Growing oregano at home. Oregano or oregano is an unpretentious medicinal crop in the garden. Growing, care and reproduction How to plant oregano seeds

Oregano (or oregano) looks like garden plots very modestly. Her nondescript bushes do not amaze with splendor and splendor, but they allow you to brew fragrant and healing tea or add to the dish an exquisite aroma inherent in many dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, because oregano comes from the south of Europe.

A relative of mint, sage, thyme, and lavender, this spice is perfect for a country-style garden. It is very easy to propagate vegetatively, and you can easily bring a cutting or part of a bush to your site from a friend. Oregano will take root in a new place without any problems. But it is also very easy to grow this grass from seeds if you know a few secrets.

landing conditions

Perennial oregano is very unpretentious. She endures severe frosts and summer heat, soil poor in humus and high acidity of the soil.

If you want a complete and healthy plant, then choose a place higher, as the spice does not tolerate stagnant water. It will be comfortable for a bush of oregano on light sandy soils with neutral acidity.

Like any spicy herb of Mediterranean origin, oregano loves the sun very much, and specimens grown in the shade are less decorative and useful. The more heat and light the plant receives, the brighter its aroma will be and the higher the concentration. essential oils, vitamins and microelements.

How to grow oregano from seeds

More often than other methods, they practice growing spices from seeds. If you want to get flowering in the current season, grow oregano through seedlings. But it is quite possible to get fragrant bushes by sowing the seeds immediately in the garden. You can do this in the spring, already at the end of April.

  • It is better to prepare the bed in the fall by digging up the soil with the introduction of organic matter (manure, humus or compost), as well as phosphorus and potash fertilizers(superphosphate, potassium salt).
  • Soils with a low pH value require liming. In this case, add fluffy lime, dolomite flour or wood ash.
  • Oregano does not like dense clay soils, so they must be loosened with sand and peat.
  • Seeds are sown on a prepared and moistened area, which are sprinkled with a small layer of peat (about 1 cm). For convenience, you can mix the seeds with sand, as they are very small. Then there will be no need to sprinkle them additionally.
  • Plantings should be regularly moistened, and then after 14 days young sprouts will appear. When the seedlings are somewhat stronger, they need to be thinned out and grown over the summer. In August, the grown bushes should be moved to a permanent place.

When growing oregano with seedlings, proceed as follows:

  • Choose a suitable container for planting. It must have holes for drainage. If you took food Plastic container, and not a special pot, then the holes in the bottom will have to be made independently.
  • At the bottom it is better to pour a small drainage layer from peat, expanded clay, bark or other material suitable for its properties.
  • Then you need to fill the container with the substrate. You can take it ready universal primer and lightly dilute it with sand. If desired, prepare the soil mixture yourself from peat, sand, garden soil and humus.
  • The soil should be abundantly moistened and lightly crushed. Then make furrows no more than 1 cm deep, evenly place the seeds in them and sprinkle with a layer of sand or peat no more than 0.5 cm. For convenience (the seeds are very small), it is better to mix the planting material with sand and scatter this mixture over the holes.
  • Plantings should be carefully sprayed from a spray bottle and covered with a film or a piece of covering material to create greenhouse conditions. You can use glass for this.
  • Place the container in a warm place and do not forget to periodically moisten the substrate and ventilate the crops.
  • After two weeks, you will be able to enjoy the first plants. Then you need to remove the shelter, place the container on a bright windowsill and regularly water the seedlings.
  • When the first true leaf is formed, pick the seedlings into personal cups and continue to grow. In May, after the soil temperature reaches 12–15 ° C, the seedlings can already be planted on the prepared bed with an interval of 30–50 cm, depending on the varietal characteristics.

How to care for oregano

Unpretentious spice does not require special tricks in the care. Plants need timely loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, watering and top dressing.

  • Watering is extremely important to preserve the aromatic properties of the plant. The correct balance of moisture contributes to the accumulation of essential oils, and excessive dryness or excessive moisture in the soil leads to the fact that their concentration decreases, and the plant itself grows poorly.
  • Loosening and weeding are usually required only for young plants. Adult bushes older than three years will grow and will not allow competing weeds to develop.
  • Proper feeding of oregano depends on the purposes for which the herb is grown. If you plan to regularly harvest fragrant raw materials for utilitarian purposes, then the bushes need fertilizer after each pruning, that is, from two to four times per season. As organic feeding it is better to choose an infusion of bird droppings, or you can also mullein. Organics can be replaced with a complex mineral composition. When oregano is planted solely for decorative purposes, it does not require top dressing.
  • A perennial spice can grow in one place for a very long time, but this does not benefit its consumer and decorative qualities. The grass is strongly drawn out, almost ceases to bloom and "goes bald", that is, the leaves on the branches become much smaller. To avoid this, experienced gardeners recommend planting plants in a new place every five years and at the same time updating them by dividing the bushes.
  • Don't let the young first-year plant bloom. Cut off all the inflorescences before they bloom, and then the bush will form lush and strong.

The article describes (Origanum vulgaris) on the windowsill. Its regular use in food perfectly helps to cope with anxiety and depression. This spice improves brain function, since one teaspoon of oregano contains more antioxidants than a cup of fresh blueberries. Oregano is one of the record holders for the content of vitamin B6, which improves cerebral circulation and is great for high blood pressure.

Oregano leaf tea normalizes work digestive system(especially the intestines), it helps well with insomnia, as well as flu, pneumonia, bronchitis and tonsillitis. And the addition of oregano to pickles gives them an excellent taste and aroma, while at the same time increasing the shelf life of the blanks.

Oregano can be used both fresh, as a seasoning for a huge number of dishes, and dried. Fresh leaves are added to salads, and dried flowers and young shoots are used to make delicious tea drinks. At the same time, oregano is not difficult to grow, as in personal plot or a flower bed, and in an ordinary apartment.

Room conditions: growing oregano at home

For indoor cultivation oregano can be taken ordinary flower pots and any peat-based soil mixture with almost neutral acidity (pH 6.0-6.5). The plant is a perennial, it can be propagated by dividing the rhizome or seeds. IN last case oregano seeds are soaked for a couple of days in warm water(but not more than 35°C), which is updated 3-4 times in 24 hours. At the same time, part of the essential oils is removed from the seeds, which facilitates their swelling and germination.

After pecking seeds, they are sown in 2-3 pieces. in standard cassettes, pots or cups with a volume of 60-100 cm³, filled with ordinary seedling soil. Caring for seedlings of oregano is minimal and consists only in regular watering. Estimated time growing seedlings - from two to three weeks.

After reaching a height of 5-7 cm, the plants are transferred to flower pots with a volume of 2-3 liters (the more, the better, since oregano grows strongly under favorable conditions). Care for adult oregano plants consists of regular pruning and infrequent (1-2 times a week), but abundant watering. With excessive soil moisture, oregano can suffer from root rot. Pledge successful cultivation oregano in conditions closed ground- regular top dressing with organic fertilizers (names and doses are suitable, as for indoor flowers) once every 2-3 weeks.

Maximum useful leaves oregano are in the flowering period, however, in room conditions this doesn't happen often. Therefore, the crop is harvested already a month after transplantation, when the height of the plants reaches 15-20 cm. The stems of oregano are cut to 1/3 of the height, which leads to further intensive growth of additional shoots. If inflorescences nevertheless appear, they must also be cut off so that the stems of the plants do not begin to stiffen.

Compliance with the conditions of care allows you to grow oregano at home and use herbs at any time of the year..

Is it possible to grow oregano (oregano) on the windowsill

Recently, our familiar “common oregano” is increasingly called “oregano”, as many recipes for culinary dishes have easily migrated from European cuisine to our table. It, like other spicy-fragrant greens, can be grown in open ground, or you can create a mini-garden on the windowsill. When preparing for planting, be prepared for the fact that growing from seed oregano is better through seedlings.

Description, types and varieties

Oregano (Oríganum vulgáre) - perennial herbaceous plant families Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae. In another way, it is also called the amulet. Oregano in general unpretentious plant. Withstands frost and drought. But at the same time, she loves sunny areas with loose soil. By providing her with minimal care, you can get abundant flowering and a big harvest.

The size of the bushes varies from 10 to 70 cm. The rhizome is creeping, branched. The leaves are petiolate, oppositely arranged, ovoid in shape with a pointed tip. Inflorescences corymbose-paniculate. Many hybrids and varieties with different shade flowers from white to dark purple, there are variegated and yellow-leaved forms:

Oregano: growing from seed through seedlings and outdoors

The amulet is propagated by seeds, delenki and layering. Seeds are planted in the first days of March. Under favorable conditions, plants appear in 1.5-2 weeks, but grow very slowly. When two pairs of leaves appear on the plant, they are seated in separate containers.

Seedlings are transplanted into the ground in mid-May. The beds for planting oregano have been prepared since autumn. They must be cleaned with a flat cutter from weeds and applied organic fertilizers. In the spring, the ground in the garden must be loosened and holes made for planting. Seedlings are placed in the holes along with a clod of earth on the roots. The distance between the bushes is kept 20 cm. Oregano blooms in the 2nd year after sowing.

Often, oregano is planted with seeds in open ground. This method is not as effective as planting seedlings, but it also gives results. After the emergence of seedlings of plants, they must be thinned out. Be sure to keep the soil moist enough, this is the main condition for the quality growth of oregano.

Mature plants can be divided. Dig up mature plant, free the root system from the ground, and divide it in such a way that there are 1-2 shoots on one division. Divided plants are planted in prepared holes. After this planting, it is necessary to shed abundantly with water and mulch with peat. Rooting is fast.

Layers are received throughout growing season, sprinkling branches with soil. In autumn or spring, rooted shoots are planted from the mother bush.

Of course I have, big choice grown seedlings in garden centers. Planting and caring for plants from containers is generally quite simple - they can be transplanted into the ground from April to September. We planted one of the yellow-leaved forms just like that, this is how it grew in the garden:

These qualities of oregano are widely used in the practice of natural farming - it is planted in small patches in the garden for protection. vegetable crops from pests and diseases. We also planted a stunted bush f. aureum in the very sun between a bed of onions and a strawberry pyramid.


Oregano is harvested during the flowering period. At this time, the maximum content of essential oils in the plant is observed. Dry the collected grass in dark, well-ventilated areas. After drying, place in a dark container, closing with tight lids. The harvested crop is suitable for consumption and does not lose its properties for 2 years.

Oregano in landscape design

Oregano fits perfectly into any compositions created in a natural style. It can be a companion to hyssop, yarrow, sage, stonecrop, a prominent and drought-tolerant cereal. And for spicy-fragrant beds, you can pick up a couple of such varieties so that they have leaves or flowers of different colors, or the height of the bush.

Finally, we add that dishes such as pizza or Greek salad are inconceivable without oregano. And when you cut a bunch of greens from your own garden, the taste of oregano is not lost, but remains saturated. So we recommend growing this spicy green in your garden. We are sure that growing from seeds of oregano is now within your power.

For many spice lovers, growing oregano is a real pleasure. After all, this plant does not require special care, but it brings tangible benefits to all family members. Since time immemorial, oregano has been used not only as a refined spice, but also as a remedy. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system, taking off headache. Improves the digestive tract and increases appetite. Decoctions from the plant are used to treat bronchitis, stomatitis and women's ailments. It cleanses the body as a whole and is considered effective tool control of dermatitis and diathesis in young children. It is not surprising that the cultivation of oregano on suburban area is of particular interest to beginner gardeners.

If you put a flower in a closet, the moth will forget the way there forever.

An amazing plant with a fragrant name

Oregano is spicy herb with a specific smell. In the common people, it is called the motherboard and the amulet. In the territory Western countries it is known as oregano. The spice is actively used in cooking: added to, meat dishes, used in canning vegetables and fruits. Beekeepers appreciate it for the original pollen, from which insects make a fragrant liquid.

Before we understand how to grow oregano in the country, let's try to get to know this better. amazing plant. In nature, culture is found almost throughout Europe. The Mediterranean countries are considered the birthplace of the plant. On the territory of Russia, the motherboard does not take root on Far North And Far East. Most of all, the plant loves open areas, where there are many sunlight:

  • spacious meadows;
  • slopes of ditches;
  • forest edges;
  • river valleys;
  • shrub thickets;
  • roadsides of steppe roads.

The perennial grows in bushes 30 to 70 cm high. Its strong root system allows you to withstand the vagaries of nature and grow independently in natural environment. The amulet has miniature egg-shaped leaf plates with pointed tips. It blooms for several months, from summer to mid-autumn with buds collected in lush panicles. Most often they are painted purple hue, but there are white, pink and reddish.

At the end of the flowering period, miniature nuts are formed on the shoots, in which seeds of microscopic size (slightly smaller than poppy seeds) are stored. There are more than two dozen varieties of this plant, so growing oregano in the garden brings real pleasure. Consider the most popular types of this fragrant culture.


The plant is a herbaceous perennial, growing up to a maximum of 90 cm. The leaf plates are oblong ovoid in shape. The edges are serrated, the tip of the leaf is pointed. The color of the upper part is dark green. The back side has a grayish tint, which gives them a special decorative effect. Shoots are tetrahedral, slightly pubescent. At the base of the bush, they branch out in different directions. Due to this, the plant has a rounded shape.

A popular variety of oregano, the Pink Fairy has medicinal properties and delicate fragrance. Grows up to 65 cm. The light green foliage contains a number of useful substances:

  • essential oils;
  • trace elements (selenium, iron, molybdenum);
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C.

Inflorescences are presented in the form of a sprawling panicle with many buds of a pinkish or purple hue. They open in July and delight smoothly until the beginning of autumn. After successful pollination, dark brown fruits resembling nuts are formed on the stems. They contain many microscopic oregano seeds that gardeners use to propagate the flower in their garden.

Oregano Amethyst Falls

You can decorate a summer cottage with an amazing view of amulets. It blooms with delicate pink-purple buds from August to October. The height of the bushes is up to 20 cm, and the width is about 30. Oregano Amethyst Follos is distinguished by light green rounded foliage and delicate shoots. Each of them is crowned with fragrant cascade-shaped inflorescences. The plant fits wonderfully in landscape design country house and grows well in the garden.

fans indoor plants can grow round-leaved oregano in large containers or pots.

Oregano Amanskaya

Fans of undersized plants will like the motherboard of this variety. It will grow only up to 20 cm in height, so it is grown for decoration:

  • borders;
  • balconies;
  • terraces;
  • gardens;
  • gardens.

Buds of oregano Amanskaya are collected in spike-shaped panicles. They are gracefully hidden under the bracts of green or Pink colour. From the side, the plant has an original decorative look.

The flower of this variety usually grows up to 40 cm in height, which makes it possible to use it as ornamental plant. main feature oregano honey aroma - a rich fresh smell that attracts many insects. During the flowering period, it is decorated with large purple buds. They are located along an elastic shoot in the form of a curly panicle.

To grow this type of oregano in the garden, you do not need to go to the Arctic. It is enough to find it in the store, buy and sow in the garden. The flower grows up to 60 cm in the form of a branched bush with many graceful shoots. Each of them is covered with small ovoid leaves with pointed tips. Oregano Northern Lights is characterized by paniculate inflorescences with many miniature purple-pink buds. Truly a wonderful sight.

The flower is a herbaceous perennial about 50 cm high. The ovoid leaf plates are painted matte green. Microscopic hairs are visible on the surface, which glisten in sunlight. Oregano Mila has graceful inflorescences, consisting of small purple buds. They bloom from July to early autumn.

Oregano leaves are widely used in cooking. They are added to meat and vegetable dishes. Dried raw materials are used to make flavored drinks.

The perennial is distinguished by decorative leaf plates, which are decorated with a cream-colored border. When the plant blooms, rose buds appear on it. They are collected in loose clusters with bright pink bracts. They are located on erect shoots of a flower. Oregano Teddy exudes a pleasant rich aroma that attracts many insects, including bees. Prefers drained soils and feels great on open areas where there is plenty of sunlight.

Growing oregano from seeds

Despite the fact that oregano is a rather unpretentious plant and tolerates the Russian climate perfectly, there are several requirements for its cultivation. First of all, it is important to choose a suitable place where there is a lot of sunlight. The plant does not tolerate even a slight shadow.
The second factor is soil. Oregano successfully develops on any soil, the main thing is that there is no stagnant water. The third rule is timely top dressing in autumn period and in the spring. To do this, add humus, manure and, after carefully loosening the topsoil, to the ground.

There are several ways to plant oregano in a summer cottage. Traditionally, the plant is propagated by dividing the rhizome, layering, cuttings and using seeds. Each of the options has its own characteristics, but we will take a closer look at how to grow oregano from seeds.

The first thing to do is prepare the site in the fall. To do this, it is cleaned of dry grass, leaves and branches. Then carefully dug up so that the earth receives enough moisture in winter and oxygen. At the beginning of spring, top dressing is prepared from humus, superphosphate and mineral fertilizers that is applied to the soil. After that, it is dug up again, leveled so that there are no lumps, since the planting material is microscopic in size.

Sowing oregano seeds

Growing oregano from seeds consists in the following actions:

  • holes are made on the site at a distance of 25 cm from each other;
  • the bottom of the holes is slightly moistened;
  • planting material is carefully sown;
  • cover it with earth by 1 cm;
  • the bed is compacted;
  • cover with mulch.

After 2 or 3 weeks, the first sprouts will appear, which are preferably weeded regularly from weeds. Planting oregano and care includes thinning young shoots with an interval of 15-20 cm between plants. Torn specimens are used to propagate plants in free places on the site.

Another way to propagate oregano is to grow seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in pots or containers with purchased universal soil. When this is not possible, you can in the usual garden soil add some sand to make it lighter.

Sow the mother plant in March, it will bloom in the first year after planting. If you do this in May, the flowers will appear only in the second year.

Next, small holes are made in the soil. They put seeds in them and cover with earth no more than 1 cm. The upper ball of the earth is moistened and covered cling film or package. This method promotes rapid growth planting material. Periodically, crops are ventilated and watered with a sprayer. After a few weeks, the first sprouts will appear, which over time are thinned out so that they get stronger.

Planting oregano in open ground and caring for the plant involves simple rules. Sprouts are planted in the ground when it warms up enough. It is better to do this in May. The bushes are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other so that they develop successfully. And timely watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil remain unchanged procedures for fragrant spices in the garden.

Growing seedlings of oregano - video

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