Asymmetrical curtains. Asymmetrical curtains on the window: kitchen, living room and bedroom. In what cases it is better to refuse the use of asymmetric curtains

Non-template design solutions in interior design, including window decoration, is always in trend. Asymmetric curtains look interesting and original and bring individuality to the atmosphere. They help to correctly place accents, give the window a special charm, mask the flaws of the room, correct its proportions. We will understand the intricacies of their use in this article.

Design features of asymmetric curtains

The essence of asymmetry in the design window openings― non-identity and disproportion of curtains or their parts. The images under this name can hide very different and completely similar friend on the other neither in style nor in execution. In addition, each of us can try himself as a curtain designer and come up with his own solution. So list all possible options unreal. Consider only the most common:

  • Two curtains of different lengths. This is perhaps the easiest and most popular option, suitable for different models: curtains, curtains, rolled and Japanese. In this case, one canvas of them is made up to the floor, and the other, for example, up to the windowsill. Such curtains are especially convenient for a window with balcony door like the photo below.

  • Only a part of a set of curtains is made asymmetrical. For example, they decorate a window opening with a wide transparent curtain cloth of classical length, but only one curtain is hung out and not along the window, but diagonally and is picked up with a tie-back or a curtain hairpin. Shiny, heavy and dense canvases look especially beautiful in such a design.

  • One, asymmetrically hung along the entire window opening curtain. Such a curtain is hung permanently. She only carries decorative function. One of its edges is made short, most often up to the window sill, the middle part is thrown over the cornice in the form of a lambrequin, and the second edge drops to the floor in smooth spectacular folds. For such asymmetry, translucent colored fabrics are most often chosen: tulle, organza, chiffon, veil. Sometimes, to provide light protection, they are supplemented with two ordinary curtains.

  • The effect of asymmetry is obtained using additional elements. Most often, lambrequins in the form of sags or swags are used for this. This technique is best suited for majestic lush curtains with deep falling vertical folds from expensive fabrics in rich colors. Some "old-fashioned" and archaic voluminous and pompous draperies are trying to smooth out the dynamism of the finish, decorating the curtains with additional accessories.

  • Asymmetry through color. Asymmetry is created not only with the help of different lengths or shapes of curtains, dynamics can be achieved by combining panels of paired curtains that differ from each other in color or pattern. Windows designed in this way can support both the overall design of the interior and focus on them. In the photo, accessories and walls are in the same color scheme as the curtains.

  • With curtain control. When opening, the canvas moves only in one direction. There they are fastened with decorative hooks. The curtain will look like a classic model when closed. An asymmetrical and dynamic image will be obtained after it is opened.

Asymmetry in textiles - comfortable, practical and nice solution for rooms where windows are combined with balcony openings. This design not only looks great, but also does not impede movement from the room to the balcony or loggia.

When asymmetry is inappropriate

A non-trivial approach to the design of curtains can radically change the interior, focus on its merits and level out the shortcomings. Of course, when choosing such a decor, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the window opening, as well as the features of the layout and functional purpose rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether asymmetric curtains are suitable for each case individually, however, general recommendations for their use also exist.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Curtains for the living room are often an accent element around which the entire interior is formed. In small living rooms, it is not recommended to break their symmetry, since visually the room will seem overloaded. At the same time, the same curtains in the kitchen, even if small, will be very useful, since they will free up usable space on the windowsill and the area under it.
  • Asymmetry on the window will definitely be superfluous when the setting already has a large number of small details and there are several accents. Attention will be attracted by non-standard form even curtains sewn from nondescript fabrics.
  • Asymmetric curtains in the bedroom or nursery do not completely obscure the space and their design will not correspond to the functionality of these rooms. If for these rooms it is nevertheless decided to choose such a design of window openings, it should be supplemented with more practical curtains, for example, rolled ones.
  • Classic interior styles tend to be symmetrical and clean, so traditionally shaped drapes and curtains are best suited for them. For minimalist styles, such as hi-tech and techno, frilly curves and lush draperies are not acceptable, so asymmetric curtains should not be used in them either.

Certain exceptions exist in all rules. Hanging curtains on one side will be the right decision if the furniture is close to the opening on one side in a small living room. Otherwise, the second canvas will not be visible, since it will have to be pushed behind the furniture.

However, too strict general recommendations when choosing a curtain design is optional. The main thing to keep in mind is that more important than the interior style and size of the room are the features of the arrangement of furniture and the nuances of the layout of a particular room.

Choice of colors

In order for the curtains to look harmonious in a particular setting, a competent choice of their color scheme is very important.

For curtains of different lengths, it is better to choose the same color. In this case, the whole composition will look like a single whole, and not a collection of heterogeneous elements. Contrasting colors and images on outdoor curtains will look appropriate if transparent fabric is used to create asymmetrical elements.

When the design and length of the curtains are the same, but their color is different, you should choose tones that are harmonious with each other. In order not to make a mistake when choosing combinations, you can use the Itten color wheel. Colors opposite each other in a circle will make the result energetic and bright. A less contrasting and more restrained design is obtained if shades are selected that are four positions apart from each other in a circle.

If you want to get an asymmetrical look, but do not want to use curtains different sizes and shades, you can do this with the help of drawings. One canvas can be chosen in a single color, and the second - with a noticeable and large print. If the pattern is present on both curtains, the ornaments may be of different colors or differ in the size of the elements.

The shape, color, cut and design of asymmetric curtains is extremely diverse. With their help, you can not only visually transform the geometry of the window opening and create a unique, stylish and cozy environment, but also show your creative imagination. This explains the enduring popularity of such a non-trivial and original decor.

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An excellent solution may be to use asymmetrical curtains in decorating window openings. irregular shape. In modern architecture, they are quite common, especially in individual construction. Owners non-standard windows, of course, I want to emphasize their unusual beauty and attractiveness, but you can hardly do this with ordinary curtains. Nai the best option for them are asymmetric, especially since today you can buy a cornice of almost any configuration.

In addition, asymmetrical curtains can very easily hide some of the room's imperfections. For example, the window is shifted to the side and one wall is much larger than the other. In this case, visually balance the space will help long curtain located only on the largest side.

Also, asymmetrical curtains can perfectly hide unsightly heating pipes or radiators.

It is very convenient to use asymmetrical curtains when the window is combined with the balcony door. Longer curtains located with opposite side doors will balance the disproportion of the opening, and will not interfere with free access to the loggia.

There are a wide variety of options for asymmetrical curtains. It all depends on the imagination of the hostess and designer. The window can be decorated with one or two corner curtains, but with different widths or lengths. Quite often, the window is decorated with curtains that have a bevel at different angles.

In addition to asymmetrical curtains, when decorating window openings, irregularly shaped lambrequins are used. They look especially good on windows that have a large width.

Asymmetry can also be created by color solution. For example, when the curtains on both sides of the window have the same width, length and design, but are made in different colors. With this design of the window, the main thing is not to break harmonious combination colors.

Curtains can be made in one color, but with an ornament of different sizes. For example, one with small pattern, and others exactly the same, but with a large one. Or combine curtains without a pattern and with a pattern, but made in the same color scheme.

Whatever asymmetrical curtains the windows are decorated with, they will always give the interior originality and attractiveness. With their help, not only the atmosphere will change, but also the geometric proportions of the room.

If you are tired of classic and ordinary curtains monotonous different forms and colors, they can be diversified by applying one detail.

You can use asymmetrical curtains. They will be able to change the look of the room and the doorway.

The room will be unusual and individual. Curtains of this type can be used on doors and windows.

The photos show a large number of design examples of how the design of a room with asymmetrical curtains will look like.

They will fit into any interior and add romance and unusualness. Turn on your imagination and create an atmosphere that will be pleasant and cozy for you.


With the use of asymmetrical curtains, you can create a variety of images of space.

Curtains of different lengths are a very popular look. This design option would be good for a balcony with a door.

You can make different lengths on only one side of the curtain. Can do air curtains attached diagonally.

One such curtain can completely close the window opening.

The length difference can be made using different decorative techniques or just control the curtains in different ways. The curtain can be moved to one side and picked up in an original way.

So - you can experiment not only with the placement of the curtain and its material, but also with its color.


It is necessary to focus on the fact that sometimes it is better to cancel the use of curtains of this type.

This is unacceptable if you have windows of an unusual shape (not rectangular) in your apartment. But if the windows are of a classical form, then decorating them in an original way would be the best option.

Asymmetrical curtains are modern decor and help to visually change the space of the room. For example, they fix uneven ceiling or walls.

To create the necessary atmosphere and comfort, experiment with colors.

Asymmetrical curtains in the living room

The living room is considered main room in the house and should always look perfect and stylish. Asymmetric curtains will help to emphasize her individuality.

Here you can choose any size and shade of curtains. You can create any designs.

You can even make lush asymmetrical curtains, it will look balanced and unusual. For sophistication, you can add decorations, for example, lambrequins.

Asymmetric curtains in the bedroom

In the bedroom, asymmetric curtains will be in the theme, gentle and soft, for comfort. A good addition would be airy tulle curtains.

Kitchen window design

Large and heavy curtains are not suitable for the kitchen, but asymmetrical curtains are ideal for the kitchen.

In most cases, short curtains are used in the kitchen, they are practical and look beautiful. But you can also pick up original asymmetrical curtains that will look quite appropriate.

Color spectrum

To create a design in which the curtains will contribute, you need to choose the right color for them.

If asymmetrical curtains are from one element, then it is better to use several shades. Curtains are not the same length, it is better to use one color.

If tulle creates asymmetry, you can apply different shades.

Asymmetry can be created in different colors, which will look stylish and beautiful. The curtain will be the same length, but thanks to different colors, visually it will look asymmetrical.

Photo of asymmetric curtains in the interior

In interior design, clear, straight lines are increasingly used, which are excellently combined with rational views. modern man. We are much more accustomed to living in houses that are dominated by symmetrical shapes and straight, regular lines. But such a straightforward interior can quickly get bored, asymmetric curtains for windows will help to add a twist. It would seem that a small detail cannot transform the design of a room. However, in practice it becomes clear that the lack of symmetry may well be an interesting design move.

Types of asymmetric curtains

  • One of the most common options is curtains of different lengths. Often, in apartments, window openings are combined with a balcony door. In this case, curtains of different lengths are ideal: the canvas is hung longer on the door, and shorter on the window opening.

  • Curtains for the living room are asymmetrical in the photo, can be combined with a regular straight tulle curtain. In this case, the tulle is complemented by a thick curtain that adorns the window diagonally.

  • Asymmetric design of curtains, can play the role of a base cloth, on top of which curtain cloths are hung in Japanese style. This combination allows you to give the room dynamism.
  • Irregular shape can be not only curtains, but also decorative elements that complement them. For example, against the background of rectilinear curtains, a lambrequin can be asymmetric. This is a stylish and trendy combination, perfect for modern style decorating living rooms.
  • An interesting technique is the creation of asymmetry using different shapes and colors. Using canvases different shades, shapes and textures, you can achieve a stunning effect and create an accent in the room.

  • Asymmetric curtains for the bedroom can differ not only in length, but also in the way of opening. For example, the traditional combination of tulle and two curtains can be diversified with an original pickup on only one canvas.

Not always asymmetric curtains on the windows are suitable for interior design. It is most reasonable to use them on window openings of the wrong configuration. For example, in attic rooms, on windows in the form of polygons, ceiling openings. In all these cases, irregularly shaped curtains emphasize the originality of the design.

Designers explain the desire to use asymmetric curtains for the living room with the desire to give the room more dynamics, give it a twist, making the design more interesting. In this case, experiments with colors, shapes and lengths are allowed. Multi-layer asymmetrical curtains in the photo will help add spectacularity. If you need to create an accent in the room with your own hands, you can use one decorative element irregular shape. It can be an original pelmet that adorns a transparent tulle.

If the wrong geometry of the room is noted, then the best option to correct the situation is to use an asymmetric curtain for the kitchen. Often it is this room that suffers from an irregular shape. For example, the kitchen has access to a balcony, which is built disproportionately in relation to the room. Asymmetric curtains will help correct the situation. In an extended narrow room, with help asymmetrical curtains, you can visually correct the configuration by turning the room into a regular square.

  • In small bedrooms, kitchens or living rooms, irregularly shaped curtains will look out of place.

  • In rooms that are oversaturated with furniture and accessories, curtains should be of a traditional shape and calm color.
  • In offices. IN industrial premises experiments with unusual shapes and design will be extremely inappropriate. Any company or government agency should have a beautiful, calm design in which interior and design items are applied correct forms. This creates a sense of stability and confidence.

  • In children's bedrooms and rooms where kids spend most of their time. Given the hyperactivity of children, all design elements should be calm, not flashy.

  • In true classic interiors bedrooms or living rooms, the use of asymmetrical curtains is not a good idea. To revive classic design, it is recommended to resort to other design techniques.

Thus, asymmetrical curtains can become great way decorate boring interior design. To focus on unusual variant window decoration, in addition to the irregular shape of the curtains, it is recommended to use a calm color scheme. Color combination is an important part of creating original design window openings. Therefore, when choosing colors, color combinations are allowed, but only colors that are close in warmth. Combining blue and purple, yellow and green colors, as well as using the basic recommendations of professionals, you can easily transform the interior design with your own hands.

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