets. This, of course, is not about shower trays, but about wooden pallets, made to make it more convenient for loaders to turn over some kind of load that is laid on pallets. They are assembled, I must say, in good conscience, on ruffled or screw nails, so that they would not figure it out on their own during operation. The wood there is mostly birch. But it's a great material to make. garden furniture or use it as auxiliary products. For example, formwork, light railings, garden furniture, benches, deck chairs, etc. One of my acquaintances did this in general - he made a fence from second-hand pallets. And not bad, I must say, a fence.
The main problem when disassembling euro pallets is their high-quality assembly. But this is if you approach them without a flight of thought. I have met discussions on several forums on dismantling pallets for building materials. And alas, he noted that the stereotype is working. "Knocked down with nails? “You have to use a nail puller.” But the thing is just that the nails are non-removable! Nails ruffed or screw. Therefore, an attempt to extract them ends either with a breakdown of the board into which they are driven, or with the use of a saw to cut the pallet into firewood.
Meanwhile, there is a way to disassemble the pallet, even to the finish, and quickly and with virtually no damage to the material. And from the tools you only need ... a small hatchet. Now I'll tell you how it's done.

Often, the summer resident does not need to disassemble the top plate itself is full. It is a product in itself, very applicable in the economy. And you just need to get rid of 3 boards to which this die is attached.

Please note that these three boards, which serve as a support for the pallet, are attached through 9 wooden blocks. On the one hand, 3 boards are nailed to them, on the other, the pallet plate itself. Moreover, in 99 cases out of 100 nails are hammered across the fibers of the tree! (And this is normal. Who clogs along ... Although there are such pallets.) And this means that a short bar is extremely easy to split. He's almost pierced by nails already. It remains only to finish the job with a light blow of the hatchet blade. 3 hits - and the board with the remnants of the bar itself is separated from the pallet plate. So we separate all three boards of the pallet.

Now we need to get rid of the remnants of the bar on the plate. Nothing complicated either. Proportioning the force of impact, with the tip of the hatchet blade we prick the remains of the bar. The extreme pieces fly off immediately, the middle ones still resist and hold on to the nails. We pierce them too. Don't be afraid to hit a nail with a hatchet. IN this case, you do not hit across the nail, but along. Therefore, serrating an ax blade is quite problematic. It simply glides over the nail, chipping the wood.

We get rid of the remnants of the bar with a few blows of the butt of the hatchet. At the same time, we prepare fuel for a samovar or barbecue.

That's actually all. We have at our disposal a die with completely intact planks and 3 more planks separately with the remnants of the bar, which can be disposed of in a similar way.

As you can see, all the fears when disassembling the pallet are greatly exaggerated. A little ingenuity and at your disposal mountains of almost free building material. Parsing one pallet takes no more than 3-5 minutes.
Konstantin Timoshenko.

The first question that comes to mind when considering products from a pallet is where to get the material? The answer is simple: at almost any wholesale base or household goods warehouse. Most likely, they will give them away for free or for a small fee. Get hold of wooden pallets and wooden gratings from rubber and automobile glasses it is possible and in autoshops.

It is better to use the so-called. euro pallets, but note that they are more difficult to disassemble than containers domestic production. Pay attention to the width of the boards. Standard - 120-125 mm, thickness - 12 mm.

How to properly disassemble pallets?

Dismantle, don't build. However, in this case, you will have to be patient and time. Indeed, if you use pallets not for rough wall finishing, but, for example, for furniture, you need to get even boards without significant flaws.

As the forum users note, it takes 15-20 minutes to disassemble the pallet. It seems - not much, but it is - if you are going to do, say, garden table. How about a whole house? Here is where you think about it. You can speed up the process - if you develop the appropriate skills and stock up on the right tool.

You will need: a nail puller (preferably longer and with a flat end at least 3 cm wide), a hammer, pliers, pliers, and possibly an ax. It is better to work with cloth gloves. Also prepare a container: nails different sizes immediately sort into jars. Straight and slightly curved nails (after they can be straightened) will certainly come in handy on the farm. The rest can be put into concrete mortar when pouring a foundation or arranging a garden path.

Dry the pallets well before dismantling. Most often, pallets are made from pine, aspen, birch boards. Less common are oak or exotic hardwoods: quebracho, hevea. Pulling out rusty nails from such boards is more difficult: the nail puller tears off the hat, and the pliers bite the nail. Carefully inspect the pallet from all sides, turn it over. If the nails are punched through, recessed or bent, it is better to postpone such a product. Most likely, when disassembling, you will break the cross board.

If there are a lot of bent nails, there is nothing to do, you have to work with them. Forum users are advised to remove such nails as follows:

  1. Take a thick nail (120-150 mm) or an M6 bolt. Place it on the head of the nail to be knocked out and hit with a hammer so that the head of the latter sinks slightly and the bent end comes out of the board.
  2. Straighten the bent tip with pliers or cut it off, for example, with a grinder.
  3. Drive the nail back out by hitting the straightened tip.

Straight nails are easily pulled out with a nail puller for a slightly raised hat. To lift it, gently pull on the board and then kick it back into place.

So, let's start disassembly! Turn the pallet over and stand on it with your feet. Hammer the nail puller at an angle to the cubes, pull towards you. If you want to keep the cubes, push away from you. If it is hard to pull, lengthen the lever. Does not work? Then split the cubes with an axe. Remove the center board along with the cubes. Keep in mind that some of the nails will remain in them or pull out with hats through both boards.

Put the resulting shield on another pallet. Straighten the bent nails and knock them out with a hammer.

Slightly bent nails are convenient to knock out through pliers.


Forum member Vened uses pallets in different ways. He saws the bad ones for firewood, and makes furniture out of the good ones. A whole collection of such products has already gathered at home: chairs, stools, a bench, armchairs, shelves (in the bath and dressing room), a box for dirty linen on wheels. The furniture was assembled on self-tapping screws, covered with stain and parquet varnish. Curly cuts were made with an electric jigsaw.

Armchairs treated with enamel for outdoor use. I covered all the sauna furniture with sauna varnish, except for the parts that come into contact with the body. Coated them with shelf oil. First, I processed all the details, then I assembled the product and, already in finished form, covered it again.


pallet handle sandpaper, process protective compounds from rot and insects. Then wrap the sides, bottom and back of the pallet with clingfilm or landscape fabric. Leave the top open. The film can be attached with a construction stapler. Backfill with earth, tamp lightly. Now you can plant plants. Curly, for example, ivy or bindweed, will look spectacular in a vertical flower garden. Suitable stonecrop, alissum, loosestrife, young, thyme and other ground covers.

Do not rush to put the flower garden upright immediately after planting. Wait a couple of weeks for them to take root. Water the flower bed from top to bottom.

Raised pallets can also be made from wooden pallets. garden beds. Then it will be easier to care for crops.

garden house

A fence, rough wall upholstery, a dog house, a chicken coop, a gazebo, a toilet - where only members of the forum did not use it! And here Koblukha built a whole house! At first it was used as a change house, over time (when the main house is ready) it will become a guest house. The size of the building was 5x4 m. tile(for the plinth).

The house was built in almost a month and for about 40 thousand rubles - along with the internal and exterior finish. For comparison, construction trailers cost 70 thousand "wooden". They are not pleasing to the eye with their appearance, but here they are cheap and beautiful!

Summer residents have been living in the house from May to November for three years. It's cool in summer in early spring and in autumn the building is heated by oil batteries. The house withstood even strong hurricanes, while the neighbor's roof was blown off. A little later, the living space was expanded: the owners added a veranda and a kitchen, and in the future they plan to add a bathhouse.

According to the materials of the participants of the forum "House and Dacha"

Sometimes at the disposal of the summer resident are used (used) so-called. euro pallets. This, of course, is not about shower trays, but about wooden pallets, made to make it more convenient for loaders to turn over some kind of load that is laid on pallets. They are assembled, I must say, in good conscience, on ruffled or screw nails, so that they would not figure it out on their own during operation. The wood there is mostly birch. But it is an excellent material for making garden furniture or using it as ancillary products. For example, formwork, light railings, garden furniture, benches, deck chairs, etc. One of my acquaintances did this in general - he made a fence from second-hand pallets. And not bad, I must say, a fence.

The main problem when disassembling euro pallets is their high-quality assembly. But this is if you approach them without a flight of thought. I have met discussions on several forums on dismantling pallets for building materials. And alas, he noted that the stereotype is working. "Knocked down with nails? “We need to use a nail puller.” But the thing is just that the nails are non-removable! Nails ruffed or screw. Therefore, an attempt to extract them ends either with a breakdown of the board into which they are driven, or with the use of a saw to cut the pallet into firewood.

Meanwhile, there is a way to disassemble the pallet, even to the finish, and quickly and with virtually no damage to the material. And from the tools you only need ... a small hatchet. Now I'll tell you how it's done.

Often, the summer resident does not need to disassemble the top plate itself is full. It is a product in itself, very applicable in the economy. And you just need to get rid of 3 boards to which this die is attached.

Please note that these three boards, which serve as a support for the pallet, are attached through 9 wooden blocks. On one side, 3 boards are nailed to them, on the other, the pallet plate itself. Moreover, in 99 cases out of 100 nails are hammered across the fibers of the tree! (and this is normal. Who scores along ... Although there are such pallets.) And this means that a short bar is extremely easy to split. He's almost pierced by nails already. It remains only to finish the job with a light blow of the hatchet blade. 3 hits - and the board with the remnants of the bar itself is separated from the pallet plate. So we separate all three boards of the pallet.

Now we need to get rid of the remnants of the bar on the plate. Nothing complicated either. Proportioning the force of impact, with the tip of the hatchet blade we prick the remains of the bar. The extreme pieces fly off immediately, the middle ones still resist and hold on to the nails. We pierce them too. Don't be afraid to hit a nail with a hatchet. In this case, you are not hitting across the nail, but along. Therefore, serrating an ax blade is quite problematic. It simply glides over the nail, chipping the wood.

We get rid of the remnants of the bar with a few blows of the butt of the hatchet. At the same time, we prepare fuel for a samovar or barbecue.

That's actually all. We have at our disposal a die with completely intact planks and 3 more planks separately with the remnants of the bar, which can be disposed of in a similar way.

As you can see, all the fears when disassembling the pallet are greatly exaggerated. A little ingenuity and you have mountains of practically free building material at your disposal. Parsing one pallet takes no more than 3-5 minutes.

To disassemble a large number of pallets quickly or, for example, to replace the wooden floor in a house, you cannot do without improvised means.

Usually, a nail puller with a hammer is used for this, but even with these tools, work is sometimes time-consuming.

To make a homemade product you will need metal pipe with a diameter of 87 mm, a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, a steel plate 5-6 mm thick and a construction angle 32x32 mm. You will also need nuts and bolts.

Main stages of work

First of all from steel pipe with a diameter of 87 mm, cut off a piece 125 mm long with a grinder. Then, from a piece of metal 5-6 mm thick, it will be necessary to cut two levers.

After the levers are cut, they must be sanded. Further, at the ends of the blanks (in the center), the author drills holes and cuts threads for the M8 bolt.

At the next stage, both levers must be welded along the ends of a piece of pipe with a diameter of 125 mm. Welded seams will need to be cleaned with a grinder.

From the construction corner, the author cuts off two blanks 10 cm long. In the center of one of the shelves of the corners, one hole with a diameter of 8 mm must be drilled. Further, using bolts with nuts, the corners will need to be attached to the levers.

For details on how to make a device for dismantling pallets and wooden floors with your own hands, we recommend watching the video on the website.

Sometimes at the disposal of the summer resident are used (used) so-called. euro pallets. This, of course, is not about shower trays, but about wooden pallets, made to make it more convenient for loaders to turn over some kind of load that is laid on pallets. They are assembled, I must say, in good conscience, on ruffled or screw nails, so that they would not figure it out on their own during operation. The wood there is mostly birch. But it is an excellent material for making garden furniture or using it as ancillary products. For example, formwork, light railings, garden furniture, benches, deck chairs, etc. One of my acquaintances did this in general - he made a fence from second-hand pallets. And not bad, I must say, a fence.

The main problem when disassembling euro pallets is their high-quality assembly. But this is if you approach them without a flight of thought. I have met discussions on several forums on dismantling pallets for building materials. And alas, he noted that the stereotype is working. "Knocked down with nails? “We need to use a nail puller.” But the thing is just that the nails are non-removable! Nails ruffed or screw. Therefore, an attempt to extract them ends either with a breakdown of the board into which they are driven, or with the use of a saw to cut the pallet into firewood.

Meanwhile, there is a way to disassemble the pallet, even to the finish, and quickly and with virtually no damage to the material. And from the tools you only need ... a small hatchet. Now I'll tell you how it's done.

Often, the summer resident does not need to disassemble the top plate itself is full. It is a product in itself, very applicable in the economy. And you just need to get rid of 3 boards to which this die is attached.

Please note that these three boards, which serve as a support for the pallet, are attached through 9 wooden blocks. On one side, 3 boards are nailed to them, on the other, the pallet plate itself. Moreover, in 99 cases out of 100 nails are hammered across the fibers of the tree! (and this is normal. Who scores along ... Although there are such pallets.) And this means that a short bar is extremely easy to split. He's almost pierced by nails already. It remains only to finish the job with a light blow of the hatchet blade. 3 hits - and the board with the remnants of the bar itself is separated from the pallet plate. So we separate all three boards of the pallet.

Now we need to get rid of the remnants of the bar on the plate. Nothing complicated either. Proportioning the force of impact, with the tip of the hatchet blade we prick the remains of the bar. The extreme pieces fly off immediately, the middle ones still resist and hold on to the nails. We pierce them too. Don't be afraid to hit a nail with a hatchet. In this case, you are not hitting across the nail, but along. Therefore, serrating an ax blade is quite problematic. It simply glides over the nail, chipping the wood.

We get rid of the remnants of the bar with a few blows of the butt of the hatchet. At the same time, we prepare fuel for a samovar or barbecue.

That's actually all. We have at our disposal a die with completely intact planks and 3 more planks separately with the remnants of the bar, which can be disposed of in a similar way.

As you can see, all the fears when disassembling the pallet are greatly exaggerated. A little ingenuity and you have mountains of practically free building material at your disposal. Parsing one pallet takes no more than 3-5 minutes.

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