Online divination by books. • Virtual divination by books

Denis Podorozhny answers:

Hello Zhanna!

I do not support this practice, and I will explain why.

I can admit that at the very beginning of the Christian path, the Lord can speak in this way to a believer who, in his weakness, seeks an answer from Him in an accidental opening of the Bible. This may be the grace of God for the believer, but it should not be the usual practice for a Christian.

I have heard more than one story when new believers in Christ tried to get an answer from God. When I came to Christ, twice I did the same. The first time - a week before opening your heart to the Lord, and the second time - a month after that. (Then I was a believer for three weeks).

The first of these cases is rather curious. I remember when I was sitting on the couch and listening to music. I had headphones on and a Bible lay next to me (at that moment I was already looking for God, although I was not yet a Christian). A desire came to my heart to know what God thinks of me. I closed my eyes, randomly opened the scripture, and pointed with my finger. It was written there:

"The words of the earphone are like treats, and they enter the inside of the womb"(Proverbs 26:22).

I immediately took off my headphones. I was shocked!!!

How does God know about headphones? Does the Bible say everything? Does God know everything? Does he see ahead?

Now it looks ridiculous and stupid, but then I was very impressed. Only later did I learn that this verse of Scripture is not about electronic device to listen to an audio recording, and that the old Russian word for "earphone" on modern language means "gossip".

Although I was impressed, and the verse was, as they say, "in the subject", I still interpreted the Scripture incorrectly. And this is the essential difference between "finger-pointing" and careful study of the Bible.

Some believe that it is permissible to ask God in this way, because. There are examples in the Bible that God uses chance to reveal His will. An example of this was the practice of casting lots.

The Bible talks a lot about the lot: Aaron chose by lot the goat for the Lord and for the scapegoat (Lev.16:8); Joshua divided the plots of land by lot (Josh. N. 18 ch.); lots were cast for the clothes of Christ (Mt. 27:35). The apostles chose the twelfth instead of Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:26). Also in the book of Proverbs it says: "A lot is cast in the floor, but all its decision is from the Lord"(Proverbs 16:33)

Ecclesiastes writes about the will of chance: "... not the agile get a successful run, not the brave - victory, not the wise - bread, and not the prudent - wealth, and not the skilled - favor, but time and chance for all of them"(Ecc. 9:11).

The above quotations at first glance can convince that through the will of chance God wants to show us His will. It also happens. But this is not the way He directs us. That's why I think so:

1) The practice of casting lots is mainly present in Old Testament. Its use in the texts of the New Testament can only be found in the period before the descent of the Holy Spirit (ie, before Acts 2).

2) After the descent of the Holy Spirit, according to Scripture, any believer can know and seek the will of God. The main methods in this are meaningful obedience to the written Word of God, following the voice of conscience, and the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Here is what Scripture says to Christians: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God"(Rom. 8:14); "But when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak of himself, but he will speak what he hears, and he will announce the future to you"(John 16:13).

3) Examples of casting lots are not grounds for using the Bible as a fortune-telling book, because it's not the same thing.

4) Usually in the Old Testament practice, the choice was determined by lot from a small number of options, but by no means a great many. (For example, the students chose two who fit the certain conditions"Joseph, who is called Barsabas, who is called Justus, and Matthias"(Acts 1:23); Or did Aaron choose by lot out of just two goats—whom for a scapegoat and who as a sacrifice to the Lord? (Lev.16:8). There are 31,240 verses in the Bible in 66 books, and a random selection from this number cannot in any way be similar to the idea of ​​the Old Testament lot.

5) The practice of opening the Bible at random is not described in the biblical story, nor in history early church.

6) Opening the Bible at random always involves reading Scripture out of context, and creates the risk of erroneous interpretation. (About the same as I had with headphones). In addition, there are many passages in Scripture that can be interpreted only with a sufficient amount of theological knowledge. Random use of these places guarantees erroneous understanding.

7) Ecclesiastes writes about the will of chance and time, for those who "under the sun"(Ecc. 9:11). In other words, it describes the state of the soul of a person who is guided by this earthly, material world. And apart from the spiritual world, without God - here "all is vanity and vexation of the spirit." Therefore, "under the sun" - there is no justice, but only time and chance.
If guided ONLY by this, then Christians should become fatalists, believing in fate, and leading a passive lifestyle, because nothing depends on them.

This interpretation is not consistent with other passages of Scripture. Remember at least the Old Testament: "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory is from the Lord"(Proverbs 21:31). There is a certain synergy in following Christ - the participation of our will and the will of God, and not blind obedience to the will of chance.

Where this practice came from is difficult to trace. Although it was not in the early church, it is still found in history.

In Talmudic times, there was a tradition that a verse taken by chance from the scriptures or recited on the street by a schoolboy could be taken as a good or bad omen. The most famous example (it is not in favor of fortunetellers from the Bible) is from the life of a Jewish thinker named Elisha ben-Abuya (who received the nickname Acher).

Elisha ben Abuya lived in the 1st-2nd centuries. AD. His views were quite odious (he began to believe that two gods ruled the world), for which, in the end, he was known as an apostate and a heretic. His disciple, Rabbi Meir, somehow persuaded him to return to monotheism and the law of Moses. But he began to stop schoolchildren on the street, asking what verse they were studying that day. Everyone quoted verses that meant only one thing - there is no return to him. As we can see, the accidental quotation of Scripture did Elisha ben Abuy more harm than good (Chag. 15ab; cf. Git. 58a; Hul. 95b).

This custom was retained by the Jews in the Middle Ages. You can still meet among the Jews those who call it "the lot according to the Bible."

We find evidence that in the 19th century there was also a fortune-telling practice according to the Bible in a poem by Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev: - And the life, and sorrow, and death of the prophet..." ("Prison", 1958)

All these examples prove that your ministers were not the first to think of such a use of the Bible, but those who in the world and Christian history so used the Scriptures cannot be a role model.

Whatever objects are used for divination (the Bible, other books, other objects or symbols valuable to believers), divination is prohibited!

And if the situation is completely deadlocked, and you are looking for the answer in the Bible, then instead of randomly choosing Bible verses, it is better to choose a few words that are relevant to your question. Consider the context of these words, see if it applies to your situation. Pray for wisdom from God. And if even then it is not clear what to do, consult with experienced ministers or experts in this matter.

In all cases, such a decision is much better than accidentally opening the Bible!

Otherwise, there is always a risk of what will happen, as in the old joke: "One man was in a serious condition and opened the Bible by accident. His eyes fell on Mt. 27:5 "... he went and strangled himself". The poor fellow slammed the book shut and thought, "This can't be true." So he opened the Bible again and his eyes fell on Luke 10:37: "... go and do the same".

This is how false teachings are born!
The Lord bless you!

Denis Podorozhny

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/ Divination by books online

Divination by books

Divination by books since ancient times it was considered the most faithful and accessible divination. In order to use it, it was enough to ask a question that concerns you and open the book on an arbitrary page. The first paragraph or sentence read was the answer to the question asked.

We bring to your attention a modern version of divination from books. All you have to do is select the book that you think is the best fit for your problem, focus on the question, and click the "Get Answer" button. Do not ask the same question repeatedly and try to get the desired answer. After all, by doing so you are only deceiving yourself. Sometimes it happens that at first glance the received answer seems meaningless. Do not rush to conclusions. Often the answers can be in the form of allegories. The more often you use these fortune-telling, the easier it will be for you to interpret the answers you receive over time. Here are some hints for the correct interpretation of the received predictions:

  • Descriptions of the violence of nature are negative; rain - on the contrary, means new life, changes for the better. Great importance has a season. Spring is joy, rebirth. Autumn - on the contrary, attenuation, sadness. Winter is a symbol of expectation, do not expect quick changes. Summer is very diverse in interpretations, rely on intuition. For example, summer rain auspicious sign, and extreme heat or drought is negative.
  • Please note that any interrogative sentences (for example, in dialogues) carry uncertainty and hope, exclamatory sentences - confidence and unambiguity of the situation (also interpreted as an affirmative answer to your question).
  • If you get the beginning of a chapter or its title, this is good sign, symbolizing change for the better, the beginning of a new life.
Bible divination
Fortune telling according to the book Master and Margarita (M.A. Bulgakov)
Fortune telling according to the book Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)
Divination by the book Dark alleys(I.A. Bunin)
Fortune telling according to the book Alice in Wonderland (L. Carroll)
Fortune telling according to the book of Eugene Onegin (A.S. Pushkin)
Fortune telling according to the book The Little Prince (A. Saint-Exupery)

Other virtual online divination.

My friend in difficult life situations usually randomly opens the Bible and reads the first line that comes across. She says that in this way she finds the answer to her question and an indication of what to do. It seems strange to me. Is it possible to guess on the Bible? Tatiana

Answered by Archpriest Alexy POTOKIN, Assistant Rector of the Church of the Icon Mother of God"Life-Giving Spring" in Tsaritsyn:

— Dear Tatyana! You are right - it looks like fortune telling. And any fortune-telling implies that we give up the mind, conscience, do not want to think and make a responsible choice. That is, we refuse the freedom given to us by God. You can, if in doubt, consult with another, more experienced person, but relying on chance is a sin. Or does your friend think that since she is looking for the answer in the Holy Scriptures, and not in books on magic or astrology, she will know the will of God? She is delusional.

First, there are many prophetic chapters in the Bible that require theological knowledge and spiritual experience to understand. This is not a manual for a life situation. But most importantly, God calls us to responsibility for our actions. Yes, there have been cases in history when a person first went to the church for a liturgy (he thought it was by accident), and the words of the Gospel so impressed him that he instantly changed, chose the path indicated in Scripture. But it was he who chose the path of his whole life, resolutely went to salvation, and did not solve some particular situation. Or some ascetics, indeed, found the necessary answer in the open, as if at random, Gospel. But they prepared for this, fasted for a long time, prayed, asking God to reveal His will to them. And they did this only in especially difficult situations - once, maximum twice in their lives. Nobody made it into a principle. Because the spiritual life is a long and difficult path, it cannot be replaced by miracles and divination. And when a person does not want to work, he looks for easy ways (or rather, those that seem easy to him), expects miracles, relies on chance, on chance. And there is no need to hide behind the fact that he is not guessing on the cards, but is looking for an answer in the Bible. If a person sincerely seeks Christ, strives to live according to the Gospel, most likely he has favorite places in the Gospel that are most consonant with his soul. And then, I think, you can re-read exactly these places and then decide important questions. This is a direct connection with God, a sincere appeal to Him for advice, and the Lord will prompt the right decision. And when we open the Bible at random, we rely on blind chance. In fact, this is no different from fortune telling on cards, coffee grounds, etc. I don’t even know which is worse. Ivan Ilyin has an expression "religious vulgarity". So he called the transformation of the shrine into a bargaining chip. Fortune telling on the Bible is a religious vulgarity.

Looking for an answer to your question, you decided to turn to the wisdom of ancient books. And where are the ancient wise books that have collected the wisdom of many generations? Of course, in the old library. You went to the outskirts of the city to a dilapidated old building in the hope of finding the very "wise book" that can give you an answer. Entering a semi-dark hall with a huge number of bookcases, You are discouraged looking around, amazed at the number of valuable manuscripts and not understanding how you can find the copy you are interested in.

Choose the book you are going to read

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades"
Colin McCullough "The Thorn Birds"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Faust"
Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2033"
Terry Goodkind "Wizard's First Rule"
Stephenie Meyer "New Moon"

Everyone in life has difficult situations when you don’t know what to do at all. How does this person feel about you? What is the best way to act in this situation? What decision to make? And anyway, what's going on? It is very difficult to find correct answers to such questions. It remains only fortune-telling, for example, according to a book.

Divination by the book was known in antiquity. Then it was believed that the manuscripts contained all the knowledge of the world, and they treated the texts very respectfully. After, at all times, the book was associated with wisdom, which means it could give wise and comprehensive advice. And now young girls often resort to divination from their favorite book, because it effective way find answers to many questions.

A suitable book is the key to true divination

But before looking for answers to your questions, you need to decide which book to use in order to get the most adequate answer. First, you need to take a book close to the fortuneteller. It is desirable that it be read to them, and more than once. In addition, you can pay attention to the meaning of the work. If you have a question about matters of the heart, then a love story, lyrics will do. If you need to find out about the situation at work, then take an adventure story, fiction. When you have a question about everyday problems, or the well-known "what to do?", use Russian fairy tales.

How to read the book correctly

After you have chosen a book that suits you, you need to tune in to fortune telling. Take the book in your hands and hold it in your open palm, feel its weight, touch the cover. Try to get in touch with her. Flip through the pages, you can even linger on the illustrations. But it is strongly not recommended to read passages of the text in advance.

Now, without hesitation, but slowly, open the book on any random page, and put your finger on any line. This paragraph will be the answer to your question.

It is not difficult to interpret the result of divination from a book. As a rule, this figurative meaning. Perhaps you should put yourself in the place of one of the characters, and if this is a dialogue, then think about the meaning of the questions. Don't count on what you get step by step instructions how to make your world a better place. You need to turn on your imagination, present your question and the situation from the book, look for coincidences, and draw conclusions based on all this.

Fortune telling from your favorite book can help you in a difficult situation, tell you the answers to some questions, or cheer you up with a lucky coincidence. You can’t take it as an unambiguous indication of action, but you can always enlist the support of universal wisdom, and get good advice. And yet, a similar effect can be achieved if you regularly read good literature and learn from the mistakes of fictional characters.

Divination by the book is an ancient type of prediction that is still relevant today. Many people believe that this method of predicting the future is quite truthful and, using it, you can accurately determine what will happen in life.

In the article:

Divination by the book - Holy Scripture

The Bible is the main book of everything Christendom. Therefore, both the ministers of the church and the Christians themselves are ambiguous about fortune-telling according to the Holy Scriptures. Some clerics argue that the search for answers regarding difficult life situations using divination is illogical, since they must be sought through prayer.

There is also an opinion that such voluntary resignation from the freedom of choice that is given to a person from birth. The clergy argue that the use of the Bible as a magical attribute is wrong in advance and defiles it.

But, despite this, divination by the Bible remains popular, and in Hard times people are hoping to get an answer from her. Most of the chapters in Scripture are considered prophetic. Therefore, the church claims that in order to really understand them, spiritual experience and knowledge of theology is necessary, but these texts cannot be used in any way for such rituals.

Therefore, if you use the Holy Scriptures for divination, then this is a personal choice, and you are responsible for the predictions received.

Divination by quotes from classic books

There are many ways to find out what the future holds - paper, etc.

If you decide to get an answer to a question using a quote from a book, you need to decide which book you will choose for the ritual. Second step - proper preparation to the rite. It is advisable to first cleanse yourself of negative energy, extraneous thoughts, relax.

Meditation or will help with this. If these practices are difficult, then it will be possible to achieve the desired state by concentrating your attention on the flame of a candle for a while. Most tricky step- the correct interpretation of the received answer. You may not immediately understand what in question, but after a while the picture will become clearer.

Be responsible when choosing a book. It is better to dwell on a collection of favorite poems or a work already read. It will be much easier to navigate in a familiar text, and you will not regard phrases from it in two ways.

The divination process itself is simple. It is necessary to mentally ask a question, after which, without hesitation, open the book on any page and point your finger at any line. Valuable information is provided by the proposal to which you indicated and the following.

Sometimes the answer can be clear enough, but if the prediction is vague, don't ask the question again. Better wait until the situation clears up. Perhaps after a while you will realize that the prediction was quite specific, at that time you simply could not understand it.

Also, disregard the reasoning that comes after the designated passage. They will only confuse and do not carry the necessary information.

If the choice fell on a classic who wrote in poetic form, fortune-telling is carried out according to the usual scheme. Only in this case can you take into account both the whole poem, if it is small, and a separate quatrain, on which the choice fell.

If you decide to tell fortunes on a book, then it is best to perform the ceremony in the morning. After awakening, you have not yet had time to accumulate negative energy, which can affect the result.

Additional information - how to correctly interpret the result?

If you decide to tell fortunes from a book, be prepared for the fact that sometimes the answer may not be presented in the form that you expected. Quite often the choice can fall on interrogative sentence. This suggests that it is possible to get both a negative and a positive answer to the question.

If the choice fell on an exclamatory sentence, then this indicates that in the near future a sea of ​​​​emotions awaits you, most of them will be positive. If the proposal was affirmative, this is a sign, nothing will prevent you from realizing your plans.

With such a ceremony, it is necessary to look for signs that fate can send us. In the received text of the prediction, there may be a certain word, a phrase that will be a key phrase that only you will understand, and it will be the clue that you expected to see.

Pay attention to whether the selected piece of text mentions the time of year. This is also an important sign.

  • Spring suggests that events will develop very rapidly and you will have to make efforts in order to have time to do everything you have planned.
  • Summer- what you are asking for will probably happen very soon.
  • Autumn- You will have to work tirelessly in order to achieve your goal. But the result will be worth the effort.
  • Winter- your dreams are not destined to come true soon, so you have to wait.

If the text mentions campfire, fire, candles, then this suggests that events will take place in full view of other people.

Mention water indicates that you will not be able to remain cool.

A good sign if the text mentions Earth or house. This suggests that the answer to the question is yes and you will be able to achieve the goal, overcome any obstacles.

It should be regarded as a hint that will help you figure out what to do in the future and what you should refrain from. Get serious about deciphering the result and use the information received wisely.

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