An elegant corner bathhouse with a terrace: a project for the Bely Bereg cottage village near Moscow. Baths, complemented by a relaxation room, a barbecue area, and a terrace. Projects, planning, photos

Bathhouse with a terrace, a separate room for relaxation and a platform for - functional area for complete relaxation. She may have different size, be built of timber or brick. For your attention - various projects of such buildings with photos.

Features of the 4 in 1 zone: sauna, terrace, relaxation room and barbecue

When planning to set up a place to relax in their garden plot, many owners dream of making it not only comfortable, but also universal. After all, it should be to the liking of all family members. And you also need to please the guests, fully providing them with entertainment and complete relaxation at fresh air. Project of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, as well as a relaxation room - good option for such a case. It allows you to realize various ideas and combine them into your own mini-dacha complex.

Plan of a bathhouse with a terrace

There are many advantages to such a 4 in 1 project:

  1. Saving territory. There is no need to waste space not only on the buildings themselves, but also on the paths connecting one building to another.
  2. Reduced construction costs. For example, the wall of a bathhouse can simultaneously be the wall of a terrace. In addition, one roof will cost much less than several.
  3. Organization of comprehensive recreation. You can take a steam bath and then cook dinner using the barbecue - everything is nearby.
  4. Single style. Often, when constructing individual buildings, owners forget that all buildings must be in harmony with each other. In a combined project, this design issue is resolved very simply.

Types of bathhouse projects with a relaxation area

The choice of project is largely determined by the size of the land plot. For example, classic version a bathhouse with a terrace measuring 6 x 9 m is suitable for owners of a large area. It will accommodate not only the whole family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, a common foundation is provided for the bathhouse and terrace. If you make the building two-story, then you can place a steam room and barbecue below, and equip it on the second floor guest room recreation.

If you want to attach a bathhouse to your house, use the 6 x 6 project. Thanks to its proportions, it will fit perfectly into the design of any area. This way you will significantly expand the area of ​​the house and get a cozy open space for relaxation. It is ideal for enjoying fresh air directly from the cottage in any weather.

Bathhouse with veranda

Compact on the outside, but roomy on the inside - this is corner bath with a terrace. Often such a project is used in cases where it is necessary to locate a recreation area in close proximity to the house. The terrace adjacent to the cottage can be square or rectangular. However, photos of finished baths confirm that it is the corner platform that allows you to give the entire structure a complete look, as well as effectively manage the territory personal plot. Everything can be placed on the ground floor.

Advice. Two-story buildings are optimal if you want to properly plan the area of ​​your land plot and intend to continue construction. For example, add another guest room over time.

Nowadays, entire bathhouse cottages with various extensions, including a terrace, are also popular. You can set up a gazebo on it, playground for children, place for barbecue or dancing. It is convenient to receive and accommodate guests, organize holidays and simply live in the fresh air. To prevent mosquitoes from annoying you in the summer, hang nets or decorative curtains.

Construction planning: timber or brick. Which foundation is better?

To implement the design of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue that you like, you need to think carefully about what material to build from. Perhaps one of the best is timber. Its advantages are obvious:

  • holds heat well, so additional insulation is not required;
  • creates an inimitable “bathhouse” atmosphere, because for a long time people have been steaming in wooden buildings;
  • regulates indoor humidity. This is possible due to the fact that wood “breathes”;
  • allows you to implement non-standard architectural solutions;
  • environmental friendliness. It has been proven that wood enhances healing effect baths


Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the susceptibility of timber to mold, as well as its low reliability in terms of fire safety.

Attention! Laminated timber and logs are different building materials. The first one is cheaper. Logs can be rounded, planed, etc.

Brick baths are less fire hazardous, but they take longer to warm up, consuming a large amount of fuel. In addition, in such buildings, quality is required. Without it, condensation collects inside, which can cause mold and mildew. Speaking about the advantages of brick, it is necessary to note its environmental friendliness, long service life and the ability to erect a building of almost any shape, which is proven by photos of already erected buildings. It is important that the cost brick baths lower than wooden ones, and they do not require exterior finishing.

Advice. To build a bathhouse, you can take other materials, for example, gas silicate blocks. Frame houses are also popular because they are inexpensive and can be built quickly.

Depending on the project and the building material for its implementation, the basis of the bathhouse is planned - the foundation. He can be:

  1. Screw. For it, special piles are used on which the structure will stand. Suitable for almost all soil types. Does not require preparatory earthworks. It can be built quickly (in 1-3 days) and at any time of the year.
  2. Columnar. This is the simplest of all types of foundation, and also the most economical. It can be used to build a small bathhouse with a terrace.
  3. Tape. The work on its construction is considered quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to resort to this option in the following cases:
  • if your site has complex soil - for example, clay or sand;
  • It is planned to build a two-story bathhouse.

Attention! Since a bathhouse is heavier than a terrace, different foundations are usually laid under them.

Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, barbecue and terrace

  • When planning construction, consider the main wind direction. The bathhouse should cover the terrace from drafts. This is also necessary in order to correctly position the barbecue - it is not very convenient when smoke flies towards vacationers.
  • Decide why you need a terrace. If in order to hide on a hot day from sun rays, don't choose the south. If you are going to sunbathe, design the location of the terrace on the sunny side.

Bathhouse with barbecue

  • A terrace in its classic form does not have a roof, but for convenience and protection from bad weather it can be covered, for example, with transparent polycarbonate.
  • Regardless of what area the finished bathhouse will have, you need to provide for the location of 3 separate rooms: locker rooms, showers and steam rooms.
  • To build a barbecue you should use fire brick. In addition, for better fire safety, you can line the area around it with ceramic or stone tiles. It is also necessary to make a separate chimney for the barbecue.
  • If you plan to use a sauna with a terrace for all year round, take care of heating.

Bathhouse with barbecue area: video

Bathhouse with relaxation area: photo

Buildings on this type of site can be erected in several basic options. A house with the letter “L” is suitable for small area oblong shape, where it is impossible to implement project documentation square house. Such a house will be comfortable and practical. Often a given building has only one floor. This kind of corner house projects is suitable for those who want everything they need to always be at hand and do not require going up and down the stairs. This option, in particular, is quite suitable for building a country house.

A two-story building is chosen by those who strive for space and an abundance of rooms, as well as those with large families. It is also quite possible to build impressive buildings on corner plots. The number of floors, balconies, and verandas may vary. Corner house projects of significant size are very popular due to their ability to fully unleash the creative potential of their owners.

How the project is being worked on

Before you go to an architect, you should consider rough plan your future home. Then it will be easier for you to explain to the specialist what you want. At the first stage of cooperation, a technical specification is created. It is sent to designers who work out every detail of the future home. Projects for corner houses involve the creation of a cost estimate, which is finalized upon completion of the documentation.

It should be noted that experienced and qualified designers not only bring your plans to life. They are ready to offer you a solution to any architectural problem that arises during the work. Sometimes this leads to the need to sacrifice one or more creative ideas. But the result is worth it, because your home should not only be beautiful and status, but also cozy, comfortable and safe. Projects for corner houses can be selected from our catalog of ready-made projects or ordered individually. But, no matter which method of cooperation you choose, the work of true professionals is always transparent and always consistent with your preferences.

Corner bathhouse projects have become popular quite recently. This is due to their unusual design, and also with the fact that such buildings have very convenient layout. Project corner bath allows you to go beyond the boundaries of the “square” layout, which allows you to more economically maintain the building during its operation. In addition, a plot with a bathhouse built in a “corner” stands out from other plots, which has a positive effect on its price.

Advantages of corner bath projects

In our country, usually small plots of land are allocated for dachas and individual housing construction. This is due both to the shortage of land near cities and to the fact that such land plots are quite expensive. In this regard, architects and homeowners are looking for ways to save land when constructing on such sites.

One way to save land is to build a bathhouse in the corner. In this case, the structure is not built with the usual square, but consists of two wings connected at right angles. As a result of this configuration, part of the land plot is freed up, on which you can build, for example, a veranda. In addition, a corner bathhouse project with a terrace and barbecue is perfect for such construction.

Choose corner option development makes sense when your land plot intricate shape, and also when the structure that you plan to build on it has a complex or non-standard shape. For example, using projects corner house

and baths can be “bypassed” by an old large tree, electric poles, or by building a building along a river or ravine. If we take technical side

case, the corner design is in no way inferior to the classic one. In addition, if you decide to combine two completely different buildings under one roof, for example, a bathhouse and a recreation room, a corner project will allow them to be provided with a separate entrance. As a result, you will be able to use the free room to meet guests while your family is taking bath procedures.

There is also an additional option for saving land on the site. The fact is that for this purpose it will be possible to use corner bathhouse projects. In this case, you get the opportunity to arrange a full-fledged living room in the attic. It can be used as a work office or for a teenage child to live in. As for the disadvantages of such projects, there is only one - this is that the “angle” may not always fit one or another option plot. However, such a drawback can be considered insignificant, since if the construction project is developed by an experienced architect, he will be able to “fit” such a building into almost any landscape.

Options for corner bath projects

Currently on construction market a wide variety of projects for the construction of corner baths are presented. So, for example, you can combine bathing and living spaces in two ways: by building them on the same floor or by spreading them across different floors. In this way, you can create an additional living room, while the bathhouse itself with its unpleasant odors And high humidity will be in a separate wing or on another floor.

In addition, corner bathhouse designs with a terrace are very popular among lovers of holidays outside the city. The fact is that you can place tables and chairs on it for outdoor recreation, a stove or oven for cooking in the summer, or children’s toys. Relaxing on the terrace will perfectly complement a sauna vacation, and if you are not going to take a steam bath, then replace it.

It is also possible on a personal or summer cottage bring to life the project of a corner bathhouse with a barbecue. In this case, the same terrace is erected as one of the wings of the building, which is adapted to accommodate equipment for preparing food outdoors, and, first of all, meat. What distinguishes it from an ordinary route or veranda is the arrangement, in full compliance with fire safety rules, of a barbecue or brazier, on which the food will be prepared.

As for the multi-story construction of corner baths, when choosing these projects, you must always remember that the second floor will necessarily require reinforcement of the foundation and walls.

These are additional costs, although if the second floor is light and built, for example, from timber, there will be no need for a powerful one.

The design of a bathhouse with a second floor can be made with or without an attic. In this case, the attic can be built over either one wing of the building or over the entire first floor. The project of a corner bathhouse with a terrace may not include the construction of a terrace, but may be limited to the construction of just a canopy over it. In any case, the option of building a bathhouse with a residential attic is cheaper compared to building a residential building with a full second floor.

In principle, projects for corner bathhouses with barbecues may also involve the use of only a canopy, however, it still makes sense to create a full-fledged attic here, in which you can accommodate the guests who remain with you after relaxing in nature. Thus, you can not only save land on your site, but also create a very original architectural design that will distinguish you from your neighbors.

Selection of materials for the construction of a corner bath

The most important stage in choosing a project for the construction of a corner bath is the choice of material for construction.

Currently, the following types of materials are used for the construction of baths:

  • logs and beams;
  • brick;

All of the building materials mentioned can be used in the construction of a bathhouse “in the corner”. At the same time, they have both their pros and cons. For example , the cost of construction of a log bathhouse will be the lowest. The fact is that wood is usually inexpensive, especially since a log house does not require any additional operations to process it, such as when making timber. When choosing a project for building a bathhouse made of timber, you need to pay attention Special attention to ensure that the wood from which you will construct the building is treated with antibacterial and flame retardant compounds.

Second most popular building material, used for the construction of wooden baths, is timber. It costs a little more than logs, but you can easily build buildings from it yourself, without involving professional builders. The timber must be processed industrially anti-feather and antibacterial compounds, which protects it from possible fire and damage by insects.

As for brick bath, then it is perhaps the most expensive, since the brick itself has a fairly high price. However, this construction option has several advantages. For example, a stone structure is not flammable, and this is very important, since a bathhouse is an object of increased fire danger. Also, a brick building can withstand quite serious mechanical loads, which is very important when construction is carried out on weak and moving soils.

An intermediate and quite good construction option is to build a bathhouse from foam blocks, and a bathhouse from them can be built even on “problematic” soils. This is due to the fact that such blocks weigh very little, thereby creating a small load on the soil. The blocks also do not burn, are not damaged by microorganisms, and are easy to process. However, they absorb moisture very well, which will require additional costs for waterproofing.

The final stage of choosing a bathhouse project is its placement on the site. The fact is that building codes and regulations establish special requirements for the placement of a bathhouse, depending on the distance from other buildings it is located. So, it can be erected no closer than 5 meters from a residential building. In addition, it is necessary to build the building exclusively on the leeward side so that in the event of a fire, the fire does not spread with the wind to other buildings.

In addition, the corner bathhouse should be located with its “back” to the leeward side so that snow does not blow into its patio in winter. In this case, all windows should be installed strictly to the west, since in this case they will be illuminated for most of the day, which can lead to quite serious savings in electricity.

To save water and ensure the highest level of comfort, it is recommended to build a bathhouse on the banks of reservoirs, as well as next to a swimming pool. In this case, you can create a comprehensive recreation area consisting of a bathhouse, a relaxation room, a veranda with a barbecue area and a pond. In this case, such a zone can be created ornamental plants using landscape design methods.

Also, in order to combat spring floods, the bathhouse must be placed on some hill. As a result, water drainage is facilitated and excess moisture is removed from the foundation of the building. With the help of drainage, such water can be used to irrigate a personal plot.

There are also places where it is forbidden to build a bathhouse under any circumstances. It is prohibited to erect such buildings in close proximity to neighbors’ plots or the street. If you cannot avoid construction, you will have to obtain special permission for this both from neighbors and from building supervision authorities.

In addition, you should avoid building bathhouses on soft soils without special preparation, since wastewater water flowing from the bathhouse can wash them away, as a result of which your building may simply collapse. The way out here can be high-quality sewerage and good drainage, which will protect the building from negative impact groundwater.

You can build a corner bathhouse either independently or with the help of professional builders. In the first case, you can save a lot of money, but you will need knowledge and skills experienced builder. In the second you will get ready-made sauna"turnkey", but you will have to spend more money. The choice of construction option is yours.

Do it yourself,” and this review is essentially a logical continuation of this topic. Only this time we will do corner veranda. This construction requires more experience and skills in working with tools, although there is nothing particularly complicated in it either, the main thing is to understand the principle and everything will work out. The only thing that’s complicated about it is the angle itself, the rest is simple.

We will begin the construction of the corner veranda by installing support pillars or racks. We won’t particularly focus on this; anyone who might be interested will read our last one, it’s written about it in more detail.

Here we will only add that if you are experiencing difficulties with the strength of the installed support pillars, you can lay timber between the support pillars, securing it in turn to the floor, and additionally screw the pillars to the laid timber.

So, we install support pillars, make the corner of the veranda (terrace) from three posts.

We lay and fasten the mauerlat and wall beams.

We are making a fence for our future veranda. We screw boards along the outer perimeter of the support posts. They will also serve bottom trim and will give additional strength to the veranda.

This manipulation will save time and nerves.

Particular attention should be paid to the angle of the veranda and maintain the correct turning geometry.

We assemble the entire rafter system.

We make railings from boards.

When making the railings, you will have to struggle a little on the corners. The task of cutting out the angle for the post will be made easier for us by using an ordinary construction square. We lay the railings so that the board does not protrude beyond the posts; all excess should remain outside.

Materials used for the construction of a corner veranda or terrace. Beam 100×100, fencing board 100×25, railing board 150×25. In total, we will have a protrusion of 2.5 centimeters on the street, a kind of canopy, this is just enough to lay polycarbonate on the fence without any problems.

On straight sections there should be no problems. If you made a mistake somewhere and cut too much, you can fix the problem with wood putty. Then we paint the railings in the color we need.

The last stage will be finishing the veranda with polycarbonate.

As a result, you should get a corner veranda or terrace like this, built with your own hands. That's all, thank you for your attention until we meet again.

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