What does strawberry mean in a dream. Where did you see strawberries: in the garden, in a basket, in your hands, on the table. Collecting big red strawberries in a dream

Every person has dreams. Sometimes this or that dream can be a relic of the emotional events of the past day, and sometimes it can be a news messenger. Each dream book interprets such dreams differently.

In a dream, strawberries come across for a reason. It's always good sign especially if it is fresh, ripe and juicy.

If you can see how a person eats it - this is good news. If you believe the dream book, then a clay or unripe berry is a herald of an undesirable turn of events. But also in different interpretations a dream is given in which berries are picked from the garden or in a forest clearing. Picking rotten berries from the garden - to the bad news and difficulties in life. Harvesting a bad harvest in a clearing - to failures on the love front. Collect large, ripe and juicy berries - for the best change.

Strawberry - love symbol

Strawberries are considered the main berry in romantic relationships and symbol of love. Seeing strawberries in a dream means meet your soul mate. The main thing is that the berry is sweet and ripe. Eating strawberries in a dream - waiting for a romantic dinner or a good date. While waiting for this turn of events, you should pay attention to how big the berry seems. If it is quite impressive in size and even bright, saturated color without rotten areas, then date will take place.

According to the dream book, tasting rotten strawberries is a health problem that can cause discord in your personal life. If there is an unripe berry - to a break in relations or betrayal of a partner. There is jam from a bad strawberry crop - to problems at work and to diseases intimate areas. If jam from ripe fruits, then such a dream promises a bright, passionate relationship. If the one who had this dream prepared this jam himself, then the love search is over and he himself became the initiator of a strong relationship. If the jam is prepared by someone else, then soon a meeting with this person is inevitable and he will become a soulmate for life.

Strawberries in sex

In addition to the romantic meaning, strawberries have one more thing - passion. According to the dream book, if you dream of a perfectly ripe berry, wait for a passionate night with its subsequent continuation. Eat sweet strawberries in a dream - it means waiting for good news from the betrothed, which will end in a stormy and long romance. To see that the berries are dry and wormy is to wait for sexual incompatibility with a chosen one or a chosen one. Picking strawberries in a dream - to painful feelings that will not be mutual.

The dream in which main character eating green fruits may mean his sexual immaturity or fear of a partner. An overripe berry in the dream book indicates that the romance will be stormy, but short. If the sleeper dreamed that he was drinking compote from ripe berries - to a new sexual hobby.

If you dreamed of sugar-sweet and ripe strawberries, then you should expect good news in sexual terms and their soon implementation. In the case when you dreamed of a sour berry, you should think about your attitude towards your loved one, because feelings for him become weak. It is more likely that in reality the person began to treat his partner more coldly.

Strawberries - a messenger of the future

Different dream books about this berry, as a news messenger, speak differently. In one case, seeing strawberries in a dream is good news. And it can also mean a breakthrough in your career and an immediate, well-deserved promotion at work.

According to the dream book, a dreaming berry portends an imminent exciting journey. In addition, to see any fruits in a dream means:

  • business success;
  • unexpected news from relatives;
  • enjoyment of recent events;
  • fulfillment of assigned tasks;
  • achieving the goal of a lifetime.

If the sleeper saw how he was selling berries, then the harvest would be large and the year profitable. The dream book interprets the activities associated with planting strawberries in a dream as follows: an activity will appear in the dreamer's life that will not bring great joy. Some of it will be boring and progress will be slow.

If a friend of the sleeping person takes care of the berries, then this heavy burden will go to him, and the dreamer's duty will be to support the first in his work. Cooking strawberry jam in a dream portends a meeting and long-term communication with an unpleasant person.

Collect strawberries in a dream

A person who dreamed of strawberries, which he collects from his beds for sale, can count on good news. In particular, such a collection suggests that the culprit of the dream is waiting for an improvement in the financial situation and success in the industrial sector. The dream interpretation claims that picking spoiled berries from the beds means waiting for bad news from relatives and friends. Picking unripe fruits - to a lack of satisfaction in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. In addition, picking berries in a dream means:

  • the dreamer will find support from a stranger;
  • great joy and happiness are expected;
  • increased enthusiasm in business;
  • a widowed person remarries.

If in a dream fruit picking takes place in a forest or in a clearing, it means that a person is worried about unrequited love. There are berries in a clearing in a dream - to the reunion of lovers, one of whom suffered from denial of love relationships. If there is a girl in the clearing who tastes or collects juicy fruits, then she will soon find her betrothed.

Strawberries are adored by everyone from young children to the elderly because of their great taste. If you love strawberries, you simply must see them in your dreams. However, there are various interpretations, depending on what kind of strawberry you see in your dream.

Symbolism and psycho-emotional interpretation of a dream about strawberries:

Strawberry is a berry female, therefore, it is often a symbol of female sexuality. Hidden in the depths of our subconscious in our dreams, in reality it is a reminder of your own sexual needs. All predictors agree with one of the main interpretations of such dreams: you are expected to meet with the opposite sex if you are lucky to see strawberries in a dream. The meetings will be of an erotic nature; so it's unlikely you'll go to the movies!

Strawberries also indicate jealousy and your envy of someone ( business partner or even a life partner).

Strawberries represent sexual feelings, attraction, envy, passion or new love.

If you enjoy and clearly feel what this berry tastes like in your dream, then you have not yet found the love of your life.

Why does a woman dream of strawberries

IN female dream the taste of strawberries means that she will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time.

Strawberries in a dream are also her sexual feelings. She has a desire to feel the body of her lover nearby.

For a single woman, strawberries mean that her current lover may leave her and fall in love with another.

For married woman a dream about strawberries indicates that her husband may not be faithful to her.

For those expecting a child, strawberries in a dream - to happy birth daughter, her child will be happy and loved.

Why do strawberries dream of a man

A man, having seen how he eats strawberries in a dream, can safely count on promotion with a salary increase.

Unfree men who saw these berries in a dream will be happy in marriage, and single young guys will soon find their soul mate.

For a single man, also in a dream, strawberries are a sign that the dreamer will soon marry a beautiful and healthy woman.

For a sick person to see strawberries in a dream means a full recovery.

For business man such a dream suggests that his business will flourish.

Happiness in the house and a lot of pleasure will bring, seen in a dream, strawberries of unusual sizes.

Have you harvested a large crop of these ripe berries in a dream? You will hear something very flattering and pleasant about yourself.

Wormy strawberries will bring misunderstandings into your life due to jealousy.

If you plant strawberries in a dream, this means that in life you are a very lonely person and are trying with all your might to get rid of loneliness.

Strawberry color also plays a huge role:

The red color of the berry is passion and love. Such berries will add to your real life romance, flirting and diversity in sexual relationships.

If you happen to see strawberries different colors: black, blue, purple, this means that there are people who are cunning with you.

If you saw green strawberries in a dream - advice: do not rush to make a decision or complete any hard work; you do not have enough knowledge, so carefully check each step.

If you see a woman biting a strawberry in a dream, this indicates seduction. Someone is trying to lure you, although you are not very attracted to this person.

A dream that someone other than you is eating strawberries is envy. Don't worry, sleep isn't bad!

The taste of strawberries in a dream:

Sweet berries portend a pleasant intimate relationship.

Sour or tasteless berries are a messenger of cooling in a relationship.

Eating tasteless or unsweetened strawberries means loss of love or mourning. You live in memories of a long-lost love, and it would be better for you to get rid of them.

There are delicious juicy strawberries; similar dream indicates sexual pleasures in life. Are you already enjoying your sex life or be in a good sexual relationship.

Rotten berries with traces of mold dream in anticipation of sexually transmitted diseases and even life-threatening diseases.

Cutting strawberries - such a dream indicates a loss in life. It can also mean sickness.

If you find yourself harvesting strawberries in your dream, you have many envious people and competitors.

Legal problems in your life will arise if you see how you cut this berry into pieces and put them on a plate.

Eating strawberry jam in your dreams means that you will be lucky and get a job in the public sector. You can also expect your long-awaited wish to come true.

Boiling strawberry jam and eating it in a dream means that you will have an explanation with your child.

Chocolate covered strawberries in your dream means that you will soon give up your bad habits.

If you see how you decorate a cake with strawberries, it means that your family is always behind you.

Cake with strawberries portends some kind of joyful event.

If you see only one strawberry in your dream, it refers to the marriage of one of your children.

If you see more than one strawberry in your dream, it means that you will be in a quarrel with the person you love.

And for those who dream of a bed with strawberries, a pleasant pleasure awaits.

If you see strawberries in large quantities in a dream, this indicates that you are very lucky in love.

Strawberry compote in a dream portends a declaration of love or a love note.

Had a dream about how you flatly refuse to eat strawberries? You deliberately deprive yourself of the joys of life, violently resisting luck.

If you picked a ripe strawberry in a dream, it will bring you happiness.

If you planted strawberries, expect good news.

If you successfully sold it - monetary profit, bought it - just a condemnation of others.

Have the birds pecked at all the strawberries? Get ready for grief and tears.

Strawberries in bloom represent the flowering of a new relationship that will not go beyond light flirting at the first stage.

Strawberries stolen from your yard? Detractors will hurt you great harm. unripe berries portend unreasonable jealousy, strife and quarrels.

In Miller's interpretation, ripe and juicy strawberries are a very good omen that will make your dream of a new love come true and give you only positive emotions.

Wangi's dream book. People who dreamed of strawberries are heading straight for their happiness, and no one will stop them from doing so.

Gypsy dream book. "Strawberry" dreams predict sudden wealth at home or success in business.

Eastern book of interpretations. Attractive prospects await you soon.

In general, strawberries in a dream are a sign of pleasant changes, both in the personal and business spheres. Unless you dreamed of an overturned basket of berries! However, such a dream is just the embodiment of your unsatisfied desires, which your subconscious mind so diligently stores. Don't let the blues get the better of you, make a list of what you care about and try to implement at least a small part of it.

Strawberries in a dream, as a rule, are what you are inside, what "you taste" in communication with relatives and friends. So sleep with negative interpretation It's just a push for change. Dreams, dragging us into their sweet nets, distract us from everyday worries. It's worse if you don't dream about them; so "strawberry" dreams to you!!

A good dream that portends you excellent health, love and success in society. Especially if the strawberry was sweet and very pleasant to the taste, you liked it, and you ate it with pleasure right from the garden.

Very often, modern dream books interpret berries for trouble. Usually blueberries, blackberries predict sadness, tears and melancholy.

However, strawberries are always considered happy sign unless it is sour and spoiled. This is what it means to pick strawberries in a dream under various circumstances.

In my own garden

If you began to take these berries for yourself in the forest, on the field, then very soon you will take advantage of a favorable combination of circumstances. The larger and sweeter they were, the more pronounced your success and reward for hard work will be.

people creative professions such a dream predicts happiness and a pleasant surprise. A new project is possible, for which you will be generously thanked.

Why dream of picking strawberries in your garden in the garden? If there was a lot of it, and the berries were large, but not sweet, then you will have to blush for something. Such a dream can predict a quarrel in the house, resentment.

For those who have connections outside of legal marriage, red strawberries can predict danger. venereal disease. The dream interpretation writes that such a vision portends some kind of scandal, possibly a fight.

Some people see strawberries in their yard or large strawberries dream of poor health. Possible skin disease or allergic reaction.

However, the dream book does not always interpret strawberries to the fact that you will get sick or blush for something. If the berries turned out to be sweet, plump and ripe, this is a good sign. Most often, this vision predicts you success, joy.

If there is a girl in the family, then such a plot means that she is already ripe for love. For a young lady to see and pick strawberries or strawberries - to success with the opposite sex.

How many large fruits you have collected, so many men's hearts will conquer. Especially if the berries turned out to be fragrant, sweet and just melted in your mouth. In other situations, strawberries may dream of guests arriving.

But more often than not, her appearance means some kind of success or falling in love. So it is very possible that your feelings will be bright, and many pleasant events will happen in life.

In the forest or in someone else's garden

Collect strawberries from a neighbor's garden - to envy. Most likely, you will experience someone else's success very hard, and for this reason you will become jealous and interfere with the success of this person.

If a neighbor of the same sex lives behind the fence, then this can also mean rivalry in love. The more you managed to collect berries from someone else's garden, the more scandal you should expect.

In addition, a large number of collected strawberries may indicate that you will cause some kind of damage to a person. For example, a girl will beat off someone else's boyfriend or husband. But most likely, success will lead to serious scandals and quarrels.

If you dreamed that your neighbor was stealing your strawberries and you caught him doing this, beware of big trouble. Modern dream book writes that soon you will find out who laid eyes on your good.

If a relative picks up a lot of strawberries from your garden so that others do not get it, and you catch him doing this, expect trouble.

Modern books write that some kind of scandal will soon happen in your house due to theft or a dishonest act.

Collect strawberries in the forest - you want external success. The larger and more fragrant than berries the better and more successful your life will be. For some people, finding a few large and sweet strawberries is a great success and happiness in their personal lives.

If the berries came across rather small, unsweetened, green or dried, then do not expect great joy. Most likely, you will not be able to win the heart of a person who is cute.

A strawberry plantation predicts extremely hard and thankless work. This dream is unfavorable, as you will be doing a lot of work, the results of which will be used by others. Therefore, respect yourself and do not let anyone step on your own interests.

If you collected a lot of strawberries, sweet and tasty, and brought them home, this is a good sign. If someone treated her, a friend or relative will share their successes with you. Rotten berries always predict illness or some kind of evil.

Strawberries are one of the many early summer berry crops, which in reality everyone is happy. It is also customary to call “strawberry” any event that has an intimate, spicy love background. Without a doubt, strawberries are the berry of love affection, but some interpretations are ready to challenge this statement.

What if you dream of picking strawberries?

A large, ripe, juicy strawberry in a dream can mean both love and passion, as well as success in a career and business. Indeed, even in the terminology of gambling, strawberries are a symbol of easy money. Therefore, in any interpretation, a dream about strawberries can promise a lot. However, the more abundant the harvest, the more you should be on your guard.

But surprisingly differently it is explained why one dreams of just a clearing with strawberries and why one dreams of picking strawberries. If strawberries are picked with a person of the same gender, then this promises complete understanding and support from him or her. Perhaps in the future it will even be possible to implement joint grandiose plans. The dream book, based on the month of birth, gives an interpretation for those born from May to August that picking strawberries for them is a great and unexpected joy.

It is not so much the process of picking berries that deserves attention, but the appearance of the person with whom this is done. If you see that this is a familiar face of the opposite sex, then you should pay attention to him in real life. Perhaps there is much in common, and there is a secret sympathy that will grow into something more.

Picking dried or rotten berries is fraught with negative consequences in intimate relationships, family or financial. If some kind of monetary adventure was planned, then you should be wary, and those who have promiscuous love affairs are advised to contact a venereologist. family relations this may portend a break.

Picking strawberries in a dream for a lonely person can mean memories of past, unrequited love that stir the soul. And collecting and selling the harvest has nothing to do with the theme of love. This means that trouble will happen, but it will be possible to get out of it. original way, lossless. The same dream can be material goods, and just to good harvest strawberries.

What portends?

Gather ripe berry and immediately eat it, without leaving the garden - to joyful events, fun pastime in the company of a loved one. And picking and stepping on berries, even if by accident, means that there is no desire to take any reciprocal steps to meet your happiness.

The degree of ripeness of strawberries in a dream also matters. If a green berry breaks down or, conversely, overripe, it means that there is no satisfaction in relations with a partner. If the berry is slightly rotten, illness is possible, but not long.

When a huge field of strawberries is dreamed of and picking berries is accompanied by an inner uplift and enthusiasm, it is better not to rejoice too much, but to analyze the situation. Perhaps this is a warning that you should not get too carried away with the sweet life with everyday pleasant meetings and entertainment. This will adversely affect the state of important affairs.

Too many berries can be an indicator of both falling in love and disappointment. In some sources, picking berries is compared with changes in life or minor chores, and picking strawberries among dry grass means getting unpleasant news about your loved one. Most likely, it will not work to find a permanent relationship with this person and peace.

That's why, sweet berry love in a dream has a dual meaning, and this is normal. After all, there is no love without tears. Otherwise, what is love? Everything is like in life: too good is also not good. Everything should be in moderation, love is love, and the head is on the shoulders.

Strawberries can be safely called the perfect berry.

Delicious, beautiful pleasant aroma It is a favorite treat for people of all ages. And sometimes we see her in a dream.

Why dream of strawberries? What do dreams about this fragrant berry mean?

If she grew up in the garden

If you had a dream in which you saw a ripe strawberry in the garden, then love adventures await you. And green berries speak of your sexual dissatisfaction.

A large red strawberry on a bush portends your popularity with the opposite sex. And small, but ripe fruits promise a fleeting romance.

  • Collect from the garden, and immediately eat - to a pleasant acquaintance.
  • One berry on a bush - to self-realization.
  • Strawberry under a leaf - to recognition from a stranger.
  • Stepping on it is a dangerous curiosity.
  • You can’t bend down to pluck - for a fun ride.

Good mood and joy - this is what spoiled strawberries dream of. Rotten berries in the mud dream of a pleasant surprise. And one large one - for a valuable gift.

Eating rotten strawberries in a dream means appreciating what you already have. And a whole bucket of spoiled fruits is dreaming of a trip to another country.

Did you see her in the house?

A plate of ripe Victoria on the table portends a significant event. And one red berry on a saucer speaks of your superiority in the professional field.

There is a treat with sugar in a dream - it means dreaming of bright love. And adding berries to cream or mousse is hoping for attention from an influential person.

  • Harvest in the refrigerator - for the long-awaited meeting.
  • Held in the palm of your hand - to long pleasant memories.
  • Green strawberries on the table - for the holiday in the house.
  • There is a strawberry pie - for unforgettable events.
  • Cooking strawberry jam - to the chores of the house.

A dream where strawberries got into other food promises to achieve your goals. If this was the first dish, then you yourself will achieve what you want. And if this is a side dish or meat, then caring people will definitely help you.

A strawberry cocktail dreams of a change in the home environment. And strawberry jelly - to get rid of the routine.

What does Miller's dream book say?

What strawberries dream of is also described by Miller's dream book.

Large, strong fruits portend prosperity and well-being. And small ones - a small but stable income.

Harvesting in a neighbor's garden means being the object of sympathy for a work colleague. And at your dacha strawberry beds dream of spiritual stability.

Growing up on a balcony means using your talents to help a friend. And the bushes growing in the room will be evidence that you are ready to step on a new stage in your life.

  • There are sour strawberries - for testing.
  • Berries of incredible size - to the desire to change your style.
  • Feel the strawberry smell - for a romantic meeting.
  • Buying strawberries is a sharpness in a relationship.
  • Wash - to a strong feeling.

In Miller's dream book there are several more interpretations of such dreams.

For example, a dream where strawberries are very sweet speaks of your modesty. And beautiful, but tasteless berries warn you to try to control your behavior in public.

A strawberry crop in a basket means that you have secret sexual desires. And the berries on the floor portend their realization.

As promises this dream book, strawberries in the hands of a child will bring you good news. And if she is holding old man, then a very important event will happen in your life soon.

Strawberries on a chocolate cake dream of a wish come true. And on semolina they promise beautiful confession from a loved one.

If you know what strawberries dream of, you can easily predict your future. When in a dream you see this delicious berry, you don't have to guess what it was for. It is enough to remember all the details of sleep, and read in the dream book what they mean. Author: Vera Fractional

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