Patterns for frameless furniture. Instructions for making frameless furniture with your own hands Do-it-yourself frameless chair for children

Having appeared more than forty years ago, frameless furniture continues to be a trend in the modern furniture industry, finding more and more new areas of application. And the inventors of this type of furniture were three young Italian designers who proposed a revolutionary change in the appearance of furniture that is familiar to us. Frameless furniture, or Sacco in Italian, is a container filled with small beads of polystyrene foam. At first, it was a simple bag, but over time the shapes of the Sacco changed so much that at first glance you couldn’t tell that it was a Sacco.

Frameless furniture has found a wide range of uses - in houses and apartments, in country houses and in country houses, in entertainment venues, in medical institutions, and wherever you can find it. And it’s in place everywhere.

What is so attractive about frameless furniture?

Firstly, this is, of course, originality. After the stumps and stones on which our not very civilized ancestors sat, after the chairs, tables, armchairs, beds of the civilized world, made of wood, metal or plastic, something radically different from both appeared.
Secondly, convenience and comfort. This type of furniture takes all the curves of your body, and all your muscles relax. A great way to relax.
Thirdly, safety. You cannot bump into frameless furniture and get injured. This is especially true when used in children's rooms.
Fourthly, environmental friendliness. The filler is a hypoallergenic substance and does not emit harmful substances. Other materials used are also hypoallergenic.
Fifthly, creativity. The flight of imagination when creating frameless furniture is limitless. Can be used various materials or combinations thereof, create the most various shapes, which when used traditional materials creating is problematic, you can use filler balls different sizes, etc. and so on.
Sixth, mobility. Frameless furniture is light - 5-6 kg, so it is not difficult to move it from place to place. When transporting, it takes up minimal space.
And this is just a small part of the advantages of frameless furniture. Anyone can find many more advantages.
And one more advantage of frameless furniture. Any housewife can make it. Now we will demonstrate this to you.

DIY frameless furniture

Let's make a frameless sofa like this.

As a rule, frameless furniture is made of two covers. One contains a filler, the second is external, performing decorative function. In addition, it can be easily removed and washed if it gets dirty.
The inner cover is made of durable mixed fabric or polyester fabric, such as Oxford. The outer cover is made of dense non-stretch fabric. It is better not to use lint fabrics; dust and pet hair accumulate on them.
Necessary materials for frameless furniture:
- Oxford 600 fabric 2.5 m
- reinforced threads No. 70ll
- zipper No. 5 30 cm
- sewing machine and needles No. 100
- scissors
- chalk
- expanded polystyrene granules 3 kg
- tape and a plastic bottle.

We cut the fabric according to the drawing with tolerances of 1.5 cm.

Pin the back and bottom together with the right sides facing inward and stitch to the place where you decide to install the zipper. Then we sew them together with a hand seam, straighten the seam allowances and sew on the zipper.

We rip out the temporary seams.

The front part and the back are cleaved with the front side inward and ground down. Then they are cleaved and overcast with details of the bottom and back.

The seams are processed with an overlocker or the seam allowance is folded in half and stitched.

Grind the front part. Then the cover is turned inside out and a stitch is laid around the perimeter of the front part, securing a 0.7 cm fold with it. This edging will strengthen the seam and give visual rigidity to the cover.

Then the case is filled with foam.

Pay attention to the filler for frameless furniture. The foam balls must be separate, correct form, clean and dry. It is advisable that the granules be the same size and not very small, then the sofa will turn out to be heavy. Best size granules - 4-5 mm.
The filler is poured into frameless furniture using a simple homemade device- funnels. A 1.5 liter plastic bottle (preferably with a “waist”) is used to make a neck through which the filler will be poured. We secure the neck of the case and the bag with filling with tape.

The cover is filled 2/3 with polystyrene foam granules. This optimal quantity. It is better to buy granules with a reserve, since they will shrink during use.
The outer cover is made in the same way, but it is necessary to provide a zipper of the required length so that the inner cover can be pulled out. And attach a couple of eyelets to it for quick air release when sitting on the sofa.
That's all. Use and enjoy homemade frameless furniture.

Modern furniture, which is offered by numerous furniture stores, has high cost. Not all models are different high quality and long service life, so many people are thinking about the possibility of creating various items on their own. An interesting choice is frameless furniture, which allows you to comfortably and conveniently accommodate all guests in one room. It does not involve any frames or solid objects. Do-it-yourself frameless furniture is created quite simply and quickly, for which you can use improvised materials. The process does not require much time, money or effort, and the products look good in almost any interior.

Making frameless furniture with your own hands is a simple process. With its help, it is possible to obtain interior items that have many advantages:

  • High comfort of use - since high-quality fillers create an unusual weightlessness effect and provide complete relaxation;
  • Safety - due to the absence of sharp corners or other dangerous elements and low weight, which is especially important for families with children;
  • Excellent mobility - allows you to move such furniture from one place to another without significant effort;
  • Environmental cleanliness - due to the absence of any harmful or dangerous components in the design;
  • Easy to care for – the outer cover is easily removed and washed;
  • Ease of repair, if the need arises - if the outer cover is damaged, it is quite easy to remove and repair it, and a new cover can be made at any time;
  • Manufacturing frameless furniture is considered simple process, therefore, each person can do it independently, which will save a significant amount of money;
  • Interesting appearance furniture allows you to decorate the interior and make the room unique and bright.

Frameless interior items do not fit into all interiors, therefore, if classics are used to decorate the room, then bean bags will not go well with carved antique furniture or business furnishings. If you decide to make a certain frameless product yourself, then first prepare necessary materials and tools for this work. These include:

  • Fabric for the inner and outer cover, and in the first case it should be dense and breathable, but for the outer element you can choose different types upholstery fabric;
  • Reinforced threads with high strength;
  • Zipper, which can be tractor or spiral;
  • To work, you will need a high-quality sewing machine equipped with needles No. 100, designed for working with dense and heavy fabrics;
  • Special tailor's scissors, with the help of which fabric is cut evenly and efficiently;
  • Wax chalk for transferring patterns onto the material;
  • Expanded polystyrene, presented in the form of granules (if you are creating a small bean bag chair, 3 kg of this material will be enough);
  • Scotch.

The amount of fabric and padding material completely depends on what kind of furniture is being formed, so patterns and calculations are made in advance. Based on the results obtained, it is purchased required quantity material with which you can easily make frameless furniture.

Manufacturing technology

If a beginner is doing the work, then it is advisable to initially try to make a simple product, for example, a bean bag chair, and after obtaining a high-quality result, you can try to make complex, unusual and original models.

How to make frameless furniture? The procedure is considered simple, but is implemented in successive stages, each of which has its own characteristics. First, materials for work are selected, after which the base is formed. Next, patterns are made or found and furniture covers are created. Internal element filled with padding material, which will allow you to get a beautiful and original product.

Forming the Foundation

In the most simple options a round or oval base is used. If you have experience creating patterns, you can try to do more complex options. Although due to the soft filler, represented by balls of foam rubber, polystyrene foam or other materials, the products do not hold their shape, the furniture should still have a certain appearance. Due to the ability of furniture to follow the contours of the human body, such products are classified as orthopedic. The shape of the products depends on the type of furniture chosen.

Type of furniture Her shape
Bag chair It has a standard round or slightly elongated oval shape. This configuration is similar to standard products that are not equipped with armrests.
Pear chair It has an oval shape and completely lacks corners or additional elements.
Represented by a rectangle small size, so it doesn't take up much space.
Poof Its shape can be a cylinder or a square. Such frameless furniture does not require much space and is convenient to use.
Ball Is round product having different sizes.
Pyramid It has a corresponding triangular shape. The advantage of choosing such furniture is that it perfectly supports not only your back, but also your head.
Sofa Consists of several modules with a rectangular shape. Due to the lack of a frame, they are connected only by fabric, and certain models can be transformed into a bed.

Bag chair

Thus, you first need to choose the type of furniture, after which its shape and size are determined. The base is created using durable fabric, for which the following steps are performed:

  • The furniture that will be formed with your own hands is determined;
  • The material for the inner bag is selected;
  • A drawing is constructed using suitable tools;
  • Patterns are transferred to the selected material using chalk;
  • All base elements are carefully cut out;
  • They are sewn together using strong threads, leaving space for a zipper;
  • A zipper is sewn in.

The resulting base is ready for filling with filler.

Choosing fabric

Making a drawing

Making patterns

Sew patterns

Sew in a zipper

Upholstery selection

Upholstery is used to create an outer cover. The most frequently selected fabrics are those that are characterized by high strength, density, and resistance to stains. They easily withstand various impacts and serve long time. For the manufacture of frameless furniture, it is not advisable to choose silk, satin or calico, as they quickly lose their attractive appearance during use. To create the inner cover, a fabric with high strength and density is selected; for the outer cover, decorative fabrics are used. To create the inner cover, a fabric with high strength and density is selected, but the appearance does not matter, so standard white material is usually purchased.

The most suitable materials for sewing frameless furniture are considered:

  • Velor is a soft fleecy fabric, pleasant to the touch and pliable to use;
  • Flock is ideal for furniture installed in a children's room. The material does not fade, is easy to clean and wash;
  • Chenille is a natural fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers, so the material is highly durable and easy to care for;
  • Jacquard is also formed using synthetic fibers and has good strength. It is easy to work with and easy to care for afterwards;
  • Artificial leather – easy to care for, attractive in appearance and highly durable;
  • Tapestry is a natural fabric in which the interweaving of fibers is easily visible, and to create it, threads of different colors are used, which intertwine to form beautiful patterns.

We sew the inner bag from any unnecessary but durable fabric neutral shades, and the external one should not only be reliable and durable, but also stylish in appearance.

Natural jacquard


Sewing bags requires patterns of frameless furniture, which can be made on paper yourself or downloaded from the Internet. Usually on different websites you can find photos of the furniture itself along with patterns. In this case, you can choose optimal model, print out the diagrams, transfer the elements onto the fabric and sew the bag.

If you plan to make patterns yourself, then this process is performed in sequential steps:

  • It is determined what size the product will have;
  • It is decided what parts it will consist of;
  • Special tracing paper with 2.5 or 5 cm cells is prepared;
  • All future furniture elements are marked on paper, and if a bean bag chair is created, then 4 sidewalls, 2 round parts and segments are created rectangular shape for the handle, if provided;
  • While working, you must use a ruler, pencil, compass and other writing utensils to ensure the evenness and correctness of the elements;
  • Next, you need to make seam allowances to obtain patterns that differ in clearly matched cuts and the direction of the warp thread.

Once the necessary pattern for a specific frameless furniture has been prepared, the elements are transferred to the fabric. For this, special wax or regular chalk is used. It is advisable to make the bottom double to increase strength. Patterns are transferred with a small seam allowance of 1 to 1.5 cm, if the patterns are made without taking them into account. If you have difficulties creating patterns, you can contact the studio, where specialists will quickly cope with this task.

Determining the dimensions of the chair

We purchase tracing paper

Making elements of future furniture

We create patterns

How to sew

Once all the parts are prepared, you can start sewing. The master class for creating cases with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • Initially, the wedges are sewn together, for which they are folded with the front side inward and connected on one side, while it is important to leave an allowance of approximately 10 mm;
  • The front side of the wedges is stitched;
  • A zipper is sewn into the side of one side, and it is desirable that its length be at least 40 cm, as this will ensure ease of filling the bag with granules;
  • At the top of the cover you need to sew Velcro to ensure that the cover inside will not wrinkle;
  • The inner bag is filled with the selected granules;
  • After creating this element, the production of the outer case begins, the same principle is used for this;
  • The difference is a longer zipper (about a meter);
  • Velcro is attached to the inside;
  • The inner cover is inserted into the outer one, after which the Velcro is connected.

To strengthen the seams, you can overlock them or fold the allowances, after which a stitch is applied to them. Properly sewn frameless furniture will be beautiful and durable, and will also cope well with different loads.

Sewing the wedges

Sew in a zipper

Sew on Velcro

Fill the bag with granules

Making an outer case

Insert the outer cover into the inner one

What to fill with

Frameless products are distinguished by the absence of any solid objects; they are filled only with special granules. Fillers are usually sold by companies involved in insulating various structures.

The most popular are polystyrene granules, they are:

  • They have a white color;
  • They are environmentally friendly and therefore safe for people;
  • Have water-repellent properties;
  • Reasonable price.

For frameless furniture, it is advisable to choose small granules that are easily distributed in the bag. The required number of elements depends on the dimensions of the covers. Bags are filled 2/3 full.

In addition to polystyrene granules, you can use elements made from foam plastic, but they are quite fragile. Some people prefer to use down or feathers to fill their cases, but over time they get lost and can also cause allergic reactions.

How to decorate

Frameless furniture can not only be created with your own hands, but also decorated. Even without various decorations, she looks great in different interiors, but you can additionally decorate it in various interesting ways:

  • Appliqués that are sewn onto various large parts of furniture, and patterns and designs are selected for this that match the style of the interior and color scheme rooms;
  • Do-it-yourself embroidery, and for this purpose only strong and bright threads are selected, and it is also usually used for children's chairs in the form of cartoon characters;
  • Often different pockets are sewn onto such furniture, where you can put small toys, newspapers or other small items.

Thus, frameless furniture is considered an interesting choice for different rooms. It can be created from different fabrics with a variety of colors and properties. There are many models of such furniture, differing in shape and size, so you can choose a product that is ideal for a specific room. If desired, it can be created with your own hands and can also be decorated. different ways, so it will become the highlight of any interior.

A beanbag chair is a comfortable frameless furniture that is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. The product will perfectly decorate interior interior children's room, bedroom or living room. The chair is comfortable due to its compactness and low weight. If desired, it can be moved to another room, put in a closet or transported in the trunk passenger car. You can do it yourself. Use this tutorial to make your own bean bag chair.

These frameless chairs have the main advantage - the absence of a rigid frame. IN classic version they are pear or teardrop shaped. To select a design, you can view the photo. As a base, you can use a ball or a plain fabric of bright color.

The furniture is presented in a bag with loose and soft filling. It seems to imitate liquid. An effect appears similar to that when there is water in the inner case.

The furniture takes on the shape of the body of a sitting person, evenly taking on his weight. After a couple of minutes, you will feel how your muscles and body relax, and the load is removed from your lower back. An additional warming effect is provided by the low thermal conductivity of the filler.

Among the main advantages of a bean bag chair are the following:

  • Thanks to the use of loose filler, the level of comfort increases;
  • Frameless furniture is suitable for children, as it does not have sharp corners and is environmentally friendly;
  • Soft chairs are very practical, as they can be moved without any problems while cleaning the floors;
  • The child seat fits perfectly into the interior when making the right choice models;
  • To maintain order, just wash the removable cover.

If you have planned renovation work indoors or a complete change in design, do not throw away the chair you made. It is enough to add filler to it and sew a new cover so that it fits the new interior design.

On video: How can you use a chair bag?

Making a chair (MK)

How to sew a bean bag chair with your own hands without mistakes? Understand the design of the product. It includes two elements - outer and inner covers. Styrofoam balls or polystyrene are poured into the inner case. The material used is ordinary calico or lining material. The bag with the filling should have a small zipper. This will allow you to replace the balls when the previous ones become wrinkled from frequent use.

A zipper and a small handle are attached to the outer cover to make it convenient to carry the chair around the house. When creating a bean bag chair with your own hands according to the master class, keep in mind that you need to choose a material that is dense and wear-resistant. Among them you can choose raincoat fabric, leather substitute, denim or curtain fabric.

The following materials are used for work:

  • filler in the amount of 300 l;
  • textiles for the inner cover in the amount of 3 m;
  • two zippers, the length of which is 40 and 100 cm;
  • material for the outer cover is about 3 m.

Before making a bean bag chair with your own hands, the patterns are transferred to graph paper. You can do without this if you can make a pattern on the fabric using soap.


Typically, foam balls or polystyrene foam granules are used. This is the simplest and most hygienic material. The balls do not absorb sweat, odors and dirt. This is ideal if you plan to use frameless furniture in the dining room, kitchen, showroom or cafe. As for expanded polystyrene, insects do not grow in it and it is non-hygroscopic. An ottoman made from this material is easy to sew and is the most affordable.

Are you wondering how to sew a pear chair using natural materials? When choosing an organic filler, furniture can be used in a room with low humidity. Otherwise, the bags will begin to mold after stitching. The following natural fillers can be used:

  • horsehair;
  • wood shavings;
  • down, feathers or wool;
  • millet, rice or peas;
  • seeds, buckwheat husks or grass.

If you plan to sew a bean bag chair using a pattern from sawdust, consider their quality. As you fill the pear with your own hands, inspect the shavings. All chips must be removed from it, otherwise there is a possibility of getting a splinter or scratches. The easiest way is to use cedar shavings. Its smell is pleasant, but repels insects. This filler also has pronounced healing properties.

Important! A DIY pear chair made from fluff can provoke allergic reaction. Do not use it for a child's room or plan to make it for the room of someone with allergies.

Stages of work

A suitable model of a frameless chair can be found in numerous photos. Then use the easiest method available to stitch the product. If you have the materials, you can quickly get the job done. The following step-by-step instructions apply:

1. Pattern. Before you start creating a frameless chair with your own hands, make a pattern. Find suitable option, transfer it onto the fabric with maximum precision. Don't forget to mark the allowances you will need for the seams. Carry the bean bag chair pattern, saving space. This will allow you to waste less fabric. At least 1.5 cm will be left on the seams so that they do not unravel due to the strong tension of the material. For each case you will need 6 wedges. One hexagon or circle will be required for the bottom and top of the product for each case.

2. Formation of the outer cover. After creating your DIY bean bag chair pattern, move on to stitching. Place the two wedges together with right sides facing in. Sew 15 cm from the bottom and top to leave room for sewing a 100 cm zipper. We baste the zipper and sew it with a machine. Another wedge is added to one side and the seam is ironed. Sew other parts in the same way. After this, the base with the bottom is sewn.

3. Formation of the inner cover. We sew this cover in the same way. But the exception is the zipper, the length of which is 40 cm. Sew 45 cm from the bottom and top.

4. Padding. Let's get to the point last stage. If you are using artificial material, stuff your bag while wearing a respirator mask. Fill the case 2/3 full. This makes the chair softer.

So, using this step-by-step plan, you will get the job done in no time. Just buy what you need, make a simpler pattern and sew the parts. The resulting product must correspond to the design of the room in which it is planned to be used.

Since its appearance on the market, frameless upholstered furniture has won a strong place in the interior of residential premises. The most striking representative of this type of furnishing is the bean bag chair. It can also be found in libraries, cinemas and even parks. You won’t be able to get as comfortable on any sofa as you can on this design. An additional advantage of this type of furniture is that sewing a bean bag chair with your own hands will not be difficult.

Beanbag, bean bag, pouf chair – there are many names for a soft frameless chair. There are no fewer varieties of it. It can take a variety of forms:

  • square or rectangular;
  • pear shape;
  • round;
  • in the form of a flower, some kind of fruit, heart, puck, etc.

The choice of shape depends only on the preferences of the future owner of the chair. The following can be used as filler:

  • polystyrene foam balls;
  • beans, peas;
  • shavings, sawdust, feathers.

It is easy to purchase any of the fillers. The most preferred is polystyrene foam. It does not cause allergies, cannot mold, or attract rodents or insects. For country house It's better to use only it. In addition, a soft ottoman filled with it will turn out to be especially comfortable - it will take a convenient shape for a person sitting or lying on it, and its granules, unlike beans and peas, are not at all hard. It is better to choose small balls, as large ones will quickly wrinkle.

The volume of padding depends on the size of the bean bag chair. A chair for an adult may require from 250 to 350 liters. It is better to purchase 400 liters of polystyrene foam. The remainder will be useful for the future, since during use the material becomes wrinkled and can be replenished about once a year.

  • Filling the case with granules
  • Useful tips for making frameless furniture

Frameless furniture appeared on Russian market relatively recently. In just a few years, it has managed to win the love of consumers: nowadays bean bags, soft poufs and sofas can be found in many apartments, houses and offices. Many people decide to decorate the interior of a room without the help of specialists. Do-it-yourself frameless furniture will become great solution in this situation.

Pattern of a frameless chair.

The absence of a rigid frame makes such furniture safe. It has no corners that you can hit, and no crossbar in it will break. Such furniture is comfortable, it is very comfortable to relax in it. Thanks to easy chair, pouf or sofa takes the shape of the body, muscles relax. DIY frameless furniture is ideal for a nursery. In addition, it is easy to transport and can be installed in any, even the smallest room.

Such furniture does not require special care; it is enough to clean it from dust and wash the removable covers from time to time. Many chairs and poufs are made of water-repellent materials, so to restore their cleanliness, you can wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth. Furniture is usually made from durable and bright materials, which, in combination with its non-standard form Children will definitely like it. In addition, such furniture does not make any creaks, because there is nothing in it to creak. The main disadvantage of ready-made frameless furniture is its price, because not everyone is willing to pay several thousand rubles for a sofa or chair of this type. But you can make such furniture with your own hands.

Features of sewing upholstered furniture with your own hands

Scheme of a bean bag chair.

The main point when making frameless furniture with your own hands is the choice suitable type fabrics. The inner cover should be made of durable, wear-resistant fabric that will not tear at the seams. When choosing fabric for the outer cover, you can get a little creative and choose denim, soft velor or bright leather fabric, in general, one that fits perfectly into the interior of your room.

Another important detail is the filler. The best option for filling frameless furniture is polystyrene foam. You can buy this material at furniture store. If foam was used in the renovation, you may have some left over. It needs to be crumbled into balls, the result will be good filler for your pouf or armchair. If you prefer natural materials, furniture can be stuffed with buckwheat husks or hay, however, in this case, you will have to change the filling every six months to a year, because plant materials are susceptible to moisture absorption, and they become compressed over time.

You need to pay attention to the seams. They must be durable; furniture parts are best sewn together with thick reinforced threads with a strong seam. The seams must be checked in advance for strength, otherwise the chair may unexpectedly tear and its filling will scatter throughout the room.

Pattern of a ball chair.

The most difficult thing in making frameless furniture is cutting the fabric. You can start with simple pouf, you will have to work a little when cutting a teardrop-shaped chair, or a chair in the shape of a pyramid and a pear. After the fabric is cut and the inner cover is sewn, you can proceed to filling the product. In this case, precautions should be strictly observed, since polystyrene foam balls, due to their light weight may fall into Airways. In addition, the bag should not be filled very tightly; it should be filled 2/3 so that the chair is soft and can take the shape of the body. The final stage There will be sewing of the outer cover and putting it on the bag. As a result, you will get amazingly comfortable and inexpensive furniture, perfect for any interior.

Thus, frameless furniture is rightfully an integral part of almost every interior: they are used in recreation areas office premises, and the most fashionable and creative people have more than one similar piece of furniture in their home. You can do this too, and the master class will help you with this: frameless furniture yourself.

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How to make frameless furniture with your own hands: sewing steps

In order to make this type of furniture with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Oxford fabric;
  • granulated polystyrene foam;
  • durable reinforced threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • a set of needles for heavy fabrics;
  • tailor's scissors;
  • tractor or spiral zipper;
  • wax chalk;
  • scotch;
  • plastic bottle.

Scheme of a frameless chair.

Work begins by cutting the material according to the chosen pattern, adding seam allowances of 1.5 cm on each side to the main dimensions. The side elements must be cut out according to a previously developed paper pattern. This will help you get symmetrical details. The parts of the bottom and back must be pinned together with the right side inward and sewn to the place where the zipper will be sewn. You need to leave 30 cm of the seam unstitched. The parts need to be sewn together with a temporary seam, the allowances should be straightened, and a zipper should be sewn on. Temporary ones must be deleted after this.

The back piece and the front piece need to be pinned facing inward and sewn. After that, they are swept away with the elements of the bottom and back. All seams can be processed using an overlocker or a seam that imitates it, which is available on all modern cars. Another way to reinforce seams is to fold the seam allowance in half and then stitch over it.

After this, baste and sew front part. These seams do not require additional reinforcement. The product must be turned inside out and stitched around the perimeter of the front part, forming a fold 7 mm high. The resulting edging is necessary to strengthen the seams and give visual rigidity to the furniture.