Bath in a dream for what. Clean or dirty bathroom. Dreamed of a broken bath

bath interpretation

For a girl or a guy, washing in the bathroom will bring concern about their other half. You may be worried that he/she has a bad opinion of you. A woman who is in a position should be more vigilant and fear an accident. For married people, washing in the bathroom means a possible betrayal. If you plan to take a bath in the company of another person, then beware of slander from ill-wishers. Wash in dirty water means that you are surrounded by evil, and pure and cold water On the contrary, it will bring joy and health. If you wash in the bathroom, then you should be more thoughtful about your actions.

dreamed of taking a bath

The bath in Freud's dream book symbolizes the female genital organs. Washing in the bathroom means the desire to have children, and can also mean the imminent onset of pregnancy.

why dream of taking a bath

A dream where you wash in the bathroom means getting rid of anxiety, brings healing from illnesses, good luck in love and business.

dreamed of taking a bath

Enjoying a warm bath in a dream will lead to an unexpected meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. This meeting will bring a lot of pleasure, will bring back your old dreams and desires. If all the water gradually pours out of the bathroom, then some person decided you have self-confidence, and you believed him. You should change your attitude towards yourself. Taking a bath with aromatic oils means that you should reconsider your behavior and stop admiring yourself. If you wash in a bath with foam - be careful in your statements, loved ones may not understand you.

In a dream, were you lucky enough to take a bath? You will certainly be successful in love. However, the dream book insists: this is not the only option for why such a pleasant plot is dreamed of. Perhaps you need to “wash off” something bad, or simply quit some unseemly business?

Miller's caveat

Miller's dream book has on this score own opinion. If you dreamed that you were basking in the bath, then the chosen one or the chosen one will bring a lot of experiences. To a married dreamer to see such an image - to the betrayal of his wife, and to a pregnant woman - to a difficult birth.


Why dream that you have to take a bath most often? The dream book prophesies success in business against the backdrop of failures on the amorous front and advises you to carefully think through your every move.

If you dreamed that someone was lathering your back in a dream, then you run the risk of becoming an object for malicious conversations. Moreover, quite close people can dissolve gossip.

Seeing that you are rubbing hard with a washcloth in the bath literally means that you will have to correct the mistakes and mistakes made earlier.

Where did you wash?

What else does it mean if you are lucky to take a bath in a dream? The dream interpretation considers this image to be rather contradictory. The interpretation of sleep in this case depends on the place where you washed.

For example, basking in the workplace - to difficulties in partnerships or a team. Had a dream that you were swimming at home? Perhaps you quarrel with someone from the household.

If water procedures you took in the bosom of nature, it is vital to take a break from everyday worries. Seeing a bath in another, no less unusual, but pleasant place - to spiritual rebirth and purification.

Content Features

  • Cold - excellent health.
  • Hot is a disease.
  • With blood - an accident, a tragedy.
  • With foam - do not believe the promises.
  • Salt is a scandal.
  • With champagne - an escape from the ordinary.
  • With flower petals - a love story.
  • WITH medicinal herbs- well-being.


Did you dream that you sank into relatively hot and foamy water? The dream interpretation believes that you will soon meet an old friend and enjoy communicating with him.

Taking a bath with pleasantly smelling aromatic oils in a dream means that you are overly passionate about your own person and often forget about the needs of others.

Why dream of washing in cool water? She calls to understand the chaos that reigns inside. If the water was excessively foamy and soapy, then you should refuse to participate in a suspicious scam, even if you are promised untold profits.

1. Bath- (Modern dream book)
If you dream that you are taking a bath, then this portends an acquaintance and rapprochement with a woman who, in addition to you, will also have intimate friends (if a man has a dream). If a woman has a dream, then you should expect a man to appear in your environment who will passionately harass you.
2. Bath- (Miller's dream book)
For young man to dream that he (she) is taking a bath means great heart worries because of a beloved being and even fear of losing his good opinion of himself. For a pregnant woman, such a dream is a warning about a possible accident, for a spouse it is a sign of possible infidelity. If you are not going to wash alone, then in reality beware of unkind companions on the road, as well as slander and slander against you. Dirty water in the bath indicates that there is evil next to you. Cold and clear water portends you joy and good health. In general, such dreams require cautious behavior from those who have seen them, thinking about their actions.
3. Bath- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The bath is a symbol of the female genital organs. A clean and sparkling bath symbolizes your sexual irresistibility. Washing in the bath indicates the desire to have children and portends early pregnancy. If you frolic in the bath, then you are attracted to sophisticated types of sex. An injury in the bath can mean a difficult pregnancy or diseases of the genital organs.
4. Bath- (Esoteric dream book)
Seeing is worries. Foamy, soapy - do not believe the promises and assurances. Lying down is rest, peace, but one must be careful so that idleness does not drag on.
5. Bath- (Dream Interpretation of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Fill up the bath warm water- try to reflect on your life, does everything in it suit you? Most likely, after you find the opportunity to realize your creative abilities, you will feel much better. The apathy that has become habitual will disappear from life forever. Take warm nice bath and enjoy it - you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time. Communication will give both of you great pleasure. Memories of the past will resurrect your old dreams and desires, and you will feel younger. Being in a bath, from which all the water gradually leaves, - you do not have enough faith in your own strength. Apparently, some time ago, someone shook her hard, and you believed this person. Try to look at yourself from the outside - as if through the eyes of a person who loves you, and then you will understand that you need to treat yourself differently. Take a bath with aromatic oils - you consider yourself an aesthete, although in some situations you behave far from ideal. Stop admiring yourself and try to evaluate yourself more critically, this will do you good. You lie in a bathtub full of foam - you inexcusably rarely think about how others around you react to your words. You should be careful, otherwise you will lose the affection of those who are dear to you.

A bath in a dream is a symbol of suffering, illness and grief. A broken bath portends many problems and difficulties. bath with clean water- to problems in love relationships, especially if something floats in it. See interpretation: water, bath, wash.

Too much hot water in the bath - to scandals and conflicts. The hotter the water, the worse things will go and the bigger the scandal will be. It is considered a very good omen if you take a bath in a dream and enjoy it, because such a dream portends wealth, joy, health and good news.

A lot of trouble awaits you if in a dream you climbed into a bath of water right in your clothes. If other people prevented you from taking a bath, then beware of slanderers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Bath

Fill the bath with warm water: try to reflect on your life, does everything suit you in it? Most likely, after you find the opportunity to realize your creative abilities, you will feel much better.

The apathy that has become habitual will disappear from life forever.

Take a warm, pleasant bath and enjoy it: you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Communication will give both of you great pleasure.

Memories of the past will resurrect your old dreams and desires, and you will feel younger.

To be in a bath, from which all the water gradually leaves - you do not have enough faith in your own strength.

Apparently, some time ago, someone shook her hard, and you believed this person.

Try to look at yourself taking a bath with aromatic oils: you consider yourself an aesthete, although in some situations you behave far from ideal.

Stop admiring yourself and try to evaluate yourself more critically, this will do you good.

You lie in a bathtub full of foam: you inexcusably rarely think about how others around you react to your words.

You should be careful, otherwise you will lose the affection of those who are dear to you.

Mittens knit mittens in a dream for yourself or someone else: you can be let down by those whom you completely trust.

Try to be more careful in choosing those who know your secrets.

It is not pleasant to learn something about yourself from "third parties".

Finding someone else's mitten is a dream - you attach too great importance empty talk and gossip of those who have absolutely nothing to do with you.

Be more indifferent to such things.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of a bath

Miller's dream book

To dream that he (she) is taking a bath means great heart worries because of a beloved being and even fear of losing his good opinion of himself.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream is a warning about a possible accident, for a spouse it is a sign of possible infidelity.

If you are going to wash more than one - in reality beware of unkind companions on the road, as well as slander and slander against you.

Dirty water in the bath - indicates that evil is near you.

Cold and clean water - portends you joy and good health. In general, such dreams require cautious behavior from those who have seen them, thinking about their actions.

Why dream of a bath

Freud's dream book

Bath - is a symbol of the female genital organs.

A clean and sparkling bath - symbolizes your sexual irresistibility.

Washing in the bath - speaks of the desire to have children and portends an early pregnancy.

If you frolic in the bath, you are attracted to exquisite types of sex.

An injury received in the bath can mean a difficult pregnancy or diseases of the genital organs.

Why dream of a bath

Family dream book

For young people, taking a bath in a dream means great heart worries because of a loved one.

For spouses similar dream- a sign of possible infidelity.

If in a dream you are going to wash more than one - in reality you better beware of unkind companions and slander.

Dirty water in the bath - indicates that evil is lurking next to you.

Cold and clear water portends joy and good health.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The image of a bath, full or empty, in a dream - portends troubles that threaten to damage your reputation. Especially bad if the water in the bathroom is hot. Such a dream, as it were, calls you to cool your passions and calm your pride, the injections of which you may have to experience.

Cold, clear water - portends that you can easily cope with your troubles.

If the water in the bathroom is dirty and cloudy, this is often a sign of an impending illness.

Why dream of a bath

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

For a pregnant woman, taking a bath means the need to include fractional passive rest in the daily routine. In other cases - some kind of profit.

Empty bath - to ill health, filled hot water- to success in business; cold - do not rush.

A bath in which dirty linen is located - to an aggravation of relations with people close to you (whose underwear will be your unkind opponent).

Air bath - before you opens new opportunity to achieve the set goals.

Why dream of a bath

Spring dream book

An empty bath - to failure, illness.

Bathe in the bath - to success in love affairs.

Why dream of a bath

Summer dream book

If you dreamed of a bath filled with water, this is a sign of health.

Why dream of a bath

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a bathtub filled with clean water, but when you were about to get into the bathtub, the water evaporated from it in an incomprehensible way - beware of intrigues from your entourage.

Why dream of a bath

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream that you are bathing in a bath is a harbinger of well-being, but at the same time great heart worries because of a loved one, fear of losing your attractiveness and everlasting charm in his eyes. Therefore, such a dream suggests real life adopt a cautious and more deliberate behavior.

A dream in which you are sitting in the bath, and someone is soaping your back - in reality, beware of unreliable fellow travelers who may have common acquaintances with you: from them you can hear the most incredible and unpleasant things about yourself.

A bathtub full of dirty foam portends an imminent clash with undisguised evil.

Clean bath water that smells nice coniferous extract- a harbinger of joyful days and blooming health.

For a pregnant woman to see a bath in a dream is a warning about the possibility of being attacked, having an accident, or becoming a victim of any other accident.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bath with clean water or bathe in it - success in business or in love; empty - illness, loss.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Take a bath in a dream - to return the debt.

You dreamed that you were washing the bath - there is a lot of work to be done, but as a result you will get a large amount money.

Why dream of a bath

Esoteric dream book

To see a bath is a concern.

Foamy, soapy - do not believe the promises and assurances.

Lying down is rest, peace, but one must be careful so that idleness does not drag on.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you dream about how you are taking a bath - you are in for serious heart worries because of your close friend, the fear of losing his good opinion of yourself.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream serves as a warning about a possible accident, for a spouse - about the potential infidelity of his wife.

If in a dream you are not washing alone, beware of unkind companions on the road. You should be prepared for slander and slander against you.

Dirty water in the bath - symbolizes the evil that has appeared next to you.

Cold and clear water portends joy and good health. In any case, dreams with a bath require careful behavior from the dreamer, careful consideration of his actions and actions.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Good dream. Bathe in the bath - getting rid of illness and anxiety.

Why dream of a bath

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The bath is empty - disappointment, anger; full - success.

Why dream of a bath

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are taking a bath, this portends an acquaintance and rapprochement with a woman who, in addition to you, will also have intimate friends (if a man has a dream).

If a woman has a dream, you should expect a man to appear in your environment who will passionately harass you.

Why dream of a bath

Eastern dream book

Dirty water in the bath - symbolizes dishonest colleagues.

Warm water in the bathroom means evil.

Cold clear water - promises joyful messages and good health.

For a pregnant woman, a bath is a warning about a possible miscarriage.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

bathe in it success in business and love; empty failure and sickness and loss.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see in a dream a bath in which the water is dirty - you have to face evil; but you can defeat him only with an open visor, demonstrating your nobility; fighting evil, do not use its weapons, otherwise you will get dirty and not wash off. The bath seems to be filled with clean water - pleasure and joy await you; positive emotions will strengthen your health. You take a bath, you bask in warm water, you feel good - in real life you are looking for intimacy with your loved one; but at the same time you have a restless heart: you are afraid of losing the respect of your loved one - because then you will lose everything. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, then this woman should be more attentive to her health; she must be more careful not to be the victim of an accident. A man sees in a dream his wife taking a bath - this man has reason to suspect his wife of infidelity; he must take some steps if he does not want to receive his wife's heels by mail, if he does not want to, standing in front of a mirror, study his reflection on the subject - have horns appeared

Why dream of a bath

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To be in the bathroom - worries, illness, hard work.

Warm to accept - to the disease.

Take cold - to health.

Seeing an empty bath is sadness.

Filled with blood - the danger of sudden death.

Therapeutic baths - well-being.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The bath is full or empty - the state of affairs, respectively.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

A careless word or action can harm your professional activity, Imagine that the bath grows to the size of a pool or lake. You swim in transparent clean water. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, you feel wonderful.

Why dream of a bath

Dream interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Sometimes in dreams we wash ourselves in a bathroom, a bathhouse. These actions may indicate that the dreamer has a feeling of guilt, a desire to correct some mistakes, "wash away the guilt."

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

The bathroom is all about fluids in the body.

Why dream of a bath

Modern dream book

Bath (bath in clean water) - Good luck in business; empty bath - failure, loss

Baths - Take - well-being.

Dreaming of a bathroom - Dreaming of a bath - well-being. Swimming in it (if clean water) - success in business, cloudy water- disease. Sometimes the bathroom is a coffin.

Why dream of a bath

Creative dream book

1. If we dream that we are in a bath, this may mean that we need to cleanse ourselves of some old feelings, we need to rest, relax. There is an opportunity to understand what happened in the past, and to know the New relationship. 2. If you dream that we are bathing someone, this means our need for teaching and education, or for an intimate relationship with that person. 3. Shared bath presupposes innocence together with sensuality.

Why dream of a bath

English dream book

The two main functions of the bath, both in dreams and in real life: here you can wash yourself, relax perfectly and relieve muscle tension. What is the dream about: Did you enjoy lying relaxed in the bathroom, perhaps with your favorite book and a glass of wine? Or did you shower? Do you feel the need to wash clean of something you did and now regret but still haunts you? This symbolizes the water in the bathroom you are sitting in, instead of letting it run down the drain, as it would if you were showering. See also Waterfall

Why dream of a bath

Russian dream book

Bath - bathe in it - success in business and love; empty - failure, loss.

Why dream of a bath

Jewish dream book

A bath filled with wine - to the fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Accept hot bath A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will receive a message that will make you very happy, but which should not be trusted too much; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this means that your despondency will pass and you will regain your self-confidence; this dream, which occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday, means that you can rush to agree to a risky offer. Feel the cold while taking a bath A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will find out news that will sadden you; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to despondency and bad mood; having a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that you can be deceived in your premonitions. If the water suddenly stops flowing while swimming, you need to wait for changes in your relationship with a long-term and well-known person.

Why dream of a bath

Women's dream book

Bath - If you dream about how you take a bath, you will have serious heart worries because of your close friend, the fear of losing his good opinion of yourself. For a pregnant woman, such a dream serves as a warning about a possible accident, for a spouse - about the potential infidelity of his wife.

If in a dream you are not washing alone, beware of unkind companions on the road. You should be prepared for slander and slander against you. Dirty bath water symbolizes the evil that has appeared next to you. Cold and clear water portends joy and good health. In any case, dreams with a bath require careful behavior from the dreamer, careful consideration of his actions and actions.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Bath - the desire to get rid of guilt. Bathe in the bath - spiritual cleansing.

Why dream of a bath

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Taking baths is well-being.

Why dream of a bath

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Baths to take - well-being.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of the Future

If you take a bath in a dream - this is for a love story; if someone else is in the bath with you - beware of unkind advisers or fellow travelers; dirty water in the bath - indicates that evil is near you and you need to be careful, carefully consider all your actions.

Why dream of a bath

Online dream book

Bath in a dream - promises you some kind of ablution.

For a man to accept her - a dream promises a rapprochement with a lady who, in addition to you, will also have sexual partners, or new acquaintances with the opposite sex, but for a woman

If you dream of dirty water in the bathroom - your employees are not honest people and you can be deceived.

Take a bath that warm water- wait famously. If the water is cool and clear

If it is empty, expect melancholy.

Hit or break something in the bathroom - according to the interpretation of the dream book, this dream promises you an intimate illness or a difficult interesting situation.

A girl in an interesting position dreamed of a bath - warns of the danger of abortion.

Swimming together for a young couple - get ready for strong feelings for your lover.

Going to take a bath in a dream with someone - you need to avoid not good fellow travelers and slander.

Why dream of a bath

Universal dream book

Bath in a dream - can be both an interesting and disturbing symbol. It depends on where she is in the dream.

If she is at your work, it means that you are making financially unprofitable decisions. Again, if it is in the place where your partnership develops with someone, then you cannot do without losses.

If the bath is in your home, in nature or in any pleasant place, it symbolizes purification, rebirth and the birth of a new one.

Who is in the bath? You? - Do you feel comfortable and satisfied or feel uncomfortable? Are you relaxed and satisfied with yourself, or do you feel that you are cutting off oxygen?

If in a dream you see an empty bath, you may be worried that your ideas are being ignored.

Seeing a bath in a dream is also a sign that you need to “cleanse” some area of ​​your life. Perhaps you should sort out something and get rid of the unnecessary.

In a dream, are you completely submerged in water, or do your legs and arms stick out of the water? Do you feel like you can't fully protect yourself?

Is the bath too hot? Perhaps you or someone you know is in trouble.

Maybe the water is too cold? - perhaps you have lost interest in some business or some person has lost interest in you.

Why dream of a bath

American dream book

Bath - cleansing.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Bathe in clean water in a bath - success in business; in the dirty - the disease.

Why dream of a bath

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For young people who dream that they are taking a bath - such a dream promises heartfelt experiences because of a loved one or beloved. It is quite possible that the sleeper will experience great anxiety, fearing betrayal and betrayal by his lover (lover).

If a dream is dreaming married man- he should be wary of infidelity on the part of his wife. A pregnant woman who has a dream about a bath may have a difficult birth. Such a dream portends an unfavorable outcome for a woman in labor.

If you dream that you are washing in dirty water - beware of betrayal from the outside. loved one. Perhaps your beloved (beloved) maintains a relationship with you only because of his own benefit.

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