How to plant remontant raspberries in the fall. Planting remontant raspberries in the fall - how not to wait two years for ripe berries? Video - Planting remontant raspberries

Remontant raspberries are the choice of gardeners who prefer to enjoy aromatic berries throughout the season, right up to frost. But this requires a little more effort than when growing conventional varieties, and some knowledge of agricultural technology. This is what we will talk about.

Remontant raspberry is large group varieties that bear fruit both on last year's shoots and on this year's shoots, annuals. If remontant raspberries were planted in the spring, then at the end of summer they will delight you with the first harvest.

All remontant varieties are conventionally divided into continuously bearing and autumn fruiting. And the word “repair” itself does not need to be explained. In relation to raspberries, it can be interpreted as self-renewal, that is, remontant varieties are constantly self-renewing.

Video about features remontant raspberries

This raspberry was highly appreciated by gardeners for the fact that the period of consumption of fresh berries is up to 1.5-2 months, in contrast to ordinary raspberries, whose harvest period is 2-3 weeks in mid-summer. The last berries ripen just when others are harvesting in the garden. fruit crops has been assembled for a long time. This is explained by the fact that the ovary of remontant raspberries is resistant to low temperatures compared to other berry plants. Even at minus temperatures, the ovaries do not stop developing, and what is surprising is that high-quality berries ripen from them.

A distinctive feature of the remontant variety is the growth of the bush itself; unlike ordinary raspberries, it does not grow and does not clog land plot. Modern highly productive varieties produce few shoots, and therefore do not create unnecessary hassle in care, and on the other hand, this fact explains the difficult propagation of this variety. Such characteristics remontant raspberries increase the demand and cost of planting material.

The last berries ripen just when the harvest of other fruit crops in the garden has long been harvested

Varietal diversity of remontant raspberries

Amateur gardeners and breeders have developed many different varieties of this crop: tall and short, with early and late maturation, which are suitable for all climatic conditions.

The best varieties of remontant raspberries: Indian Summer, Hercules, Red Guard, Bryansk Miracle, Orange Miracle, Diamond, Ruby Necklace, Brusvyana, Yaroslavna, Atlant, Polana, Poranna Rosa, Heritage, Himbo Top and many others. These are the results of the work of breeders from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and Switzerland.

Medium-sized raspberry varieties reach a height of 120 to 160 cm, tall ones - up to 2 meters, the weight of berries, depending on the variety, ranges from 4 g to 12 g, the yield from one bush can be obtained from 2 kg to 3 kg.

Given such excellent indicators, many summer residents are trying to plant and grow remontant raspberries. Before planting, you need to take it into account high need in sunlight, so you need to make sure that the planted seedlings on the site will be sufficiently illuminated.

Before planting, it is necessary to take into account its high need for sunlight.

The raspberry planting scheme is selected individually for each variety; it depends on the formation of new shoots. For most varieties, it is recommended to plant bushes in a row at a distance of 0.7 to 0.9 m, and maintain a distance between rows of 1.5-2 m, rarely up to 2.5 m.

Experiments on planting raspberries have shown that they also exist - this is in the form of small groups (clumps) and nesting, when on the site the plant is located at a distance from each other from 1 to 2 meters.

For those who like to get not only a harvest, but also use plants for decoration personal plot, it is recommended to use a triangular landing pattern. For this, plants with berries are selected different colors, are formed in groups of three plants and planted at a distance of 0.5 to 0.9 m.

  1. It is best to plant remontant raspberries in the spring before growing season, a week after the last frost.
  2. Prepared seedlings must have good root system and a cut aerial part with a height of 25 to 30 cm.
  3. Remontant raspberries are planted to a depth of 35 to 5° cm. Without following these rules, the seedlings take a very long time to take root.
  4. Having compacted the soil, it is necessary to water it, even if planting was done during wet soil, after which it is advisable to mulch this place with humus 10 cm thick.
  5. If early planting is missed, it can be done at the end of May or at the beginning of June, but this is only possible if the seedlings were kept in a glacier. These are necessary measures to delay the growing season.
  6. A vegetating seedling most likely will not take root.
  7. If you have enough planting material, you can plant it in the fall, a week or a week and a half before the onset of frost. The planting pattern and method are the same as in the spring. But the survival rate will be lower.

If you have enough planting material, you can plant it in the fall, a week to a week and a half before the onset of frost.

You should not expect a large harvest from remontant raspberries planted in the spring. She will not have time to build up sufficient vegetative mass and, most likely, will only show you her berries so that you can confirm your varietal identity. But the survival rate of seedlings at spring planting much higher than in autumn.

Remontant raspberries do not require special complex care. It is enough to water, loosen the soil, fertilize and remove weeds on time.

Watering is very important for this variety; the soil should not be allowed to dry out, but it is also not recommended to over-water the root system.

Biennial and three-year-old plants, in addition to loosening and mulching, are fed with mineral fertilizers. IN summer period recommend fertilizing nitrogen fertilizers, closer to autumn - complex, which includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a set of microelements.

Biennial and three-year-old plants, in addition to loosening and mulching, are fed with mineral fertilizers

Growing an ordinary raspberry variety and a remontant one in the same area is inconvenient and troublesome. This is due to the fact that ordinary raspberries are very susceptible to all kinds of pests, and proximity to them threatens the same problem. Therefore, when planting seedlings, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and try to plant these two varieties away from each other.

If for some reason the planting was carried out without following the precautionary rules, then it is recommended to treat remontant raspberries with insecticidal preparations before flowering. The best drugs are Agrovertin or Fitosporin, as they are less toxic than others.

On very hot days, raspberry bushes can be damaged spider mite, and vice versa, with abundant humidity and cold weather - with raspberry mites. The problem is that it is very difficult to see these pests; infestation can be detected by the coloring of the foliage, curling and drying out. Most effective means In this situation, colloidal sulfur is considered.

Gives good results safe methods fight is spraying with garlic or onion infusion. You can prepare an infusion by dispensing 100 grams of crushed garlic peel per 10 liters of water and infusing it for at least three days. Add diluted laundry soap in an amount of 50 g to the finished liquid.

Safe control methods give good results - this is spraying with garlic or onion infusion

The appearance of pests is influenced by many factors, so no one is immune and it is impossible to completely protect a plant from infection. If the slightest hint of the appearance of mites, aphids, and leaf-eating and sucking pests is suddenly noticed, they immediately begin to destroy them. They try to choose the most harmless methods for humans, for example, prepare an infusion of wood ash with the addition of laundry soap and kerosene emulsion. Shake the mixture well and add to clean water, and then spray your favorite raspberry variety.

When caring for raspberries in the summer, we advise you to pay attention to the appearance of new shoots, which it is advisable to remove immediately, thereby improving lighting conditions, which is very important for the ripening and quality of the berries. We recommend cutting off the green shoots that appear from the root below the soil at a distance of up to 5 cm and using them in the future as planting material.

Caring for remontant raspberries in the fall

Complete pruning of the above-ground part is carried out in late autumn with the onset of cold weather, after the last harvest. Then the area is cleared of debris, watered and mulched. There is no rush to clean up the area; the right period to begin this work is after the top layer of soil freezes. Before the first frost, nutrients flow from the leaves and shoots into the root system; this process cannot be disrupted, as it allows the plant to develop more intensively next year. The right one will be the key to a high harvest next season.

Video about planting, growing and caring remontant raspberries

Some gardeners do not cut off old shoots completely, but only their upper part, which has dried out, like common raspberries. Next year in the spring, lateral shoots will develop on these shoots, which will produce the first harvest. But it is not recommended to do this. This will lead to a significant reduction in yield and degeneration of the variety. Old shoots will absorb all the nutrients, while young shoots will not receive enough of them. Therefore, late in the fall, remontant raspberry varieties must be completely pruned.

With the onset of spring, new shoots will grow from the underground part of the rhizome, which will give rise to a new good harvest. This is how remontant raspberries rejuvenate and repair themselves. And you don’t need to make your own adjustments to this process.

The sweet and aromatic raspberry is not only a delicacy, but also an excellent cure for colds. That's why gardeners love to grow this crop in their summer cottages. Particularly prized are remontant raspberries, which are capable of yielding twice in one season. Growing remontant raspberries and caring for plants has some features. If you take into account the recommendations of experts, you can enjoy the aromatic berry throughout the summer.

Choosing a site for raspberries

Compared to regular raspberries, remontant varieties are more demanding on site illumination and soil fertility, so when planting this crop great importance has a choice of location. Raspberries should be planted in an area that is illuminated sun rays throughout the day.

In a shaded area, flowering and fruit ripening occurs much later, and in some cases you may be completely left without a harvest.

Raspberries do not like drafts, so most often plantings are placed along a fence or outbuildings, which provide natural protection from the wind. For breeding this unpretentious culture best suited South side personal plot, protected from the north by buildings or a fence.

It is not recommended to plant raspberries in places where they were previously grown. vegetable crops, namely tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes. If for some reason it is necessary to use such areas, it is necessary to feed the soil with phosphorus and potassium.

Light loamy soils with a slightly acidic balance are best suited for raspberries.

Soil preparation

Before planting remontant raspberries, you need to properly prepare the soil. This can be done a year before planting or immediately before planting the plants in the ground.

  • Method 1

During autumn digging soils are fertilized at the rate of 45 g of potassium, 65 g of superphosphate, 10-13 kg of humus per 1 sq. m. In the spring, on the site of the future raspberry field, mustard, clover or legumes are planted, which are crushed and buried in the ground in August. In early October, remontant raspberries are planted in this area.

  • Method 2

To plant raspberries, dig a trench 40-45 cm deep, the bottom of which is filled 10 cm with a nutrient mixture of compost or manure. Spread evenly over the manure double superphosphate, which is covered with a layer fertile land. In addition, they add to the soil wood ash based on one liter jar per meter of trench. Then the soil in the trench is compacted and the rooted plants are planted.

Planting raspberries

Remontant raspberries are planted in spring or autumn, although experts believe that the most effective planting is from September 15 to October 10. At this time of year, the summer heat subsides, the soil slowly loses moisture, which allows the cuttings to take root and prepare for the winter.

Planting of remontant raspberries is carried out in such a way that the roots of the seedling are not very close to the surface of the earth, but root collar The plants were located at the same depth as before transplantation.

With the trench method of organizing raspberries, you need to leave at least 70 cm between seedlings, and 1.5 m between rows. When planting in separate holes, leave at least 1-2 meters between seedlings. To propagate remontant raspberries, you can use both root cuttings and young shoots.

Caring for remontant raspberry varieties

Like any cultivated plant, remontant raspberries require proper and timely care, which consists of regular watering and loosening the soil, pruning and fertilizing the plants.

  • Trimming

Remontant raspberries are distinguished by the fact that they can produce crops on both one-year and two-year-old shoots. The berries ripen for the first time in early July. The plant spends a lot on producing fruits. nutrients. Young spring shoots develop weaker, and autumn harvest much lower than in summer, but berries obtained in October are doubly valued and will be a pleasant bonus for the gardener for his hard work.

If you plan to harvest one crop, then in late autumn all shoots are cut out at the root, leaving no stumps. The cut material is removed from the plot or completely burned. This will rid the raspberry tree of pests that overwinter on the shoots.

In the case when it is decided to get two harvests per season, pruning is carried out twice. For the first time after the summer harvest, two-year-old shoots are cut out. They differ from annual ones in having a lignified trunk, withered and gradually drying leaves.

The second pruning is done in late autumn, before covering the raspberry tree for the winter. This time they only trim the tops of the shoots from which the berries are collected. In the spring, selective pruning is done, removing frozen and damaged shoots.

  • Watering

Raspberries do not like waterlogged soil, but at the same time they do not tolerate drought. If there is a lack of moisture, the berries will begin to shrink, dry out and crumble. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. In dry summers, plants should be watered regularly and abundantly, so that the soil is wet by 40-50 cm.

It is very important to water raspberries during flowering and fruiting. After picking the berries, it is also recommended to water the raspberries thoroughly.

  • Loosening the soil

Loosening the soil in a raspberry garden should be carried out regularly, 4 to 6 times a year. This will help provide oxygen access to the roots and allow moisture to stay in the soil longer. The first time the plantings are loosened in early spring, until the kidneys awaken.

When loosening between rows, you can go deeper by 10-15 cm, in rows - no more than 8 cm.

The last loosening is carried out in late autumn. To get rid of some pests, at this time the soil between the rows can even be dug up with a rotation of the layer.

  • Mulching

Experienced gardeners very often resort to mulching the soil between plants. This event helps limit the appearance of weeds, helps retain moisture in the ground, and protects plant roots from hypothermia and overheating.

Any mulch is suitable natural material: sawdust, hay, straw, peat, humus. Less commonly, synthetic mulch or special fiber is used in raspberry fields. After the mulching material rots, it is embedded in the ground, providing plants organic fertilizer. Every season the mulch layer is renewed.

  • Top dressing

Growing remontant raspberries requires regular and timely feeding, since the plant requires a lot of nutrients during growth and fruiting. At the beginning of summer, organic fertilizers can be added to the soil. Cow manure mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10, or chicken manure - 1:20, is suitable for this. For 1 sq. m of planting, 4-5 liters of solution will be enough. You need to feed remontant raspberries with organic fertilizer 2-3 times per season.

It is better to fertilize in warm weather, combining fertilization with watering.

Raspberries will not do without additional fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Potassium deficiency can be noticed by the appearance small leaves with brown edges, and a lack of phosphorus is indicated by weakening and dying of shoots.

When making potash fertilizers Avoid getting chlorine into the soil. You can enrich the soil with phosphorus using nitroammophoska, scattered in an amount of 50-100 g per 1 square meter. m.

Nitrogen deficiency can only be compensated by spring period. If you feed plants with fertilizers containing nitrogen in the fall, the growing season may be delayed and interfere with preparation for winter.

  • How to normalize shoots

All summer it is necessary to control the number of emerging shoots, leaving 1 square. m only 5-6 of the strongest. If you do not remove excess growth, the raspberry tree will become very overgrown. Plants will not have enough nutrients and sunlight, as a result of which the berries will become small and the harvest will be meager.

Cut out the green shoots with sharp pruning shears as close to the surface of the ground as possible.

Young shoots can be used for propagation. To do this, the sprout needs to be dug out along with a small underground part of the rhizome.

  • Garter

Raspberry stems can reach two meters in length. To prevent them from bending under the weight of berries and breaking, they must be tied up in a timely manner. When planting in trenches, double-sided trellises are used for this purpose. It is very convenient to care for plants and harvest if you tie one-year-old shoots to one trellis and two-year-old shoots to another. When planting in bushes to maintain trunks in vertical position stakes are driven into the ground.

After planting the seedlings, it is very important to ensure that when watering the soil around the root collar is not eroded and the roots are not exposed - this can lead to the death of the plant.

The roots of remontant raspberries continue to grow even at low temperatures, so when autumn planting it is necessary to cover the ground with a thick layer of mulching material. This will protect the plant's roots from freezing and provide additional time for their survival.

You should not grow raspberries in the same place for more than 5 years, as the soil is greatly depleted and obtaining a bountiful harvest becomes almost impossible.

IN middle lane re-fruiting occurs in October, when the air temperature drops significantly and light frosts are possible at night. To extend the ripening period of the berries, the raspberries are covered with film.

Caring for remontant raspberries is not particularly difficult. Even a novice gardener can cope with such work, and the reward for the work will be a summer and autumn harvest of large, aromatic berries. The main thing is to follow the advice of experts and purchase planting material from well-established nurseries.

Autumn - best time for planting remontant raspberries, which differ from conventional varieties in their ability to bear fruit on two types of shoots:

  • annuals;
  • two-year-olds

This is the time everyone recommends using experienced gardeners. Then you can get the first harvest in June and next autumn. To do everything correctly and enjoy the fragrant berries, it is useful to know some rules and secrets.

Soil preparation

In order for remontant raspberries to immediately begin to grow well, it is important to choose the right place for it. She loves areas:

  • solar;
  • protected from the wind;
  • fertile;
  • drained;
  • loamy.
  • neutral, pH 5.8-6.8.

Raspberries can be planted in sandy and sandy loam soils. But then we must not forget about regular fertilizer and fertilizing. If the soil turns out to be acidic, it is limed. Suitable for this:

  • dolomite flour;
  • limestone;
  • marl.

It is very good for raspberries if the area was previously planted with green manure crops. Good choice:

  • mustard,
  • rye,
  • lupine.

They can be sown in mid-summer, and a month before planting the raspberries they can be planted in the ground. A flat cutter or a shovel for digging is suitable for this. Professionals advise not to plant planting material in places where nightshades have previously grown: peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.

On the eve of planting, the soil is dug up along with fertilizers. To do this, the following funds are added to 1m2 of the future raspberry tree:

  • humus - 2 buckets;
  • high-moor peat – 2 buckets;
  • superphosphate – 1 cup;
  • potassium sulfate – 1 glass.

Instead of individual minerals, you can use complex ready-made fertilizers.

How to choose the right time to land

The autumn period is not always equally good for planting raspberries. If you have time to do everything before mid-October, the seedlings will get stronger. The fallen snow will protect them from frost. By planting a little later, it will be difficult for raspberries to adapt to negative temperature changes.

The main sign for starting planting is the formation of a replacement bud. It should be quite noticeable on the root collar.

Raspberry selection

When planning to plant remontant seedlings, it is better to purchase several mid-early and mid-late varieties at once.

The most popular are:

  • Gold autumn;
  • Indian summer;
  • Polana;
  • Ruby necklace;
  • Golden domes.

Preparation of seedlings

How is planting material used? annual seedlings or green offspring. Root cuttings are also suitable. The best for planting are seedlings of medium thickness, with a stem diameter at the base of 5 mm. The optimal length is 20cm. The roots should be intact and not very long. If this is a problem, then use pruning shears to trim and remove everything unnecessary. You can do a little checking before you buy. To do this, you need to pry off the bark and cut off a bud:

  • the kidney should be alive and swollen;
  • the bark has a greenish tint on the side adjacent to the wood.

Before planting, it is useful to dip the root system in mash. To prepare it take:

  • clay;
  • mullein;
  • water.

Everything is mixed and diluted to the consistency of sour cream.

How to plant remontant raspberries correctly

Planting raspberries can be done in several ways. Everyone individually chooses what suits them. To do this, use the following options:

  • dimpled;
  • grooved;
  • trench;
  • bush;
  • capacitive.

All methods have been tested and are quite effective. The choice depends on whether you have enough strength to dig a trench or whether it’s easier to make holes. Depending on the size of the planned plantation, the possibility of how to properly fill the recesses with fertilizers.

Planting in containers

This great option when there is a shortage of land on small plots. To do this, you can use any unnecessary barrels or buckets with a diameter greater than 50 cm. The bottom is removed. The container is buried in the ground and at the same time filled with fertile soil mixed with fertilizers.

Trench planting method

The advantage of trenches is their long service life. Having mortgaged a plot, be sure that it will serve you for at least 10 years. This method frightens many because it is labor intensive. But for obtaining high future yields, it is considered the best. A sufficient amount of fertilizer is applied evenly into the trenches. They need to be prepared 3 weeks before planting. To do this, the place of the rows is marked with pegs. The most optimal sizes trenches:

  • length –4-5 m;
  • width – 60 cm;
  • depth – 45cm.

A specially prepared soil mixture or nutrient mixture is added to the hole. Rotted manure or compost is placed at the very bottom. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be used. It will burn out the roots of young seedlings. Superphosphate and potassium salt or wood ash are evenly scattered on top. And at the very top is biohumus or vermiculate. Add a little of the removed fertile layer and mix with a shovel.

The roots are well spread out when the seedlings are placed in a trench. Make sure that they do not bend upward. Sprinkle with soil evenly; it should penetrate well between all the roots. Hold the seedling with your hand, trying to ensure that the level of the root collar is positioned correctly. Its optimal location is level with the surface. Deepening will lead to poor growth and even death. A high location will cause the replacement buds to dry out or freeze.

Planting is completed with watering and mulching. Mulch for good root survival required condition. It will prevent excessive evaporation and make the soil loose.

Planting in pits

More easy way. Well suited for fertile lands, when you do not need to add a lot of organic matter and minerals to feed the roots.

The recesses are made measuring 40*40*40 cm. The distance between them is 70 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 1.5 m. Before planting, you can keep the roots of the seedlings for a couple of days in water with a stimulator. This will revive their root system and increase survival rate.

The planting material is placed in the hole and the level of the root collar is monitored, filling the hole with soil. It should be flush with the surface. If the soil is sandy and can settle significantly, then the neck is deepened by 2-4 cm. Water the raspberries well. Each bush requires 5 liters of water. And sprinkle with mulch 7-10 cm thick.

Bush method

The planting scheme is carried out in such a way that the following distances are maintained:

  • 1.2 m between adjacent bushes;
  • 1.6 m between rows.

By the 3-4th year of cultivation, the bushes become lush and highly productive. They are easy to care for and convenient to pick berries. When pruning, up to 10 strong shoots are left in each bush. Weak and diseased branches are removed during pruning.

Furrow or row method

The shoots are planted in furrows up to 40 cm deep. The entire root system of the seedlings should fit into them. If fertilizers were not applied when digging the soil, they should be applied to the furrow. To do this, use: compost, superphosphate and potassium salt. Planting material is placed in a row at a distance of no closer than 70 cm. The correct straightening of the roots and the level of the root collar are monitored. Sprinkle with top fertile soil.

Arrangement of the trellis

Without the construction of a strong trellis frame, when growing remontant raspberries, characterized by tall shoots, you can’t even dream of it. Therefore, its organization should be a priority.

The optimal length for placing the posts is considered to be 4 m. They are installed in wells 50 cm deep. The height above the ground is 1.5-2 m. The wire used is 4 mm in diameter, maybe a little thicker. She is allowed into 3 levels. The lowest one is located at a distance of 30 cm from the ground. It serves to tie up young shoots, which can then be successfully used as planting material. The second level is at a height of 1 m, and the third highest is 1.5 m.

The shoots are tied at all levels, but they do this in such a way as to maintain a distance of 10 cm between them. This will help them withstand the weight of snow and strong winds. And the wire will not be damaged.


In order for remontant raspberries to grow well after planting, they must be mulched. As mulch you can take:

  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • hay;
  • leaf litter;
  • chopped branches;
  • rotted weeds.

Mulching materials will retain moisture at the roots of raspberry seedlings and also protect them from freezing during winter frosts. Helps in the prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases. Mulch will give useful minerals and organic matter into the soil, will preserve the fertile layer from being washed away and weathered.

Sowing green manure

Another useful final stage in planting remontant raspberries can be winter sowing of green manure between the rows. For this it is good to use resistant to low temperatures plants. You can plant:

  • rye;
  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • mustard.

Within 2 weeks, strong shoots will appear. Even if the raspberries are already mulched, green manure can always be sown in a furrow or in rows. To do this, make a ribbon 10 cm wide using a hoe. Seeds are scattered over it and sprinkled with earth or mulch. The green carpet will retain a lot of snow and protect against spring cold snaps. In addition, it will make a huge contribution to increasing the fertility of the soil under the raspberry tree.

In order for remontant raspberries planted in the fall to take root well and bear fruit, they must be cared for regularly. Timely pruning, watering, fertilizing, fertilizing, mulching these are the main activities, by performing which you can always achieve a high yield throughout the entire fruiting season.

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without raspberries. It is tasty and healthy, it is used to make best medicine for colds in the winter - raspberry jam. Many people are thinking about prolonging the fruiting of this crop. It is the planting of remontant raspberries, done in the fall (seedlings and cuttings), that will allow you to enjoy the berries throughout the summer.

Choosing a remontant raspberry variety

Remontant varieties differ from ordinary raspberries in their ability to bear fruit before the first frost and in their easy tolerance. winter period and frosts. These raspberries are also more resistant to viral diseases, and all pests are removed at the end of the season along with the shoots.

Variety of remontant raspberries “Unattainable”

Planting always begins with the selection of varieties, each of which is good in its own way and bred for certain conditions.

Unattainable. New variety of remontant raspberries, with large fruits(6-12 g). The surface of the berries is velvety, and the drupes are tightly interlocked. The variety is a record holder for the speed of fruit ripening.

Apricot. The berries have a beautiful amber hue with pinkish splashes. It has a faint apricot flavor, hence the name. Fruits until frost. All thorns are located at the bottom of the plant, making it easier to care for and harvest. Productivity is 2-2.5 kg per bush. Up to 75% of the crop ripens. The disadvantage of this variety is its poor transportability. The berries are extremely delicate and transporting them fresh over long distances is not possible.

Variety "Hercules"

Hercules. Variety having large berries(up to 10 g) and high yield. The fruits are juicy, sweet and have a rich crimson color. After ripening, they can remain on the plant for a long time without rotting. The yield is 3-4 kg per bush. Fruiting begins in early August and ends with the first frost. Up to 80% of the fruits ripen. Best suited for making jam and compotes for the winter.

Atlant. The variety is most resistant to pests and viral diseases. Bush of medium height, sparse - 3-4 straight-growing shoots. Doesn't need a trellis. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and are good for freezing. It is distinguished by its tall bush growth (up to 2 m) and a powerful root system that is resistant to dry periods. At good care you can get up to 5 kg of fruit from one bush.

Variety "Orange miracle"

Orange miracle. The name comes from the color of the fruit. They have a bright orange hue. Very sweet large berries (8-10 g) conical in shape. The variety is resistant to pest attacks. Fruits widely. One bush can simultaneously contain over a hundred ripe berries. The fruits are approximately the same size. With good care, they reach up to 12 g. The bushes are tall, up to 180 cm. The shoots are straight, the fruiting part begins from half their length. They have 5-7 replacement shoots. Form a sufficient number of root cuttings.

Ruby necklace. A variety of remontant raspberries with medium-sized fruits (maximum weight reaches 8-9 g) in the shape of an elongated cylinder, bright red in color. The taste is sweet and sour, perfectly refreshing. Has good transportability. The plant is of medium height (up to 1.5 m tall) and has 5-7 spiny replacement shoots. Productivity 2.5-2.8 kg per bush.

Advice. When you plan to plant remontant raspberries, it is best to choose several different varieties. The combination of several mid-early and mid-late species will allow you to collect large harvests throughout the season.

Selecting a landing site and preparing the soil

Remontant raspberries also differ from ordinary ones increased demand to natural light and soil fertility. The choice of planting site and soil preparation are very important.

Remontant raspberries are planted in autumn on a well-lit plot of land. It is necessary to plant a plant taking into account the fact that the sun should illuminate it throughout the daylight hours.

Important! With insufficient lighting, plants prolong the period of flowering and fruit ripening and reduce the remontant zone. In special cases, they may not produce a crop at all.

It is also important to protect the plant from drafts. That is why planting is carried out along fences, which provide remontant raspberries with protection from the wind. When choosing a location, you should also take into account in which places the snow melts first and frosts occur last; as a rule, this is the southern side of the site, covered from the north by a fence or country houses.

Preparing for planting remontant raspberries in the fall

Raspberries are not planted on soil in which the following were previously grown:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • pepper;
  • cucumbers

The most suitable soil for remontant raspberries is light loam, well loosened and fertilized with a neutral or slightly acidic balance pH = 6.5-7.

Methods for preparing the soil for planting raspberries

You can prepare the soil for planting raspberries either in a long-term or urgent manner. In the first case, the land is prepared over two years:

  1. In the fall, before digging, the soil receives 45 g/m2 of potassium sulfate, 13-15 kg of humus and 65 g of superphosphate in granules.
  2. In the spring, the future raspberry tree is planted with vegetables, providing all the necessary fertilizing.
  3. The next season they are planted with legumes or clover, they provide green fertilizer to the soil.
  4. At the end of the season (August), the greens are chopped and dug up.
  5. In autumn (September, early October) remontant raspberries are planted.

Repairing raspberries after planting in the ground

In the second option, a month before planting the raspberries, dig a hole 45 cm deep and add into it a mixture of 25 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of superphosphate and 10-12 kg of humus. All this is mixed with top layer soil from the pit and leave for a month.

Before planting is carried out in the direction of a row of raspberry bushes, a trench 50-60 cm deep is dug at the bottom of which all fertilizers are added. For 100 cm length:

  • potassium sulfate (1 tbsp.);
  • superphosphate (1 tbsp.);
  • wood ash (1-liter jar) or other mineral fertilizers.

The trench is compacted and planted with seedlings or cuttings. Next, fertilizers for remontant raspberries are applied to the soil layer to increase its fertility, twice a year in spring and autumn.

Planting diagram for remontant raspberries in autumn

The culture is quite new, and determining the planting pattern does not have a clearly defined optimal algorithm. Planting remontant raspberries depends on the selected variety and soil quality. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of light-lovingness of the plant. The thickening of the bush will certainly lead to a decrease, and in some cases, to loss of yield.

Single-row planting of remontant raspberries

  1. Single-row (ribbon) planting. Plants are planted in beds, the distance between which is 150-200 cm, and between seedlings 70-90 cm. Thus, the raspberries will not be thickened, and each bush will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. If a remontant raspberry variety with a small number of replacement shoots (3-4 pcs.) is selected, the distance can be reduced.
  2. Square-bush method. Placing plants in a square with a distance between seedlings of 100-150 cm.
  3. Curtain method. On summer cottage Plants planted in this way will feel best. Raspberries are planted in small groups - clumps of 2-3 plants with an interval of 65 cm.
  4. Triangular diagram. The bushes are planted in a triangle with a side of 40-50 cm.

Square-bush method of planting raspberries

The last two methods are often used by gardeners as a decorative element in their summer cottage. To create groups, raspberry varieties with different berry colors are selected. When the fruit ripens, it turns out very interesting game colors on a green background.

Advice. Plant raspberries with seedlings and cuttings in the fall. It is at the beginning of October that favorable temperature and water conditions are created. Plants quickly grow a root system and prepare for overwintering.

Landing methods, their features and differences

Raspberries are planted and propagated using several methods. Each of them has its own pros, cons and differences in planting technology.

Method of planting raspberry seedlings

Planting raspberry seedlings in autumn

Planting material should be chosen with a well-developed root system. The above-ground part should be cut down to 25 cm. Planting is done 4 cm deeper than the seedlings grew in the nursery in order to cover the root bud with soil. Seedlings need additional watering, even if they were transferred to the ground in wet weather. This is done to tightly envelop the plant’s root system with soil.

Method of planting raspberries with root suckers

This method is suitable for expanding raspberry trees at the end of the season. Root shoots (popularly called “nettle”) are dug out along with the soil, which is enveloped by roots, and transplanted to a permanent place. While such a seedling takes root, almost all its leaves are removed so as not to lose moisture.

Method of planting raspberries using root cuttings

Root system of raspberry bush

This is the simplest method of propagating and planting remontant raspberries in the fall. In September-October, raspberry bushes are dug up and roots 3 mm thick are harvested. They are cut, obtaining cuttings of 15-20 cm. Furrows are cut in a designated area, which are planted with cuttings. Seating is done in a chain with a depth of 3-4 cm. Be sure to water and cover with pine needles so that the ground does not freeze. After the snow melts, the needles are removed and the raspberry beds are covered with film. You can plant the plant in a permanent place by next autumn, when it gets stronger and develops the necessary root system.

Caring for young raspberries

Remontant raspberries require regular watering and fertilizing, especially during dry summers. Loosening the soil in a raspberry field is also mandatory. Here you need to be careful not to damage the root system of the plant.

Raspberry feeding is carried out in the second year after planting. Minerals are added to the ground in June or early July, when intensive shoot growth is observed. And in August they fertilize the soil with complex fertilizers.

Raspberry: young plant

Remontant raspberries are the most sensitive to a lack of nitrogen in the soil, so it is important to prevent nitrogen depletion. The plant responds especially well to liquid organic fertilizers (fermented bird droppings diluted 1:20 with water or mullein 1:10). Such fertilizers must be applied at the beginning of summer in a volume of 4-5 liters per 1 m 2 of area.

Important! It is best to fertilize when the weather is warm and while the plant is being watered.

Every gardener should understand that the maximum number of replacement shoots for remontant raspberries should not exceed 6 pieces. Therefore, the remaining shoots are removed using pruning shears just under the soil, and the root shoots are used as seedlings. Pruning shoots will prevent thickening and provide good lighting bush.

Raspberry bushes need mineral fertilizing

Do not use one plot of land for long-term cultivation of raspberries; after 4-5 years, the soil is greatly depleted, and the chance of getting a good harvest from such a raspberry tree is significantly reduced. After raspberries, you need to give the soil a rest by sowing it with legumes or clover.

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, make sure that the root of the plant is not exposed when watering. If this happens, the culture may not take root and die.

When planting raspberries in the fall, be sure to mulch the soil with a 7-10 cm layer of peat or humus. This will prevent the roots from freezing in winter and will give them additional time to develop. Raspberry roots grow even at temperatures of 2-3°C.

Provide plants with sufficient moisture

After transplanting young plants to a permanent place, you should not water heavily. More often is better, but smaller volumes. Prolonged stagnation of water can lead to rotting of the suction roots, which will lead to inhibition of plant development and delayed fruiting.

In order to extend the fruiting period, some gardeners, after the onset of light frosts, cover the raspberry bushes with film. Thus, you can extend the ripening of fruits for a period of 2-3 weeks.

First of all, you need to choose the right variety. It should be tailored to your weather conditions. In the middle zone, the following varieties have proven themselves well:

- Polana;
- Indian summer;
- Gold autumn;
- Hercules;
- Ruby necklace;
- Rushbushburr;
- Golden domes.

Better to buy varieties different periods ripening - from mid-early to mid-late. to increase the harvest period. Unlike ordinary raspberries, remontant raspberries begin to bear fruit already in the year of planting.

Once you have decided on the variety, choose the date for planting remontant raspberries. Like many garden crops– this is the end of April and September-October. Raspberries love a sunny place, light shading in the afternoon. The soil must be fertile with a neutral reaction.

Usually raspberries are planted in such a way that they sprout and thus multiply themselves. Therefore, give her enough space. Since this crop grows well over time, it is better to avoid placing it in the middle of the site. Let this be a place along the fence, on the south, southwest, southeast side of the barn, or another building.


Dig holes at least 1 meter apart. If you want to plant raspberries in several rows, maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between them. Refuel planting pits humus, adding a bucket to each and complex mineral fertilizer(1 tbsp per 1 hole). Mix the soil with fertilizer and water. Now you can land.

For ordinary raspberries, the trench planting method is mainly used; for remontant raspberries, planting in holes is more suitable. After all, this species grows around the mother bush, and does not rush several meters in different directions, like an ordinary raspberry.

Pour liberally into the recesses a little warm water, straighten the roots, plant the seedling, lightly trample the soil around it. You need to plant in cloudy weather or in the evening. Avoid these jobs if the weather is hot and dry. Planting bushes with a closed root system increases the chances of survival. You need to carefully remove the packaging and plant the bush in the hole with a lump of earth. Shade the seedlings until they take root.

In order for remontant raspberries to bear fruit well, over time, leave no more than 5-7 shoots near the mother bush, and cut out the rest. They can be used for reproduction. In the spring, short, strong shoots are pruned, taken out with a clod of earth, and planted in light soil so that they take root here better. After a month, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

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