Machine for cutting tiles under 45. Using a finished miter box

Sometimes you need to cut a particular part or product at a certain angle. As a rule, you need to cut baguettes, fillets, platbands, skirting boards and other similar interior elements at an angle of 45 degrees. Everyone can cope with this task. The main thing is not to rush, not to be nervous and everything will work out.

Buy ready-made corner elements

Of course, the easiest way is not to suffer with trimming a particular part, but to buy a ready-made one that does not need processing and trimming. Such parts and elements are sold today everywhere in large supermarkets or smaller stores.

For example, with regard to baguettes or fillets, they sell special corner elements that fit perfectly into the corner and do not need to be cut. They just need to be glued into place and pressed well.

The method of connecting platbands without trimming

Platbands today are often not cut at an angle, in order to then join each other, but make a joint at right angles. This method of connecting the platbands does not require any special trimming, which is very convenient. In addition, this method looks more modern and attractive.

Cutting at an angle with a miter box

If, nevertheless, it is necessary to cut this or that part at an angle, then it is worth stocking up with a miter box - the simplest device that looks like a small box. The miter box has slots that are designed for a saw or a long sharp knife. Of course, these slots are made in such a way that they form a smooth and precise angle of 45 degrees.

However, the miter box can have many slots at once, under different angles. This is convenient, because with the help of one device, you can cut any part at various angles.

There are adjustable chairs for sale. The slots in such a miter box can be adjusted, which allows the master to set exactly the angle that is required at the moment. In particular, it is quite simple to translate the slots of such a miter box into a position of 45 degrees.

Now the workpiece can be trimmed in an elementary way. A baguette, platband or plinth is placed in the miter box, after which a saw is inserted into the slots and the excess is simply cut off. The angle is perfect, exactly 45 degrees.

What to do if there is no miter box? Very simple. It is necessary to make a template according to which it will not be difficult to transfer the necessary markup to the blanks. As a template, you can choose thick cardboard or something else that will be appropriate in this case.

Trimming parts at an angle with a protractor

You can cut the part at an angle using a protractor. This is a measuring tool that is easy to use, and which is designed specifically to measure angles or make the necessary markings on certain parts. The protractor is applied to the part, mark the angle and make markings with a pencil. According to this markup, cutting the workpiece at the desired angle is not difficult.

Using Templates

If there is no protractor, miter box or ready-made corner elements available, you will have to look for a suitable template. Of course, the template must have the desired angle. It is applied to the workpiece and the workpiece is marked with a pencil. This is one of the easiest ways to achieve the desired result.

Cut in place

Not always the walls, floor and ceiling will be perfectly even in practice. Most often they have irregularities. For this reason, there is no need to cut the workpieces at clear and precise angles, because they still will not fit perfectly.

Instead, it is sometimes convenient to cut the same ceiling plinth local. That is, first they glue one plank of the plinth, cut it in the corner, and cut the second plank under it.

Of course, it is hardly possible to cut off the workpiece perfectly. However, if a small gap appears in the corner, it can always be covered with putty or gypsum plaster. Nothing special.

Video: How to cut the corner of a plinth or baguette without a miter box

There are many ways to lay out ceramic tiles. Some of them suggest additional processing tiles. For example, in order to assemble a “herringbone” on the floor or make a right angle when facing niches, ventilation or engineering ducts, you will definitely need to cut tiles at an angle of 45 degrees. It allows you to form a fairly neat right angle from two separate modules. A story about how to do this, what tools you may need to perform such work is the subject of this article.

Why cut tiles at 45 degrees? Such an operation becomes in demand in two cases:

  • When it becomes necessary to join the outer and inner corner rectangular elements when it is necessary to create a bevel for the edge, which helps to form a beautiful flat corner. This operation eliminates the use of cheap plastic corners.
  • When a diagonal tile layout is chosen for cladding. In this case, it is necessary to cut the tile itself at an angle of 45 degrees.

This task can be accomplished with a variety of tools.

What to cut?

Performing a bevel in the language of professionals can be called differently: washed down, zasovka, Kremlin corner, cutting tiles under 45 degrees. To perform high-quality cladding, it is necessary to perform the described operation with tools that will make it possible to make a smooth cut without chipping. An ordinary construction angle grinder is able to cope with such a task, electric tile cutter or glass cutter. Each type of application has its own advantages and disadvantages. It makes sense to get acquainted with the technology of each tool.

Construction grinder

There is a construction angle grinder in many houses. You can, if necessary, solve the problem posed with the help of it, although it will be quite difficult to do this at home. To cut tiles, you must install diamond disc. The tile is installed under the rib, glazed side down. Then the grinder turns on and with the help of it the back of the tile is grinded at an angle of 45 degrees. It will not be possible to get an even saw cut the first time, therefore, after forming the corner, it is necessary to walk again with a diamond disc along the surface of the edge being processed. In this case, you get a clean and even corner.

Note! In order to form the desired angle, it is necessary to use a grinder, which has a speed control function. It is important to start work at minimum speed, otherwise the tile (its processed edge will melt, burn, but not be polished).

Electric tile cutter

Any professional team will prefer to solve the task with the help of an electric tile cutter. This device works in two modes: one allows you to make a smooth cut, the other - a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Using the second function, it is easy to make any cut angle from 0 to 45 degrees. The main thing is to set the desired notch on the settings panel.

You may need the following tools to get the job done:

  • Masking tape.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • The machine itself with a rotary bed.
  • Bulgarian, which has a speed control mode.

The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. A masking tape is glued onto the tile in place of the cut.
  2. A pencil and a ruler are taken in hand. They are used for marking.
  3. The tile is laid out on the tile cutter platform at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. The principle of operation of an electric tile cutter is the same as that of a conventional one. circular saw. The cut is made with a diamond band so that the tile does not melt during the operation, water is supplied to the place of cut. It immediately washes away dust and debris.
  5. The saw cut turns out to be beautiful if, with the help of a tile cutter, it is possible to obtain a beveled corner without damaging the glaze layer (it is important to cut only clay). If the disc touches the glaze layer, the corner will turn out with torn chipped edges. After cladding, two docking elements will look sloppy and ugly.
  6. Only an experienced tiler is able to cut the glaze and still make the edge smooth. And all because he knows certain professional secrets.

To do this, first, with the help of a tile cutter, you need to make an even cut, and only then try to form the desired angle from the back side. The affected layer of glaze is then simply processed sandpaper. After that, the tile will look neat.

How is an acute angle formed?

It is not enough to cut the tile at an angle of 45 degrees, it is important to be able to properly lay and form a right angle. The operation to create it consists of several stages:

  • First, the first tile is planted on the glue, it is leveled using the building level. It is aligned so that the cut edge "flies out a little" beyond the plane of the base corner.
  • After that, the second tile is glued to the wall, on the other side of the corner. Glue is used to fix the tiles. Each type of glue has its own fixation time. While it is there, you can easily adjust the position of two adjacent modules. With the help of such a scheme, all subsequent rows are laid out.

Note! In order for the right angle to turn out to be even, it is necessary to make sure that the vertical of the walls is maintained before facing. If the walls have at least a slight difference in height, the corner at the top will no longer converge. To disguise such a defect or divert attention from it is nothing, then it will not be possible.

Not everywhere you can form right angles. Due to the narrowed edge of the tile, they become brittle, which is why when finishing steps experienced craftsmen never use the described technique. Where there is heavy foot traffic, cut tiles will quickly chip or chip.

The docking angle of the steps on the stairs is best sheathed with a metal corner or laying tiles with an overlap, leading top element on the end wall.

You should not form a corner by cutting tiles where there is a possibility of touching the wall and knocking it down under the pressure of weight. Since plastic corners today are bad manners, they can be replaced with aluminum slats. This solution looks quite impressive.

How can you make a bite without a tile cutter and a grinder?

Sometimes at home it is difficult to find a professional construction tool. But in this case, you can also manually do the tiling of the tile. In this case, you need to act as follows:

  • On the front side of the tile, a line is drawn directly along the glaze with a glass cutter.
  • Then the tile is turned over and a groove is made with a grinder at the site of the future cut, similar to the English letter “V”. The groove is cut across the entire width of the tile.
  • After that, it remains to carefully break the cut and finish it with sandpaper.

Washed down the mosaics

Mosaic - the same ceramic tile, today it is also actively used in decoration modern interiors, so sometimes it becomes necessary to cut at an angle of 45 degrees on the modules small size. How to do it?

For work, it is better to use an electric tile cutter, if you have experience working as a grinder, it can also come in handy. If a tile cutter is used, as practice shows, cutting the mosaic with the glaze up is not very convenient. And all because the structure of the formed models is very mobile, it constantly moves, so it is better to turn the tile upside down, fix it with reverse side cutting disc and, supporting with a hand, drink down. You will have to suffer a little, but you will still be able to complete the operation.

And here it is preserved important condition– when processing the edge, it is not necessary to reach the layer of glaze. The mosaic processed in this way is most often used in the design of niches, boxes, under which engineering communications are hidden in the bathroom and toilet.

It will also be quite difficult to make a grinder with a grinder. This process is quite dusty, and you need to be prepared for this. The mosaic in this case is also laid face down. During operation, the tile must be pressed with something to the surface of the base. You can use plywood of a suitable size for these purposes.

The saw cut is carried out slowly, the clay is removed layer by layer. The diamond blade must run all the time at the lowest speed. It will not be possible to execute washed down neatly with a grinder. Therefore, the cut will need to be finalized with a file or sandpaper.

Generalization on the topic

Recently, many, when tiling walls, refuse to use a plastic corner. Rejection is different every time. One can't pick a color plastic ceiling to the color of ceramic tiles, others prefer to use as little as possible in the decoration additional elements, others just love to experiment and try something new.

The very idea of ​​cutting tiles at a 45-degree angle and joining the tiles at a right angle is not new. It was often used by builders when facing facade front elements with marble. Now a similar technique has been used in the design of niches, boxes, behind which engineering communications are hidden. It allows you to get quite interesting solution. But using it, it is important to know that the corner on the tile, sharpened at an angle of 45 degrees, has its own technical disadvantages.

Firstly, the corner becomes fragile, it is vulnerable, any strong blow will be able to destroy the tiled lining. Therefore, this technique cannot be used when finishing surfaces located in the passage plane. It is enough to hook the corner with a metal bucket, and it will crack and crumble, or become chipped.

Secondly, such a finishing option significantly increases the complexity of the work, which means that the final cost of repairs will increase markedly. Formation right angle with the help of sidetracking requires the use of a professional construction equipment. Therefore, if you want to experiment on your own in the described direction, you need to think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons.

How to perform high-quality cutting of tiles at an angle of 45 degrees?

It is always difficult to decorate the corner of the wall with tiles, because you have to select a special plastic corner to close the seam. If you just blur tile adhesive, it looks ugly. There is a subsequent method of processing this type of joint - cutting tiles at 45 degrees. At first it will seem difficult, but it looks different, since there are trivial advantages.

Butt tile laying

What are the advantages of the method:

  • it is aesthetically pleasing from the outside, if the cut corner is made correctly, neatly, the wall is even, then a feeling is created that the surface of the wall is solid;
  • it is not necessary to match the plastic corner to the tile so that it matches in tone with the color of the cladding, which reduces time.

Decorating tiles with a plastic corner

But a tile treated in this way has no shortcomings:

  • such an angle is located in the passage part, not since the cut-off part becomes narrow, it is not vulnerable than just a small blow with an empty bucket is enough to make a chip here, which will lead to the need to replace the tiles;
  • work with a cut corner is laborious, takes time, the price will increase compared to using a plastic corner.

Making tiles at an angle of 45

What instrument cut?

In this version of the tile cut, the bottom part is trimmed to use only the bottom tile layer. And the upper glazed part is not affected. Tools for cutting corners:

  • electric tile cutter - a convenient, practical tool that cuts an angle at 45 degrees, because it cuts tiles in the range up to 45 degrees and firmly fixes the cutting edge in this position;
  • grinder, with which you can also cut a corner, but it is much more difficult to do this than on a tile cutter, however, for home conditions, a grinder is the most reasonable option.

Cutting tiles 45 degrees with a tile cutter

It is clear that the tile cutter is used by those who are engaged in professional tile laying, and the grinder is suitable for those who decide to make repairs in the bathroom or in the kitchen on their own. But professionals also use the grinder to carry out the final work on grinding the cut corner. But produce an angular grinder an incision on a tile is not easy for an unprepared person. Therefore, practice on worn-out pieces of ceramic before you start finishing work, which will help you cut the corner correctly.

How to cut the edge of a tile at a 45° angle

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Washed down the tiles at 45 degrees, without a tile cutter

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Cutting tiles 45 degrees grinder

How is cutting done?

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How to cut the corner of a tile for installation on a wall, the instruction will help:

  • when cutting, do not touch the glazed part, do not reach a minimum of 0.5 mm and a maximum of 1 mm;
  • if the coating layer is affected when cutting on the UCA (i.e., at 45 degrees), then process it with sandpaper, giving the edge an attractive look;
  • tiles, especially domestic ones, have a concave shape, therefore, in principle, it is impossible to make an ideal cut on the machine, the section that is concave is processed manually by grinding, but if there is a deflection in the tile, it is better to use the traditional plastic corner, it will turn out cheaper and faster;
  • when cutting there is a secret - tiles cut with an angle of less than 45 degrees, but for a ceramic plinth such a tolerance is not applicable;
  • the painted end is better suited for cutting, it is not brought to the end, a gap of 1 mm is left;
  • the tile cutter cuts off the edge of the tile without dust, if you use water when cutting, the angle grinder leaves much more dust, so they work in a sealed mask or respirator.

Laying on corner surfaces is a costly and time consuming method. In some cases, it is better to go the usual way - pick up plastic corners. But there are options when you can’t do without pruning. I mean tiles decorative rock. In this case, it is only possible to cut the edge of the tile at an angle of 45 degrees.

How to form an angle?

Lay the cut tiles at a corner so that they look perfect, which is important, since the profile of the joining edges has changed and it is necessary that the tiles fit together evenly at the junction.

  • The first tile is glued, the position is fixed with a level, the cut edge goes beyond the edge of the wall, which is normal.
  • Until the glue has hardened, the tiles are glued on the other side of the wall, the cut edges are tightly connected, and then the tiles are glued in this order.
  • It is important that the wall is even on both sides, otherwise right angle with the help of a tile it will not be possible to form.

Laying tiles does not differ from that done with a conventional tile work. The main thing is that the walls on both sides are even, and the tiles are adjusted so that everything looks even and beautiful.

How to glue tiles on the corner

Where it is impossible to lay a tile with an undercut on the UCA?

Tiles cut at 45 degrees are used to decorate the corner parts of the interior that go out. But it may not be used in all cases.

  • Not used for cladding stairs. In this case, the tile is overlapped and protected with aluminum corners, because there is a high degree of wear, without additional protection, the tile will quickly become unusable.
  • Before making a corner, you need to calculate all the situations in order to make a decision on finishing. It can be said for sure that industrial premises, offices, shops, this method of laying tiles on a corner is not suitable. This a good option for an apartment, house, i.e. in a private dwelling.

Processing tiles at an angle of 45 degrees with the help of special tools such as a tile cutter or grinder is done in cases where it is necessary to form an angle. But the method of such design of the premises is not applicable in all cases. More suitable for living quarters. In situations where increased corner protection is required, a plastic corner is better.

Learn more about how cut tile at an angle, you can learn from the video:

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The presence of corners or bulges on the wall, various ways tiling, and custom sizes Rooms play a huge role in the cladding workflow, causing additional challenges. Therefore, you often have to deal with the need to cut tiles.

Straight outer corners, which are sawn at 45 degrees, form a neat right angle with a smooth transition, so you do not need to resort to the use of overhead aluminum or plastic corners. However, in order for the cuts to be accurate and match with other parts of the tile, special tools must be used.

What is it for?

Basically, washed down the corner edge of the tile at 45 degrees is carried out in the following cases:

  • to match the inner and outer corner rectangular tiles when they are joined during installation;
  • to form a beautiful edge in the form of a bevel;
  • with a diagonal layout of tiles.

Trimming the edge of the tile products under a special angular slope makes it possible to forget about the use of overhead corners forever.


It is possible to make a high-quality and even saw cut without chips and cracks only with the help of special devices, each of which has its own advantages.

Electric machine

The main advantage of this tile cutter is a clear and high-quality cut on the tile, which is carried out in two directions: an ordinary straight cut and a special cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to the turns of the cutting wheel at a certain angle to the cut off part of the tile, it is easy to make a cut, ranging from 0 to 45 degrees. Electric machine it may have a water supply function, due to which less dust is emitted, or it may have a conventional design. However, both versions of devices provide the same quality of work and guarantee washing down a large volume of tiles in a short time.

When cutting tiles with concave shapes, the electric tile cutter does not follow the concave deflection of the product. Therefore, you can cut off only the back side, so as not to hurt the enamel on the front. This is especially true for porcelain stoneware.

Required accessories:

  • special masking tape;
  • simple pencil;
  • small ruler;
  • tile cutter;
  • grinder with adjustable speed speed.

On the part of the tile where the cut will take place, you need to stick masking tape. Make with a pencil and a ruler necessary markings. Then place the tile on certain area instrument at a 45 degree angle. According to the principle of a circular saw, tiles are cut using a diamond band. In some models, water is supplied during the cut, which protects the tile from melting and washes away dust.

In case of damage to the glaze of the outer part of the tile, the saw cut will turn out to be ugly with the presence of cracks and jagged edges, which, when laid to each other, will look sloppy. Therefore, when working with an electric tile cutter, you need to carefully remove only the clay layer.

Professional secrets of experienced tilers:

  • using a tile cutter, it is necessary to achieve an even cut;
  • then form the required angle on the back of the product;
  • the glaze, which was touched in the working process, is rubbed with sandpaper.

Manual tile cutter

Manual tile cutter is popular not only among professional tilers, but also among amateurs. Many models of such tile cutters are equipped with a special swivel base and a built-in ruler, which allow you to make high-quality tiles washed down at 45 degrees. Having inserted the tile into the tile cutter at a certain degree, it is necessary to combine the mark on the tile and on the construction tool. Having lowered the handle down, you need to slowly move it at the same speed and with uniform pressure in the direction away from you.


Despite the fact that such a building device is present in almost every home, it is very difficult for a grinder to independently cut a tile at a 45 degree angle.

For quick and even washing down of tiles, it is necessary to install a diamond wheel on the device. In this case, the tile should be placed under the edge outer side to the bottom. Now the grinder needs to grind off the back side of the ceramic tile at an angle of 45 degrees.

From the first time, it will not work to make an even and clean cut. Therefore, after the corner has formed, it is necessary to repeat the process and walk the grinder's diamond wheel along the cut edge. Only in this way will the angle become even.

To form a corner on the tile, it is necessary to choose the right angle grinder, since not all models can perform necessary functions. In this case, it is worth purchasing a construction tool with which you can adjust the speed.

At the beginning of work, you should set the minimum speed at which the edges of the tile will be polished, and not burned.

Basic Rules

When cutting tiles, it must be remembered that only clay can be cut, not reaching the glaze of 0.5-1 mm. In this case, the corner of the tile will turn out beautiful and smooth, without damage and notches.

Modern capabilities and the skill of specialists make it possible to cut tiles at 45 degrees not only from the edge, but also in the middle of the product. To do this, the tile must be measured and cut in accordance with required size and then cut at 45 degrees. To get a quality result, you should repair the cut edge with sandpaper.

How to form an acute angle?

The next step after the process of washing down the tiles to a degree of a certain angle is its worthy application, as well as the organization of a right angle. For this, the following points must be observed:

  • using a special building level, it is necessary to glue the first part of the tile evenly. Its cut edge should slightly protrude beyond the base of the right angle;
  • the second tile should be glued opposite in the same way, the adhesive fixation period at the same time allows you to move and adjust the adjoining tiles in order to achieve a tight contact.

Before you start facing the corner, you should check the continuity of the vertical wall. At even the lowest elevation differences, the corner at the top may not converge and turn out to be even. It will be impossible to mask or repair this flaw in the future.

The scope of use of sawn tiles at an angle of forty-five degrees has certain limitations. As a result of cut clay from the back, the narrowed edges of the tile become thin and brittle, so they can easily break off.

Forming right angles from cut tiles in places where there is heavy traffic is not recommended.

Cutting without special tools

It is not necessary to carry out tiling with the help of special devices. At home, you can easily manually make washed down tiles at 45 degrees. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • on the outer part of the tile (glaze) is carried out with a glass cutter;
  • with the help of a grinder, a small groove is formed on the back of the tile in the form English letter"V", which is located across the width of the entire tile;
  • then you need to carefully break the bend of the cut and process it with sandpaper.

How to make a saw cut mosaic?

Today, many modern designers use mosaics when decorating rooms - a small ceramic tiles, which is no different from ordinary tiles, except for its size. Therefore, often when using this tile, it also becomes necessary to cut it down at an angle of 45 degrees.

To wash down small tiles, it will be most convenient to use an electric tile cutter, in which you need to place small moving parts of the mosaic with the glaze down. Conveniently fixing them on the back of the cutting disc, you can start cutting down while holding the tiles with your hand. Just like with a regular ceramic tiles, when washing down the mosaic, you should remember about the outer layer of glaze, which is not recommended to reach.

Modern design projects require a variety of skills from craftsmen, including tile processing. To work with tiles, very often you have to make it washed down at 45 degrees. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to veneer with such material various ledges and niches, the corners between the wall and the floor. Also, cutting at an angle is needed when you want to create an unusual masonry. Let us consider in more detail how this is done correctly, as well as with the help of what tools all work is done.

When is tile cutting necessary?

This method of processing tiles has to be resorted to in various cases when it is necessary to create a beautiful right angle. For example, when it is planned to lay tiles both on the wall and on the floor, when it is necessary to veneer an existing ventilation duct or pipe recess on the ceiling. IN modern apartments you can find various design features, which means that the variations in the use of tiles are expanding significantly.

Using this sharpening method, the tile seam looks neater, and the edges of the tiles at the junction are more hermetically sealed with grout, which reliably protects them from moisture or accidental impacts.

Cutting tiles at a 45 degree angle is done in case you want to lay a finish in an unusual way , for example, diagonally. To do this, you can use both square and rectangular tiles. The latter will allow you to create unusual ornaments (and even the effect of a "herringbone parquet").

Bulgarian for washing down

An ordinary grinder is in the arsenal not only of professional finishers, but also of amateurs. It must be equipped with a diamond disc. Place the tile under the rib face down. The tool should have adjustable speed, then it will be easier to achieve the desired angle. At the same time, first you need to set the minimum indicator so as not to melt the edges. When the desired corner has been ground off, go over it with a diamond blade again to grind it. You can use a file or sandpaper for grinding.

There are also special nozzles for grinding. They are easy to replace - the base with Velcro is installed on the thread of the grinder. They are not as durable as diamond "turtles", but they are also cheaper. For those who are not engaged in repairs on an industrial scale, this may be quite enough.

Many people prefer to use a mask or respirator when working with an angle grinder. This tool produces too much dust, which is not recommended to breathe.

How to use the grinder?

Let's take a closer look at how to use the grinder when working with tiles:

  • The tile should fit into the vise vertically. Install the diamond blade, and then select the 1000-2000 rpm operation mode.
  • Remove the corner with the notched part of the disc.
  • The tool should be positioned at an angle of 45 degrees (relative to the frontal plane of the tile).
  • Remove the excess with smooth touches so that each time the thinnest layer leaves the surface, not reaching the edge of the outer side of the corner.
  • The edge thickness (about 2 mm) must remain intact. You can mark this distance with a pencil.

At the second stage, a support plate is installed on the grinder. A circle with sandpaper is placed in the center of the support plate. Now you can bring the edge, and then create the most acute angle.

Electric tile saw

As the name implies, a tile cutter is a more highly specialized tool, which means that sawing tiles with it can be done better. Of course, not everyone will buy it for one-time use. If we are talking O quality model With additional features, then this tool will be quite expensive. In addition, to really achieve good results you can use it with experience, so you will have to spend some time acquiring the necessary skills.

If we are talking about professional finishers, then they should have an electric tile cutter in their arsenal. Cutting tiles with it takes less time, and such a machine leaves less dust.

The tile cutter works in two modes:

  • for direct washing down;
  • for sawing at the right angle.

With it, you can cut strips thinner than 5 mm, even from hard tiles. To avoid melting, water enters the cutting site. It also immediately removes dust and debris.

Using a tile cutter

To learn correct work with this tool, you need to follow certain order actions:

  • A masking tape is glued onto the tile in place of the cut.
  • Mark the desired cut width on the tile with a pencil and ruler.
  • Place it on the tool platform.
  • Press down on the tile and slide it gently against the disc. First you need to cut off the excess, and then engage in grinding the corner.
  • Be careful not to touch the glaze, otherwise the edges will look uneven. If still superficial decorative layer the tile was touched, then with sufficient skills it can be sanded with emery.

How to achieve a perfectly right angle at the junction?

If you want to create an even joint, you will have to work as carefully as possible:

  • To begin with, the first tile is attached using the building level. Its edge should slightly go beyond the plane of the corner of the base.
  • After that, the second side of the corner is aligned. Each tile adhesive has its own hardening time, so much is given to you to trim the resulting corner.
  • Following the same principle, the subsequent fragments of the tile are glued. The main thing is that the vertical of the walls is initially maintained, otherwise it will be almost impossible to hide the defect from unsuccessful joints.

Keep in mind that at the joints after sawing, the tile becomes more fragile. For this reason, this laying is usually not used on surfaces subject to high impact loads. Especially rarely it is used when facing steps. Yes, when making outdoor stairs builders often use metal corners, and sometimes they overlap the tiles so that the top module protrudes slightly above the side one.

Another way to create a beveled edge:

If you want to trim a fragment of ceramics with your own hands, more in a simple way, which is another option. To do this, draw a line on the decorative side of the tile with a glass cutter. After that, turn it over with the wrong side towards you, and then make it into a grinder V-neck across the entire width of the tile. Now you can break off the excess, as well as fine-tune with sandpaper.

To work with porcelain stoneware, it is preferable to use a professional electric tile cutter, as it is adapted to work with more solid material. And this material itself is more expensive, so I want to minimize its losses during processing.

When washing down, the angle can be made not 45 degrees, but sharper. This will make it a little easier to stick the tiles at right angles.

When working with bevels at corners, a quality grout is very important., since you can even hook a tile with a gash with a clothing belt. This can lead to chipping of its fragment. If a chip did occur, but at the moment you are not going to replace this tile, grouting will help hide the defect. They are issued different colors, so choose desired option under the color of ceramics is not difficult. There is also another option: use any available grout and tint it on top with paint of the desired shade.

When, after laying the tiles, small flaws are visible at the seams, for example, from unsuccessful polishing of the glaze, then you can use masking compounds that will hide imperfections. Such corrective means are convenient to use - as a rule, there is a small brush in the cap. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions. Note that we are talking about very minor flaws, and not about chipped pieces of ceramics. The corrective will become indispensable assistant, if you need to "discolor" a small crack on a tile, and on any ceramic product.

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