Contests for 10 people for a birthday. Fun birthday contests

On a birthday, as a rule, guests say so much kind words and flattery about the birthday boy, no matter how much he hears for a whole year. And although everyone understands that he is being flattered, it is still pleasant. So why not combine these pleasant words into a game that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time? Such a game will remind the birthday man that he is dear to the guests present.

Option one

The host invites the guests to recognize the birthday man in respect and love. At the same time, everyone should name only one quality, and this word must necessarily be an adjective. For example: "I love you because you are sociable."

There are many variants of such a game, but the main rule is the same: if someone does not say anything within 10 seconds, he is out of the game. Under no circumstances should it be repeated. And the one who holds out to the last and wins will receive a thank you prize from the birthday boy (a small souvenir, a handshake, a kiss, an autographed photo, and so on)

Option two

The host begins the game with the words: “Dear guests, I will tell you a secret - the birthday boy loves his name very much. And therefore, without knowing it, he loves to receive gifts that begin with the letter with which his name begins. Let's not think about the gifts that have already been given to him.

Let's dream up what we can give him, knowing about his secret. For example: “Our birthday boy’s name is Mikhail, I would give him a car, sorry, I don’t have enough money, but why not dream?” Next, the guests take turns saying that they should give the hero of the occasion (For example, a mobile phone, a guinea pig, a diving mask, and so on). Paper hearts are hidden indoors in various and unexpected places. On command, the guests are taken to look for them. The one who finds the most hearts wins, he receives a prize from the hands of the birthday man.

Each contestant is given a match. When the first of the participants goes to the center of the room, the match is set on fire, and while it burns, the player must have time to tell funny details about himself. The one who says more wins. Several people are selected to participate in this competition, the more, the better. They are given two sheets of paper. They must decide which item they would rescue from the fire first. It is written on the first sheet. And on the second sheet you need to write the reason why they chose this particular subject. After that, all papers are folded into 2 boxes - in the first sheet with objects, in the second - with reasons. Then the organizer of the competition takes out 1 sheet from each and reads it out. It turns out a funny story, for example: “I will save the carpet because I love to eat it.” Dances are different - single, group and pair. Pair dances suggest that partners face each other and support each other by the shoulders, waist or arms. How do you dance with your back to each other? Invite guests to dance famous dances in this way, for example, waltz, square dance, twist and others. It will turn out very funny. All film lovers know what it is. Filmmakers resort to this technique when they want to focus on some small outwardly detail. Most often, in slow motion, they show the flight of a bullet or arrow, scenes of fights and falls.

Invite guests to depict unusual funny scenes in slow motion. For example, how a person kills a fly, scratches under the shoulder blade, or takes medicine. Imagine, and it will turn out very cool! The player is seated with his back to the guests, while attaching a sign on his back with the inscription "Toilet", "Cafe", "Shop" and so on. The rest of the guests should ask questions like “How often do you go there?”, “Why do you go there?” The player must answer questions without knowing what is written behind his back. For this game, we will need blindfolds and small stable objects, such as skittles or unbreakable cups, maybe even plastic ones. Several participants are selected. Objects are placed in front of them in a line in front of each participant on different friend distance from each other. The task of the players is to remember the location of the objects - a couple of minutes are given for this, and then go blindfolded, trying not to hurt them.

But after the participants are blindfolded, a few assistants must quickly remove the items, and the guests will have fun watching the participants try to get around the non-existent obstacles. And to add fun, guests can cheer up the players with phrases, as if guiding them: “To the right!”, “Step wider!” Guests are divided into teams of 4 people, each gets the task to write a short story on a specific topic, for example: “My last summer”. At the same time, it is imperative that empty spaces remain in the story instead of adjectives. You have 10-15 minutes to complete the task. Then the groups exchange tasks and take turns completing the story with adjectives, funny or not. Important condition so that these words are not offensive. The story that is the funniest wins. This game is gaining more and more popularity in the US and Europe, and recently it has come to us. All guests are divided into two or three teams. The player of one of the teams must draw the word made by his comrades without using numbers and letters, and the task of other teams is to guess this word. You can play this game indefinitely until you get bored. The team that guesses correctly wins large quantity once. In order not to turn the presentation of a gift to a birthday person into a banal handover of an elegant box from hand to hand, you can do this in the form of a cute game.

First of all, you need an assistant from the birthday man's family to hide the gift. Then, the donor should have prepared notes - hints, possibly in poetic form, which hint at where to look for the next clue.

It is necessary to decompose all the notes so that the first indicates the location of the second, the second indicates where to look for the third, and so on. There are enough such notes 5-7 pieces so as not to drag out the game too much. Last note should indicate the location of the gift.

Notes for a birthday girl can be something like this: “Where you often paint your eyes, look rather for the first clue” (at the mirror), “What keeps your memories will give a hint for the fulfillment of desire” (photo album). And so on.

Very often, teenage parties are held in a narrow circle, for example, for girls alone, or for boys alone. In this case, competitions for couples - boy - girl will be inappropriate. But there are many competitions only for girls or boys. For example:

Cool contests for boys

Several boys are invited. Each is given a razor and inflated balloon, on which eyes, nose, mouth and ears are drawn. It is advisable that during the competition someone hold them for the contestants. Shaving foam is then applied to the inflatable "heads". The task of the participants is to “shave” the balls as accurately as possible, without bursting them. This competition will require several boys. All participants are given children's cars, but they cannot be taken in hand. A glass of water is placed on each machine and a rope is tied to it - 10-15 meters. The task of the participants on the team is to start winding the rope into a ball, pushing the car to the finish line. The winner is the one who brings the machine to the start faster and spills the least amount of water at the same time. Guests are divided into two game teams. Team captains receive balls and sticks. On a signal, the captains drive the ball into the improvised goal with a stick, located at the other end of the hall. After that, they pass the stick to another member of their team. The team that scores all the goals first wins. Of course, this competition can also be held among girls, but since young women of fashion attend the holidays "in parade", that is, with makeup, it is better to invite boys to participate, who will not be difficult to wash. This competition is a surprise, only the presenter and his assistant should know about its rules. Two participants are invited, who are seated at a clean table opposite each other. In front of them, paper snowflakes are laid out in a chaotic manner. The rules are explained - you need to remember the location of the snowflakes and blow them off the table with your eyes closed. Whoever blows the most is the winner. The host blindfolds the participants, and the assistant at this time quickly puts saucers with flour on the table. Unsuspecting participants blow on each other and find themselves in the "snow". The winners in this competition are the audience, they get all the fun. This is a skill contest. For him, you will need an apple or crumpled paper, a basket or hat, a small ball and other items as desired. There are two options for this competition: in the first case, you need to hit the basket or hat with an apple, in the second, you need to knock down all kinds of objects from the chair with a ball. The most accurate participant wins.

Cool contests for girls

This is a competition for attention. One girl from the guests is hidden behind a screen. The host of the competition should ask the rest of the audience questions about the contestant's makeup, clothing, jewelry, and so on. Points are awarded to the most attentive. The one who scores the most points wins. As a rule, high school girls already know how to do makeup, and it will not be difficult for them to make up another participant. For this competition, two or three participants are selected, and the same number of “models”. Make-up kits are provided. The task of the competitors is to quickly and at the same time beautifully make up their model. The results are determined by the vote of the viewers. This competition requires several participants. They all face the audience, with chairs behind them. The facilitator puts on each chair small object. On command, the girls should sit on a chair and determine what kind of object they put. You can not look and use your hands. The first person to guess their object wins. For this competition, you will need dolls in cribs that any teenage girl has. Several participants are invited. Their task is to play "mother's daughters" - wake up the dolls, wash and brush their teeth, do exercises, feed and comb, take a crib, dress, walk and play with her, undress, put her to bed and sing a lullaby. The one who completes the task better and faster wins. This competition is comic-intellectual. Based on its results, a blonde is determined - the girl who could not answer a single question. Tasks can be different, here are some examples:
  • What note is needed to make soup? (salt)
  • A composer's last name that sounds like a gunshot? (Bach)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

Maria Vyalykh

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Birthday is always a holiday, because on this day, starting from early childhood, we expect something magical, new. We hope and do not stop believing throughout our lives. beautiful table setting tables, the best outfits, gourmet dishes ... and of course entertainment, games and competitions. How to entertain guests main question evenings, and an adult birthday stands apart. Most likely, therefore, original contests and jokes are transmitted “from father to son”. Moreover, each generation contributes something of its own, and this does not make table competitions worse, and sometimes even better.

Funny contests can be completely different:

  • mobile (with improvised items and without props);
  • simple;
  • intellectual;
  • personal and for the company.

But the main and main criterion, regardless of where the event is held at home or in a restaurant, the program of the event should cover all those present, and the competitions are comic. Ultimately, it is the birthday contests that will leave a bright and unique trace of the past event.

How to entertain guests at the table

Let's consider together today, and perhaps even choose how to cheer up the guests who came to your celebration with the help of contests.

"To gobble up both cheeks"

If you decide to get together in an apartment or in a country house, this competition at the table will help you to relax. And maybe even get closer to some extent. So, in front of all those taking part, we put saucers with cold snacks or spaghetti. We issue cutlery absolutely different sizes(from teaspoons to grill tongs). On command, they begin to gobble up whoever shows an empty saucer first becomes the champion!

"Guess the melody"

The player stuffs his mouth with a piece of bread so that it was impossible to talk. Then he is given the words of a song to sing. The participant tries to sing with expression. The rest of the players try to find out the lyrics of the song and sing out loud. Whoever guesses the song first becomes the next artist.

"Image of a Hero"

This competition is for cheerful company fit the best. Guests are divided into several teams, everyone is blindfolded. Residents, in turn, come up to sheets of paper and depict parts of the body that the birthday girl or the birthday man calls. The hero of the occasion, at his own discretion, gives out pencils of the color that, at his discretion, is most suitable at the moment. Artists will be able to see their creation after their eyes are untied. The spectacle is still something, but the memory is secured for a long time.


Two volunteers are chosen, one voices the word (necessarily a noun), the opponent tries to explain to others, with the help of gestures, the meaning. At first glance, everything is simple, but the more complex the word, the more difficult it is to show, and therefore more interesting. This contest allows you to unite, learn something new about old friends, get away from everyday hustle and bustle and even be a child somewhere.

"Water Carrier"

Each player is given one glass filled with liquid, the second is empty. All players are given a straw or a tube, with which he tries to pour liquid from a full glass into an empty one, using only a straw. Whoever finishes the fastest is the winner. This competition can be somewhat modified, for example, instead of a glass, use a saucer, and change the tube to a teaspoon.

Increasingly, companies of adults are trying to celebrate significant dates in in public places. Less red tape with cooking, cleaning the table and the room, and of course the possibility of a change of scenery. Alas, many people think that it is boring and uninteresting. But do not rush to conclusions!

How to entertain guests in a cafe

Most likely, in this case, you will have to prepare. For example, pick up the props, it is possible to fill in forfeits, notes, and possibly wishes in advance. You can use both board games and funny contests. It all depends on your ingenuity, as well as the desire to make this evening unforgettable.

"Find the hero of the occasion"

Everyone present is blindfolded. In a chaotic manner, the host sits everyone at the table. Each player wears winter gloves. The essence of the game is to identify the person sitting next to you, touching only the neighbor's face. There is only one attempt. Ultimately, you need to find the birthday boy.


Several men participate in the competition, it will not be bad if they have driver's licenses. Each man is given a toy car with a rope. The meaning of the game with your eyes closed is to drive all the way with obstacles (any objects are suitable as obstacles, for example, bottles or salad bowls) and return the same way. Before the start of the racing drivers are warned that for the committed collisions, drivers will be deprived of their rights, albeit with a mandatory ransom.

"Imitating Women"

Several volunteers (the more the better) are given boxing gloves and asked to wear nylon stockings or leggings. Girls can suggest, support men, but not help. Only if the situation is not resolved in any way, according to the decision of the guests, the weaker sex comes to the rescue.

"Night of pleasure"

The facilitator chooses men (4-7) from among those invited, asks for a certain time to collect largest number kisses, the main condition is that kisses should be visible on open areas body. On command, the players go around the hall to collect the fruits of the night of joy. At the end of the time, traces of lipstick are counted. In the end, the favorite of the female half will be determined.

"Perfect Couple"

The guests are divided into pairs. The male half, approach the table where the piles of drinks are located. Purpose: without touching hands to empty the piles. Drank - gives a signal to his soul mate. Seeing the woman's signal, they also deliver a snack - fruits or pickles - with the help of only the mouth. The couple who drank and ate the fastest wins.


All players in the front are tied with a small container of water (preferably a plastic bottle) or an empty one. Round objects (tennis balls, oranges) are placed in front of everyone. The task is to pass the object as quickly as possible, using only a bottle and score in the goal. Gates can be completely different - from mugs to table legs.

"Size matters"

Several groups are created: one consists of the male half, the other only of the female. On command, the participants begin to get rid of clothes (at their discretion) and spread out in length. Each group has its own line. Accordingly, the team that created the longest line of things wins.

An important place among all kinds of contests and games at the birthday party is occupied by quizzes. Such entertainment contributes not only to fun, but also allows you to wake up long-forgotten facts and songs in your memory. Much depends on the company, as well as the mood in the team. Here the choice is great - from intellectual to very simple, quizzes can be musical or dance, comic and vice versa, very serious. The main thing is to forget about constraint, cast aside doubts and give yourself free rein!

Quizzes for a friendly company

In this section, let's look at quizzes that are suitable for adults, but variations, like questions, can be redone for any age. Oddly enough, but such contests are probably the most universal. After all, at any age we want to look smarter, to some extent even more sedate than we really are. And if you add a little more humor, and maybe even satire, then such an event will be a great success! And if it doesn’t make a splash, then it will definitely lift the mood.

"Intimate talk"

The conditions are incredibly simple. Any number of people can participate, the main even number. And it would not be bad if the number of men corresponded to the number of women. We sit down according to the principle: boy - girl. We prepare in advance equally cut cards from thick paper, in some we write the question, respectively, in the other the answer. We mix each pack well and put it in front of the participants. One player raises the phantom and reads the question to a partner in a couple, to which he or she takes a card from the pile of answers and reads back. And so on from pair to pair. Of course, it all depends on the compiler of the questions and answers. The crazier the questions, the more interesting the answers will be. The main thing is that you need to approach the preparation of the quiz with a twinkle, as well as with a small amount of shamelessness and insolence.

"Bottle of Destiny"

Let's now try to remember how often there were situations when we found ourselves in unfamiliar companies. Of course, in such cases, a certain discomfort is experienced. The following event will help, albeit superficially, to recognize the people at the table. And of course, put yourself in the most favorable light. Go!

To do this, you need an empty bottle and paper forfeits. Each person present describes their best qualities, folding the card with a tube, push it into the bottle. The birthday boy begins to twist who the neck will point to, takes out a phantom, reads and must guess who in question. Remember, the brighter each person describes himself, the more difficult and interesting the search will be.

By analogy, you can slightly modify the competition. For example, we put notes with wishes in a bottle. The hero of the occasion begins to twist, to whom he shows, he must get one phantom with a desire and fulfill it. After execution, he starts to twist, and so on, until the forfeits run out.

"Bouquet of Feelings"

Most likely this is not even a competition or a game, but beautiful way giving flowers to the birthday girl. An empty basket, vase or something else is placed in front of the hero of the occasion. Guests alternately put one flower, at the rate of: one flower - one compliment. Therefore, the more tenderness in the heart and on the lips, the more the bouquet is collected. The main thing is that in the end the number of colors should be odd. Similar scenario fit better for the start of the celebration. Although what woman does not love flowers and words of tenderness addressed to her.

"Memories Questionnaire"

Here you will need the help of close friends and relatives of the hero of the day. A questionnaire is compiled with the data of the birthday person, where they are entered fun facts from life. The host reads questions to the guests, wondering who it could be. For example, who this summer was relaxing in nature and swimming naked? Guessing a consolation prize. Despite its simplicity, this contest is perfect for a lively and fun birthday celebration. Sometimes the facts of bygone days emerge.

15 original contests in video format

As you can see from the article, entertainment for a birthday, and indeed for any holiday, is endless. Remember the main thing - the main criterion for the success of the event is your desire. Positive thoughts are like bricks that will certainly build a beautiful palace in which they will live hand in hand - laughter, love, trust. Ultimately, we are preparing for this, inventing something, thinking. After all, seeing joy in the eyes of loved ones, hearing the laughter of friends is exactly what makes us truly happy.

Board and outdoor games and birthday contests for adults can be funny and varied. The birthday boy and guests will play with the same enthusiasm as children. Don't believe? Then offer them the following fun options.

Each guest is given pens and notebooks. They write the name of the gift that they would like to give to the birthday person if they had Magic wand. Gifts can be both tangible and intangible. Each note is signed. Notes with tasks are added to the second bag.

The host approaches the birthday man and invites him to choose one note from each bag. First, he reads what gift they wanted to give him. Then the host says: “You will certainly have this one if the author of the note completes the task.” The birthday boy reads out what task the author of the note should complete. After completing the task, the birthday boy pulls the next note, and so on.


A cool and funny birthday contest for adults, which can be a table or held in the center of the hall. The host announces a competition for the best reader. Poems or stories are distributed to everyone who wishes. The guests prepare, and then take turns reading them, trying to do it as expressively as possible. At the end, the host announces the winner. But! It becomes the one who has the largest fist, thin wrist or long hair. Here you can dream up. The competition ends unexpectedly. But such an end amuses the guests a lot, causes a lot of positive emotions. All guests who practiced reading are given incentive prizes.

"Don't spill"

Each participant is given one straw and two glasses. 1 glass is filled with water. The task of the participants is to pour the liquid from one glass to another using only a straw. The winner of this funny adult birthday drinking contest is the one who pours the most water. By the way, instead of water, you can take something stronger. At the same time, you can train willpower!

"Guess who"

The host sits the birthday man on a chair and blindfolds him. Guests approach him one by one and shake hands. The birthday boy has to guess who it was. If the birthday boy is a man, you can suggest that girls and women kiss him in turn on the cheek, and he determines which kiss was from his soulmate. A similar competition is held with a birthday woman. This option is only suitable for not very jealous couples, so that the contest does not end sadly.


The facilitator distributes pens and pieces of paper to those who wish. The task of the participants is to make the largest number of words from the letters of the name of the main hero of the occasion. The winner is determined by counting.

You can call new words in turn. If the word was called by one participant, then the second one no longer has the right to repeat it. Thus, only new words are counted. This funny table competition birthday parties for adults can be held not only at the table, but also on stage. Options can be varied according to the wishes of the guests.


Everyone loves this game. It will appeal to any company, regardless of gender, age and social status. The essence of the game is to guess the character or object that the person in the center thinks of. The one who guessed it goes to the center, the previous participant makes him a word. The game is repeated again. You can play indefinitely, there are no winners and losers here.

It can be offered to guests at the end of the evening, when everyone is a little tired. The dull mood and fatigue of the pantomime as if "will remove by hand." Children will also be happy to participate in this funny table contest for the birthday of adults. Adults will only be surprised at their ingenuity and ingenuity.

"Show the country"

This funny adult birthday table contest is great for companies that don't like to jump, run and scream, but just get together at home for big table. The facilitator puts notes with the names of countries in a box. Each participant takes out a note, reads the country written on it, and tries to depict it. You can show the flag characteristics, favorite dishes, sights of countries. Anything, if only the guests guessed the hidden country as quickly as possible.

"Burn with a blue flame"

Each participant is given a box of matches with an equal number of matches. The task is to burn the contents of the boxes as quickly as possible. Matches can only be burned one at a time.


From 5 to 10 people can participate in the competition. Previously, the host comes up with several names for the participants. All of them must belong to famous characters. For example: Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Emelya, Carlson, etc. The contestants draw notes with names. In 10 minutes, they need to come up with a biography of the character and tell it to the guests. This must be done in such a way that the guests do not immediately guess who they are talking about. The winner is the one who kept the intrigue the longest. This funny table contest for the birthday of adults will be a great alternative to the usual riddles.


Participants of the competition receive a toothpick and a plate with a small portion of jelly. At the command of the host, the contestants begin to eat jelly. The one who eats the most in the specified amount of time wins. The winner receives a prize. All other participants are given spoons so that they can finish their portion of jelly.


Participants are given magnets (the more they are, the better). The task is to collect as many metal objects as possible with the help of magnets. Metal objects are laid out in advance by the presenter and the organizer in the hall, in secret places. To make the competition more interesting, the places where metal objects, can be marked on the map. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. The winner is determined by counting the metal objects.

"2 truths and 1 lie"

This funny table contest for the birthday of adults does not require preparation, so it can be held even in nature. Such a competition is excellent and fun in companies where people do not know each other very well. Each guest names 3 facts about himself. 2 of them must be true and the third must be false. The task of the rest of the guests is to recognize the false fact. You can do this by voting. If the guests did not guess correctly, the player receives a prize. Facts about yourself can be written in advance on pieces of paper. The facilitator will take turns taking out notes and reading them out.

"Fast Driver"

This competition is suitable for men's companies. Each participant is given small typewriters on a string and pencils. The task of the contestants is to wind the rope as quickly as possible so that the machine is near the pencil.

"The owner of the most sensitive priests"

The facilitator prepares in advance several scarves and scarves with which the participants will be blindfolded. In addition, you need to pick up a few items that can be recognized using the "soft spot". It could be plastic bottle, book, vegetables, spoon. Do not use fragile or sharp-edged items. Guests are blindfolded, put any of the objects on a chair and help to sit down. If the participant correctly identified the subject, he is awarded 1 point.

The winner is the one who scored the most points. He is awarded the title of the owner of the most sensitive priests. By the way, this funny table contest for the birthday of adults must be filmed in order to laugh again.

"Modern fairy tale"

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each team must choose a profession. For example, a teacher and a psychiatrist, a lawyer and a cook, etc. After that, each team reworks any folk tale so that it sounded professional slang. Not teams can play, but individual participants.

"Broken phone"

How more people will take part in the game, the more fun. The host thinks of a word and whispers it in the ear of the first participant. Each participant must pass the word as quietly as possible. The last participant voices the word in the form in which it came to him.

"Not really"

An excellent and funny table contest for the birthday of adults in the style of "question and answer". The host writes the names of animals and characters on pieces of paper in advance. Guests have to guess who it is by asking questions. The facilitator can only answer questions with “Yes” or “No”. The participant who guessed the animal or character receives a card with its name or the corresponding picture. The one who collects the most cards wins. It will be even more fun if you write the names of objects on pieces of paper. It can be Appliances, an item of women's or men's wardrobe, toys, toiletries, cosmetics, etc.

"The Chipmunk Speaker"

Guests are divided into pairs. The host gives one participant a note with the text and nuts that he needs to put in his mouth. The second participant is given paper and a pen. Its task is to recognize the text and write it down as accurately as possible. The winner is the pair that was able to quickly and accurately convey the text to the partner.

"Most Interesting Story"

The host calls the phrase with which the story begins. It should be funny and make it easy to come up with an interesting sequel. For example: "Once ... mushrooms grew in my mouth ...". The next participant must come up with the next phrase, and so on. There are no winners and losers in this game. While inventing a story, guests will laugh and cheer up plenty.

Panic game

The game does not require additional details, so you can play it in any company. The guests split into pairs. You can do this at will, but it is much more interesting if the pairs are determined by lot. The facilitator distributes small pieces of paper and pens to the pairs. Participants write on pieces of paper any word that they can think of. You can write not 1, but several words at once. The main condition for writing words is that they must be nouns and real.

Notes are put in a bag and mixed. The facilitator takes turns approaching the teams and invites one of the participants to pull out a note with the word. His task is to explain the word to another member of the team. And he must do it as quickly as possible. The maximum guessing time is 20 seconds. If the word was guessed, the note remains in the team's piggy bank. You can immediately take out the next note with the word. The team that collects the most notes with words wins.

"Lamb-sweet tooth"

You need to prepare for this competition in advance, because it will require a lot of sweets. Each guest is given candy canes. After the sweets are in their mouths, the participants need to say the phrase: “Sweet-toothed lamb”. Moreover, this must be done clearly and expressively. Of course, this will not be easy, but the winner is waiting for a prize, so the participants will need to try. If all participants said the phrase more or less clearly, then one more candy is added to each. The number of sweets can be gradually increased.

3 oversized men are invited to participate in the competition. The host arranges them so that they are on the same distance from each other. The task of the “heroes” is to find their woman in the crowd and bring her to the start. In advance, you need to make sure that men participate in the competition, the second half of which is also present at the holiday. The winner is appointed the main hero and receives a prize.

"Buttons and mittens"

A pair of people participate in the competition. Participants are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other. One host gives a shirt with a lot of buttons, and the second - mittens. The task is to fasten the buttons on the shirt as quickly as possible.

"Catch the candy"

The number of people is unlimited. Each participant is given a hat, to which a candy on a thread is fixed on the back. The task of the contestants is to catch the candy as quickly as possible and eat it.

When preparing to celebrate his birthday, inviting guests to the celebration, the birthday boy needs to choose funny table contests in advance so that the holiday is as bright and interesting as possible, and, most importantly, to avoid awkward protracted pauses or unwanted conversations.

Competitions should be chosen exclusively table- as a rule, adults have absolutely no desire to get up from the table to participate in outdoor games - therefore, an invitation to jump and run is unlikely to be met with enthusiasm by the guests.

At the same time, the number of contests should not exceed 5-6, otherwise even the funniest entertainment program will be unreasonably long and will soon get bored.

Necessary props and organizational preparations

Most of the contests below do not require a host, but some of them will require a host to be chosen by popular vote - which in itself will be a fun contest.
Or agree in advance that one of your loved ones will take on this role.


For competitive program must be prepared in advance:

  • tokens or medals;
  • red box;
  • forfeits with tasks;
  • blindfold and mittens (according to the number of guests);
  • picture cards in a blue or pink (depending on who's birthday) box:
    - scales for weighing trucks,
    - desert,
    - telescope,
    alcohol mashine,
    - tank,
    - police car,
    lemon Tree,
    - propeller.
  • two bags (boxes);
  • question cards;
  • answer cards;
  • long nose made of cardboard and gum;
  • a glass of water;
  • ring.

red box

A "Red Box" with phantoms is being prepared separately for those who lost in contests or dropped out of the game.
You can make a "Red Box" yourself, from colored paper and adhesive tape, or buy a ready-made one.

Phantom tasks should be as funny as possible, for example:

  • to sing with a serious air a funny song in a false voice without hitting a single note;
  • dance while sitting (hands, shoulders, eyes, head, etc. funny dance);
  • show the trick (at the same time so that it does not work out - it is clear that there are no magicians among the guests);
  • tell a funny poem, make an unusual riddle, tell a funny story, and so on.

Attention: The "red box" will stand in the middle of the table throughout entertainment program. As mentioned above, it is for losing participants. Therefore, do not forget to “reward” a phantom to the eliminated contestant - and it doesn’t matter if the tasks are repeated - because everyone will complete them in their own way!

Competition No. 1 "Find a birthday boy"

Guests are blindfolded.
The leader transplants everyone as he wants.

As a result, no one knows who is now sitting where, and who is nearby.

Warm mittens are put on for each guest. You need to feel by touch who is sitting next to you, touching your hands in mittens only to the head and face of a neighbor.
Firstly, it tickles and involuntarily causes laughter!
And secondly, it is very interesting to try to guess a person through touch!

Each participant guesses who is on the left.
You can only try to guess once. final goal- Find a birthday boy.

Bandages are removed only when the last participant guessed or did not guess his neighbor, but if the birthday boy was found, then the game ends earlier.

Whoever didn’t guess the neighbor pulls a phantom from the “Red Box” and performs a funny task.

Competition No. 2 "Wishes and funny gifts for the birthday man"

This is a very funny contest for resourceful guests with a sense of humor.

First, the Host says the main congratulations.
It sounds like this: “Dear (th) our birthday (ca)! We all sincerely love you together and wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! May all your dreams come true! Now the rest of the guests will complement my wishes!”

Next, each of the participants must say the phrase: , and then pull out a picture from the blue (or pink) box, show it to the birthday man (birthday girl), and explain - why does he give this item to the hero of the occasion? If his explanation was not found, then the contestant reads out, the text on reverse side Pictures.

The next participant, before taking the picture out of the box, again repeats the beginning of the congratulatory phrase “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, so I give it!” and takes out his funny “gift” with an explanation why the hero of the occasion really needs it!

So, for example, having taken out a picture of a desert, the participant first says the main phrase, with which everyone who draws the pictures begins: “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, so I give it!”, and, if your wish was not found, read the phrase written in the picture on the reverse side: “Let them go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and all your enemies and enemies will no longer be able to return, capturing all your troubles!”

What should be depicted and written in the pictures is indicated in the section " Preliminary preparation", but let's repeat:

  1. The box contains pictures of unusual items.
  2. On the reverse side, as a hint, wishes are written. First, the guest, looking at the picture pulled out of the box, tries to invent original wish birthday girl (birthday boy), then looks at the hint written on the back of the picture and attaches it to her congratulations.
  3. You can add other pictures, in any quantity - the more pictures and wishes, the more interesting the contest.

The required minimum number of images for the contest:

  • a picture of special scales for weighing loaded KamAZ trucks, on the reverse side it says: “I wish you so much wealth that it is impossible to count, but only weigh it with such scales!”;
  • image of a telescope, on the reverse side it says: “I wish that all dreams and their fulfillment were much closer than those stars in the sky that are visible through a telescope!”;
  • moonshine, on the reverse side of the wish: “Let a considerable percentage of unbridled fun always play in your veins!”;
  • a picture of a tank, a wish: “To always have something to go to the store!”
  • picture of police car with flasher: “So that when you go, the people make way!”
  • a tree on which lemons grow, the inscription: "So that you all year round“lemons” and not only fruits grew!”
  • a picture of a desert, on the back it says: “Let them go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and can no longer return, all your enemies, taking all your troubles!”
  • image of a propeller from the m / f "The Kid and Carlson", the inscription: “May your life always be Carlsson, who lives on the roof and brings many valuable gifts!”

There are two winners in the competition:
First: the one who came up with the most funny congratulations birthday person (birthday girl);
Second: the one who read the inscription on the picture the funniest.

Competition No. 3 "Tell us about yourself: let's play cards"

Two bags (or two boxes): one contains randomly mixed cards with questions, the other contains answers.
1. The facilitator pulls out a card from the bag of questions, reads it out loud.
2. The first participant in the feast draws a card from the bag with answers, and with an expression.

Random combinations of questions and answers will be funny.

For example, Leader: “Have you ever been stopped by a traffic police officer?”
The answer might be: "It is so sweet".

Only one card can be drawn per question.
The game ends when all the cards have been read and all the guests have read the answers to the questions.

Question cards:

1) Do you like to drink?
2) Do you like women?
3) Do you like men?
4) Do you eat at night?
5) Do you change your socks every day?
6) Do you watch TV?
7) Do you want to cut your hair bald?
8) Admit that you like to count other people's money?
9) Do you like to gossip?
10) Do you often play pranks on others?
11) Do you know how to use a cell phone?
12) Now for festive table Did you see who ate what and how much?
13) Have you ever driven drunk?
14) Have you ever come to a birthday party without a present?
15) Have you ever howled at the moon?
16) Have you considered how much today's laid table costs?
17) Have you ever given something that was given to you as an unnecessary gift?
18) Do you hide food under your pillow?
19) Do you show obscene signs to other drivers?
20) Can you not open the door for guests?
21) Do you often miss work?

Answer cards:

1) Only at night, in the dark.
2) Perhaps, someday, drunk.
3) I can't live without it!
4) When no one sees.
5) No, it's not mine.
6) I only dream about it!
7) This is my secret dream.
8) I tried it once.
9) Of course, yes!
10) Definitely not!
11) In childhood - yes.
12) Rarely, I want more often!
13) I was taught this from childhood.
14) It's very nice.
15) Definitely and without fail!
16) It doesn't interest me at all.
17) Almost always!
18) Yes. The doctor prescribed this for me.
19) That's all I do.
20) Once a day.
21) No, I'm afraid.

Competition No. 4 "Intuition"

Each player is put on a hoop with a certain figure on his head. It can be a fruit, a vegetable, a character, a famous person.

The task of the players, with the help of clarifying questions, to which they answer only “yes” or “no”, is to guess who he is.

Instead of hoops, you can make cardboard masks, then the game will turn out not only interesting, but also very funny.

Competition No. 5 "Long nose"

Everyone wears pre-prepared noses.

At the Leader's command, you need to pass a small ring from nose to nose, and at the same time a glass of water from hand to hand, trying not to spill a single drop.

The game is considered over when both the ring and the glass of water return to the "first" participant.
Whoever dropped the ring or spilled water gets a penalty phantom.

Competition No. 6 "Find a common"

Players are divided into teams.
The host shows three pictures that have something in common.
To motivate and cheer the teams, the condition can be this: the team that did not guess the answer drinks penalty glasses.

For example, one picture shows a jacuzzi, the second shows the Eiffel Tower, the third shows the periodic table. They are united by a surname, because each image is an object named after its creator.

Competition No. 7 "Hat for the birthday"

In a deep hat you need to put a lot of folded pieces of paper with laudatory descriptions of the birthday man (birthday girl), For example:
- smart (smart),
- beautiful (beautiful)
- slender (slender)
- talented (talented)
- economic (economic), and so on.

The guests are divided into pairs. One partner takes out a piece of paper, reads the word to himself and explains to his partner with the help of gestures what it means.
If the answer is not found, you can suggest one with words, but without naming the word itself, but describing its essence.
The team with the most correct answers wins.

You can't pair up. One person takes out a piece of paper and gestures the word, while others guess.
For each correct answer, the player receives one point.
The player with the most points wins.

Competition No. 8 "Get to the bottom of the truth"

A certain object, for example, a carrot, needs to be wrapped in several layers of foil.
Each layer is accompanied by a riddle or task.

If the guest guesses the correct answer or completes the task, he unfolds the first layer. If not, he passes the baton to a neighbor and receives a penalty phantom.

Whoever removes the last layer wins a prize.

Competition No. 9 "Gossip Girl"

This funny competition is more suitable for a small company, because you will need headphones for all participants. Or several volunteers may participate and others will oversee the process.
Players put on headphones and listen to music loudly so that extraneous sounds are not heard.
Without headphones, only the one who speaks the first phrase remains. It must be some secret about the birthday girl (birthday boy).
He speaks it loudly, but in such a way that it is impossible to hear all the words clearly.

The second player passes the phrase that he supposedly heard to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on.
Guests who have already broadcast "Birthday Gossip" can take off their headphones and watch what other participants end up broadcasting.
The last player voices the phrase that he heard, and the first one says the original.

Competition No. 10 "Second half"

Guests will have to include all their acting skills.
Each player chooses a piece of paper on which is written the role that he has to play.
The roles are paired: the goal is to find your partner as soon as possible.

For example, Romeo and Juliet: Juliet can perform the text: “I am standing on the balcony and waiting for my love” and so on.

Competition No. 11 "Joint Efforts"

The host offers to write a fairy tale about the birthday girl (birthday boy).

Everyone comes up with their own story, but on a common sheet, each player will write only one sentence.

The tale begins with the sentence "One fine day / es (name) was born."
The sheet is passed around.

The first person writes a sequel based on the first sentence.
The second person reads the sentence of the first, adds his own and folds the sheet of paper so that the third guest can see only the sentence that the person in front of him wrote.

Thus, the fairy tale is written until the sheet returns to the guest who first began writing it.

Together, it will be very funny story about the hero of the occasion, which is then read aloud.

Competition No. 12 "Honest Answer"

Prepare cards with questions and answers.
One guest takes out a card from the deck with questions, and the one to whom the question is addressed - from the deck of answers.
The game continues in a circle.
The number of questions and answers should at least correspond to the number of players, and it is better to be two to three times more.

Sample Options


1. How often do you walk around the apartment naked?
2. Are you jealous of rich people?
3. Do you have colorful dreams?
4. Do you sing in the shower?
5. Do you lose your temper often?
6. Have you ever declared your love to a monument?
7. Do you sometimes feel like you were made for some great mission?
8. Do you like to peep?
9. Do you often try on lacy lingerie?
10. Do you often read other people's letters?


1. No, only when I drink.
2. As an exception.
3. Oh yes. It looks so much like me.
4. You might think this is a crime.
5. Only on holidays.
6. No, such nonsense is not for me.
7. Such thoughts visit me constantly.
8. This is my meaning of life.
9. Only when no one is watching.
10. Only when they pay.

Competition No. 13 "By ear"

All participants are blindfolded.
The leader taps with a pencil or fork on some object.
The one who guesses the object first will get one point (you can use stickers and glue on clothes).
Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

Competition No. 14 "Indistinct Hamster"

All guests fill their mouths with marshmallows.
The first participant reads the phrase that is written on the sheet, but does not show it to the others.
He speaks to her neighbor, but because of the full mouth, the words will be very slurred.

A phrase is a task that the last one will have to complete, for example, “You must dance a lezginka.”
The participant will have to perform the action that he heard.

Competition No. 15 "Top Secret"

Competition No. 16 "Sobriety test"

Game for a big company.
The first team - one side of the table, the second - the other.
From the first player to the last one will need to pass various items holding their matches.
The winner is the team that quickly passes all the items from one end of the table to the other in this way.

Competition No. 17 "Musical crocodile"

The first contestant takes out a sheet of paper on which the name of the song and, possibly, the lyrics are written.
The task is to explain to the rest what the song is.
Can't be explained in words from the song itself.
For example, "When the apple trees bloom ..." you can not say "Apple trees bloomed in the garden." You can say “In one place there is a tree, fruits appear on it” and something like that.

Competition No. 18 "Find your mate"

To play, you need to prepare cards with the names of various animals. Each animal has two cards.
Participants pull out cards, and then show each other their animal (meowing, crowing, and so on).
The game will be over only after all the pairs have been found.

Our competitions are designed for the most modest costs, both financial and organizational. Given the age of the guests and their preferences, the contests can be held very funny and mischievous.
This birthday celebration is sure to be remembered for a long time!
We wish you a noisy, fun feast!

Watch the video with a very funny contest (watch time 4.5 minutes):

If one of the friends or relatives will take on the role of leader and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to arrange a holiday for their dear birthday man and loved ones on their own, we offer with scenario of the entertainment program of the birthday "Merry family holiday", which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions, games, can be held in any order, during a feast or in dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest that can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies selected at the discretion of the organizers can sound in the background

Scenario "Merry family holiday"

When meeting guests, the culprit of the event invites them to choose multi-colored elastic bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the participants of the feast into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Board game "Close people"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore, I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Embrace those to your right and left.

Pat on the shoulder of those who are within arm's reach of you.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting at the table nearby.

My toast is for the event!

Board game to warm up guests

Before continuing our festive feast, I ask the owners of names starting with the letters: A, O, C, I, N to rise in their places, I ask the rest to applaud them. (Guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, B - drink brotherhood. (Guests fulfill the host's request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to each other at the table (Men fulfill the request of the leader.)

All women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (Women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

Little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What is this?

(Answer - button. Guessing - receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize is given to the one who has the largest number of buttons in the outfit. (The winner will receive a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (Winners get prizes.)

TO competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, mrs, miss, frau, medhen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, matchmakers, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners… In a word, women, the next contest is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has lipstick and a mirror. Congratulations! You are in the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are in the semi-finals!

We continue. Who has a hairbrush and a wallet. Hooray!

You are the finalists of the beauty queen contest.

The one of you who has wrench 14 to 17.

No? Sorry! On "no" and there is no winner!

Banquet break

A fun game "Remove the negative"

Leading. I want to remind you that at the entrance to our holiday, you received a colored rubber band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your gum. I will name the color, and you wave your hand, who has the rubber band of that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests do the task.)

I ask each team to select one participant of our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests go to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaners. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out prevention: remove the evil eye, negativity, negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will sound in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you carry out prophylaxis with washcloths - clean sweepers.

(Song fragments sound where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A snippet of a song sounds"Beauties can do anything." Women solo.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to a slow dance.

Sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block.


The host, with the help of a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

Guests say toasts, read prepared congratulations, present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I want to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday man.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another TV show. And this is not said for flattery, it can be confirmed right now. I propose to turn to the cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The facilitator starts, and the participants finish the phrase.

Drinking champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who will plant him, he ... monument!
And now humpbacked! I said ... humpbacked!
Who does not work ...eating! Remember student!
Third street builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkin!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... suffered!
I never ... I don't get drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
You will have coffee and tea with cocoa.
Abroad us ... will help!
I came not to kill ...Then they will kill you!
you have a global ... Mother!
Baba flowers, children ... ice cream!
right now ...sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to the music, to be more precise, to the songs. I invite our multi-colored teams to remember the old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody faster than others and sings the song gets a point. Those with the most points receive a team prize.

(Fragments of popular retro songs sound. A contest is underway. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching ladies"

(The host takes out a tray with small cloth bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. Again I invite from each team one woman. (A participant in the game exits.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Feel the contents of the bag one by one.

(The game is over.)

Leading. Please applaud our "sensual and touching" ladies (Guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men of their team a sheet of newspaper and take their place at the table (The presenter gives out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper heroes"

Leading. Men, I'm waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (Men exit.)

The competition is simple: who will fold a newspaper sheet in half in 10 times faster?

(Competition in progress. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. Team player wins... (names team color)

I propose how to pass your newspaper sheet as a baton to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball in right hand and stand with your back open door four steps from her. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the “ball” over your left shoulder so that it flies out the door.

(A competition is underway. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Bound in one chain"

Leading. Teams of "yellow" and "green" are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The host gives each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath hats, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after another.

(In each team, for all participants, with the help of clothespins, the leader attaches hats to the rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game It's called "Bound in One Chain". Various melodies will be played, during which the teams are invited to dance, but so that their hats do not come off.

(Popular dance melodies sound. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

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