Non-verbal means of communication in the pedagogical process. The use of non-verbal means in teacher communication

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Communication plays an important role in a person's mastery of cultural and universal values, social experience. As a result of communication, the information process is humanized. The ability to communicate effectively with people is becoming an integral part of success, as professional activity in interpersonal contacts.

The pedagogical process figuratively consists of the communicative transfer of information using a verbal message, but it is the non-verbal addition that reinforces and strengthens it.

When communicating with students, the teacher receives most of the information regarding their emotional state, intentions, attitudes towards something not from the words of the students, but from gestures, facial expressions, intonation, posture, gaze, manner of listening. Non-verbal aspects of communication play an important role in the regulation of interpersonal relations, establishing contacts, and largely determine the emotional atmosphere and well-being of both the teacher and the child.

To date, a large number of theoretical, analytical, educational and methodological materials on this subject have been collected. So, for example, the authors devoted their works to various aspects of non-verbal communication: Averkina L.A., Akhyamova I.A., Belyakova N.V., Grigoryants T.A., Ekintsev, V.I., Ivanov V.D., Krivykh L.V., Krizhanskaya Yu.S., Labunskaya V.A., Larionova A.S., Mikheeva G.A., Petrova E.A., Orlova M.A., Pletneva, E.G., Mitina L.M., Romanova M.V., Samokhina M.A., Chirkova E.I., Leontiev A.A., Em E.A. and many others. Undoubtedly, the significance of these studies is enormous, especially in the development of general theoretical aspects of the problems of nonverbal communication. But until now, the question of the process of optimizing non-verbal communication in the learning process remains poorly understood. Today, much is still unknown about the system of optimizing means, about their relationship and dominance.

RelevanceTopics: lies in the insufficient level of research into non-verbal communication in the pedagogical process and in the frequent absence of practical teaching of children in the process of teaching the non-verbal component.

An objectresearch: pedagogical communication.

Itemresearch: non-verbal means of pedagogical communication.

Target: is to analyze the effectiveness of non-verbal means of pedagogical communication.


1 - to study the theoretical sources that characterize the non-verbal communication of teachers;

2 - to consider the features of non-verbal communication in pedagogical interaction;

Chapter 1

1.1 The concept and structure of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher

Pedagogical activity is the activity of adult members of society, whose professional goal is to educate the younger generation. Pedagogical activity - the object of research various industries pedagogical science: didactics, private methods, theory of education, school studies. The psychology of pedagogical activity can be defined as a branch of psychological knowledge that studies the psychological patterns of the teacher's work and how the teacher perceives, transforms and implements the goals set by society through the institutions of education and the system of pedagogical activity, how he realizes the relevance of the tasks, forms and methods of his activity, depending on specific conditions.

The content and psychology of pedagogical activity is determined by social factors - the place and functions of the teacher in society, the requirements of society for the teacher; then socio-psychological factors: the social expectations of the people around the teacher in relation to his personality and activities, his own expectations and attitudes in the sphere of his pedagogical activity.

There are three components of pedagogical activity:




constructive component. In the work of a teacher great place belongs to the design of the lesson, extracurricular activities, selection educational material in accordance with school programs, textbooks, various methodological developments and its processing for presentation to students. All this work eventually results in a detailed outline of the lesson. The search for ways to activate and intensify the learning process is also an integral part of constructive activity.

organizational component. An important place in the structure of pedagogical activity is occupied by organizational activity, which is integral with the constructive one. Everything that the teacher plans to conduct during the lesson should be combined with his ability to organize the entire educational process. Only in this case will the students be armed with knowledge. The organizational component includes three areas: organizing your presentation; organization of their behavior in the classroom; organization of children's activities; constant activation of their cognitive sphere. If the teacher shows mastery in only one aspect of organizational activity, for example, he organized the presentation well (skillfully selected educational material, verbal, subject visualization), but did not involve children in active mental activity, then the lesson can only be entertaining, and the full assimilation of knowledge is not will. The same applies to other areas of the organizational component of the structure.

communication component. It includes establishing and maintaining relationships with students, parents, administration, teachers. It is the attitude of the teacher to the students that determines the success of his constructive and organizational activities and the emotional well-being of the student in the learning process. There are five types of teachers' emotional attitudes towards students: emotionally positive active, emotionally positive passive, emotionally negative active, emotionally negative passive, unbalanced.

It turns out that the relationship of children in the classroom in most cases corresponds to one or another emotional style that characterizes the behavior of the teacher. So, for an emotionally unbalanced teacher, who is sometimes suspicious and negatively inclined towards students, sometimes sentimental and unreasonably encourages students, the class is nervous, uneven in relation to each other.

The communicative side of pedagogical activity is manifested in the entire pedagogical process. The implementation of an individual approach, as one of the sides of a person's communicative activity, also determines the success of his work. The teacher must notice and take into account the characteristics of the student that hinder or help him, and respond accordingly. Thus, the slowness of the student, associated with his temperament, requires the patience and tact of the teacher. It must be remembered that it is the communicative components of the teacher's activity that in most cases are the cause of deviations in learning outcomes.

A.I. Shcherbakov, in addition to the above components, highlights the psychological functions of pedagogical activity. This is an information function (possession of the material and the art of its presentation); developing (managing the development of the student's personality as a whole); orientational (orientation of the personality, its motives, ideals); mobilization (activation of mental activity of students, development of their independence); research (creative search in the pedagogical process, the ability to conduct an experiment, summarize experience and constantly improve one's skills).

1.2 Essence and elements of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication - famous big circle readers as "body language", this term means any aspect of communication without the participation of oral or written speech. Non-verbal communication can occur through gestures, postures, facial expressions, and more.

Communication without words is the most extensive and reliable communication.

non-verbal communication teacher student

When communicating, we listen not only to verbal information, but also look at each other, perceive intonation, facial expressions, voice timbre, gestures. Words convey logical information to us, and gestures, facial expressions, voice complement this information. Non-verbal communication often occurs unconsciously. It can either complement and strengthen verbal communication, or contradict and weaken it. Although non-verbal communication is often an unconscious process, it is currently fairly well understood.

Non-verbal communication is the most ancient and basic form of communication. Our distant predecessors communicated with each other with the help of body inclination, facial expressions, timbre and intonation of voice, breathing rate, gaze. Even now we often understand each other without words. You can deceive with words, but you cannot deceive with your voice. We can control some parameters of non-verbal communication. But we will never be able to control all the parameters, since a person can keep no more than 5-7 factors in his head at the same time.

Non-verbal communication is usually spontaneous and unintentional. It was given to us by nature as a product of many millennia of natural selection. Therefore, body language is very capacious and compact. By mastering the language of non-verbal communication, we acquire an effective and economical language. With a blink of an eye, a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, we convey our feelings faster and better than we would do it with words. Non-verbal language is also used in verbal communication. With its help, we: prove, explain or refute the information transmitted by words; we transmit information consciously or unconsciously; express our emotions and feelings; adjusting the course of the conversation; control and influence others; make up for the lack of words.

There are two problems in understanding non-verbal communication:

firstly, when speech communication the process of transmitting and receiving information is realized by both parties, while in non-verbal it is carried out at the unconscious or subconscious levels - this introduces some difficulty in understanding this phenomenon and raises the question of the justification for using the concept of "communication". Therefore, some consider it permissible to use, when it comes to non-verbal communication, another concept - "non-verbal behavior", understanding it as the behavior of an individual that carries certain information, regardless of whether the individual is aware of it or not;

second, in many scientific papers there is confusion in the terms "non-verbal communication", "non-verbal communication", "non-verbal behavior", most often used as synonyms. However, it is important to separate these concepts and clarify the context. According to the definition proposed by V.A. Labunskaya, "non-verbal communication is a type of communication that is characterized by the use of non-verbal behavior and non-verbal communication as the main means of transmitting information, organizing interaction, forming an image and concept of a partner, exercising influence on another person." Therefore, the concept of "non-verbal communication" is broader than the concept of "non-verbal communication".

Non-verbal behavior of a person is inextricably linked with his psychological states and serves as a means of expression. In the process of communication, non-verbal behavior of a person is the object of interpretation not in itself, but as an indicator of individual psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of a person hidden for direct observation. On the basis of non-verbal behavior, the inner world of a person is revealed, the formation of the psychological content of communication and joint activities is carried out.

People quickly learn to adapt their verbal behavior to constantly changing circumstances, but body language is less plastic.

Non-verbal behavior:

establishes the image of a communication partner;

expresses the quality and change of the relationship of communication partners, develops these relationships;

is an indicator of the actual psychological states of the individual;

acts as an explanation, changes in the understanding of the verbal message, enhances the emotional richness of what was said;

maintains the best level of psychological intimacy between interlocutors;

acts as an indicator of status-role relations.

Communication experts have estimated that modern world a person speaks about 30,000 words a day, or about 3,000 words per hour. Verbal communication, most often, is accompanied by non-verbal actions that help to understand and comprehend speech text.

The effectiveness of any communication contacts is determined not only by how clear the words and other elements of verbal communication are to the interlocutor, but also by the ability to correctly interpret visual information, that is, the partner’s gaze, his facial expressions and gestures, posture, distance, body movements, pace and timbre of speech. After all, even if language is the most effective and productive tool of human communication, it is still not the only tool. Scientists have found that with the help of language we transmit no more than 35% of the information to our interlocutors. Along with language, there is quite a big number methods of communication, which are also means of communicating information, and scientists have combined these forms of communication with the concept of "non-verbal communication". Gestures, facial expressions, postures, clothes, hairstyles, objects around us, habitual actions for us - they all represent a certain type of message, called non-verbal messages, that is, occurring without the use of words. They account for the remaining 65% of the information transmitted in the communication process.

Understanding such elements of the interlocutor's behavior helps to achieve a higher degree of mutual understanding. Observation of such information in the course of any communication act gives us information about the moral and personal potential of the partner, about his inner world, mood, intentions and expectations, feelings and experiences, the degree of determination or lack thereof.

Non-verbal communication is the exchange of non-verbal messages between people, as well as their interpretation. It is possible because behind all these signs and symbols in each culture a certain meaning is fixed, understandable to others. True, if necessary, it is easy to give them a meaning that is understandable only to a few knowledgeable people (an ordinary cough can easily become a warning signal about the appearance of the authorities).

Non-verbal and verbal communication, accompanying each other, are in a complex and close interaction.

There are several functions that non-verbal messages perform when interacting with verbal messages. Consider these functions:

· Supplementation (including duplication and amplification) of verbal messages. Addition means that non-verbal messages make speech brighter, make changes and additions to its content. If you hug the interlocutor at the moment when you tell him that you are glad to meet you, the hug serves as an addition to your speech message. Speech can be better understood and remembered better if it is repeated with gestures. For example, at the ticket office, a person accompanies a request for two tickets with a gesture (shows two fingers). Non-verbal signs can be used to reinforce the most important points of speech. So, you can draw the attention of the listener by raising the volume of your voice, making pauses before words or gesturing in a specific way (for example, a raised index finger is a sign "this is important").

Rejection of verbal messages. Negation indicates that the non-verbal message does not match the verbal one. If the question "Do you understand?" the interlocutor shows confusion, looks away, smiles embarrassedly and at the same time says: “In general, yes,” then the veracity of his answer should be questioned. Precisely because non-verbal behavior is more spontaneous, less controlled by consciousness, it can challenge what has been said. Even if a person controls his first reaction, the real state will be revealed after 4-5 seconds. A smile or expression of surprise that lasts longer than this may indicate deception. That is why it is useful to observe the correspondence between verbal and non-verbal messages.

· Substitution of verbal messages. substitution means using a non-verbal message instead of a verbal message. For example, in a noisy room, you gesture to a person who is away from you that you need to go out and talk. During the seminar, the teacher can, without words, with the help of a look and turn of the head and body, invite one of the students to speak.

· Regulation of conversation. Regulation means the use of non-verbal signs to coordinate interactions between people. In this case, such signs are often used that replace words, such as turning the head towards the one who needs to speak; tone of voice indicating the end of a phrase; touching someone, expressing readiness to ask something, positive and negative exclamations to the speaker. These and many other signs regulate the flow of communication.

Non-verbal messages are capable of conveying a wide range of information. First of all, it is information about the identity of the communicator. We can determine his temperament, emotional state at the time of communication, find out his qualities and personality traits, communicative competence, social status, get an idea of ​​his face and self-esteem.

Also, through non-verbal means, we learn about the relationship of communicants to each other, their closeness or distance, the type of their relationship (predominance - subordination, disposition - aversion), as well as the dynamics of their interpersonal relationships.

And, finally, this is information about the attitudes of the participants in communication to the situation itself: how comfortable they feel in it, whether they are interested in communication or they want to get out of it as soon as possible.

Consider the main types of non-verbal communication:

1. Kinesics - is a combination of body movements, gestures and postures, they are used to complement the expressive means of communication.

The main elements of kinesics are:

1) Mimicry. Facial expression is the main indicator of feelings. The easiest way to define positive emotions - happiness, love, surprise. As a rule, negative emotions are not easily perceived - sadness, guilt, anger, disgust. As a rule, emotions are correlated with facial expressions in this way:

Surprise - raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes, downturned lips, slightly open mouth;

happiness - eyes are calm, the corners of the lips are raised and, as a rule, laid back.

fear - eyebrows raised and brought together above the bridge of the nose, well-opened eyes, the corners of the lips are lowered and slightly laid back, the lips are stretched to the sides, the mouth can be open;

anger - eyebrows are lowered, wrinkles on the forehead are curved, eyes are narrowed, lips are closed, teeth are clenched;

· disgust - eyebrows are lowered, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruded or raised and closed with the upper lip;

sadness - eyebrows are brought together, eyes are extinct; often the corners of the lips are slightly lowered.

The face is very expressive of feelings, so the speaker usually tries to control or hide his facial expression.

involuntary reactions. Reactions that are difficult to control and, as a result, are very informative.

The standard interpretation of these reactions is:

reddening of the face - shame, anger;

whitening of the face - fear, guilt;

dilated pupils - interest, pleasure, strong pain;

narrowing of the pupils - discontent, rejection;

· increased heartbeats - anxiety, shame, fear, deceit;

decrease in heart rate - increased interest;

fast, shallow breathing - internal tension;

short breath through the nose - anger;

Unexpected exposure of teeth - rage, aggression;

Sweating - anger, embarrassment, nervousness;

Frequent blinking - arousal, deception.

These reactions are easier to detect in men than in women, who are also better deceivers.

2) Gesticulation. Gestures. Gestures are an essential part of communication. In sign language, like verbal language, there are words, sentences.

The rich "alphabet" of gestures can be divided into 5 groups:

· Gestures-illustrators - these are gestures of the message: pointers (example, "pointing finger"), pictographs - figurative pictures-images (example, "this size and configuration"); kinetographs - body movements; gestures - "bits" (gestures - "go-ahead"); ideographs are peculiar hand movements that connect imaginary objects together.

Gestures-regulators are gestures that express an attitude talking person to anything. These include a smile, a nod of the head, the direction of the gaze, purposeful hand movements.

Emblem gestures are a kind of substitute for words or phrases in communication. For example, hands clenched at chest level in the form of a handshake most often mean "hello", and raised above your head - "goodbye".

Adaptive gestures are characteristic human habits associated with hand movements. It can be: scratching, twitching of certain parts of the body; touching, spanking a partner; stroking, sorting out individual objects at hand (pencil, button).

· Gestures-affectors - gestures that express certain emotions through the movements of the body and muscles of the face.

3) Poses. Posture - a certain position of the parts of the human body: head, torso, arms, legs, as well as movements that change this position or affect it. Analyzing a pose is difficult, since sorting through individual elements does little to understand it. The observer captures the coherence or inconsistency of the interrelations of the components of the pose and draws a conclusion about its naturalness or unnaturalness, the state of the person, his attitude towards others.

Classification of postures on the following grounds:

Stages of communication - postures of entry and exit from contact;

types of relationships and relationships - postures expressing sympathy-dislikes, submission-dominance, inclusion-alienation;

Psychophysiological states - tense and relaxed posture, active and passive;

· correspondence of poses of partners in communication - synchronous or non-synchronous poses;

orientation of the posture - the postures of partners facing each other, back to each other, face to back;

Correspondence of the posture to other elements of expression - the posture is harmonious or disharmonious.

4) Visual contact. Looking at the interlocutor means not only interest, but also helps us to focus on what we are being told. Communicating people usually look into each other's eyes for about 10 seconds. If they look at us a little, we have reason to think that they treat us or what we say badly, and if they look at us too much and intently, this can be interpreted as a challenge or a kind attitude towards us. In addition, it has been observed that when a person tells a lie or tries to hide information, his eyes meet the eyes of a partner for less than 1/3 of the time of the conversation.

Part of the length of a person's gaze depends on which nation they belong to. Southern Europeans have high frequency a look that can cause offense to others, and the Japanese look at the neck rather than the face during a conversation. This important fact must always be taken into account.

When a person is just beginning to form a thought, he often looks to the side, "into space", when the thought is completely ready - at the interlocutor.

According to its originality, the view can be:

Business - when the gaze is set in the frontal part of the interlocutor's head, this implies the creation of a serious atmosphere of business partnership.

· Social - the gaze is directed to the triangle between the eyes and the mouth, this contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of direct secular communication.

Intimate - the look is concentrated not on the eyes of the interlocutor, but below the face - to the level of the chest. Such a look indicates a great passion for each other in communication.

· A sidelong glance is intended to convey interest or hostility. If it is accompanied by slightly raised eyebrows or a smile, it signifies interest. If it is accompanied by a frowning forehead or lowered corners of the mouth, this indicates a critical or suspicious attitude towards the interlocutor.

With the help of the eyes, the most complete signals about the human condition are transmitted, because they occupy a central position in the human body, and the pupils behave completely independently - the expansion and contraction of the pupils are not amenable to any conscious control. In daylight, the pupils can contract and dilate according to how the attitude and mood of a person changes. If a person is excited or interested in something, or is in good mood, his pupils dilate four times compared to normal state. Irritable, sad mood forces the pupils to constrict.

2. Tactile behavior is a variety of types of touch that are used to those interlocutors with whom you are currently interacting. Different kinds of touches are worn different character and have different effectiveness and significance. Tactile behavior can conditionally be divided into the following types: professional, ritual, friendly and love. Each type of touch is necessary for a person to weaken or strengthen the process of communication. However, there are some factors that need to be taken into account, since non-verbal elements have different designations in different cultures.

The most used takesic means - an indispensable attribute of any meeting and parting - a handshake. Even ancient people at a meeting extended their hands to each other with open palms forward - showing by this that they did not have weapons. Over time, options appeared - such as waving a hand in the air, placing a palm on the chest, and many others, including a handshake.

Handshakes can be divided into 3 types:

dominant (hand on top, palm turned down);

submissive (hand below, palm turned up);


3. Sensory - one of the types of non-verbal communication, which is based on sensory perception by all cultures. Attitude towards a partner is formed on the sensation of the sense organs: smells, taste sensations, perception of sound and color combinations, sensations of the body of the interlocutor and the warmth emanating from him. As a result of all this, non-verbal communication with this partner will be built.

4. Proxemics - based on the use of spatial relationships. This type of communication implies the direct influence of distances and territories on the manifestation of relationships between people. There is a definite limit allowable distance between interlocutors, it depends on the type of interaction and is defined as follows:

Intimate distance (up to 0.5 m) corresponds to an intimate relationship. To meet in sports - in those sports where there is contact between the bodies of athletes;

· interpersonal distance (0.5 - 1.2m) - for a conversation between friends with or without contact with each other;

social distance (1.2 - 3.7 m) - for informal social and business relationships, with the upper limit more in line with formal relationships;

public distance (3.7 m or more) - at this distance it is not considered rude to exchange a few words or refrain from communication.

Generally, people feel comfortable and make a good impression when standing or sitting at a distance consistent with the above interactions. Too close, as well as too distant position, adversely affects communication.

5. Chronicle - implies the use of time in a non-verbal communication process. For communication, time is no less important than words, gestures, postures and distances. The perception and use of time is part of non-verbal communication.

The study of the chronemics of various cultures allows us to distinguish two main types of use of time:

monochronic (this model of time, which is represented as a road or a long ribbon, divided into parts. This division of time into segments leads to the fact that a person prefers to do only one thing at a time, and also divides time for business and for emotional contacts) ;

polychronous (this model does not have any clear schedule, a person there can do several things at once).

6. Paraverbal communication - the means of achieving this type of communication are such characteristics of the human voice as the speed of speech, loudness, articulation, voice pitch, speech mode. In paraverbal communication, information is conveyed through vocal tones, so the utterance of any words is never neutral. The listener, like the one who reads between the lines, understands more than the words of the speaker mean.

To understand the message being transmitted, the following are also useful:

· Tone of voice is a particularly significant key to understanding the feelings of the speaker. Feelings find their expression regardless of the meaning of words. Feelings can be clearly shown even when reading the alphabet. It is easy to recognize usually anger and sadness, nervousness and jealousy are among those feelings that are more difficult to recognize.

· The strength and pitch of the voice are also useful cues for reading the interlocutor's message. Some feelings, such as enthusiasm, joy and disbelief, are usually conveyed in a high voice. Anger and fear are also expressed in a high voice, but in a wider range of tonality, strength and pitch. And feelings, like sadness, grief and fatigue, are usually conveyed in a meek and quiet voice with a decrease in intonation towards the end of each phrase.

· The speed of speech also recreates the feelings of the interlocutor. People speak quickly when they are excited or anxious about something, when talking about their personal troubles. Anyone who wants to convince or persuade us usually speaks quickly. Slow speech is most often a sign of depression, grief, arrogance, or fatigue.

It is also important to understand the meaning of interjections, sighs, nervous coughing, snorting. This series is uninterrupted. After all, sounds can mean more than words.

Thus, the effectiveness of listening depends not only on the correct understanding of the words of the interlocutor, but also on the understanding of non-verbal signals. Communication contains, in turn, non-verbal cues that can prove and sometimes challenge the verbal message. Understanding these non-verbal signals - gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor - will help the listener to correctly understand the words of the interlocutor, which will increase the effectiveness of communication.

Chapter 2

2.1 Features of non-verbal communication in the learning process

The essence of the teacher's work is to help the student's mental development, and the most important tool is his mental connection with the child, pedagogical communication.

Communication, according to A.A. Leontiev, is an obligatory and special condition for the child to appropriate the achievements of the historical development of mankind. The teacher's speech is the main means of connecting students to cultural heritage, teaching them ways of thinking and its content. At the same time, the teacher needs to have a high language culture, a rich vocabulary, have expressive capabilities and intonational expressiveness of speech, have legible diction. As can be seen from this definition, the main emphasis in it is on speech, that is, the verbal component of communication. In any case, a large number of publications have recently appeared related to various aspects of non-verbal communication.

According to L.M. Mitin, "the interaction between a student and a teacher consists, first of all, in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive and affective-evaluative nature. And the transfer of this information is carried out both verbally and through various means of non-verbal communication" .

When communicating with students, the teacher receives most of the information that relates to their emotional state, intentions, and attitudes to something not from the words of the children, but from intonation, posture, gestures, facial expressions, gaze, manner of listening. "Gesture, facial expressions, gaze, posture sometimes turn out to be more expressive and effective than words," says E.A. Petrov.

Non-verbal aspects of communication also play a significant role in managing relationships, establishing contacts, and largely determine the emotional atmosphere and well-being of both the student and the teacher.

We point out that the means of non-verbal communication are always properly involved in the course of the educational process, despite the fact that, most often, the teacher does not comprehend their meaning. It is generally accepted that in the relationship of a teacher with children, as, indeed, of any subjects of communication, non-verbal communication occurs through several channels:

facial expressions


· gestures;

Distance of communication

Visual interaction


Let us dwell on the analysis of each of the components of the process of non-verbal interaction in the "teacher-student" system.

The mimic side of communication is very important - sometimes you can learn more from a person’s face than he can or wants to say, and a smile that appears in time, an expression of self-confidence, a disposition to communicate can greatly help in establishing contacts.

The almost endless variety of facial movements and their combinations gives the teacher a chance to express his emotional state and attitude towards a particular child, his answer or deed: to reflect interest, understanding or indifference. Makarenko said this: "There can be no good educator who does not own facial expressions, cannot give his face the necessary expression or restrain his mood."

Analysis of research shows that teachers prefer teachers with a benevolent facial expression, with a high level of external emotionality. But it was also noticeable that the overly mobile muscles of the eyes or face, like their immobility, create serious problems in communication with students.

Some researchers note that many teachers consider it necessary to create a "special facial expression" to influence students. Often it is a demanding facial expression with a furrowed forehead, pursed lips, tense lower jaw. This face-mask, an invented image, is believed to contribute to good behavior and academic performance of children, facilitates leadership, classroom management. Also, there is a fairly well-known phenomenon - "a certain person for a certain student." But, as a professional, the teacher is obliged to control his behavior to such an extent as to avoid this.

The next means of non-verbal communication is touch, sometimes referred to as tactile communication. The use of touch is very important when working with children, primarily of primary school age. With the help of touch, you can attract attention, establish a connection, show your attitude towards the child. The free movement of the teacher in the classroom facilitates the use of this technique. Without interrupting the lesson, he can return to work a child who is distracted only by touching his arm or shoulder; calm the excited; mark brilliant answer.

Nevertheless, L.M. Mitina warns that for many students, touch can cause tension. First, it happens in children, for whom the decrease in psychological distance creates inconvenience and is colored by anxiety. "Extracurricular" touches turn out to be unpleasant, because they leave an unwanted residue in the child and in the future make them avoid the teacher. Unpleasant touch, which carries a shade of pressure or force.

A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of the teacher has a view, with which he expresses his attitude towards the student, his behavior.

The impact of the teacher's gaze depends on the distance of communication. Looking from a distance, from top to bottom, allows the teacher to see all the students at once, but does not allow looking at each of them individually. The action of the gaze, as E.A. Petrov, the stronger, the closer the student is to the teacher.

Staring, which can be unpleasant, has a particularly great influence. Accompaniment by the teacher of his remarks with a glance negatively affects the state of the child, interferes with maintaining communication.

The researchers note that there is some optimal rhythm of eye exchange with children in the classroom, when personal eye contact alternates with eye coverage of the entire class, which forms a working circle of attention. Change, the transition of the gaze is also important when listening to the answer. The teacher, looking at the respondent, makes it clear that he hears the answer. Looking at the class, the teacher draws the attention of all the remaining students to the answerer. An attentive, friendly look when listening to an answer gives the right to support feedback.

The distance of communication is also important. A. Leontiev, notes that the question of the mutual arrangement of the participants in communication in space is quite relevant, since depending on this factor, other non-speech components are used in communication to a different extent, the nature of the feedback from the listener to the speaker is different.

The researchers argue that the distance between students depends on the relationship between them. It is especially important for a teacher to know the relationship between the flow of the communication process and the location of the interlocutors relative to each other in space.

Without a doubt, the spatial factors of communication are used by each teacher, subconsciously choosing best distance from listeners; at the same time, the nature of the relationship with the class, the parameters of the room, and the size of the group play an important role. He can use spatial proximity to establish more trusting relationships with children, but caution must be exercised, because excessive proximity to the interlocutor is sometimes perceived as an attempt on the person, it looks incorrect.

By observing the work of the teacher in the lesson, you can see that the zone of the most effective contact is the first 2-3 desks. It is the first desks that enter the personal or even intimate zone throughout almost the entire lesson. The rest of the students, as a rule, are at a public distance from the teacher, according to the classification of communication zones according to A. Piz.

If the teacher arbitrarily moves around the classroom, then he, changing the distance, achieves proxemic diversity and equality in communication with each student.

When analyzing the space of communication, it is impossible not to touch upon such an aspect as the organizational conditions of learning, namely, the placement of furniture (tables and chairs) in the classroom space.

So, N.V. Samoukina notes that the furniture is placed in the office in such a way that the teacher's table stands in front of the class and, as it were, is opposite to it. Such an organizational solution of the classroom space, in the author's opinion, consolidates the directive influencing position of the teacher. The students' tables are placed in several rows and give the impression of a "general mass". Being in such a class, the child feels "inside the class", a part of it. Therefore, a call to the board and one-on-one communication with the teacher are factors that cause an unpleasant and tense state in the student.

At the same time, N.V. Samoukina proposes to organize the space of the classroom in a different way, making it more democratic: put the teacher's table in front in the center, and place the students' desks in a semicircle at an equal distance from the teacher's table.

A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of the teacher is occupied by the system of gestures. As E.A. Petrova, the teacher's gestures are for children one of the indicators of his attitude towards them. The gesture has the property of "making the secret clear", which the teacher must always remember.

The nature of the teacher's gestures from the first minutes forms a certain mood in the classroom. Studies prove that if the teacher's movements are impetuous and nervous, then as a result, instead of being ready for the lesson, there is a state of intense expectation of trouble.

Gestures play a huge role in ensuring the attention of students, which is a very important condition. effective learning. It is the gesture, the emotional richness of which, most often, attracts the attention of the audience, that has significant possibilities for concentrating the attention of listeners. Among the means of organizing attention, almost all teachers actively use such gestures as pointing gestures, imitation gestures, underlining gestures.

As E.A. Petrov, just as important in the use of gestures is such a function as the activation of various cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking and imagination. Gestures can accompany the story of the teacher, with their help, the activation of visual perception, memory, visual-figurative thinking can be realized.

The joint activity of the teacher and students implies not only the influence of the teacher, but also the obligatory feedback. It is with the help of a gesture that the teacher often "turns on" it, increases its intensity (gestures of approval, evaluation), or completes the contact. Gesture is an integral component of feedback, without understanding which it is difficult to adequately assess the state of the student, his relationship to the teacher, classmates.

Gestures in combination with other non-verbal communications are used by the teacher to ensure control over the activities of students. For this purpose, evaluating, regulating and disciplining gestures are most often used.

The gestures of the teacher often become a role model. Children are especially attentive to cases of inaccurate use of gestures that distract them from performing various tasks. It is necessary to make high demands on the culture of non-verbal behavior of the teacher in general and on his gestures in particular.

In the communication of the teacher with the students, the tone of speech is of great importance. According to M.M. Rybakova, intonation during communication between adults can carry up to 40% of information. However, when communicating with children, the impact of intonation increases.

In intonation, those experiences are manifested, accompanied by the speech of the teacher addressed to the child, and he reacts to them. The student very accurately recognizes the attitude of adults towards him by intonation, he has an exceptional "emotional ear", deciphers not only the content, the meaning of the spoken word, but also the attitude of others towards him.

When perceiving words, the child first of all reacts to intonation with a response action and only then learns the meaning of what was said. A teacher's scream or monotonous speech loses its influence because the child's sensory inputs are either clogged (by screaming) or he does not catch the emotional accompaniment at all, which gives rise to indifference. In this regard, we come to the conclusion that the speech of the teacher should be emotionally saturated, but at the same time, extremes must be avoided; It is very important for a teacher to choose a tone of communication with students that corresponds not only to the situation of communication, but also to the norms of ethics.

So, we can conclude that the non-verbal aspect of communication occupies a significant place in the process of interaction between a teacher and students. In order to make his work easier and more enjoyable, the teacher must be able to communicate with students without even talking, must take into account not only the child's speech, but also his every gesture, look, every movement, in turn, very strictly control his non-verbal behavior .

2.2 Recommendations for the development of non-verbal communication for teachers and students

If you want to learn how to understand people better, then set yourself the goal of at least 15 minutes a day to study and understand the gestures of other people, as well as analyze your own gestures.

1. You can start by reviewing your photo album again, especially group photos. Pay attention to how, in what sequence the characters stand, where they look, how they smile, what their posture is in general, how they relate to each other.

2. The same can be done already with other people's photographs, since in this case all the characters depicted will be unknown to you.

3. The next step is to start watching the people around you on the street, in a traffic jam, bus, cafe or cinema.

4. It's time to watch the language too own body. Videos from the holidays, feedback from relatives, friends and comrades can help you with this. You yourself will be surprised how what you do differs from how you imagine it. You will have something to work with, although you can leave everything as it is. You decide.

5. Also, news releases, no matter how you treat them, can serve you well. Your task is to simply turn off the sound and watch the announcer. After some time, you will begin to understand without his words where and what exactly is happening in our unstable world.

6. If watching the news is beyond your power, then movies will help. Just take and watch your favorite movie without sound. You have the opportunity to catch many nuances that you did not notice before. And if you still watch a film unknown to you from beginning to end, without sound, then this will be aerobatics!

Doing these exercises will help you learn certain aspects of body language. But still, the main goal of these classes is to learn how to use the acquired knowledge in ordinary life. After all, it is rightly said that a theory is useful only when it can be applied in practice. Suddenly look at the world with different eyes. Gradually, through purposeful search, you will feel that the understanding of the signals is now happening consciously, while before you did it unconsciously. Watch not only what people say, but also how they look. Stop seeing and hearing only what you want to see and hear, make every effort to hear and understand what is really being said. In the end, this will save you a lot of time and save you a lot of trouble.


Thus, in the process of interaction in the "teacher-student" system, non-verbal communication plays a significant role. Based on this, the teacher must have not only a high language culture, but also a culture of non-verbal behavior, or a culture of using the so-called expressive movements, since it is known that various types of non-verbal communication sometimes contain much more information than words.

Understanding of non-verbal language is mainly acquired through learning. The use of non-verbal communication methods in the classroom contributes not only to a more thorough understanding of the educational material, to activating the attention of students, but also contributes to the development of the child's communicative abilities, after which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up the widest opportunities for personal development.

However, it must be remembered that people are not alike. As usual, sensitivity in non-verbal communication increases with age and experience.


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23. Povaleva M.A. Non-verbal means of communication. / M.A. Povaleva, O. A Ruter. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix. 2004. - 352 p.

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26. Trusov V.P. Expression of emotions on the face // Questions of psychology. - 1982. - No. 5. pp.70-73.

27. Khromova S. Sign language. - Rostov on / D: "Vladis", 2007. - 416 p.

28. Small encyclopedia of etiquette. - M.: "RIPOL CLASSIC", 2000. - 640s.

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Non-verbal means of communication in the pedagogical process


1.1 Facial expression (facial expression)

1.2 Visual contact

1.4 Poses and gestures





Even before mastering the native language, the child learns to understand the non-verbal (extra-verbal) context of communication, which helps to encode and decode speech messages. So, for example, a verbal message like "don't touch me" may appear in the context of an angry tone, a tone of request, it may be accompanied by retreating hand movements, facial expression and body position in space.

The language of non-verbal messages can be accurately interpreted by a person brought up in a given culture and often helps to correctly understand the meaning of the verbal message and the context of the relationship in general.

Environment, space and time can also be indicators of non-verbal communication. Regulation of the non-verbal aspects of the environment, space and time means regulation of the context of communication.

Cultural diversity always influences the regulation of the context of communication and the characteristics of non-verbal communication itself. Along with culture, non-verbal behavior is also determined by a person's belonging to certain social groups and characteristics such as gender, age, socioeconomic status, occupation and environmental specifics.

The main goal of non-verbal communication is to achieve interpersonal synchrony. According to Hall, interpersonal synchrony refers to the coordination of rhythmic movements between two people on a verbal and non-verbal level.

It has been established that interpersonal synchrony or coherence is achieved when non-verbal communication between two individuals is aimed at breadth, uniqueness, productivity, compliance, smoothness, spontaneity, and when there is an open and calm exchange of opinions. Interpersonal inconsistency occurs when non-verbal communication between two people becomes difficult, stylized, stiffness, stiffness, awkwardness, indecision, formality, and the danger of open condemnation or insult appear.

Interpersonal synchronicity reflects growing sympathy, mutual attention, strengthening connection, and interpersonal inconsistency - growing antipathy, rejection and indifference.

Pedagogical communication is a professional communication of a teacher with students, which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, as well as another kind of psychological optimization of educational activities and relations between the teacher and students and within this team.

Insufficient attention to the personality of the student in the learning process, the predominant orientation of the applied teaching methods to the activities of the student to the detriment of attention to his personality turns into big pedagogical miscalculations. Optimal pedagogical communication is such communication between a teacher and students in the learning process that creates the best conditions for the development of students' motivation and the creative nature of educational activities, for the correct formation of the student's personality.

The purpose of the work: To analyze the non-verbal aspect of pedagogical communication.

To study the characteristics of non-verbal communication.

Consider the features of non-verbal communication in pedagogical interaction.

The object of the research is pedagogical communication.

The subject of the research is the non-verbal aspect of pedagogical communication.

Research method: Theoretical analysis of the literature on the topic.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of non-verbal communication

1.1 Facial expression (facial expression)

Facial expression is the main indicator of feelings. The most easily recognized positive emotions - happiness, love and surprise. It is difficult to perceive, as a rule, negative emotions - sadness, anger and disgust. Usually emotions are associated with facial expressions as follows:

surprise - raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes, downturned lips, parted mouth;

fear - eyebrows raised and brought together above the bridge of the nose, eyes wide open, corners of the lips lowered and somewhat laid back, lips stretched to the sides, the mouth can be open;

anger - eyebrows are lowered, wrinkles on the forehead are curved, eyes are screwed up, lips are closed, teeth are clenched;

disgust - eyebrows are lowered, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruded or raised and closed with the upper lip;

sadness - eyebrows are drawn together, eyes are extinct; often the corners of the lips are slightly lowered;

happiness - eyes are calm, the corners of the lips are raised and usually laid back1.

Artists and photographers have long known that the human face is asymmetrical, with the result that the left and right sides of our face can reflect emotions in different ways. Recent studies attribute this to the fact that the left and right sides of the face are under the control of different hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere controls speech and intellectual activity, while the right hemisphere controls emotions, imagination and sensory activity. Control connections are criss-crossed so that the work of the dominant left hemisphere is reflected on the right side of the face and gives it a more controllable expression. Since the work of the right hemisphere of the brain is reflected on the left side of the face, it is more difficult to hide feelings on this side of the face. Positive emotions are reflected more or less evenly on both sides of the face, negative emotions are more pronounced on the left side. However, both hemispheres of the brain function together, so the differences described relate to the nuances of expression.

Human lips are especially expressive. Everyone knows that tightly compressed lips reflect deep thoughtfulness, curved lips - doubt or sarcasm. A smile, as a rule, expresses friendliness, a need for approval. At the same time, smiling as an element of facial expressions and behavior depends on regional and cultural differences: for example, southerners tend to smile more often than residents of northern regions.

Since a smile can reflect different motives, you should be careful in interpreting the interlocutor's smile. However, excessive smiling, for example, often expresses a need for approval or deference to superiors. A smile accompanied by raised eyebrows usually expresses a willingness to obey, while a smile with lowered eyebrows expresses superiority.

The face expressively reflects feelings, so the speaker usually tries to control or mask his facial expression. For example, when someone accidentally bumps into you or makes a mistake, they usually experience the same unpleasant feeling as you and instinctively smile, as if expressing a polite apology. In this case, the smile may be in a certain sense "prepared" and therefore strained, betraying a mixture of concern and apology.

1.2 Visual contact

Visual contact is an extremely important element of communication. Looking at the speaker means not only interest, but also helps us focus on what we are being told. During a conversation, the speaker and the listener alternately look, then turn away from each other, feeling that a constant look can prevent the interlocutor from concentrating. Both the speaker and the listener look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds. This most likely occurs before the start of a conversation or after a few words from one of the interlocutors. From time to time the eyes of the interlocutors meet, but this lasts much less time than each interlocutor's gaze is on each other.

It is much easier for us to maintain eye contact with the speaker when discussing a pleasant topic, but we avoid it when discussing unpleasant or confusing issues. In the latter case, the refusal of direct visual contact is an expression of politeness and understanding of the interlocutor's emotional state. Persistent or intent gaze in such cases causes indignation and is perceived as an interference with personal experiences. Moreover, a persistent or fixed gaze is usually taken as a sign of hostility.

It is necessary to know that certain aspects of relationships are expressed in the way people look at each other. For example, we tend to look more at those we admire or with whom we have a close relationship. Women also tend to make more eye contact than men. Usually people avoid eye contact in competitive situations so that this contact is not understood as an expression of hostility. In addition, we tend to look at the speaker more when they are at a distance: the closer we are to the speaker, the more we avoid eye contact. Usually, eye contact helps the speaker feel like they are talking to you and make a good first impression. But a closer look usually creates an unfavorable impression of us.

Eye contact helps regulate the conversation. If the speaker then looks into the eyes of the listener, then looks away, this means that he has not finished speaking yet. At the end of his speech, the speaker, as a rule, looks directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, as if saying: "I've said everything, now it's your turn."

The listener, like the one who reads between the lines, understands more than the words of the speaker mean. He hears and evaluates the strength and tone of the voice, the speed of speech. He notices deviations in the construction of phrases, such as incomplete sentences, notes frequent pauses. These vocal expressions, along with word selection and facial expressions, are helpful in understanding the message.

Tone of voice is a particularly valuable key to understanding the feelings of the interlocutor. A well-known psychiatrist often asks himself, "What does the voice say when I stop listening to the words and only listen to the tone?" Feelings find their expression regardless of the meaning of the words. Feelings can be clearly expressed even when reading the alphabet. Easily recognized are usually anger and sadness, nervousness and jealousy are those feelings that are more difficult to recognize.

The strength and pitch of the voice are also useful cues for deciphering the speaker's message. Some feelings, such as enthusiasm, joy, and disbelief, are usually conveyed in a high voice. Anger and fear are also expressed in a high voice, but in a wider range of tonality, strength and pitch. Feelings such as sadness, grief, and fatigue are usually conveyed in a soft and muffled voice, with a drop in intonation towards the end of each phrase.

The speed of speech also reflects the feelings of the speaker. People speak quickly when they are excited or worried about something, when talking about their personal difficulties. Anyone who wants to convince or persuade us usually speaks quickly. Slow speech often indicates depression, grief, arrogance, or fatigue.

By making minor mistakes in speech, such as repeating words, choosing them uncertainly or incorrectly, breaking off phrases in mid-sentence, people involuntarily express their feelings and reveal intentions. Uncertainty in the choice of words appears when the speaker is not sure of himself or is going to surprise us. Usually speech deficiencies are more pronounced in a state of excitement or when the interlocutor is trying to deceive us.

It is also important to understand the meaning of interjections, sighs, nervous coughs, snorts, etc. This series is endless. After all, sounds can mean more than words. This is also true for sign language.

1.4 Poses and gestures

A person's attitude and feelings can be determined by motor skills, that is, by the way he stands or sits, by his gestures and movements.

When the speaker leans towards us during a conversation, we perceive it as courtesy, apparently because such a posture indicates attention. We feel less comfortable with those who lean back or collapse in their chair while talking to us. It is usually easy to converse with those who adopt a relaxed posture. People with a higher position can also take this position, probably because they are more confident in themselves at the moment of communication and usually do not stand, but sit, and sometimes not straight, but leaning back or leaning to one side.

The slope at which sitting or standing interlocutors feel comfortable depends on the nature of the situation or on differences in their position and cultural level. People who know each other well or collaborate on work usually stand or sit side by side with each other. When they meet visitors or negotiate, they feel more comfortable facing each other. Women often prefer to talk, somewhat leaning towards the interlocutor or standing next to him, especially if they know each other well. Men in a conversation prefer the position facing each other, except in situations of rivalry.

The meaning of many hand gestures or foot movements is somewhat obvious. For example, crossed arms (or legs) usually indicate a skeptical, defensive attitude, while uncrossed limbs express a more open, trusting attitude. They sit with their chin resting on their palms, usually in thought. Standing, akimbo, is a sign of disobedience or, conversely, readiness to get to work. Hands behind the head express superiority. During a conversation, the heads of the interlocutors are in constant motion. Although head nodding does not always signify agreement, it can effectively help the conversation, as if giving permission to the interlocutor to continue speaking. Head nods also have a positive effect on the speaker in a group conversation, so speakers usually address their speech directly to those who constantly nod. However, a quick tilt or turn of the head to the side, gesticulation often indicates that the listener wants to speak.

It is usually easy for both speakers and listeners to converse with those who have a lively expression and expressive motor skills.

Active gestures often reflect positive emotions and are perceived as a sign of interest and friendliness. Excessive gesturing, however, can be an expression of anxiety or insecurity.

1.5 Interpersonal space

Another important factor in communication is interpersonal space - how close or far the interlocutors are in relation to each other. Sometimes we express our relationships in spatial terms, such as "stay away" from someone we don't like or fear, or "stay close" to someone we're interested in. Usually, the more interlocutors are interested in each other, the closer they sit or stand to each other.

However, there is a certain limit of the allowable distance between the interlocutors, it depends on the type of interaction and is defined as follows:

intimate distance (up to 0.5 m) corresponds to an intimate relationship. It can be found in sports - in those types of sports where there is contact between the bodies of athletes;

interpersonal distance (0.5 - 1.2 m) - for talking friends with or without contact with each other;

social distance (1.2 - 3.7 m) - for informal social and business relationships, with the upper limit more in line with formal relationships;

public distance (3.7 m or more) - at this distance it is not considered rude to exchange a few words or refrain from communication2.

Generally, people feel comfortable and make a favorable impression when standing or sitting at a distance consistent with the above interactions. Excessively close, as well as excessively distant position, negatively affects communication.

In addition, the closer people are to each other, the less they look at each other, as if as a sign of mutual respect. On the contrary, being at a distance, they look at each other more and use gestures to maintain attention in a conversation.

These rules vary considerably by age, gender, and cultural level. For example, children and old people stay closer to the interlocutor, while teenagers, young people and middle-aged people prefer a more distant position. Usually women stand or sit closer to the interlocutor (regardless of his gender) than men. Personal characteristics also determine the distance between interlocutors: a balanced person with self-esteem comes closer to the interlocutor, while restless, nervous people stay away from the interlocutor. Social status also affects the distance between people. We usually keep a long distance from those whose position or authority is higher than ours, while people of equal status communicate at a relatively close distance.

Tradition is also an important factor. Residents of Latin America and the Mediterranean tend to approach the interlocutor closer than residents of the Nordic countries.

The table can affect the distance between interlocutors. The table is usually associated with high position and power, so when the listener sits on the side of the table, the relationship takes the form of role-playing communication. For this reason, some administrators and managers prefer to conduct personal conversations, not sitting at their desk, but next to the interlocutor - on chairs that stand at an angle to each other.

1.6 Response to non-verbal communication

Responding to the non-verbal behavior of the speaker, we involuntarily (subconsciously) copy his postures and facial expressions. Thus, we seem to say to the interlocutor: “I am listening to you. Go on."

How to respond to non-verbal communication of the interlocutor? Usually, you should respond to a non-verbal "message" taking into account the entire context of communication. This means that if the facial expressions, tone of voice and posture of the speaker correspond to his words, then there are no problems. In this case, non-verbal communication helps to more accurately understand what was said. When, however, non-verbal "messages" contradict the words of the speaker, we tend to prefer the former, because, as the popular proverb says, "one is not judged by words, but by deeds."

When the discrepancy between words and non-verbal "messages" is small, as is the case when someone hesitantly invites us somewhere several times, we may or may not respond with words to these conflicting expressions. Much depends on the participants in the communication, the nature of their relationship and the specific situation. But we rarely ignore gestures and facial expressions. They often force us to delay the fulfillment of, for example, an expressed request. In other words, our understanding of non-verbal language tends to be late.

Therefore, when we receive “conflicting signals” from the speaker, we can express the answer in something like this: “I will think about it” or “We will return to this issue with you”, leaving ourselves time to evaluate all aspects of the communication before making a firm decision.

When the discrepancy between the words and non-verbal signals of the speaker is clearly expressed, a verbal response to "contradictory signals" is quite appropriate. Contradictory gestures and words of the interlocutor should be answered with emphatic tact. For example, if the speaker agrees to do something for you but shows signs of hesitation, such as frequent pauses, questions, or expressions of surprise, you might remark: “I think you are skeptical about this. Can you explain why?" This remark shows that you are attentive to everything that the interlocutor says and does, and thus will not cause anxiety or a defensive reaction in him. You are just giving him the opportunity to express himself more fully.

So, the effectiveness of listening depends not only on the exact understanding of the words of the speaker, but also to an equal extent on the understanding of non-verbal signals. Communication also includes non-verbal cues that can confirm and sometimes refute an oral message. Understanding these non-verbal signals - gestures and facial expressions of the speaker - will help the listener to correctly interpret the words of the interlocutor, which will increase the effectiveness of communication.

Chapter 2

Communication, according to A.A. Leontiev, constitutes a necessary and special condition for the child to appropriate the achievements of the historical development of mankind. The speech of the teacher is the main means of introducing students to the cultural heritage, teaching them both ways of thinking and its content. At the same time, the teacher must have a high language culture, a rich vocabulary, possess expressive capabilities and intonational expressiveness of speech, and have clear diction. As can be seen from the above definition, the main emphasis in it is on speech, that is, the verbal component of communication. At the same time, an increasing number of publications related to various aspects of non-verbal communication have recently appeared.

According to L.M. Mitin, “the interaction between a student and a teacher consists, first of all, in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive and affective-evaluative nature. And the transfer of this information is carried out both verbally and with the help of various means of non-verbal communication.

When communicating with students, the teacher receives a significant part of the information regarding their emotional state, intentions, and attitudes towards something not from the words of the students, but from gestures, facial expressions, intonation, posture, gaze, manner of listening. “Gesture, facial expressions, gaze, posture sometimes turn out to be more expressive and effective than words,” says E.A. Petrova4.

Non-verbal aspects of communication play a significant role in regulating relationships, establishing contacts, and largely determine the emotional atmosphere and well-being of both the teacher and the student.

It should be noted that this aspect of pedagogical communication was in the field of view even before the studies of the above authors. So, A.S. Makarenko wrote that for him, in his practice, “like for many experienced teachers, such “trifles” became decisive: how to stand, how to sit, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look”5. However, only recently it has begun to attract more and more attention of researchers of the phenomenon of communication.

Let us point out that the means of non-verbal communication are always appropriately involved in the course of the educational process, despite the fact that, as a rule, the teacher is not aware of their significance. It is generally accepted that in the interaction of a teacher with children, as, indeed, of any subjects of communication, non-verbal communication is carried out through several channels:


communication distance;

visual interaction;


Let us dwell on the consideration of each of the components of the process of non-verbal interaction in the "teacher-student" system.

As mentioned above, the mimic side of communication is extremely important - sometimes you can learn more from a person’s face than he can or wants to say, and a timely smile, an expression of self-confidence, a disposition to communicate can significantly help in establishing contacts6.

The almost infinite variety of facial movements and their combinations (E.A. Petrova notes that there are more than 20,000 of them in total) makes it possible for the teacher to express his emotional state and attitude towards a particular student, his answer or deed: to reflect interest, understanding or indifference, etc. . A.S. Makarenko wrote the following about this: “There cannot be a good teacher who does not know facial expressions, cannot give his face the necessary expression or restrain his mood”7.

A number of studies show that students prefer teachers with a friendly facial expression, with a high level of external emotionality. It is noted that the excessive mobility of the muscles of the eyes or face, as well as their lifeless static, creates serious problems in communicating with children.

Some researchers8 note that many teachers consider it necessary to create a “special facial expression” to influence children. Often - this is a strict facial expression with a frowned forehead, pursed lips, tense lower jaw. This face-mask, a contrived image, allegedly promotes good behavior and student achievement, facilitates leadership, class management. In addition, there is a fairly common phenomenon - "a certain person for a certain student." But, as a professional, the teacher must control his behavior enough to avoid it.

The next channel of non-verbal communication is touch, sometimes referred to as tactile communication. The use of touch is very important when working with children, especially of primary school age. With the help of touch, you can attract attention, establish contact, express your attitude towards the child. The free movement of the teacher in the classroom facilitates the use of this technique. Without interrupting the lesson, he can return a distracted student to work by touching his arm or shoulder; calm the excited; mark a good answer.

However, L.M. Mitina warns that for many children, touch can cause alertness. First of all, this happens in children, for whom the reduction of psychological distance creates inconvenience and is colored by anxiety. “Extracurricular” touches turn out to be unpleasant, as they leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the child and in the future they are forced to avoid the teacher. Unpleasant touch, carrying a shade of pressure, strength.

A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of the teacher is occupied by the look with which he can express his attitude towards the student, his behavior, ask a question, give an answer, etc.

The impact of the teacher's gaze depends on the distance of communication. Looking from a distance, from top to bottom, allows the teacher to see all the students at once, but does not make it possible to look at each of them individually. The impact of the gaze, as E.A. Petrova notes, is the stronger, the closer the child is to the teacher.

Especially great is the influence of a gaze, which can be unpleasant. Accompanying the teacher's remarks with a glance negatively affects the child's condition, interferes with maintaining contact.

Research has noted9 that there is some optimal rhythm of eye exchange with children in the classroom, where individual eye contact alternates with eye coverage of the entire class, which creates a working circle of attention. Alternating, switching eyes is also important when listening to the answer. The teacher, looking at the respondent, makes it clear that he hears the answer. Looking at the class, the teacher draws the attention of all the other children to the respondent. An attentive, friendly look when listening to the answer allows you to maintain feedback.

The distance of communication is also important. A.A. Leontiev, in particular, notes that the question of the mutual placement of participants in communication in space (especially distance) is quite relevant, since, depending on this factor, other non-speech components are used in communication to a different extent, the nature of the feedback from the listener to the speaker is different.

Researchers10 argue that the distance between communicating people depends on the relationship between them. It is especially important for the teacher to know the relationship between the course of the communication process and the location of the interlocutors relative to each other in space.

Without a doubt, the spatial factors of communication are used by any teacher, intuitively choosing the optimal distance from the audience; at the same time, the nature of the relationship with the audience, the size of the room, the size of the group are of great importance. He can use spatial proximity to establish more trusting relationships with students, but be careful at the same time, since excessive approach to the interlocutor is sometimes perceived as an attack on the person, looks tactless.

Observing the work of the teacher in the lesson, one can notice, as E.A. Petrov that the zone of the most effective contact is the first 2-3 desks. It is the first desks that fall into the personal or even intimate (if the teacher is standing close to the students) zone throughout almost the entire lesson. The rest of the students, as a rule, are at a public distance from the teacher, according to the classification of communication zones according to A. Pizu11.

If the teacher moves freely around the classroom, then he, changing the distance, achieves proxemic diversity and equality in communication with each child.

When considering the space of communication, it is impossible not to touch upon such an aspect as the organizational conditions of learning, in particular, the placement of furniture (tables and chairs) in the classroom space.

So, N.V. Samoukina notes that the furniture is placed in the classroom in such a way that the teacher's table stands in front of the class and is, as it were, opposed to it. Such an organizational solution of the classroom space, in the author's opinion, consolidates the directive influencing position of the teacher. Students' tables are arranged in several rows and give the impression of a "general mass". Being in such a class, the student feels "inside the class", part of it. Therefore, calling to the blackboard and one-on-one communication with the teacher are factors that cause an unpleasant and stressful state in the child.

At the same time, N.V. Samoukina proposes to organize the class space in a different way, making it more democratic: the teacher's table is placed in front in the center, and the students' desks are located in a semicircle at the same distance from the teacher's table.

G.A. Zuckerman also addresses the issue of the spatial organization of the classroom in Communication in Learning12. The author, in particular, writes that when organizing group work, a different, different from the traditional, arrangement of desks in the classroom is more acceptable, which optimizes the learning process. At the same time, she offers the following options for organizing the educational space, among which options a) and b) are considered the most favorable, while option c) is considered as one of the most unfavorable (see Appendix 1).

A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of the teacher is occupied by the system of gestures. As E.A. Petrov, the teacher's gestures are for students one of the indicators of his attitude towards them. Gesture has the property of “making the secret clear”, which the teacher should always remember.

The nature of the teacher's gestures from the first minutes creates a certain mood in the classroom. Studies confirm that if the teacher's movements are impetuous and nervous, then instead of being ready for the lesson, there is a state of intense expectation of trouble.

Gestures also play an important role in ensuring the attention of students, which is the most important condition for effective learning. It is the gesture, the emotional richness of which, as a rule, attracts the attention of the audience, that has significant potential for focusing the attention of listeners. Among the means of organizing attention, almost every teacher actively uses such gestures as pointing gestures, imitation gestures, underlining gestures, etc.

As E.A. Petrova13, no less important in the use of gestures is such a function as the activation of various cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking and imagination. Gestures can illustrate the teacher's story, they can be used to activate visual perception, memory, visual-figurative thinking.

The joint activity of the teacher and students involves not only the influence of the teacher, but also the obligatory feedback. It is with the help of a gesture that the teacher often “turns on” it (an interrogative nod of the head, inviting gestures, etc.), increases its intensity (gestures of approval, evaluation), or ends the contact. The gesture is an important component of feedback, without understanding which it is difficult for the teacher to adequately assess the state of the student, his attitude towards the teacher, classmates, etc.

Gestures in combination with other non-verbal means of communication are used by the teacher to ensure control over the activities of students. For this purpose, evaluating, regulating and disciplining gestures are most often used.

The gestures of the teacher often become a role model. Children are especially attentive to cases of inaccurate use of gestures that distract them from the tasks performed in the lesson. It is necessary to make high demands on the culture of non-verbal behavior of the teacher in general and on his gestures in particular.

In the communication between the teacher and the students, the tone of speech is of great importance. According to M.M. Rybakova14, intonation in adult communication can carry up to 40% of information. However, when communicating with a child, the impact of intonation increases.

The intonation manifests those experiences that accompany the speech of the teacher addressed to the child, and he reacts to them. The child surprisingly accurately recognizes the attitude of adults towards him by intonation, he has an exceptional "emotional ear", deciphers not only the content, the meaning of the words spoken, but also the attitude of others towards him.

When perceiving words, the child first reacts to intonation with a response action and only then learns the meaning of what was said. The teacher's shouting or monotonous speech is deprived of influencing power because the student's sensory inputs are either clogged (by shouting) or he does not catch the emotional accompaniment at all, which generates indifference. In this regard, we come to the conclusion that

Conditions for effective communication: contact, non-verbal communication, correct understanding of the interlocutor, response to the information of the interlocutor. Basic rules and techniques for improving the effectiveness of communication: first impression, smile, compliment, ability to listen.

Kinetic and proxemic, psychological and paralinguistic features of non-verbal communication. Varieties of communication gestures. Views and their manifestations in visual contact. Characteristics of communication traditions among people of different cultures.

Communicating with other people, we make an impression of them not only by what they say, but also how - by facial expressions, intonation, body movements. By learning to understand this “language”, one can determine the real state of a person.

Practicing the skills of establishing contact, relationships in various situations. Expanding the possibilities of using non-verbal communication skills. Mastering the skills of effective listening. Performing the exercise "Ladder of communication skills".

Features and types of communication - a way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language and speech parameters. Differences between verbal (oral, written messages) and non-verbal communication.

Kinesics is the study of body language. Non-verbal means of communication. Proxemics as a special area dealing with the norms of spatial and temporal organization of communication. Gestures are expressive hand movements. characteristics of prosody.

Gesture drawing lesson: pointing gestures - hand on the board; forbidding - with a nod of the head; support gestures - palm touches the student's head or back; gestures are inactive, functions are most often a habit to relieve tension, allow a little relaxation, distraction.

Mimic. When the teacher listens, the head is slightly tilted to one side, which indicates trust, that the teacher listens to the students' answers with great attention and desire.

Emotions are expressed: joy - the corners of the lips rise, the eyes smile; regret frowns.

Pose. When explaining a new topic, the teacher walks along the blackboard, stands half-turned or facing the class. When consolidating the material, the teacher walks through the rows, reaching the last desks, which indicates the interaction of the teacher with the whole class. The gait is slow, silent, smooth, the movements of the teacher are restrained, controlled.

Appearance fully consistent with the behavior of the teacher. Clothing is discreet, not defiant, chosen with taste and in accordance with age. Makeup is neat, not noticeable, matches the entire tone of the clothes.

4. Pedagogical etiquette and teacher tact. Greeting - hello!; farewell - all the best, see you tomorrow!; requests: please (4 times), be kind (2 times); thanks - thank you (3 times); apology - I'm sorry, it's my fault (2 times).

The teacher does not consider it humiliating to apologize to the students. He realizes that he is also a person who tends to make mistakes, and is responsible for his mistakes. The teacher, as a well-mannered person, very often uses "magic" words, thereby expressing his respect for the students.

5. Methods of influencing students. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher greets the class and immediately involves them in joint activities (several students work at the blackboard, the rest answer the teacher's questions). Then, when explaining a new topic, notes are made in notebooks (the guys are very actively involved in considering a new topic, answering the teacher's leading questions). This way of organizing discipline in the classroom is very effective in this class. The lessons use different types group and frontal work.

6. Grade: well done (10 times), smart girl (4 times), excellent (2 times), commendable (1 time). Or the teacher approaches the student and lightly touches the student's back.

Marks are set objectively. The grade is not affected by student performance in other subjects. According to my observations, the teacher does not have a favorite class. She treats all students equally, with due attention and respect.

Conclusion: I believe that with such a teacher, learning in this class will be productive.

Example 2 Student: Safronov A.

Geography teacher: Vorobyov Viktor Egorovich

Communication style. At the geography teacher democratic style communication. In his speech, the pronouns "we" are constantly present. Conducts a dialogue with the guys, encourages joint activities: "Let's think together ...", etc. All the time he asks his students: “What do you think?”, “What do you think?”. By temperament, the teacher is choleric. This is shown in her behavior. Her mood changes every 5 minutes. Can yell at the student, and after 5 minutes joke with him. The teacher does not sit in one place: he either walks around the class, or sits at his desk.

non-verbal behavior. For the teacher, pointing and auxiliary gestures are most preferable. This is mainly manifested in the explanation of new material. In the classroom, the teacher is constantly moving. Gesticulation is active. When a student incorrectly answers a question or indulges, the teacher stands frowning. In general, the teacher smiles a little during the lesson. Appearance corresponds to the behavior of the teacher. He dresses like a business person and creates a businesslike atmosphere in the classroom.

Pedagogical tact and etiquette. The teacher rarely uses etiquette formulas in the classroom. Sometimes the teacher is tactless in relation to the students. He insults them as a joke, but the guys may not understand it that way. The teacher can prevent and resolve conflict.

Methods of influence. The teacher enforces discipline in the classroom. He tries to do this so that the guys do not have time to talk. If someone is talking, the teacher "puts" him in his place, speaking in a loud voice. The teacher draws attention to the lesson through interesting tasks.

Evaluation methods. The teacher observes the main requirement for assessment - objectivity. In a lesson, a loser can get an "5", and vice versa. The teacher also evaluates the students qualitatively: “so, good”, and praises the students if they do the task correctly. Immediately after the student's answer, the teacher does not put a mark, but puts it only when he asks one student to complete several tasks.

An individual feature of the style of communication between a teacher and students is a frequent change of mood and "extremes" in speech behavior.

Appendix 12

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Non-verbal means as an important part of pedagogical communication






Currently, on the pages of psychological and pedagogical literature, much attention is paid to the problem of communication in professional and pedagogical activities. So, without communication, as a fundamental human need, it is, in principle, impossible to imagine the process of transferring social experience from one generation to another. In the process of pedagogical communication, training is carried out in the methods and methods of mental activity, the formation of thought processes, the management of learning processes, training in work methods, the constant maintenance of students' interest in the lesson itself, motivational support for the educational process, normative relationships with the team and with the teacher, and the removal of emotional tension. 17; 324/

One of the aspects of this problem is the study of the non-verbal component. Every year, scientists become more and more convinced of how significant non-verbal means are in the course of human interaction. Note that this circumstance is confirmed in experiments conducted mainly by psychologists.

In particular, it was found that the transmission of information occurs through verbal means (only words) by 7%, through sound means (including tone of voice, intonation) - by 38% and through non-verbal means - by 55% / 23; 12-18/

A similar study was conducted by Alan Pease and came to the conclusion that in the process of human interaction, from 60 to 80% of information is transmitted by non-verbal means of expression and only 20-40% - by verbal ones. / 20; 34 /

These data speak eloquently of the decisive importance of non-verbalism for the psychology of communication, in particular, for the process of interaction between a teacher and children.

Thus, the problem of the dependence of the effectiveness of pedagogical communication on the frequency of the use of non-verbal components by teachers in pedagogical activity is revealed. This problem determined the topic of the study: "Non-verbal means as an important part of pedagogical communication."

The object of the research is pedagogical communication.

The subject is non-verbal means of communication in pedagogical activity.

The contingent - teachers MOUSOSH No. 2, teachers and students of GOUSPO "Osinsky Pedagogical School".

Based on the problem, the following goal can be set: the development of abstracts for a series of classes that contribute to an increase in the level of development of non-verbal means of communication of students. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. collect, study, analyze and systematize the literature on the research topic;

2. to reveal the essence of the concepts of "pedagogical communication" (to compare several definitions of different authors) and "non-verbal means of communication" (to classify them);

3. to monitor the activities of teachers in the process of pedagogical communication in order to identify the problem of their use of non-verbal means;

4. test students to determine their level of development of non-verbal means of communication;

5. draw up notes of classes aimed at increasing the level of development of non-verbal means of communication of students.

The work has the following structure: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the chosen topic, defines the object, subject, contingent, and also formulates the goals and objectives of this study.

Chapter 1 "Theoretical approaches to the question of the role of non-verbal means of communication in the pedagogical activity of a teacher" considers the role of communication in the practical activities of a teacher, reveals the concepts of pedagogical communication and non-verbal components, gives their classification and information about the history of the development of non-verbals. It also contains a paragraph considering the importance of non-verbal means in pedagogical communication.

Chapter 2 "Identification of the problem of the development of non-verbal means of communication of teachers and students receiving a teaching profession" contains the results of observations of the activities of teachers, the results of testing students and notes, developed classes.

The conclusion contains general conclusions on this research work and its practical significance.

The bibliography lists the books and journals that we have used.

The appendix contains tables for fixing the results of observations, diagnostics used to test students and descriptions of the games included in the class notes.

Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the question of the role of non-verbal means of communication in the pedagogical activity of a teacher

1.1 Pedagogical communication as an important part of the teacher's pedagogical activity

The interaction of a person with the world around him is carried out in a system of objective relations that develop between people in their social life.

Any production presupposes the unification of people. But no human community can carry out a full-fledged joint activity if contact is not established between the people included in it. For effective interaction and achievement of a common goal, mutual understanding must be reached between them. And for this, people must enter into communication with each other. / 19; 280/

The need for communication, being fundamental for a person, is of paramount importance in the process of education and training of a person. Currently, on the pages of psychological and pedagogical literature, much attention is paid to the problem of communication in professional and pedagogical activities.

According to the opinion of modern scientists-teachers (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov), pedagogical activity is the meaning of the profession of a teacher. It is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring the culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to perform certain social roles in society. / 17; 24/ Traditional types of pedagogical activity - teaching and education - in modern conditions are combined at school with the methodological work of the teacher, with managerial and research activities. / 21; 214/

Speaking of pedagogical activity, it is impossible to imagine it without the interaction of the teacher and students. So, without it, in principle, it is impossible to carry out the process of transferring social experience from one generation to another. In addition, at school age, the desire of a young person to get closer to the inner world of another, to see the world around him through his eyes, to be heard and understood by others is of particular importance. And the school attracts students not only with new knowledge, but with the opportunity to satisfy the urgent needs for communication, self-affirmation, creativity, discovering the best sides of one's "I". In this regard, according to scientists, an indispensable and most important condition for the effectiveness of the pedagogical work of a teacher is his ability to organize interaction with children, communicate with them and manage their activities.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, more and more often they talk about the communicative abilities of the teacher, which are necessary for the implementation of fruitful pedagogical activity. Experience shows that for successful interaction with children, it is not enough only for the teacher to know the basics of the sciences and the methodology of educational work. All his knowledge and practical skills can be transferred to students only through a system of live and direct communication. It seems to us that the most important element of pedagogical activity is precisely the establishment of psychological contact between the teacher and the child, mutual understanding, that is, communication. The absence or loss of mutual understanding separates the child and the adult, complicates the already complex process of upbringing and education, the transmission by adults of the established social experience and the creation of a new individual experience by the child. The process of communication between a teacher and children thus acts as an important indispensable condition and content of professional pedagogical activity. At the same time, due to the specifics of pedagogical activity, communication from a factor accompanying activity, accompanying it, turns into a professionally significant category, which lies in the nature of the profession. Therefore, in this case, communication appears not as an ordinary form of human interaction, but as a functional category. But the teacher should be able not only to communicate, but to carry out pedagogical communication in his professional activity./18; 7-11/

What is the essence of pedagogical communication?

In modern scientific literature, several approaches to the problem of interpreting pedagogical communication have been recorded.

So, in the theoretical and experimental developments of S.V. Kondratyeva, pedagogical communication is considered mainly as the interaction of a teacher with students, and the role of the teacher in this process is to manage their behavior and activities. / 11; 110-112/

Somewhat different from most points of view on the essence of pedagogical communication as a system of professional actions is the view of V.V. Ryzhov, who believes that pedagogical communication is a natural human communication that takes place between people, individuals, which are all participants in school life. / 18; 9/

Another approach to the problem of pedagogical communication is offered by a number of researchers (N.V. Kuzmina, E.A. Maslyko, L.N. Dichkovskaya), who understand it as one of the learning factors, which is professional in terms of goals, objectives, content, skill level , quality and effectiveness of subject-subject communication. It is these aspects of pedagogical communication that provide, in their opinion, the optimization of education and teaching a school subject in the course of its teaching, the motivation to master this subject, the expansion of the cognitive sphere of students, their involvement in joint cognitive activities, the personal development of students, the creation of conditions for the development of skills and abilities. self-education, self-education and self-control./3; 4/

Summing up the analysis of approaches to understanding the essence of pedagogical communication, we can conclude that in modern psychological and pedagogical literature, pedagogical communication as a whole is understood as a system of interaction between a teacher and students, the content of which is the exchange of information, optimization of the processes of education and upbringing, organization of joint work of an individual student, class staff and teachers, providing educational impact, knowledge of the personality of the student and himself, creating conditions for the self-development of the child's personality.

It cannot be emphasized that the role of the organizer and leader of pedagogical communication is assigned to the teacher. The optimality of pedagogical communication and, as a result, the effectiveness of the entire learning process will depend on the teacher’s having all the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this, his possession of pedagogical equipment and the degree of development of his communication skills.

1.2 Gestures and the history of the development of non-verbals as a science of gestures

It is well known how difficult it is to learn a foreign language. How much effort and time do you need to spend. But there is one language on earth that is accessible and understandable to everyone - this is the body language that we use every moment of our lives. Also, this language is called a non-verbal way of communication (as opposed to verbal - verbal) or sign language.

From a scientific point of view, "sign language is a system of signs carried out by conditional gestures and used for linguistic communication along with sound speech or instead of it. It is used by the peoples of primitive culture, as well as developed culture in conditions of multilingualism, in connection with ancient everyday rituals, as well as in case of dumbness.

The effectiveness of communication is determined not only by the degree of understanding of the words of the interlocutor, but also by the ability to correctly assess the behavior of the participants in communication, their facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture, gaze orientation. Adult people control their bodies and know how to hide their feelings, who is good, who is bad, but without exception, everyone supplements their speech with gestures. And not only when, due to dumbness, age or illness, they cannot speak. Non-verbal language can sometimes express (or hide) even more information and in a more emotional way than speech. You will meet, for example, an arrogant and mocking look, you will immediately stop, the word will get stuck in your throat. And if there is also a contemptuous smile on the face of the interlocutor, then you don’t want to pour out your soul in any way, he shares his innermost. Another thing is a sympathetic, encouraging, interested look. He inspires confidence, disposes to a frank conversation. And no matter how hard some people try to control their behavior, follow facial expressions and gestures, this is not always possible. Non-verbal communication “gives away” interlocutors, sometimes casts doubt on what was said, reveals their true face. Therefore, we must learn to understand this language.

At first glance, gestures do not represent anything complicated. Indeed, many gestures are understandable on an intuitive level: denying something, a person shakes his head from side to side; frightened, he raises his eyebrows and opens his eyes wide; grieving, stooping. Language is taught from childhood, and gestures are acquired naturally, and although no one first explains or deciphers their meaning, speakers correctly understand and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the gesture is most often used not by itself, but accompanies the word, serves as a kind of help for it, and sometimes clarifies it. / 8; 5/

According to the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, “a gesture (in the broadest sense of the word) is a hand movement or other body movement that signifies or accompanies something.”/16; 114/ A slightly different interpretation of the gesture in explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (modern version) by V.I. detection by signs, movements of feelings, thoughts.”/6; 132/

We use gestures both involuntarily - gestures of jubilation, despair, hopelessness, unexpected surprise, and many others - and quite meaningfully, in order to emphasize this or that voiced thought, or, on the contrary, in order not to betray our true feelings. If we do not always speak, then we make movements constantly, without even noticing it. We can’t even imagine how many different gestures a person uses when communicating, how often he accompanies his speech with them.

Here we can say about the existence of such sign languages ​​as dactylology (manual alphabet) - a language for the deaf and dumb; jargon and asocial gestures with which criminal and asocial personalities communicate; cult and ritual gestures that are used in various rituals; sign languages ​​of primitive peoples, used, for example, in hunting, so as not to frighten away animals; family and group languages ​​- gestures used only in a given family or group of like-minded people.

There are gestures that cannot be understood without special study. For example, when you arrive in a foreign country and see a familiar gesture performed by natives, you decipher it according to your national and cultural tradition, but the gesture may have a completely different meaning than you attributed to it./5; 154/

The study of various means of non-verbal communication (postures, gestures, facial expressions, temporal-spatial organization of communication) will help to understand not only the people around you, but also yourself. Knowing and being able to apply these skills in non-verbal communication, you can easily and pleasantly communicate with other people.

It can be concluded that non-verbal communication as a whole plays a huge role in human interaction, mainly “working” at the subconscious level of the psyche. It is one of the main means of conveying feedback to a communication partner. Non-verbal means are the most important addition to verbal communication, naturally weaving into the fabric of interpersonal communication. Their role is determined not only by the fact that they increase the speech influence on the communicator, but also by the fact that they help the participants in communication to identify each other's intentions and make the communication process more open./8; 6-8/

Unfortunately, despite the importance of body language in life, many people today are still unaware of the existence of body language. At the same time, the problem of perception and psychological interpretation of non-verbal behavior belongs to the problems with a long history.

Philosophers, psychologists, physicians, linguists, and art critics addressed the problem of non-verbal communication at various times. For thousands of years, this problem has been overgrown with scientific and pseudoscientific facts. Aristotle, for example, is considered one of the pioneers of non-verbalism as a science of gestures. Supporters of his school believed that by the general expression and some facial features one can recognize the character of a person, assess the level of his abilities. Before Aristotle, Pythagoras was engaged in nonverbalism. Consistent conductors of his ideas in the area under consideration were prominent ancient scientists, outstanding physicians Celsus and Galen. And the largest Roman thinker and orator Cicero taught speakers to gesticulate correctly. The very first dictionary of gestures belonged to the Roman rhetor Quintilian (I century BC).

In the Middle Ages, certain views of non-verbal scientists were shared and improved to one degree or another by Ibn Sina and a number of leading alchemists. In the Renaissance - John Duns Scotus and Leonardo da Vinci, in the XVI-XVIII centuries - Francis Bacon and the unsurpassed non-verbal, Swiss priest, poet and artist Johann Gaspard Lavater. In his essay “The Art of Knowing People by Physiognomy”, he made practically the first scientific attempt to systematically study expressive movements. In the 16th century, the outstanding German surgeon Paracelsus also used mimic criteria in his practice, although his ideas did not receive any widespread. In 1664, John Baliver published two books on human sign language: Chirology, or Natural Sign Language and Chironomia, or the Art of Rhetoric of the Hands. In these books, the first tables known in European countries were compiled with the systematization of signs of expressive gestures.

A classic example of understanding the role and significance of gestures, facial expressions, intonation in people's lives can be considered the work of Jean-Baptiste Dubos - the French philosopher-educator of the 18th century - "Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting", where the author comes to the conclusion that science has long existed "mute", which, without opening her mouth, speaks with her hands and some body movements.

The most influential work by the beginning of the 20th century was Charles Darwin's "The Expression of Emotions in Humans and Animals", published in 1872. It stimulated modern research in the field of "body language". Since the publication of this work, scientists have discovered and registered more than 1000 non-verbal signs, and many of Charles Darwin's ideas and his observations are recognized today by researchers around the world.

A serious study of "bodylingwidge" since the late 70s. In the 20th century, the Australian scientist Allan Pease, who is a recognized expert in the psychology of human communication and the author of a methodology for teaching the basics of communication, began to study.

In our country, the study of non-verbal means of human communication was started in the 60s. in the works of B.A. Uspensky and T.M. Nikolaeva, later continued by O.S. Akhmatova, I.N. Gorelov, A.A. Kapnadze, E.V. Krasilnikova, G.A. Kovaleva, V.A. Labunskaya, A.A. Leontiev and other scientists.

Thus, the above facts indicate that the non-verbal aspect of communication has been studied to a certain extent, although to this day there are quite a few "white spots" in it. Scientists really and systematically began to study the problems of non-verbal communication in a serious way only from the 60-70s. XX century. The literature mainly presents only fragmentary data on the history of the development of this problem, which makes it impossible to trace the dynamics of the development of scientific research in the field of non-verbalism to a certain extent, to identify the main stages. But every year, scientists become more and more convinced of how significant non-verbal means are in the course of human interaction. / 18; 10-14/

1.3 Non-verbal communication in the aspect of teacher's pedagogical activity

Communication is a necessary and special condition for the child to appropriate the achievements of the historical development of mankind. The interaction between the student and the teacher consists, first of all, in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive and affective-evaluative nature. And the transfer of this information is carried out both verbally and through various means of non-verbal communication.

When communicating with students, the teacher receives a significant part of the information regarding their emotional state, intentions, and attitudes towards something not from the words of the students, but from gestures, facial expressions, intonation, posture, gaze, manner of listening. Gesture, facial expressions, glance, posture are sometimes more expressive and effective than words.

Non-verbal aspects of communication play a significant role in regulating relationships, establishing contacts, and largely determine the emotional atmosphere and well-being of both the teacher and the student.

The means of non-verbal communication are always appropriately involved in the course of the educational process, despite the fact that, as a rule, the teacher is not aware of their significance. In addition, the gesture has the property of “making the secret clear”, which the teacher should always remember./3; 10/

The nature of the teacher's gestures from the first minutes creates a certain mood in the classroom. Communication between students and the teacher begins from the moment he appears in the classroom. Everything is important: how he entered, how he moves, how he flips through the pages of a magazine, how he holds a book. The teacher has not yet said a word, but he has already informed the children about his attitude towards them, about his mood and well-being. After all, you can enter the class abruptly and throw a magazine on the table with a flourish, or you can do the same calmly and respectfully. If the teacher's movements are impetuous and nervous, then as a result, instead of being ready for the lesson, a state of intense expectation of trouble arises. / 14; 11-14/

Gestures also play an important role in ensuring the attention of students, which is the most important condition for effective learning. It is the gesture, the emotional richness of which, as a rule, attracts the attention of the audience, that has significant potential for focusing the attention of listeners. Among the means of organizing attention, almost every teacher actively uses such gestures as pointing gestures, underlining gestures, etc.

No less important in the use of gestures is such a function as the activation of various cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking and imagination. Gestures can illustrate the teacher's story, they can be used to activate visual perception, memory, visual-figurative thinking.

The joint activity of the teacher and students involves not only the influence of the teacher, but also the obligatory feedback. It is with the help of a gesture that the teacher often “turns on” it (an interrogative nod of the head, inviting gestures, etc.), increases its intensity (gestures of approval, evaluation), or ends the contact. Gestures in combination with other non-verbal means of communication are used by the teacher to ensure the assessment and control of students' activities.

Thus, one cannot ignore the importance of gestures in pedagogical communication. With their help, you can convey information, draw children's attention to some important point, activate mental processes, "turn on" feedback, provide emotional comfort in the lesson./18; 15 / But in order for the teacher to correctly “read” and apply expressive movements, he needs to know the classification of the main elements of non-verbal behavior. What components should be paid attention to during communication? In the psychological and pedagogical literature, there are various approaches to the problem of classifying non-verbal means of communication. Let's consider some of them.

It is generally accepted to classify non-verbal means of communication according to sensory channels. One of such classifications is presented in the article by M. Bityanova./3; 2-15/ She is, in particular, among the most popular in communication modern people communication systems separates optical and acoustic. The optical system includes appearance and expressive human movements - gestures, facial expressions, postures, gait, etc. An analysis of the relevant literature makes it possible to attribute to the optical system such a specific form of non-verbal human communication as eye contact. The acoustic system represents various qualities of the communicator's voice (timbre, pitch, loudness), intonation, speech rate, phrasal and logical stresses. No less important, as M. Bityanova notes, are various inclusions in speech - pauses, coughing, laughter, and so on. In addition to these two most important systems, a person, according to M. Bityanova, uses in communication such a system as the kinesthetic system - touch, the informational value of which is mainly related to such parameters as force, pressure.

A.A. Leontiev proposes to classify non-speech components of communication into several types depending on their role in the communication process: “search” components taken into account by the speaker and listener in the orientation preceding communication; signals used to correct already established communication; regulators, divided into signals coming from the listener and confirming understanding, and signals coming from the communicator (the speaker) and "requesting" listeners for understanding; modulation of communication, that is, the reaction of the speaker and listeners to changes in the conditions of communication./12; 45/

Allan Pease distinguishes between pointing, emphasizing (reinforcing), demonstrative and tangent gestures./20; 18/ Pointing gestures are directed towards objects or people in order to draw attention to them. Emphasizing gestures serve to reinforce statements. Decisive importance is attached to the position of the hand. Demonstrative gestures explain the state of affairs. With the help of touch gestures, they want to establish social contact or receive a sign of attention from a partner. They are also used to weaken the meaning of statements.

A. Pease also distinguishes between arbitrary and involuntary gestures. Arbitrary are movements of the head, arms or hands that are made consciously. Such movements, if made frequently, may turn into involuntary gestures. Involuntary are movements made unconsciously. Often they are also referred to as reflex movements. As a rule, they are congenital (defensive reflex) or acquired./20; 19/

E. Petrova offers a classification of non-verbal components of everyday communication:

1. Gestures-symptoms that perform the function of self-expression: they express a state, a process; modal (express the subject's assessment of someone).

2. Gestures-regulators perform the regulatory and communicative function of influencing a partner.

3. Gestures-informers perform an informative and communicative function./18; 25/

In more detail we will consider the classification proposed by V.A. Mizherikov and T.A. Yuzefavicius /13; 192-193/, since it classifies the non-verbal means of communication used by teachers and shows the role of individual components in pedagogical communication:

1. Expressive and expressive movements - the visually perceived behavior of the teacher, where posture, facial expressions, gesture, visual interaction play a special role in the transmission of information:

Pose - the position of the body, which is divided into postures of open and closed type. It has been established that the closed postures of the teacher (when he tries to close the front of his body and take up as little space as possible in space; the “Napoleonic” standing posture: arms crossed on the chest, and sitting: both hands rest on the chin, etc. ) are perceived as poses of distrust, disagreement, opposition, criticism. An open posture (standing: arms open with palms up; sitting: arms outstretched, legs extended) is perceived as a posture of trust, consent, goodwill, psychological comfort. All this is perceived unconsciously by the students./22; 14/

Mimicry is a contraction of facial muscles that change facial expression and signal human states. This includes a smile, movements of the lips, eyebrows and nose (!). The mimic side of communication is extremely important - sometimes you can learn more from a person's face than he can or wants to say, and a timely smile, an expression of self-confidence, a disposition to communicate can help in establishing contacts./22; 230-231 / The almost infinite variety of facial movements and their combinations enables the teacher to express his emotional state and attitude towards a particular student, his answer or deed: to reflect interest, understanding or indifference, etc. A number of studies show that students prefer teachers with a friendly facial expression, with a high (but not overestimated) level of external emotionality. In addition, with a motionless or invisible face of the teacher, up to 10-15% of information is lost. / 13; 192/

Gesture (in the narrow sense) - hand movements that can clarify a thought, enliven it, in combination with words, enhance its emotional meaning, contribute to better perception. Gestures, in turn, are divided into:

o Pointing gestures (with a finger or a pointer) are often seen as aggressive and superior gestures, although they are most often used as gestures that reinforce information or orient the learner in an educational setting.

o Interlocked fingers - a gesture of tension, which is considered undesirable in the course of pedagogical communication.

o The use of hidden barriers (with the help of objects, a table, etc.) - gestures of protecting the teacher from undesirable influences from the environment, seeking support in case of self-doubt.

o Hands at the sides (rest against the waist) - a gesture, pressure on children, dominance and aggressiveness.

o When listening to answers, the index finger (palm) props up the cheek - a gesture of a critical, negative attitude towards the interlocutor, the information that he reports.

o Knocks on the table - an expression of discontent, rage, anger.

o Leans on a table, a chair with his hands - gestures expressing a certain degree of dissatisfaction with the situation, the search for support to give self-confidence.

o Descriptive-pictorial gesture (with hands) - gestures that help to describe a particular object, process, phenomenon, that is, gestures that complement verbal information.

o Covering the mouth, rubbing the ear, eyes are gestures of self-doubt.

Visual interaction - eye contact, gaze. The eyes are the most important expressive element of the face, and of the entire external appearance of a person. The eyes directed at us testify, at least, to the attention and interest shown to us, albeit sometimes short-term and insignificant. / 22; 242/ Children are very sensitive to the look of the teacher. Accompanying the teacher's remarks with a glance negatively affects the child's condition, interferes with maintaining contact. The teacher, looking at the respondent, makes it clear that he hears the answer. Looking at the class, the teacher draws the attention of all other children to the respondent. / 13; 192/

According to research, the most accurate information about a person’s condition is transmitted with the help of the eyes, and it’s all about the pupils. Their contraction and expansion are beyond conscious control. The angry, gloomy state of the teacher makes the pupils narrow, his face becomes unfriendly, the students feel discomfort, the efficiency of work decreases./13; 193/

2. Takesicheskie means of communication - stroking, touching, shaking hands, patting. Science has proven that this component is a biologically necessary form of stimulation, especially for children from single-parent families, with whom the teacher replaces the missing parent. But only the teacher who enjoys the trust of the pupils has the right to do this. / 18; 10/ In a civilized society, touching another person is due to a number of social norms and restrictions, and therefore is a rather rare element of communication, although it is very expressive. /22; 190/ The general function of touch is to enhance contact, focusing attention on the emotional personal side.

3. Proxemic means of communication - the orientation of the teacher and students at the time of learning and the distance between them. The norm of pedagogical expediency of the distance is determined by the following distances:

personal communication between the teacher and students - from 45 to 120 cm;

official communication in the classroom - from 120 to 400 cm;

public speaking in front of an audience - from 400 to 750 cm.

Without a doubt, the spatial factors of communication are used by any teacher, intuitively choosing the optimal distance from the audience. He can use spatial proximity to strengthen more trusting relationships with students, but be careful at the same time, since excessive proximity to the interlocutor is sometimes perceived as an attack on the person, looks tactless. / 18; eleven/

So, in this paragraph, the importance of non-verbal means of communication in the professional activities of a teacher and several approaches to the classification of non-verbal means of communication that a teacher needs to know in order to effectively use sign language in the pedagogical process were considered. Particular attention is paid to the classification of V.A. Mizherikov and T.A. Yuzefavichus, in which the non-verbal components used by teachers in their pedagogical activity are taken as a basis.

Conclusions on the first chapter

No activity of people can be carried out without their interaction. It is the most important condition for successful collaboration. In education and training, important types human activity, communication plays an invaluable role, since the whole process of transferring accumulated experience from generation to generation is impossible without it. Nowadays, more and more psychological and pedagogical literature addresses the problem of communication in pedagogical activity, where high level The development of the teacher's communication skills is one of the main professional requirements. It is not enough for a teacher to simply know the basics of science and methods of educational work for successful interaction with children. Here, the teacher's ability to communicate and carry out pedagogical interaction is necessary, because only through a system of live and direct communication can all knowledge and practical skills be transferred to students.

Particular attention is paid here to non-verbal means of communication, the serious study of which scientists began to study in detail and systematically only from the 60-70s. XX century. Their role in the pedagogical process, according to modern scholars and teachers, cannot be overestimated. Increasingly, they say that the effectiveness of pedagogical communication and the entire learning process as a whole depends on the degree of development of non-verbal means of communication of a teacher.

Chapter 2

2.1 Findings of teacher monitoring

In order to identify the frequency of use by teachers of non-verbal means of communication in pedagogical activities, a study was conducted. Its essence consisted in the fact that over the course of five lessons there was an observation of the activities of teachers, and along the way, those means of non-verbal communication that were used by them in the process of pedagogical communication were noted.

The role of the contingent was made by 2 teachers of MOUSOSH No. 2 and 19 teachers of the GOU SPO "Osinsky Pedagogical School". Among them: 1 man and 20 women; 16 teachers of humanities and 5 teachers of science (6 teachers foreign language, 6 teachers of social disciplines, such as history, philosophy, ecology and law, 4 teachers of mathematics and computer science, 3 teachers of subjects of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, 2 teachers of Russian language and literature).

The age range of respondents ranges from 22 to 60 years old, i.e. observed as experienced teachers, with a long work experience at school, and young professionals who are just starting their teaching career.

When determining the non-verbal components of communication, the classification proposed by V.A. Mizherikov and T.A. Yuzefavicius was taken as a basis, which was discussed in detail in the previous chapter. 192-193/

The results of the table are reflected in table 2 "The results of observation of the use of non-verbal means of communication in the activities of teachers."

The results of observation of the use of non-verbal means of communication in the activities of teachers

Gesture type

Number of teachers who used this gesture

Number of teachers in percentage (%)

Gestures (hand movements)

Visual Interaction


Open posture

closed posture


From the data given in the table, it can be seen that non-verbal means of communication such as gestures (hand movements), visual interaction and facial expressions predominate in the activities of teachers. These components correspond to rank 2. All respondents use them. And this is not surprising, because the interaction of people is often always accompanied by eye contact, gestures and facial expressions, and in the activities of teachers, the obligatory possession of these non-verbal components is also a professionally significant requirement./11; 111/

Rank 3 is occupied by proxemics - it was used by 90.4% of teachers. Indeed, the teacher often has to move around the classroom. Often, but not always. It depends on the form of the lesson (compare: a lecture and work in groups, where the teacher has to move from one group to another). In fact, proxemics should be present in every lesson. According to the observations of E.A. Petrova, the zone of the most effective contact in the class is the first 2-3 desks. It is the first desks that fall into the personal zone of the teacher throughout the lesson. The rest of the students are at a public distance from the teacher (according to the classification of V.A. Mizherikov and T.A. Yuzefavichus). If the teacher freely moves around the classroom, then he, changing the distance in relation to the students, achieves proxemic diversity and equality in communication with each child. / 18; 12/

4th and 5th ranks are occupied by open and closed poses. They are used by 85.7% and 81% of teachers, respectively. At the same time, it should be noted that such a non-verbal means of communication as a posture is always used by teachers, due to their professional activities. The teacher is constantly in the field of view of the students and takes one or another pose. Depending on the teacher's temperament and psychological state, he may use both open and closed postures, or may use both alternately./22; 122 / According to the data in the table (namely: 81% of teachers used a closed type posture), it can be concluded that either all teachers who used this non-verbal component, phlegmatic and melancholic, and isolate themselves from others using a closed type posture, for them is just mental feature of their temperament, or the teachers experienced discomfort during the lessons. However, the "closed posture", regardless of the reasons for its use, is a non-verbal means that should not be in the classroom. It was previously mentioned that the closed posture is perceived by students as a posture of criticism, distrust and dissatisfaction, which is one of the reasons for the presence of emotional tension in the lesson./22; 14/

The most rarely used non-verbal component of communication is the takesic component. It was used by 19% of respondents, which corresponds to the 6th rank. There is nothing surprising. In modern society, this gesture has a number of norms and restrictions, therefore it is a rarely used element of communication./22; 190 / But in pedagogical activity it is one of the most expressive means of communication. So, stroking the head of a naughty or offended, sometimes you can achieve more than all other means combined. But only the teacher who has managed to build a trusting relationship with students has the right to do this./18; 10 / Therefore, in order to achieve psychological comfort in the classroom, the teacher needs to carefully build his relationship with the children, based on mutual respect and understanding.

Thus, after analyzing the data obtained during the observation, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. In their pedagogical activity, absolutely all teachers use one or another non-verbal means of communication, which indicates that non-verbal communication takes place in pedagogical activity and, moreover, is a significant element of pedagogical communication.

2. Among all non-verbal means of communication, facial expressions, eye contact and gestures are the most used, which is a natural phenomenon in the pedagogical process, where communication plays an important role.

3. Also, some teachers use such non-verbal means that it is desirable to avoid in pedagogical communication, for example: a closed posture, which is perceived by students as a posture of discontent, distrust and irritation.

4. There are also such non-verbal components, the use of which is necessary in the pedagogical process, but, according to our study, they are the most rarely used non-verbal means. Thus, only one-fifth of the respondents used the tactical component, despite the fact that it is one of the most expressive non-verbal components of communication.

5. The problem of the use of non-verbal means of communication by teachers in their professional activities is on the face: it is necessary to pay more attention to those non-verbal components that are professionally significant for the teacher, and work to eliminate those non-verbal components, the use of which negatively affects pedagogical communication.

2.2 Student Test Results

According to the results of monitoring the activities of teachers given in the previous paragraph, we came to the conclusion that the problem of the use of non-verbal means by teachers, so necessary in pedagogical communication, does exist. Most likely, one of the reasons for this problem is that teachers are simply unaware of the importance of non-verbals in teaching and the importance of developing their non-verbal means of communication. After all, no attention was paid to this aspect before, and teachers were simply not taught this. What is the situation now? Do students who are pursuing a teaching profession know about the existence of sign language and are they sufficiently developed in it?

In order to find an answer to the above question, testing was carried out. Students preparing to become teachers were asked to answer the questions of the test, which allows to determine to what level - low, medium or high - the degree of development of their non-verbal means of communication can be attributed.

A low level is characterized by a complete misunderstanding by a person of the language of gestures and facial expressions, difficulties in correctly evaluating others. The problem is not even the lack of the necessary abilities of these people - they simply do not attach importance to nonverbalism. Such people need to develop observation and pay more attention to the small gestures of others.

People with an average level of development of non-verbal means of communication are those who enjoy watching others. They are good at interpreting facial expressions and gestures, but they still do not know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build relationships with others. Such people tend to take literally the words they say and are guided by them. Here it is necessary to develop intuition and rely more on sensations.

With the development of non-verbal means at a high level, people have excellent intuition, the ability to understand other people, and observation. But they sometimes tend to rely too heavily on gestures and facial expressions, forgetting the meaning of words.

As a test, the diagnostics "What do facial expressions and gestures tell you?", presented in the book by Sergei Stepanov "Language of Appearance", was used. /22; 15/ The full text of the methodology is in Annex 2(..)

The students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses of the SEI SPO "Osinsky Pedagogical School" acted as a contingent. A total of 110 people were included in the study. Among them: 39 1st year students, 35 2nd year students, 16 3rd and 20 4th year students; 67 representatives of the foreign department, 16 students of the specialty educator, 17 - departments of computer science teachers and 20 future teachers of mathematics. Thus, both first-year students and graduate students participated in the survey.

Testing took place from March to April 2008.

The test results are presented in table 3 "The results of testing students to determine their level of development of non-verbal means of communication" and the figure 1 of the same name.

The results of testing students to determine their level of development of non-verbal means of communication

The level of development of non-verbal means of communication

The number of students with a given level of development of non-verbal means

Number of students as a percentage (%)

1st Border

2nd Border

The results of testing students to determine their level of development of non-verbal means of communication (as a percentage, %)

After analyzing the data given in the table and diagram, one can see that the level of development of non-verbal means of the majority of students - 69.9% - is characterized as average. In principle, this level is the norm for modern society. Many people know about the existence of sign language and pay attention to the facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor when communicating, but often they do not realize the importance of non-verbals and do not use their knowledge and skills to establish contacts with others and improve relationships. For students, having an average level is enough to communicate normally, but for the implementation of pedagogical communication, where the development of non-verbal means of communication is one of the professional requirements, a higher level is needed. Unfortunately, only 2.8% (!) of respondents have this level. This means that only one out of thirty-seven students has non-verbal means of communication developed to the proper degree.

Even more upsetting is the fact that there are students with a low level of development of non-verbal means of communication. There were 4.5% of such students. The percentage is relatively low, but it suggests that subsequently these future teachers will have difficulties not only with the implementation of their professional activities, but also with interpersonal communication as such. The situation can be corrected by making great efforts for this.

It should be noted that we additionally identified two boundary levels between low and medium and medium and high levels.

The first boundary level included students whose development of non-verbal means is only 1-3 points higher than the low level. Such students - 14.5% of them - need to be paid Special attention, since their level is characterized as close to low. The level of development of non-verbal components in 8.2% of respondents belongs to the second borderline level. Their level is close to high, but not yet high. Therefore, such students should not relax. It is necessary not to stop there and work to improve your level.

So, after analyzing the test results of students receiving the specialty Teacher, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Most of the students have an average level of development of non-verbal means of communication, which itself is the norm in our society, but not enough for pedagogical communication.

2. Only three (!) out of one hundred and ten respondents have non-verbal means of communication developed at the proper level, and another nine students have a level close to high.

3. There are students whose level of development of non-verbal means is too low not only for professional pedagogical, but even for simple communication with others.

4. We are faced with the problem of insufficient development of non-verbal means of communication among students preparing to get a teaching profession, in which knowledge of the basics of non-verbalism and the ability to effectively use sign language are one of the main requirements. Thus, in pedagogical educational institutions, it is necessary to pay more attention to the importance of the role of the non-verbal component of communication in the pedagogical process and start working on its development among future teachers.

2.3 Summaries of classes to increase the level of development of non-verbal means of communication of students

Based on the analysis of the results obtained in the course of monitoring the activities of teachers and testing students, we have identified the problem of the non-verbal aspect in pedagogical communication. Its essence lies in the fact that in our time we can talk about the insufficient development of non-verbal means of communication so significant for the learning process among teachers, as well as students receiving the specialty Teacher. In particular, it has been noted that teachers quite often use those non-verbal means that cannot be used at all when communicating with children. Conversely, some gestures that are expressive in terms of pedagogical impact are the most rarely used among teachers. As for students, most of them do not have a level of development of non-verbal means of communication sufficient for the implementation of the pedagogical process. Moreover, the level of some students is so low that it will be difficult for them to even just communicate with others. Thus, in pedagogical educational institutions, it is necessary to pay more attention to the importance of the non-verbal component of communication in the pedagogical process and start working on its development among future teachers.

In our opinion, the most optimal way to solve this problem is to conduct a series of classes within the framework of the optional course "Culture of Communication" aimed at developing a non-verbal component in communication among students. The purpose of the course: the formation, improvement and development of communication skills. This paper presents the abstracts of the lessons of the second section "Non-verbal communication". The objectives of the section: to familiarize students with the theoretical aspects of non-verbalism as a science of gestures, the formation of students' interest in the material being studied and the development of non-verbal communication skills. These lessons are presented below.

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Art is the only way developed by the history of culture to model society itself. About the forms of human communication, art in general allows us to learn more than science can give. Art has the ability to establish communication between the perceived artistic images and the listener, the viewer. Listening and studying musical works, the child perceives artistic images and becomes a participant in this communication. Thus, art acts as a way of educating the spiritual world of the individual. Antoine de Saint-Exupery's words about "the luxury of human communication" are often cited. But communication in the classroom between a teacher and a student is not only a luxury, but also an indispensable necessity.

Verbal communication is communication through speech.

Non-verbal communication - does not use sound speech, but facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, direct sensory or bodily contacts act as means of communication. These are tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person.

The use of non-verbal communication techniques in the classroom contributes not only to a deeper understanding of the educational material, to activating the attention of students, but also contributes to the development of the child's communication capabilities, as a result of which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up wider opportunities for personal development. It is widely known that during the first twelve seconds of communication when meeting, non-verbal signals account for approximately 92% of the total amount of information received.

In the studies of A.A. Gorelov, E.A. Petrova and others, various classifications of non-verbal means of communication were developed, which include all body movements, intonation characteristics of the voice, tactile impact, spatial organization of communication.

1. The main components of non-verbal communication.

1.1. Spatial structure of communication.

One of the first to describe the norms of approaching a person to a person was the American anthropologist E. Hall:

- intimate distance (from 0 to 45 cm) - communication of the closest people
- personal (from 45 to 120 cm) - partnerships of people of equal social status
- social (from 120 to 400 cm) - formal communication. For example, boss and subordinate
- public (from 400 to 750 cm) - when speaking in front of an audience

1.2. The relationship between interlocutors.

- position face to face, opposite each other - indicates a tense and aggravated relationship
- the position "the interlocutors sit side by side" - indicates cooperation, friendship

1.3. Mimic.

Facial expressions play a special role in the transmission of information. The face is the main source of information about the psychological state of a person, since mimic expressions are controlled consciously many times better than the body. It is a well-known fact that up to 10-15% of information is lost when the teacher's face is fixed.

There are six basic emotional states - joy, anger, fear, surprise, disgust and sadness. In the mimic expression of these states, all facial muscle movements are coordinated. The main load is on the eyebrows, the area around the eyes and the look itself. Psychologists note that the direction of gaze in the process of communication depends on individual differences, the content of communication and on the previous development of these relationships. When a person forms a thought, he most often looks to the side, when the thought is ready - at the interlocutor.

Visual contact indicates a disposition to communicate. You noticed that the students are looking at you attentively - an indicator of interest in the lesson, a good attitude towards you and what you say and do. And vice versa. With the help of the eyes, the most accurate signals about the state of a person are transmitted, since the expansion and contraction of the pupils are not amenable to conscious control. For example: the student is interested, in high spirits, his pupils expand four times. On the contrary, an angry, gloomy mood causes the pupils to constrict.

1.4. Pose.

- “Closed” (a person tries to close the front of the body and take up as little space as possible in space) - means distrust, disagreement, opposition, criticism.
- “Open” (standing - arms open with palms up; sitting - arms outstretched, legs extended) - trust, consent, goodwill, psychological comfort.

1.5. Gestures.

(Farewells, greetings, attracting attention, affirmative, negative, gestures of trust, confusion)

With the intensification of experiences, the number of gestures increases, and general fussiness arises.

1.6. Voice.

- High voice - enthusiasm, joy.
- A soft, muffled voice - grief, sadness, fatigue.
- Slow speech - depression, grief or arrogance.
- Fast speech - excitement, anxiety, experiencing personal problems.

So, the teacher needs to be able not only to listen, but also to hear the intonation of the child, the strength and tone of the voice, the speed of speech. This will help to understand the feelings, thoughts, aspirations of the students.

1.7. Tactile influences.

These include handshakes, pats, touches, kisses, etc. More than other non-verbal means, they serve as an indicator of role relations. It is difficult to imagine the communication between the teacher and students only with the help of words. Gesture, facial expressions, look, posture sometimes make a stronger impression than words. The American psychologist F. Selzhe believed that during a conversation, the importance of words is only 7%, intonation - 38%, and gestures and facial expressions - 55%.

The problem of non-verbal communication has been considered in psychology since recent times. H. Mikkin, I.N. Gorelov, A. Pease, and others. It is also relevant for the modern school and is part of pedagogical communication. An analysis of the literature shows that non-verbal behavior:

- enhances the emotional richness of what was said;

- is an indicator of role relations;

- creates an image of a teacher and a student;

- maintains an optimal psychological climate in the classroom.

2. Pedagogical communication.

Sh.A. Amonashvili called pedagogical communication- "whale", on which all education rests. Thus, exactly the concept of pedagogical communication allows you to more comprehensively characterize the structure, functions, tasks, etc.

To date, under pedagogical communication understand the system of techniques and skills of interaction between a teacher and a student, the content of which is the exchange of information, knowledge of the individual, organization of relationships. The teacher acts as an activator of the educational process, organizes it and manages it.

Pedagogical communication presupposes the presence of certain skills of the teacher:

- to correctly and quickly navigate in the changing environment of the lesson;

- to correctly carry out speech influence;

- quickly find communication means corresponding to the individual characteristics of the student;

One of the authors of social psychology A. Maslow attributed the need for contacts, love, recognition to the primary human needs. The need for emotional support and personal self-affirmation is experienced not only by students. The teacher also needs the approval of the children, a clear recognition of authority on the part of the students. According to Sh. Amonashvili, the teacher needs the protection of his pupils even more than they need his patronage.

An indicator of successful communication between the teacher and students in the classroom is a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom, an atmosphere of creativity and mutual cooperation.

The basic component of pedagogical communication is professional morality, which manifests itself in respect for the dignity of each child, his personal uniqueness. Music teacher communication culture , his artistry, creative originality stimulate students to experience emotional satisfaction, a sense of beauty.

Undoubtedly, the success of pedagogical communication in a music lesson is due to the mastery of the individual expressive capabilities of the teacher: mimic, gestural, pantomime, speech, vocal. The need to own one's voice was also pointed out by A.S. Makarenko: “You can become a teacher only when you learn twenty-six ways to say “come here”.

I.A. Rydanova in her book “Fundamentals of Pedagogy of Communication” notes that all teachers can be divided into three groups according to the nature of their speech. The speech of some is ordinary and, as they say, you can listen to it. The speech of others is so unpleasant in terms of voice that it is impossible to listen to it. The speech of the third is so melodic, expressive, that it is impossible not to listen to it. Based on the characteristics of the teacher's speech activity, it depends on the sonority, speed, intonation and timbre of the voice.

For a music teacher, an important characteristic is a correctly delivered singing voice with a pleasant coloring, flight, sound volume, and a sufficient range. After all, the main method of teaching vocal art is a show. Incorrect vocal performance, clamped sound, incomplete volume with a nasal overtone is unacceptable. The ability of a music teacher to perform a song with a set voice, flowing sound, brightly colored timbre activates the attention of students, attracts them to vocal and choral activities in the lesson. Indeed, experience shows that in a music lesson, in addition to assessing the personality and knowledge of the teacher, an important role is played by the assessment of the teacher's singing voice by the children. If the voice is clear, beautiful, rich in overtones, has a wide range, the sound of such a voice attracts students, activates the desire to repeat after the teacher. That is why it is generally easier for teachers who have a good singing voice to work at school.

The sound of the teacher's speech depends not only on the natural features of the vocal apparatus, but also on the emotional state. Sadness gives the voice a muffled sound, joy - ringing. A music teacher, like no one else, should be able to control the pitch of his voice, create a melodic pattern of speech, its “music”. The sound of a voice also depends on its expressiveness within a single word and within a phrase.

When talking about music, the teacher likens his speech to it, using pauses, lexical accents, rhythm and tempo, separating semantic pieces, drawing attention to the main thing. Researchers distinguish allegro - speech, presto - speech, ritenuto - speech. Such qualities of speech as articulation and diction depend on speed. When choosing the speed of speech, the teacher must take into account the age characteristics of children: a younger student will learn the material if 40-60 words sound per minute, a teenager 60-100, a high school student 80-120.

Voice dynamics is an important tool in pedagogical communication. For example, by raising and strengthening our voice at the beginning of each phrase, we keep the initiative in communication, change the intonation palette of influence in the same way that a monotonous presentation of the material reduces the perception of the child.

The teacher communicates with students not only when he speaks or sings in a music lesson, but also when he is expressively silent. The teacher's often prolonged silence can be a good disciplinary tool for a noisy class. As a non-verbal signal, silence can mean:

- lack of mutual understanding;
- consent or disagreement to perform an action;
- to attract attention;
- giving weight to the subsequent statement.

The expressiveness of speech depends on the teacher's skillful use of non-verbal means of communication - facial expressions, gestures, pantomime. They enhance the impression of sounding speech, save lesson time, add semantic shades, allow you to highlight the main thing. It is on expressive means that artistic languages ​​​​are based - acting, musical, choreographic . All motor skills of the face, hands and body are united by the concept of “gestures”. Their importance in pedagogy cannot be overestimated. Being a physical expression of the teacher's efforts, gestures give him some inner satisfaction with the labor process. The artistry of a music teacher, as an element of mastery, is of great professional importance. Without this, it is unlikely that a musical lesson will acquire an aesthetic character in the field of creativity.

Non-verbal means of communication also include handshakes, hugs, touches, kisses, stroking, pats on the back, shoulder, etc. Such ways of expressing emotions require tact and a special culture. Not every touch of the teacher can be pleasant to the student. Particular care is needed during adolescence.

The face of the teacher also plays an important communicative role in the lesson. The expression of severity, inflexibility, a cold look alarms children, deprives them of openness. The benevolence of the person is conducive to active interaction.

A serious non-verbal function is borne by the teacher's gaze. With a glance, you can announce a vocal introduction, highlight accents, demonstrate disposition, condemnation, irony or bewilderment. A closer look enhances the inspiring effect of the word, and a heavy one alerts and repels. It is known that every child needs visual contact with the teacher, his attention, a personally interested look. But you need to know that a look that lasts more than 10 seconds makes the interlocutor feel uncomfortable.

L.N. Tolstoy described about a hundred varieties of a smile. The teacher needs to understand that mocking, mocking, condescending mimic expression repels children. And vice versa, an open, sincere, cordial smile attracts.

The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in creating the overall impression. Visual appeal, charm make it easier to establish emotional contacts with children, negative perception makes communication difficult. The structure of non-verbal behavior also includes smells - natural and artificial, they are an additional indicator of the teacher's culture. The interlocutor is repelled by smells that testify to bodily neglect, addiction to smoking, abuse of perfumes.

So, among the means of non-verbal communication, the following main components can be distinguished:

- intonation (monotonous - monotonous, changeable - mobile);
- diction - (clear, illegible);
- rate of speech (slow, moderate, fast);
- the timbre of the singing voice (pure , voluminous, beautiful, deaf, flat);
– speech timbre (euphonious, deaf, sonorous);
- facial expressions (static, mobile, expressive);
– eye contact (observed, not observed);
- gesticulation (moderate, restrained, excessive);
- postures (relaxed, constrained, free);
– appearance (aesthetic, non-aesthetic).

Emotions are of great importance in the life of any person. They, to a greater extent than thoughtful speech, show a true attitude to the world around them, to other people. Human emotions are caused by our subconscious, they cannot be faked. Therefore, they are trusted more than ordinary verbal communication.

The culture of using non-verbal means of pedagogical communication reflects the level of teacher's pedagogical skills. You can master the basics of pedagogical communication in the process of professional self-education. Observing the work of master teachers, we notice the perfection of methods of pedagogical influence. An important role here belongs to special skills to mobilize students for cognitive activity, ask questions, communicate with an individual student and the whole class, observe, control their mood, voice, facial expressions, and movement. Pedagogical technique is a set of techniques. Its means are speech and non-verbal means of communication.

The use of non-verbal communication techniques in the classroom contributes not only to a deeper understanding of the educational material, to activating the attention of students, but also contributes to the development of the child's communication capabilities, as a result of which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up wider opportunities for personal development.


  1. Aliev Yu.B. Handbook of a school teacher - musician. – M.; Humanite. Ed. - Center VLADOS, 2000. - 336 p.: notes. - / B-ka teacher of music /.
  2. Amonashvili Sh.A. pedagogical communication. - M., 1989.
  3. Archazhnikova L.G. Profession - music teacher: A book for teachers. - M .: Education, 1984. - 111s.
  4. Gorelov I.N. non-verbal communications. - M., 1980. - 104 p.
  5. Mikkin H.H. The role of communicative movements in interpersonal communication. Abstract Diss. ... k. psycho. n. - M., 1979. - 172p.
  6. Rydanova I.A. Fundamentals of Pedagogy of Communication: (Tutorial). – Minsk: Belarus. science, 1998. - 319s. – Bibliography: p. 317.
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