Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt († 1908). Saint righteous John of Kronstadt - saints - history - catalog of articles - unconditional love

One hundred years have passed since the death of the great righteous man of the Russian land - the holy father John of Kronstadt. But, despite the century that separates us, the example of the life of the saint and his sermon are addressed to us. No wonder he became the first of the saints glorified in the new Russia - much earlier than the New Martyrs, many of whom in their lives and deeds were guided by the example of the Kronstadt pastor.

Now, when most of our society has departed from the faith and is mired in the vanity of this world - in the consumption of things, goods and entertainment, it is more useful than ever to remember the sermon of the holy righteous John, who called on everyone to be content with their daily needs, and give the rest to those in need, creating eternal blessings for themselves. Now, when sin is not considered sin, an example of the spiritual life of a saint gives us an image right attitude to sin and repentance, an example of an attentive attitude to one's life. Now, when love and mercy have become scarce even among church people, it is important to see the path of life of a saint who devoted himself entirely to God and his neighbors, who lived with active love for people, who made it a rule never to refuse those who turned to him for help and thus acquired the gift of miracles and insight. But not only for this, St. John of Kronstadt is dear to us - and now, standing at the throne of God, he does not refuse anyone requests for help. Numerous miracles testify to this already in our time. Therefore, the number of grateful admirers of the Kronstadt righteous man is growing every year.

The All-Russian prayer book and miracle worker, the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt, was a model Orthodox priest not only in Russia, but throughout the universe. Through his prayer, a sea of ​​miracles poured out and everyone was visited by God's mercy and grace.

The fame of him as a famous pastor, preacher and miracle worker (a huge number of healings performed by him are known, many of which are described in detail in this book) quickly spread everywhere; tens of thousands of pilgrims came to Kronstadt. The “All-Russian Father” (as Father John was called) himself constantly traveled around the country, visiting its most remote corners. Almost daily, Father John celebrated the Divine Liturgy, calling on his flock to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible. His name became famous and respected in the Orthodox world also thanks to the publication of his spiritual writings.

For every Christian, the person and word of the Holy Father John serve at all times as the best test for his conscience - whether we are faithful to Orthodoxy and whether we put the fulfillment of the commandments of Christ and the preservation of purity and fidelity to the Truth at the forefront, or we go on the wrong path.

In recent years, a lot of literature dedicated to the life and work of St. John of Kronstadt has been published, his own works, prayer and liturgical texts have been published. It is sometimes difficult to understand this diversity. Therefore, it seems appropriate to publish a collection that includes both the biography of St. John of Kronstadt and excerpts from his works, memoirs of contemporaries, as well as excerpts from studies of modern times and prayer texts.

Anna Markova

Life of Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt is a native of the Northern Land. He was born on October 19, 1829 in the village of Sura, Pinezhsky district, Arkhangelsk province. His parents, Ilya Mikhailovich and Fyodor Vlasyevna Sergiev, belonged to the clergy. According to St. John himself, their spiritual family was about three hundred years old - there were both priests and clergymen in the family. His father served in the local church as a psalmist.

The parents of the future saint, as he later recalled, were distinguished by great religiosity and raised their three children in the same spirit - two daughters, Anna and Daria, and son Ivan. Ivan Sergiev was born on October 19 - the day of memory of St. John of Rylsky, who became his heavenly patron. Fearing for the life of the baby, who was born weak and sickly, the Sergievs chose to have their son baptized the very next day after birth.

The first years of the saint's life were marked by one significant event, about which he later spoke. One night, when he woke up, he saw that the room was filled with heavenly light. And in the midst of this light is an Angel in heavenly glory. This vision confused little Vanya, but the Angel reassured him, saying that he was his Guardian Angel.

The Sergievs lived very poorly, but, despite this, they wanted to give their son a good spiritual education. According to the customs of that time, in order to enter the Parish School, one had to pass exams in basic disciplines - reading, writing, arithmetic and the Law of God. Therefore, as Saint John of Kronstadt later recalled: “At home, in the sixth year, my father bought a primer for me, and my mother began to teach me the alphabet; but the letter was given to me with difficulty, which was the cause of my considerable grief. I never managed to grasp the identity between our speech and writing; in my time, literacy was not taught the way it is now: we were all taught “az”, “beeches”, “lead”, etc.; as if "a" by itself, and "az" by itself. For a long time this wisdom was not given to me; but being accustomed by my father and mother to prayer, grieving over the failures of my teaching, I fervently prayed to God that He would give me reason, and I remember how suddenly a veil fell off my mind and I began to understand the teaching well.

Years of study

In the tenth year of his life, Ivan Sergiev left his parental home and entered the Arkhangelsk Parish School. And again, problems with teaching - at first he was the last among his peers in the class. This greatly upset the future Kronstadt shepherd, because he felt himself a useless burden for his meager parental income. Here is how he himself says about it: “Of course, my father received the smallest salary, so life must have been terribly difficult. I already understood the plight of my parents, and therefore my lack of understanding of the teachings was really a misfortune. I thought little about the significance of the teaching for my future and was especially sad that my father was wasting his last money on my maintenance. Feeling embarrassed to ask for help from mentors and peers, he again turned to God. Many years later, already at the end of his earthly life, Saint John repeatedly recalled the significance of this prayer in the life of the young Vanya Sergiev, how it taught him to trust in the Almighty: “I fell to my knees and began to pray fervently. I don’t know how long I stayed in this position, but suddenly it was as if a veil had fallen from my eyes; it was as if the mind in my head opened up, and I clearly saw the teacher of that day, his lesson, and I remembered what and what he was talking about. And it was easy, joyful, so it became in my soul. I have never slept so peacefully as I did that night. It was getting light a little, I jumped out of bed, grabbed my books and, oh happiness! - I read much easier, I understand everything ... In the classroom I no longer sat like before, I understand everything, everything remains in my memory ... In a short time I have advanced so much that I have ceased to be the last student. The further, the better and better I did.”

But, despite diligence and academic success, poverty was a big problem. The insolvent students of the Parish School, including Ivan Sergiev, went to various institutions and offices and begged for paper: “Together with others, the same poor people, I also went,” said St. . I remember how rich I felt when the executor of the consistory gave me, it seems, almost two dozen. The difficulties experienced in his youth left an imprint in the soul of St. John for the rest of his life, subsequently he always tried to do good to the poor and the needy, helping them with both donation and prayer.


WITH holy righteous John of Kronstadt (real name Ivan Ilyich Sergiev) Born October 19 (November 1 New Style) 1829 in the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province - in the far north of Russia - in the family of a poor rural deacon Ilia Sergiev and his wife Theodora. The newborn seemed so weak and sickly that the parents hurried to christen him at once, thinking that the child would not live until morning, and they named him John, in honor of the Monk John of Rylsky, celebrated on that day by the Holy Church. Soon after the baptism, the infant John began to noticeably recover.

R Vanya's parents were simple and deeply religious people. Father, Ilya Mikhailovich, sang and read prayers during worship in the local village church. From early childhood, he took his son to church and thus brought up in him a special love for worship.

AND Living in the harsh conditions of extreme material need, the lad John early became acquainted with bleak pictures of poverty, grief, tears and suffering. This made him concentrated, thoughtful and self-contained, and at the same time instilled in him a deep sympathy and compassionate love for the poor. Without being carried away by the inherent childhood games, he, constantly bearing in his heart the memory of God, loved nature, which aroused in him tenderness and admiration for the greatness of the Creator of every creature.

At in childhood, he was characterized by a special sensitivity to the manifestations of the spiritual world: at the age of 6, John was honored with the appearance of his Guardian Angel. Little Vanya was often sick and sometimes spent long days in bed. He not only saw his mother praying for his health, but he himself prayed with her.

IN At the age of 6, his father bought Vanya a primer and began to teach his son to read and write. Diploma at first was given to him with difficulty, as it was to St. Sergius of Radonezh, and just like the Monk, through prayer, the lad John acquired the ability to teach. One night, when everyone was sleeping, six-year-old Vanya saw an unusual light in the room. Looking closely, he froze: the Guardian Angel soared in an unearthly light. Confusion, fear and at the same time joy seized the child. Seeing the boy's excitement, the Angel calmed him and, promising to protect him from all sorrows and troubles, disappeared.

Young John prays on the way to school


WITH At that time, lad John began to study well: he was one of the first to graduate from the Arkhangelsk parish school, in 1851 he graduated from the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary, and for his success he was admitted to the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1855 with a degree in theology work "On the Cross of Christ in the denunciation of imaginary Old Believers."

E while studying at the seminary, he lost his dearly beloved father. As a loving and caring son, John wanted to look for a place as a deacon or a psalmist directly from the seminary, in order to support his old mother, who was left without a livelihood. But she did not want her son to lose his higher spiritual education because of her, and insisted on his admission to the Academy. And the obedient son obeyed.

P having entered the Academy, the young student did not leave his mother without care: he got himself a clerical job in the academic board, and all the meager earnings he received completely sent to his mother.

Start of ministry

Thinking once about his forthcoming service to the Church of Christ during a solitary walk through the academic garden, he, returning home, fell asleep and in a dream saw himself as a priest serving in the Kronstadt St. Andrew's Cathedral, in which in reality he had never been before. He took it as a command from above. Soon the dream came true with literal accuracy.

After completing his spiritual education in 1855, he became a priest of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt, where he served for 53 years.

He married the daughter of the archpriest of the same church, Konstantin Novitsky, Elizabeth, but had no children. The spouses "took upon themselves the feat of virginity." His marriage, which was required by the customs of our Church for a priest passing his ministry in the world, was only fictitious, necessary to cover up his selfless pastoral deeds. In fact, he lived with his wife like brother and sister.

John of Kronstadt with his wife

12 December 1855, he was consecrated to the priesthood. When he first entered the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, he stopped almost in horror on its threshold: it was exactly the temple that had been presented to him in his childhood visions long before. The rest of the life of John and his pastoral activity took place in Kronstadt, which is why many even forgot his last name "Sergiev" and called him "Kronstadt", and he himself often signed it that way.

In December 1931 Andrew's Cathedral was closed. In the second half of 1931, the warehouse of the purchasing cooperative was located in the premises of the cathedral. In 1932 the cathedral was demolished. In 1955, a monument to Lenin was erected on the resulting square. The square was called Leninsky. In 2001, this monument was moved to the square of the Young Leninist. In 2002, the Andreevsky Union installed a memorial granite sign with the inscription:
“At this place stood the Cathedral of St. Andrew the First-Called, in which the Great Prayer Book of the Russian Land, the Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt, served for 53 years. The cathedral was consecrated in 1817, destroyed in 1932. Let this stone cry out to our hearts for the restoration of the desecrated shrine.”

R located on the island of Kotlin in the Gulf of Finland, 46 miles from St. Petersburg, Kronstadt of those times was not an ordinary city. On the one hand, a powerful naval fortress, parking and base of the Baltic Navy. On the other hand, it is a place of exile for beggars, vagabonds and people who are guilty of something. There were also many unskilled laborers who worked in the port and in the factories. These residents huddled around the outskirts of the city. Whoever could, built shacks for himself from half-rotted logs and boards. Others dug dugouts. People lived in hopeless need, in cold and hunger. Not only children begged, but also their drinking fathers, and sometimes desperate mothers.

AND Father John drew attention to these unfortunate and degraded people, despised by all. The young priest began to visit the poor quarters.

WITH With his troubles for the Kronstadt “unfortunate tramps,” Father John annoyed many, and especially the authorities and high-ranking officials. Many did not believe in the sincerity of his intentions, mocked him, spread slander and slander about the priest, called him a holy fool. But in spite of everything, Father John went his own way.

« H it is necessary to love every person both in his sin and in his shame, - was talking about. John - no need to confuse a person - this image of God - with the evil that is in him». With such a consciousness, he went to the people, conquering everyone and reviving with the power of his true pastoral compassionate love.

In understanding fallen people and praying for them, donating money and things to the poor, Father John also helped the sick. Sometimes he was called to the patient at night, and he, without hesitation, rode, not being afraid of even the most contagious. For his trips to the sick and for the prayer service for healing, Father John never asked for anything. He only reminded me to give thanks to God for everything.

Discovery of the Gift of Miracles

WITH A marvelous gift of miracle-working was also revealed in Father John, which glorified him throughout Russia and even far beyond its borders. There is no way to enumerate all the miracles performed by Father John. Our unbelieving intelligentsia and its press deliberately hushed up these innumerable manifestations of the power of God.

P about the prayers of John of Kronstadt and the laying on of his hand, the most serious illnesses were cured, when medicine was lost in its helplessness. Healings were performed both in private and with a large gathering of people, and very often in absentia. Sometimes it was enough to write a letter to Father John or send a telegram for the miracle of healing to happen.

WITH There are many testimonies of healings.

ABOUT especially remarkable was the miracle that happened in front of everyone in the village of Konchanskoye (Suvorovskoye), described by the Suvorov commission of professors of the military academy who happened to be there at that time (in 1901). A woman who had suffered from possession for many years and was brought to Father John in an insensible state, after a few moments was completely healed by him and brought back to the normal state of a completely healthy person.

X The artist Zhivotovsky described the miraculous rainfall in an area that suffered from drought and was threatened by forest fire, after Father John offered up his prayer there.

M Many miracles were performed through the prayers of the blessed shepherd. Father John especially pitied those subject to the passion of wine-drinking and healed many from it.

ABOUT Father John healed with the power of his prayer not only Russian Orthodox people, but also Muslims, Jews, and foreigners who turned to him from abroad. This great gift of miracle-working was naturally a reward to Father John for his great deeds - prayerful labors, fasting and self-sacrificing deeds of love for God and neighbor.

"All-Russian Father"

IN soon all believing Russia flowed to the great and marvelous miracle worker. The fame of him as a famous pastor, preacher and miracle worker quickly spread everywhere. The second period of his glorious life, his exploits, began. At first, he himself went to the people within the boundaries of one of his cities, and now the people themselves from everywhere, from all over Russia, rushed to him. Thousands of people came to Kronstadt every day, wanting to see Father John and get some help from him.

E He received an even greater number of letters and telegrams. Together with letters and telegrams, huge sums of money for charity flowed to Father John. Their size can only be judged approximately, for, receiving money, Father John immediately distributed everything. According to the most minimal estimate, at least one million rubles a year passed through his hands (an enormous amount at that time!).

St. John of Kronstadt brings homeless children to an orphanage.

H and with this money Father John daily fed a thousand beggars, set up a wonderful institution in Kronstadt - the "House of Diligence" with a school, church, workshops and an orphanage, founded a convent in his native village and erected a large stone church, and in St. Petersburg he built a convent monastery on Karpovka, in which he was buried after his death.

D having achieved a high degree of prayerful contemplation and dispassion, Father John calmly accepted the rich clothes presented to him by his admirers, and dressed in them. He even needed this to cover up his exploits. Some people blamed Father John for expensive clothes. However, according to eyewitnesses, he did not order it for himself, and accepted it only in order not to offend those who gave it, who sincerely wanted to thank him or serve him. In fact, carefully hiding his asceticism from people, Father John was the greatest ascetic. At the heart of his ascetic feat lay unceasing prayer and fasting.

P The donations he received he distributed everything, to the last penny. So, for example, having once received a package from the hands of a merchant at a huge gathering of people, Father John immediately handed it over to the outstretched hand of the poor man, without even opening the package. The merchant was excited: “Father, yes there is a thousand rubles!” - "His happiness" Father John replied calmly. Sometimes, however, he refused to accept donations from certain individuals. There is a known case when he did not accept 30,000 rubles from a rich lady. In this case, the foresight of Father John was manifested, for this lady received this money in an unclean way, which she later repented of.

B Father John was also a wonderful preacher, and he spoke very simply and most often without much preparation - impromptu. He didn't look for beautiful words and original expressions, but his sermons were distinguished by extraordinary power and depth of thought, and at the same time by exceptional theological scholarship, for all their accessibility for understanding even by ordinary people. In every word he felt some special power, like a reflection of the power of his own spirit.

"In the Serossiyskiy priest "(as Father John was called) he himself constantly traveled around the country, visiting its most remote corners. These trips were a real triumph for the humble servant of Christ. Everywhere, wherever he appeared, a crowd instantly grew up around him, eager to at least touch The confluence of people was determined by tens of thousands, and everyone was seized with feelings of heartfelt faith and reverence, the fear of God and the thirst to receive a healing blessing.During the passage of Father John on the steamer, crowds of people fled along the shore, many, as the steamer approached, knelt down.

TO When on July 20, 1890, John of Kronstadt served in the cathedral church of Kharkov, over 60,000 people gathered on Cathedral Square. Exactly the same scenes took place in the Volga cities: in Samara, Saratov, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. Wherever it became known about his arrival, a lot of people gathered in advance: crowds gathered around him and literally tore his clothes (once the inhabitants of Riga tore his cassock to pieces, each wanting to have a piece).

In this house on the second floor there was an apartment of the clergy of St. Andrew's Cathedral -

John of Kronstadt lived in it from 1855 to 1908

Under John of Kronstadt, the house was two-story, but in Soviet times two more floors were added to it, which greatly confused historians when they were looking for an apartment. In the photo: the layout of the house, as it looked before

Daily routine of John of Kronstadt

IN Father John got up every day at 3 am and prepared for the service of the Divine Liturgy.

ABOUT around 4 o'clock he went to the cathedral for matins. Here he was already met by crowds of pilgrims who were eager to receive at least a blessing from him. There were also many beggars to whom Father John distributed alms.

Living room of the apartment-museum of John of Kronstadt

W and in the morning, Father John certainly always read the canon himself, giving this reading great importance. There was a confession before the beginning of the liturgy.

AND Because of the huge number of people who wanted to confess to Fr. John, a general confession was introduced to them. This general confession made an amazing impression on all participants and eyewitnesses: many repented aloud, loudly shouting out their sins without shame or embarrassment. St. Andrew's Cathedral, which could accommodate up to 5,000 people, was always full, and therefore communion took a very long time, and the liturgy did not end before 12 noon. On other days, he confessed for 12 hours and took communion during the service continuously for 3-4 hours.

Sermon in St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt.

P according to the testimony of eyewitnesses and those who served with Father John, the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by Father John is beyond description. The service of Fr. John was an uninterrupted fervent prayer impulse to God. During the service, he was truly a mediator between God and people, interceding for their sins, he was a living link that connected the earthly Church, for which he interceded, and the Heavenly Church, among whose members he hovered in those moments in spirit. The reading of Father John on the kliros was not a simple reading, but a lively, enthusiastic conversation with God and His saints: he read loudly, distinctly, penetratingly, and his voice penetrated into the very soul of the worshipers. And during the Divine Liturgy, all exclamations and prayers were pronounced by him as if with his enlightened eyes he saw the Lord before him face to face and talked with Him. Tears of tenderness flowed from his eyes, but he did not notice them. It was evident that Father John during the Divine Liturgy experienced the whole history of our salvation, felt deeply and strongly all the love of the Lord for us, felt His suffering. Such a ministry had an extraordinary effect on all those present.

H Not everyone went to him with firm faith: some with doubt, others with distrust, and still others out of curiosity. But here everyone was reborn and felt how the ice of doubt and disbelief gradually melted and was replaced by the warmth of faith. There were always so many who took communion after a general confession that sometimes several large bowls stood on the holy altar, from which several priests communed the believers at the same time. And such communion often lasted more than 2 hours.

IN during the service, letters and telegrams were brought to Father John directly to the altar, and he immediately read them and prayed for those who were asked to remember him.

P After the service, accompanied by thousands of believers, Father John left the cathedral and went to St. Petersburg on countless calls to the sick. And rarely when returned home before midnight. It must be assumed that many nights he did not have time to sleep at all.

T How could one live and work, of course, only with the presence of God's supernatural grace-filled help!

Teaching activity

AND oann of Kronstadt was also a wonderful teacher and teacher of the law. For over 25 years he taught the Law of God at the Kronstadt City School (since 1857) and the Kronstadt Classical Gymnasium (since 1862).

ABOUT he never resorted to those methods of teaching that often took place then in our educational institutions, that is, neither to excessive severity, nor to moral humiliation of the incapable. With Father John, marks were not measures of encouragement, nor measures of intimidation of punishment. His warm, sincere attitude both to the very matter of teaching and to his students gave birth to success. Therefore, he did not have "incapable".

H and in his lessons everyone, without exception, eagerly listened to his every word. The lesson was waiting for him. His lessons were rather a pleasure, a rest for students, than a heavy duty, work. It was a lively conversation, a fascinating speech, an interesting, attention-grabbing story. And these lively conversations of the pastor-father with his children were deeply imprinted in the memory of the students for the rest of their lives. In his speeches addressed to teachers before the start of the school year, he explained this method of teaching by the need to give the fatherland, first of all, a person and a Christian, pushing questions about the sciences into the background.

H Often there were cases when Father John, having interceded for some lazy student sentenced to expulsion, himself began to correct him. Several years passed, and from a child who seemed to show no hope, a useful member of society was developed.

ABOUT Father John attached particular importance to the reading of the lives of the saints, and he always brought separate lives to the lessons, which he distributed to students for reading at home.

In 1887, John of Kronstadt was forced to leave teaching.

Spiritual Diary "My Life in Christ"

H Despite all his extraordinary busyness, Father John, however, found time to keep a kind of spiritual diary, writing down daily his thoughts that came to him during prayer and contemplation. These thoughts constituted a remarkable book, published under the title "My life in Christ."

Throughout his life in Kronstadt, St. John kept a spiritual diary for more than 50 years. Extracts from it were published in two volumes under the title "My Life in Christ" back in the time of St. John. After World War II, some of the diaries were lost.

This book is a true spiritual treasure and can be put on a par with the inspired works of the ancient great fathers of the Church and the ascetics of Christian piety. In the complete collection of works of John of Kronstadt edition of 1893, "My Life in Christ" occupies 3 volumes of more than 1000 pages. This is a completely original diary in which we find an unusually instructive reflection of the author's spiritual life for every reader. Every word is from the heart, full of faith and fire; in thoughts - amazing depth and wisdom; in all striking simplicity and clarity. There is not a single superfluous word, there are no “beautiful phrases”. You cannot just “read” them - you must always re-read them, and you will always find something new, alive, sacred in them.

“My Life in Christ”, shortly after its publication, attracted so much attention to itself that it was translated into several foreign languages, and among Anglican priests it has even become a favorite reference book.

This book will forever remain a vivid testimony of how our great righteous man lived and how all those who want not only to be called, but actually be Christians should live.

The main idea of ​​all the written works of John of Kronstadt is the need for true ardent faith in God and life by faith, in an unceasing struggle with passions and lusts, devotion to faith and the Orthodox Church, as the only saving one.

Socio-political position

B Inspired by the image of meekness and humility, love for every person, regardless of nationality and religion, John of Kronstadt treated with great indignation all those godless, materialistic and free-thinking liberal trends that undermined the faith of the Russian people and undermined the thousand-year state system of Russia.

R revolutionary cataclysms, including in Kronstadt, John of Kronstadt perceived as demonic possession, argued that “if things go like this in Russia, and atheists and mad anarchists will not be subject to the righteous punishment of the law, and if Russia is not cleansed of many tares, then it desolate like ancient kingdoms and cities.”

ABOUT The object of special fears of John of Kronstadt was the activity of the revolutionary anti-church intelligentsia. main reason revolutionary ferment in , he considered the falling away of people from the Church.

WITH In the early 1890s, he sharply criticized the popular and influential writer in society, Count Leo Tolstoy. He criticized the fact that the latter “perverted the whole meaning of Christianity”, “set out to ... lead everyone away from faith in God and from the Church”, “mocks the Holy Scriptures”, “taunts the Church with satanic laughter”, “dies along with the followers”. He believed that Tolstoy's teachings intensified the "corruption of the morals" of society, that his writings "poisoned many young men and women", that the Tolstoyists "reprove Russia and prepare her political death."

P After 1905 and the subsequent liberalization of censorship, the Russian press began to print negative articles and caricatures of John of Kronstadt, sometimes of an obscene and mocking nature. He was criticized for his speeches against Tolstoy, for his sharp rejection of the revolutionary movement and for his support of the autocratic form of government. The newspapers wrote that John of Kronstadt surrounded himself with unworthy people who plundered a significant part of the donations that controlled the communication of pilgrims with him, allowing mainly those from whom it was possible to receive a bribe; that a special source of income was the distribution of prayers allegedly composed by John of Kronstadt, crosses and other items “consecrated” by him.

WITH The most notable anti-church work was the story of Nikolai Leskov "Midnight Occupants" (1890). For the most part, the story critically illuminates the activities of John of Kronstadt. The shepherd was depicted as a pseudo-healer, and his supporters as sectarians.

IN In the 1880s, a group of fanatical admirers separated from among his admirers, which received the name ioannites who revered him as the incarnated Christ again (which was regarded as a kind of whip sect; they were recognized by the Holy Synod as a sect on April 12, 1912); Father John himself rejected and condemned them, but its very presence created a scandalous reputation in certain circles.

Death of John of Kronshadt

TO The difficult feat of serving people in the last years of the life of John of Kronstadt was joined by a painful personal illness - a disease that he meekly and patiently endured, never complaining to anyone. He resolutely rejected the prescriptions of the famous doctors who used him - to support his strength with fast food. Here are his words: “I thank my Lord for the suffering sent down to me for the purification of my sinful soul. Revitalizes - Holy Communion.

X Although the illness caused a lot of suffering, Batiushka did not change his rule - he performed divine services every day, partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Only in the last days of his life he could not celebrate the liturgy and took communion at home. The last time he served a liturgy at St. Andrew's Cathedral on December 9.

ABOUT Father John accurately predicted the day of his death. On December 18, as if forgetting himself, he asked Mother Superior Angelina: What is the date today? She answered: "Eighteenth"."So, two more days," Father said thoughtfully. Shortly before his death, he sent out postcards for Christmas to all postmen, messengers, etc. people who carried out his orders. "Or they won't get it at all" he added.

IN Serossiyskaya shepherd died December 20 (old style) 1908 at the age of 80 and was buried in the Ioannovsky Monastery on Karpovka in St. Petersburg.

IN The burial of John of Kronstadt was attended and attended by tens of thousands of people, and at his tomb, both then and in the following time, many miracles were performed.

H that was an extraordinary funeral! The coffin with the body of John of Kronstadt was exhibited in St. Andrew's Cathedral for farewell. The people continuously went to the temple all night from 21 to 22 December. Throughout the entire space from Kronstadt to Oranienbaum and from the Baltic Station in St. Petersburg to the Ioannovsky Monastery on Karpovka, there were huge crowds of weeping people. Until that time, such a number of people had not been at any funeral - this was a completely unparalleled case in Russia.

P the guard procession was accompanied by troops with banners, military bands performed “Kol is glorious”, troops stood in tapestries along the entire road through the whole city. The funeral service was performed by the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony, at the head of a host of bishops and numerous clergy. Those who kissed the hand of the deceased testify that the hand remained not cold, not stiff. The funeral services were accompanied by general sobs of people who felt orphaned. Shouts were heard: “Our sun has set! To whom did the father leave us? Who will come now to help us, the orphans, the weak? But there was nothing mournful in the funeral service: it rather resembled a bright Paschal matins, and the further the service went on, the more festive mood for those who pray, everything grew and increased. It was felt that some kind of grace-filled power was coming from the coffin and filling the hearts of those present with some kind of unearthly joy. It was clear to everyone that a saint, a righteous man, was lying in the tomb, and his spirit was invisibly hovering in the temple, embracing with his love and affection all those who had gathered to pay him their last debt.

Hearse with the coffin of John of Kronstadt near St. Andrew's Cathedral

Funeral procession with the coffin of John of Kronstadt on the ice of the Gulf of Finland

IN Dova Elizaveta Konstantinovna survived Father John by only a few months, and was buried on May 24, 1909 in the cemetery near St. Andrew's Cathedral (at the end of her life, Elizaveta Konstantinovna underwent a serious operation, after which she lost her legs).

Ioannovsky Monastery on Karpovka

Relics of John Cre Onstadt

M the eyes of the righteous John of Kronstadt rest under a bushel in the Ioannovsky Monastery on Karpovka.

Tombstone over the relics of John of Kronstadt in the Ioannovsky Monastery in St. Petersburg

W here are the well-known icon of St. John with his stole and his vestments.

H There is also an astica epitrachili in the Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg, in an icon that is an exact list from a monastery icon.

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Life-Giving Trinity) in Rogozhskaya Sloboda

IN In Moscow, the icon of John of Kronstadt with a particle of relics is located in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Life-Giving Trinity) in Rogozhskaya Sloboda (metro station "Ilyich Square", Nikoloyamskaya St., 57-59).

At the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on June 7-8, 1990, St. rights. John of Kronstadt was canonized, and it was established to celebrate his memory on December 20 / January 2 - the day of the blessed death of the holy righteous.

It has always been especially difficult for me to start reminiscing about the ever-memorable Father John: he was too tall; and I am a sinner. And only for the benefit of others, I take up the description of my personal impressions of him. I start writing in a hospital (in the city of Brooklyn), lying from illness.

short biography

I will write down what remains in my memory from the books I read and from what I personally saw.

His father, Ilya Sergiev, was a simple psalmist in the village of Sura, Pinezhsky district, Arkhangelsk province. His mother's name was Theodora. As far as can be judged from various sources, the father was a man of a balanced meek disposition, and the mother, undoubtedly, was an extremely energetic woman, with the look of an eagle. The father had a fine calligraphic handwriting, which was inherited by his son, but impulses of power passed from the mother into the handwriting of the future lamp.

In addition to the boy, there were also girls in the family. The child was born frail, so they hastened to baptize him on his birthday, October 19, 1829, the day of memory of the Bulgarian ascetic John of Rylsky, whose name the baby was named. When he began to grow up, they began to teach him to read and write and sent him to school. But the initial wisdom of adding letters into syllables was given to the boy with difficulty. And so, the priest himself later told, he knelt down and began to fervently pray that the Lord would open his mind to learning. And suddenly a film was taken off in his head, and he began to understand everything clearly. And he graduated from the Theological Seminary as the best student.

Then, unlike my time (the 1900s), students studied conscientiously, and Sergiev was distinguished by special diligence. By the way, a textbook on philosophy came to me, according to which an assiduous student studied this science. The book has been preserved in amazing purity, and only in some places, in his beautiful handwriting, were notes made on what he read: it is clear that he learned everything seriously, deeply.

But, in addition to the compulsory subjects, Ivan Ilyich also read the holy fathers. He especially loved the creations of St. John Chrysostom. Sometimes, sitting at the reading of his teachings, he suddenly began to clap his hands to St. Chrysostom: to such an extent he admired the beauty and depth of the oratory of the Great Ecumenical Teacher.

At this time, his father was no longer alive, and the young student, in order to help his mother and sisters, decided to be a scribe in the office of the Theological Academy and sent the small allowance he received to his homeland. Here he came in handy beautiful hereditary handwriting. And the premises of the office, closed to others, gave the serious student an even greater opportunity to study in solitude his education, and especially the holy fathers. Reading now (1948) Chrysostom and Father John, you clearly see how close they are, especially in matters of wealth, poverty, love, communion, repentance.

With his comrades, apparently, he did not have any particularly close relations and friendship, and even more so - cheerful comradely feasts. Like the ancient saint Basil the Great, he was respected and even feared by the students: he had no time for fun and idle talk. Teaching, office and self-education robbed him of all his time and attention.

But in such silence and studies, the spirit of parental faith grew in him, strengthened by the Word of God, enlightened, moreover, by Orthodox science and the holy fathers, and in general and in particular - brought up by the Holy Orthodox Church.

Towards the end of the academy, he first had a desire to take on the feat of missionary work in the monastic rank. But, looking more attentively at the surrounding life of the capital, he saw that pastoral and spiritual work and around him - no end. Therefore, he changed his mind about his first decision and settled on pastoring. As you know, the priest had to first marry a girl: there were almost no celibate shepherds then; Yes, this, in general, is both more correct and wiser.

At this time, in the city of Kronstadt, the archpriest of the St. Andrew's Cathedral, Father Konstantin, died; and from him there was an adult daughter, Elizabeth. According to old customs, especially if orphans were left after the dead, the parish was transferred to the candidate who married the orphaned daughter. The custom is also good. So John and Elizabeth were married. But from the very beginning of their life together, the young husband begged his wife to live in virginity, like brother and sister. Similar examples, although few, are known in the history of the Church. Sergiev also knew about them, but it was not they who decided such a difficult question, but a pure chaste soul and the firm will of the future shepherd. He wanted to give himself entirely to the service of God and his neighbors. If monasticism was already rejected, then it is necessary to preserve virginity during marriage. Everyone understands what a difficult task the young student took on. But he picked it up with boldness.

The young wife did not accept celibacy in marriage so easily. Tradition testifies that she even filed a complaint against her husband with the diocesan bishop. But the young priest persuaded her to voluntarily agree with him:

Lisa! Happy families are enough without you and me. And we give ourselves entirely to God and our neighbors.

And she finally agreed. I personally saw her in the house during the life of Father John. During one visit to the priest, my call came out to meet us with a deep gray-haired old woman, all in senile wrinkles. I saw her for the first time.

Father at home? I asked her.

Yes, brother John is at home, - she answered meekly and quietly went to report to him.

Then I realized that this is the glorious "wife" - mother of the world-famous "father of Kronstadt." How simple and quiet she was! And she was always in the shadows, with such glory as a "husband"!

Ordained a priest, Father John devoted himself to his work with his characteristic energy: divine services, classes in schools, visiting parishioners at home, compiling sermons, prayers at home, doing good to the poor - all this took him both time and energy. Soon he began to write down his special thoughts in a diary, under the title: "My life in Christ."

Divine services became more and more frequent; and he finally began to celebrate the Liturgy daily: this became the need of his soul.

All this gradually created a rumor about him as a completely exceptional pastor. They began to invite him more often to private services at home, especially where there was some kind of grief, the sick, etc. And miracles began to happen through his prayers. But there was one special moment in this last kind of service. They invited him to serve a prayer service for the health of the sick. As was his custom, he served firmly and faithfully. But one admirer of him who was present here said that the priest does not pray as he should, and how he can pray. He should pray with great boldness, with undoubted hope for the fulfillment of what he asks, and not simply, as everyone prays.

These words - by the father's own admission - produced an exceptional effect on him: he heard the voice of God in them - and from that time on he began to pray more boldly, as if personally standing before God and "demanding" from Him mercy, mercy and help to the unfortunate, suffering, poor earthly children of Heavenly Father.

Many miracles happened in his life. Nobody knows their numbers. But the entire Orthodox and even non-Orthodox world knows the miracle worker of Kronstadt. And he himself in his diary more than once openly testifies that the Lord worked miracles through him. Therefore, it becomes clear: why they began to call him to all places where there was need, grief, suffering. And above all, they began to invite him to the multi-million dollar Petersburg. But from all over Russia, numerous groups of pilgrims rode and rode, hundreds of requests for prayers or advice flowed daily by telegraph. His fame grew more and more. And they began to call him to other cities: to Moscow, Kharkov, Kazan, Kyiv, Vilna, Ufa, etc.

The royal family also knew him. When Tsar Alexander III fell ill, the great man of prayer was summoned to the Crimea, to the Livadia Palace. The king received him with reverence and love. Father John celebrated the Liturgy, communed the sick. And although the days of the Tsar were numbered, but through the prayers of the priest, he received some relief.

Finally, his fame increased to such an extent that different places Russia has a cell of his special admirers and admirers, who have even reached the sectarian passion that the priest is the incarnation of God himself. Such sects called themselves "Joannites" after the name of the priest. Had to take against them ecclesiastical measures. And Father John himself publicly and in print condemned these madmen, but this did not always help ...

The days of the revolution were approaching. Batiushka spoke with his speeches against her incendiaries. He especially denounced Leo Tolstoy for his godless and anti-Christian thoughts and propaganda.

On the other hand, his church fame rose to such a height that Tsar Nicholas II appointed Father John a member of the Holy Synod: the only reward. But Father John was so busy and considered himself unworthy to sit among the bishops that he did not take advantage of his position and never took part in the meetings of the Holy Synod.

Time did its job. Father John was nearing the end of his eighties. Shortly before his death, he fell ill. And on December 20, 1908, he gave his holy soul to God. Like a thunderclap resounded throughout Russia. But this will be discussed further ahead. And now let us add that a few months later his spiritual “sister”, the servant of God, Elizabeth, also quietly reposed. I usually remember them together.

Father John

Probably, already in the second, and not in the first year of my student life (that is, in 1904), I managed to go to the priest. "Why not the first time?" - Naturally, the reader will ask. Yes, it's worth asking. This is explained by the general spiritual, more precisely, non-spiritual state of Russia. Now, after the upheavals of the revolution, it is customary for many to praise the past. Yes, there were many wonderful things. But here's the problem: we didn't want to notice it ourselves. So it was with Father John. His name was famous all over the world. And we, the students, knew about it. And now we live near Kronstadt: in an hour or two we could be visiting Father John ... But we students had no idea about this. What's the riddle? It must be confessed that our religious outward appearance continued to be still brilliant, but the spirit was greatly weakened. And the “spiritual” became worldly. What, for example, were we, new students, interested in at first? For weeks they went to museums, climbed to the very top of the Isaac's dome, visited theaters, made acquaintances with family houses where those who knew how to dance. There was very little interest in the lectures: only two or three “on duty” went to record for the professors and so that there was no complete emptiness in the classrooms. Services were also attended at will. And only a small group bought tables and kerosene lamps with shades, we put them not in "amusing", where there was no silence, but in classrooms, along the walls. According to a well-established tradition, it was no longer allowed to speak here. In this silence, everyone was engaged in their favorite subject: some of the holy fathers, some of the Babylonian excavations, some of political literature (there were very few of these). And a group of praying mantises also formed, these went to everyday services: in the morning - at the Liturgy, and in the evening - at Vespers with Matins. This group was headed by the rector of the academy himself, then Bishop Sergius (later Patriarch), and Inspector Archimandrite Feofan (who died a refugee in France). But there were literally a few. And student life went past religious interests. It is absolutely not necessary to think that theological schools were nurseries of apostates, atheists, renegades. There were also a few of these. And they were afraid even to show their atheism in front of their comrades, because we all knew each other well and did not attach any serious value to these atheists.

But much more dangerous was the internal enemy: religious indifference. Most of us did not study for the priesthood, but to get positions as teachers, sometimes officials, and only ten percent went to the pastorate, that is, for fifty or sixty people in the course, some five or six people.

With such indifference in general, to pastoral work in particular, the indifference of students to the all-Russian lamp, Father John, should also be understandable. And then revolutionary times approached: students were interested in politics, strikes; and Father John ended up on the “board” of the right: he was already out of time.

And even the professors, more responsible people than we young people, were not in the least interested in Father Kronstadt. Once I, as the director of the choir, had to start a conversation with the most learned professor, Archpriest Orlov, about theology. I referred to Father John. And he ironically told me:

So what is a theologian?

I had to stop talking. There was a certain part of the metropolitan clergy who, together with their flocks, revered Father John. The clergy in the provinces revered him even more.

But the most important admirer - as always - was our so-called common people. Paying no attention to the higher ones, he walked for thousands and thousands of miles, and rode, and sailed to Kronstadt. By that time, the division between the people and the intelligentsia, and in part - and the clergy, which could rather be attributed to the intelligentsia than to the common people, had already been completely determined. This division was also in our schools… Moreover, even the bishops did not show much interest in Father John. However, I know several names who revered him and tried to be in communion with him... But in the depths of their souls, both bishops and priests felt the highness of the priest. Eyewitnesses told me how a huge hall of the Nobility Assembly, headed by three metropolitans, was waiting for Father John, who had promised to come to a spiritual concert. And when he entered there, thousands of people stood up, in awe that was amazing to tears, like one person. The bishops kissed him, offered to sit next to him in the place prepared for him ... And the concert began.

Among the deep admirers of Father John was the Archbishop of Finland Sergius, later the Patriarch of All Rus'. At that time (1908-1910) I was his personal secretary. And I remember that he started a custom both in Vyborg and in the Yaroslavl Compound - to read the words of the priest every day instead of any teachings. And one of the monks, Father Vfiy, read to us his simple, but Orthodox conversations. This was already the beginning of the glorification. And another theologian, Archimandrite Feofan, put his creations along with the holy fathers and advised them to study them as seriously as the ancient fathers.

And we, students and professors, were not interested. God, how sad! What a shame now! And now he is crying from our poverty and from petrified insensitivity. No, not all was well in the Church either. We became those of whom it is said in the Apocalypse: “Since you are neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth ...” The times soon came, and we, many, were vomited even from the Motherland ... We did not appreciate its shrines. What they sow, they reap.

That is why I did not go to Kronstadt for the first year, but already for the second, together with two other comrades who were younger in the course.

It was a cold November. But there was almost no snow. Cabbies were still driving.

We arrived at the hotel "House of Diligence", created by Father John. There we, as students of the academy, were received with attention. I had to get up early in the morning in order to be at the temple at four o'clock. We were led to the altar of the cathedral. St. Andrew's Cathedral could accommodate five thousand people. And it was already full. In the altar, besides us, there were several more clergy and several secular persons.

Matins was started by one of Father John's assistants. And soon, through the narrow right side door of the altar, the priest in a fur coat entered - a gift from admirers. Having given her into the arms of one of the watchmen (there were many of them in the cathedral, as we shall see), he, without looking at anyone, without greeting anyone, quickly and decisively approached the throne and just as quickly fell on his knees in front of him ... I don’t remember: did he cross himself this time? Afterwards, I noticed that he more than once fell on his face without crossing himself: obviously, this was what his fiery soul demanded. Sometimes, instead of a cross, he clasped his hands, and sometimes he crossed himself. It is clear that for him the form did not have a binding meaning, as it should be for people who are burning in spirit: “not a person for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for the person,” said the Lord. Of course, this right does not belong to us, ordinary and weak people, but to those strengthened in the grace of God; therefore, no one should artificially imitate such giants ...

After that, the priest turned to those present at the altar and greeted all of us very affectionately, blessing the laity.

Then he quickly broke away from us and energetically went to the altar. There was already a whole stack of telegrams received during the day and night from all over Rus'. Batiushka could not even read them here right away. Therefore, with the same ardor, he fell in front of the altar, laid his holy hands on all these telegrams, fell to them with his head and began to secretly pray to the All-seeing Lord for granting mercy to the petitioners ... sent answers to the addresses, according to the general instructions given by the priest. In special cases, he himself compiled texts for telegrams. But, in fact, the main thing was not in these answers, but in that fiery prayer that he offered before the altar or in other places where his requests were captured ...

Meanwhile, Matins continued to go on as usual. After the Six Psalms, during the great litanies, the priest, in one stole, quickly went out to the right kliros. This time it seemed to him that there was not enough light. And he, having called one of the church ministers, took out some kind of money note from his pocket and said aloud:

Little light! Sveta!

Obviously, the semi-darkness of the temple did not correspond to its fiery spirit: God is the God of lights! God of glory and bliss! - and therefore Father John sent for candles ...

It's time to read the canons. According to the Charter, it is supposed to read the next two canons of the day of the week; and besides this, the third canon is in honor of the saint whose memory was celebrated on that day. It was Wednesday. And, as I remember now, the memory of the Monk Alipiy was celebrated on November 26th. And how the father read! Not at all like we, ordinary clergymen, read: that is, evenly, without expressions, in a melodious recitative. And we are doing this quite rightly, according to church teaching since ancient times: our reverence for the Lord and the awareness of our own unworthiness do not allow us to be bold in reading; the impassibility of an even, calm, reverent celebration of worship is more befitting for our modesty. It is no coincidence that subordinates in general do not talk to their superiors in a cheeky way, not freely, but “respectfully report” in an even tone. This is especially noticeable in the military environment, where the soldiers respond to the commanders, like a church recitative, on "one note".

“... the law is laid,” says the Apostle Paul, “not for the righteous…”

And Father John - with his burning energy, thundering faith; with thousands of people thirsting for his bold prayer; when he realizes the needs, grief, sorrows, sins of these simple children of God; even with the vastness of the temple itself, requiring strong voice- Father John could not pray the way we pray. And he prayed extremely loudly, and most importantly: boldly. He talked with the Lord, the Mother of God, and the saints... Batiushka could neither enter nor leave through the temple, as we all do - both priests and bishops. We can do it; but he couldn't. The people would then have rushed towards him en masse and in a rush could trample him. I heard of a similar incident long past, when the mob knocked him down, tore his cassock to shreds "for blessing" and barely left him alive.

And therefore, it was necessary to choose a different path: he was brought from home in a cab (and not in a carriage, as others write) to the garden, although it was only some five minutes away. And they were taken away in a cab. There was not a soul in the garden: the high gates were locked. Batiushka quickly got into the cab; the driver immediately raced through the garden to the gate. And the ministers were already standing there, they immediately opened the exit, and the horse raced straight, although there were people standing there, waiting for the priest “at least once more to look.” And only out of fear of getting under the hooves or under the wheels, people involuntarily parted, and the priest flew out "to freedom."

But even here there was an incident. In front of my eyes - we followed him out of the altar through the garden - some peasant rushed straight into the middle of the cab, apparently wanting to receive a personal blessing. But a fast ride, he was instantly knocked down and fell to the ground. I was afraid for him and, covering my face with my hands, I cried out instinctively:

Ay, crushed, crushed!

And suddenly, to my fright, I hear a completely calm answer:

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Father's wheels do not crush, but heal!

I opened my eyes: this was said by a thin old woman, really calm.

The brave man got up unharmed, shook off the dust from himself and went on his way, and the people on their own: as if nothing had happened. I don’t know where the father went, they said that he was in Petersburg.

General confession

In ancient times, confession was open: the sinner repented before the whole Church. But then this custom was replaced by the present secret confession. The reason for this was that not everyone had the strength of humility to castigate himself in public before everyone; and besides, such a confession led innocent souls into temptation. But there are circumstances that sometimes compel us to use general confessions. The main reason for this is the huge number of communicants, when it is impossible to cope not only with one, but even with several priests. One of two things remains: either not to allow those who wish to receive communion, and this is painful and unsalvable; or make a general confession for everyone. What to choose? In ancient times, Christians took communion without confession at all, lived holy, with the exception of special cases. And this practice still exists in the Greek, Serbian, Syrian Churches. I personally observed this in some parishes of Yugoslavia; I saw in the Crimea when Asian refugees from the Turks prayed in the chapel of the Simferopol Cathedral, and at one time their priest measuredly walked around the orderly ranks and communed everyone in a row, without confession. I heard from eyewitnesses how a humble Greek priest, after the Liturgy, still walked around the village with the Holy Chalice and gave communion to those who, due to economic obstacles, were not in the church: and these - mostly women - ran out of their huts into the street in what they were, bowed to the ground and with childish faith they communed the Holy Divine Mysteries. The picture of such primitive pure faith was touching. These and other examples show that the Church admits the possibility of communion without confession and even considers this to be the normal order for good Christians; therefore, at every Liturgy, she invites all the "faithful":

- “With the fear of God and faith, proceed” to communion ...

Before they started. Saint Basil the Great says that in his time people took communion three or four times a week. And Chrysostom answers:

Don't ask: how many times; But tell me, how do you get started?

Of course, the current way of fasting and taking communion once a year also has its own meaning, so that believers with great fear, reverence, preparation, purification, repentance, and responsibility approach holy communion, precisely with the fear of God. But this custom is by no means a law obligatory in all cases. During the difficult period of the last thirty years, our Church allowed those who wished to receive weekly communion, provided that the local confessor blesses those who wish. And it's normal - before each communion everyone needs to confess. And if there were many such willing, then the spiritual father was allowed to make a general confession. But at the same time, it was suggested that anyone who had any special spiritual needs should then go up to the spiritual father and open his soul to him in order to receive special permission.

This was sometimes done in different parishes. But I want to tell you how the general confession of Father John took place in my presence. With youthful simplicity we addressed him at the altar:

Father! We would like to see your general confession.

He answered with simplicity and love:

I just made it yesterday. But for your sake I will now show you how it is done by me.

Before communion, Father John went out through the Royal Doors to the pulpit and delivered approximately the following sermon. I bring it in extraction.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! he began with force. - The king and the psalmist David said: God is from Heaven on the sons of men, see if there is understanding or seeking God? All deviated, together the indecent was, do not do good, carry to the last (Ps. 52:52-4). In Russian: “The Lord looked from Heaven…” - etc. Batiushka translated the psalm into Russian. Then he turned to everyone, indicating that in our time - everyone has strayed into sins ... And he began to enumerate them. Sobs, sobs, then exclamations began to be heard in the temple:

Father! Pray for us!

Then the priest exclaimed to the whole temple:


A general cry of repentance arose in the temple: everyone shouted aloud about their sins; no one thought about his neighbor; everyone looked only at the priest and into his soul... And they wept, and shouted, and sobbed... This went on for more than one minute... Then Father John gave a sign with his hand to the believers to be quiet. Pretty soon the noise died down. And the priest continued his sermon:

“See how sinful we all are. But our Heavenly Father does not want the destruction of His children. And for the sake of our salvation, He did not spare His Only Begotten Son, sent Him into the world for our redemption, in order to forgive all our sins for His sake. And not only forgive us, but even invite us to Your Divine feast! To do this, He gave us a great Miracle, gave us the Holy Body and Holy Blood of His own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for food and drink. This wonderful feast is celebrated at every Liturgy, according to the word of the Lord Himself: “Take, eat. This is My Body!” and: “Drink from it (the Chalice), all of you, this is My Blood.”

As in the parable, the father lovingly accepts his sinning but repentant prodigal son and arranges for him a rich feast, rejoicing at his salvation, so now the Heavenly Father daily establishes the Divine Meal for every penitent - Holy Communion.

Come with full faith and hope in the mercy of our Father, for the sake of the intercession of His Son! Come and approach with fear and faith to Holy Communion.

Now all bow your heads; and I, as a clergyman, by the power of God given to us, will read over you the remission of sins.

All bowed their heads in reverent silence; and Father John raised his stole over everyone and read the usual permissive prayer, making over the whole church the sign of the cross with the words “I forgive and permit” ... “in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” ... Then the communion began.

To finish with the "general confession", I will recall a few details and cases in connection with it. When I was already a hieromonk, an old pilgrim and admirer of Fr John I knew came to me and told me the following:

I stood with the priest in the cathedral; and he told us to repent. I told him my sins aloud. And suddenly my neighbor hit me, in some kind of anger, on the cheek. I remembered the Gospel of Christ in order to turn my other cheek to the one who hit me. And he hit me on the other.

Why are you telling me about this?

He hesitated to answer. I thought:

“Probably, he wanted to boast of his imaginary humility.” - And then it became somewhat clear why God allowed him to suffer twice the shame. It turned out, however, that he came to me with a question:

Did I do well to turn the other cheek to him?

I don't think so, I replied. - It would be more humble for you to think that you have not yet grown to such a height. And even better if you didn’t hurt your neighbor with something and didn’t bring him to irritation and to the first slap in the face.

How so? - He did not expect this turn.

We who are imperfect can upset our neighbors even with our piety. Demons are good at distinguishing true holiness from untrue. They are afraid of the first, and mock the second. Remember, the book of Acts tells how the demon dealt with the seven sons of the Jewish high priest Skeva, who conjured the demon-possessed in the name of the Lord Jesus: the evil spirit said: I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you? And a man in whom there was an evil spirit rushed at them, and, having overcome them, took such power over them that they, naked and beaten, ran out of that house. And the spirits obeyed the apostle Paul (Acts 19:19-16). Therefore, I think, - I tell him, - it is better for us sinners to hide our good, if it is. Here is my opinion for you.

The victim fell silent, but I wasn't sure if he agreed with me. He, apparently, wanted to remain with a good opinion of himself and “suffer” for the truth, rather than to recognize himself as unworthy of either one or the other.

Yes, and in "good deeds" everyone needs to know their own measure. Without measure, good is not good, teaches St. Isaac the Syrian.

When we were returning that same evening from Kronstadt to Petrograd, a simple pilgrim, who had been at the same Liturgy with Father John, asked me on the ship:

I heard something, the priest called us all to dinner, but there was no dinner?! Ah?

I understood the naivety of this visitor's soul and calmly explained to him that by "feast" the priest meant Holy Communion. And he repeated to the villager the idea of ​​teaching. He understood and calmed down:

That's it! I thought he invited me to dinner.

Many years later, already abroad, I myself happened to be a participant in such a confession. But I must frankly admit that it did not produce such an effect on me, strength and peace, which almost always accompany a separate, personal, secret, ordinary confession. And Father John had the special power of God.

Miracles of Father John of Kronstadt

The purpose of these notes is partly to record what I personally saw, or at least heard myself from reliable witnesses. I will write about this.

His miracles were known throughout Russia. One mother brought her son, who suffered from eye problems. She asked me to take them to Father John. Father took them with me. The mother told him about her ten-year-old son. Father John took him, put him between his knees and began, praying inwardly, to stroke his closed eyeballs with his large fingers. After, - said the mother, - the son never complained about his eyes.

Another incident was reported to me by my son about his own father. I have already printed about him in a short leaflet about Father John. I remember again.

His father was from a wealthy merchant family, the Shustins. His son was later a student of theological courses organized by me in Yugoslavia (Bela Tserkva). He was a pure and conscientious man, incapable of deceit. Now he is a priest. And this is what he told me.

The father fell ill with throat consumption. No doctors could help. Death was at the door. It was just about time for Christmas. In the past, they were preparing for the “Christmas tree”, now there was no time for it: everyone was waiting for the end from day to day. The patient could no longer speak aloud.

They sent for Father John, as for the last hope. And he was the godfather of one of the merchant's children. The priest arrived and asked why they had not sent for him before? Near the patient's bed there was a table with useless medicines. He pushed it away with his foot, the bubbles fell to the floor.

Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart?

I believe, - the patient whispered.

Do you believe that He is free and able to work miracles even now?

Open your mouth.

The patient opened. Batiushka blew three times in his throat with a prayer and said:

In three days, come to me in Kronstadt: you will talk and take communion.

And left. How to take such a patient to Kronstadt in winter? To certain death?

But the patient ordered to fulfill the command of the priest. They took him and brought him...

And after that, - finished the son, - the father lived another twenty-five years.

The third case occurred in Paris in 1933, on the second of April. On one Sunday, it was appointed to perform the baptism of an adult Jewish woman. She expressed her desire that this be done after the Liturgy in an empty church… Everyone left. Only the clergy and the recipients remained. In addition to them, I see two more middle-aged women. “Probably,” I think, “these are acquaintances of the baptized.” Just in case, I go up to them and ask if they know this Jewish woman? “Which one?” - “But which one we will baptize now.” "We didn't even know about it." - "Why did you stay?" - "We have a business for you." - "Well, in that case, wait until the end of the baptism." Baptized. Named Euphrosyne. Dress her up. Taken away. I approached two women. And here's what they reported. One of them was the wife of a Cossack general O. And the other was the wife of a colonel: now I have forgotten her last name. She had a strange dream that night.

I used to be a believer when I was in high school. And then - higher courses, fellowship: I became a "non-believer" for no particular reason, so-so! Then - marriage, revolution, evacuation: no time for faith. And I just stopped caring about it all. And she didn't suffer. But now I see a dream. Some priest comes to me with a golden cross on his chest, and next to him is an old man, all in white. The priest says menacingly: "I am Father John of Kronstadt, and this is Father Seraphim of Sarov." Then he said sternly to me: - You have completely forgotten God. This is wrong! Come back to faith again. Otherwise, you will feel bad!” - and they disappeared. I woke up. In the morning I ran to my friend General O. And she is a believer. And she showed me the icon of Seraphim, and then she also found a picture of Father John. I saw them in my dream. We now ask you to come to my apartment and serve a prayer service there.

I took the singer, Br. G., and immediately fulfilled their request.

In addition to these cases, I heard dozens of similar stories about Father John, but I forgot them, and I didn’t write them down at the time.

For a long time I had to hear the story recorded by Father John himself in the Diary. As you know, he returned from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt late; sometimes close to midnight. After praying, he went to bed.

“If you pray well,” he advised in the Diary, “you will gain two or three hours of good sleep.”

In the morning, no later than three o'clock, he would already get up to read the morning rule for communion. This book - like everything else in his small apartment - was always in a certain place. But this time, she's definitely gone.

“For a long time I searched for her in vain. And suddenly I noticed that during all this time I completely forgot about God. And, stopping, he said to himself: “Lord! Forgive me that because of the creature I forgot about You, the Creator!” And then the book was found.

I will no longer look for miracles in my memory. Miracles are not at all the main evidence of the height or holiness of a person.

The Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians that if I work miracles, but do not have love, then I am nothing. So I can say: miracles without holiness are also nothing.

The most important miracle was Father John himself! To go through such a life, to do good with one's prayers, to live unceasingly in God - this is the highest miracle!

And besides, how to live? While in Paris, I once visited the Russian library in a Catholic monastery. And there I came across the Diary of Father John. Starting to read it, I soon came across a record of it for the New Year, 1898. He writes thanksgiving to God for many things. And at the end he wrote words that could shock anyone: he thanks God for his immaculate life!!! "For an immaculate life!"

God, God! Who among us could even dare to not only say, but even think such words?! Literally nobody. And he spoke and wrote down forever ... How old was he then? Already - seventy! .. This is a miracle! Live to old age in "purity".

The miracle and its worship, especially the daily Liturgies. The point is not only that he served them daily, but that he has grown spiritually to this church height - to the Liturgy. Liturgy is the pinnacle and center of all Christianity, Liturgy is the fullness and completion of all other divine services. And if anyone has reached this peak and lived by it (and not only served), that means he has reached the peak of Church life! Here is an even higher miracle! Man not only survived from sins, but also reached the heights of heaven, for Father John considered and called the Liturgy "Heaven on Earth."

And if we did not know anything more about Father John, than only about this height of his Liturgical service, then we could say about him: “He was a holy minister of the Church of God!”

Last days

As far as it was known, although the priest was ill more than once, but relatively few and rarely. In necessary cases, he turned to doctors. The Apostle Paul to his disciple Timothy even gave advice in illness: for the sake of stomach and your frequent ailments, drink little wine with water ... But Father John did not always obey the prescriptions of doctors. For example, once the doctors ordered him to eat meat in fasting: otherwise, bad consequences threaten. He refused. The doctors insisted. Then the father said that he would ask for his mother's blessing by telegraph. This spiritual eagle responded with a telegram: “It is better to die and not break the fasts!” Of course, Father John unquestioningly obeyed his mother. I think that such an imperative order could be given by one out of a thousand, and maybe out of millions of mothers! And it is not surprising that a person of similar fortitude was born from her. The history of the great saints testifies to us that they also had great mothers: Saints Basil, Gregory, Chrysostom, Augustine were born from glorious mothers, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, St. Seraphim of Sarov were brought up by mothers strong and holy in spirit. Filaret of Moscow, Theophan the Recluse were born of pious parents. And in general, if we look through all the Chetii-Minei (I once did this), we will see that either both parents of the saints were charitable, or one of them, mostly the mother, and sometimes the grandmother. And only in very exceptional cases did holy children have bad parents; everything is possible for God!

No wonder it is said in the Word of God that for the piety of parents, the Lord blesses their descendants up to the twentieth generation! And punishes for their sins - up to the third and fourth knee (Ex. 20).

But I was always surprised by something else in Father John: amazing strength in carrying out incredible work of shepherding. After all, just think: from three in the morning until eleven or twelve at night he was busy. Busy with people. We ourselves, from our own experience, know how difficult it is to endure people in general. Man is a heavy being! For sinful, broken, corrupted. If the Lord Himself once exclaimed: “…how long will I be with you? how long can I bear you?" - it is all the more difficult for us. And we love at least for a while to retire from people, to "rest" from them. Therefore, they build separate houses, separate rooms, close the doors; they work in offices, but they rush to go home, and even at home they ask them not to disturb them yet.

And Father John had neither solitude nor rest almost around the clock! And who have you been with? With the sick, with the unfortunate, with the suffering... This is especially difficult.

In Paris, I sometimes had to visit asylums for lunatics, which accommodated up to five thousand patients. In one of them, the chief doctor, a believing Catholic, said to me in his office:

Please, pray for me! With these unfortunates, it seems to me that I myself begin to go crazy!

Just think what kind of tension in general, and in particular - prayers, people demanded from Father John: after all, almost everyone was waiting for a miracle! Easy to say! And in the Gospel it is said that after the healing of the bleeding woman, Christ felt "power that came out" from Him. Probably something similar happens in other miracle workers. What enormous strength was needed to endure all this every day, months, years, up to almost eighty years! This is what is most striking in Father John.

But Divine grace supported him in such an uninterrupted feat. The service of daily Liturgies, unceasing prayer of the heart, the invocation of God's power during prayers - this strengthened and, probably, renewed his natural strength.

In addition, I think, he was also pleased that he was constantly in the midst of believers, that is, among the best people!

But what kind of struggle was waged against him by the "angel of Satan"! He constantly writes about it in his diary! And it is not surprising that from time to time the priest went on vacation: either to his homeland, or to friends ... Even the apostles, after the sermon, needed this, and Christ Himself took them to a place secluded from the people.

And even his prayer required a huge expenditure of energy. Us, ordinary people, serve easily; but to pray as he prayed requires strength! Or give sermons: we evenly explain to the audience, like a lesson in a class, and every word was on fire with him. Once in Serbia, an old and sensible pilgrim asked me (in Serbian):

Father lord! What does it mean? One will say "God" and "nema nishta" (there is nothing); and the other will also say “God”, and “the fire is on fire” (the fire will light up)?

So Father John always had everything with “fire”. And it was because of this that his prayers were strong, and his sermons were effective. The latter in their content and from the oratorical point of view did not represent anything extraordinary. As a teacher at the St. Petersburg Academy, I once set a topic for a course report: to determine the preacher by the sermon. And I hid the author, of course. This time, three speakers gave, after the sermon, the following comment:

Another said:

Ordinary preacher. Ordinary sermon.

And only the third said:

But this is the great Father John of Kronstadt! - to the general surprise of the entire audience, I said.

Then the question arose, why are his sermons so simple and ordinary? The answer was clear: the strength of his words was not in the originality of his thoughts and not in their oratorical presentation, but in the strength of his spirit: his words breathed fire ... Exactly as the Serb said: one will say "God" - and "nema nishta"; and the other will say the same word "God" - and "the fire is on fire."

The apostle Paul also wrote: “Our strength is not in persuasive words, but in the manifestation of the spirit and power!”

And Father John spent colossal forces in his service to God and people. But with all that, he lived to be almost eighty years old. According to King David, “if he is able,” that is, with special strength, a person can live eighty years. Everything comes to an end.

Shortly before his death, he fell ill. Before that, I managed to be with him twice more. Once, when I was already a hieromonk, I was invited to serve with him at the Liturgy. He presided. I stood in front of the throne on the left side. And as soon as he proclaimed with his usual force: “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” I was pierced like lightning by a clear consciousness, expressed in my mind in these words: “God! What a spiritual giant he is!” And contemplating this with obviousness, I, in reflection, closed my mouth with a service. "What a giant." Suddenly he reaches out to me left hand, pushes the book away from his mouth, says authoritatively:

Do not think! Pray!

He probably saw through my secret thoughts about him.

My last visit was about six months before his death. We are with a colleague at the academy, hieromonk Sh-m, visited Father John due to the illness of my friend. Batiushka came out to us already weak. Inviting us to sit down, he wearily asked us:

And what do you want from me, old man?

Father, - I answered freely, forgive me for this, Lord! - if you were a simple old man, then Russia would not go to you.

Well, well, - he waved his hand, not wanting to argue.

Tell us something for the salvation of the soul.

Then he took in his hands the cross hanging on the chest of my comrade, and, looking at it, began to pray. Then he began to kiss him repeatedly and for a long time; pressed him to his forehead, kissed him again. Then he did the same with my cross... All this happened in silence, for several minutes. Then he said:

Monks, monks! Don't look back! Remember Lagov's wife!

Father! Tell me, where do you get such an ardent faith?

Faith? he asked, and thought for a moment. Then he answered with firm clarity: - I lived in the Church!

And what is it - lived in the Church? I asked.

Well,” he continued with some surprise at my question, “what does it mean to live in the Church? I have always been in church life… I served the Liturgy… I liked to read liturgical books and menias in church. Not the Cheti-Minei (Lives of the Saints), although they are beautiful! - and the liturgical menaias, stichera, canons... Here! I lived in the Church!

Unfortunately, I didn't write down the entire conversation at the time, but these words about the meaning of the Church were engraved in my memory for the rest of my life.

Thanking the priest, we left... Soon my friend died at a young age. I… still live, by the grace of God. And often I remember his words ...

Father John's illness did not go away. They were waiting for the end. And on December 20 (old style), 1908, the priest died. This news instantly spread throughout Russia. They buried him in the convent he created in St. Petersburg, "on Karpovka".

I did not manage to get to the temple for the funeral service, and I walked far behind the coffin in an immense crowd of people. All movement here was stopped. On the other hand, the hearts of thousands and thousands of people breathed: in one place they sang “God rest with the saints”, another group began “Eternal memory”, the third - “Holy God” - a funeral ... A great groan rose over these spiritual children of the priest. Sometimes I heard cries:

We will never see such a father again!

Dear father! Pray for us!

In the basement floor of the monastery church - bright, lined with white marble - a white marble tomb was prepared on the floor. And here they laid the honest relics of the holy father. Now, instead of Kronstadt, the pilgrimage "to Karpovka" began. Daily services ... Constant requiems. Miracles again. Universal reverence. The Holy Synod decided to consider the day of Father John's death as non-educational in theological schools. The tsar turned to Russia with a special manifesto - about its significance and veneration. And the people took away the memory of him in their hearts and wrote it down in “remembrances” ...

Thus began the glorification of the priest in the Church. And not long to wait when this will be completed and his canonization as a saint.

Three years ago (1948) I was in Leningrad and learned that the monastery "on Karpovka" was closed, but everything there, including the tomb, remained untouched.

Reverend Father John! Pray to God for us sinners! ...So I wrote down what I remembered about him. No matter how you describe it, it still cannot give such an impression about him as the living, authentic words of the priest himself ...

On October 12, 1894, a very sick sovereign Alexander III was in the Livadia Palace. Soon, accompanied by many people, a priest arrived to him. The autocrat gathered his strength and went out to greet the pastor. Alexander thanked him for his speedy arrival on his own initiative and asked him to pray for his health. The king himself did not dare to call a priest before this. Five days later, the autocrat invited the pastor to take communion. A few minutes before his death, the emperor asked the priest to put his holy palms on his inflamed head. Until Alexander III expired, the shepherd did not take his hands off him. This priest was John of Kronstadt. The biography and wonderful facts from the life of this amazing person will be presented in this article. So let's get started.

chosen child

The biography of John of Kronstadt begins in 1829. It was then that the future shepherd was born in the Arkhangelsk province. The boy's parents - a reader of the local church Elijah and his wife Jodora - deeply believed in God. Since the newborn was helpless and very weak, they hastened to christen him. There was almost no hope for the survival of the little one, otherwise he would immediately find himself in the Kingdom of God. And a miracle happened: after the arrival of the priest immersed John three times in the water of the font, the baby's eyes shone, and his cheeks turned pink. From that day on, he began to grow stronger and fill with vitality.

The boy's parents, who had vast religious experience, saw in the miraculous healing of their son a sign from above. The reader Elijah insisted on a Christian upbringing of the boy. So, from the first years of his life, the parish church became for the hero of this article a home, a school of knowledge of God and piety.


From childhood, Ivan seemed to bear the seal of being chosen. The boy did not like to communicate with peers. He spent all his free time either studying and praying in the temple, or doing housework. Since the family had many children, John had to help his parents with housework from an early age.

Literacy was very badly given to a young Christian. This tormented his sensitive and subtle soul. John was especially worried about the fact that his failures in studies upset his good parents. Somehow the boy once again received an unsatisfactory mark and went to bed. He tossed and turned for a long time and could not sleep. Vanya got out of bed and, without putting on his shoes, went to home icon to pray. The future saint sincerely asked God to grant him the ability to study. As John of Kronstadt later recalled, whose biography was full of bright events, he was enlightened. The mind in the head, as it were, opened up, and the memory was cleared of all husks. The lesson set the day before appeared before the inner eye of the boy in all details. Classmates were very surprised when the next day Vanya answered the lesson in a sensible, clear language. Since then, the young Christian has received only high marks. Later he became the best student: first at the school, then at the seminary and, finally, at the theological academy (St. Petersburg).

Vision of the future

There are many examples in the history of religion when God's chosen ones were honored with special revelations or prophetic visions. The biography of John of Kronstadt contains several such mystical cases. And the first one happened during my studies. young man at the Theological Academy. One day John was thinking about his future service to people and God. The young ascetic dreamed of accomplishing some kind of missionary feat, bringing to the Lord the wild tribes living on the far eastern outskirts of the country. With these thoughts, the young man fell asleep.

And at night he had a vision: John was standing in the middle of a majestic cathedral in priestly robes. All the details of the interior decoration were presented to him clearly and distinctly. In a vision, it was revealed to him that it was a cathedral that was located in the city of Kronstadt. Waking up, the young man did not begin to think about night vision, but immediately set about his duties.


A few days later, the biography of John of Kronstadt was painted with a significant event. The young man received an offer to enter into a legal marriage with Orthodox girl Elizabeth. She was the daughter of the rector of the cathedral in Kronstadt. Until this moment, the hero of this article did not even think about marriage. John was like an angel in the flesh, and his thoughts never turned to the joys of married life. But John considered the coincidence of the wedding proposal and the recent dream as an indication from above.

Soon, the young graduate of the academy became the married spouse of Elizabeth, the daughter of the head of St. Andrew's Cathedral. And after some time, John accepted ordination and took office as a priest of this temple.

Unexpected offer

The married life of a young couple began with a scandal. First wedding night the shepherd turned to Elizabeth with a proposal that shocked her. John of Kronstadt (biography, diaries and other information about the saint are in church libraries) said that there are quite a lot of happy couples. But still, in the general mass, human grief prevails. He wished that they, together with Lisa, served all the unfortunate and suffering. And the newly minted priest wanted to do this in complete moral purity. John invited his wife to remain brother and sister.

It was difficult for a healthy, beautiful, young wife to understand and accept such a request. She did not immediately come to terms with such a terrible, but essentially, angelic lot. Elizabeth repeatedly complained to her father. He, in turn, reported to the bishop about the strange behavior of the new pastor, hinting that John could become a victim of his own pride. But the young priest was adamant and did not heed the persistent demands of the spiritual authorities for a return to normal family life. Soon there was a resolution of this drama, which almost became a tragedy.

sign from above

Once the bishop himself summoned John to him and began to put pressure on him with particular force. The priest apologized and said that there was no God's will for such an act. After that, the bishop's eyes darkened, and a panagia (an oval image of the Mother of God, which was worn on a golden chain) fell off his neck and rolled across the floor with a thud. Vladyka himself fell on his knees before the young shepherd. The bishop, who has significant religious experience, immediately understood on whose side justice was. He instantly realized that the young man was a righteous man chosen by God, for whom the Almighty had prepared a special path. We can say that from that moment the spiritual biography of John of Kronstadt began. The priest was no longer pestered by demands for the fulfillment of marital duty. Over time, his wife Elizabeth completely resigned herself to the heavy lot.

Liturgical feat

What was it? Immediately after John became a pastor in the St. Andrew's Cathedral, he held the sacred liturgy there until the end of his life. And he did it every day without holidays and weekends. Even illness did not stop his religious zeal. The pastor came to St. Andrew's Cathedral at four in the morning and prepared for the service. Each of his liturgy was held in front of a huge gathering of Orthodox people.


The hero of this article was distinguished by a lively sincere love for people. Immediately after the service, he went to the slums of Kronstadt. He blessed, talked, handed out everything he had in his pockets. Often John of Kronstadt, whose biography and family were described in this article, returned home without money, boots and outerwear. Sometimes, Elizabeth complained about her husband to the bishop about the fact that sometimes there was nothing to eat at home, and the priest distributed everything to the poor. But then she realized the meaning of his actions. After all, this was not a whim, but was a punctual fulfillment of the gospel commandment: give to the one who asks.

With his own money, John founded the House of Diligence. There, during the day, up to a thousand thirsty and poor people could get food. Kronstadtsky also founded a monastery in honor of John of Rylsky, a school for the poor, workshops, a hospital, and much more. But his main mission was the healing and rebirth of human souls. The priest had the gift of miracles and healing.

Salvation from suicide

Once, Father John was walking along Kronstadt, returning to his home. In one of the squares, he saw a girl sitting on a bench. On her face, the shepherd read the strongest spiritual torment. The father came up and offered his help. It turned out that the young girl was on the verge of suicide. From the current life situation, she simply did not see another way out. Many years later, the woman wrote in her memoirs that at that moment Father John kindled hope in her soul with a pure kind word. She followed him to the temple and, with the help of faith, changed her own life, defining the purpose and meaning of existence.


Once the hero of this article was invited to a noble woman in St. Petersburg. She could never be born. When the priest arrived at the house, the doctors waved their hands: the fetus had died in the womb. Sepsis and death of the mother were inevitable. John of Kronstadt (a biography for children about this saint is present in many books on Orthodox subjects) asked everyone to leave the room where the woman in labor was moaning loudly in a hot delirium. The shepherd knelt down, raised his hands to heaven and began to forgive God to heal the woman and the child. Kronstadsky prayed for half an hour. After that, the priest left the room with a blush on his cheeks. His eyes burned with divine power, and incomprehensible holy words flowed from his lips: “It was pleasing to the Lord that the baby be resurrected. Mother is alive. A boy was born."

The miracles that God performed through John's prayer became public knowledge. A lot of people came to St. Andrew's Cathedral, where the pastor served. There were also thousands of telegrams and letters (even from abroad) asking for help and prayers. John of Kronstadt did not refuse anyone - neither Jews, nor Muslims, nor Christians. The glory of the priest was such that during trips from one city to another, he was met by crowds of people all the way. At the approach of the ship or carriage on which the shepherd rode, they knelt down.

Prophecies about the fate of Russia

Saint John of Kronstadt, whose biography is known to all believers, was a divinely inspired prophet. One of his most famous predictions concerns the fate of the Russian state. At the beginning of the twentieth century, John preached from the pulpit that our country was going through hard trials. According to the saint, the rebellion of the seditious will cause the ruin of the Russian lands. The pastor mercilessly denounced liberals, socialists, nihilists, for which he was fiercely hated by them. Somehow he was lured into a rich mansion by deceit, saying that a dying person needed communion. As soon as the priest entered, they grabbed him and crucified him on the bed, and then stabbed him several times in the groin with a knife. But the criminals were not Russian people, so the priest hid this attempt in order to avoid pogroms.

Shortly before his death, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, whose biography is in many religious encyclopedias, wrote another prophecy about Russia. Let's take it verbatim:

“What will happen to Russia? If seditious people reign, then the country will be ruled by enemies of the Orthodox faith. Their main goal is to deprive the church of freedom, property, primordial splendor and enslave Russians, as well as all fraternal peoples. Pitiful and insane are our intellectuals. Due to their frivolity, they have lost the faith of their fathers, which is a vital support in all troubles and sorrows. These madmen do not understand that if, thanks to their efforts, Russia renounces God, the tsar will be taken away from her, and the Russian lands will be shattered into many fragments. That's when the time of the Antichrist will come. If the country is not cleansed of a large number of tares, it will soon be empty. This is the fate that many ancient cities and kingdoms were rewarded with, wiped off the face of the earth by the justice of God for apostasy from the faith.


Father John of Kronstadt, whose biography is a role model for any Christian, died in 1908. In 1964 he was glorified by the holy Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. And in 1990 the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the priest. The Russian people revered Kronstadtsky as a saint during his lifetime. Recently in St. Petersburg, the Ioannovsky Monastery was renovated. It is in it that the miraculous tomb of the saint is located.

So ended a brief biography of John of Kronstadt. In conclusion, we will present some informative information about the pastor.

  • It is known that after the general confession, which was conducted by the hero of this article, almost all the people present cried. At the end, the floors were washed not with water, but with the tears of repentant sinners.
  • John was called Kronstadt, because he spent his whole life in this city. Many didn't even know him. real name"Sergiev".
  • John of Kronstadt, whose biography and miraculous facts were presented above, healed with his prayer not only Orthodox people, but also Jews and Muslims.
  • In one of his visions, the priest saw the events of the October Revolution of 1917.
  • 53 years - this is the priestly experience that John of Kronstadt had. A short biography for children about this saint is presented in teaching aids religious schools and seminaries.
  • The last line in Father John's diary is as follows: "Only one sincere alms can save our soul."


St. John of Kronstadt

John is born October 19, 1829 in the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province, in a poor sexton family. Elijah and Theodora Sergeev raised their son in accordance with the Law of God. Since childhood, he knew well what poverty and constant malnutrition are. As a child, he was obedient, affectionate, kind, never contradicted anyone, was fond of reading religious books, and spent long hours in solitary prayers.
While studying at the theological seminary in the city of Arkhangelsk, he dreamed of becoming a missionary and going to China, but then he realized that Russia needed such missionary work no less. After graduating from the seminary, he entered the Theological Academy of St. Petersburg. John's mentors spoke very warmly of their disciple, noting his extraordinary zeal and humility. After passing the final exams at the academy, John settled in the city of Kronstadt (because of which he later received his nickname) and in 1855 entered the service in the Cathedral of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
John met the daughter of a local priest, Elizabeth, who struck him with her purity and holiness. The young decided to get married, and after the completion of the ceremony they took a vow of virginity.
The city of Kronstadt was located on the island of Kotlin in the Baltic Sea near St. Petersburg. All suspicious people - beggars and vagabonds - were exiled to Kronstadt from the capital.
Father John believed that his task, first of all, was to help those who had sunk to the very bottom of society and were mired in hatred towards other people. Therefore, he went to preach first of all in the city slums, helping the suffering not only in word, but also in deed - he distributed all his money to the inhabitants of the basements. Therefore, the authorities of the gymnasium, in which Father John taught the law of God, gave out a salary not to him, but to his wife, knowing that otherwise he would immediately distribute everything to the poor.
The church authorities were dissatisfied with this behavior of the priest - they said that he undermines the authority of the clergyman, encourages parasites and lazy people. Many called John a holy fool, but he was not offended by such a nickname.
Over time, Father John became famous, and he began to receive donations from all over the country. Giving all his means to the poor, Father John soon became convinced that such charity was not enough to satisfy all those in need. Therefore, in 1874, he founded at St. Andrew's Church Orthodox Christian Brotherhood "Guardianship of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called". In 1872, the Kronstadt Bulletin published two appeals to the inhabitants of Kronstadt, in which Father John asked to help the homeless poor. These appeals found an active response in the hearts of people.
Opened in 1882 House of industriousness 4 floors, well equipped, with a house church in the name of St. Alexander Nevsky. Work workshops were set up here, in which up to 25 thousand people worked during the year, women's workshops, evening courses manual labor, a school for 300 children, a kindergarten, an orphanage, a folk canteen with a small fee, a library, a free hospital, a Sunday school, and much more. In 1888, thanks to the cares and labors of Father John, a doss house was built, and in 1891, a hospitable home. Assistance was provided to all those in need, regardless of their social and religious affiliation. Knowing about the charitable activities of Father John, many donated very large sums to him, including by postal orders. In one day, more than a thousand letters and money orders came to his address. These funds were sent to those in need. The charitable activities of Father John amounted to millions of rubles. He said: “I have no money of my own. They donate to me, and I donate."
There were so many donations that several monasteries and temples, schools and libraries, an orphanage and a shelter for the elderly, a country cottage for teenagers and training workshops for youth were built with these funds. Father John was the organizer and benefactor of many churches, monasteries and monastic farmsteads. Every year in the summer, Father John visited his homeland - Sura. Taking care of his native land, he founded here convent in the name of the holy Apostle John the Theologian , erected a magnificent stone parish church in Sura, built a building for a parochial school, and much more.

Father John had the gift of healing and the gift of clairvoyance. Crowds of people besieged him, wanting to hear wise advice from him or receive a long-awaited healing from a serious illness. Through his prayer, many wondrous miracles were performed. Prayer and laying on of hands, St. John cured the most severe illness when medicine was powerless. The possessed were healed, the blind received their sight, cases of the resurrection of the dead were witnessed. Surprising are the healings by correspondence through letters and telegrams, which came in hundreds to Kronstadt. Hundreds of similar cases of John's help are published in books dedicated to him. Father John foresaw what was happening many hundreds of miles away; the past, present and future of people whom he saw for the first time was often revealed to him. Like the great Russian saints, St. Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, John of Kronstadt received several visits from the Most Holy Lady of the Mother of God, described by him in his diary. More than 20 thousand pilgrims visited Kronstadt annually, and later their number reached 80 thousand. During the first week of Lent, up to 10,000 people gathered.
Despite his extraordinary busyness, Father John found time to keep a spiritual diary, writing down daily his thoughts that came to him during prayer and contemplation, "the grace-filled illumination of the soul, which he was honored with from the all-enlightening Spirit of God." These notes made up a book published under the title My Life in Christ. This book has been translated into several languages. In addition, several volumes of Fr. John's sermons were published.

Father John was present during the last days and death of Emperor Alexander III in the Livadia Palace in the Crimea. Dying, after receiving the Holy Mysteries and the sacrament of unction, the emperor asked Father John to put his hands on his head, saying: “When you hold your hands on my head, I feel great relief, and when you take them away, I suffer very much - do not take them away.” So Father John continued to keep his hands on the head of the dying Emperor until he died.
At the same time, Father John had to endure a lot of slander and direct insults that the liberal press showered on him. The Kronstadt preacher tirelessly denounced apostate, anti-national currents that undermined the faith of the Russian people and undermined the state. “Hold fast, Russia, firmly to your faith and the Church, and the Orthodox Tsar, if you want to be unshakable people of unbelief and lack of authority, and do not want to lose the kingdom and the Orthodox Tsar. And if you fall away from your faith, as many intellectuals have already fallen away from it, then you will no longer be Russia or Holy Russia, but a rabble of all kinds of infidels seeking to exterminate each other ... And if there is no repentance among the Russian people, the end is near. God will take away the pious King from him and send a scourge in the face of wicked, cruel, self-appointed rulers who will flood the whole earth with blood and tears.

In the autumn of 1907, Father John was appointed to be present at the Holy Synod, but due to a serious illness he was unable to attend its meetings. Always vigorous and indefatigable, Fr. John was often ill in the last three years of his toilsome life. “My physical strength is depleted,” he wrote in his diary, “but my spirit is cheerful and burns to my beloved Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ ... What will I repay You, Lord, as You have given me the grace to be born and raised in Orthodox faith and the Church and in the dear, invaluable Fatherland, Russia, in which the Orthodox Church has been planted since ancient times. I thank and praise You as much as I can, according to Your grace!”
On December 9, 1908 (O.S.), Father John celebrated the last Liturgy at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Every day a priest came to him and communed him, Father John found great consolation in union with the Lord. He had already stopped eating, only drinking holy water brought from the source of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The day of his death was revealed to the saint of God. When the nun Angelina, the abbess of the Ioannovsky monastery founded by him in St. Petersburg, arrived on the evening of December 17, he asked: “What date is today?” "Seventeenth," she replied. “That means three more days,” Father John said, as if to himself. In the early morning of December 20, he took communion for the last time. His breathing became quieter and quieter. Father John Ornatsky began to read the canon on the exodus of the soul. When he finished, Father John lay motionless, his hands were folded on his chest ...

Thus, peacefully and serenely, the great shepherd gave his spirit to God. The big bell of St. Andrew's Cathedral informed the inhabitants of Kronstadt about the great loss. The next day, a memorial service was performed in the apartment of the deceased, after which the body of Father John, to the sad ringing of the bells of all city churches, was transferred to the cathedral. Throughout the whole day and night, the people continuously went to say goodbye to their beloved shepherd. Then the coffin with the body of Father John was transferred from Kronstadt to St. Petersburg, to the St. John's Monastery. Bishop Micah of Arkhangelsk, with forty priests and deacons, celebrated the parastas, and then the inhabitants of St. Petersburg said goodbye to their prayer book all night long. On the morning of December 23, Metropolitan Anthony of St. Petersburg served a liturgy, at the end of which the well-known preacher and future New Martyr Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky delivered a moving word. After a touching funeral service, in which about 60 priests and 20 deacons took part, and a touching last farewell, the coffin with the body of the deceased righteous man was solemnly buried in a small underground church-tomb, consecrated in honor of the prophet Elijah and Queen Theodora, the heavenly patrons of Father John's parents. A marble headstone was built over the burial place, on it lay the Holy Gospel and a carved miter, under which an unquenchable lamp burned. The Holy Synod decided every year on the day of the death of Father John, December 20, to celebrate liturgies and memorial services in all churches. Miracles and spiritual help at the resting place of Father John did not stop in all the years after his death. Pilgrims from all over the world flocked to the monastery "on Karpovka" to pray, ask for help or give thanks to Father John, who was perceived by the church people as a saint, a righteous man and a miracle worker.

When the era of “wicked rulers” predicted by Father John came, the monastic buildings were taken away by the authorities, and in 1923 the nuns were evicted. In these difficult years, the monastic community was still headed by Father John's spiritual daughter, Abbess Angelina. She exercised the spiritual guidance of the sisters expelled from their native monastery, until her death on February 8, 1927. The tomb of the miracle worker, revered throughout Russia, was desecrated, the marble tombstone was destroyed. The very name of the Kronstadt pastor was banned; for decades, any information about him in the official press was accompanied by the invariable label of "reactionary and Black Hundreds." But during the most fierce persecution of the Church, the faithful remembered Father John: stories about his miracles were copied and collected, pilgrims came to the walls of the former monastery and prayed to their intercessor. An Orthodox cross was inscribed above the window of the tomb, it was washed away many times, and then the cross was carved in a granite base by the zealots of the memory of Father John. Candles were lit under it, flowers were laid. Through the efforts of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', when he was Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod, the building of the monastery was returned to the Church in 1989, and monastic life was resumed in it.

In 1990 Father John was canonized by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Temple-tomb of John of Kronstadt in St. John's Stauropegial Convent

Now, in the restored tomb of Father John, lamps are glowing, candles are burning. As before, pilgrims flock here from all over Russia and from abroad to pray to the saint of God, to ask for his help. Through the prayers of Father John, many wondrous miracles are being performed in our time.


The stories of contemporaries of John of Kronstadt have survived to this day, who speak of him as a man of amazing spiritual generosity. According to them, the saint possessed a truly magical attraction. His thoughts were pure, and Christian zeal knew no bounds. Even the appearance of the preacher was permeated with holiness: his eyes radiated a heavenly radiance, his face reflected calmness and compassion for his neighbors.

Patronizes John of Kronstadt orphans, the homeless.
The heavenly patron of Ivans born in early January is the righteous Ilann of Kronstadt.

Prayers to the Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt

Prayer one

O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Giving praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: Your name is love: do not reject me, the erring one. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Now, grateful for your intercession, the All-Russian flock prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, make us worthy to bear fruits of repentance and partake of the Mysteries of Christ without condemnation. Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support us in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies, visible and invisible. With the light of the face of your servants and primates of the Altar of Christ, move to the holy feats of pastoral work, grant upbringing as a baby, instruct youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy cloisters illuminate! Die, miracle worker and seer of the most precious, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine strife, squandered gather, deceived convert and gather the Holy Cathedrals and the Apostolic Church. By your mercy, keep marriages in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to those who are monks in good deeds, give cowardly comforts, those who suffer from unclean spirits of freedom, have mercy on the needs and circumstances of those who exist, and guide us on the path of salvation. Living in Christ, our Father John, lead us to the Non-Evening Light of eternal life, may we be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O great miracle-worker and marvelous servant of God, God-bearing Father John! Look upon us and listen graciously to our prayer, as if the Lord vouchsafed great gifts to you, may you be an intercessor and a constant prayer book for us. Behold, we are overwhelmed with sinful passions and consumed with malice, we neglected the commandments of God, did not bring repentance of the heart and tears of sighing, for this sake we are worthy of many sorrows and sorrows. But you, righteous father, having great boldness towards the Lord and having compassion for your neighbors, implored the All-Generous Lord of the World to grant His mercy to us and tolerate our iniquities, not to destroy our sin for our sakes, but graciously grant us time for repentance. O Holy One of God, help us to keep the Orthodox faith undefiled and to keep the commandments of God piously, may not any lawlessness possess us, the Truth of God will be put to shame in our iniquities, but may we be able to reach the end of the Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful and sacraments of God involved. We also pray to you, righteous father, for the hedgehog of our Church of the Holy Ones until the end of the age to be affirmed, but ask for peace and sojourn for our Fatherland and save from all evils, so that our people, God save, in the unanimity of faith and in all piety and purity, in the beauty of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony testify: for God is with us! In Him we live and move, and we are, and we shall remain forever. Amen.

Prayer three

Holy Father John! You have drawn close to God with many virtues and you have been honored with spiritual gifts from Him: heal ailments, drive away passions and quench sorrows. Meanwhile, we humbly pray to you: grant healing with our illness and healing with passion, but satisfy those who find sorrow on us and instill spiritual joy in our hearts. And help us to be imitators of your holy life and all your good deeds, as if we were worthy with you of the heritage of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Troparion to Righteous John of Kronstadt
Troparion, tone 1

Advocate of the Orthodox faith, saddened the Russian land, ruled as a shepherd and faithful image, preaching repentance and life in Christ. Divine Mysteries, reverent servant and daring for the people of prayer, Righteous Father John, healer and amazing miracle worker, praise the city of Kronstadt and our decoration of the church, pray to the All-good God to pacify the world and save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 3

Today the shepherd of Kronstadt stands before the Throne of God and fervently prays for the faithful of Christ the Chief Shepherd, who gave the promise: "I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her."

St. John's Convent

Address: St. Petersburg, Karpovka river embankment, 45

St. John's Convent on the embankment of the Karpovka River

St. John's Convent on the embankment of the Karpovka River in St. Petersburg was founded by the holy righteous John of Kronstadt in 1900.
The project of the monastery, approved personally by Emperor Nicholas II, was carried out by N.N. Nikonov in 1899. The monastery complex became the largest St. Petersburg work of this architect. In May 1900, Fr. John of Kronstadt gave his blessing to start work. According to legend, he said at the laying of the future monastery in 1900: "This place will be enlightened, enlightened, and from the unsettled it will be well-organized, from the little-known - the well-known." The clerk during the construction was the spiritual daughter of Father John - the novice Anna Semyonovna Sergeeva, the future abbess Angelina.
The monastery was named Ioannovsky in honor of the Monk John of Rylsky, in whose name the first temple of the monastery was founded in the lower floor of the building. The two upper floors in the main four-story building are connected into one, and a spacious temple is built in it in the name of the 12 apostles of Christ.

Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles

The roofs of all five domes were previously covered with brilliant glazes of white, green and blue. The domes of the temple on round light towers and a high, asymmetrically placed on the western side of the pillar-shaped bell tower help the complex to play the role of a memorable town-planning accent in this part of Aptekarsky Island.

In the basement there is a church-tomb, where since 1908 the holy relics of John of Kronstadt have rested under a bushel. Church-tomb in honor of the prophet Elijah and Queen Theodora - the heavenly patrons of the parents of Father John.
The walls of the monastery buildings are lined ceramic tiles in two tones.
The monastery was originally planned as a St. Petersburg courtyard of the Sura Arkhangelsk Monastery, founded by Fr. John in his homeland. The monastery was very poor and Fr. John hoped that the courtyard in St. Petersburg would help him. However, on December 9, 1902, Father John, with the support of Metropolitan Anthony, turned to St. Synod, proposing to name the new monastery in honor of St. John of Rylsky - heavenly patron of Father John. The request was granted, since 1903 the courtyard was transformed into an independent monastery.

On December 17, 1902, the main altar of the cathedral church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Twelve Apostles. In 1903, two aisles of a large double-height church were consecrated. The right (south) - in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the left (northern) - in the name of St. Andrew of Crete and St. Mary of Egypt. The temple was decorated with three carved oak iconostasis with images made by the icon painter F.K. Platonov and artist M.V. Nesterov. All semicircular wall Behind the altar were occupied two tiers of colored stained-glass windows - images, among which stood out the images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist. The premises of the cathedral are designed for 1000 parishioners.
The cathedral is located on the third floor of the monastery building. On the ground floor, a small church was consecrated in the name of St. John of Rylsky, patron saint of Fr. John of Kronstadt. To the left of this temple is a staircase leading to the tomb. A small church where the relics of St. Ave. John, was created during his lifetime and consecrated at his request in honor of the heavenly patrons of his parents - St. Prophet Elijah and St. Queen Theodora.
Later (1903-1908) the complex included a five-story residential building, an infirmary, an orphanage and a hospice, an icon-painting workshop and outbuildings. All buildings were designed by N.N. Nikon's single "block" that is not amenable to dismemberment. The monastery had a small cemetery created during the First World War. In the autumn of 1915, a small stone chapel was built in the monastery garden, in which, on October 24, 1915, the bodies of princes A.A. were buried. Shcherbatov (died April 5) and G.S. Vasilchikov (died on July 7). Soon, the bodies of Prince A.K. were buried next to the chapel. Gorchakov and the Governor of St. Petersburg Count A.V. Adlerberg. Most of the graves in the monastery garden were destroyed in the 1960s due to the construction of sewerage. The preserved chapel was restored in the 1990s.

Chapel of the Intercession Holy Mother of God. Year built: Between 1999 and 2000

In 1911 the stone church was consecrated. chapel in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov, located in the fence of the monastery, on the corner of the embankment. Karpovka and Ioannovsky lane, built according to the project of Nikonov N.N. In Soviet times, the chapel was destroyed.

Chapel of Seraphim of Sarov

In 1919 the monastery was turned into a labor commune, in 1923 it was liquidated (the sisters lived in it for another three years). Three years later, in 1926, the entrance to the tomb of Father John of Kronstadt was walled up, and the tomb was concreted. Almost all the nuns were in the beginning. 30s arrested and sentenced to exile in Kazakhstan. The building of the monastery was transferred to the ameliorative technical school and adapted for housing.

Since 1989, the revival of the monastery began. In 1989, the cathedral was transferred to the courtyard of the Pyukhtitsky convent. After restoration in 1991, it was consecrated and named the stavropegic St. John's Monastery.
In 1991, the Ioanovsky Convent received the status of a stauropegic one.
By 1999, the entire complex of buildings was returned to him.
Nowadays, in the restored tomb of the righteous John of Kronstadt, lamps are glowing, candles are burning. As before, pilgrims flock from all over Russia and from abroad to pray to the saint of God.

Fragment of the fence and building of the monastery

Gate to the monastery

Icon of St. rights. John of Kronstadt on the wall of the temple. Below, to the right of the icon, is an image of a cross, to which parishioners and pilgrims venerate.

Church of John of Kronstadt in St. Petersburg

Church of John of Kronstadt in the village of Koltushi, Vsevolozhsk district, Leningrad region

Temple in the name of John of Kronstadt in Belgorod

Church of St. John of Kronstadt, Siman Monastery (Pskov Region)

Church of John of Kronstadt in the city of Berezovsky, Kemerovo Region

Church of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (Hamburg)

Rostov-on-Don. Church of John of Kronstadt

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

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