Rituals, divination and conspiracies for Maslenitsa and Shrovetide week. Shrovetide holiday. Divination for Shrovetide for love. Divination by pancakes for Maslenitsa

Pancake week in 2018 begins on February 12th. Our ancestors knew that if you had fun on Maslenitsa, you would live the coming year richly and joyfully. Over the centuries, customs, rituals, rituals and conspiracies have developed that were carried out and had great power.

Shrovetide week is a magical time, because even our ancestors believed that all the negativity leaves on Shrovetide along with winter, frost, depression and all the bad things that have accumulated in the soul.

The week starts on Monday, February 12, and each day will be important in its own way. No wonder each of them has its own unique name.

Tuesday- Play games. On the second day, it was customary to arrange a bridesmaid show for young people who were looking for a soul mate. This beautiful time for flirting and dating.

Wednesday- Gourmets. On this day, it was customary to overeat with sweets, including pancakes, pies and other delicacies.

Thursday- Walk around. On this day, bonfires were lit and mass celebrations were organized.

Friday- Mother-in-law evening. Previously, the mother-in-law came home to her son-in-law, and the wife prepared sweets and a festive dinner for everyone. Now parents come to their children to visit them.

Saturday- Zolovkin gatherings. On the penultimate day of Maslenitsa week, daughter-in-laws invited their husband's relatives to their place. Now it is still customary to get acquainted with parents on Shrovetide Saturday.

Sunday- Wires. It is on this day that an effigy is burned, cemeteries are visited to commemorate the dead, everyone asks each other for forgiveness.

Signs for Maslenitsa

According to the tradition of the ancestors, Maslenitsa should be held very richly and cheerfully, people should not skimp on treats, that is, as you spend Maslenitsa, the year will pass.

The more pancakes baked in the house for Maslenitsa, the richer the house will become, and if the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest.

In the middle of Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must definitely call her son-in-law for pancakes, and if the son-in-law likes the pancakes, then they will live in peace and understanding for a year.

Swings were always built on Maslenitsa in the old days. They swung on a swing, and whoever flew the highest, that family and the harvest will be more than others.

Whoever skimps on treats on Maslenitsa will go bankrupt in a year. It is believed that it is unexpected guests who bring happiness to the house on Maslenitsa.

If you throw out old things on Maslenitsa, then this year there will be new new clothes.

On Maslenitsa, if a person can forgive, then he will be able to let something new into his life.

Customs for Maslenitsa

The first pancake on Maslenitsa is always eaten in honor of the memory of deceased ancestors.

In past times, there was a custom that is now completely forgotten: at the end of Maslenitsa, the father-in-law always invited his son-in-law to “finish the ram”, that is, the last meat day before the start of Lent.

On Maslenitsa, children whistled into whistles that were made in the form of birds, thereby calling migratory birds back.


Divination was also popular these days. According to the first baked pancake on Maslenitsa week, they judged what awaits during the year until the next Maslenitsa:

If the pancake easily turned over - this year there will be marriage.

If the pancake sticks to the pan - another three years to sit in the parental home.

Smooth edges of the pancake - there will be a happy marriage.

The edges are uneven, torn - you need to think about whether you are going to marry.

If there is a bake in the middle, the husband will be faithful. If from the side, he will start looking at his neighbors.

How many holes in a pancake - so many kids on the benches.

A beautiful ruddy pancake - there will be a lot of health, pale - to illness.

A thin pancake - for an easy life, a thick one - for work.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, pancakes were distributed to passers-by, and if the first man took the pancake, then the first boy in the family would be born. If all the pancakes were handed out, then happiness awaited the family, and if the pancakes remained, then the girl would sit in girls for so many years.


Various conspiracies acquire special strength and significance on such days. YSIA presents some of them.

Envy Conspiracy. If you feel that the people around you envy you, on the eve of Maslenitsa (on Sunday), in complete solitude, read the conspiracy-amulet three times, which will protect you from negativity for the whole year: “ In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me, (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would have touched me. I didn’t stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen».

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish. On Shrovetide Sunday, before going to bed, read the plot: “ Shine, a clear star, in the heavens, to the joy of the baptized world, ignite with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. You look, star, into the house of the servant (s) of God (her) (name). You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen. Amen. Amen". Cross yourself three times, bow three times towards the east and go to bed.

The dream that occurred that night can be considered prophetic: after waking up, carefully analyze all its aspects, remember the associations that accompany your sensations. They can be both positive and negative. In any case, the correct interpretation of the dream will leave no doubt whether it will be fulfilled or not in real life your wish. It remains only to choose the right path (take appropriate steps) to realize the cherished dream in order to succeed as soon as possible.

Conspiracy for money. On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk there, looking at your feet from time to time, until you find any money (even a penny). Raise the coin with your left hand, say: " I walked (walked) and found (found), like me, (state your name), I went (walked) to this money, so that the money would come to me. As many people were here today in honor of the holy Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen».

Keep the money for a full calendar year. It will attract finances to you, strengthen well-being. After the specified period, "lose" it in the same place.

A conspiracy for the fidelity of her husband. So that the husband does not walk and think about it, on Sunday (the last day of Maslenitsa), read the conspiracy three times in a whisper over the pancake dough, then bake the pancakes: “ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and when he is full, let his homesickness eat him up, do not let him go beyond the threshold, let him yearn for his family, let his lawful wife (name) have mercy. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness tormented him both in the day-noon and at night-midnight. From now on and forever and forever and ever. Amen«.

For a drink that you will serve with pancakes (tea, juice, compote, etc.), also read the plot three times so that the breath touches the cup: “ In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, Let the servant of God (name) drink tea (coffee, juice, compote), let the servant of God be sick without me, let the servants of God (name) not be able to spend an hour without a house and without me, not a minute to pass . No sleep, no breath. From now on, forever and ever. Amen«.

Maslenitsa: what can and cannot be done?

It is forbidden:

Eat meat.
Be sad, quarrel, swear and be offended.
To offend others and not forgive insults.


Eat fish and dairy products. As a main dish, pancakes should be on the table in every house.
Invite guests and do not skimp on treats, as well as go to visit yourself.
Have fun and make others happy.
Ask for forgiveness and sincerely forgive

Pancakes - one of the main attributes of Shrovetide, have a ritual meaning - the personification of the sun.

On Maslenitsa week, it was customary not only to bake pancakes, have fun, visit parents, but also guess. Here are some ancient divination for Maslenitsa:

Divination by the first pancake on Shrove Tuesday

Girls, when they started baking pancakes on Maslenitsa week (on Monday), liked to guess about their future. You just had to look at the shape of the first pancake and read your fate from it. This is a very simple fortune-telling, it is easy to carry out, and see the meaning of the shape of the first pancake for Shrovetide.

Divination for marriage on Shrove Tuesday

IN Shrovetide week It is customary to bake pancakes and treat them to passers-by. The girls liked to tell fortunes on pancakes, treating strangers to them. It was a very fun pastime, which often ended with meeting a guy and a romantic relationship.

It was necessary to go out into the street to treat passers-by with pancakes. If all the pancakes are taken away from you by passers-by, the wedding will be love soon, and the family will be strong and happy.

Prediction for Maslenitsa, what gender the child will be

They also watched a man or a woman be the first to treat herself to a pancake. This determined the sex of the child. If a man took a pancake from a girl first, then a boy will be born to her first, and if a girl takes a girl, the first-born will be a girl.

Love spell for Maslenitsa or a conspiracy to love a guy

If you want to bewitch your beloved, then it's time to conduct a simple ritual on Maslenitsa. Bake pancakes every day of Shrove Tuesday.

On the pancake dough, say the following love spell 3 times, stirring the dough clockwise

Love spell:

“As people love Maslenitsa, so do you (name) love me, (your name). Pancakes reflect the sun, bring you (name) closer to me. So be it, amen!”

Cut the last pancake in half:

  • eat half
  • crumble the other half to the birds near the beloved’s house with the words: “As birds love a pancake, so do you (name), love me (your name), fly-run to me from everywhere, wherever you are. As she said, so be it. Truly!”

And go home without turning around or talking to passers-by.

Shrovetide conspiracy (amulet) from evil people and enemies

Especially such a talisman helps from envious and cunning people. Everyone must make it for themselves.

On Sunday before Shrovetide week, you need to retire in a room at 23 hours and read the spell 3 times:

Spell from Enemies:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me, (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would have touched me. I didn’t stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

How to make a wish on Shrove Tuesday to make it come true

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to make wishes.

In Rus' they believed:

"On Shrovetide Sunday, if you make a wish, it will come true"

It just needs to be done right. IN Forgiveness Sunday before going to bed, face east and read the conspiracy - prayer:

prayer conspiracy for desire:

“Light up, clear star, in the heavens, to the joy of the baptized world, ignite with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. You look, star, into the house of the servant (s) of God (her) (name). You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen. Amen. Amen"

After that, you need to cross yourself 3 times, bow to the east 3 times and go to bed. The dream that you will have today is prophetic. He will tell you how to achieve what you want, so do not forget him.

Ritual for wealth on Maslenitsa or money ritual

After Shrovetide week, you can conduct a ritual for wealth and attracting money into your life. If you want to improve your financial well-being for the next year, follow these guidelines:

  1. On Monday, after the mass festivities on Maslenitsa week, go to the place where the festivities took place and find any coin.
  2. Raise it with your left hand with the words: “I walked (walked) and found (found), like me, (say your name), I went (walked) to this money, so that the money would come to me. As many people were here today in honor of the holy Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".
  3. Keep the coin in your wallet for a whole year. It will bring you good luck in business and attract money to you.
  4. A year later, at the end of the next Maslenitsa, lose it at the Maslenitsa festivities.

This is part of the fortune-telling for Shrovetide, share other fortune-telling and rituals of Shrovetide week in the comments.

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Shrovetide is a Slavic holiday celebrated during the week before Lent. It symbolizes farewell to winter and welcome to spring. goes back to ancient times. Many came to us from our ancestors. On Maslenitsa, you can perform various rituals, as well as fortune telling.

Fortune telling on Maslenitsa is held on any day except Sunday. Especially often our ancestors divined on the sixth day of the holiday, which the people called "Zolovkin's gatherings." On this day, sisters-in-law came to visit their young daughters-in-law to taste pancakes, chat and tell fortunes. From that time to the present day, fortune-telling for Shrovetide has not lost its popularity and relevance.

You can tell fortunes while baking pancakes:

  • if the pancake has smooth edges, then the upcoming marriage will be happy, and if the edges are uneven, then the girl should think again whether it is worth marrying the current fiancé;
  • if the first pancake turned over easily, then unmarried girl, living in this house, was to be married, and if the first pancake stuck to the pan, then she would be a girl for another three years;
  • how many holes turned out in a pancake, so many children will be;
  • if the pancake burns to the pan in the middle, then the husband will be faithful, and if on the side, he will look at others;
  • the first pancake turned out to be ruddy and beautiful - to good health, and if pale - to diseases;
  • a thin pancake turned out - the year will pass easily, a thick one - to a difficult year.

On Forgiveness Sunday, pancakes were handed out to passers-by. If a man took the pancake first, then the first-born will be a boy, and if a woman - a girl. If all the pancakes were taken apart, then happiness awaited all family members, and if pancakes remained, then by their number it was possible to determine how old the girl was to sit in girls.

Fortune telling on Maslenitsa for the betrothed

Every unmarried young girl is puzzled by the question of when she will get married. You can find out about this at Shrovetide. For this purpose, for a long time, the fair sex has hung a clean towel outside the window. Fortune-telling can be done on any day of Shrovetide week, except Sunday. The girl needs to mentally ask her betrothed to come and dry herself with a towel.

If the next morning the towel is wet, then the wedding will be this year.

Divination in a frying pan for a betrothed

An ordinary frying pan on which pancakes were baked for the holiday will help to find out the name of a loved one. Under it you need to put straw and step on top. In the rustle and creak of straw, which will be published at this moment, you can hear the name of the future spouse.

Divination for Shrove Tuesday by candlelight

Maslenitsa is closely connected with the element of fire. During the celebration, it is obligatory to burn an effigy of Winter. To find out whether your wish will come true or not, candles will help you.

To carry out fortune-telling, write your desire on a leaf and bring it to a burning candle:

  • if the sheet burns out completely - the desire will come true in the near future;
  • if the paper does not light up or the fire goes out, your wish will not come true;
  • if a leaf with a desire burns out halfway, the desire may come true, but for this you will need to make some efforts.

Divination for Shrovetide for love

To understand when you meet your soul mate, pay attention to how the first pancake turned out for Maslenitsa.

  • if the pancake easily turned over - you will meet with your betrothed already this year;
  • if stuck to the pan or become a lump - in the next 3 years you will not get married;
  • if the first pancake has smooth edges, a happy marriage awaits you;
  • if the edges of the pancake are torn or uneven, then the man who met this year will not make you happy, so think carefully before agreeing to marriage.

Also pay attention to the number of pancakes left after the meal: how many of them are left, so many years you have to wait for your fate.

And by the number of large holes in the first pancake, you can find out how many children you will have.

It is also important who will be the first to take the pancake from the table. If it was a man - your first child will be a boy, if a woman - a girl.

Fortune telling on Shrove Tuesday on pancakes

To find out what kind of person your chosen one is, invite him to visit you at Maslenitsa and cook pancakes with different stuffing. By observing his choice, you can learn a lot about him.

  1. Pancakes with meat are preferred by hardworking and smart people who primarily think about prosperity in the house. Such a man will take care of his wife and children. However, do not expect romance and tender words from him. He proves his feelings with deeds, not words.
  2. Pancakes with sour cream are loved by people with a sensitive and tender soul. Living with such a man will be quite difficult, so as not to offend him, you will have to watch your words.
  3. Pancakes with fish are chosen by men who crave extreme sports and adventure. And if everything is smooth and good in their life, they get bored. Life with such a person is definitely not calm.
  4. Pancakes with honey are liked by emotional and romantic people. By nature, they are monogamous.
  5. Pancakes with cottage cheese love sissy. For them, the opinion of the mother will always be important.
  6. Pancakes with jam are enjoyed by immature and undecided people.

Divination for Shrove Tuesday for a dream

On the night of Forgiveness Sunday, you may dream. To see it, before falling asleep, eat a salted pancake.

If you want to see your future husband in a dream, then say the following phrase:

“Betrothed to me in a dream, come and give me water to drink!”

After these words, do not talk to anyone. In a dream, a future chosen one will come to you.

Divination in the form of pancakes

When you bake pancakes for the holiday, be sure to pay attention to their shape:

  • smooth edges- promise prosperity family life or imminent marriage;
  • jagged edges- possible problems in personal life;
  • ruddy pancake- to health and happiness;
  • thick pancake- this year will have to work hard;
  • thin pancake- There will be an opportunity to have a good rest.

If you want to know who will become your spouse, then do a simple divination with a frying pan.

Take the pan in which pancakes were baked for the holiday and, secretly from everyone, put it under your mother's bed at night. Having said this:

"Betrothed-mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes."

At night, she should dream about her future son-in-law.

Divination for Shrovetide for wealth

You can find out what this year will be like for you and what it will bring (prosperity or loss), you can by conducting fortune-telling on Maslenitsa for wealth. As you bake pancakes, say:

“Shrovetide has come, it has brought spring to us.

I bake pancakes, I want to know the truth.

Let Maslenitsa tell me what to expect this year - a full wallet or an empty one.

After that, pour the dough into the pan and bake a pancake. Look at how it turns out:

  • if lush and ruddy, then the year will be rich;
  • if pale and thin, then expect big waste.

Fortune telling on Shrovetide on the cards

On any day except Forgiveness Sunday, you can find out who will be your betrothed. For this from the deck playing cards, which no one has played yet, pull out the jack of diamonds and put it under your pillow at night, saying these words:

"The betrothed-mummers come to me to eat pancakes."

At night, you should dream of a man who will become your husband.

Video: fortune-telling for Shrovetide

For fortune-telling on Maslenitsa, all days are good, but Saturday predictions are considered the most truthful. On Sunday, such rituals cannot be performed. The girls guess "on the betrothed", find out his character and how much more to walk in the girls. Young married women they try to predict the sex of the unborn child and how the next year will go.

The most popular divination takes place on pancakes. Yes, and dreams on Shrovetide week are prophetic. It is believed that on the night from Saturday to Sunday you can "order" prophetic dream. Do not miss the Maslenitsa festivities in order to open the curtain of fate and find out what lies ahead!

Shrovetide divination on pancakes

1. The first pancake is beautiful - it's time to get married! If the pancake easily turned over and, contrary to expectations, did not turn out to be lumpy - rejoice that the desired marriage will happen this year. But if the pancake, on the contrary, stuck to the pan, you still have to walk like girls for three more years. And no wonder, it is difficult to get married without culinary skills, so with the preparation of pancakes, and not only you will have to work out!

2. The more beautiful the pancake - the nicer hubby! If the edges of the first baked pancake came out even, then the marriage will be happy, uneven and torn - a sign that the groom next to you is most likely not your betrothed.

3. The guests ate all the pancakes - it means it's time for the daughter to get married! Fortune telling consists in counting the pancakes left on the dish after the walk. None - the girl will get married this year. How many pancakes are not eaten, so many years will have to remain unmarried.

5. Who will be the first in the family to be born? To answer this question, women watched who would take the first pancake at the table: a man - the first boy in the family will appear; the woman is a girl.

There is a second way to find out the gender of the first-born - bake pancakes and go out into the street to treat passers-by: whoever takes a pancake first (man or woman), such a sex and a baby will be born.

6. Divination by the first blink for well-being and health. If the pancake came out ruddy and beautiful for a feast for the eyes - to health and a successful future; thin and pale - troubles and ailments can lie in wait.

7. The nature of the betrothed. Fortune-telling is carried out according to the last pancake, which goes to a young girl of marriageable age at the table. Depending on what kind of filling the delicacy has, the future spouse will have such a disposition. Pancake with butter - the betrothed will meet courteous and affectionate; with cottage cheese filling - a homely, good owner and caring father; with jam - the favorite will be a shirt-guy, a cheerful joker and the soul of the company. If a pancake with sour cream comes across, it means that the husband will be soft and indecisive. Pancake with caviar - the guy will meet a non-poor and hard-working one. If the pancake is completely without filling, your fiance will be calm and a little boring.

8. A treat for a handsome passerby. In the evening, girls who want to know the name and level of external attractiveness of the betrothed should go out into the street with a pancake in their hands, muster up the courage and ask the name of the first man they meet on the way. Thus, you will find out what the groom's name will be, but fortune-telling does not end there. If the name seems harmonious to you, and the passer-by has a pleasant appearance, give him the pancake with which you came. If you don’t like the groom with that name and the article, you should immediately eat the treat yourself.

Divination for Shrove Tuesday for a dream

The dream that you will see on the night of Sunday of Shrovetide week can become prophetic. For this to happen, in the evening before going to bed, you should eat a salted pancake, which is baked specifically for this fortune-telling. If you want the omen that came in a dream to concern the betrothed, then say the following phrase: “Betrothed, drink some water!”. That young man who in a dream gives you water is the long-awaited chosen one.

Another way to find out who will become narrowed is to discreetly put a frying pan under my mother's bed at night. Before going to bed, say the words to yourself: "Narrowed-mummers, come to your mother-in-law for blinks." At night, the mother should have a dream that she young man he will smell pancakes, he is just your betrothed.

Shrovetide divination by candlelight

The period of Maslenitsa festivities is closely connected with the element of fire. Therefore, divination by candlelight took root among the people. With its help, they determine whether the cherished desire will come true. More than one person can participate in the fortune-telling process, so it can easily be done in the company of girlfriends. Write your desire on a sheet, fold the paper. The other participants in the ritual should do the same. Each person should have a lit candle in their hand. Bring the paper to the flame, as soon as it lights up - immediately remove it. If a leaf with a desire burns out almost completely, except little piece, remaining in the hands - the plan will come true. If the paper immediately stops burning, the desire will not come true. If the sheet burns halfway, then the implementation of the desired is in your hands.

As you can see, most Shrovetide predictions are cheerful and good-natured, like the holiday itself. They have no place for frightening midnight manipulations with mirrors and other gloomy mysticism. Therefore, if you want to entertain friends or guests, or maybe shed light on what awaits in the future, do not forget to spend an interesting holiday fortune-telling.

Maslenitsa came to us from paganism, the people celebrated Maslenitsa even before the advent of Christianity in Rus'. Now Maslenitsa is directly tied to the date of Easter, in church calendar it is called Maslenitsa week (Maslenitsa begins a week before Lent), and earlier it was associated with the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring. It is believed that during Maslenitsa a person is cleansed of "heavy" winter energies and prepares himself for everything new. But it is not so easy to get rid of hibernation, here Maslenitsa comes to the rescue, during the celebration of which the energy of winter is expelled and the energy of Spring is called upon. For this, there were certain rituals: they kindled a large fire, made an effigy of Winter, which they burned. The celebration of Maslenitsa can be divided into two parts: the Narrow Maslenitsa and the Wide Maslenitsa. Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name, according to the tradition of the ancestors, and each day has a specific purpose. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday belong to the narrow Maslenitsa, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to the wide Maslenitsa, it is during this period that the most extensive festivities take place. Dances, round dances, songs - this means it has begun wide Maslenitsa. If in the narrow Maslenitsa people were doing household chores, then with the onset of the wide Maslenitsa, people began to have fun, and work stopped until Great Lent. And of course main symbol Shrovetide is pancakes (during the whole Maslenitsa it was customary to bake pancakes), which symbolize the Sun, but also a funeral meal, since in the old days on Maslenitsa people visited the graves of their ancestors and prerequisite it was necessary to leave hand-baked pancakes on the graves of their ancestors and ask the ancestors to get rid of all sorts of troubles, losses, troubles and diseases in the coming year. It was also customary to treat pancakes not only to their relatives, but also to beggars. People didn't forget about ancient Slavic God Veles, who, according to old customs, had to leave gifts in the forest under the spruce, which would ensure the fulfillment of desires and prosperity in the future. In addition, Maslenitsa is rich in various signs and divination.

Monday (March 7) is called "Meeting Maslenitsa". On this day, the housewives began to bake pancakes, and the first pancake was always given to needy, poor people. As early as Monday, a stuffed Maslenitsa was being prepared, which was exhibited on the main street. And it, dressed in rags, had to stand until the resurrection.

Tuesday (March 8) was popularly called "Zagrysh". This day was completely dedicated to the newlyweds. On this day, folk festivals were organized: sledding, carousels and ice slides.

Wednesday (March 9) - Lakomka. On this day, it was customary to call guests (neighbors, friends, relatives) to the house and treat them delicious pancakes, pies, honey gingerbread. Also on Wednesday, mother-in-laws treated their sons-in-law to pancakes, hence the expression “Son-in-law came, where can I get sour cream?”. On this day, fisticuffs and horse racing were popular.

Thursday (March 10) was popularly called "Razgulyay". It was from this day that the Wide Maslenitsa began, which was accompanied by sledding, snowball fights, cheerful songs and round dances.

Friday (March 11). This day was designated as "Teschin's Evenings", because it was on Friday that sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to their house and treated them to pancakes. At the same time, the husband of their daughter, the day before, should come to the mother-in-law's house and invite her to visit.

Saturday (March 12) is popularly called "Zolovkina gatherings." Young daughters-in-law called her husband's sisters, talked to them, treated them to various delicacies and gave gifts. If the sister-in-law had not yet managed to get married, then the daughter-in-law called her unmarried friends, and if the husband's sister was married, then only married relatives were invited.

Sunday (March 13) is the apotheosis of Maslenitsa and is called "Forgiveness Sunday". It was on this day that they saw off Maslenitsa, said goodbye to winter and symbolically burned an effigy. Even on Sunday, it is customary to ask relatives and friends for forgiveness for those grievances that have accumulated over the whole year.

Every day of Maslenitsa has its own name: Monday is a meeting, Tuesday is a game, Wednesday is a gourmet, revelry, a fracture, Thursday is a raguly-four, wide, Friday is a mother-in-law party, mother-in-law's evening, Saturday is a sister-in-law gathering, seeing off, Sunday is forgiven day, spell on Great Lent. The most significant days are considered: Monday is the meeting of Maslenitsa, Thursday is the wide Maslenitsa, and Sunday is the farewell to Maslenitsa, among the people this day is called “Forgiveness Day”.

Pancake Days

Narrow Shrovetide.

First day - Monday - Meeting. From that day on, the family began to bake pancakes. Before kneading the dough for the first pancakes, the oldest woman in the house went out into the street, after the stars had already appeared, and went to the river, lake or just a well, looked into the water and asked for a month to look into the window of the house and blow on dough: “A month you are a month, your golden horns! Look out the window, blow on the dough!

According to tradition, the first pancake was taken out onto the porch and said: “Our honest dead, here is a pancake for your souls!” - and after that they gave to the homeless that he had prayed for the dead relatives.

In the evening, all relatives were invited to the house, and the daughter-in-law was sent to her home in order to come to visit them the next day.

Also on Monday from the old and unnecessary women's clothing they built a scarecrow, which was first taken throughout the village, while singing and dancing, and which was then placed in the middle of the central part of the city or at the highest point.

Second day - Tuesday - Flirting. On the second day of Maslenitsa, it was customary to visit guests, visit various fairs, where buffoons staged various performances, and also went sledding. It was very common for brides to be seen in order to have a wedding after Lent.

Third day - Wednesday - Lakomki. On this day, very magnificent tables were laid in the houses. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to her and treated her to pancakes. It was believed that if the mother-in-law and son-in-law are on good terms, then this is just a good and old tradition of treating pancakes, and if the mother-in-law and son-in-law were in a quarrel, then this was a good reason for reconciliation.

Wide Maslenitsa

Fourth day - Thursday - Walk around. Walk Thursday. Broad Thursday.

From the fourth day, all housework stopped and the celebration of Maslenitsa began at full force. The most common entertainments were: fisticuffs, sledding, swings, people competed in eating pancakes and other food.

Fifth day - Friday - Mother-in-law evening.
At Mother-in-law's evenings, the mother-in-law went to her son-in-law for pancakes.
Sixth day - Saturday - Zolovkin gatherings.

On this day, the daughters-in-law set the tables with various dishes and invited the husband's sisters to the feast. If the girl was not married, then she invited her friends to visit. If the girl was engaged, then she gave gifts to her relatives.

Seventh day - Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday, Seeing Shrovetide. Tselovalnik. On the last day of Maslenitsa, an effigy was burned and all the food that remained after the holidays, the ashes were scattered on the field or over the river. It was believed that the scattered ashes would wake up the sleeping earth. In the evening, a special rite of forgiveness was held in the church, people asked each other for forgiveness and then kissed, this was done in order to begin Great Lent with a pure Soul and heart.

According to old customs, it is customary to sit down at the table on the last day of Maslenitsa seven times, according to the number of days of the holiday. For the seventh time, the family should sit down at the table in full force. The food that remained after dinner was not removed, it was covered with a white tablecloth, and then with sheep's fur, it was believed that there would be no disagreements in the family all year.

Before sunset, people gathered and went to the cemetery, bowed to their deceased loved ones and left pancakes on the graves.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, they drank very little alcohol and it was customary to fall asleep before midnight.

On Monday morning we went to the bathhouse (Clean Monday), Great Lent began.

Signs for Maslenitsa

  • According to the tradition of the ancestors, Maslenitsa should be very rich and fun, people should not skimp on treats, i.e. As you spend Maslenitsa, so the year will pass.
  • If the hostess’s pancakes turn out beautiful and lush, then the year will be prosperous and rich in harvest, and if they stick and don’t work out, then expect trouble in the year.
  • The more pancakes are baked in the house for Maslenitsa, the richer the house will become, and if the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest. It was believed that each baked pancake was associated with the sun, i.e. one pancake - one sunny day, and the more pancakes, the more sunny days. But at the same time, too many pancakes are also bad, as there will be a drought, and if there is too little, then there will be bad weather and the harvest will not be born, that is, there should be a golden mean.
  • In the middle of Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must definitely call her son-in-law for pancakes, and if the son-in-law likes the pancakes, then they will live in peace and understanding for a year.
  • Swings were always built on Maslenitsa in the old days. They swung on a swing, and whoever flew the highest, that family and the harvest will be more than others.
  • It's the same with downhill skiing, whoever goes the farthest down the hill will grow the longest flax.
  • If it rained on the eve of Maslenitsa, then autumn promises to be full of mushrooms, and if it is frosty, then the summer will not be hot and the harvest will be good.
  • Whoever skimps on treats on Maslenitsa will go bankrupt in a year. It is believed that it is unexpected guests who bring happiness to the house on Maslenitsa.
  • If you throw out old things on Maslenitsa, then this year there will be new new clothes.
  • On Maslenitsa, if a person can forgive, then he will be able to let something new into his life.

Customs for Maslenitsa

  • The first pancake on Maslenitsa is always eaten in honor of the memory of deceased ancestors.
  • In the past, there was a custom that is now completely forgotten; the last meat day before the start of Lent.
  • On Maslenitsa, children whistled into whistles that were made in the form of birds, by which they called migratory birds back.

Divination for Shrovetide

Fortune telling by pancakes

  • If the first pancake turned over easily, then an unmarried girl in the house was to be married, and if the first pancake stuck to the pan, then she would sit in girls for another three years.
  • If the edges of the pancake are even, then the marriage will be happy, and if the edges are uneven, then the girl should have thought about whether to marry this person or not.
  • How many holes in the pancake turned out, how many children will be.
  • If the pancake is baked in the middle, then the husband will be faithful to his wife, and if on the side, he will walk.
  • The first pancake turned out beautiful, ruddy - to health, and if pale - then to diseases.
  • A thin pancake turned out - the year will pass easily, a thick one turned out - for a difficult year.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, pancakes were distributed to passers-by, and if the first man took the pancake, then the first boy would be born in the family. If all the pancakes were handed out, then happiness awaited the family, and if the pancakes remained, then the girl would sit in girls for so many years.

Divination on the needles

The girls went to the forest and broke various coniferous branches (thick, thin). At midnight, the needles were laid out on the floor, the girls were blindfolded and chose a branch:

  • a thick and dense branch of needles - the groom will be respectable;
  • a beautiful branch, but not very thick - the groom will be very handsome;
  • thick bark on a branch - the groom will be provided;
  • peeling bark, and few needles - the groom will be mediocre.

Fortune telling in a pan on which pancakes are baked

Secretly from everyone, take a frying pan in which pancakes are baked and quietly put your mother under the bed with the words: “Betrothed-mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” Whoever comes to visit his mother in a dream, and she feeds him, he will be your betrothed.

Divination at the Shrovetide Pie

This fortune-telling will help you find out whether a wish will come true or not. Bake the cake, and while the cake is warm, it must be covered with a cloth napkin. Then take a knife and put it in baptismal water. Remove the napkin from your pie and wipe the knife with a napkin with the words: “Just like water from a knife, so thinness from a house. We eat royal and boyar pies. My friend-pie, open the vow to me. Then sprinkle the cake with Holy water, make a wish and stick a knife into it:

  • The knife remains straight - everything will remain unchanged.
  • The knife leaned in your direction - the wish will come true, but you yourself will prevent it from quickly being fulfilled.
  • The knife deviated from you - the desire will not come true, you yourself create obstacles for yourself.
  • The knife deviated to the right of you - the desire will not come true.
  • The knife deviated to the left of you - the wish will come true.
  • If the knife fell, failure awaits you this year.

Fortune telling on pancakes with friends

To do this, you need to bake pancakes and make the filling: sweet, spicy, salty, fresh, etc. You can add a coin, or come up with associative objects yourself.

  • sweet filling - good luck all year;
  • spicy stuffing - ups and downs, passion, spicy life;
  • salty filling - tears, unrequited love, vain work;
  • fresh - everything will remain unchanged;
  • coin is money.

Shrovetide conspiracies

Removing damage to Shrovetide

To do this, you need to collect the giver of snow in a basin and roll yourself from head to toe with this snow (moving from top to bottom to your feet), while you need to read the conspiracy: “Passion, passion, come out, pour out of the Servant of God (name). From a violent head, from a zealous heart, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly, from hands, from legs, from veins, from lived. It's not me who drives out the evil eye, but Mother Holy Mother of God, with their angels, archangels, guardians and patrons every day, every hour, from now and forever and forever and ever! Amen!". After that, we sculpt a little man from the snow, draw a nose, eyes, mouth, navel. Then we write our name in reverse letters on the snowman, and read the plot thirteen times: “You struck three blows with an evil heart, a black eye and a bad tongue. Your punishment will be the same three blows. fiery flame, water surface, airy transparency and earthly stronghold I conjure you to leave and return to the one who gave birth to you! I conjure you Dabe fatus ligara estenami tour, narota kafor. Kale-la agas, finished off the retore of the assar. Nominato prostare Deberator equesto libur. Gibula faskat abe kades labegab! I conjure you not to touch the deberator equesto (name), otherwise your brain, your heart and your blood will be filled with these words! After the ritual big Foot should melt completely, pour water at the crossroads and be sure to until the next dawn.

Conspiracy from envy

On the eve of Maslenitsa on Sunday, you need to retire and read the plot three times. “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me, (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who curses out loud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. That would not have touched me, no sound, knock and word. I didn't worry about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen". The conspiracy will protect for the whole year.

Amulet from any witch

On the first day of Maslenitsa, you need to look at the night sky and read the plot three times: “You witches, branded devils, when you count the stars in the sky and the grains of sand in the sea, then you can harm me, my house and my people.” After that, it is necessary to pour three pinches of Thursday salt on the windowsill that faces East, and front door. When the last day of Maslenitsa comes (best done at sunset), sweep all the salt into a bag and at the same time read the Our Father prayer, bury the farther from home, the better. This conspiracy will help protect you and your home from the evil spells of any witch.

Cleansing the house with snow (only done on the waning moon)

Bring snow into the house, wait until it melts, then add this water to the bucket to mop the floor. I immediately wash everything in the house with this water, while reading the plot: “Water flows along rapids and roads, clean water, melt water. Washes steep banks, to me, God's Servant ( full name) helps. All my troubles and adversity washes away. I will follow the sun, I will reach the mountain of the Lord. I'll collect melted water, wash my fate and purses and a hut. I will wash away curses and damage, poverty and bad luck, misfortune and dark evil. As the snow lay and melted, how strong it was and the ice came down with water, so from the melted water and my poverty, poverty will come down. Amen". To enhance the effect, you can add consecrated Thursday salt. After cleaning, throw the water out into the street, it is better if it is an intersection. After the water is splashed out at the crossroads, go home and do not look back, and do not talk to anyone. After you come home, immediately light three candles in the house - green for money, pink for love and gold for health.

Ritual for financial well-being (done only on the growing moon)

To do this, it is necessary to collect snow, preferably melting, it is best if this snow lies at the intersection. Be sure to leave a coin as a ransom yellow color, bring snow into the house, light a green candle and read the plot: “ White snow melts in the field - water rises in the river. As I, the servant of God (name), I will go, so I will find a job for myself, for the heart and for the purse very useful. The word knot - you can’t untie. Amen.". When the snow melts, you need to take one sip, and pour the rest out the window.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish

On the last day of Maslenitsa, before going to bed, you need to read the conspiracy: “Light up a clear star, under heaven, to the joy of the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. You look into the star, into the house of the servant of God (name). You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (after these words, you must briefly pronounce your desire). Amen. Amen. Amen". Then cross yourself three times, bow three times towards the East and go to bed. The dream that you will see will be prophetic.

A conspiracy for a husband to be faithful

On the last day of Maslenitsa, over the test, it is necessary to read the conspiracy in a whisper three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and when he is full, let his homesickness eat him up, do not let him go beyond the threshold, let him yearn for his family, let his lawful wife (name) have mercy. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness tormented him both in the day-noon and at night-midnight. From now on and forever and forever and ever. Amen". Before serving pancakes, also read the drinking conspiracy three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, let the servant of God (name) drink tea (pronounce the name of the drink that the husband will drink), let the servant of God be sick without me, let the servants of God (name) not be able to watch for an hour without me and without me minutes pass. No sleep, no breath. From now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

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