Heating based on a Butakov stove. Do-it-yourself Butakov stove from a gas cylinder. Where are similar units used?

Professor Butakov's furnaces long burning find application and wide use and reviews in Russia and abroad. They have a fairly nice appearance, have a fairly diverse range of models, good technical characteristics, and, most importantly, are very economical to use.

Butakov furnaces reviews of which are often found on the Internet can be used for heating a private house or cottage, garage or small production workshop, as well as greenhouses.

Let's sort it out more details types Butakov stoves, main parameters, design features, operating principle, advantages and disadvantages, as well as stove installation and chimney installation.

Model range of Butakov stoves

Student stoves: model range

Professor Butakov’s line of stoves is represented by five modifications, differing in thermal power, area of ​​the heated room and dimensions.

1. High school student(up to 100 m3).

2. Student(up to 150 m3).

3. Engineer(up to 250 m3).

4. Assistant professor(up to 500 m3).

5. Professor(up to 1000 m3).

The smallest stove “Gimnasist” has compact dimensions and is capable of heating a room of up to 100 m3. It has only one modification with the chimney exiting upward.

The remaining models: “Student”, “Engineer”, “Assistant Professor” and “Professor” are produced either with the smoke outlet pipe exiting upward or at the rear, on the back side of the stove.

Main technical characteristics of Butakov furnaces

Specifications Butakov furnaces

All models, except for the Gymnasist, can be equipped with either a solid steel door for loading fuel into the combustion chamber, or a cast iron door with a heat-resistant viewing glass.

Design features of the Butakov furnace

1. Increased oven heating surface area.

2. Side convection pipes are heated by flame along their entire length.

3. Possibility of using the furnace both in normal mode and in long-term burning mode (gas generation).

Chimney for the Termofor stove: Student, Engineer, Associate Professor and Professor

Installation of the Butakov furnace

When installing a chimney for this type of stove, you must follow the basic rules:

— the minimum height of the chimney should be 5 meters from the grate to the umbrella, for the Associate Professor and Professor stoves 6 and 8 meters, respectively;

— the minimum diameter of the chimney should be 120 mm, and for the Associate Professor and Professor stoves it is 150 and 200 mm, respectively;

— use special insulated ones made of stainless steel with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm;

- be sure to insulate the chimney passage through interfloor ceilings using special filled boxes or insulated passages;

At correct operation Butakov furnaces will ensure efficient and uniform heating of your room, saving money on the purchase of fuel and time for its regular supply. This is especially true in our time for a home that does not have an expensive heating system. At the same time, the efficiency of this long-burning furnace is much higher than that of simple heating stoves or fireplaces. Let's watch the video.

There are bad and good stoves, and then there are the BEST stoves.

Air heating boilers "PROFESOR BUTAKOV" designed for economical air heating residential and industrial premises, garages, basements, greenhouses, etc., as well as for heating food. Boiler operation is allowed within the temperature range environment from +40 °C to -60 °C, the value of climatic factors corresponds to the UHL design of placement category 3 according to GOST 15150-69.

Three models of boilers are commercially produced ( "STUDENT", "ENGINEER" And "ASSISTANT PROFESSOR") for heating rooms with a maximum volume from 150 to 500 cubic meters and rated power from 9 to 25 kW, respectively. All produced models are united general purpose, operating principle, layout and fuel used.

Structural features of boilers

The boiler body is an all-welded structure of the original type, made of steel. Between the top cover and the bottom of the housing, convection pipes that intersect at the top are hermetically sealed; straight convection pipes with open ends are similarly installed in the back and front covers. The pipe system together with the housing forms the combustion chamber. Gas guide flaps are installed on the convective pipes crossing at the top, designed for uniform distribution gas flows.

The combustion chamber door, rotating on hinges, opens 120° and has a cavity with a seal installed in it. The locking mechanism securely locks the door in the closed position by turning the handle.

The grate has the form of a trough, the accumulating ash in which protects the grate from overheating. This design The furnace has increased efficiency due to increased heat transfer in the combustion chamber.

Convection pipes allow you to quickly distribute heated air throughout the room. The upper surface of the oven body can be used for cooking. (1.5 liters of water will boil in about 20 minutes).

The boiler is suitable only for smoldering mode. It is not allowed to heat the heat-transmitting surfaces - the body and convective pipes - above 350 degrees Celsius! The fuel used in models with a metal door and protective screens is firewood, coal, in models with a cast iron door with heat-resistant glass - firewood.

Distinctive features of our boilers

Here are the criteria that the author of the creation of the hot air boiler tried to follow: "Professor Butakov":

  • - Functionality
  • - efficiency
  • - Environmental friendliness
  • - Fire safety
  • - Reliability
  • - Availability
  • - Durability

And, of course, DESIGN!

Explanations of the selected criteria. Some of them can be combined, for example, the first three are about the same thing: functionality means practical usefulness and convenience, efficiency quantifies practical usefulness and, if everything that should burn is burned, then the environment will be favorable.

Fire safety and reliability are absolute criteria. Unconditional criteria also include a separate design.

Somewhat conflicting availability (price) and durability lead to inevitable but economically viable trade-offs. But all these criteria were chosen later, and in the beginning there was an idea, the impetus for which was a glance cast at a heater from Canada "Bulleryan". (the prototype was another heating device). And criticism immediately began (the author at one time was burdened with knowledge and the profession of a heating engineer).

Pipes for convection are good, but why aren’t they entirely in the combustion space? In this case, a full-fledged housing would appear and all this would significantly increase the heat exchange surface. Why such an abundance of welds and why, in fact, was the “barrel” shape chosen? I remembered the shielding of furnaces of steam generators of thermal power plants with pipes and the general organization of heat exchange processes there.

In general, we can do better and significantly. And in a couple of evenings, sketches were made that served as the basis for the production of a prototype and production of heating boilers in small series.

There were also some punctures. The author repents, but alone structural element he acted like a fool by borrowing, without checking, from "Bulleryana". This element is designed to supply secondary air for the combustion of generator gases and is pompously called an “injector”.

The author, having examined the injector using a bent wire, came to the conclusion that it is simply a tube with a narrowed mouth, through which air actually enters the rarefied combustion space from convective pipes.

Having accepted this design on faith, the author of the air-heating boiler practically repeated it in his device, calling the mouths of the air tubes “jets” (the so-called calibrated holes of car carburetors). It was subsequently discovered that these tubes did more harm than good.

In the intensive combustion mode, perhaps they partially work, but in the smoldering (generator) mode... Yes, in this mode the efficiency increased somewhat, but here’s the strange thing: the presence of harmful substances (unburned fuel) was higher than in the intensive mode. The reason was the insufficient temperature of the generator gases at the moment of their meeting with the secondary air, which also had an even lower temperature.

In order to achieve complete combustion of generator gases, the company "Professor Butakov" carried out a series of experimental works and, as a result, positive result was received.

In the near future, users will be offered a new version a popular boiler, which will also be produced in a version intended for water heating. Certification test data will be communicated additionally.

There have also been changes in the currently produced models.

  1. In models "Student" And "Engineer" The diameter of the convective pipes has been increased and the thickness of their walls has been reduced, as a result of which the open cross-section along the passage of the air heated in them, in comparison with heaters common on the market (respectively with the same volumes of fireboxes), has increased from 35% to 70%, which has significantly improved the heat transfer conditions.
  2. The smoke now comes out not from above, but from back wall housing through a tee attached to the “sealant”. This change, although at the expense of compactness, was made taking into account the wishes of numerous users. Now cleaning chimney can be carried out without disconnecting it from the boiler, and the boiler itself is less “planted”.

The tee is now equipped with a sealed throttle valve for regulating draft and a removable bottom for the possibility of cleaning the chimney during the passage. To allow condensation to be removed, there is now a fitting in the bottom.

  1. Ash compartment received good seal due to the thermal cord laid in the panels of the ash drawer.

A simple device has appeared for fixing the ash drawer in the retracted state (tightness, Fire safety). And on the panel of the ash drawer there is a damper installed, which allows you to finely regulate the primary air (air entering under the grate)

Technical characteristics of boilers "Professor Butakov":

Table for everything model range company products "Professor Butakov" can be seen on our forum.





Maximum volume of heated room (cub.m.)

Power, kWt)


Dimensions (W x D x H, mm)


Combustion chamber volume (l)

Maximum fuel loading volume (l)

Fire door opening (mm)

Length/number of convective pipes (mm/pcs)

In Russia, the stoves developed by Professor Butakov are in great demand. Distinctive feature heating apparatus is what it is short term warms up room with a large area, while fuel consumption is minimal. The equipment has good aesthetic characteristics, so it will not spoil appearance rooms. Such a design you can do it yourself.


The furnace includes convection pipes, which are installed according to the diagram. Unlike its analogues, the Butakov furnace has greater heat output.

The device consists of simple parts:

  • ash pan;
  • fuel compartment;
  • grate;
  • chimney;
  • pipes for air flow circulation.

To make the most of thermal energy, the fuel compartment is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. The pipe for this section should only be fixed vertically. On the pipe for air circulation, at a height of 12 centimeters from the footrests, you need to make horizontal cuts. This is necessary to ensure that air enters the generator.

Also in the oven there must be an ash pan, in which combustion waste is collected. One bookmark is enough for approximately 10 hours of heating the room. Also, the duration of work depends on a certain heating unit models.


Compared to other heating analogues, this type of stove has big amount benefits. First of all, it should be noted that fuel consumption is almost half as much as compared to a brick structure. And if compared with, consumption is twelve times less. The stove can be heated with anything: cardboard, paper, peat, coal.

Types of stoves

Butakov devices are produced in several models. It is important to note that all furnace options operate on the same principle and also have same design. Models differ in power, dimensions, number of pipes. Therefore, you can easily choose a unit for any room. Existing models:

  • “Gymnasium student.” This design is no longer available in industrial scale, because it is ineffective.
  • "Student". The stove can heat a room with area 150 m3. Is excellent option for residential premises.
  • Model “Engineer”. The design is capable heat 250 m3.
  • “Associate Professor” is designed for a room with area 500 m3.
  • “Professor” will heat 1000 m3.
  • "Academician".

On some designs it is installed hob for cooking food.

Read also: Swedish oven: features and manufacture

Oven “Student”

This heating device is the best option for residential premises, as it has small dimensions, attractive appearance, and is capable of heating a large area. The weight of the structure is 70 kilograms, fuel compartment equals 60 liters.

Traditional units have a double combustion door, the outer door acts as protection. The “Student” design is provided with a special door made of cast iron with a viewing window made of fire-resistant glass. It should be noted that over time the window will turn black, so it may not be installed.

The unit can purchase ready-made with the necessary components. Depending on the store, this stove may cost, approximately 20,000 rubles.

Installation of the “Student” stove

The structure can be assembled with your own hands, in several stages:

  • First of all, it is recommended to prepare an assembly drawing or download ready-made option on the Internet. This will make the job easier.
  • Then you should prepare a place for the structure. The surface of the floor and walls must be finished with fire-resistant materials.
  • Decide on pipe outlet section. Then make a hole in the ceiling, which is covered with non-combustible materials.
  • The unit is then installed on prepared stand.
  • Mounted using sealant all pipes in series. It is recommended to purchase sandwich pipes that prevent the formation of condensation and the penetration of smoke into the room.
  • A special “skirt” needs to be made on the outside of the pipe.

If the Student design is installed on a small distance from wooden parts and surfaces, then the walls must be covered with asbestos cardboard. It is recommended to fix galvanized sheets on top.

You need to carefully make a hole for the pipe in the ceiling. It should be several centimeters larger than the diameter of the chimney. The hole made must also be covered with fireproof materials, since this area is dangerous. The “Student” oven does not contain a water tank, but if necessary hot water in the house, you can additionally buy the necessary capacity. To do this, you need to carefully connect the pipes, container and gate. All joints must be carefully sealed.

After all the components of the device “ Student" will be collected, you need to check the stove and light it. It should be noted that the first ignition involves a lot of smoke in the room, as paints and various oils will fade. Therefore, it is recommended to start the heater for the first time spend on outdoors . If no defects are found, then the “Student” structure can be installed in the room.

Read also: Metal furnaces for a wood-burning house

Furnace “Engineer”

At the beginning of the century, Professor Butakov developed a new model of a heating device. This unit is in demand among the population. The stove is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​up to 2500 m3. Can be used as fuel use firewood, cardboard, peat and coal. The oven operates at a temperature range -55 – +40 degrees. Small sizes allow you to install the structure in any convenient place.

“Engineer” is used for heating of residential premises, garages, greenhouses, industrial warehouses, small stations. It should be noted that this oven model has high price– more 30,000 rubles. You can make such a stove with your own hands.

Furnace design:

  • body with two cameras;
  • required number of built-in pipes;
  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • ash pan;
  • eyeliner

It is important to note that the fuel in the device does not burn, but smolders slowly, which allows you to save fuel consumption and increase the degree of heat transfer. Internal temperature should not exceed 350 degrees. The first start should take about two hours in combustion mode.

Advantages of the “Engineer” device:

  • heats a large room;
  • one fill of fuel is enough for 10 hours;
  • convective pipes increase efficiency;
  • heats up evenly;
  • Thanks to the ash pan, the box can be cleaned at any time.

Disadvantages of the unit:

  • excess air enters the oven through the ash pan;
  • to clean DIY pipe, it is necessary to disassemble it into sections;
  • front panel over time undergoes deformation.

Oven installation process:

  1. Find a suitable place for installation and cover the floor with asbestos and 10 mm metal sheet.
  2. If there are walls nearby, then they also need to be insulated using.
  3. Place a sheet in front of the unit made of metal.
  4. Insulate the hole in the ceiling.
  5. It is recommended to install the stove on a brick stand.
  6. Connect all sections of pipes and lead them outside.
  7. The chimney must be on the roof at a height of at least 50 centimeters.

Oven with water circuit

You don’t have to assemble the oven yourself; you can purchase a ready-made one. option from the developer Butakov.


  • Despite the fact that you have to tinker with the water circuit, such a stove is much cheaper than autonomous heating.
  • The device can be connected to another heating system.
  • Usage various types solid fuel.
  • Excellent aesthetic qualities.

In autumn and winter period It is very important that the house has a high-quality heating system. You don’t really want to freeze and wrap yourself in warm clothes, your teeth chattering from the cold in the room. Today there are many options for heating a living space, including for those areas where there is no central heating. Professor Butakov's stove is one of the most economical options home heating.

Economical Butakov boiler: its structure and model range

Professor Butakov became a man whose invention was very much to the taste of the owners of those private houses that do not have central heating.

The design of Butakov’s heating stove is quite simple and consists of a steel body with pipes through which convection occurs, namely, the “transformation” of cold air entering the lower part of the pipes into hot air. Heated air entering the room quickly raises its temperature to the desired level.

To increase productivity, convective pipes through which air moves are located in front and behind the device.

The Butakov stove consists of the following elements:

  • Air exhaust pipes;
  • Two chambers - one for connecting to gas, the other for afterburning fuel;
  • Ash pan;
  • chimney;
  • Grate.

On the stove of such a stove you can cook food or heat water. It will take about 10-15 minutes to heat 1 liter of liquid. The boiler is heated with wood, coal, pellets, peat, leftover cardboard or paper.

The advantages of this stove include:

  • Affordable price;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Capacity;
  • Wide range of models;
  • Strength;
  • Ease and convenience to use;
  • Easy installation;
  • Attractive appearance.

However, we must not forget that a steel stove gets very hot and you can get burned if you accidentally touch it. It also cools down quite quickly.

Among the main models of Butakov stoves, the following stand out:

  • A high school student is a “baby” that can heat up to 100 square meters. m;
  • Student - has more power and can already heat up to 150 kW. m;
  • Engineer – 250 sq. m is not a problem for her, the capacity is 40 kg of fuel;
  • Associate Professor - can take up to 100 kg of fuel and heat up to 500 sq. m;
  • Professor - such a furnace can heat up to 1000 square meters. m and can be loaded with up to 200 kg of fuel;
  • Academician is the most powerful stove, heats up to 1200 sq.m.

If you make a choice between them, you should take into account that for small areas you should not take too much powerful units. For example, “Gymnasium Student” or “Student” stoves will do a great job in a small country house.

It is also necessary to carefully study the equipment of the stoves, which may differ slightly. And, of course, pay attention to the required chimney diameter.

Powerful oven "Professor" and its characteristics

The “Professor” stove is one of the most powerful “Butakov” units.

Its characteristics speak for themselves:

  • Power is 40 kW;
  • Efficiency is 85%;
  • The area that such a unit can heat is 1000 square meters. m;
  • The weight of this stove is 57 kg.

According to reviews, Profesor boilers are the most profitable in their category, especially if you need to heat large area residential building or warehouse.

This model belongs to long-burning stoves. Therefore, you cannot heat the heat supply surfaces of such a device more than 350 degrees.

By the way, the heat sink of convective pipes can heat not only one room, but also neighboring rooms, if directed where it is needed. Typically, such a puller is fixed on the side of the stove and moved apart using aluminum corrugations.

A feature of Butakov stoves is also considered to be the absence of condensate - it simply enters the firebox and evaporates there.

Popular oven "Associate Professor" and its features

One of the popular models of Butakov stoves is the “Associate Professor”. It is ideal for heating industrial premises and large cottages.

It is not as powerful as “Professor”, but also has impressive characteristics:

  • Its efficiency is also 85%;
  • Power is 25 kW;
  • The area that the stove can heat is up to 500 square meters. m;
  • The weight of the device is about 150 kg.

When purchasing an “Associate Professor” stove, you can choose models with completely solid doors or those with glass inserts. The doors of the unit are very reliable and are not prone to deformation. For heating, wood with a moisture content not exceeding 20% ​​is usually used. The top surface of the oven can be used to cook or reheat food.

Self-installation of stoves Professor Butakov

Installing Butakov stoves is not difficult and is quite easy to handle. But you must follow safety rules when working.

Particular attention should be paid to the chimney, which must be smooth, thermally insulated and sealed. The location of the oven should be away from flammable substances and materials.

The boiler is installed as follows:

  1. First, prepare the place where it will stand heating device. This does not require any foundation. The boiler is installed on the floor, on a surface previously insulated with metal sheets.
  2. The nearby walls also need to be covered with thermal insulation approximately 25 cm above the height of the stove itself. Plaster on a metal mesh can be used as an insulator.
  3. A metal sheet measuring approximately 700x500 mm is laid out in front of the firebox. In this case, the 700 mm part should fit directly to the firebox.
  4. A chimney is being made. To do this, a hole is drilled in the selected location on the ceiling, which is also thermally insulated. basalt wool and metal sheets. After this, it is connected to the furnace through a tee and removed to the outside.
  5. The smoke pipe must be 50 cm higher than the roof ridge. Moreover, the part of it located outside the room must be well insulated with material that is not afraid of high temperatures. Ideal option so-called “sandwich pipes” are considered. The hole in the roof is also sealed with basalt wool.

When making a chimney, you should remember exactly what height is needed for this particular stove. Additionally, the space around the stove can be lined fire brick or other non-combustible materials.

According to safety rules, the stove should not be closer to the wall than 380 mm.

Furnaces Professor Butakov (video)

Butakov furnaces have become popular and widespread due to their performance, efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness. In addition, in accordance with the needs and heated volume of the room, you can choose a stove that is ideally suited to its characteristics. It is quite possible to install such a unit yourself, without using the services of professionals.

Schemes and types

Graphic materials on the PROFESSOR BUTAKOV furnace series:


PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stoves are designed for economical air heating of rooms with a maximum volume of 150 to 1200 cubic meters.
PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stoves are noted for their consumer properties, superior to all available analogues.
The maximum volume of a heated room is determined for each model of PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stoves based on the conditions for ensuring effective convection heat exchange and the standards for the general thermal resistance of enclosing structures according to SNiP II-3-79 (for residential premises in the Moscow region 3.2 m2 x C° / W).
Manufacturers have carried out an in-depth study of thermal characteristics, paying attention to the ergonomics, compactness and reliability of PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stoves. Prototypes of air-heating boilers PROFESSOR BUTAKOV successfully passed two years of testing at real sites in Western Siberia and passed state certification. The heating surface area of ​​PROFESSOR BUTAKOV furnaces has been developed at a record level, with one side in contact with the flame and the other with the air of the heated room. A large sealed firebox and a secondary combustion system allow you to effectively use the PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stove in long-term burning mode. Convective heat exchange tubes over their entire cross-section and along their entire length, from start to finish, are located directly in the flame. The firebox is relatively long, high, not wide and truncated at the top. This form most fully corresponds to the shape of the thermal diagram of freely burned solid fuel. The front and rear surfaces on which the convective pipes are located fully participate in convective heat exchange. Flow of flame and hot flue gases directed along the convective pipes, from their very beginning to their very end. On the upper horizontal surface of the PROFESSOR BUTAKOV oven, in contact with the flame, you can heat or even cook food. A large, replaceable grate ensures even combustion. If necessary, it allows you to sharply accelerate combustion to quickly raise the temperature or dry out the raw fuel. A capacious retractable ash drawer allows you to remove ash in one movement without interrupting the combustion. The inlets of convective heat exchange pipes are located at a significant distance from the floor, which is favorable for air circulation. The heating stove PROFESSOR BUTAKOV has a stable base with holes for additional fastening to the floor. To install the PROFESSOR BUTAKOV stove, no additional bases or podiums are required.

Price lists

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