How to sew hard lambrequins. Rigid lambrequin made by hand. Curtains with openwork gang

Curtains are the final element in interior design. They can adjust the shape of the window opening, transform the room, become an addition to the interior or its main highlight.

A lambrequin helps to complement any curtains; this design element has long gained popularity.

This is a small strip of fabric in the form of a frill., which is fixed on the eaves over the curtains across the entire width. It has a rigid base, which is covered or glued with fabric. Bandeau for curtains can have a flat, curly, symmetrical or asymmetrical bottom edge. Previously, it was used to make wooden frame. Modern models have a lightweight design - in the store you can buy a special substrate or felt.

Hard lambrequin can be sewn from a fabric identical to the curtains, or from another material that complements the interior. The width of the frill can be different, usually it occupies one fifth of the opening. There are several types of lambrequins: soft, hard (gang) and combined.

Curtains with a hard lambrequin are suitable for any room. The main thing is to choose the right fabric and design. Most often, a hard bando is used to decorate a bedroom or living room.

Features of a lambrequin bando

Traditional lambrequins are gradually being replaced by new options for the decorative design of curtains. Bandeau versatility, its organic interweaving into almost all interior styles is gaining more and more popularity among consumers.

Decorative design of a lambrequin

Bandeau can be decorated fringe, braid, decorative cords, ribbons, beads, but it is necessary to observe the measure, since the gang lambrequin itself is a very noticeable element of the interior. The abundance of jewelry is permissible only in classic styles(baroque, empire, rococo). For modern interiors fit simple designs with minimal decor.

For a children's room, you can make a bright lambrequin with photo printing (heroes of children's fairy tales or cartoons) or come up with voluminous decorations. For children's interior it is better to select fabrics with a special impregnation that repels dust and dirt, since the gang cannot be cleaned often.

New in decorative design lambrequins:

Openwork pelmet

A modern example is a hard, openwork lambrequin. Made from dense material laser cutting. Its advantages:

Modular lambrequins complex structure, consists of several elements various shapes and size. The product is one-piece, so you need to decide on the choice of a cornice in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to hang a finished lambrequin without losing some elements. If they are removed, the proportions of the picture will be violated. Usually such frills have a complex ornament.

Plank (tape). Sold in rolls by the footage, the pattern is repeated along the entire length. You can buy the required length, and not be afraid that the pattern will be broken. Such a product has a simpler form.

Beautiful hard lambrequins: photos and manufacturing options

Thanks to their luxurious appearance, lambrequins can turn any apartment into a real palace. Nowadays, when simple curtains made of two panels and a tulle curtain are gone, window framing is becoming an art. In times of total shortage, one could admire beautiful curtains only from blue screens, watching foreign TV series and films. And only a few people with sewing skills copied patterns from different magazines and made beautiful curtains for the hall and other rooms with their own hands.

Lambrequin is a window decoration, but it does not only decorative function: at correct fastening he will be able to visually enlarge the window opening. There are three types of colorful window dressing - simple, hard and soft pelmet.

What is a hard lambrequin for curtains

A hard lambrequin or gang is a lambrequin made on a solid base that allows you to close ceiling curtains. Properly selected fabrics from which rigid lambrequins are made can visually increase the height of the room.

Rigid lambrequins are suitable for small rooms

Thus, decorate:

  • Living rooms;
  • Bedrooms;
  • Children's rooms;
  • Kitchens.

Designers often use this type of curtain to give the interior a finished look, as well as to change the proportions of the room.

If you try, then such a work of art can be created independently.

Bando is made classic, themed, modern - it all depends on the design of the room and its purpose in the house.

by the most correct size a lambrequin is considered to be a height that is 1/6 of the length of the curtains. The selection of fabrics is very important, they must either be combined with the fabric of the panel, or made of the same material as the main curtain. Rigid lambrequins can be easily combined with various types soft.

In some rooms of the house, a hard lambrequin serves to increase the height or decorative ornament rooms, for example in the kitchen, where they rarely hang blackout curtains. And the hostess will be pleased to cook for beautiful kitchen. But the gang can close not only the window, but also the doorway. The room sustained in one style attracts to itself, creates feeling of a cosiness and calmness.

Most people think that creating such beauty is the lot of professionals, but with basic sewing skills and a strong desire, you can make a hard lambrequin with your own hands.

How to make hard lambrequins with your own hands: instructions step by step

The word hard itself suggests the presence of hard material. It can be plywood or fiberboard, it is the wooden base that will hold the entire structure. After applying the pattern to a wooden base, it will be necessary to select the right tools for cutting out of wood this component of the product.

How to sew a hard lambrequin and what materials will be needed to make it?

First of all, you need a fabric called a gang with an adhesive layer, the main material of the curtains and, depending on the thickness of the adhesive material, it is possible to use foam rubber or synthetic winterizer to add volume to the product.

The most common base for a hard lambrequin is fiberboard.

The pattern for the adhesive layer should be a few centimeters larger than the pattern of the wooden cornice itself, since the material will need to be bent around the entire wooden base.

Next, you need to apply patterns to the gang fabric and curtain fabric, while adhesive base should be less than tissue. The convenience of adhesive is that there is no need to stitch it, but a simple method of ironing the fabric is required if the thermoband material was purchased. It is necessary to start ironing the fabric to the base from the middle, so there will be less deformation and the pattern will not disappear, but will play even better. Attach Velcro strips to the back of the materials to attach the finished product to a wooden base.

Basic principles of how to make a hard lambrequin with your own hands:

  1. Correctly calculate the amount of fabric needed;
  2. Make a pattern on paper in full size;
  3. Transfer the pattern to a wooden base;
  4. Make a pattern on the fabric of a lambrequin and a thermoband;
  5. Attach the thermoband to the fabric with an iron;
  6. Treat the bottom edge with an inlay;
  7. Sew Velcro strips on the wrong side of the lambrequin;
  8. Attach ready product on a wooden base;
  9. Mount the entire lambrequin in the required place, closing the main curtain rod.

How to sew a hard lambrequin (video lesson)

Where will look hard lambrequin made of two fabrics

The window decoration fabric can be either one or several. Very convenient option if the dense material of the curtains is double-sided. Then the gang can be grouped, as it were, from two fabrics - front and back. Under this condition, the main curtains can be outweighed, depending on the mood. The pelmet will look good on both sides. The same picture, if initially the curtains were sewn from two fabrics, that is, with a lining.

In the presence of wide windows, people often hang not two, but a multiple of two, panels. This combination allows you to choose different fabrics that match in texture, but different in color, which are used to make a hard lambrequin.

Due to its two-fabric basis, the color and texture of such curtains can be changed, depending on current preferences.

The convenience of this type of lambrequin is the ability to close the curtains, the presence of Velcro tape will allow you to remove it at any time for cleaning, you can make several lambrequins with your own hands for different curtains and change them depending on the time of year and the illumination of the house.

What are soft lambrequins

Not everyone has the skills to work with wood and therefore many prefer soft lambrequins. This type of window opening decoration is beautiful and elegant, but requires an additional line of curtains. With the daily movement of the curtains, the lambrequin must remain motionless. In the days of the monarchy, lambrequins were most often used to frame the bed, but even now a frequent design move in the bedroom is the same lambrequins above the window and above the bed.

In the nursery, it would be more appropriate to hang just this type of decoration - for girls it will be the room of a princess from a fairy tale, and for boys you can pick up a marine or space theme. The main fabric of the curtains must be fastened with cords to the wall, since during the games the panels can serve as anything but curtains. And this leads to rapid wear and danger, since a fallen curtain will not bring anything good.

Lambrequins will look great in a child's room

A soft lambrequin can be made from one or more fabrics, and is a strip (the simplest form), swags and perekid.

The craftswomen make soft creases or draperies with their own hands. But this is not the easiest thing to do, since patterns for decoration are more complex and require skills in working with sewing machine and the ability to cut.

How to make a soft lambrequin with your own hands

The easiest lambrequin to do it yourself is a swag. To do this, you need a square of fabric with a side of 1.4 meters. To decorate a bedroom, living room or nursery, this option of window framing is often used - and it looks royal, and the calculation of the material is not very complicated. Better to use soft tissue curtains, because the swag looks better and does not bristle. To design a wide opening, you can make 3 or 5 swags.

Lambrequins are a great scope for creativity: you can create any composition from fabrics

A few subtleties:

  • For heavy and warm curtains puffs are more suitable, but you will have to try to make them with your own hands, since there are much more seams and folds on the puffs and such work will take a lot of time.
  • In addition to any kind of soft lambrequins, decorative cords, beads, light metal chains can be used.
  • For tailoring lambrequins, there are certain rules of proportions depending on the height of the window. With a height in the fork from 145 cm to 225 cm, the number of folds should be 7, with a higher fold window on the lambrequin it becomes 8. Based on these data, you can calculate the distance between the folds.

How to assemble a soft pelmet yourself (video)

Any window will please the eye if you sew the curtains with love and put a little of your soul into them. A handmade thing always contains a piece of warmth of a person who sewed something for his beloved home.

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- this is a kind of window decoration, the main advantages of which are the ability to use solid fabric, create a curly bottom and ease of tailoring. Lambrequin may have different shape, for example in the form of an arch or in the form of a window. The standard length is considered to be 1/6 of the main length of the curtain. Decorate such material with folds, tassels, bows, decorative materials.

Sometimes lambrequins are already sold complete with curtains. But if you want, you can always do it yourself. You can sew a hard lambrequin by following these basic steps:

  • measure;
  • create a schema;
  • prepare materials for sewing;
  • make a pattern out of paper and cut it out;
  • put it on a bandeau, circle it evenly and cut it out;
  • substitute a template from a special material on the wrong side of the fabric, fix it on the table, you can make allowances of 2 cm from above, for better adhesion and it is necessary to iron with an iron on some sides.
  • make lining;
  • connect both layers with pins or needles for allowances;
  • carefully sew small seams on the sides;
  • cut off excess fabric;
  • make undercuts on certain arcuate parts;
  • turn the fabric over to the front side;
  • walk the finishing line along the contours;
  • iron the top edges;
  • sew Velcro tape on the wrong side.

Bando for curtains is a synthetic material that is used in lining and creating decorative elements or window treatments. Quite often bandeau fabric is used for visual magnification space and hiding the eaves.

When creating a gang, adhesive surfaces are used. Lambrequin bando used to create the illusion of a half-open window.

To make a hard lambrequin bandeau, you need to use specialized adhesive cushioning materials and a dense fabric. Bando is better to choose from popular manufacturers so that the quality is on highest level. Features are models, which are horizontal and vertical, they are used for different places near window openings so you have to choose wisely.

A solid base is made of wood, plywood, or a certain fabric. It can be successfully combine with soft to give the room more aesthetics and beauty. A hard gang is used for sewing solid lambrequins.

Bando types:

  • on a hot melt basis - used heat to activate the adhesive substance;
  • self-adhesive film- the material is fixed after removing the protective coating.

You can also make such a design element yourself. The main stages of creating a gang:

  • preparation (selection of the base, fabric for decoration, thread and Velcro);
  • gluing (measuring and cutting the base);
  • edge processing (lining, bending, slanting inlay, decorative braid);
  • fixing the lambrequin (placement on the cornice with tapes or fittings).

Curtains with a rigid lambrequin are a combination for decorating window openings, and the lambrequin must match the color and tone of the curtains. At the same time, curtains can have different lengths, widths, shapes, for example, be with wavy or clear lines.

The rooms where it is better to hang curtains with a hard lambrequin is the kitchen, but only here it is better to use a thinner and transparent fabric. You can also hang them in the children's room, decorating them with funny cartoon figures that will keep their shape well thanks to the hard bandeau lambrequin.

Choice of fabric and accessories

The first task is to choose color scheme under the curtains and choose different shades.

You can also plain fabric curtains, but choose a different texture and shape. For small rooms, a lambrequin with a large image is not suitable, it visually reduces the room. Such material looks very unusual in the bedroom and living room, but in the kitchen it is worth choosing even and concise fabrics.

Curtains made of thick and hard materials help create beautiful window treatments. You can sew hard curtains yourself by following the steps:

  • choose a material, paying attention to its density, correlate it with the functions and cut of future curtains;
  • make markings, measure and cut the material;
  • start sewing.

Needed for sewing additional tools, materials and accessories. What may be needed:

  • clips;
  • canvases;
  • iron;
  • hairpins;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • special tape;
  • sewing machine.

With the help of the correct choice of hard lambrequins, bandeau and fabrics for curtains, you can become a real designer who skillfully selects the style for his house or apartment. Any curtains, if desired, can be additionally decorated with eyelets or applications, various decorations and interesting patterns, which will give the room an even more unique look and comfort.

Do not forget to read the tips and buy without fear and choose the material you need and decorate the windows. If someone does not like to engage in textile decoration at home, you can always contact a specialist, and he will help you make accurate measurements of windows and choose the appropriate look for them.

Lambrequin- a decorative part of the window opening made of fabric, which helps to beautifully decorate the top of the window. Basically, they are hung over curtains (or cling to a cornice). Lambrequin is able to hide some of the shortcomings of the repair and give the room a cozy homely look.

Recently there has been a new fashion trend, instead of ordinary lambrequins, decorate windows hard lambrequins Bando. bando- It is made of a dense woven base that can hold its shape well.

To make hard lambrequins Bando with your own hands, use .....

Labrequin Bando can be made both symmetrical and asymmetrical, while combining different fabrics in color and texture. For gangs, you can use decorative cords, appliqués, brushes, fabric flowers. Bando looks very good in combination with various soft elements - jabots, swags and ties.

Of course, that the pelmet only complements the elegance of the curtains. For this I recommend tailoring video course beautiful curtains from scratch.

To make hard Bando lambrequins with your own hands, use ready-made bando pro(width 45cm) or - dense adhesive fabric.

But before you start sewing a gang with your own hands, you should carefully measure the window opening, taking into account the turns of the eaves. At the same time, for starters, it is advisable to cut a sketch out of paper and attach it to the window to make sure that the proportions and design chosen are correct.

Cut out bando.

Using an iron, glue the selected fabric onto the workpiece. In this case, you should first iron it with a steam iron so that the fabric does not shrink. And after it cools down, it should be ironed with an iron without steam for final bonding.

WITH reverse side cut off the excess fabric along the contour, leaving 5-6 cm.

We fix the edges with pins, around the entire perimeter, except for the top.

We give a line at 0.1 from the edge of the gang.

We cut the fabric leaving 1.5 cm. We do not cut the fabric in the upper part of the gang.

We make cuts along the edge with scissors (this is done only for the curved sections of the gang) so that it is possible to bend the edges of the fabric without folds.

Flip the band over to the front.

We pin Velcro-Velcro with pins (sewn on the soft side) to the upper cut of the gang. The hard side of Velcro is glued to the cornice with super or building liquid nails.

We make a Velcro line.

Trim the fabric along the edge of the Velcro.

We wrap the Velcro inside out and pin it to the gang with pins.

We make the second line (top) already in the gang.

Once again we iron all the edges so that the Velcro sticks to the Bando. Additionally, you can overcast the bottom edge of the Velcro with a blind seam.

And now we have a nice do-it-yourself gang lambrequin. Now you can glue the gang (using Velcro) to the eaves.

If you decide to professionally approach the tailoring of lambrequins, not only for your home, but also with the opportunity to make good money on it, I recommend the author's training video course " "

More photos on the topic rigid lambrequins Bando, for the free flight of your imagination:

Lambrequins are divided into three types. There is a hard type of product, combined and soft. For the greatest completeness of the interior, it is advisable to sew a hard pelmet yourself. Before starting sewing a lambrequin, it is necessary to measure the window opening in order to determine the size of the future product.

hard lambrequin, decorated with flowers, combined even with simple curtains will be a worthy decoration of the bedroom.

For a lambrequin, the usual length should be provided, which will be one sixth of the entire length of the curtain. At the same time, window openings will be decorated flawlessly.

Types of product and features of its tailoring

A hard-type lambrequin is a fabric strip duplicated with a denser lining material. For tailoring, various fabrics are used along with the main one. In doing so, you can use thick cloth if it is pleated, non-woven or any other. This will create the perfect shape for the base.

The finished product must be fixed under the ceiling. In this case, you can use eyelets that are attached to a bar that is separated from the eaves. For a hard lambrequin, folds are not required, unlike soft ones. If you need to create a lambrequin with your own hands, then you should be very careful in choosing the right fabric. The shade of the material and its main tone are given increased attention, you can choose a patterned fabric if you make the curtains plain.

How to sew lambrequins correctly

As a decoration of the product, you can use a cord or fringe, use all kinds of flowers made from various materials. Sewing a lambrequin with your own hands will help the following tools and necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • sticky tape;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • Decoration Materials.

If you need to start sewing a hard lambrequin, then you need to purchase sticky tape(velcro) and glue ("Moment").

For the correct tailoring of a lambrequin, the following step-by-step instructions are provided:

To sew a product yourself, you must adhere to several rules:

If a hard type lambrequin needs to be sewn for the first time, then it is better to sew it into the kitchen. For this, it is not necessary to invent samples according to the developed special design, which is complex. To decorate the window, you can sew a gang, that is, a lambrequin, which is the most suitable for this purpose.

Hard curly lambrequin: how to sew correctly

In advance, you need to compare the size of the future product with the size of the room. Transfer all obtained measurement results to wood panel or dense material, denoting the complex curly edges of the product and its sidewalls. Next, you need to cut out a special lining and a gasket of a similar shape and size, taking into account the 1.5 cm seam allowance on the sides of the sample. To make a hard lambrequin with curly edges, you should take:

  • a plank of wood;
  • material for the sample and lining to fit them;
  • rings for the cornice to sew on a lambrequin;
  • cord and braid;
  • glue special for any kind of fabric.

Sewing a hard-type lambrequin is possible subject to the following work order.

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