How to disguise a closet. Disguised electrical panel in the hallway: step by step instructions on how to hide the electrical panel. Cabinet with sockets for small kitchen appliances

modern furniture for storage is different from the classic designs, for example, cabinets are now more functional. The well-known wardrobe is able to accommodate the entire family wardrobe, if you think about its content correctly: the number and size of sections, the presence of several rods, and drawers for linen.

At the same time, the question may arise where it is better to install a wardrobe, because such an object is likely to be quite impressive in size. Next, we will tell you what tricks will help you visually make a bulky (wide, tall) wardrobe more inconspicuous in the interior.

How to hide the closet

Take a critical look at the room in order to correctly assess its shortcomings and advantages - they will prompt the best area for placing a wardrobe.

As an example, indoor rectangular shape it is better to install a sliding wardrobe near one of the short walls - the length of the room will be shortened somewhat, and the atmosphere will become more comfortable. If, on the contrary, place the cabinet along long wall, the room will seem even narrower, resembling a corridor, which will be less pleasant to live in.

To match the walls

When choosing the configuration of a wardrobe, its size and content, do not forget about the facades of those very sliding doors. In order for a large item to fit better into the interior of the room, you should choose to make the color of the cabinet almost merge with the shade of adjacent walls.

For example, beige walls- cream or sand facades, although you can experiment with the texture of the material of the doors so that they shimmer with a soft sheen against the background of a matte surface.

Behind mirror facades

Even if the space of the room in which the large closet is installed is enough for the rest of the furniture to move freely, there may be an oppressive feeling. In this case, mirrors on the facades of sliding doors will be appropriate - they will visually lighten a bulky closet, make the space lighter and brighter.

A similar design option for a wardrobe is especially suitable for small rooms, such as hallways: everything superfluous is hidden and, in general, the design is even more functional.

Elegance anteroom interior in warm tones with hallstand and mirror

Embed in a niche

It is better to hide a large piece of furniture, such as a wardrobe, in a niche, if there is one in the room. Ideally, the design should initially be ordered according to the parameters of the niche, - effective area rooms will be preserved, and the space will become more thoughtful and functional.

Perhaps your apartment has a small utility room by the type of pantry, which means that it can be transformed by simply building a wardrobe here. Often, such pantries are located near bedrooms or hallways, therefore, a closet built next to them will be a very convenient acquisition.

In the entrance area

You can hide a voluminous wardrobe by mounting its structure on the sides (or on one side) from front door to the living room or bedroom. Getting into the room, every time you will leave the closet behind visually, and the main part of the room will gain volume, being freed from unnecessary pieces of furniture.

For a wardrobe area with a closet, it is better to use the entire wall area around the doors from floor to ceiling, including above the opening. This simple technique will create the illusion solid wall, slightly protruding above the entrance to the room.

Move to the loggia

Placing a closet outside the room, if such an option is possible in your apartment, will be most effective if you need to hide furniture or free up usable space.

It is worth noting that most of the average loggias do not differ in significant dimensions, which means that if your wardrobe is quite wide, there can be no question of placing it on the loggia. If you only have to order the design of a sliding wardrobe according to an individual sketch, we recommend that you consider the option with a loggia and measure its end walls.


In order to make a large wardrobe more inconspicuous, or to successfully fit it into the interior of the room, you can order a special design of the door facades, which will attract attention in the first place.

In our age, especially valued non-standard solutions in the decoration of the apartment. It can be a self-leveling floor with a 3D image, and stretch ceiling, as if floating in the air, and, of course, a hidden door. The latter option is interesting in that it can perform both decorative and practical functions. Installing a secret door would be appropriate if you want to create a stylish minimalist interior. Also, using this design, you can make a room hidden from prying eyes. What options for secret doors are - read on.

Hidden doors allow you to do for real unique interior. They absolutely do not stand out against the background of the walls or look like a decorative element of the room.

It is not necessary to decorate a ready-made door, you can order an option with a design that suits you, for example, a door decorated to match the color of your wallpaper.

At first glance, it might seem that secret door- This is an element that is difficult to install, which you cannot do with your own hands. However, with a little imagination and effort, you can install invisible doors yourself.

The main requirements that must be met when masking the door structure:

  1. The door structure must be disguised as the surrounding finish. To create a favorable basis for decoration, the door frame with the canvas can be pasted over with drywall.
  2. The hinges and sliding mechanism must be of a hidden type. Otherwise, these small details will betray the entire structure.
  3. The door handle should also not be visible. You can use mortise fittings or a swivel mechanism.
  4. To make the door as inconspicuous as possible, instead of the threshold, it is necessary to install a piece of plinth under it.
  5. If you are masking the door with a mirror, a picture, or want to make it a single structure with the wall, then it must be installed flush with the wall.

These rules will allow you to make the door in the interior of the room invisible to prying eyes. Some options will simply compare the door to the wall, while others will make it a real highlight of the interior.

You can achieve the effect of invisibility of the door with the most different ways, however, it is important to fulfill the basic conditions of masking. Next, we will give you several options for installing an invisible door, you can use one of them, or, based on the basic nuances, come up with your own.

Hidden invisible doors disguised as a wall or closet

One of the most popular ways in which invisible doors are made is to mask the canvas with a box under the wall. This option looks the most natural and minimalistic. If you want to create an interior in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or modern, then this method is perfect for you.

How to disguise a door under a wall:

  1. The easiest way to mask a door is to wallpaper it. It is necessary to use the same wallpaper with which you decorated the walls. If canvases with large pattern, then they should be adjusted to the pattern on the walls.
  2. You can hide the door by painting it. This technique is appropriate if paint was also used to decorate the walls.
  3. Interior doors can be masked with panels decorated to match the color of the walls.
  4. If you use colored inserts in the interior, then the door can be decorated under one of them. In this case, the junction of the door and the wall will be almost invisible.
  5. If you decorate the door with tiles, then thanks to the seams between the ceramic elements, the door leaf will be almost impossible to distinguish from monolithic wall. This design is best suited for the bathroom. The tile must be chosen in such a way that it fits the interior in style.

When disguising a door as a wall, you should think carefully about how it can be easily opened. Sliding canvases can be installed even without a handle, and mortise handles or a special mechanism are suitable for opening doors.

Another interesting option, with which you can hide the door to the pantry or to any other room, is the installation on the door leaf of the cabinet. This option has been most commonly used in ancient castles, and in order to open such a mechanism, it was necessary to turn one of the books. Now it is not necessary to complicate the design so much, you can order a standard opening door made in the form of a cabinet.

With the help of a closet, you can disguise the entrance to the pantry, which very often spoils the overall interior of the room.

All decorative elements located in such a cabinet should be attached to the shelves. For example, you can use book layouts instead of actual literature.

A door decorated to look like a wall or cabinet is the most inconspicuous in general interior rooms. Such options are the most difficult to implement, but they look accordingly.

Secret door decorated with a mirror, picture or curtain

There are more simple options design of a hidden door. They can be brought to life with your own hands, even without experience in carrying out installation work.

Simple options for decorating doors:

  1. Decorating a door with a curtain is the easiest way to create a hidden door. This design does not look so modern and original, but with right choice textiles can make the interior more vivid and interesting. Usually curtains are used to mask old door leading to the pantry.
  2. Disguise doors under the mirror. Such a mirrored entrance design, in addition to looking very original, also performs the function of a full-fledged mirror, so it is especially appropriate to decorate the entrance to the dressing room in this way. The handle on the door must either be made of the same mirror material, or be mortise. Also, instead of a pen, you can use a fake frame.
  3. Also, to hide the door, it can be decorated with a picture. Such an element of the interior looks very unusual and interesting. You do not have to spend money on a real oil painting, you can simply decorate the canvas with a box of photo wallpapers decorated with frames.

Secret doors decorated in this way look no worse than canvases imitating a wall or closet. To make the doors in the apartment original and beautiful, you need to apply only a little imagination and practical knowledge.

Pencil-door hidden in the interior

Another option for installing a hidden door is to use hidden sliding doors. In this embodiment, the compartment canvases go deep into the wall.

The door-pencil case when closed is very noticeable, but when it is open and hidden inside the wall, it gives the impression of a free passage. This design not only looks stylish, it also saves free space, because in open form does not form a dead zone.

Make such input structure possible in two ways. In the first case, the niche in which the door will hide is cut right into the concrete wall. This option of installing a pencil case is very complicated, and requires a lot of time.

Another way is to build a drywall pencil case. For this part is destroyed concrete wall, and in its place is built drywall construction in which a niche is made for sliding doors.

Sliding doors that drive into the walls are suitable for both classic and modern styles interior. With their help, you can increase the space of the room, while separating it from other rooms. This kind hidden doors most difficult to implement. However, thanks to the original appearance he looks especially interesting.

Do-it-yourself secret door (video)

Hidden doors in the interior look very original and interesting. Installing such a structure with your own hands is easier than it might seem at first glance. Imagine, apply the most unusual ideas to decorate your apartment, and you will get a unique and inimitable apartment design.

The awe of secret rooms and secret doors has been preserved among people since ancient times. One has only to remember the Egyptians, who made incredible burials in the pyramids. Today, carefully thought-out hiding places can not be found in every home, but we still feel the desire to have something similar in our own.

There is an incredible amount of little things that can be hidden in a million ways. Some are complex and require a radical approach, others are quite simple in execution.

Here is a list of 15 interesting ideas, which may come in handy to hide your treasures.

1. Sliding, hidden cabinet door

The creation of secret rooms is a big project, which may not always have enough money and time. Alternatively, you can come up with hidden places that will serve as a safe.

8. Secret shelf with disks

Don't throw away the packaging of your old discs. A few of them may come in handy to create a cache.

Instead of hiding the dreaded satellite TV cords from the plasma itself, try using a closet as its hiding place.

10. Books - boxes

It's hard to have caches without using classical literature. It is quite popular, so you can easily order these books online or make your own.

11. Keyboard - cache

The buttons on the keyboard are very easy to remove, making it a great hiding place.

12. Stash in the interior door

That, what to unscrew with a screwdriver, can be brilliant place to store valuables.

13. False sockets

Such a cache can be made both with working sockets and with false ones. If you choose the second option, then, of course, there will be much more space for values.

14. Secrets from Dexter

Dexter always kept his "secrets" in the duct. But remember that light objects or bills can fly away due to air flow.

15. tricky shelf

Thick, trendy shelves can be hollow. This space is ideal for jewelry and documents. To open this, you will need special magnetic pens.

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We often face the problem uneven walls at the customer's premises.

We assembled a frame cabinet, moved it to the wall in the room, and back wall uneven gap.

In such cases, adjustable supports help us, which we install in advance in the cabinet floor. We tilt the cabinet so that the gap is leveled. Unfortunately, there is a gap on the front side where the base appears, but as a rule, few people pay attention to it if it is not very large.

It happens that the frame cabinet is installed close to one of the walls in the room. The wall can be curved, and even in the form of a wave. Here adjustable supports will not help us. Let's not warp the whole closet because of a curved wall, and even if it is a wave, it's useless.

The client is very upset because of the uneven gap.

We can take a chipboard plank of the same color as the cabinet frame, adjust its size to the wall curves using a jigsaw. Edge to pass grinder, or close with a U-shaped soft edge.

Now the gap is not conspicuous, but of course this cannot be called an ideal alignment option. It is still noticeable that the wall is uneven.

Consider the following option for masking uneven walls using another specific example.

The sliding wardrobe is built-in, but has sidewalls from LDSP. Why did we do this? The walls are so uneven that the sidewalls are necessary for a smooth fit of the compartment doors, and the shelves inside the cabinet look more aesthetically pleasing than we would shred them with a jigsaw to fit the wall curves.

How to remove the gap between the sidewall and the wall? You can use a plastic corner. In a particular case, we glued one edge to the corner of the wall, and pressed the second to the cabinet. We used liquid nails, temporarily fixed it with masking tape at night so that it would not slip.

In order for the second side of the corner to be pressed against the side of the cabinet, we used a second plastic corner in the form of a spacer.

Watch the video showing the result.

If you have, then the compartment doors will be skewed when open. It certainly looks ugly and is very depressing for the housewives. In this case, we can advise you to make a small podium for compartment doors. It is made of the same chipboard as the cabinet frame itself, but inside we installed adjustable supports. Watch the video where we show how we did it.

Of course, this is also not perfect option and it looks bulky, but the doors in any position look strictly vertical without distortions.

You can try to put a strip of chipboard under the lower aluminum track and align it with the help of linings. But we know from practice that it is difficult to firmly fix such a light foundation. Doors sometimes weigh 20 kg. each and when moving, the lower track with the substrate is easily loosened. Therefore, we make such a bulky frame from chipboard.

The ceiling is a little easier if you are planning a closet. The top track allows up to 2cm. hide the distortion of the ceiling. Pay attention to the top track, it is hollow. The door goes into it and does not touch the very top of the track, it only leans on it so as not to fall out. All the load falls on the lower wheels.

If you are at the stage of repair and you are not leveling the walls, at least think about the junctions of future furniture. Maybe it is worth aligning the walls, floor and ceiling at the points of interface with the frame?

Unfortunately, many people leave this question for later, arguing something like this - later we will come up with something, furniture makers will tell you, we are not the only ones who do this ...

Later you will not solve this problem, everything will come out and if the distortion is serious, then the curvature will be very noticeable. Furniture is also expensive now, for ten thousand nice closet no longer buy. You will spend ≈40-≈120 thousand on a wardrobe and get gaps that will spoil the whole impression.

Modern storage furniture is different from the classic designs, for example, cabinets are now more functional. The well-known wardrobe is able to accommodate the entire family wardrobe, if you think about its content correctly: the number and size of sections, the presence of several rods, and drawers for linen.

At the same time, the question may arise where it is better to install a wardrobe, because such an object is likely to be quite impressive in size. Next, we will tell you what tricks will help you visually make a bulky (wide, tall) wardrobe more inconspicuous in the interior.

How to hide the closet

Take a critical look at the room in order to correctly assess its shortcomings and advantages - they will prompt the best area for placing a wardrobe.

As an example, in a rectangular-shaped room, it is better to install a sliding wardrobe near one of the short walls - the length of the room will be slightly reduced, and the atmosphere will become more comfortable. If, on the contrary, you place a closet along a long wall, the room will seem even narrower, resembling a corridor, which will be less pleasant to live in.

1. To match the walls

When choosing the configuration of the wardrobe, its size and content, do not forget about the facades of those same sliding doors. In order for a large item to fit better into the interior of the room, you should choose to make the color of the cabinet almost merge with the shade of adjacent walls.

For example, beige walls are cream or sand facades, although you can experiment with the texture of the material of the doors so that they shimmer with a soft sheen against a matte surface.


2. Behind mirror facades

Even if the space of the room in which the large closet is installed is enough for the rest of the furniture to move freely, there may be an oppressive feeling. In this case, mirrors on the facades of sliding doors will be appropriate - they will visually lighten a bulky closet, make the space lighter and brighter.

A similar design option for a wardrobe is especially suitable for small rooms, such as hallways: everything superfluous is hidden and, in general, the design is even more functional.


3. Embed in a niche

It is better to hide a large piece of furniture, such as a wardrobe, in a niche, if there is one in the room. Ideally, the design should initially be ordered according to the parameters of the niche - the usable area of ​​​​the room will be saved, and the space will become more thoughtful and functional.

Perhaps your apartment has a small utility room like a pantry, which means that it can be transformed by simply building a wardrobe here. Often, such pantries are located near bedrooms or hallways, therefore, a closet built next to them will be a very convenient purchase.

4. In the entrance area

You can hide a voluminous closet by mounting its structure on the sides (or on one side) of the front door to the living room or bedroom. Getting into the room, every time you will leave the closet behind visually, and the main part of the room will gain volume, being freed from unnecessary pieces of furniture.

For a wardrobe area with a closet, it is better to use the entire wall area around the doors from floor to ceiling, including above the opening. This simple technique will create the illusion of a solid wall protruding slightly above the entrance to the room.


5. Move to the loggia

Placing a closet outside the room, if such an option is possible in your apartment, will be most effective if you need to hide furniture or free up usable space.

It is worth noting that most of the average loggias do not differ in significant dimensions, which means that if your wardrobe is quite wide, there can be no question of placing it on the loggia. If you just have to order the design of a wardrobe according to an individual sketch, we recommend that you consider the option with a loggia and measure its end walls.


6. Decorate

In order to make a large wardrobe more inconspicuous, or to successfully fit it into the interior of the room, you can order a special design of door facades, which will attract attention in the first place.

For example, perspective images, panoramas of cities, streets and other areas look beautiful and unusual. Such pictures on the cabinet doors will visually take you beyond its borders, and can become one of the main decorations of the room.

Also, for the facades of sliding doors, the characteristic texture of wood, metal, glass can be used. Outwardly, the cabinet will become a continuation and the best addition to the image and style of the interior, while remaining quite inconspicuous and integrated.


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