Inclusive education of children with disabilities in a preschool of a combined type in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Preschool education for children with disabilities



National educational initiative "Our new school» when setting priorities in the field of education, one of the most important determined the course to preserve the health of children. And at the stage of preschool childhood, we build our work in such a way as to preserve and strengthen the health of children as much as possible. However, the number of children in the category with handicapped health. They require special conditions and competent, from the point of view of correctional pedagogy, support.

Support as a process, as an integral system of activity, is based on certain principles: respect for the interests of the child; support system.

Along with this, of particular concern at the stage of transition from traditional preschool education to innovative is the problem of teaching and educating preschoolers with disabilities (disabled health), a large heterogeneous group of children with an insufficient level of psychophysical and speech development, which is in conditions of hidden integration in general developing preschool educational institutions. The integration of children with disabilities into mass educational institutions is a social order of society and the state, a natural stage in the development of the special education system. More than 30% of children with disabilities are in mass preschools, integrated into the environment of normally developing peers for various reasons:

Children without appropriate diagnoses, but with adaptation disorders; their "integration" is due to the fact that the existing deviation in development has not yet been identified;

Children whose parents, knowing about the violation of the development of the child, for various reasons, insist on studying in a mass kindergarten.

Unfortunately, to date, Russia has not developed a holistic, effective system for the inclusion of children with disabilities in social life. The system for including children with disabilities in mass kindergartens is also poorly developed. Many teachers find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are not ready and unable to provide assistance to such children.

Solving the problem of education and upbringing of children with disabilities within the framework of existing system education is complicated by a number of contradictions between:

The ability of children with disabilities to attend mass kindergartens and the unwillingness and inability of teachers to provide assistance to such children;

The need to implement an individually differentiated approach in the process of teaching and educating children of all categories with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, depending on their psychophysical capabilities and the lack of a theoretically justified strategy for organizing this process at all levels of managing the preschool system;

An increase in the intensity of social transformations in society that give rise to the intellectualization of education in preschool childhood, an increase in training loads in the education and upbringing of children in mass preschool educational institutions and the imperfection of the system of education and upbringing of children with disabilities integrated into preschool educational institutions, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of this category of children;

The need to find alternative technologies for education and upbringing that correspond to the individual psychophysical characteristics of all categories of children with disabilities and the lack of a system for evaluating the effectiveness and benefits of these technologies in the context of innovative transformations for children with disabilities.

Getting children with disabilities education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types professional and social activities.

The task of teachers is to organize educational work so that at each age a child with disabilities is offered to master knowledge, skills and abilities adequate to his age, psychophysical and speech development.

One of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work is the creation of a protective-pedagogical and subject-developing environment adequate to the child's capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children's activities, correction of deviations of higher mental functions and development of the child's personality. The organization of education and training of preschool children with disabilities involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work. Most children are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and daily routine. One of the important conditions is the need to organize a protective regime that spares and at the same time strengthens the child's nervous system. In the daily regimen, an increase in the time allotted for hygiene procedures, sleep, and food intake should be provided. A wide variation of organizational forms of correctional and educational work is envisaged: group, subgroup, individual.

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of raising and educating children with disabilities in a mass kindergarten is equipping it with special equipment: for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, special chairs with armrests, special tables, posture correctors (reclinators) are needed; a ramp should be provided. And therefore, it is necessary to create combined groups with similar disorders in children with disabilities in mass kindergartens.

Our kindergarten visited by children with disabilities, impaired posture, hearing and children with speech therapy and behavioral problems. For these children it is very important to be loved, to be accepted, to have independence as far as possible, and hence self-confidence.

When children with disabilities began attending our kindergarten, we faced the problems listed above. Such children need a systematic complex corrective action to be started as early as possible. We are convinced that the main thing in our work is, first of all, the full formation of the personality of each child, and not just classes to overcome violations. That is why we involved the entire staff of the preschool institution, parents and normally developing peers in the correctional development process, since we believe that our work should not be limited to the walls of the preschool educational institution. After all successful overcoming violations in children is possible only under the condition of an individual, tolerant attitude towards the personality of the child and a close relationship and continuity in the work of the entire team (teachers - speech therapists, educators, psychologists and other specialists). Having worked through the methodological literature, the areas of activity of specialists were determined and the activities of the teaching staff were organized, all specialists in their field developed methodological recommendations for working with children with disabilities. In joint classes, we, in our opinion, decide main task- the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the children's team of normally developing peers and the upbringing of a mutually tolerant attitude towards each other. And the close relationship of the specialists of our kindergarten allows us to make these classes as productive as possible.

In addition, the involvement of parents in real life is important. pedagogical process: these are joint "living rooms", workshops. Before teachers of preschool educational institutions, striving to provide effective assistance to a family with a child with disabilities, there are a number of difficult problems in all respects. There cannot be any standard recipes and typical solutions here, everything is individual.

As mentioned above, there are still a lot of problems on this topic, but we already have our small victories: (these are the conditions created at the moment in our preschool educational institution):

Children with special needs have a desire to attend kindergarten;

Acceptance by the children's team and parents of normally developing peers of children with special needs;

The habituation of children with disabilities to the society of peers with normal development, the ability to interact with them, and we, in turn, try to organize this interaction as an interaction of equal partners.

Any educational institution is accessible to children with disabilities by teachers who are able to meet the educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel like everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can exercise not only his right to education, but also, being included in the full social life of his peers, acquire the right to a normal childhood.

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which was adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013, has become a real breakthrough in the field of relations between adults and young residents of the country. This innovative document takes into account modern trends in social development, but at the same time relies on traditions and features Russian system education. Work on the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" has been going on for several years, and its result has become a legal instrument that brings the regulation of relations in education to a qualitatively new level. For the first time in the history of national education, this law introduced a new legal concept - students with disabilities.

Children with disabilities.

Federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals having physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions. Obtaining the conclusion of the PMPK is the most important stage in confirming the status of a child with disabilities. If a mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has disabilities, but this is not supported by a document from the PMPK, then such a child cannot be assigned to a compensatory or combined orientation group. Even if teachers and psychologists of the kindergarten see that a particular child needs corrective assistance, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the conclusion of the commission.

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of the territorial PMPK

It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions: on the one hand, it examines children, on the other hand, it makes recommendations on providing psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and creating conditions for them in educational organizations. PMPK employees know and understand that the recommendations must necessarily reflect the conditions that must be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, the PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a combined group, where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills. Inclusive education The term "inclusive education", which is most directly related to the education of children with disabilities, first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012, previously there was no such concept in any document at the federal level. The law "On Education" introduces the following definition: "Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities." Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already firmly entered our lives, it is being implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher professional and secondary vocational education. Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities. Depending on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, children with disabilities are admitted to kindergarten either in a compensatory group or in a combined group. What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

  1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in combined orientation groups Combined orientation groups can hardly be called an innovative novelty, preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when ordinary children's groups included children with minor health problems (low vision, mild deafness, etc.). A feature of combined orientation groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, children who have certain types of disorders (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and so on) study together. ). In contrast to the occupancy of groups of a general developmental orientation, which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the occupancy of groups of a combined orientation is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs also indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs used by teachers in such groups have also already been widely tested and implemented in teaching practice, in the educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard in these groups are different. Regardless of the number of such pupils (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher in working with them uses an adapted educational program, and for each child his own. It must be emphasized that one program is allowed to be used only if the group is attended by children with a similar type of impairment. For example, if two or three people have the same degree of hearing loss, then the adapted program can be the same. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child is with a hearing impairment, another with a visual impairment, a third with a mental development disorder, then an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities is prescribed individually for each child. health opportunities.
  2. Inclusive education in compensatory groups Compensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same impairment. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included children with autism spectrum disorders in the list of children with disabilities, which was not previously in the model provision. This group of children with disabilities appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, in last years Indeed, there are a lot of children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Children with autism need special educational conditions, which is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities. Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory orientation groups can have 10 orientations - depending on the category of children. The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write the actually adapted basic educational program, while they are not posted on the Federal State Educational Standards Register, have not been developed to date. There is only a federal state educational standard, on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing Kindergarten for Inclusive Education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development to all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, each child needs to get to the right time and the right place, that is, to the very garden where he will be comfortable. This applies in particular to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions are created for such a child. And if the mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, and the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist), and the child categorically needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation develops. From the outside it seems that the child is covered by preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Far from it. Does it get exactly the set of conditions it needs? Again, no. And in this regard, the following is extremely important. As soon as children appear in the kindergarten who have provided confirmation of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK on the status of a “child with disabilities”, this immediately aims the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child. And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. This is, first of all, the professional development of teachers, the training of teachers, their preparation for working with such children. This is the methodological part. This is the introduction of changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work / inclusive education”.

Thus, preschool organization there are quite a few serious problems that need to be addressed. It should be noted here that the preparation teaching staff who own special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods - this is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the organ state power the subject should be concerned about the training of these teaching staff, on the one hand, and promote the involvement of such workers in the organization, on the other hand. Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities, students are offered a series of lectures on this topic. But there is very little time in the university program for studying this multifaceted problem, the depth of its study is insufficient for the full preparation of preschool teachers to work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about the diagnosis and some separate fragmentary information about the correction. Actually, students and graduates do not study the methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, methods of work, methods and technologies and do not receive the skills of such work. Therefore, an educator who comes to a general developmental group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, these competencies that he needs. It is impossible not to say that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by reducing funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow for the full implementation of the educational program for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but not for others. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law "On Education" and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request from the parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important. Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities

Although the introduction of inclusive education is associated with a lot of difficulties, the process is becoming more active. An accessible environment is created for children with disabilities in kindergartens, teachers master methods of interaction with such preschoolers. And today the issue of developing basic educational programs comes to the fore. The basis for writing the program is the federal state educational standard, on the basis of which the program is written. But it is equally important that the main educational program be developed taking into account the exemplary one. This is required by the law "On Education", therefore, all educational organizations (including preschool ones) do this when developing basic educational programs. To date, there are no approximate adapted basic educational programs for preschool children. They have not been developed, they are not on the website of the Federal State Educational Standard, and there is nowhere to get them from. This is a rather serious problem, which significantly hinders the development of the preschool education system in terms of preschool education for children with disabilities. We must not forget that in groups where there are children with disabilities, adapted programs should be used for training, although they may differ from each other. This point deserves special mention. Previously, there was no concept of "adapted program", although the term "correctional program" has been used for a long time. Adapted basic general education programs are another innovation in the education system, including preschool. Adapted basic general education programs are programs that are used for a group, for a class of children who have this or that impairment. For example, an adapted basic general education program for a group of visually impaired or hearing impaired children, for blind children, for deaf children, for children with severe speech impairments. There are a lot of such children's groups in the country, and these groups should work according to adapted basic programs.

What is an adapted educational program for children with disabilities? Such a program is indispensable in the case when there are one, two, three, five children with disabilities in a group of normally developing peers. It is obvious that the program that the group is working on (for example, the program "From Birth to School", "Childhood", "Rainbow" or any other program) is simply not suitable for a child with AP, any child with any impairment. And if the program does not fit, then it must be adapted. Let's take a simple example to illustrate. A child with severe speech impairment is combined group. It is clear that for such a child it is necessary to adapt the section of the program called “Speech Development”. For such a child, it is necessary to include in the content of the program certain changes, exactly those that this particular child needs, based on what kind of lexical insufficiency he has (that is, what he lacks in terms of vocabulary), whether he has violations grammatical structure speech (and if so, what kind) that this child has with sound pronunciation. Thus, the educational program is being adapted so that the learning process of a child with disabilities is more comfortable and leads to the achievement of high results.

Is it necessary to amend the charter in the case of teaching children with disabilities according to adapted educational programs m?

It is obvious for both parents and educators that it is much easier for children with disabilities to adapt and master educational programs in groups of a combined orientation. And here it is more important than ever to talk about adapted programs. Each child with disabilities who is in a combined orientation group needs to adapt the main program that is offered for the entire group. Undoubtedly, for a particular child, an individual adaptation of this program is required. Perhaps only in one educational area, such as for children with severe speech disorders. Perhaps in two areas, if, for example, these are children with mental retardation. Features of adaptation depend on the educational needs of each child who finds himself in a group of healthy peers. And, perhaps, two points - the development of an adapted educational program for each child with disabilities in groups of combined orientation and the development of adapted basic educational programs - today represent the main difficulty in the inclusive education of children with disabilities. But, despite all the difficulties of introducing inclusive education, this approach to teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions has the broadest prospects. Constant interaction and daily cooperation allows both children with disabilities and children with normal development to acquire new knowledge and skills, become more tolerant, learn to find solutions in a variety of life situations. The global goal of inclusive education is to create comfortable conditions for the joint successful upbringing and effective education of children with different psychophysical developmental characteristics. And our society has already taken the first step towards achieving this goal.

Increasingly, teachers of preschool and school educational institutions in their practice are faced with children who, due to some of their characteristics, stand out in the society of their peers. As a rule, such children hardly master the educational program, work more slowly in the classroom and lessons. Not so long ago, the definition of "children with disabilities" was added to the pedagogical dictionary, but today the education and upbringing of these kids has become

in modern society

Specialists involved in the study of the contingent of children in educational institutions argue that in almost every group of kindergarten and in the secondary school class there are children with disabilities. What it is becomes clear after a detailed study of the characteristics of a modern child. First of all, these are children with physical or mental disabilities that prevent the child from successfully mastering the educational program. The category of such children is quite diverse: it includes children with speech, hearing, vision, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, complex disorders of intelligence and mental functions. In addition, they include hyperactive children, preschoolers and schoolchildren with severe emotional and volitional disorders, phobias and problems with social adaptation. The list is quite wide, therefore, the answer to the question: "HVD - what is it?" - requires a sufficiently detailed study of all modern deviations from the norm in the development of the child.

Special kids - who are they?

As a rule, the problems of special children become noticeable to teachers and parents already at preschool age. That is why in the modern preschool educational society, the organization of the integration of special kids into society is becoming more widespread. Traditionally, two forms of such integration are distinguished: inclusive and integrated education of children with disabilities. Integrated education takes place in a special group in a preschool institution, inclusive - in ordinary groups among peers. In those preschool institutions where integrated and inclusive education is practiced, rates of practical psychologists are introduced without fail. As a rule, children normally perceive not quite healthy peers, because kids are more tolerant than adults, so in children's society there is almost always “communication without boundaries”.

Organization of education and upbringing of special children in a preschool institution

When a child enters a preschool institution, first of all, specialists pay attention to the degree of severity of deviations. If developmental pathologies are strongly expressed, then helping children with disabilities becomes a priority activity of the relevant kindergarten specialists. First of all, the educational psychologist plans and conducts a special study of the child, based on the results of which is developed individual card development. The basis of the study of the baby includes such areas as an individual study of the medical record, examination of the mental and physical development child. Specialists of a certain profile are connected to the work of a psychologist, depending on the nature of the pathology. The educator of the group visited by a child with disabilities is introduced to the data obtained and the individual educational route of the special pupil.

Adaptation of a child with disabilities to the conditions of a preschool institution

The adaptation period for a child who does not have pathologies in development, as a rule, proceeds with complications. Naturally, preschoolers with disabilities get used to the conditions of children's society much more difficult and problematic. These kids are accustomed to the every minute guardianship of their parents, constant help from their side. Establishing social contacts with peers is difficult due to the lack of experience of full communication with other children. The skills of children's activities are not developed enough for them: drawing, appliqué, modeling and other activities loved by children with special kids are somewhat slower and with difficulty. Practitioners involved in the integration of children with disabilities into preschool society recommend that, first of all, psychological preparation pupils of those groups to which preschoolers with disabilities will come. The baby will be more comfortable if other children, who develop normally, will perceive him as an equal, not noticing developmental deficiencies and not exposing barriers in communication.

Special educational needs of a child with disabilities

Teachers working with children with disabilities pay attention to the main difficulty - the transfer of social experience to a special child. Peers who develop normally, as a rule, easily accept skills from a teacher, but children with severe developmental pathologies need a special educational approach. It is organized and planned, as a rule, by specialists working in an educational institution visited by a child with disabilities. The training program for such children includes determining the direction of an individual approach to the baby, additional sections corresponding to special educational needs. It also includes the ability to expand educational space for a child outside the educational institution, which is especially important for children with difficulties in socialization. The most important condition for the implementation of the educational function is to take into account the special educational needs of the child, due to the nature of the pathology and the degree of its severity.

Organization of education and upbringing of special children in a school institution

A difficult problem for employees of school institutions is the education of students with disabilities. Children's Education Program school age is much more complicated compared to preschool, therefore, increased attention is paid to the individual cooperation of a special student and teacher. This is due to the fact that, in addition to socialization, compensation for developmental deficiencies, conditions should be provided for the child to master the general educational program. A large burden falls on specialists: psychologists, speech pathologists, sociologists - who will be able to determine the direction of the corrective impact on a special student, taking into account the nature and severity of the pathology.

Adaptation of a child with disabilities to the conditions of a school educational institution

Children with disabilities attending preschool institutions are much better adapted to the children's society at the time of entering school, as they have some experience of communicating with peers and adults. In the absence of relevant experience, students with disabilities go through the adaptation period much more difficult. Difficult communication with other students is complicated by the presence of pathology in the child, which can lead to the isolation of such a student in the classroom. School specialists dealing with the problem of adaptation are developing a special adaptive route for a child with disabilities. What it is is clear from the moment of its implementation. The process involves teachers working with the class, the parents of the child, the parents of other students, the administration of the educational workers, the sociologist and the psychologist of the school. Combined efforts lead to the fact that after a certain period, usually 3-4 months, a child with disabilities is sufficiently adapted in the school community. This greatly simplifies the process of his further education and assimilation of the educational program.

Interaction between the family and the educational institution on the integration of children with disabilities into the children's society

An important role in improving the quality of the educational process of a child with disabilities is assigned to the family. The progress of a special student directly depends on how closely the cooperation of teachers with parents is established. Parents of children with disabilities should be interested not only in the assimilation of educational material by their son or daughter, but also in establishing a full-fledged contact of the child with peers. A positive mental attitude will fully contribute to success in mastering program material. The participation of parents in the life of the class will contribute to the creation of a single psychological microclimate of the family and the school, respectively, and the adaptation of the child in the class will take place with minimal manifestation of difficulties.

Organization of psychological support for children with disabilities

When developing for children with severe pathologies in development, specialists without fail take into account the support of the child by a teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue, speech pathologist, rehabilitator. Psychological support for a special student is carried out by a school psychological service specialist and includes diagnostic study the level of development of intellectual functions, the state of the emotional-volitional sphere, the level of formation of the necessary skills. Based on the analysis of the obtained diagnostic results, it is planned to carry out rehabilitation measures. Correctional work with children with disabilities who may have a different nature and degree of complexity is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the identified pathologies. Carrying out corrective actions is prerequisite organization of psychological support for children with disabilities.

Special methods of teaching children with disabilities

Traditionally, teachers work according to a certain scheme: explaining new material, completing assignments on a topic, assessing the level of knowledge acquisition. This scheme for schoolchildren with disabilities looks somewhat different. What it is? Special teaching methods, as a rule, are explained at professional advanced training courses for teachers working with children with disabilities. In general, the scheme looks approximately as follows:

Step by step explanation of new material;

Dosed performance of tasks;

Repetition by the student of instructions for completing the task;

Provision of audio and visual teaching aids;

The system of special assessment of the level of educational achievements.

Special assessment includes, first of all, an individual rating scale in accordance with the success of the child and the efforts expended by him.

The system of state special education includes preschool educational institutions for special purposes:



Preschool orphanages;

Preschool groups at nurseries, kindergartens and orphanages general purpose as well as at special schools and boarding schools.

Staffing of institutions occurs according to the principle of a leading deviation in development. Pre-school institutions (groups) for children have been created:

Hearing impaired (deaf, hard of hearing);

Visually impaired (blind, visually impaired, for children with strabismus and amblyopia);

With speech impairment (for children with stuttering, with general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment);

With intellectual disabilities;

With disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The occupancy of groups in special preschool institutions is smaller compared to mass kindergartens (up to 15 pupils).

Specialists – speech therapists, deaf teachers, oligophrenopedagogues, typhlopedagogues, additional medical workers are being introduced into the staff of special preschool educational institutions.

The educational process in special preschool educational institutions is carried out in accordance with special comprehensive training and education programs developed and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for each category of children preschool age with special educational needs.

Classes in specialized preschool educational institutions are redistributed between educators and speech pathologists. So, classes on the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, design, development gaming activity in part of special preschool institutions, it is not educators, but teachers-defetologists.

Special types of classes are organized in compensatory institutions, such as the development of auditory perception, correction of sound pronunciation, development of visual perception, physiotherapy and others. There are similar areas of work in ordinary kindergartens, where they are included in the content of general developmental classes.

For children with disabilities, visiting a special preschool educational institution is free of charge (letter of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated 04.06.74 No. 58-M “On the maintenance at the state expense of children with defects in physical or mental development”).

For parents of a normally developing child, kindergarten is a place where the child can communicate, play with other children, have fun, learn something new. For families raising children with disabilities, a kindergarten may be practically the only place where conditions are created for the full development of the child.

In accordance with the model regulation on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/01/95 No. 677, the preschool educational institution provides education, training, care and rehabilitation of children aged 2 months to 7 years. Children with disabilities are admitted to preschool educational institutions of any kind, if there are conditions for corrective work, only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) based on the conclusion of the PMPK.

Most children with disabilities are brought up in compensatory kindergartens and in compensatory groups of kindergartens combined type. Training and education in preschool institutions are carried out in accordance with special correctional and developmental programs developed for each category of children with disabilities.

The occupancy of the groups is set depending on the type of disorders and age (two age groups: up to three years and older than three years) of children:

with severe speech disorders - 6-10 people;

with phonetic and phonemic speech disorders only over the age of 3 years - up to 12 people;

deaf - up to 6 people for both age groups;

hearing impaired - up to 6-8 people;

blind - up to 6 people for both age groups;

visually impaired, children with amblyopia, strabismus - 6-10 people;

with disorders of the musculoskeletal system - 6-8 people;

with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) - up to 6-10 people;

with mental retardation - 6-10 people;

with deep mental retardation only over the age of 3 years - up to 8 people;

with tuberculosis intoxication - 10-15 people;

with complex (complex) defects - up to 5 people for both age groups.

For children with disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschools as usual, short stay groups are organized in kindergartens. The tasks of these groups are to provide timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to children, consultative and methodological support for their parents (legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, the social adaptation of children and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities. In such groups, classes are conducted mainly individually or in small subgroups (2-3 children each) in the presence of parents at a time convenient for them. This new organizational form involves classes with different specialists of preschool educational institutions. The total duration of classes is five hours a week (instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 29, 1999 No. 129 / 23-16 “On the organization of short-stay groups for children with developmental disabilities in preschool educational institutions”).

Another type of educational institutions where the upbringing and education of children with disabilities is organized is educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, the model provision was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867. These are various centers: diagnostics and counseling; psychological, medical and social support; psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; curative pedagogy and differentiated learning. These institutions are designed for children from 3 to 18 years old. The contingent of institutions consists of children:

With a high degree of pedagogical neglect, refusing to attend educational institutions;

With violations of the emotional-volitional sphere;

Subjected to various forms of mental and physical abuse;

Forced to leave the family, incl. due to the underage of the mother;

From the families of refugees, internally displaced persons affected by natural Disasters and man-made disasters.

The main activities of these institutions are:

Diagnosis of the level of psychophysical development and deviations in the behavior of children;

Education of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and mental health;

Organization of correctional-developing and compensatory training;

Psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children;

Carrying out a complex of medical and recreational activities.

For children in need of long-term treatment, there are various health-improving educational institutions of the sanatorium type (sanatorium boarding schools, sanatorium-forest schools, sanatorium orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care). These institutions assist the family in raising and educating, carrying out rehabilitation and health-improving measures, adapting to life in society, social protection and the all-round development of children in need of long-term treatment. In accordance with the model regulation approved by Government Decree No. 1117 of August 28, 1997, groups for preschool children can be opened in such institutions.

It is not uncommon for children with disabilities to 5-6 years of age did not attend a preschool educational institution. To prepare for schooling, a number of organizational forms are provided. For children with severe developmental disabilities, preschool departments (groups) are created at special (correctional) schools and boarding schools. Educational programs in them are designed for 1-2 years, during which the child forms the prerequisites for learning activities in the necessary correctional and developmental environment. The contingent of such departments (groups) consists mainly of children who have late revealed developmental disabilities, or children who did not previously have the opportunity to attend a specialized educational institution (for example, in the absence of a compensatory type kindergarten in the place of residence of the family).

In addition, according to the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 22, 1997 No. 990 / 14-15 “On preparing children for school”, favorable conditions for preparing for schooling can be created for children 3-6 years old on the basis of a preschool educational institution or for children 5-6 years old on the basis of general educational institutions (“School of a preschooler”). For conducting classes, groups focused on the comprehensive development of children in accordance with the tasks of preschool education, advisory groups for children attending classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist can be completed. The number of classes depends on the age of the child.

The selection of children with disabilities in all types and types of educational institutions is carried out by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. Parents can independently apply for an appointment at the PMPK, but more often the child is referred by specialists from the educational institution that the child attends or from a medical institution (polyclinic, children's hospital, audiology center, etc.). The commission gives an opinion on the state of the psychophysical development of the child and recommendations on further forms of education.

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Article: Borgoyakova Lilia Vasilievna

The article reveals the conditions for the implementation of an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a kindergarten of a general developmental type

Keywords : inclusive education, inclusive approach, children with disabilities

To date, one of actual problems is the implementation of an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities (hereinafter HIA) in a preschool institution of a general developmental type.

Inclusive education is the process of creating an optimal educational space focused on finding new ways to meet the educational needs of each participant in the process.

The stage of preschool childhood is the time when a child with disabilities enters the first social educational system - preschool education and upbringing.

At present, the so-called spontaneous inclusion of children with developmental disabilities among healthy peers often occurs, especially in rural areas. Children with disabilities stay in general education institutions regardless of their mental and speech development, the structure of the defect, and their psychophysical abilities.This is due to the lack of corrective preschool educational institutions, and the unwillingness of parents to raise their children in a compensatory type institution, and a number of other socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical reasons.

The presence of children with disabilities in the same room and at the same time with normally developing peers helps to reduce the distance between these categories of preschoolers. However, the ability to be included in the usual group of children characterizes not only the capabilities of the child with disabilities, but also the quality of the work of the preschool institution, the presence in it of adequate conditions for the development of pupils with special needs. Therefore, for a full-fledged functional and social inclusion, a special organization of substantive interaction, interpersonal contacts and communication, equal partnership, and the removal of social distance are necessary.

At present, there are no full-fledged conditions for the inclusive education of such children in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter PEI) of a general developmental type. There are no teachers in it - defectologists, special psychologists, medical specialists, social workers, there is no special equipment and modern technical means training for remedial classes, as well as special developmental programs. In this regard, there is a need to find a solution to this problem through an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten.

For the optimal implementation of inclusive education at the stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary to create the following special conditions for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in an institution of a general developmental type:

1. Creation of a regulatory and software and methodological support.

The institution should develop a regulatory framework that sets the conceptual and substantive foundations for the development of inclusive approaches to the education of children with disabilities.

The education and upbringing of children with disabilities must be carried out in accordance with special programs taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils: age, the structure of the disorder, the level of psychophysical development, therefore, the preschool educational institution should be equipped with special literature on remedial education.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment.

For the success of inclusive education, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment adequate to the child's capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children's activities, correction of deviations in higher mental functions and the formation of the child's personality (cultural landscapes, sports and gaming and recreational facilities, subject-playing , children's library, game library, musical and theatrical environment, etc. (E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva).

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of educating and educating children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten is equipping it with special equipment:

    for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, special chairs with armrests, special tables, posture correctors are needed; a ramp should be provided;

    for children with visual impairments, special optical aids are needed (glasses, magnifiers, lenses, etc.); tactile panels (sets of materials of different textures) that can be touched and manipulated. The basis of hygienic measures for the protection of children's vision is the rational lighting of the premises and the workplace;

    children with hearing impairments need hearing aids and other technical devices.

3. Staffing.

Important condition to ensure the satisfaction of the special needs of children is the presence in a preschool institution of a general developmental type of specialists: a teacher - a speech therapist, a teacher - a defectologist, teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue, as well as a high level of professional competence of teachers. The problem is the lack of specialists. To this end, it is necessary to prepare teachers for inclusive education through advanced training programs for specialists in preschool institutions.

4. Creation of psychological and pedagogical support.

In preschool institutions of a general developmental type, it is necessary to create psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, the purpose of which is to organize the upbringing, education and development of children with disabilities, expand the circle of communication of children, as well as psychological and social support families. The organization of complex correctional and pedagogical support for children with disabilities involves the participation of each specialist, namely the head, senior educator, speech therapist, educators, psychologist, social teacher, music director, physical education instructor, nurse.

At the beginning of each academic year, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of children with disabilities by specialists and educators. In accordance with medical diagnoses, develop individual development routes for each child, determine the teaching load.

At the stage of implementation of each individual route of development of a child with disabilities, a task arises - the creation of a comprehensive, purposeful work. All correctional and pedagogical assistance should be carried out along with treatment. Throughout the correctional work, children with disabilities require the attention and participation of medical specialists, since many types of disorders are associated with organic lesions of the central nervous system. Corrective impact on children is more effective in combination with a special drug treatment stimulating the maturation of the central nervous system.

All teachers who will accompany children with disabilities should know the basics of corrective education and training of such children. During the stay of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, teachers need to:

    include in the classes all the children of the group, regardless of the defect, developing an individual correctional and developmental program for each of them;

    create an atmosphere of goodwill and psychological safety for the child. The teacher should strive for non-judgmental acceptance of the child, understanding of his situation;

    correctly and humanely assess the dynamics of the child's progress;

    when evaluating the dynamics of the progress of a child with disabilities, compare him not with other children, but mainly with himself at the previous level of development;

    build a pedagogical forecast on the basis of pedagogical optimism, striving to find preserved psychomotor functions in each child, positive sides his personality and development, which can be relied upon in pedagogical work.

The organization of education and training of preschool children with disabilities in a preschool institution of a general developmental type involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work.In this case, the pedagogical search is to find those types of communication or creativity that will be interesting and accessible to each of the group members. The teacher must create conditions in which the child can develop independently in interaction with other children. In the classroom, games and exercises should be selected taking into account individual training programs.An important condition for the organization of classes should be a game form of conduct. It is also necessary to provide for the variation of organizational forms of correctional and educational work: group, subgroup, individual.In this model, developmental and remedial approaches to learning can be harmoniously combined.

Most children with disabilities are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and daily routine. In the daily routine, an increase in the time allotted for classes, hygiene procedures, and meals should be provided.

In accordance with the capabilities of children with disabilities, teaching methods should be determined. When planning work, use the most accessible methods: visual, practical, verbal. Psychologists have proven that large quantity analyzers used in the process of studying the material, the fuller, stronger knowledge. Choice alternative methods creates conditions conducive to the effectiveness of the learning process. The question of the rational choice of a system of methods and individual methodological techniques must be addressed individually. In cases where the main program cannot be mastered due to the severity of physical, mental disorders, individual correctional programs aimed at the socialization of pupils and contributing to the normalization of emotional behavior, the formation of self-service skills, game actions, objective activities, and social orientation.

For certain categories of children with disabilities with special developmental characteristics, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion in the work innovative technologies, original methods and subjects. So, for example, for children with deep delays in speech, intelligence, hearing, use non-verbal means of communication, such as pictograms, a system of gestures, pictures-symbols, etc.

5. Interaction between kindergarten and family necessary condition full development of children with disabilities. It is important to maintain the unity and consistency of all the requirements for the child in the family and kindergarten. The task of specialists is to help parents understand the essence of the child's deviations. Continuous communication with parents must be carried out through consultations, workshops, parent meetings, individual notebooks for recommendations and other forms of work. Parents should receive information about what knowledge, skills and abilities need to be consolidated in a child, get acquainted with various game techniques that are aimed at his comprehensive development.

Thus, depending on the conditions available in the educational institution, the composition and number of children with disabilities, the implementation of an inclusive approach in the education of special children in different preschool educational institutions of a general developmental type can be very different. An ordinary kindergarten, with a well-thought-out content for organizing its work with children with disabilities, has the effectiveness of a corrective impact and plays an important role in the full preparation for schooling. Any educational institution is accessible to children with disabilities, first of all, by teachers who are able to meet the special educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel like everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can exercise not only his right to education, but also, being included in the full social life of his peers, acquire the right to a normal childhood. Problemthe inclusion of children with disabilities in the process of teaching normally developing peers is relevant and multifaceted, the solution of which requires further research and development, the creation of special conditions in preschool institutions of a general developmental type.


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