Fortune telling by the monthly cycle. True fortune-telling by menstruation for love - find out your fate

The truthful knowledge about fortune-telling, emasculated by time, was reduced exclusively to elementary card passes. However, in the past, people had the experience of extracting useful knowledge from each event in their lives for the future, predicting and foreseeing their steps and actions in advance. Fortune-telling by menstruation is one of those types of predictions that at first were exclusively owned by midwives and fortune tellers, and then it migrated and worked beautifully for the benefit of ordinary women. Moreover, in our time, this method is undeservedly forgotten, although it can be useful for all women of reproductive age.

What distinguishes divination by menstruation from card or other, calling spirits to revelation, is perfect security. Moreover, the interpretation of fortune-telling itself is a scientifically justified reaction of a woman to events and communication with others, in response to the hormonal background during the menstrual cycle. His jumps, peak bursts, PMS, ovulation phase - nature has laid down one or another reaction of a woman during these periods and, as a result, building a behavioral model that can have a continuation effect in the form of events.

In the women's community, the term is known - ovulyashki. This is an unconscious, but conditioned by nature, line of behavior during the period of ovulation - the maximum maturity of the egg, during which the woman is more loyal to the opposite sex, as a result, marriage is possible, a pleasant acquaintance. This is what interprets divination in a cycle, which fits into the logic of the nature of the underlying phenomena.

Divination option at the beginning of menstruation

The analysis of this prediction takes the time when menstruation began, this fortune-telling on the female cycle covers the subsequent period until the upcoming critical days. For interpretation, it is necessary to detect the time of day when menstruation began and, looking at the interpretation, apply.

Important! A feature of predictions for menstruation is the optionality of making unfavorable forecasts. Listen to yourself and the warning from the list of interpretations and just try to correct your behavior - avoid quarrels, be more careful on the street. A woman in certain conditions of the hormonal background is prone to moments of absent-mindedness, irascibility, which can cause trouble.

time of day

Morning- the beginning of activity, it's time to get together on business, to work, and then the body gave a surprise. But according to interpretations, this prophesies love, peace and mutual understanding. It is said that the beginning of menstruation in the morning is a harbinger of very good consequences. Relations with relatives and colleagues will be at their best, with children you have complete mutual understanding, and your partner will treat you with special love and warmth. The main thing is to smile and try not to think about the bad. Large purchases and gifts are possible. If there is a mood, do not deny yourself the pleasure of small pleasant purchases.

Noon- a good time to start menstruation, if they did not catch you on the road, transport. The prospect of a quiet and kind next month is very likely. But there may be conflicts in the workplace, but these are more interpersonal relationships, and not the claims of managers. Try to pay attention to a conscientious attitude to the performance of official duties - encouragement will pleasantly surprise you.

Evening- this time is considered not the best for the start of menstruation. But it shouldn't be too scary. As a rule, these are petty quarrels, quarrels, this quickly passes and does not leave any special consequences in life. Distract yourself from too active communication with people, try to step back a little and retire - a book, needlework can be an outlet. Important to have cozy corner to engage in your favorite hobby, to isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle.

Night- the time is restless and predicts unpleasant prospects for the beginning of menstruation. Emotions overflow, annoying stupidity and optionality in colleagues and loved ones. All their negative traits seem to have been specially amplified. Try not to aggravate and avoid quarrels. It is important to survive, endure, and after a while all unpleasant things will pass. Postpone planned major meetings or deals for a while.

Interpretation by days of the week

Here, in fortune-telling on menstruation, the principle of the influence of emotions and hormones on the most common routine of a woman's life works.

Monday- it is very possible that the proverb about an unlucky Monday came from such fortune-telling. The beginning of menstruation on this day is fraught with all sorts of different troubles. Moreover, one should not look for a fatal disaster in them, but the number of small negative points may seem excessive. In general, nothing worth doing, just try to remain calm and not exacerbate subdued conflicts.

Tuesday- a harbinger of meetings. There is a high probability of noisy communication - guests, relatives, accidentally met and long-forgotten acquaintances. A lot of positive, but tiring emotions. Often after such a turbulent period, the chances of changing lives or getting married increase. Relocation is possible.

Wednesday Not the best day to start your period. But more often it is characterized by great fatigue and apathy. The main negative is observed in the business sphere. But difficulties and obstacles turn into financial success, profit. Surely a minimum of emotions and a calm, almost apathetic state saves a person from rash acts, which bears fruit.

Thursday- a lot of unpleasant meetings and conversations. Plans for love are best postponed for now. In general, the period is not bad, but the likelihood of conflicts is high, it is less likely to communicate with a potential couple so as not to destroy the prospect of a relationship. With work colleagues, try to reduce the degree of disputes so as not to become the initiator of a quarrel. But at home - times of prosperity and order, delve into restoring comfort or start a plant.

Friday- fortune-telling by menstruation portends that their beginning on this day is likely to turn into a mass of positive events. Be sure to take a break and allow yourself to relax. A great time for long trips, it will be good if you take time out in the business field and do not start new projects. It's time to relax hard, but it's worth choosing an inactive type of vacation.

Saturday- the time of romantic events unfolds. Feelings will overwhelm you completely unexpectedly, you should not resist them, it is better to get all the pleasant emotions in full. It also increases the likelihood of gifts and the desire of the couple to please you, giving interesting and pleasant little things. It is important to keep positive attitude to make it last longer.

Sunday- an auspicious day for the start of menstruation. This is followed by a very turbulent stage of work activity. It is very possible to open a new business, promote a business, or just have good moments at work where you will be offered a promotion. Of course, such periods do not remain without reward - material problems will definitely fade into the background, do not forget to please yourself with new clothes.

Interpretation of values ​​by day of the month

The most controversial moment in the interpretation of the days of the whole month. By what criteria the beginning of menstruation is distinguished by numbers, so that fortune-telling could have a certain meaning, is already unknown. However, the fact that divination has not lost its relevance testifies to its effectiveness.

4 - Pleasant meetings and unexpected help from strangers. Long distance trips are possible.

5 - Relatives will delight you with their successes. It is better to devote time to home, loved ones - they need you.

6 - The possibility of falling into other people's traps is high. Intrigue and gossip have a chance to ruin your reputation.

7 - You will dream of the one with whom you are in love or subconsciously feel very close to this role. There is an opportunity to get acquainted with your secret desires.

8 - Jealousy will arise and will not let go until you satisfy your curiosity. Your partner will give you a reason to be suspicious.

9 - It is very possible that an opponent will appear on the horizon. Regardless, try not to lose your temper.

10 - The phase when you need to actively work and give yourself to the solution material problems. Delaying the resolution of these issues is fraught with negative consequences.

11 - Emotions will overwhelm, the probability of disagreements with a loved one is very high. Do not allow yourself excessive anger - you will regret intemperance.

12 - Major financial problems lie in wait in the future, it is better to take spending and plans for purchases seriously.

13 - A kaleidoscope of news - pleasant and not so pleasant moments will follow each other in succession. It will not be boring.

14 - A quarrel with a loved one will come as a surprise, and its favorable resolution depends only on you.

15 - Time for surprises and gifts. But do not forget about reciprocity - give gifts to your loved ones.

16 - Watch yourself, some of your words will be misinterpreted by others. What you will be undeservedly accused of, and this will be the cause of major quarrels.

17 - Romantic meetings, interesting times will accompany you next month. Try to extract maximum positive emotions.

18 - Ahead of a traumatic time, take a closer look at your actions, walks. It is important to be careful with fire and electrical appliances.

19 - Unexpectedly unrequited love and feelings will find hope. Time of interesting events that will become the key to long-term relationships.

20 - Home holidays and events will please. But it will be a period of great financial spending, but the joy of acquisitions will bring a lot of positive emotions.

21 - Period of purchases - great way relax for woman. Do not forget about gifts for your loved ones, they will be very pleased to receive surprises.

22 - Phase negative impact will bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Try to keep your presence of mind. It is important to think carefully, step by step, to solve problems.

23 - Do not be distracted by trifles from the main thing - work, business. This area should be a priority.

24 - Remember friends and good friends. IN Hard time these people will give you a helping hand, and sometimes very tangible material support.

25 - Know how to return kindness for kindness - if a friend asks for help, it’s better to help, because you may need his participation.

26 - Think of what you need most, and you will not notice how a secret dream will come true.

27 - The routine will bore you, but do not rush to surround yourself with a noisy company. It may be better to change circumstances and triple a comfortable stay.

28 - The one you dreamed about is your destiny. Do not miss your chance when circumstances allow you to get closer.

29 - The joy from small events is sometimes much more tangible than from a big festival. A good time to enjoy peace is ahead.

30 - It is very important to use the opportunity to open a business, to realize the idea that you have long conceived. Holding will be on your side.

31 - It is better not to plan anything important - a period of obstacles and unsuccessful deals. It is necessary to wait a few days so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Prediction of the development of love relationships

The body and biofield of a woman sensitively reacts to all internal changes and energy fluctuations from loved ones. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, they are guessing at a love relationship. This is especially true when there is a discord or the situation is not clear.

  • Menstruation started in the morning. Love relationships develop harmoniously, everything is transparent in matters of the heart.
  • The beginning of menstruation fell on the day. Current affairs will move forward without interference. In love, pleasant surprises and surprises await.
  • Evening. There may be some difficulties in understanding. Patience and tolerance will help to establish harmony.
  • The time after midnight indicates the need to be careful. Do not rush to share your innermost experiences and far-reaching plans. Over time, the situation will change, and discussions of third parties at the moment will be superfluous.

Divination by the elements of the zodiac signs

Interpretations are read by day of the week. For each element - its own. The elements of Fire include: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. To the elements of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Air rules Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

  • The beginning of the cycle on Monday promises fire signs a meeting or acquaintance with authoritative people. Not always this acquaintance will be pleasant. Pleasant emotions and good luck await the representatives of the Earth. For Air, troubles in love affairs, romantic adventures are likely. Health is advised to pay attention. For the signs of Water, a start is possible, starting something new, which will be successfully reflected in the future.
  • Interpretation of Tuesday. For Fire signs, promotions are likely. Earth signs will be touched financial changes. Both in the direction of losses and in the direction of profit. For Air signs, conflicts are likely. They are offset by a favorable environment at home. "Water" - wait a bit, and the plans will come true.
  • The third day of the week of the element of fire will bring mutual love, peace and tranquility. Earth is waiting for important conversations. After which plans can be adjusted. Air: pleasant events that are not spoken about aloud - so envious people do not spoil the joy of pleasant events. The environment of the water element promises good luck in all matters and undertakings.
  • On Thursday, the beginning of the cycle warns the element of Fire about spoiled plans. Be careful and attentive. Earth signs will be successful in all matters, love ones are no exception. Profit and success await Air. Unpleasant events will spoil Water's plans.
  • If your period started on Friday. Signs of the elements of Fire are advised to restrain their temperament and not get involved in conflicts. There will be many provocations. For the signs of the Earth, a prosperous, harmonious period. For Air, it is a time of stability and peace. Water women guard intrigue and gossip. The likelihood of becoming the object of slander. Don't be afraid, everything is temporary.
  • Critical days began on Saturday. Boldly go forward and implement your plans - a recommendation for the signs of Fire. Partnerships, love compensate for difficulties at work for the signs of the Earth. Unexpected pleasant events await the element of Air. Water children are also lucky: they are waiting for gifts and surprises.
  • Sunday brings peace and relaxation to all signs of the zodiac. Solving problems and failures.

Luminary in Corpuscle. If your period started on this day, you need to devote maximum time to your health. And not so much medically, but mentally. You need to take a break, stop. Surround yourself with comfort, pamper yourself with something tasty, but without fanaticism. Do not rush to accept offers, everything needs to be considered. But if the benefit is real, the project can be launched. On such a day, women can be pleased with gifts and jewelry.

Planet in Gemini. If on this day menstruation began, the body signals the need to slow down. The period will be busy, offers of unplanned meetings, short trips are possible. You shouldn't give up. But the body must be protected, during the period of menstruation it is especially vulnerable.

The moon is passing by Cancer. Your period tells you that your family needs you. It is necessary to postpone all affairs, and stay at home with your own. To please with pastries or something tasty, be sure to cook it yourself. Pay attention to loved ones, maybe you should talk frankly. It is worth analyzing your condition: perhaps you are overly touchy or have offended someone else.

Night companion in Leo. Expect demonstrative behavior. If the other half demonstrates himself, this indicates that your relationship lacks mutual acceptance of each other, gratitude and boasting. On such a day, success can be expected at holidays and celebrations.

The menstrual cycle fell on the moon in Virgo. You are too wasteful in money and unrestrained in emotions. Wisdom and patience are required. If there is a chill in the relationship, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Moon in Libra. Wait for gifts. Beloved will show amazing tact and gentleness. Pay attention to your behavior. In some situations, it is worth easing the pressure. On this day, you will not get any direct answer. Possible release.

Scorpion. In this position of the moon, the beginning of menstruation indicates the need not to escalate the situation. Not the best day to sort things out. Conversations will go into a very emotional plane, offensive words will not be forgotten very soon. Provocations of jealousy are possible on both sides. Under no circumstances should you give in to them. And menstruation signal precisely about this.

The beginning of the cycle hit the moon in Sagittarius. Take a closer look at relationships. Both you and your partner are teachers to each other. At the same time, everyone is right and everyone does not want to listen to the other, but only wants to teach. It is important to maintain a balance when communicating your position. In this case, the union will remain strong and last for many years. Possible proposals for long-distance travel, meeting with foreign partners or acquaintances.

The moon has entered Capricorn, and you started critical days. Your union is strong enough. Probably, now it seems to you that the relationship has cooled. This is wrong. But don't expect gifts either. You or your partner are very demanding. Drop the bar. Time to visit older relatives - they need you.

The moon is passing by Aquarius. Unexpected events will happen at any moment. Difficult situations are resolved in an amazing way. Meetings will be non-standard, at least unusual for you. Perhaps the invasion of friends.

The cycle fell on the moon in Pisces. Be prepared to be manipulated with pity. Give help to those who really need it. There are deceptions and illusions. At the same time, in a difficult situation, the partner will provide incredible compassion, understanding and sympathy.

Fortune telling by menstruation is rather advisory in nature, so try not to take it as a dogma. But if you project the prophecies on the circumstances of your life, then this will help to avoid unpleasant moments. Interestingly, this type of prediction is the least heard. However, those who take this calendar into account and plan according to the warnings have already become convinced that it is very useful to refer to it.

No matter how you guess for menstruation, take care of yourself during this difficult period for the body. Remember that a hormonal surge gives a surge of unnecessary emotions, and then, perhaps, you will avoid situations where you have to guess.

It may be a curiosity for modern girls that fortune-telling by menstruation is very popular today. Despite the fact that such fortune-telling for love and questioning of higher powers is quite popular among women, it gives answers to the questions posed only within the next month.

Fortune telling by menstruation today

Menstruation can tell a lot

As practicing esotericists and magicians note, fortune-telling during menstruation is true and very common these days. But it is important to note that this type of ritual divination for monthly days gives true information in a limited time - only for the future, without developing it for long-term prospects. However, this will be enough to answer your questions even within one month. It is also worth remembering one important point- guessing, according to the presented method, it is recommended one-time, on the day the cycle begins.

time of day

Such methods help develop intuition.

Fortune telling on the female cycle provides for the moment that at the beginning it is important to coordinate it with the time of day and night in the selected period of time. Therefore, it is so important to determine for yourself the optimal time when exactly to conduct monthly fortune-telling, and we will talk about this later.

The most successful and truthful time for fortune-telling is the morning hours, and therefore esotericists believe that if menstruation went exactly at this period of time, then this promises quick, pure and true love, harmony in your family hearth. Therefore, if menstruation started in the morning, in the next month you will have warm and positive relationships in your environment.

The day, up to 13 o'clock, is also considered by practicing esotericists to be very successful and positive in terms of the onset of menstruation and fortune-telling - it directly indicates that the next month will bring warmth and joy to life.

But the second half of the day, after 13 hours, is not the most suitable and successful time for magic. When menstruation fell on this half of the day, this portends you a series of minor rather annoying failures and minor troubles. And therefore, the beginning of menstruation at this very time broadcasts to you a very unfortunate month, events that bring melancholy and sadness. And in conclusion, the night is not the best time, broadcasting separation and tears.

Day of the week value

The days of the week also play an important role in interpreting the results of divination by menstruation.

Ritual divination by the menstrual cycle itself necessarily takes into account the day of the week in its conduct, since it also has an important meaning in interpretation. The beginning of the cycle that has fallen on Monday for a woman tells you empty anxiety. But what fortune-telling will predict for you will bring important changes to your life. The beginning of menstruation on this very day broadcasts to you the receipt of an expensive gift presented to you by a dear and beloved person.

If a woman’s monthly cycle went on Tuesday, then this tells you a quick meeting with old friends and acquaintances that you haven’t heard anything about for a long time. Somewhat less often, this promises you an acquaintance with a new person, who in the future will be very dear to your heart. Another possible interpretation is the imminent changes in many areas of life.

Wednesday is considered by knowledgeable magicians to be a rather unfavorable period for the start of menstruation - it promises a girl or woman a lot of unpleasant moments in the near future. Nevertheless, you should not fall into despair, since these troubles do not bring you fatal changes, you can solve all problems on your own. This is a warning to you from above about future problems, and it all depends on you. The main thing is not to give up, fight and win, because the one who is warned is always armed best of all.

If the beginning of the cycle fell on Thursday, the magicians say that the interpretation of fortune-telling is ambiguous. This can broadcast you an invitation to a noisy celebration, or a fun feast with friends and relatives, a celebration that will take place in your home, and you yourself will become the center of everyone's attention.

But if menstruation has begun on this very day, this may promise you an unexpected trip, so to speak, quite by accident to visit strangers or unfamiliar people. But whether this visit and the meeting itself, the acquaintance will be pleasant or not - it is already impossible to predict here. But in any situation, it is worth remembering that only everything is in your hands, and you can turn any, even a boring celebration into an enchanting holiday on your own, or vice versa.

But Friday, as a day of the week, is considered to be such a day of certain events, and therefore the beginning of menstruation on this very day broadcasts good news to you that can radically change your life and future for the better. But, in addition to this, the beginning of menstruation on Friday promises you a number of troubles and sorrows. You can overcome them, but for this you will have to make every effort and energy.

Saturday is considered successful for the beginning of menstruation - it is this day that sends you a planned, positive decision on all currently existing vital events. Therefore, you should not worry too much about problems, fuss around them - everything will be decided by itself and with minimal effort on your part. Most likely, next month a person you know will confess to you his bright feelings, or your secret wish, which you have long carried in your heart, will come true.

When the cycle fell on Sunday, this is a good sign, since it broadcasts to you a month of carefree and cheerful joy and pleasure, contentment and happiness. Most likely, soon you will be able to solve problems or misunderstandings that bother you with your loved one, and a sincere and frank conversation between you will inexpressibly contribute to this.

Fortune telling by monthly value of the day of the month

The date of fortune-telling also has its meaning.

The presented method of divination involves taking into account the time of day and night, as well as the day of the week, and the date of their onset. The proven method will give an extended answer for the near future by the date of menstruation.

  1. - it is this date that broadcasts that over the next month very important, but pleasant events, meetings that will give you many minutes of joy will burst into your life.
  2. - in speed you will experience a feeling of a bright transformation or bitter disappointment in relation to a certain event or a particular person.
  3. - promises possible debriefings and quarrels. But the outcome is up to you. Maybe you will forget this dispute, or the quarrel will develop into a large-scale, universal scandal.
  4. - broadcasts fast pleasant gifts and situations for you, important events, which you have been looking forward to for a long time and most importantly.
  5. - this date promises you a pleasant and financially dear to your heart surprise from a loved one, and it will be very unexpected for you
  6. - gives you a warning that a secret enemy has appeared in your environment, who will soon bring you dirty tricks and slander you.
  7. - this date indicates that the fortuneteller is very strongly and purely loved and so much that he puts it above the meaning of his own life and priorities.
  8. - in speed you will recognize a very unpleasant, but, nevertheless, unreasonable feeling of jealousy.
  9. - indicates that someone plans to upset the best relationship with relatives and friends for fortunetelling people. Therefore, it is worth reviewing everyone who enters your environment.
  10. - promises you a warm love or a new round of relations with your spouse, but in any case, the date tells the fortuneteller bright and best undertakings.
  11. - reminds that a loved one is faithful to a fortuneteller and honest in his words, therefore you should not suspect him of far-fetched stupidity.
  12. - this date indicates that you will soon meet a sweet and charming person, but it is important to be careful here, since the latter applies to a fortuneteller magical rite to draw attention to yourself.
  13. - broadcasts serious financial and personal difficulties.
  14. - promises the most fortune-telling fast and unpleasant news.
  15. - broadcasts the receipt of not the most pleasant news.
  16. - do not chat and gossip beyond measure, as this will bring many unpleasant consequences.
  17. - indicates a short or long parting with loved ones and loved ones.
  18. - promises a new love or the development of old and extinct relationships.
  19. - the date tells the fortuneteller a quick love, but whether it will be mutual is not clear.
  20. - broadcasts unrequited, but bright, so-called quiet love to the fortuneteller.
  21. - the day warns that a close or dear person is lying to you.
  22. - broadcasts the receipt of money, and moreover, the most unexpected - it can be winning the lottery or an increase in salary, a bonus, or the return of an old debt that you did not expect to get back.
  23. - broadcasts pleasant and bright events that will give you a lot of joy and positive impressions, new acquaintances.
  24. - indicates an imminent entertainment event, which will be attended by many guests.
  25. - promises a pleasant, new acquaintance for a fortuneteller with a pleasant and interesting person for a fortuneteller. No matter how the relationship develops between you, he will accompany you and help you throughout your life.
  26. - promises a meeting with a person who in the near future for a fortuneteller will become best friend, comrade-in-arms and assistant, maybe even a legal spouse.
  27. - hidden and innermost desires will come true in the most unexpected way - help, as they say, will come from where you yourself did not expect it.
  28. - profit, recognition and success in business, financial and career fields. The main thing is not to give up and make every effort on your part to achieve your goal.
  29. - soon a negative event will occur for the fortuneteller, which will upset, cause a lot of tears. Therefore, you should be prepared for this and not worry - it's not worth it.
  30. - it is possible that the development of business or love relationships with a new person is favorable for the fortuneteller. In this case, the development of events will directly depend on you.
  31. - this date promises new events, a trip is quite possible. But as an option, you will commit a very impartial act, for which you will be ashamed of in the near future.

The presented fortune telling on the menstrual cycle of a woman or girl has been known since time immemorial, but how true it is is up to the fortuneteller to decide.

Even ancient people knew that our world and even our life revolve in a certain circle, the same applied to a special female cycle.

Fortune telling by monthly feng shui is an opportunity to interpret the signs of fate and find out what awaits you in the next month, starting from the ancient cycles that exist on earth. Even in the most distant times, women used this knowledge in order to look beyond the veil of future events and know what they were preparing for.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman: feng shui and ancient methods

This fortune-telling has one important feature - they guess on it only once a month and on the very day when menstruation began. The rest of the time, fortune-telling by menstruation does not work, or its interpretation will turn out to be unrealizable, distorted, or completely untrue.

Divination itself consists of three stages:

  1. Time of day when menstruation began;
  2. Day of the week the first day of menstruation;
  3. Numbers, on which the beginning of critical days fell.

First, they look at the time - it can be morning, afternoon, evening or night. Study the interpretation of divination and memorize it. For better interpretation you can write down the value of each stage on a piece of paper.

Time of day when critical days began

Times of Day

What does

Morning Menstruation that began in the morning is the most perfect time. For a woman, this means good changes and the emergence of a new love, or the strengthening of existing ties. Fortune telling promises well-being to the family and warm relations with all its members.
Day (before lunch) Also a good time to start your menstrual cycle. Pleasant days await you, filled with love, harmony and good news. Menstruation, which began in the afternoon before lunch, promises you carefree happiness in a relationship with your loved one.
Afternoon (afternoon) Menstruation that began in the evening or after dinner is not a very good sign. The appearance of minor adversities, difficulties and difficulties is likely. An increased risk that your coming month will be marked by sadness or longing, mild depression or apathy may develop.
Night Extremely unfavorable time for the start of the menstrual cycle. Most often, it promises an unbearable and bitter separation from loved ones or a beloved man. It can also mean strife, contention in a relationship, or the departure of a loved one to another, cooling of feelings.

Day of the week when the critical days began

Day of the week

What does

Monday Certain difficulties or troubles may arise. Also, menstruation on this day can promise an expensive gift from loved one or beloved man.
Tuesday Meeting with an old friend, old friend or loved one. Sometimes a period on Tuesday can mean a new meeting with someone who will become especially dear to you. Changes in life are also likely.
Wednesday Troubles may await you all the coming month. For a woman, this is a useful warning, meaning that you can overcome all these difficulties with your own efforts.
Thursday The meaning is twofold: an upcoming holiday or a noisy event at a party or in your own home. Or a sudden triumph in the circle of new people, which may or may not be pleasant for you.
Friday Expect new events that will completely change your whole life. If troubles or difficulties arise, you can easily cope with them, but it will take a lot of effort.
Saturday This is a good and measured day, which portends you a harmonious life during the coming month. There is a high probability that you will hear a declaration of love or your long-standing desire will come true.
Resurrection A very good day to start your period. Means happiness and fun, idleness of life and ease of existence. Joy and success in relationships await you, and if there is contention in your family, it will soon be resolved.

At the very end, the fortuneteller checks with the day of the month when menstruation began. This is the last and final stage of divination. After that, you should compare and correlate all three interpretations in order to get your own special, individual forecast.

For example, if menstruation began on the morning of Sunday the tenth, then this will almost certainly mean that happiness and only good events will await you throughout the coming month, as well as a new exciting meeting with by a stranger, which will turn into a marriage and a strong family in the future.

The number of the month when the critical days began (for fortune-telling by menstruation)


What does

1 For a whole month, good events and pleasant meetings await you that will make you happy.
2 You will be disappointed in some person or in an event, you will begin to treat this with disdain.
3 Beware of a major quarrel or quarrel. It will depend on you how it all ends.
4 Your long-term plans or dreams will come true, a pleasant surprise awaits you, the coming month will be very successful.
5 A close, dear or beloved person is preparing for you a welcome gift or an unexpected surprise.
6 Expect dirty tricks or trouble from your enemy. Be careful and prudent during this period.
7 There is a person in the world who is ready for anything for you, and he considers you the only meaning of his life.
8 This month will make you feel pricks of jealousy, there will be a reason for nerves if you are in love.
9 Someone really does not like your union, the enemy wants to separate you from your lover. Be carefull.
10 You will find a pleasant and unexpected meeting with a man and the beginning of a romantic relationship.
11 There is no reason to suspect any man of infidelity or dishonesty. He is faithful to you.
12 A magical meeting with a very nice person awaits you. But a man can be dangerous if he wants to completely capture your attention.
13 During the month, difficulties and serious difficulties are likely to arise. Get ready and brace yourself.
14 Soon, pleasant and good news awaits you, which will inspire and cheer you up.
15 Tune in to easily survive the not-too-pleasant news. These are just temporary annoyances.
16 Keep your mouth shut: this month can turn into troubles and hardships for you that your gossip will give rise to.
17 A quarrel or parting with a man awaits you. It can be both long and final, and short-term.
18 Open the doors of love. A new love and a passionate romance awaits you. Sometimes it also means the return of former love.
19 Warm love and sincere feelings await you. But there is a danger that this love will be one-sided.
20 There is a high risk that unrequited love awaits you. Knowing this, try not to make grandiose plans so as not to be upset.
21 A close friend, relative, or loved one may lie to you. Try to figure out what the person is trying to hide from you and why.
22 A pleasant and successful month for all who are waiting for material receipts. There will be more money this month than you expected.
23 Positive changes and events will inspire you and make you truly happy. A good and pleasant month is waiting for you.
24 Expect a grand party or celebration under your roof. Fortune telling promises a noisy holiday and many guests.
25 An unexpected meeting with a stranger that will delight and captivate you. Both a romantic relationship and a new friend are possible.
26 Rare luck: fortune-telling promises you to find an interlocutor and a new friend who will understand you perfectly and share any of your grief.
27 Your old dream or desire will finally come true. This will be facilitated by a completely unexpected person for you.
28 The working month will be more than ever successful, you will be promoted, recognized in your career or increased profits.
29 Expect a big and unpleasant event or news. Perhaps this will truly sadden you, but sincere feelings and tears will help grief go faster.
30 A very high probability of a new relationship with an unfamiliar man. For women who already have a companion, this may promise the appearance of a lover or temptation.
31 You can go on an exciting journey in the near future. Sometimes such fortune-telling can mean something else: be careful not to embarrass yourself.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle of a woman was given the importance of a kind of cleansing process. It was believed that the spent blood leaves the female body these days, and in return it is produced new, clean and fresh. In many ways, it is precisely this process of self-renewal that the beautiful half of humanity owes to the fact that they live longer than men.

On the basis of which day of the month, day and week this process of self-purification began, theories were put forward about what the woman herself could expect over the next month.

One may not believe in it or be skeptical, but any person knows that our world is cyclical. In addition, almost any such Earth cycle can be predicted by scientists themselves. For example, the beginning of a thunderstorm is often facilitated by hot and stuffy weather with abundant evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, and after summer, autumn inevitably comes. If you look closely and study cyclical processes, how to observe them, then it will be possible to predict even the most complex of them.

This is exactly what witches and healers did in ancient times in many parts of our earth. Then the critical days were considered just a general process from the cycle of the cycle of things, and not a separate biological process. In addition, even the first doctors noticed interesting feature- if a group of women closely contacts and communicates closely, and its members spend a lot of time side by side, then their monthly cycle is shifted, which subsequently leads to a complete synchronization of this process for everyone who was part of this group.

This means that external factors also influence our body, including other people, phenomena, incidents. That is, a woman's menstruation is not some separate area of ​​self-renewal, it is a cycle that is very sensitive to any changes. And already from this it follows that it can not only be corrected or even controlled, but also interpret what it means.

Fortune telling by menstruation is based on three factors for a reason. The whole world is cyclical, which means that the time of day (sunset and sunrise), the day of the week, and the day of the month also matter.

Many women confirm the veracity of fortune-telling by menstruation, but it should be remembered that it is necessary to guess only on the first day of menstruation. And do not forget that every fortune-telling of the three is important, it is on the basis of them that a common interpretation is created.

Five elements in the cycle of female self-renewal

As you know, in the traditional teachings of the Chinese, there are five main elements - Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. Like all other elements on the planet, they obey certain rules, namely, they circulate in our world. There are separate points when these elements are most active, and they fall on part of the time of the day, week and month.

Based on such cycles, even Zodiac calendar, only the account in it is kept for a larger cycle - for a year.

In the phase of female self-renewal, as in the cycle of the main five elements, the same processes are observed:

  • Wood gives birth to Fire;
  • Fire gives birth to Earth;
  • Earth gives birth to Metal;
  • Metal gives birth to Water;
  • Water gives birth to Wood.

Thus, the beginning of a new cycle is the Tree, and the element of Water completes it. However, immediately after the end of the activity of Water, the phase of the Wood is born again, and this cycle is endless.

The element of Water is a kind of final stage of one cycle, and it is during this period that the stage of self-purification of a woman falls. Water is blood, it is the fluid of the body, which gives life, gives rise to the development of a new cycle.

At the time of the birth of the Earth - approximately in the middle of the female cycle, ovulation occurs. This is the most fertile period for the conception and fertilization of the egg. As the Earth gives life, so the female body during this period is most fruitful for the emergence of new life. After the completion of ovulation, if fertilization has not occurred, the female body resembles Metal - this is a period of relative infertility, as in Metal, at this time nothing will take root in the woman's body. Then this phase also ends, giving rise to self-purification and the onset of critical days.

Fortune telling by monthly feng shui implies it is possible, because this is just one of the many closed cycles that occur on our planet. Be able to interpret such a process female body is not an outlandish possibility, but rather a logical and natural phenomenon.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman has always attracted with its simplicity. Divination is a kind of magic (ceremonies, rituals) that allow you to know the future. Divination existed and still exists among all peoples of the world. Man has always wanted to know what awaits him in the future, what he needs to prepare for.

Since ancient times, people have been engaged in this magical work.

Guessed in different ways:

  • on tarot cards,
  • on the runes
  • on coffee grounds
  • on the numbers
  • on menses,
  • other.

Women have always attached some special magical meaning monthly. Indeed, during menstruation, the feelings and emotions of a woman are most aggravated. Women and girls during menstruation were considered unclean, dangerous, having otherworldly power. Therefore, fortune-telling by menstruation is true, as it was one of the most accurate methods to find out your future. This way to find out fate and the future is quite rare, but very true.

It is important to know that such fortune-telling allows you to find out about the future only during the period of the menstrual cycle in which they are guessing. That is, the predictions will come true in the next month.

Methods of divination by the menstrual cycle

Fortune telling by monthly 2 options is true:

  • by the hour;
  • by days.

The result of fortune-telling by monthly 2 options for love is valid until the start of the next menstruation.

Fortune telling by the clock

Fortune telling by the monthly clock is a method whose result will depend on the time of the onset of menstruation (morning, afternoon, evening, night). This fortune-telling is also called fortune-telling by menstruation for a woman for love. A girl, focusing on the hours of arrival of critical days, will be able to find out about love affairs for the next month.

Time of day when menstruation came:

  1. Morning a few hours before noon or early morning. You will find success in business, in love. If menstruation began in the morning, then a new love awaits the girl in this cycle. Harmony in the family and with loved ones. Married women have a second honeymoon, feelings between spouses are revived.
  2. Noon (until 13:00). A good time for the arrival of critical days. Joyful events and good luck in business await you. Time for kindness, love and happiness in your personal life.
  3. Second half of the day (until 17:00). Not a very good time to start your period. Troubles and small setbacks await you. At this time, you need to be careful in business and with your surroundings. The beginning of the cycle at this time portends troubles and the month itself will not be very lucky for you.
  4. Evening time (until 21:00). Perhaps you are waiting for events this month that will cause discomfort and sadness for a long time.
  5. Night time. One of the most annoying to start a cycle. This time may portend a quick separation from loved ones and loved ones. Cheating, lies, parting are possible.

Divination by day

Fortune telling by monthly by day will be most accurate when using two methods at once: by day and hour.

Great importance should be attached to the day when the discharge began. Each day of the week has its own meaning in the fate of a woman.

Days of the week when critical days began:

  • Monday. “Monday is a hard day” - such an expression is not in vain among the people. The beginning of menstruation on this day will bring you troubles, worries and worries. Changes in life are possible soon, both pleasant and not so.
  • Tuesday. A pleasant meeting awaits you in the near future with a person who will remain in your heart. Perhaps you will see an old friend, friend, acquaintance. There is a possibility that big changes in life await you.
  • Wednesday. This day is unfavorable for the beginning of the cycle. You are in big trouble, which will remind you of yourself for the whole next month. But you can do everything on your own, so you shouldn't worry too much. All problems and troubles are resolved, you should not hang your nose.
  • Thursday. Wait for an invitation to visit or a solemn event. Also, guests can come to you, be prepared. The meeting can be ambiguous: bring joy or trouble.
  • Friday. Auspicious and successful day for the onset of spotting. Good news awaits you, which you do not expect at all. This news can change your whole life, but it takes a little effort.
  • Saturday. A very auspicious day - expect very good events in life. All difficulties will pass by themselves and only positive emotions will await the woman. It is possible that you will confess your love and your wish will come true.
  • Sunday. A period of joyful pastime and fun. The time of the carefree month. In the near future, relations with your loved one will improve, with whom you will talk heart to heart.

What does the day of the month mean

The day of the month is an important indicator in divination. The magic of numbers has interested people since ancient times. Numbers are believed to have supernatural powers and magic.

The day of the beginning of monthly discharge means the following:

  1. They expect good news and events that will serve as a kind of incentive for life and bring a lot of happiness.
  2. Disappointment in people close to you and their actions.
  3. A quarrel awaits, a scandal with loved ones out of the blue.
  4. Waiting for pleasant events, fulfillment of desires.
  5. A pleasant surprise awaits from a loved one who will be remembered for a long time.
  6. Gossip and slander in your direction from a loved one, do not take it seriously - it will be easier.
  7. You will love the person for whom you will be the most precious thing in life.
  8. There will be a reason for the jealousy of a loved one.
  9. There may be people who want to upset your plans for life and personal happiness.
  10. Expect love and understanding.
  11. No need to suspect your loved one of treason, there is no reason for this. He is faithful to you and you should not think about stupid things.
  12. Meeting a person who will make you fall in love with yourself with the help of magic, be careful.
  13. Soon you will have great difficulties.
  14. Perhaps you will be pleased with the good news.
  15. Waiting for an unwanted gift, a surprise from a girlfriend or friend.
  16. Do not spread gossip and talk in vain, this can lead to trouble
  17. Separation from a loved one is possible. Parting can be long because of a quarrel.
  18. You will soon be offered a marriage proposal (who is not married), married woman waiting for a new stage in the relationship.
  19. In the near future, you will fall in love with a person, but love may not be mutual.
  20. Expect deception from your close friends or loved one.
  21. There's a deceit coming that could destroy family relationships Or a relationship with a guy.
  22. Unexpected financial prosperity awaits you.
  23. Wait for pleasant news and events that will make you happy.
  24. A holiday in a house with a large number of guests.
  25. Acquaintance with a person that can become the most important in life.
  26. You will meet a person who will become a good friend to you.
  27. A person will appear with the help of which your desires will be fulfilled.
  28. Achieve success in your career and a good income.
  29. There will be events that will cause pain and grief. Close people will help you in difficult times, you should not hide your tears and problems from them.
  30. It is possible that a person will appear with whom a new relationship will begin.
  31. A woman is waiting for unexpected changes. Perhaps you will go traveling, or maybe you will commit a shameful act that you will regret.

Folk omens for menstruation

Signs on the menstrual cycle can tell a lot of interesting things about events that can change your life for the better, or prepare for such changes.

Before modern world many signs have come down that can indicate various events in life. In women, there are many signs and beliefs associated with menstruation. Every month, critical days can indicate new events in life.

  • It was believed that if a girl had her first menstruation early, then she could become a mother of many children.
  • If the girl has her first period, then the female relative should give her a slap in the face. So they got rid of pain and uncomfortable sensations during menstruation.
  • Can't swim in the waters
  • Can't go to church
  • You can't go to places where you have to be naked
  • The woman was not allowed to do household chores, cooking, as everything could go bad
  • If a woman sprinkles the entrance to her house menstrual blood, then protect yourself and your home from the evil eye and damage.
  • During menstruation, plants should not be planted, as this threatens crop failure.
  • If menstruation came during the wedding, then future children were threatened Difficult life. It was necessary to read the conspiracy to prevent this from happening.
  • A woman on critical days could protect the house from fire. It was necessary to run 3 times around the house, which is on fire, and then the fire did not spread to other buildings.
  • A woman could not look at naked people during menstruation, as they could become covered with a rash.
  • If a woman had her period on a full moon, she was considered a witch. She was not allowed to look at the people and cattle in the house.

Signs about menstruation are valid for the period until the onset of the next menstruation.

Everyone decides for himself whether it is necessary to believe in fortune-telling and signs for menstruation. But it won't hurt to try. You can find out your future by a completely harmless method of divination. Fortune telling on menstruation will be true when people take fortune telling more seriously!

Since ancient times, man has sought to control the future. In honor were those who ruled over the future and knew the past. Numerous oracles, witches and fortune-tellers are ready to tell about what is to be experienced, using the most diverse, and sometimes ridiculous attributes. But is it possible to lift the veil of secrecy on your own? What is fortune-telling for the future by menstruation? How to find out the near future, based on the time of the onset of menstrual flow? Can such information be taken seriously? Let's answer these questions in this article, based on the opinion of esotericists.

The "strength" of menstrual blood in divination

Fortune telling on critical days is an intimate sacrament that has been practiced by the fair sex almost since the beginning of time. Perhaps now many are skeptical about this method of predictions, preferring to turn to fortune-tellers and clairvoyants for help or to lay out the Tarot on their own, but our great-grandmothers seriously tried to note the time of day or the date that marks the beginning of the regulation.

But what is the reason for this trend? The answer lies in the properties attributed to blood. Ancient religions were based on the belief that the scarlet liquid that fills the human body has life-giving energy and keeps the memory of the family. Menstrual blood was especially revered, because the onset of the first menstruation marked the beginning of the period of childbearing.

Our ancestors were sure that the blood has vital properties, keeping the secrets of the past and the future. Menstrual blood was used as a protection against evil spirits and harmful influences, and a woman during menstruation was a kind of amulet for her family and household. Giving special strength to cyclical secretions formed the basis of various true divination on monthly. Consider the most common of them.

Find out what awaits you in the future in the article at the link.

How to guess by menstruation

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman is sacred. Based on individual feelings and time intervals of the beginning of the cycle, you can find out not only what the future is preparing in in general terms, but also to predict the possible course of development of relations with a loved one, material means or the "behavior" of one's own organism.

The “starting” point for divination can be several factors that characterize the current menstruation. The most popular are several varieties of foresight, which give the most complete picture of life metamorphoses for the next cycle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the results of divination cannot be taken literally. Any interpretation is possible only in translation to the realities of a particular woman.

These predictions do not require additional paraphernalia, the ability to handle cards, waiting for a full moon or a new moon. It is enough just to look at the calendar as soon as the first "hints" of the expected menstruation appeared. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

You will be interested to know. Follow the link to find the answer to this question.

Divination by the phase of the day

Based on astrological treatises, we can conclude that the planetary location directly affects both well-being and the future of a person. Based on the time of day at which the woman began spotting, it is possible to draw up a kind of verified horoscope for menstruation, characterizing the psycho-emotional background and the characteristics of relationships with loved ones in the coming month, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. It is worth noting that in anticipation of menstruation, it is necessary to constantly check the personal hygiene product, because fortune-telling will be the most accurate if you focus on the moment the first blood clots appear.


The most favorable time to start menstruation. Many astrologers are sure that this early time interval portends the imminent beginning of a love adventure and the harmonization of the woman's inner background. The morning hours portend an early awakening, and mystics associate this time with rebirth. The coming month for the girl will be filled with love and understanding both with the opposite sex and with everyone around. positive vibrations fill a person and bestow an extraordinary surge of vital energy.

Day (up to 13 hours)

The beginning of menstruation at this time is characterized by seers in two ways. On the one hand, “daily” menstruation is the key to success in everything related to work and self-realization. On the other hand, menstruation, which begins in this phase of the day, is a direct recommendation from the Universe to devote more time to relatives and loved ones, because the family's boat can leak.


The interpretation of predictions based on menstruation, or rather, not the time of their beginning, says that the “coming” of critical days during twilight does not bode well. "Evening" menstruation is a kind of warning signaling about possible problems and serious conflicts in both the business and personal spheres. This phase of the day can give an idea not only about the events approaching a woman from the outside, but also characterize her internal state. Menstruation, which began in the late afternoon, is evidence of spiritual discomfort and boredom, which has drawn the girl's life into a dense veil.


The most unfavorable time to start menstruation in terms of esotericism. Having studied the treatises on magic and philosophy, one can come to the conclusion that the night is not only the time of the mysteries, but also a harbinger of death, giving rise to the dominance of the unconscious, "animal" in human nature. Menstruation, which began at night, portends an early separation from your loved one, possible scandals and a series of financial failures.
It is worth noting that predictions for the menstrual cycle are not fatal and cannot answer the question of why this or that event occurred. Although they are true. Everything that menstrual blood portends can come true within one cycle, that is, before the start of the next critical days. It is precisely because of their “short-sightedness” that many attribute this type of foresight to comic prophecies and do not take it seriously, and the desire to tell fortunes is inspired not by necessity, but by a thirst for fun.

Divination by day of the week

This method, based on the opinions posted on thematic forums, is one of the most reliable and truthful for women who are trying to independently predict their fate. Some sites about magic have online platforms that allow you to get a real-time forecast for free.

You can also predict the future on your own, relying on mystical meaning days according to the beginning of menstruation. Those who have already used such services know that veracity does not depend on who chooses the interpretation of the start time of critical days. The numbers are hard to deceive. The value of menstruation by dates and days of the week is considered the most accurate both among specialists and among girls who have tried this divination on themselves.


Monday is a vain day, says folk wisdom. So the menstruation, “coming” on the first day of the week, means chores throughout the month. But do not be upset. The bustle of the coming month will be associated with positive chores. Menstruation that began on Monday is a sure sign of an early receipt of an expensive gift from young man or husband.


Menstruation, which began on Tuesday, is a harbinger of a pleasant acquaintance that will not take long to wait. A man in a hurry to break into a woman's life will definitely become a reliable friend and faithful ally, and friendship can turn into marriage. Regulus, which came on the second day of the week, can mark rapid changes in life that are not associated with a new acquaintance. Remember the common wisdom: "Everything new is well forgotten old." In most cases, in the cycle of domestic worries, connections with friends and relatives are lost. Menstruation on Tuesday is a sure sign that over the coming month it will be possible to see those whom the lady managed to forget about.


Menstruation on Wednesday is an alarming sign that does not promise anything positive. Quick quarrels, deterioration in health and material well-being, this is what promises the representative of the weaker sex the beginning of menstruation on Wednesday. minor annoyances will pour in from a cornucopia throughout the month, "sucking" both physical and moral strength from a girl, sometimes leading to tears. But do not despair! This omen is not a sentence, but an occasion to take a closer look at yourself and mobilize internal resources to solve pressing problems.


The beginning of menstruation on Thursday is a harbinger of a noisy feast. According to most esotericists, you will have to act as a hospitable hostess yourself. But some experts in the occult field are sure that menstruation, which came on Thursday, warns a woman against feasts in the company of unfamiliar people and close acquaintances with unfamiliar guests.


Menstruation on Friday - messengers of good news. The menstrual cycle that fell on this day indicates the imminent onset of a pleasant, and the main, long-awaited event. This phenomenon can be associated with both work and personal life of a girl, marriage. Menstruation, which began on Friday, can also promise minor troubles that will accompany the fair sex throughout the month.


Based on the interpretation of fortune-telling by the day of the week of the beginning of menstruation, Saturday is the most favorable day for menstruation. The critical days that came on the sixth day of the calendar week are harbingers of lightness, future good luck and carelessness. Throughout the month, a woman will not leave a slight feeling of euphoria and harmony with herself and existence. Problems and minor troubles will "dissolve" by themselves, and the end of the menstrual cycle will mark a pleasant acquaintance or success in amorous affairs.


The beginning of menstruation, coinciding with the end of the week, is a good sign that portends joy and harmony throughout the coming month. They will also be a good messenger for those who go through a difficult period in a relationship with a loved one. The coming month will bring peace and harmony to the family haven and allow you to build strong, trusting relationships that promise a happy ending.

Divination based on the calendar day

To predict the near future, esotericists rely on the value of not only the day of the week, but also the calendar date of the onset of menstruation. These fortune-telling are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other, allowing you to form the most complete picture of the future. The predictions obtained by the analysis of discharges are "valid" until the next month. Consider the most common interpretations of calendar days.

  1. Menstruation, coinciding with the first day of the month, portends an abundance of positive events and profitable acquaintances throughout the next menstrual cycle. Happiness has already burst into the life of a woman, one has only to accept it with gratitude.
  2. Bleeding that began on the 2nd is the messenger of disappointment. Soon, a woman, under the pressure of unpleasant events, will have to look at a loved one from a different angle, disappointed in him.
  3. Menstruation, which coincided with this calendar day, portends a situation, the further development of which will depend entirely on the woman. She will begin her development with a quarrel, but the girl herself must determine in which direction to “turn” the development of the event.
  4. Menstruation portends the imminent onset of a long-awaited event that will be a real surprise for a woman. Pleasant chores can relate to both business and personal life.
  5. Regulus on the fifth day of the month promises a woman to receive an expensive gift from a loved one, and therefore good mood throughout the entire month.
  6. Menstruation, which came on the 6th day of the current month, is a messenger of bad deeds. According to most esotericists, this coincidence indicates that a woman has a serious enemy who is trying to strike with the help of slander or deceit.
  7. Menstruation, coinciding with the 7th of the month, means the appearance of a secret admirer in a woman and the imminent coming into her life of a strong bright feeling.
  8. The eighth day, marked by the beginning of critical days, is a harbinger of strong jealousy that will torment the girl over the next cycle and certain problems in her personal life that arise against her background.
  9. Menstruation that came on the ninth day of the month is a warning. This coincidence indicates the presence of a third party in relations with the future husband, seeking to bring discord.
  10. Menstruation on the 10th is news that portends an early euphoria from falling in love. Perhaps a new chosen one will appear in a woman's life, or relations with her beloved will move to a new level.
  11. Menstrual flow can tell about the appearance of anxiety and distrust in relation to the beloved man. Esotericists claim that all such worries are in vain, and the girl’s chosen one is crystal clear before her.
  12. The beginning of menstruation on this day speaks of a possible magical influence exerted on a woman in order to achieve her location.
  13. Menstruation on the 13th day of the month indicates the imminent beginning of the "black streak". Troubles will haunt a woman throughout the cycle.
  14. Bloody discharge is a harbinger of good news and many surprises.
  15. Noticing the beginning of menstruation on the 15th day of the month, beware, in the near future bad news will burst into life and frustrate plans.
  16. A warning that everything we say can be used against us.
  17. Menstruation on 17 days of the month promises an early parting with a loved one. But do not be very upset, but simply believe that the separation will not be long.
  18. Menstruation, which came on the 18th day, portends the emergence of a strong love feeling.
  19. Deciphering fortune-telling by the menstrual cycle says that the critical days that began on the 19th day of the month are messengers of love. But whether it will be mutual and what will happen in the process of these relationships is unknown even to the stars.
  20. Menstruation, coinciding with the twentieth day of the month, predicts quick unrequited love. Stop trying to win the heart of the chosen one and try to switch to the development of a new hobby or travel.
  21. Bloody discharge indicates a lie coming from a loved one.
  22. The beginning of menstruation on the 22nd is a harbinger of imminent material well-being. Money will pour on a woman throughout the cycle as if from a cornucopia.
  23. Spotting on the 23rd day of the month is the messenger of happiness and harmony. Throughout the cycle, the girl will be in a state of lightness and bliss, and any undertakings will be doomed to success.
  24. Menstruation on this day promises a quick noisy celebration with a plentiful feast and a pleasant acquaintance. The lady herself will act as the hostess of the celebration.
  25. The coincidence of menstruation with 25 days of the month promises a woman many new meetings and a very interesting acquaintance, which can develop into long-term business cooperation.
  26. Regulus on the 26th day of the month portends an early acquaintance with a man who will become a real friend for a woman, able to understand and share her pain and worries.
  27. Menstruation, which began on the 27th calendar day, portends the fulfillment of a long-standing innermost desire, followed by unexpected positive twists of fate.
  28. The beginning of menstruation on the 28th promises business success throughout the cycle. Or women will find a platform for implementation, and hard work will be valued in monetary terms.
  29. The secretions that came on the 29th do not bode well. In the coming cycle, a woman will have to endure disappointment and resentment that can cause severe emotional shock. But remember, dusk is not eternal and heralds the dawn!
  30. Menstruation will tell about a possible acquaintance, which can turn into a romantic adventure.
  31. The last day of the month, marked by the beginning of menstruation, portends a quick journey and the possibility of a situation in which women will show themselves not with better side. Remember that before you "cut off the shoulder" you need to consider all the possible consequences!

According to the majority of the fair sex, the above 2 options for fortune-telling by menstruation are true and help to create the most complete picture of the future.

Remember, in this case, the details of the course of menstruation are not important. Only exact time beginning has weight.

It makes no sense to practice such fortune-telling more than once a month, because even if a negative result is obtained, failures will not last more than one month. A new menstruation marks the opportunity to make a prediction again.

The mystical meaning of menstruation

The cyclicity of menstruation can tell a lot about a woman not only to gynecologists, but also to specialists in the occult sciences. Studying the comments of famous experts and, you can see that close friends have menstruation at the same time. Specialists in the field of subtle matters tend to associate this phenomenon with the harmonization of fluctuations in the "internal" frequencies characteristic of congenial people.

Considering menstruation according to the teachings of Feng Shui, we note that this is not just a physiological process, but a reflection of the integrity of the universe and the interaction of the main elements of the universe. This teaching tends to identify the stages of the menstrual cycle with the elements of nature. There is the following interpretation:

  • Water is identified with menstrual blood, which cleanses the body.
  • The earth is identical to the process of ovulation, giving new life and personifying fertility.
  • Metal is cold and empty, like a woman's reproductive system after her period.

The menstrual cycle, both from the point of view of medicine and from the point of view of esotericism, is the most complex process that gives the miracle of birth. It is possible that for modern woman fortune-telling on secretions seems ridiculous, but the results of such a prediction often coincide with the real state of affairs. Such methods do not require effort, and decoding will not encourage a woman to go to fortune-tellers, you just need to look at the calendar, which is always at hand.

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