The author is a wonderful doctor. The story of the wonderful doctor

Two brothers - Volodya and Grisha stood near the window and looked at what was behind it. And there was something to see - mountains of red apples, oranges and tangerines, smoked and pickled fish, chicken legs, sausages and even a pig with greens in its mouth. Swallowing saliva and sighing heavily, the boys unstuck from the glass and went home. They were returning from the task that their mother gave them - to take a letter to the master asking for help.

Soon they reached their dwelling - a rickety dilapidated house with a stone cellar and a wooden top. Having gone down to the basement and found their door, they again plunged into their usual poverty. The basement smelled of dirty baby clothes, rats and dampness. In the corner, on a large dirty bed, lay a sick seven-year-old girl, and under the ceiling was a cradle with a screaming baby. An emaciated, pale mother was kneeling near the sick girl, not forgetting to rock the cradle.

Hearing that the guys had come in, she immediately turned her face to them and, with hope in her eyes, began to ask them if they had handed over the letter to the master.

However, the brothers disappointed her, saying that the porter did not take a letter from them for the master and drove them away. And Volodya even gave a slap on the back of the head.

The mother stopped asking questions and offered them borscht.

Suddenly, steps were heard in the corridor and everyone turned to the door, waiting for someone to enter it. It was Mertsalov, their father and husband. The wife did not question him, she understood everything from his eyes. He was in despair.

This year in the Mertsalov family was full of troubles. First, the head of the family fell ill with typhoid fever, and all the money was spent on his treatment. When he was cured, it turned out that his place was taken and he had to look for new job. The family is mired in poverty, pledge and re-pledge of things, hunger, lack of money. And then the kids started getting sick. One daughter has died, now the second lies unconscious in the heat, and the mother still needs to feed the baby and go to the other end of the city, where she washed clothes for money.

All day today, Mertsalov walked around the city and asked for money from anyone he could. And the children were sent with a letter to Mertsalov's former employer. But everywhere there were only refusals and excuses.

After sitting a little on the chest, Mertsalov resolutely got up and went to beg. Imperceptibly he reached the garden and sat down on garden bench. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind and he put his hand under his vest, where there was a thick rope. He decided to die quickly, not gradually. He did not want to think about poverty and the sick Mashutka.

In the meantime, the creak of footsteps was heard in the garden, which pulled Mertsalov out of his reverie. Soon an old man came up to the bench and asked permission to sit on the bench next to Mertsalov.

Mertsalov turned away and moved to the edge of the bench. They were silent for several minutes while the unfamiliar old man smoked.

The old man began to tell Mertsalov that he had bought gifts for the children, which infuriated Mertsalov, and he yelled at the old man and told him about his plight. But, the old man was not offended, but said that he was a doctor and asked Mertsalov to show him the sick girl.

Soon they were already at Mertsalov's house. The doctor examined the girl and prescribed medicine. And then he left, shaking hands with his parents and wishing him good luck. Mertsalov was dumbfounded, and then rushed after the doctor to find out his last name. But he did not catch up and did not recognize. Returning, Mertsalov found money under the saucer.

He went to the pharmacy for the medicines prescribed by the doctor and there, on the prescription, he saw that the wonderful doctor was named Pirogov.

And soon the family's affairs improved - Mashutka recovered, Mertsalov found a job, and even Grishka found a good place in the bank. The whole family believes that this is all thanks to their savior - the wonderful doctor Pirogov.

Author of the reader's diary

Electronic reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book Theme, idea of ​​the book Main characters Plot Date of reading
Kuprin A.I. Miraculous Doctor Kindness and help of doctors Mertsalov family, Dr. Pirogov Two brothers - Volodya and Grisha Mertsalov were standing near the shop window, where there were mountains of red apples, oranges and tangerines, smoked and pickled fish, chicken legs, sausages and even a pig with greens in its mouth. Swallowing saliva and sighing heavily, they returned home with a letter that they could not convey to the master asking for help.

The boys lived in the basement of a dilapidated house. The basement smelled of dirty baby clothes, rats and dampness. In the corner, on a large dirty bed, lay a sick seven-year-old girl, and under the ceiling was a cradle with a screaming baby. An emaciated, pale mother was kneeling near the sick girl, not forgetting to rock the cradle. Father Mertsalov was in despair. Mertsalov decided to hang himself. He did not want to think about poverty and the sick Mashutka and about his family. But by coincidence, an old man sat down on the bench next to Mertsalov, who turned out to be very responsive to the misfortune of a simple, unfamiliar person. Soon they were already at Mertsalov's house. He examined the girl and prescribed medicine, and on the prescription after the stranger left, the guys saw that the wonderful doctor had the surname Pirogov. And soon the family's affairs improved - Mashutka recovered, Mertsalov found a job and even Grishka found a good place in the bank. The whole family believes that this is all thanks to their savior - the wonderful doctor Pirogov.


book cover illustration

About the author of the book

Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), writer. Born on September 7, 1870 in the city of Narovchat, Penza province. At the age of one, he lost his father, who died of cholera. The mother arrived in Moscow in 1874 and, due to her difficult financial situation, was forced to send her son to an orphanage. In 1880, Kuprin entered the 2nd Moscow Military Gymnasium (since 1882, the Cadet Corps), and in 1888, the Moscow and Alexander Military School. He made his first literary experiments while studying in the cadet corps, and in 1889 his story “The Last Debut” was published, for which the author received a disciplinary sanction at the school). In 1890-1894. Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, served in the Podolsk province. After retiring, he settled in Kyiv, in 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, and then to Sevastopol. For a decade, the retired officer lived in constant poverty, surviving on odd jobs. However, it was during these years that Kuprin became a writer, which was largely facilitated by his friendship with I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. Then the stories "Moloch" (1896), "Duel" (1905), "Pit" (1909 - 1915), the story "Garnet Bracelet" (1911) were written. In 1909, Kuprin's talent was awarded the Pushkin Prize. The writer actively participated in public life: in 1905, he helped a group of sailors from the rebel cruiser Ochakov escape from police pursuit. At the beginning of the First World War, Kuprin went to the front as a volunteer, and after demobilization for health reasons in 1915, he organized own house hospital for the wounded. The writer met the February Revolution of 1917 with joy, becoming close to the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, but the events of October 1917 and the ensuing Civil War disappointed him. Kuprin joined the army of N. N. Yudenich, and in 1920 he left for France. The most significant work created in exile was the autobiographical novel "Junker" (1928-1932). Homesickness forced Kuprin to return to the USSR in 1937, where famous writer received quite favorably. But he lived in Soviet Russia not for long. He died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad. Buried at Volkovo Cemetery.

word cloud

My impressions of the book

This story touched me to the core. When I read, I was overcome by various feelings: pity for the children, indignation at the terrible thoughts of the father of the family, pride in the doctor.

Kyiv. The Mertsalov family has been huddled in the damp basement of an old house for more than a year. Most youngest child hungry and screaming in his cradle. The girl is older heat but there is no money for medicine. On New Year's Eve, Mertsalova sends her two eldest sons to the man for whom her husband worked as a manager. The woman hopes that he will help them, but the children are kicked out without giving a penny.

In this terrible fateful year, misfortune after misfortune persistently and ruthlessly rained down on Mertsalov and his family.

Mertsalov fell ill with typhus. While he was recovering, another person took his place as manager. All the family's savings were spent on medicines, and the Mertsalovs had to move to a damp basement. The children started to get sick. One girl died three months ago, and now Mashutka got sick. In search of money for medicines, Mertsalov ran around the whole city, humiliated himself, begged, but did not get a penny.

Upon learning that the children also failed, Mertsalov leaves.

He was seized by an uncontrollable desire to run anywhere, to run without looking back, so as not to see the silent despair of a hungry family.

Mertsalov wanders aimlessly around the city and turns into a public garden. There is a deep silence here. Mertsalov wants peace, the thought of suicide comes to mind. He almost made up his mind, but then a short old man in fur coat. He speaks to Mertsalov about Christmas gifts, and that is covered by a "tide of desperate anger." The old man, however, is not offended, but asks Mertsalov to tell everything in order.

Ten minutes later the old man, who turned out to be a doctor, is already entering the Mertsalovs' basement. Immediately there is money for firewood and food. The old man writes out a free prescription and leaves, leaving several large bills on the table. The name of the wonderful doctor - Professor Pirogov - the Mertsalovs is found on a label attached to a vial of medicine.

Since then, “as if a beneficent angel descended” into the Mertsalov family. The head of the family finds a job, and the children recover. With Pirogov, fate brings them together only once - at his funeral.

The narrator learns this story from one of the Mertsalov brothers, who became a major employee of the bank.

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Summary of Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor"

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// "Wonderful Doctor"

This story is not fiction.

Two boys - Volodya and Grisha Mertsalovs - stared at the shop window. After 5 minutes, they remember their true purpose of being in the city: their mother gave them an important assignment.

The boys are walking through the winter and New Year's city, which, however, is getting darker further. On the street began to appear less people. Finally, they reached a dilapidated, already rickety building - it was the boys' house.

The Mertsalov family has been living in the basement of this building for a whole year.

When the boys entered this dungeon, a sick seven-year-old girl was lying on a dirty bed, next to which another, a baby girl, was screaming. Their tired mother calmed them down.

The mother asks the boys if they have given the letter - the same assignment that she gave to her sons. Grisha replied that they did everything as they were taught, that they tried to deliver the letter, but no one wanted to accept it. They were driven away, and they brought the letter back. The mother did not question them again.

Here, in a summer coat, Mertsalov comes in, looking like a dead man. Husband and wife saw only despair in each other's eyes and did not even talk.

It turns out that just one year turned the life of the Mertsalovs into a nightmare: the father of the family fell ill, and that’s it. cash went to his treatment. During this time, his position as manager of the house was given to another person. The children got sick. One girl died, another is in critical condition.

Nobody wanted to help the poor family.

Suddenly, Mertsalov quickly left the basement and wandered aimlessly around the city, because he understood that "you can't help anything by sitting." He was ready to run anywhere, just not to see the despair of his family.

Here Mertsalov wandered into a large and beautiful garden. The calm that reigned in this garden began to captivate him, he wanted the same silence. The thought of suicide clearly arose, because he is still slowly, but dying. He already wanted to fulfill his intention, but a loud creak prevented him - someone was walking towards him. It was an old man smoking a cigarette. Five minutes later, the stranger spoke to Mertsalov. The old man began to tell that he bought gifts for his children. These words made Mertsalov angry. He, choking with hopelessness, began to shout that his children at home were “dying from hunger”, and infant I haven't eaten anything all day because my wife has run out of milk.

The old man listened to Mertsalov with attention, and then asked to tell about his situation in more detail. From the old man emanated calmness and trust, this made Mertsalov tell him his whole tragic story.

Having listened to the end, the old man took Mertsalov by the hand and led him, saying along the way that he was a doctor.

Ten minutes later they were at Mertsalov's house. The doctor immediately approached the mother and asked them to show him their sick daughter.

And two minutes later Elizaveta Mertsalova rubbed Mashutka with a compress, and the boys fanned the samovar and stoked the stove. Mertsalov also came up and bought a hot meal with the money given to him by the doctor. The doctor, at that time, on a piece of paper torn from a notebook, was writing a prescription for medicine for Mashutka. Having written, he said goodbye to the Mertsalov family, wishing them great luck in the new year. He gave them advice: never lose heart.

The Mertsalovs did not have time to come to their senses, as the doctor had already left. Yemelyan Mertsalov wanted to know his last name, but the doctor did not tell him.

Returning, Mertsalov saw another gift from the doctor: along with the prescription for Mashutka, there was money.

On the prescription, the family also saw the doctor's signature, from which the Mertsalovs learned the name of the doctor - Pirogov.

The narrator says that this story is real, that he heard it more than once from Grishka himself, a participant in all events.

For the Mertsalov family, Dr. Pirogov became a kind of beneficent angel. After his appearance, everything changed: his father found a job, Grisha and Volodya went to the gymnasium, and his mother got on her feet. The doctor performed a real miracle for this family.

Every time Grigory Mertsalov finishes the story about the wonderful doctor, tears come to his eyes.

The story of A. I. Kuprin "The Miraculous Doctor" about how poor people live. How they are brought to the brink of misfortune and poverty. And there is no light at the end. And also about the fact that there is always a place for a miracle. The fact that one meeting can change the lives of several people.

The story teaches kindness and mercy. Learn not to be angry. In The Miraculous Doctor, a miracle is performed by one person, with the warmth of his heart and the richness of his soul. If only there were more doctors like him, the world would be a better place.

Read briefly Kuprin Wonderful Doctor

Life is often not as beautiful as they say in fairy tales. That is why many people become embittered simply unusually.

Volodya and Grishka are two boys who are not very neatly dressed at the moment. They are brothers who stood and looked at the shop window. And the window display was just gorgeous. No wonder they stood beside her, as if spellbound. There were so many goodies in the window. There were also sausage, the most different types, and overseas fruits - tangerines and oranges, which seemed and probably were so juicy, and fish - pickled and smoked, and also, there was even a pig baked with greens in the mouth.

All these extraordinary things simply amazed the children, who were stuck for a while near the store with a beautiful and magical showcase. The poor children wanted to eat, but then they had to go to the master, from whom they wanted to ask for help, because their family had no money at all, and even their little sister was sick. But the doorman did not take the letter from them, and simply kicked them out. When the poor children came and told their mother about this, she was not surprised at all, although the ray of hope in her eyes went out immediately.

The children came to the basement of some old house - this was their place of residence. The basement smelled bad smell dampness and mustiness. It was very cold, and in the corner there was a girl lying on some kind of rag, who had been sick for some time now. After the children, the father entered almost immediately - who, as the mother also realized, did not bring anything to feed the children and save the sick girl, who could even die. The father of the family was in despair, so he went out into the street, and after walking a little, sat down on a bench.

Soon the thought of suicide crept into his mind. He did not want to see the despair on the face of his wife, and the sick daughter Masha. But then someone sat next to me, it was old man, who, out of sincere simplicity, decided to start a conversation and told that he had bought gifts for his children, and very successful ones. The poor father simply yelled at him, and then told how hard it was for him. The man turned out to be a doctor who wanted to examine the girl. It was he who helped them with the money. And it was he who brought happiness to their family.

Read the summary of the story The Miraculous Doctor

The story begins with two boys looking at a shop window. big store. They are poor and hungry, but still children, they have fun looking at the pig behind the glass. The shop window is lined with various foods. Behind the glass gastronomic paradise. Such an abundance of food for the poor guys will not even be seen in a dream. The boys look at the display case with food for a long time, and then rush home.

The bright landscape of the city is replaced by a dull slum. The boys run through the whole city, to the very outskirts. The place where a family of boys has been forced to live for more than a year can only be called a slum. Dirty yard, basement rooms with dark corridors and rotten doors. A place that decently dressed people try to avoid.

Behind one of these doors lives a family of boys. A mother, exhausted by hunger and lack of money, a sick sister, a baby and a father. In a dark, cold room, a sick little girl lies on a bed. Her ragged breathing and the cry of a baby are only depressing. Nearby, in the cradle, a baby sways and cries from hunger. The emaciated mother kneels by the patient's bed and at the same time shakes the cradle. The mother no longer has the strength even for despair. She automatically wipes the girl's forehead and rocks the cradle. She understands the gravity of the family's situation, but is powerless to change anything.

There was hope for the boys, but this hope was very weak. Such a picture appears before the eyes of the boys who have come running. They were sent to take the letter to the master, who had previously worked as the father of the family, Mertsalov. But the boys were not allowed to see the master and the letters were not taken. For a year, my father could not find a job. The boys told their mother how the doorman kicked them out and did not even listen to the requests. The woman offers the boys cold borscht, the family does not even have anything to warm up the food with. At this time, the senior Mertsalov returns.

He never found a job. Mertsalov is dressed in summer style, he does not even have galoshes on. Remembering a difficult year for the whole family oppresses him. Typhoid fever put him out of work. Surviving by odd jobs, the family barely made ends meet. Then the children started getting sick. One girl died, and now Mashutka was in a fever. Mertsalov leaves the house in search of any kind of income, he is even ready to ask for alms. Mashutka needs medicine and he must find money. In search of a job, Mertsalov turns into the garden, where, sitting on a bench, he thinks about his life. He even has thoughts of suicide.

At the same time, a stranger is walking through the park. After asking permission to sit on a bench, the stranger starts a conversation. Mertsalov's nerves are on edge, his despair is so great that he cannot restrain himself. The stranger listens to the unfortunate man without interrupting, and then asks to take him to the sick girl. He gives money to buy food, asks the boys to run to the neighbors for firewood. While Mertsalov is buying provisions, a stranger, who introduces himself as a doctor, examines the girl. Having finished the examination, the wonderful doctor writes out a prescription for medicine and explains how and where to buy it, and then how to give it to the girl.

Returning with a hot meal, Mertsalov finds the wonderful doctor leaving. He tries to find out the name of the benefactor, but the doctor only politely says goodbye. Returning to the room under the saucer, along with the recipe, Mertsalov discovers the money left by the guest. Turning to the pharmacy with a prescription written by a doctor, Mertsalov finds out the name of the doctor. The pharmacist clearly wrote that the medicine was prescribed by Professor Pirogov's prescription. The author heard this story from one of the participants in those events. From Grigory Mertsalov, one of the boys. After meeting with a wonderful doctor, things in the Mertsalov family began to improve. The father found a job, the boys were placed in a gymnasium, Mashutka recovered, and her mother also got on her feet. They never saw their wonderful doctor again. They saw only the body of Professor Pirogov, which was transported to his estate. But this was no longer a wonderful doctor, but only a shell.

Despair is no help in trouble. A lot can happen in life. Today's rich man can become poor. Absolutely healthy man- to die suddenly or become seriously ill. But there is a family, there is a responsibility to oneself. You have to fight for your life. After all, goodness is always rewarded. One conversation on a snowy bench can change the fate of several people. If possible, you should definitely help. After all, someday you will have to ask for help.

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