Do-it-yourself neck for a barbell dimensions drawings. How to make your own home gym equipment. Pancakes from cement

Homemade T-Bar

T-bar exercises help to increase the size and thickness of the middle back, affecting mainly the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, trapezius and teres major muscles.

Homemade simulator "T-bar"

The factory T-bar trainer is quite expensive ($300-$1100 and up) and takes up a lot of space. But you can quite simply make a home-made similar simulator, which will cost you a much smaller amount. Often I have seen many athletes simply push the end of the bar of a regular Olympic barbell into a corner and perform their sets that way. And I also thought about how to somehow attach the barbell in the same way, but at my house the corners are made of carved wood, and I really did not want to peel off this beauty with a barbell.

The main problem with this way of doing exercises is that when you increase the weight on one end of the neck, its free end begins to rise after the loaded one, if you do not press it with a 20-kilogram pancake.

One solution to this problem can be a special bracket that is attached to the base of the power frame:

Trainer "T-Bar"

It was exactly what I needed, but when I learned that the fixture cost $55 including shipping, I figured I could do just as well myself for a lot less.

After going to the nearest Home Depot, I bought the following parts and assembled a similar bracket myself.

What I needed:

1 piece of pipe, nozzle 2″ x 6″ $5
1 1/2″ x 12″ threaded rod 8″ $3
Kit 4-1/2″ nuts with washers; 1 - 1/2" locknut $2
Total $10

After removing one of the bolts from the power frame, I replaced it with a rod.

Then I drilled a hole in the pipe. Starting with a 3/16" drill, I gradually drilled the hole out to 1/2". The 1/2" drill bit was the largest that my drill could hold, so I had to enlarge the hole with a circular motion of the drill in order for the shaft to enter the hole fairly freely.

Having assembled the entire structure, I put washers and tightened the nuts. From the opposite end of the rod, I fastened the entire structure with a lock nut. It turned out this:

The branch pipe rotates around the axis of the rod, and the end of the neck, inserted into the pipe, rests against the rod, preventing the neck from falling through. At first, the neck is inserted into the pipe with sufficient force, but over time the pipe develops, and the neck enters easily and freely.

To make it easier to add weights to the bar, Wal-Mart (America's largest retailer commercial network- approx. translation.) I bought a stand for $10.97:

You can use the D-handles to work with the T-bar. At one time I used an EZ bar for this purpose, but then I decided to buy a Body Solid Lat Blaster Bar, as it is well suited for any standard and Olympic necks.

So, the total cost of my homemade T-trainer was only about $67. If you are not going to buy a Lat Blaster Bar, but decide to use a neck that you already have, then total costs drop to $20.

Important: When you load the T-bar with heavy weights, the power rack, if you do not have it fixed, can move back. To keep the frame from moving, I usually just push it against the pancake drains:

Support for the simulator "T-bar"

T-bar tips

Keeping your abdominal muscles tense, lift the barbell and bring your shoulder blades together.

To load the projectile, use small pancakes. Pancakes of large diameter limit the range of motion.

When performing the exercise, keep your back straight and your stomach pulled in. This position will protect your lower back from injury.

Try to keep your elbows close to your body. Raising the elbows to the sides reduces the effectiveness of exercises on the T-bar.

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Bench press- a productive and most common exercise that develops the muscles of the chest. For home use not everyone can afford to buy a simulator in a specialized store. Then try to make it yourself. Who does not know how to make a homemade barbell. You can use the tips given in the article. It turns out that this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Moreover, in financial matter make a homemade barbell much more profitable. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment to practice at home.

Outwardly reliable. homemade construction will look aesthetically pleasing. In addition to tips on how to make a homemade barbell, you will find answers to making a DIY bench press, which is necessary for this strength training exercise.

The appearance of the future simulator is as in the figure below:

Note that this option is not the easiest. You can make a homemade barbell from bottles, wheels, concrete pancakes. But, for regular classes, it is better to try once, making a homemade barbell that looks attractive, so it will be a pleasure to work with it.

How to make a homemade exercise machine for training at home

materials that will be needed to assemble the simulator: standard steel pipes (preferably square).

Tools. You can find them at home, and buy the missing ones in the store: an electric drill (but a manual one is also suitable), a hacksaw or a grinder, screws and a screwdriver.

Of course, to make a homemade simulator, you need basic knowledge of the basics of metal cutting and welding(in extreme cases, the help of friends).

In principle, you can do without welding if you replace it with fastening with screws.

You can’t train without a bench press, so let’s start with its manufacture.

Making a Bench Bench

The figure below gives the notation: the top number in the circle means the part number, the bottom one tells you which part to attach it to.

Bench assembly materials:

  1. Square pipe 50x50x4: 50 millimeters is the size of the sides, 4 is the wall thickness. With a margin, you need to buy it 8.2 meters. This amount should be enough, provided that everything is done carefully and strictly according to the drawing. The cost of a meter of pipe is 5-6 dollars, and total amount will be about $45. If you are planning classes with light weights, you can save money by replacing it with hardwood bars.
  2. Board size 1.3x0.3 meters on which they lie when they perform the exercise. She, for convenience and beauty, is upholstered with leatherette, leatherette or thick cloth, under which foam rubber is placed. But don't make the bench too soft.
  3. Holders (10) - 2 pieces. They are made from steel strip. Arcs of the form "Y" or "U" will do. They also make stags from a reinforcing bar. The main thing is that they hold the barbell securely.
  4. Plugs(11)- metal plates 50x50 millimeters (any thickness). But, you can do without them, because the covers perform a purely aesthetic function. If you use them, then you need 6 pieces.
  5. Fastening(see fig.). These are parts welded from triangular and rectangular plates. You can't make them without welding. But, this is the only place where it cannot be replaced if you follow the recommendations. You can do without this if you use 3 plates of wood or metal measuring 90x40 mm (or other). The main thing is that they protrude a couple of centimeters on both sides of the pipe to which the board is attached. The plates are fastened to the pipe with screws: holes are drilled in them and a board is screwed on top.
  6. Grovers(spring washers), nuts, screws - 12 pieces each. They are needed to fasten the bench.

After the bench is assembled, the queue for a homemade barbell

How to make a barbell


  1. Pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a wall thickness of at least 6 mm. You need it 1.6-1.8 meters. The steel bar weighs 20 kg and is 2.2 meters long. Such characteristics (weight and strength) are not given by improvised materials. Even taking out a pipe with a metal thickness of 8 mm, one cannot reach the specified parameters of the standard neck. Considering that pipes with a wall of 6 mm are the most common, it is possible to achieve a weight of 7 kg, taking a length of 1.8 m. like a factory neck. A home-made bar will be stronger if you take a large thickness of metal, but even this will not significantly add weight. Here, this must be taken into account, and focus on the cost. An expensive option - steel round timber, of course, is more reliable and efficient. Further, threads are cut at the ends of the selected pipe - 20 centimeters on each side.)
  2. Pancake dividers are needed so that they do not cross the “line” assigned to them. A simple and reliable option that does not allow pancakes to do this will be welding in right places pieces of steel. If there is no welding, use electrical tape or wire, which is wound in the right places, having previously made holes in them. If appearance is not so important for you, drill two through holes in those places, insert them with screws and nuts. Separator distance 20 cm.
  3. Pancakes added to total weight 51 kg. But, when making a homemade barbell, it is difficult to accurately determine the weight. In addition, remembering that the weight of the bar is 7 kg, plus 51 kg (which the bar weighs), it will turn out not enough. It is also impossible to overdo it, given the strength of the pipe of a homemade rod. For pancakes, the recommended steel thickness is 3 cm. You won’t be able to buy such a sheet cheaply. You can look for them at scrap metal collection points, given that symmetry is necessary, i.e. so that the number of kilograms at both ends is the same.
  4. To fix pancakes, you need 2 nuts: for a diameter of 32 - a nut, respectively, by 32. The next option is to drill at a short distance through holes, insert the screws into those of them that are closer to the pancakes. Another aesthetic way is special spring clips (2 pcs.). They are practical and inexpensive.

When everything is prepared, they begin the assembly and are proud of themselves. There are disadvantages to a home-made barbell, and it turns out to be a little expensive at a cost. However, it is much more economical than buying it in the store, and it brings the same benefits. Having made a homemade barbell, you get powerful motivation: having spent so much effort, you cannot stop training.

Video: How to make a barbell with your own hands

From ordinary household supplies, you can make a bar to improve physical form and doing exercises. Milk bottles, canned goods and other everyday items will help you keep fit. This way you will save money and be in good shape!


Make easy homemade barbells

    Use a milk bottle. Fill a clean plastic three liter bottle water, sand, stones or concrete. The bottle must be with a handle; you will need it for the exercises. Use the handles to raise and lower the bottle like a barbell or dumbbell.

    • With hand barbells made from milk bottles, you can pump biceps, triceps and shoulders.
  1. Raise cans. Tin cans that fit in your hand will completely replace hand dumbbells. This is especially good if you are just starting to pump muscles. Use large cans as heavy barbells or medicine balls.

    Make dumbbells out of plastic water bottles. Instead of recycling water or soda bottles, fill them with water or put sand or pebbles in them. When filling it is worth making sure that they weigh the same. Lift bottles like dumbbells.

    Make hand bars out of water bottles. Instead of using water bottles to make hand bars, you can attach a few bottles to your arms as hand weights. Before attaching the bottles to your hands, fill them with sand. If you want to increase the weight, add water after filling them with sand.

    • filled plastic bottles should be attached with tape to your forearm. Don't tape your skin; she must fasten the bottles so that they stick together. You can also use adhesive tape just don't stick it on your skin. Place the bottles close to each other so that they do not slip from your hands.
  2. Make a weighted medicine ball out of a basketball. Take an old basketball and drill a hole in one of the black stripes. The opening must be large enough to allow weighted material to be placed through the funnel. Place a funnel over the hole and add sand or pebbles until the desired weight is reached. Use a bicycle tire patch to cover the hole. If you don't have a set of tire vulcanizing patches, you can also use duct tape. Now the modified ball can be used as a medicine ball.

    Make hand weights out of socks. Fill a clean sock with dry beans. To increase the weight, pebbles or small stones are also suitable. Sew or tape the open end of the sock. Then sew the ends together or sew Velcro to them to make it easier to lift the sock.

    • Use the scale to adjust the weight. Stuff the sock based on your desired weight, then cut off any excess fabric. If you want to make the dumbbells heavier, but the material won't interfere inside, use a larger sock.
    • When choosing a sock, make sure it is long enough to wrap around your wrist. If the sock is too long, fill it until it wraps around your wrist, then cut off the excess before sewing the end.
  3. Use packages of rice or beans. These packs are great as mini barbells if you are a beginner. You can start using them right now for bicep curls and other light weight exercises.

    Cut bicycle tire tubes into hand dumbbells. Take the inner tube of the tire and cut it into equal pieces. Secure one end of the chamber with duct tape, then fill the chamber with sand. Seal the other end with duct tape. You can leave them flat or bend them and tape both ends together.

    • This is a great way to make rods. various sizes. Start with 500 grams - 1.5 kilograms. You can also try to make barbells weighing 2.5 or even 3.5 kilograms. Weigh the rods before taping them.
  4. Make a weighted vest. Take a fishing vest or a vest with lots of small pockets. Fill plastic bags sand or concrete and place them in your pockets. Run, pull up, do push-ups, or walk while wearing a weighted vest.

    Use cans of paint. Hold the paint cans by the handles. Most cans of paint are a bit heavier than plastic bottles or food cans, so you can use them to build muscle. Because they have handles, jars are virtually indistinguishable from dumbbells.

    • You can also try using cans of paint instead of weights.
  5. Do water pipe. Water pipes are long plastic pipes filled with about 10 liters of water. The benefit of training is the squishing and flowing of the water, and by trying to keep balance as the water passes from one end of the pipe to the other, you engage the muscles. You can also make a water pipe yourself from a polymer pipe. The pipe should be about 10 centimeters in diameter and 2.5-3 meters long. Put a cap on one end and half fill the pipe with water. Put the cap on the other end.

    Use a duffel bag to craft a sandbag. Sandbags are similar to water pipes in that they are unstable and weight shifts in them and you have to use large quantity muscles. To make a sandbag, fill 18-20 liter freezer bags with sand. Your bag should weigh approximately 20-30 kilograms. Use two bags so they don't tear, then seal the end. Put the packages in a duffel bag. Zip up your duffel bag and get to work!

Make homemade kettlebells

    Use a milk or juice can. Fill clean, plastic 4 liter jar or a 2 liter bottle of water or sand. Make sure the jar has a handle; it is needed to perform exercises with a kettlebell.

  1. Use kettlebells with rope. Another method for making kettlebells at home is to tie a string around each end of the dumbbell handle. The thicker the rope, the easier it will be for you to hold onto it. Take the rope in the middle so that the dumbbell hangs evenly at a level below your hands. Now you can do swing movements and presses, and the weight will practically not differ from the kettlebell. If you need to adjust the weight, just use a different size dumbbell.

    • Be careful when doing dumbbell swings. It swings and flies further than an ordinary kettlebell. Try not to hit yourself with the dumbbell.
  2. Make a kettlebell out of a bag of potatoes. Buy a bag of potatoes, rice or sugar, which can be found in almost all grocery stores. Fill the bag with sand until the desired weight is reached. Tie a loop at the top of the bag to hold on to. Use string or duct tape to secure the noose so it doesn't fall off. You can secure the bottom and sides of the bag with duct tape.

    • You can use this method to make many weights of various sizes. Use a scale to measure how many pounds you put into the bags before you tie them.
  3. Use polymer pipe and old basketballs for making kettlebells. Buy a 2.5/61 cm polymer pipe, seal one end with duct tape and fill it with sand. Seal the other end of the pipe. Put the polymer pipe in an oven heated to 450 degrees for 10 minutes. The plastic should become soft, not melt. Now you need to shape the plastic into the shape of the kettlebell handle. Keep a close eye on the pipe.

    • Pull the pipe out of the oven and thread it through the handle, connecting both ends. Fasten the ends with duct tape. Immerse the pipe in cold water so that it doesn't lose its shape.
    • Cut a slit with two handle holes in the basketball. Attach the handle to the ball to make sure the handle holes are the correct width and at the correct height.
    • Quickly mix the concrete in a separate container, then scoop it up and fill a basketball with it. Attach the handles. Allow the concrete to cure for two or three days before use.

Everything you need, and at the same time avoid exorbitant spending? There is only one way - to make simulators yourself. They may look unsightly, but in terms of functionality they differ little from those sold in sporting goods stores.

If you are a regular reader of our site, then you probably met articles on how to do it yourself and among my previous notes. Today I will share with you a very in a simple way make a barbell from all the rubbish lying around in the pantry.

Do-it-yourself barbell - it's easy

How to make a barbell with your own hands? You will need half a bag of sand, metal pipe or a rod 1.5 m long and 4 cm thick, of the same length and diameter, a rubber hose, adhesive tape and several one and a half plastic bottles. Sand is poured into bottles to the very neck, after which we fill it with water to increase their weight. The mass of each such weighting agent is about 3 kg. Calculate how many you need. Beginners usually need 6-8 pieces, experienced ones take more. The main thing is to get an even number of bottles, since the load on both hands should be the same.

Resist the temptation to build a barbell "for growth." If it turns out to be harder than necessary, training with such a simulator will not contribute to a faster build-up of muscle mass - but it may well cause injuries. Sprains, dislocations, abrasion articular cartilage, offset internal organs… For athletics to be useful, you need to measure your ambitions with your capabilities. It’s better after a month or two of training, when the body gets stronger, add to your homemade barbell a couple more weights - it's not difficult. And for the most stubborn jocks, I’ll leave here, just in case, a motivating link: Hernia - symptoms and treatment. As an illustration to all of the above.

It is not very convenient to use metal fittings as a neck for a barbell in its original form: the rough surface rubs the palms. To avoid minor injuries, we pull the hose onto the rod. Perhaps this is the most difficult stage of work - but it’s not worth making it easier for yourself by taking a hose of a larger diameter: the neck will hang out in the shell and slip out of your hands. No, the rubber should sit on your rod like a second skin: only in this case, training with a barbell will be fun.

We made “pancakes” for the barbell with our own hands - now we attach them to the pipe. I highly recommend taking construction tape, and not clerical tape, as it holds much stronger. First, we tightly tighten the bottles with adhesive tape, then we pass a rod between them and fix the weighting agents.

How else can you make a barbell at home?

There is another way. Instead of bottles, you can use a pair of plastic eggplants for 3-6 or more liters as weighting agents. And instead of wet sand - building mix(cement and sand in the ratio 1:2). After adding water to it, we prepare the solution and pour it into the first eggplant. We insert a rod into her neck, previously “dressed” in a hose. Make sure that the neck sinks to the very bottom and stands strictly upright. Now you need to wait a couple of days for the solution to dry well. After that, in exactly the same way, we make the second weighting agent. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot make a concrete bar in one evening - but it also has advantages. The neck sits very firmly in the hardened cement - no additional fasteners are needed. If you paint the baklags, then the product will acquire a quite decent appearance. It will be more pleasant to train with him - and this is an additional motivation for regular work on your form.

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But such an unpleasant factor as an insufficient amount of money constantly haunts them. Probably, it would be cool to swing at home, but there is also a problem here - there is no equipment. This article, on the topic: how to make a barbell at home, I dedicate to young athletes with great desire, but an empty pocket.

Important: in the next article, together we will do Gym DIY, absolutely free.


do-it-yourself bars:

trendy fitness centers, with a thousand exercise machines - pumping out money, because in order to develop beautiful muscles, you need only basic equipment:

  • Barbell
  • Dumbbells
  • Multiple Racks

And if you figure it out, then the bar is enough to pump the entire muscle corset, look here:

♦ Barbell Squats - Legs

♦ Barbell Deadlift - Back

♦ Military shoulder press

♦ Curl

♦ Triceps French Press

You see, all basic elements are performed using one projectile. Many go to the gym, thinking that only there you can become great, but this is not true.

Practical barbell at home, 5 variations

Foreword: in the article, I will not name exact dimensions, because at home everyone different material and diameters of structures, therefore, ladies general information I'll attach pictures, and then you can easily figure it out yourself.

Method 1. barbell out cans from paint

As for me, this version of the barbell at home is very simple to make yourself, and in the end something beautiful comes out, especially if you paint it.


  • Steel pipe 2-3 meters (we choose the diameter according to the principle of comfortable grip)
  • 2 pieces steel pipe 30 cm
  • 2 cans of paint with a volume of 3 l
  • Cement

Rod manufacturing technique:

♦ Take 2 cans of paint, cut off the bottom

♦ Then, we fasten 2 blanks in a jar with aluminum wire, as shown in the picture (our task is to make supports in order to pour concrete in the future, and the tube remained empty in the center)

♦ After the blanks are exposed, we put the cans, standing on flat surface

♦ We pour cement inside, put a brick on top, and wait for complete drying

♦ We insert the main bar into the holes, that's all - the barbell is ready with your own hands!

As a result, we get a barbell that we made at home, spending only a few hundred rubles on cement. Pancakes can be removed and new ones added in just a few seconds, which will allow you to quickly progress in muscle mass.

The most important advantage of the design is that the banks will not allow the cement to crumble.


Method 2. Do-it-yourself bottle bar

The advantage of this method is simplicity, it requires a minimum of materials, and you can make a rod from bottles in ordinary apartment.


  • 8 bottles of 2 l
  • Main neck
  • Sand
  • Scotch

The projectile will be poorly understood, therefore, it is better to immediately determine the weight or make several rods.

Manufacturing process:

♦ We take bottles that are equal not only in volume, but also in the same shape

♦ We go to the sandbox, where we fill the bottles and compact the sand well in them

♦ We tie 2 bottles with tape, then we tightly fasten them to the neck, when 2 is already good to hold on - add 3 and 4

♦ 2nd side the same way.

Responsible for duct tape , and it is desirable to weigh 4 bottles before mounting and form equal sides by weight, so that there is no imbalance during classes.

Method 3. Bar with bricks

I also had such a bar at one time, its main advantage is the small weight of the bricks, which means you can control the weight and add a little if necessary.


  • 10 bricks
  • Vulture
  • Stone drill
  • Bulgarian and stone circle

Manufacturing process

♦ First step, drill a hole in each brick, slightly larger in diameter than the main neck

♦ Step 2, cut corners with a grinder and form circles with bricks

♦ Fit the bricks to the same weight, or hang and sign

♦ Put on homemade pancakes and exercise (good luck)

It is very easy to make pancakes for the rod with bricks, if you operate the projectile carefully, the rod will last a long time. And due to the fact that the load can be increased gradually by throwing a few pancakes, progress will not take long.

Method 4. Bar from cement circles

The technology for making such a barbell at home is quite simple, all you need is:

  • Cement
  • metal molds
  • Vulture

Before making a barbell, I will first talk about cement molds:

♦ We take a metal plate and cut a strip from it, 10 cm wide, and the length, you see for yourself

♦ Then, with a strip of tin, we wrap the pole, and bend the ends into different sides and fasten

♦ When the shape has taken a rounded shape, we make a bottom for it with a welded tube in the middle

♦ Pour cement into the mold and wait for drying, in order to better understand the process, carefully look at the picture

Method 5. Rustic wooden bar at home

If you are from the countryside, like me, and do not know how to make a barbell, then the following method is for you.


  • Whole cut wood circle
  • Several kg of old nails
  • Wood drill
  • Wood saw
  • And others metal objects that can be beaten with a hammer

♦ We go to the felling of old trees, or to a place where they process forests

♦ We cut or ask for a solid wooden circle under 10 cm thick, choose the diameter yourself, which circle will be convenient for you to lift

♦ In the middle we make a hole for the neck

♦ Then, we drive into our wooden circles, everything that can be hammered into a tree (staples, nails, the rest of the garage garbage, as an idea - buy slate nails)

With the help of improvised materials, we fill the tree with metal to increase the weight, hang the pancakes so that the barbell is balanced - you can begin to conquer sports peaks.

All these methods are primitive, the shells do not turn out beautiful, but we don’t need this - muscles grow from weight, and not from the object that we hold in our hands during classes.

I hope that I have fully disclosed the question "how to make a barbell with my own hands", and threw necessary options, to make your dreams come true .

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