Corridor design with mirror tiles. Mirror tiles in the interior: design features, photo. double benefit. The place will seem much larger, and the need for an ordinary mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example

In almost any interior there is a place for a mirror in one form or another. The use of reflective surfaces is quite in demand, because they open up great opportunities for the designer. Mirror tiles in the interior is the main technique in expanding a cramped space or to give additional lighting.

Also, one cannot imagine any dressing room, bathroom or hallway without a mirror, since in these rooms it is socially necessary.

Benefits of using

  • Long service life
  • Resistant to moisture and temperature changes
  • Resistant to mechanical and chemical influences
  • Unpretentious in care
  • fire resistant
  • Environmental Safety
  • Has a pronounced decorative effect

Application Disadvantages

  • fragile
  • May darken or become cloudy over time
  • Requires frequent cleaning
  • High cost compared to alternative finishing materials

Production features

Mirror tiles are produced using completely different technologies than the usual ceramic tiles. Often, separate workshops are allocated for its manufacture on the territory of large factories, not to mention the fact that many simply use ready-made mirrors for its processing.

Ceramics are made by firing and pressing a clay base, but making a reflective surface is not so easy. To do this, the tactic of killing gaseous crystalline substances added to the molten glass mass is used. The output is a mirror effect.

Large canvases are subject to cutting into certain sizes based on sketches, and then careful processing of the edges. Beveled mirror tiles are also manufactured at the factory, this is the same edge processing method as grinding or polishing.

The average thickness of the finished product is about 4 mm, and the dimensions are of the correct square shape, with sides of 10-30 cm. All other dimensions are justified by the design intent and can even be made according to the personal data of a particular project.

The edge grinding process can reduce dimensions by up to 2 mm, which is sometimes noticeable in the dimensions of the finished product. Even tiles from one box and, accordingly, a batch can have a difference of several millimeters.

From the photo of the mirror tile, we see that it does not always have a glossy and even surface. Matte on gloss is usually done using the sandblasting technique.

The technology involves transferring a pattern from a pre-made layout to a workpiece using sand at very high pressure. Often you can find products with color design, this can be achieved with the help of painting or photo printing.

An alternative in production is a mirror tile made of polystyrene. But plastic coating not so practical and safe for close contact with a person, although it costs several times cheaper.

Manufacturing technology allows you to give the product any color. The scope of this alternative material significantly lower production too.


When choosing, you should pay attention to some features that can significantly affect the practicality and service life. For example, it is very important high quality glass and its reflectivity. If the package indicates that it is more than 90%, then you can safely use this species in rooms with insufficient lighting.

Like any other tile, mirror has certain moisture resistance parameters. You can get acquainted with them on the packaging of each individual batch. Mirror tiles on the wall in the living room or bedroom require less resistance to moisture than similar ones for the bathroom.

Of great importance is the quality of the masonry, more precisely the tightness and high characteristics of the tile adhesive used, but the initial parameters of the tile itself are certainly important.

Mirror surfaces always require increased care and more thorough and regular cleaning, because dust and stains are so clearly visible on them, especially if we are talking about the bathroom.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the susceptibility to chemical and mechanical damage. Some types of mirror tiles can become cloudy very quickly from contact with acid or alkali, which are found in almost all detergents.

What to pay attention to when installing?

Any type of building material has its own characteristics during the installation process, mirror tiles are no exception. On the contrary, some technical specifications simply oblige to know the conditions of masonry.

The technology of laying tiles on any flat horizontal or vertical surface differs little from the generally accepted for ceramic products.

The process itself is complicated, since the latter have a rough back side, which has certain gaps for quick coupling with the surface. The base must have an absolutely flat surface, the reflectivity and the play of light will easily give out all the surface errors.

As mentioned above, dimensions can be distorted during processing, sometimes they differ by up to 3 mm. To make the masonry symmetrical, you first need to lay out all the tiles from the box on a horizontal surface to get a whole row in width. This will help evaluate appearance and avoid distortion.

The same batch, and in the same package, may have different sizes. It is not worth cutting off the edges yourself and trying to adjust the height, this will lead to a loss in the appearance of the product and make the tile completely unusable.

Products with pronounced deviations in size can be used to decorate corners and edges of surfaces. To fit the mirror tiles at the edges and corners, a special glass cutter is used.

When laying mirror tiles, plastic crosses are also used to help maintain the same gap. In this case, the smaller the distance between the surfaces, the more harmonious and attractive the reflective surface looks.

In work, it is worth using soft fabric materials, this will avoid damage to the edges, in the form of chips and scratches. A reflective coating applied to the back surface can be damaged by an adhesive that is too aggressive, especially if the tile is of poor quality and the adhesive is not at all intended for this purpose.

A damaged surface will greatly affect the appearance of the mirror from the outside, making it unsuitable for further installation and use. It is necessary to glue the tiles on silicone mixtures or liquid nails.

Mirror ceiling tiles require more serious installation. Reflective surfaces on the ceiling are particularly in demand. They help to visually raise the ceiling and give the room even more light and space.

Mirror tiles are very fragile, and their fragments can lead to very serious damage, so it should be mounted on screws, the caps of which are subsequently hidden under special plugs.

Mirror tiles in the bathroom or in the kitchen are used much more often, since these rooms usually have a very modest size. Application mirror panels in bedrooms and living rooms, it is justified by elegance and unique chic, tiles with facets and matte ornaments on the surface look especially attractive.

Modern technologies laser cutting allow you to put absolutely any inscription or pattern on glossy surface, while you should not worry about the appearance of the surface, it is completely safe method that does not cause chips or cracks.

Absolutely any space will receive new opportunities in terms of design decoration, just include a mirror tile in the interior.

Photo of mirror tiles

The photo shows a loft-style living room interior, one of the walls is finished with mirror tiles.

The reflective surface can be applied to almost any material - plastic, foil, ceramic, polymer or metal plates. In addition, the metal can be processed in such a way that it will have a mirror effect without additional coating.

Types of mirror tiles

interior tiles for finishing works with a reflective surface are usually made of either glass or a durable plastic such as polystyrene. There are a wide variety of manufacturing options available:

  • even and smooth surface, such a tile gives almost imperceptible joints;
  • tiles with bevel, it is convenient to mount it;
  • metal effect tiles, for example, golden, silver, chrome or polished bronze;
  • tinted, having a weak shade;
  • ornamented tile (has a pattern obtained by sandblasting);
  • decorative, decorated with drawings or having three-dimensional images or a textured surface.

Interior design features

The main thing when using a mirror surface is to observe a sense of proportion. Too many reflective elements can adversely affect the nervous system. In addition, mirrors located opposite each other create the feeling of a tunnel going to infinity, which has a depressing effect on the psyche.

You can use tiles on two adjacent surfaces, for example, one of the walls and the ceiling. However, in this version it is also better that the tile be different: for example, on the wall it can be patterned, and on the ceiling it can be smooth, but with a touch.

Tip: In the interior, designers recommend combining areas finished with mirror elements so that they differ in the degree of reflection and are at different levels relative to the observer. At the same time, do not forget that light sources, reflected in mirrors, can negatively affect vision and tire. Good decision- the use of frosted lamps or LEDs next to the mirror elements.

The ceiling, lined with mirror tiles, visually rises, increasing the height of the room. However, at the same time, this gives rise to the effect of “inverting” the room, especially if the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling is lined with mirrors. Therefore, usually the mirror surface occupies it only partially. An essential point is also what will be reflected in the ceiling - therefore, to the interior of the room as a whole and to flooring in particular, there are increased requirements.

Visually “raising” the ceiling with the help of mirror tiles makes sense in small rooms; the interior of a large room with high ceilings will look too cold and empty with such a finish.

Less commonly, mirrored floors are used in interiors. It is very important that what is reflected in them does not spoil the interior. In addition, if there is a mirror floor in the apartment, the use of other reflective materials is not recommended. Do not confuse a mirror floor with a "mirror" parquet. The latter is just an ordinary parquet covered with a reflective varnish on top.

Mirror tiles in the interior go well with the usual ones, while the joints between them can be closed with gypsum or wood moldings.

hallway design

The location of mirrors in the entrance area is a convenience requirement. Moreover, it is better if the person is reflected in it completely. Therefore, in the interior of the hallway, the use of mirror tiles on one of the walls would be quite appropriate.

Eastern traditions, in particular, the teachings of Feng Shui, prohibit placing mirrors in front of the entrance, it is believed that in this way they cannot get into the house cash flows. It is better to tile the side walls - it will replace traditional mirror. If the hallway is elongated and narrow enough, you should not lay out the far wall with mirror tiles - the room will seem even longer and narrower, which does not add comfort.

Photo in the living room

If the living room is zoned with a multi-level ceiling, it would be appropriate to finish some of its parts with mirror tiles. Another idea for interior design is to fully tile one of the walls. This will expand the room and emphasize its details.

You can also use the property of mirrors to double nearby objects. Place near the wall, decorated with mirror materials, a few indoor plants- it will seem that there are many more of them. A glass showcase with beautiful crockery placed near a mirrored wall will also "double up".

The photo shows the interior of the living room in classical style, mirror surfaces help to visually enlarge a small space.

Kitchen decoration

Panels made of mirror tiles or mosaics are appropriate both in the interior of the kitchen and in the dining area. Minus: in rooms where food is prepared, all surfaces quickly become covered with fatty deposits, especially if there is no hood, and this coating is especially noticeable.

Bedroom Ideas

In the interior of the bedroom, it is recommended not to use mirror tiles in front of the bed and on the ceiling. Finish one of the front walls or the wall behind the headboard if you want a modern and aesthetic interior. However, for some people, having large reflective details in the bedroom can make them feel awkward, so place a large mirror against the wall first and see how comfortable it is for you.

Children's room

Mirror tiles in the interior of a children's room are out of place - they break quite easily, which can lead to injuries. Instead, you can use self-adhesive film on the ceiling - it will reflect the weak light of the night lamp and create soft diffused lighting for those children who do not like to sleep in a dark room.


In the interior of bathrooms and toilets mirror elements can look very impressive. These are the rooms in which almost the entire surface of the walls can be laid out with it. The only inconvenience is that when using hot water, the tiles fog up.

walk-through zones

A corridor, a passage from room to room or a staircase in a house are not the most illuminated places, so a mirror surface, especially with competent lighting, will be very appropriate. The original version is the design of risers with tiles. In this case, the steps seem to be floating in the air, and the staircase itself is very light.

Photo gallery

With the help of mirror tiles, you can experiment with the design of rooms and decorate the interior in an original way. Below are photo examples of the use of reflective surfaces in rooms for various functional purposes.

The use of mirrors in the interior is great way significantly change the situation, expand the space, make it deeper. And this applies to absolutely any mirror coatings, whether they are full-fledged structures, or decorating with mirror tiles or mosaics. This type of finish has many advantages. It is used in the interior of residential premises, for example, in the design of a bathroom, kitchen or corridor. And also for facing public buildings - trade and entertainment centers, lobby of offices, cinemas, restaurants and other establishments. The article will focus on mirror tiles in the interior.

Mirror surfaces do not require complex maintenance and such products are relatively easy to install, in addition, the characteristics of the tiles allow them to be used for a long service life.

  • Often, mirror tiles are presented in the form of cuts of mirrors of a certain shape. The edges are subject to processing, they become safe, aesthetic. It is possible to make tiles according to custom order, the edges of which will be beveled - a tile with a facet. But it is uncomfortable to perceive one's reflection in it, since it turns out to be fragmentary, partial. However, the material itself becomes more elegant, refined.

Mirror tiles in the interior photo

Features of mirror tiles

Making mirror tiles

  • The production process of mirror tiles is slightly different from the manufacture of ceramic tiles familiar to many (for which the method of pressing clay mass and firing it is used). At factories engaged in the production of mirror tiles, the process of cutting large canvases into individual elements is carried out. required size and planned form.
  • The mirrors themselves are produced by silencing. That is, special compounds are added to the molten glass mass, which are gaseous crystalline substances called silencers. It is they who give finished product mirror shine.

  • The incoming raw material for further processing can have a different thickness, ranging from 4 mm. The standard size of the finished product can vary from 9.5x9.5 cm to 30x30 cm. In this case, usually the shape is chosen exactly square, but it can also be rectangular, diamond-shaped and even triangular. Of course, when making products on an individual order, you can choose any possible parameters.
  • After the tile has been cut, it goes to the workshop for grinding and polishing. An important stage of work is to properly process the edges so that they do not pose a threat to further use. Also, the edge, depending on the developed design, can be polished, matte or with cut bevels (a bevel along the edge of the product, which is decorative in nature). Because of this processing ready product decreases in size by about 1.5 mm from the original parameters. And it is by this value that tiles can differ even in the same batch from each other.
  • In addition, mirror tiles can also be made from a material such as polystyrene. From above, such a product is covered with a plastic layer. hallmark This product is that it is quite easy to cut, and it is also possible to paint in a variety of colors and create embossing on the surface. However, due to the unsatisfactory indicator of environmental safety, it is used a little less often than glass elements.

  • In order to create any pattern on the surface, most often manufacturers use the sandblasting method of stuffing it. That is, at high pressure, sand is supplied to the surface of the glass according to a pre-made template. In this case, the drawing itself will have a matte finish, and the rest of the product will have a glossy sheen. It is also possible to apply images with paint or thermal printing, but such methods do not always allow the surface to remain long years in an unchanged state.

There are 3 main options for creating mirror planes:

  • mirror tiles;
  • mirrored polystyrene boards. They are represented by ordinary polystyrene plates, the front side of which is covered with paint containing the smallest metal particles. Its merits lie in affordable price, ease of installation, and disadvantages in the low quality of reflection, the image is blurry;
  • self-adhesive mirror tiles. This option for creating a mirror decor is the easiest to install. The elements are presented in the form of tiles, consisting of an external mirror layer and an internal one attached to the base. The thickness of the material is only 5mm. For gluing with such tiles, it is necessary to create a perfectly flat surface. The entire installation consists in ridding the inner surface of protective film and applying the material to the base. This material is securely attached to the surface, does not require additional finishing processes. But its cost is much higher than glass tiles.

Advantages and disadvantages of mirror tiles

Positive qualities of mirror tiles:

  • long service life;
  • versatility of application;
  • a variety of design solutions, the surface of the material may have different color solutions(gold, silver, bronze or chrome), be smooth or embossed, and also have inserts (square, in the form of embossing or any stripes and lines), in addition, there is an option in which the upper layer a holographic pattern is applied;
  • has sufficient flexibility, which allows even curvilinear structures (niches, columns, and so on) to be veneered;
  • resistance to fire;
  • resistance to chemicals, including acids and alkalis;
  • high corrosion resistance and moisture resistance;
  • easy care;
  • environmental Safety;
  • visual extension premises;


  • fragility of the product, that is, more careful and careful attitude compared with other finishing materials, since in cases of product damage, there is a high probability of injury;
  • during long-term operation in conditions high humidity, a change in the surface is possible, its darkening, of course, this process can be slowed down and even completely prevented by applying well-functioning ventilation and carefully sealing the seams;
  • high price of products compared to other similar cladding options.

Specifications of mirror tiles

  • The most important parameter can be called high light reflectivity (more than 90%). Due to this indicator, it became possible to fill with light even those rooms where the level of illumination is minimal. It is important to arrange correctly lighting and it doesn't matter how much they are used.
  • The next characteristic is excellent moisture resistance and resistance to chemicals. Also, this parameter affects the value of the resistance of the product to atmospheric phenomena. That is, it is allowed to use tiles in rooms where conditions are far from ideal. In addition, due to the immunity to elements such as ammonia and acid, even chemical detergents based on them can be used to clean the surface.

  • The mirror coating is produced using a special technology, due to which the product does not contain impurities of copper and lead, which are actively used to create a protective layer for household mirrors.

Features of mounting mirror tiles

  • Mirror tiles can be mounted on almost any surface, in particular, they look good on walls or ceilings. There is also such a common option in which mirror-coated tiles are combined with ceramic products. Of course, it will be difficult for an unprepared person to immediately install mirror panels or mosaics, because unlike tiles, in which the back side has a relief or rough surface, this tile has an even and smooth texture.
  • So, in order to start laying tiles, you need to properly prepare the base. It must have almost perfect evenness. After all, any defects will lead to the fact that it will be impossible to achieve a uniform mirror surface. Roughness or waviness will immediately affect the installed product, and this will lead to image distortion. Surface preparation is carried out in exactly the same way as in cases with other cladding methods.
  • When the base is prepared, the tiles should be laid out in the order in which they are planned to be installed. Since not all elements have the same size even in the same batch (differences can be up to 3 mm), this must be taken into account before installation begins. It is also better not to use the edge cutting method, since initially all products have edges processed in a special way, and if they are removed, the appearance will deteriorate noticeably.

  • But if you need to fit the material to size, then use a glass cutter. With it, the tiles are adjusted to the required size and shape. It is necessary to work carefully to prevent the formation of chips and cracks on the material.
  • The first row must be laid horizontally. Between the tiles it is best to leave joints, but no more than 4 mm, this will help maintain the pattern throughout the entire surface. That is, by mounting the products closely, after several rows you can see that the edges no longer match and the whole pattern “floated”.
  • Silicone-based adhesive is applied to the first mirror tile from the back with a spatula. Then the decor element is applied to the place where it will be located, placing it in the outlined borders, pressed to the surface and held for some time, until adhesive composition won't grab.

  • Then a plastic cross is supported on the edge of the tile, the thickness of which corresponds to the desired width of the seam. Too wide seams should not be made, otherwise the integrity of the reflection will be violated. Next to the first element, the next one is placed, etc. In this way, all the panels are laid out. Laying tiles, especially mirror tiles, requires unhurried, measured movements. Mirror elements should only be pressed to the base soft cloth Otherwise, the surface may be damaged, leaving unpleasant scratches or stains.
  • There are several different ways to fix mirror tiles on the walls. First of all, you need to take into account the parameters of the product itself. So if back side opaque, then it can be covered with a mixture of bitumen and sand, but if the product is completely transparent, then it is allowed to use a composition of liquid glass mixed with part of the sand. In general, mirror products can be mounted on silicone solutions or liquid nails, it is important to pay attention that there are no acids in the composition, otherwise unpleasant spots may appear on the front side.
  • Mirror tiles on suspended ceiling fasten with screws. The fastener caps are hidden under chrome-plated plugs. This is a laborious, responsible process, but more reliable. Not a single tile will fall from the ceiling.

  • After the laying is completed and the result is completely satisfactory, the lined surface is left to dry for several days (approximately 2-3 days, depending on the method of gluing). After this period, you should wipe the seams with silicone grout, which does not contain acids. Such a tool is ideal for bathrooms or kitchens, as it does not allow moisture to penetrate between the tiles, which means that the likelihood of dark spots on the front side, decreases.
  • On last step The mirror finish is polished with a soft cloth. This is done after the grout is completely dry. It is important to observe evenness during installation, it is necessary to check each laid row using the building level.

Basic techniques for decorating space

  • Since mirror tiles or panels may have various forms, sizes, as well as design solutions, there are many options for their inclusion in the interior. In any case, glass products are always appropriate in the room and no matter what style was chosen - classicism, baroque, oriental, gothic, antique, hi-tech or even minimalism. For example, artificially aged mirrors are ideal for almost all classic trends.

  • Since the shape of the mirror elements can be different, this can be advantageously beaten in the design. For example, tiles in the shape of a rhombus or a rectangle can expand the space, but at the same time, without becoming the center of the composition. There is also an option in which the large central mirror will be framed by small triangular or square elements. It is no longer easy to cover the surface of a wall or ceiling, it is the art of creating a panel.
  • In general, the panel can be ready-made, that is, the manufacturer independently chooses the shape of the products, what elements they will consist of and in what sequence the installation is required. If this way of creating an interior is not optimal, then you can always compose a composition yourself.

  • The peculiarity of the mirror finish is that it allows you to visually enlarge the space around and make it lighter and more comfortable. Most often in the interior, tiles with facet are used. Due to the beveled edges, this design looks as elegant as possible, while the tile seems almost weightless.
  • The traditional place for laying tiles is considered to be a bathroom or a kitchen room. But this does not mean at all that it is out of place in the living room or in the bedroom. So, if the house has a small room, then to expand it, it is enough to finish the wall opposite the window with mirror tiles. In this case, it is important to take into account that the surface of the mirrors should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which is why it is recommended to install the panel a little higher than the window level. You should not fill large sections of the walls with a mirror, so as not to turn the room from cozy to cold. The mirror should act as an auxiliary tool, an element that hides the shortcomings of the premises.
  • If it is necessary to achieve the opposite effect, that is, narrowing the space, then it is recommended to dilute the mirror elements with other materials, that is, not to use a single canvas. This technique looks great in large living rooms or halls. But if you use it in a small room, you can forget about the harmonious and cozy atmosphere.

  • Another rule is that mirrors should not be installed on two opposite surfaces. That is, when one wall will be displayed in another. This tires the eyes and psyche, therefore, if tiles are required to be on each wall, then it is recommended to mount them at different levels, avoiding mutual reflection.
  • When you need to visually raise the ceiling, then the ceiling mirror coating is best suited for this purpose. Moreover, experts advise using a seamless installation method. In addition, it is important to correctly complement the finish with light sources. There is also such an option, in which only the central part of the ceiling is decorated with mirror inserts, and in the rest of the space there is a multi-level ceiling. Here it is important to correctly calculate the design parameters, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect - a decrease in the height of the room. If decorating the ceiling was not included in the plans, then you can use this solution - decorate the lower part of the room with mirror products. It will also increase the height of the walls and expand the space at the same time.
  • Of course, it is considered more common to decide to decorate a kitchen or bath with a mirror material. Tiles in the kitchen allow you to expand the space, make it more comfortable, bright. Here, mirror elements can be combined with furniture made of glass or with a glossy surface. It is best to decorate only one wall with mirrors, for example, it can be a large panel in the center of the wall, or a kitchen apron. But since drops of fat from cooking food settle on kitchen surfaces, it is worth using smaller tiles for cladding. On solid, large canvases, dirt and grease will be very noticeable.

  • As for the bathroom, it is allowed to use a mirror finish on all walls and even on the ceiling, if the room does not have sufficient lighting. But still, if you completely veneer the room with mirror tiles, then it will turn out to be faceless, cold. It is recommended to make a mirror accent on one of the surfaces. For example, the decor of the mirror strips in the bathroom, placed on the entire height of the walls, looks very original. Attach tiles to moisture resistant drywall behind which all communications are hidden.
  • If there is a large space, then it is recommended to use mirror tiles for the bathroom as an element of decor. That is, to combine it with other materials, for example, a mirror surface in combination with black tiles looks very advantageous. It is important to consider that when combining products of different composition, it is best if they have the same dimensions.

Golden rules for using mirrors in the interior:

  • For visual magnification rooms, wall cladding should be selected in light colors. The tile is placed so that it reflects the window opening;
  • if the mirror plates are framed, then this prevents the room from expanding. The thicker the frame, the smaller the room appears;
  • for finishing with mirror plates, choose the wall that will not create the effect of the presence of strangers. It is best to place mirrors on the side of the entrance, behind the sofa.

Caring for mirror tiles

  • Like any other type of finish, mirror tiles also require regular maintenance. Only timely carrying out certain procedures can maintain the attractiveness of the product and preserve its natural luster. First of all, as a daily activity, surface treatment with plain water is recommended, that is, wiping the mirrors with a slightly damp soft cloth.
  • If stains appear on the front of the products or persistent pollution, then you can use special cleaning products for mirrors or glass. In addition, you can also use folk recipes, for example, to dissolve table vinegar V warm water and wipe the surface with this solution.
  • Of course, it is worth adhering to a number of restrictions. It is forbidden to wipe the mirrors with a hard brush, or preparations that contain abrasive particles. Since such processing will lead to the appearance of scratches, which will not only spoil the appearance, but also become a place for the active reproduction of microorganisms.
  • After the mirror tile has been cleaned with water or liquid products, it is necessary to rub the surface with a soft, dry cloth or cloth. This procedure will restore its brilliance and beauty. In order for products to retain their original appearance for as long as possible, it is necessary to protect the influence of direct sun rays and avoid high humidity. In addition, special protective equipment, creating an antistatic effect on the coating, so the tile will attract less dust and get dirty.

  • The average cost of one tile ranges from 150-500 rubles. The price is determined by the manufacturer, a certain collection, as well as the main parameters (shape, size, color, and so on). But such an investment fully pays for itself with the beauty that a mirror finish can give. Of course, choosing this option for cladding, you should take into account many facts, among which not the last place is given to the illumination of the room. After all, only with the correct arrangement of lamps, you can achieve a truly amazing effect, in which there is an expansion of space and its saturation with light.

Thanks to the mirror tiles, you can turn into reality any design ideas. This product can be used not only for wall or ceiling decoration, but also for decorating niches, furniture, openings, columns, fireplaces and many others. architectural elements. It is important to follow the rule of harmonious combination of the mirror surface with the rest of the interior, and then you can really create the most comfortable conditions.

Glare adds light and optically enlarges the space. For these features, designers value mirror tiles and are often used in home and office decoration. Different formats, configurations allow you to choose a creative finish, decorate walls and ceilings.
At the moment there are:

  • Classic modules with matte edges.
  • Colored tinted.
  • Samples with ornaments obtained by sandblasting.
  • Imitations for expensive and chrome-plated metals.
  • Collections with a relief surface.
Tile with facet, beveled polished ends, appeared on the market not so long ago, but managed to become a sales leader. Edge processing technology gives a special decorative effect. Ovals, squares and rhombuses allow you to non-trivially clad walls and create different effects. The inclusion of crystalline silencers in the composition gives the surface a unique shine.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom

In the functional area, reflective modules are used instead of mirrors. The thinner the edges are processed, the more elegant the finish looks. One wall is laid out in squares with small facets, for the rest, ceramics or stone of the same size are used. In combination with matte tiles, a small room is transformed. A diagonally laid out segment above the sink or a strip next to the bowl is enough to make the room one and a half times larger.
Low walls will “rise” if long bricks are glued near the baseboards, a little shorter in the middle, very small at the top. Transitions are masked with the help of border lines, decorated with the same modules.

Advice! Used in a small space or medium format samples. Large squares visually conceal spatial volumes.

Compared to classic counterparts, mirror tiles:

  • more resistant to chipping;
  • retains shine for a long time;
  • not picky in care.
For a flawless shine, just spray glass cleaner and wipe with a tissue. The surface is inert to alkalis, aggressive detergents. However, if the laying technology is not followed, the edges may darken, so it is better to entrust the lining to the master.

Living room mirror tile design options

Reflective panels are appropriate in the interior of the living room. To enlarge the room, choose a predominantly light range for decoration. The accent wall with decorative squares should be opposite the window opening. When rays are reflected, numerous glare fills the room soft light. Top facing preferred. Then you don’t have to curtain the windows in sunny weather and you can admire the reflection of interior objects. If you decorate the joints with plaster moldings, the room will look elegant.
  • Do not decorate opposite walls. In the "mirror" formed psychological discomfort. To give narrow room additional volume tiles are laid at different levels.
  • Sometimes furniture is lost in a spacious living room with high ceilings. To narrow it down, large-format modules are stacked not in a sheet, but in separate segments.
  • Cabinets with open shelves it is better to put near accent wall. The light reflection will illuminate the trinkets and multiply the quantity.

Advice! There is no need to put massive furniture near the accent wall - the dimensions are doubled, and the room seems crowded.

Faceted squares will decorate columns and niches. With the refraction of rays, they acquire an illusory weightlessness.
The wall with faceted rhombuses and diagonal engraving of the surface looks original. Enough vertical stripe or a horizontal panel to change the interior beyond recognition.
fashion trend- ceilings with a mirror surface framed with gilded baguettes.
Modules are made from:

  • frosted glass;
  • colored or translucent glass;
  • polystyrene boards.
Applying a stencil pattern with bright colors or a monochrome design gives the interior a touch of solemnity. With spot lighting, the effect is greatly enhanced. The living room will be even more transformed if you lay out part of the wall with a mosaic canvas.

Advice! A solid canvas on the ceiling creates the effect of an inverted room. It is better to decorate the central part.

The limited area of ​​​​the corridor can be increased with reflective trim, but this does not mean that the room should resemble a box or a tunnel to infinity.

For the passage room, medium-sized squares are chosen, which decorate the opposite walls in different parts. You can get by with fragmentary decor and frame only mirrors. Accessories in a shiny frame with side lights and a glass clock with a large dial give the interior solemnity. It is important to consider the layout of the devices. Ideally, the devices should be reflected in the glasses. The refraction of the rays will create a beautiful play of shadows and highlights.
It is possible to use the modules on the wall and ceiling at the same time. It is important that the design is different. Samples with a smooth and embossed surface will create a multi-dimensional effect. They are laid out according to the classical scheme and obliquely. A fully lined ceiling, the lower part of the wall will also create the appearance of space.

Advice! An elementary way to decorate a wall yourself is to fix several mirrors with special clips purchased at a hardware store.

Floors from such tiles are laid less frequently. The main thing is that the reflection of interior objects does not irritate. In this case, a similar wall cladding is inappropriate.
The stairs are often located on the side and are not always well lit. Tiled risers create an illusory feeling of steps floating in the air. Turns on in the evening LED Strip Light. Side lights create a sense of depth.

Looking glass in the kitchen

A panel of rhombuses or mosaics is appropriate in the interior of the kitchen and in the dining area. The tile modifies the design and hides the flaws of the repair. A decorated wall, located perpendicular to the window, adds light and scatters the rays around the room. Decorate with mirror mosaic furniture facades and tabletops. With the help of segmental laying, a large space can be delimited into zones.

Sparkling highlights create a festive atmosphere. More often veneered functional areas, stylized as baroque, empire, hi-tech. The finish complements well ceramic tiles, framed by borders and moldings, the wall turns into an art object.
There is a place for a panel in the study and the nursery. Feng Shui can be skeptical, but it is not recommended to decorate in the bedroom mirrored ceilings. If you want to "push" the walls, you can veneer the corners or the upper part at the head. Before you start finishing, you should draw up a design project.

Modern technologies allow you to create new, unique details for design. They give the room a zest and correct the shortcomings of the territory. Mirror tiles in the interior are one of such elements. Reflection of light allows you to visually enlarge the room, increases lighting. Such material is able to radically and positively transform the space.

Mirrored surfaces can radically transform the look of any room.

Mirror tiles in the interior: design features

Some, introducing a mirror surface, forget about the sense of proportion. This leads to a negative result. A large number of such elements adversely affects the nervous system. Opposite mirrors visually form a tunnel. The effect has a depressing effect on the psyche.

Mirror tiles can easily replace a traditional mirror

It is recommended to clad with elements that differ in the degree of reflection. They should be at different levels from the observer. It is better to use LEDs and frosted lamps for lighting next to a similar design. Some lamps, reflected in the surface, are tiring for the eyesight.

Panel of mirror tiles on the ceiling of the living room

If you use the product for the ceiling, it will visually increase the height of the room. However, there will be an inverted effect. Therefore, only part of the area should be covered with the product.

Attention! It is important not only to correctly place the tile, but also to take into account what will be reflected in it.

Take an ordinary mirror and attach it to the area chosen for the placement of the mirror tile. This will help avoid future discomfort.

Reflection of windows in the mirror finish of the fireplace

The design should be taken seriously, carefully choosing the interior. It is better to use the product in small room where visual expansion of borders is required.

Mirror tiles in the interior are rarely used for floors. Using a similar technique, you should exclude other reflective details in the design.

Mirror surfaces on two opposite walls should be avoided

Types of mirror tiles in the interior

There are various types of mirror tiles in the interior. Before making the final choice, you should understand the available options:

  1. Standard. Has a smooth, flat surface. The joints of the product are almost invisible.
  2. With facet. Differs in convenience of installation.
  3. With metallic effect. The surface can be silver, gold or imitating chrome and bronze.
  4. Tinted. Differs in the presence of a weak tone.
  5. With ornament. In production, a sandblasting method is used, which allows to obtain various patterns.
  6. Decorative. In addition to the presence of a pattern, there are three-dimensional drawings or a textured base.

The beveled tiles have angled edges, which increase the decorative value of the composition.

Original doors trimmed with tinted mirror tiles

Using mirror tiles for interior decoration

Mirrors are often used in home decoration. New technologies have made it possible to obtain not an interior detail, but a modern finishing material. Its key value lies in increasing the space and filling the territory with light. Tiles help create spectacular design options. By choosing right kind products, you can get a luxurious look.

Mirror tiles can be used in combination with tiles, and it is not necessary to be limited to standard forms.

In the bedroom, the wall at the headboard is perfect for a mirrored surface.

The advantages of mirror tiles in the interior

The advantages of the material include the following:

  1. tributary additional light and brightness.
  2. You can easily mask irregularities, surface defects.
  3. Elements allow you to adjust the perception of the room. With a certain placement, it is possible to visually narrow or expand the space.
  4. An illusion effect is created.
  5. Differs in wear resistance, quality.
  6. Mosaic is easy to use and maintain.

Mirror tiles help visually increase the size of the room

A well-placed mirror will transform the interior of a dark room.

Types of mirror material for interior decoration

Mirror tiles in the interior can be presented in various variations. It differs in shape, dimensions, processing and installation method. Ready-made panels or piece parts are presented to create an independent picture. Processing of elements is carried out by grinding, facet and polishing. The last option gives the details style. Grinding budget options. Facet is necessary to give volume.

Original mirror panel

Visual effects of mirror tiles

The visual effects arising from the introduction of such cladding include the following:

  1. Expansion or contraction of the territory.
  2. Increasing the amount of light.

This can be achieved with proper design of the area.

The mirror wall will visually expand the narrow corridor

The room will become much brighter

Mirror tiles in the interior of individual rooms

The element is applied indoors for various purposes. They are reflected in the table:

Room Description
Hallway Mirrors in this part of the house are placed for convenience. If the area is small, the reception will make it better. Recommended to tile side walls. For narrow and long rooms, it is worth excluding the placement of elements near the far surface.
Living room When conducting zoning with a ceiling of different levels, you can add such details to the design. Mirror tiles in the interior of the living room can be used to decorate one wall. If you place elements side by side, the surface will double their effect. When the plants are arranged, there will be a feeling that there are more of them.
Kitchen Mosaic or panel is used. Suitable for dining. Work zone The kitchen is a tricky part. A high degree of contamination will negatively affect the reflective surface. You need to spend more time caring for the product.
Bedroom Placement on the ceiling or opposite should be avoided bed. For modern interior it is enough to use the area behind the headboard or the front section of the room.
Children's The area is not suitable for this. finishing material. It hits easily, which increases the chance of injury.
bathroom Looks spectacular. Can't be limited small area distribution. Keep in mind that hot water causes fogging of mirrors.
through sections These areas include stairs, passages between rooms. Natural lighting is not enough. Therefore, it is worth placing a mirror surface and adding a backlight. You can decorate the riser with a product. This will add lightness to the design.

In the interior of the bathroom, mirror surfaces will come in handy

Living room design with mirrored walls or ceiling

The final design depends on the size of the living room. If it is small, it is worth decorating the cabinet doors with mirrors. This will give lightness to the rest of the furniture.

Mirror tiles in the interior can be placed on a small wall. Additionally decorated with molding. Then the solution looks complete.

A wall with mirrors will double the space of the living room

If in the living room low ceiling, decorating it with mirrors will be the best solution

In addition to determining the location of the cladding, it is important to provide a sufficient amount of lighting. It is recommended to place fixtures above reflective details.

Mirror ideas for the kitchen

You can use the cladding for the entire wall or place a panel. In addition, it is recommended to install furniture with a glossy surface. It is worth considering the idea of ​​decorating the kitchen in this way with caution due to the high level of pollution. It is better to choose areas located further from the working area.

The disadvantage of a mirror apron is that the surface will often be covered with drops.

And yet, mirror decor gives the kitchen a special charm

What is the peculiarity of mirror tiles as a decorative material

The key difference of the product lies in its decorative features. The material has many advantages that allow you to solve several problems at once. For a room with surface defects, a small area and a limited amount of natural light, it is perfect.

Mirror composition can become a decisive interior detail

Some doubt the strength of the product, believing that fragility affects wear resistance. Modern features allow you to make an element of high quality and reliability.

Caring for mirror surfaces in the interior

In order for the tile to retain its attractive appearance for a longer time, it is necessary to provide it with competent care. It is easy to wash, and it does not get very dirty. This is due to the benefits:

  • Does not wear off due to friction.
  • Keeps shine for a long time.
  • Doesn't fade under sunlight.
  • No fading.

Miniature mirrors do not require special care

There are products with special coating, allowing long time do not fade.

Shards: how you can use a mirror mosaic

The panel looks like a cluster of many elements different shapes. Attached to the polymer mesh. To decorate a semicircular surface, you should choose a mosaic with small dimensions of the pieces. This will allow you to repeat the existing bends as much as possible.

Mirror mosaic in the bathroom

Kitchen apron made of mirror mosaic is perfect for decorating the kitchen in art deco style

Fragments are used to finish the ceiling, fireplace niche, walls. The product allows you to draw up not completely the entire territory, but only part of the selected area.

From fragments of a mirror you can make a wonderful wall panel

Video on how to stick a mirror panel

Photo: 50 mirror accents

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