History of Perm: interesting facts, sights and reviews. History of the Perm Territory

Flipping through the pages of history

(oral journal about the history of the Perm region)

Purpose: Acquaintance with the history of the Perm region.


  1. Formulate the goal of the activity with the help of a teacher, pronounce the sequence of actions, learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with an illustration;
  2. Find answers to questions in the text, illustrations, draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher, find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;
  3. Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

Equipment: presentation (Appendix 1), forms with quiz questions (Appendix 2).

Lesson progress

1. Every family has an album with old photos. Do you like to look at such photos?

What do we learn from looking at old photographs? (About our grandfathers, grandmothers, relatives; about how they lived, what they did, etc.)

Today we will open an unusual album. It contains old photographs of our city.

What do you expect to see on them?

Are these color or black and white photographs?

2. Students watch the presentation together with the teacher, discuss texts and photographs, ask questions. (Appendix 1).

3. Work in groups. Answers to quiz questions. (Appendix 2).

4. Reflection.

Perm region in ancient times

(information for the teacher)

Almost 300 thousand years ago, for the first time, a human foot set foot on the banks of the Chusovaya and the ancient Kama.

X century. Bulgar merchants trade in the Permian lands. And in the XII century. the Bulgars settled together with the Permyaks, in the modern Komi-Permyaks a certain amount of Bulgarian blood flows. Through the Turkic steppes, caravans come here carrying silver vessels, beads, beautiful swords and other things. Merchants bring back furs of sable, beaver, squirrels, salt and even grain.

For the first time the word "Perm" is found in an outstanding monument Ancient Rus' beginning of the 12th century. "The Tale of Bygone Years". Among the peoples who "already give tribute to Rus'," Perm is also named.

As the Russians get to know the indigenous population of the Kama basin, the name "Perm" is assigned to these lands as well.

Perm region in the XIV-XVI centuries.

In the XIV - the first half of the XV century. more and more persistently encroached on the lands along the Upper Kama Muscovy. The advance of the Moscow princes to the northeast was part of the struggle for the creation of a unified Russian state. With their participation in Perm the Great at the beginning of the 15th century. the first Russian settlements began to appear. There is an ancient Russian city of the Kama region - Cherdyn - Great Perm.

In the course of collecting Russian lands by Moscow, the importance of the Ural lands increases. The furs that came from here are a gold mine for a state that aspired to independence. Today it can only be compared with some strategic oil pipeline .... It was in the XIV century that the first maps about the Ural mountains appeared, and the Urals themselves were called not “mountains”, but “stone”.

The first temples are being built on the ancient Permian land. In Cherdyn itself, the first St. John the Theologian Monastery appeared in the Urals.

Until the middle of the 16th century, the Perm lands were in an atmosphere of military danger: a little to the west - the Kazan Khanate, a little to the east - Siberian, plus tribal strife. The territory of Perm the Great was administratively divided into two parts: the Upper and Lower lands. Cherdyn and Solikamsk became the first county centers. In religious terms, the local population continued to believe in their pagan gods and even sacrifice children baptized according to the Christian rite. Even the name legendary hero Feathers-heroes - only the embodiment Slavic god Perun is the god of thunder and lightning.

In the 16th century, the Permian lands served as a source of funds for the development of Siberia. Salt production flourishes here - a large branch of the Russian manufacturing industry, which has become a source of wealth not only for the eminent people of the Stroganovs, but also for many other Ural residents.

The territory of Perm the Great was one of the first in the Urals to finally become part of the Russian state, which became important historical event. Opportunities arose to expand state borders in the east and develop new natural resources.

Many Russian settlements arose in the Solikamsk district, because salt production developed here, which required workers.

In 1558, vast lands on the Upper Kama to the mouth of the river. Tsar Ivan IV gave Chusovoy to the Stroganovs, rich salt merchants.

Perm region in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Near the end of the 16th century. and in the 17th century. Russian settlers, who traveled to the future Perm along the Volga and Kama from the central and southern regions of Russia, were added to the main migration flows from the north.

The Stroganovs began to oust the Tatars - Bashkirs from their lands. However, the Tatar population was gradually forced out to Upper Mulyanka, where they founded the villages of Koyanovo and Tasimki (Kasimovo). Tatar-Bashkir settlements were surrounded by Russians. Part of the Tatars and Bashkirs moved to Russian villages, which got their names from the rivers (Upper Mulls and Lower Mulls).

In the 17th century An important stronghold in the military, economic and cultural development of the Middle Urals in the north is the city of Sol Kamskaya (Solikamsk), and in the southeast - the newly built city of Kungur.

By the end of the XVII century. in the Permian lands, as well as in the Urals as a whole, conditions are being formed for the emergence and rapid development heavy industry, without which it was impossible to imagine new Russia. In many places of the Kama region in the XVI-XVII centuries. there were peasant ironworks. The main part of the working and artisan people was formed from the peasants.

Among the first large metallurgical enterprises of the Middle Urals, the Yegoshikha copper smelter arose.

The development of mining in the region led to the founding of the city of Perm and the formation of the Perm province by decree of Empress Catherine II in the eighteenth century.

Annex 2


1. What city was the center of Perm the Great in the 16th century?

"Perm Territory" is a multi-valued combination both in the administrative, and in the geographical or historical space of Russia. The subject of the Russian Federation with this name appeared in 2005 as a result of the merger of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyatsk Autonomous Okrug. Geographically localized on the territory of the Middle and Northern Urals, in the basin of the Kama River. The bordering Euro-Asian position of the region, richness in various resources made its history long and eventful. Through the efforts of archaeologists, historians, ethnographers and many other specialists, the history of the region is being reconstructed, and answers to the questions posed by modernity are being sought. The increase in the volume of information, paradoxically, gives rise to stable legends and myths.
The first and rather interesting one concerns the name. In the XVIII century. a hypothesis appeared that explained the name "Perm" by the transformation of the Finno-Ugric "Biarmia" - the name of a mysterious distant country in the east, references to which are found in the Scandinavian sagas and chronicles. F.I. von Stralenberg, V.N. Tatishchev, M.V. Lomonosov and N.M. Karamzin identified it with the territory of Perm the Great, which, according to Russian chronicles, was located in the Kama region. Subsequently, this version was recognized as untenable, the etymological roots of the name "Perm" were established. Despite all the discussions about the nuances of the origin of the word, researchers agree that it is Vepsian. The Vepsians lived on the lands between Lake Ladoga and Onega, spoke their own language (a sub-branch of the Baltic-Finnish languages) and called the outlying territories "Perama". The Novgorodians, having adopted the name, transferred it in the versions “rem” and “perm” to the eastern territories of the Russian lands. To exaggerate somewhat, in some way, according to the Novgorodians, there was a suburb, "Ukraine" in the Cis-Urals. IN modern conditions they are trying to turn the mythical Biarmia into a tourist brand. True, it is known very narrowly - within the Perm Territory.
Another debatable problem is the dating of archaeological sites on the territory of the Permian Kama region. The earliest belong to the Paleolithic, but scientists set the range of antiquity at hundreds of millennia. So, you can meet the date of the beginning of the history of the Perm region in 150-200 thousand years, it can be more ancient - 280 thousand years. Finds from archaeological sites are interpreted in different ways and cause heated discussions in the scientific community. It is indisputable only that people have lived and hunted in this territory since very ancient times.
The “transit” position of the region between Europe and Asia influenced its ethnic history. The processes of migration and assimilation have been going on for thousands of years. As a result, by the tenth century AD Finno-Ugric peoples settled on the territory of the Kama region - Komi-Permyaks, Udmurts, Turkic-Ugric - Bashkirs. The population density was low, vast areas were not developed and were hunting and fishing grounds, a small part of the land around rare settlements was plowed up.
During the period of the XI-XV centuries. the local population turned out to be in tributary dependence on one or the other of the rival parties: the Volga Bulgaria, Novgorod land, Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Bloody raids and clashes were aimed at the possession of "soft gold" - the fur wealth of the region. By the end of the 15th century, when the Volga Bulgaria had long ceased to exist, having fallen under the blows of the troops of the Golden Horde, when the Novgorod land recognized its dependence on the Moscow principality, the Great Perm princes also became vassals of the latter. The dominant position of Moscow was secured by the Christianization of the region. IN early XVI V. in Perm the Great was appointed sovereign governor.
The 16th century in the history of the Perm region is significant for the emergence of private land ownership and the beginning of a new stage of Russian colonization. The history of the Stroganovs' possessions in the Urals begins in 1558. Having received for use millions of acres of conditionally free land along the Kama and Chusovaya, the Stroganovs pledged to populate it, establish rural settlements, begin to develop salt mines, and organize protection at their own expense. Stroganov's towns, prisons, villages were rapidly populated, varnica were built, salt was sold to all cities of Russia, and the owners grew rich. The “guards” of the estates also became famous - a squad led by ataman Ermak Timofeevich. On September 1, 1582, Cossacks and Stroganov's people went to the Siberian Khanate, triumphantly marched to the capital and took it on October 26 during a fierce battle. This event has become one of the most famous and striking in Russian history. The Stroganovs were punished for arbitrariness, but a few years later they removed their disgrace and were awarded another allotment of land in the Perm Territory. The Stroganov estates, occupying a vast territory (larger than some European states), gradually became, in the words of a 19th-century historian, like "a separate state with its own rules, laws, and regulations."
In the 17th century Perm region was actively settled by settlers from central Russia and the Russian North. Settlements were intensively built, the population grew. This process was facilitated by the strengthening of serfdom and church reform leading to a split in the church. The outflow of the population to the outskirts was a natural result of these changes. The alien population mastered the resources of the region, agricultural and craft centers were formed.
XVIII–XIX centuries became the time of formation and development of the mining (metallurgical) industry. Copper-smelting, iron-smelting and ironworks were built, mining districts were formed, new social categories were formed - artisans, working people. Possession law led to the emergence of peasants assigned to factories, who later became indispensable workers. A paternalistic model of social relations gradually took shape in the possessions of the breeders of the "Stroganov region". The abolition of serfdom made its own adjustments to the economic life of the region. Another factor was the depletion of resources and the first ecological crisis - forest, fuel. Starting in the middle of the 19th century, it led to the creation of forestries and experimental attempts to use mineral fuels. The inevitable industrial crisis in late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century. forced breeders to look for a way out of the situation. For some of them, it was corporatization and attraction of investment - banking capital.
The events of 1917 radically changed the historical path of the Perm region and the country as a whole. Collectivization and industrialization, evacuation and mobilization, the construction of socialism determined the development trends of the region in the 20th century. The appearance of the GRES changed not only the economy, but also the geography of the region. Ideology has made its own adjustments to the socio-cultural space. The collapse of the USSR and the subsequent socio-economic difficulties also had an impact, including on the demographic picture (the demographic decline of the 1990s). Nevertheless, the potential of the Perm Territory allowed it to cope with the problems and currently develop dynamically.
Another interesting aspect of history is the administrative division of the territory and its relationship with the central authorities. Perm the Great, a vassal state within the Moscow Principality, with the appointment of governors, also accepted the division into counties. One of the first were Cherdynsky and Solikamsky. In 1708 they became part of the Siberian province. The vast territory of the province was divided into provinces, and the lands of the Kama region became part of the Solikamsk and Vyatka provinces. In 1727 they became part of the Kazan province, and in 1737 the Solikamsk province was renamed Perm. The provincial reform of Catherine II once again changed the subordination of territories. Tradition and innovation united - the Perm viceroy, created in 1781, logically, due to economic and geographical factors, included the Yekaterinburg and Perm regions. In 1796, both regions became part of the independent Perm Governorate. It existed for more than a century, and was liquidated already Soviet power. Changing the territorial division, the authorities tried to get rid of any legacy of the past, building their own new world. In 1923, the Ural Region was created, and in 1925, the Komi-Permyatsky National District. Attempts to optimize management led in 1934 to the emergence of administrative units on the site of the vast Ural region: Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Ob-Irtysh. A new management reform in 1938 separated the Perm Region from the Sverdlovsk Region. Pursuit new government perpetuate their leaders led to the renaming of cities and regions. So Perm in 1940 received the name Molotov, and the region became Molotovskaya. New wave"Debunking totalitarianism and authoritarianism" returned in 1957 to the region and the city their historical name. Since 1977, the Komi-Permyak Okrug has received the status of an autonomous region, since 1993 it has become an independent subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, close historical, socio-economic and cultural ties with the Perm region were maintained. It is not surprising that at the referendum held in 2003, the population voted for the unification of the Komi-Perm Autonomous Okrug and the Perm Region into one administrative unit. Since 2005, the Perm Territory has been a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, included (since 2000) in the Volga Federal District.

N.A. Shvetsova.

Short story the village of Maikor (from the 12th to the 19th centuries).
Chapter I - A Brief History of the Perm Territory.

Brief history of the Perm region.
For the first time the word "Perm" is found in the outstanding monument of Ancient Rus' of the beginning of the XII century "The Tale of Bygone Years". Among the peoples who "already give tribute to Rus'", Perm is also named. If we consider that the first Russian campaigns in the Urals took place north of the Kama basin, then the word "Perm" most likely originally referred to the population of the Vychegorsk basin, the ancestors of the Komi - the Zyryans. Subsequently, this territory in Russian chronicles was called old Perm, Perm Vychegodskaya. As Russians get to know the indigenous population, the name "Perm" is assigned to the lands. Unlike Perm Vychegodskaya, the Upper Kama lands became known as the Great Perm. This name is found in written monuments of the XIV century: in the Trinity Chronicle for 1324, when describing the campaign of Ivan Kalita's brother Yuri (Dolgoruky) Danilovich in 1324, in the "Life of Stephen of Perm" (1396), etc.
The word "Perm" came from the Finnish-speaking Vepsians (or they were called the whole). The Vepsians occupied the territory between the Onega and Ladonezh lakes, through them passed the trade routes of the Novgorodians to the European north in Zavolochye. Having met the Vepsians, the Novgorodians learned that there were still lands far away, that is, beyond their borders. In the language of the Vepsians, the land is distant and was called “Pera ma” (We still pronounce “perem”).
IN official sources 15th–17th centuries ancient population upper Kama was designated as Permians, Permians, Permians (Not to be confused with Komi - Permians. In Soviet years“Komi are the inhabitants of the Kama region, in contrast to the “Komi-Zyryans”).
Novgorod ushkuiniki went to Perm lands for furs and tribute, and until the 14th - first half of the 15th century, the lands along the Upper Kama were considered volosts of Novgorod the Great.
Following the merchants and warriors, Russian peasants came to the banks of the Kama. Various reasons led them to the Permian settlements: the oppression of the feudal lords, an unfair trial, the desire to settle on free lands, just escaped from enemies. But the rich Permian lands also attracted Moscow princes. After the annexation of Veliky Novgorod to Moscow, the Upper Kama lands became part of the Russian state. And Russian settlements began to appear in Perm the Great. Thus, the Dvina boyar Anfal Nikitin, who came to the Moscow service, at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries, founded a town on the upper Kama, and the Kalinnikovs, the Vologda townsmen, built varnits along the tributary of the Kama - the Borovaya River - and laid the foundation for salt production. And in 1430 a new settlement appeared - the city of Sol Kamskaya (Solikamsk).
After the penetration of Russians into the Permian lands, the Christianization of the population begins. In 1455, "Vladyka Pitirim came to Perm the Great to Cherdynia to baptize the holy faith of the Cherdyns."
In 1451, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Vasilyevich sent his governor here - Prince Mikhail Ermolaevich. In 1472, the Moscow army was sent to the Urals, led by Prince Fyodor Motley and the Ustyug governor Gavrila Nemedov. This year, Great Perm was finally annexed to the Russian centralized state. The town of Cherdyn became the village of this region. First Ural cities were at the same time fortresses:
- behind the "stone belt" was Siberian Khanate, in the south - Kazan.
Often Russian and Komi-Permyak settlements suffered from raids, but the two peoples together repelled the attacks. Russian settlements arose more often in the northern part of the upper Kama region: the dense taiga was a defense against the cavalry of the Kazan khans. However, after the victory of Ivan the Terrible over Kazan, settlements began to appear in the south. But this truce was so unreliable that Ivan IV allowed the Stroganovs, wealthy merchants from Vychegodskaya Salt, to build fortresses on these lands, recruit garrisons and maintain them at their own expense, guarding the eastern borders of the state. In 1558, the tsar allowed them to be “granted to order” lands along the Kama from the mouth of the Lasova to the mouth of the Chusovaya River in 1558.
In the same year, the town of Kankor was founded, then Kergedan, and received the name Orel - a town. The Stroganovs freed the settlers from paying the "tax" and many other duties, generously endowed them with land, and new villages quickly grew over 146 miles.
In 1568, they received lands along the Chusovaya River, and 30 years later their lands were the most extensive in Russia, stretching to the Oshap River.
The main occupations of the peasants were:
- agriculture;
- digestion of salt;
- logging, construction of houses, roads;
- extraction of furs, swan's down;
- sometimes they became defenders of the eastern borders (although after the conquests of Ermak of Siberia, this need disappeared).
In their patrimony, the Stroganovs were full owners, they themselves administered court and administration, settled peasants, and were engaged in fish and salt trades. Oryol, a small town, became the center of the patrimony.
In the 16th century, there were two districts in the Kama region - Solikamsky and Cherdynsky. These were pretty big cities for that time:
In 1579, in Cherdyn there were 290 households with a population of 326 males, 67 shops, 5 forges, and in Solikamsk - 190 households, 201 males, 27 shops, 16 salt pans.
In the 18th century, when Peter I started a war with Sweden, the Urals became the center for the construction of new factories, one of the main suppliers of copper and cast iron. A privileged serf factory ownership appears in the region. State peasants were assigned to private factories. The situation of the Kama peasants was extremely difficult. In the midst field work they were torn off the ground and forced to go to the factories (sometimes the path was more than 500 miles). Peasants bought bread and horse feed at their own expense at prices three times higher than in their own county.
The ascribed system had a negative impact on the development Agriculture. There are documents that testify to the refusal of the peasants to go to the factories.
In the estates of the Stroganovs and their heirs, enterprises were built (by the end of the 18th century there were 12 factories).
In the last quarter of the 18th century, almost the entire territory of the Kama region (Perm province) was divided into 12 counties since 1797.

The first settlements on the territory of Perm appeared in ancient times archaeologists discovered and studied historical monuments(more than 130) created by our ancestors from the Stone Age to the late Middle Ages.

Etymologists have two main versions - the name of the city came either from a modification of the words "Parma" or "Per Maa". On the tongue ancient people Vesi the first is translated as "a hill overgrown with spruce forest", and the second (from the Komi-Permian) - "a distant land".

The basis for the creation of the city was the rich reserves of copper ores discovered at the junction of the Yagoshikha (Egoshikha) and Kama rivers.

The history of Perm itself dates back to 1723, when the first copper-smelting enterprise and the settlement attached to it were built. By the way, the place of the future capital of the Kama region was chosen by the well-known historian, geographer V. N. Tatishchev. And in 1780, Catherine II issued a decree ordering the creation of a county town here.

Its emblem, approved three years later, has survived unchanged to this day: a silver bear walking on four legs (a symbol of fertility, and the most revered animal among the Komi people) on a red background. On his back he has a gospel in a gold frame, symbolizing the enlightenment that came to these parts thanks to Christian preachers. Crowned with a coat of arms, made in the form of a heraldic shield, a silver equilateral cross.

Today Perm is the largest industrial and scientific center of Russia, the first in importance in its eastern European part. The leading industries are represented by mechanical engineering (with a large share of military-industrial complex enterprises), oil and gas processing, chemistry and petrochemistry, electric power, woodworking, printing and food industry.

The city is spread over an area of ​​almost 800 sq. km and is one of the three largest Russian cities (after Moscow and St. Petersburg). Historically, the city-forming axis was the Kama - the main water artery of the Western Urals, a tributary of the Volga. Along its banks, Perm stretches for 70 km and is inferior in length among Russian cities only to the "northern capital" and Sochi.

Thanks to the intersection of transcontinental automobile, railway and air routes, the city has become a major transport hub with a developed infrastructure and a significant logical center of the entire Ural region. In addition, the Kama can be reached by water as in south seas(Caspian, Azov, Black), and northern (Baltic and White).

By car, it is better to get to Perm using the Moscow-Chita federal highway.
Air transportation across the Russian expanses and beyond is carried out by the Bolshoe Savino airport of international importance, which has the necessary customs and border infrastructure.

The history of the name of Perm is simple and unpretentious. Presumably means "distant land", if the word "perama" is translated from the Vepsian language. Indeed, the way there is not close. After all, Perm is located in the foothills of the Urals, 1158 km from Moscow. Big city(720 sq. km) has rich history and is a cultural, industrial and scientific center Russia.

The village becomes a city

The history of Perm begins in the distant 17th century, when a settlement was formed on the Yagoshikha River. At the beginning of the 18th century, in this area, by decree of Peter I, the construction of a copper smelter began, which produced coins for the whole country. In 1970, Catherine II drew attention to the favorable location of the settlement of Yegoshikha and ordered to make it a city. Thanks to the location on the shore, shipping and shipbuilding began to develop. Economic and trade ties are being strengthened. This is the history of the city.

The culture of Perm is also not far behind. Theaters, museums open, as well as State University. Despite the fact that the history of Perm began in the 17th century, in 1940 it, like many other cities in Soviet time, renamed. Until 1957 it was called Molotov. Monuments of history and culture of Perm are worthy of study. These include sculptures, temples, museums and other objects.

Monuments of the history of Perm

The memorial for the 51st anniversary of the Ural Tank Corps was installed in front of the House of Officers on Sibirskaya Street. It is a composition that includes relief wall, T-34 tank and stele. To erect a monument to Dr. Gral near the second clinical hospital, the whole world had to collect money. Donations were made by both residents of the city and organizations. In 2003, this hospital was named after a famous Perm doctor, and a monument was erected in 2005.

Polina Osipenko Street was named in honor of the famous pilot. And until 1940 it was the 1st Proletarian. Sibirskaya street led to the tract of the same name. Back in the 18th century, goods were transported to the East through it. He led from Moscow to Siberia.

There is a street in the city, the history of which is rather sinister. Its name is Uralskaya. Those who live on it certainly enjoy the close proximity to the circus and the park of culture. However, earlier this street was called Novo-Kladbischenskaya and led to the Motovilikha cemetery. In Soviet times, a park was built in its place. Sverdlov, the church was demolished, and now instead of it there is an ordinary residential building.

And what about cultural life?

Residents and guests of the city cannot complain about boredom and the fact that there is nowhere to go in Perm. There are many cultural activities here. Take at least the Opera and Ballet Theatre. It was built back in 1970 and has an extensive repertoire. His troupe participates in many competitions and receives prizes.

In addition, the Theater of the Young Spectator operates in the city and there is an art gallery with 43 thousand exhibits in it. Those wishing to learn more about the history of Perm can visit the regional museum, which is over 100 years old. There is also a museum contemporary art. In addition, you can have a good time in cinemas, restaurants and entertainment centers.

Schools in Perm

This city is quite old, some of its educational institutions are over 100 years old. The history of schools in Perm is quite rich. For example, school number 1 started operating in 1906. It was originally wooden house, which stood on the banks of the Kama. Only 35 children studied in it, divided into three groups. There was only one teacher - Maria Tikhovskaya. In Soviet times, the school moved several times, until in 1961 it got its own building at 19 Kalinina Avenue.

The history of school number 22 began in 1890, when it was decided to open a school for blind children. Their education and rehabilitation were paid for by donations and the sale of products made by the students themselves. In addition to weaving baskets, making boots, weaving, they studied arithmetic, the Law of God, the Russian language, geography, history, natural science, and singing. Even a choir was created, consisting of 20 children. There was a library for children, all the books in which were typed

During civil war The building of the school was transferred to the hospital. In 1919, a school for homeless children was opened in the building. Gradually, it was reorganized into a seven-year plan, and the number of students grew. During Patriotic War the building was again occupied by the hospital. Currently, the school is studying in depth foreign languages. In high school, subjects are taught in French and English, additionally study Latin, Spanish, German. The training is based on experimental programs.

Unfamiliar Perm

This city is located far from the capital of our country. Few people know that it was once called Great Perm. She gave a lot to our country in tsarist times and continues to do so to this day. But the Perm Territory is not only industry, but also wonderful nature. The city invariably attracts those wishing to do rafting, trekking, and go hiking.

A geological monument is also known - the Kungur cave. It is located 100 km from Perm and is a tourist attraction. Inside are also mysterious lakes. The cave stretches for 5.7 kilometers. It is especially beautiful inside when a laser show is held there.

In this article we talked about Perm - an ancient and mysterious Russian city. It makes the most favorable impression on tourists who have visited it. Although some people, especially those who come from the capital, Perm seems too provincial. Reviews about the city are contradictory. Visit it yourself to see if you like it or not.

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