Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a mortgage under maternity capital. Mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage: conditions. Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

Exist various types subsidizing programs for citizens with 2 and large quantity children. One of the most important payments is maternal capital, the process of obtaining it is quite simple.

It is possible to use these different ways, including to pay off a debt on a mortgage already taken or as a down payment.

Is it possible to take

Today the price of residential real estate in the territory Russian Federation large enough. That is why the state provides various subsidies, benefits for obtaining a mortgage loan.

All kinds of programs allow you to easily repay mortgage debt with funds allocated by the budget.

For 2019, the amount of maternity capital is almost 500 thousand rubles. In the future, the process of indexing this value will be carried out.

At the same time, it should be remembered that, in accordance with legislative norms, the maternity capital certificate can be used in a variety of ways:

  • How an initial fee on a mortgage loan;
  • to pay off debt on a mortgage already taken and for which payments are being made:
    • repayment of mortgage interest;
    • repayment of the principal body of the debt.

It is also important to remember that it is not necessary to purchase an apartment with the help of maternity capital.

The amount can be used to purchase your own private home. But again, there are certain requirements regarding the purchased property.

There is a fairly large number of different nuances. It is best to deal with all of them in advance. The most important, essential points are reflected in the relevant legislative norms.

Which banks issue, comparison of conditions

It should be remembered that not all banks work according to the scheme discussed above - when part of the debt is repaid at the expense of maternity capital.

The main reason for this is a large number of various difficulties, difficulties and conditions of work with government agencies.

At the moment, control over the use of maternity capital is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

But most of the large banking institutions work on an ongoing basis with parent certificates.

There is a well-established scheme for repaying part of the debt with the help of this state subsidies.

Today the most profitable offer in this segment credit services made by the following institutions:

Credit conditions for this category of clients in different institutions do not differ significantly. But at the same time with maternity capital it is possible to use special program lending.

There is quite a lot in different banks all kinds of special credit programs that can significantly reduce the rate on the loan.


The process of obtaining a mortgage loan is carried out in a standard way. The algorithm of this procedure includes the following main steps:

  • the selection of a suitable bank that meets all the requirements of the program is carried out;
  • going complete list all documents required in such a case;
  • an application is drawn up in the form of a bank and, together with all the necessary additional papers, is submitted for consideration to special department credit company;
  • in case of a positive decision, a preliminary agreement is signed;
  • then you need to find an apartment - a contract of sale is drawn up with the participation of the bank;

  • after that, ownership rights are registered, funds are transferred to the seller's account;

  • you can start using the apartment.

It is also important to remember that the maternity capital itself must be included in the package of mandatory documents. The process of making it is quite simple.

You will need to apply with a randomly drawn up application complete with basic documents to the regional branch of the PFR.

This particular off-budget fund deals with the issuance of relevant certificates, as well as the approval of applications.

For registration of maternity capital, you will need to provide documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that will replace it;
  • birth certificate of children;

  • documents that confirm the fact of having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • documents that prove the identity, as well as the place of residence of the legal representative.

The above list is standard. But in addition to such documents, some others may be required.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may also require confirmation documents:

  • death of a woman - if, for some reason, her husband, another person receives a certificate instead of her;
  • on the basis of which the woman was deprived of parental rights;
  • the death of parents, due to the bark, a certificate for maternity capital will be issued by another legal representative;
  • otherwise.

If there is a violation, you should apply to the court or a higher authority to resolve such a situation.

The design algorithm has a fairly large number of very different nuances. Their preliminary consideration will avoid a large number of very different difficulties.


The list of documents required when applying for a mortgage loan with the participation of maternity capital is standard.

The basic set of such documents includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate in the form or in the form of a bank;
  • duly certified copy work book.

The most important is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Since it confirms the presence of citizenship, as well as the fact of registration in the territory of a certain region. Today, maternity capital is issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Help in the form 2-NDFL contains the most complete and detailed list information about the amount of income of a particular client for a certain period of time.

You should know that the size monthly income should be 2 times more than the amount of the monthly mortgage payment. Otherwise, the probability of approval of the application will be minimal, most likely the client will be refused.

Also, a certificate of income can be issued according to the standard of the bank itself, in which the application is being submitted.

Also, many banks establish one of the main conditions for the presence of a certain amount of experience.

Confirmation of it is carried out by an appropriately certified work book. If this requirement is not met, it will be quite problematic to carry out registration.

In addition to the above documents, an extensive list of various other documents may be required.

The Bank has the right to independently establish the list of necessary. Accordingly, in addition to those indicated above, you will also need to attach a certificate for maternity capital. In its absence, the use of this state subsidy will simply be impossible.

Minimum mortgage amount for maternity capital

Without exception, all banks set the size of the minimum mortgage amount for maternity capital.

This value can vary significantly in different banks. Usually everything happens according to minimum size the amount of the mortgage.

For example, if the minimum mortgage amount is 1 million rubles, then taking into account the maternity capital, the minimum limit increases by 1 million rubles + the amount of maternity capital. This calculation algorithm is standard, it is used in almost all cases without exception.

For building a house

Maternity capital funds may be used for construction own house or to pay off a mortgage arranged for that purpose.

In this case, you will need to provide the FIU with the following:

  • a copy of the agreement concluded with the bank;
  • a certificate indicating the amount of debt;
  • a document confirming the ownership of a certain type of housing;
  • notarial obligation to allocate a share;
  • passports of both parents;
  • marriage confirmation.


Maternity capital funds are intended specifically for the child. It is for this reason that after spending them on a mortgage, part of the apartment must be registered as the property of the child.

In this case, when dividing property in the event of a divorce, parents can only claim parts of the housing that were purchased jointly minus maternity capital.

There are many important legal points. It is best to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using maternity capital to pay off mortgage debt has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages should first of all include:

  • the ability to significantly reduce the financial burden on the family budget when using maternity capital;
  • The amount of this state subsidy can be used at your own discretion, in various ways.

At the same time, there are some significant disadvantages associated with such a mortgage. The most significant are:

  • far from all banks work in this direction - with maternity capital;
  • part of the purchased property for the amount of mat. capital will have to be issued to the child;
  • features of paperwork;
  • difficulties for individual entrepreneurs working on UTII and STS.

The use of maternity capital is possible on various purposes. But before applying for a mortgage, you should carefully study all the nuances of the procedure.

Video: Maternity capital with a mortgage: the pros and cons

Falling incomes and distrust in the banking system make people use loans from reliable financial institutions. For young families, the most urgent problem is how to get a mortgage under maternity capital in Sberbank.

Targeted programs for mother capital in Sberbank

Families raising two or more children in 2017 have the right to receive up to 453,026 rubles from the state to resolve their housing issues.

Mortgage conditions at Sberbank in 2017 under maternity capital remain super-loyal. Who, no matter how the state bank, should take responsibility for the implementation of the All-Russian housing program. A mortgage for the amount of maternity capital in Sberbank can be issued for the following purposes:

  1. Payment of the share of the existing bank mortgage through the parent start-up capital(MSK).
  2. Making maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage at Sberbank in 2017 when buying a home.
  3. Repayment of the family's financial obligations for shared construction when acquiring real estate in a new building.

You can take a mortgage at Sberbank under maternity capital in 2017 and without waiting 3 years. But pay in this case, it will be possible only a down payment or a debt with interest on an existing mortgage loan.

Mortgage conditions in Sberbank in 2017 under maternity capital

Despite legal requirements for all banks to issue loans with mother capital, not all financial institutions adhere to the letter of the law. Contrary to this trend, Sberbank offers two targeted programs for which young families can use their MSC certificate:

  1. "Acquisition of finished housing - Single rate". The program involves the purchase of an already built house or a finished apartment in a residential complex.
  2. "Acquisition of housing under construction." In this case, the bank allows the mother capital to be used to finance the family's obligations for shared construction in a new building.

Most people are satisfied with the Mortgage Plus Maternity Capital program at Sberbank, the terms of which allow you to pay debt, mortgage interest and a down payment. The only negative is that the MSC certificate cannot be used to pay off penalties, forfeits and fines that have accrued on a mortgage loan.

The conditions of both credit programs are approximately the same. Repayment of the down payment is considered a riskier banking operation, so the requirements in this program are slightly higher. In general, the conditions of programs using MSCs in Sberbank practically do not differ from the conditions of classical mortgage loans.

When buying real estate on a mortgage with partial payment by mother's capital, all children subsequently must receive a share in the ownership of the acquired residential property. The size of the share is unlimited by law, but in a number of regions the Pension Fund requires that part of the child's property be no less than the established housing standards when converted to living space.

Requirements for Sberbank borrowers under the MSC program

To reduce risks, Sberbank imposes a number of requirements on borrowers wishing to buy housing using maternity capital.

Basic conditions that the borrower must meet:

  1. Age not less than 21 years old at the time of registration of the mortgage agreement and not more than 75 years old at the time of its expiration. If the client does not receive a salary at Sberbank and has unconfirmed income, then the maximum age is limited to 65 years at the end of the loan.
  2. General work experience of a potential borrower:
  • at least one year within the last 5 years;
  • more than 6 months at the last job.

Both spouses are required to act as borrowers on a family loan.

Financial terms of credit

Sberbank uses flexible system risk management, therefore, it applies a deeply differentiated approach when calculating the interest rate, parameters of the amount and term of the loan. Mortgage loans under the MSK program are issued exclusively in rubles.

Loan terms depend on:

  • income and age of the borrower;
  • the number of children in the family;
  • type of real estate;
  • appraised value of housing;
  • shares of the down payment;
  • the presence of regular income received through Sberbank cards, and other individual factors.

Basic conditions of Sberbank:

  1. Interest from 12.5% ​​per annum. For objects of some construction companies, an additional reduction in interest rates is allowed.
  2. Minimum loan amount: from 300 thousand rubles.
  3. Maximum loan amount: 80% of the contractual or appraised value of the property, but not more than 15 million rubles, if the borrower does not confirm his income.
  4. Loan term: up to 30 years, but with the condition that the last payment will be made before the 75th anniversary of the borrower.
  5. No commissions.
  6. Special preferential conditions are provided to participants in Sberbank's payroll projects.
  7. Early repayment is allowed at any time without restrictions and penalties upon notification of the bank.
  8. Property insurance is required.

The purchased apartment is issued in a bank pledge and an encumbrance is imposed on it. After that, the borrower cannot carry out any legal actions with the residential facility without the consent of Sberbank.

Repayment of the loan under the MSC program occurs exclusively according to the annuity schedule. This type of repayment implies the same amount of monthly payment. In case of early repayment, the payment is reduced, but the term remains the same.

List of documents for the bank

Non-standard documents for a mortgage at Sberbank in 2017 with maternity capital are not required. The list of requested documentation is simple and does not require long wanderings through state authorities.

Sberbank for applying for a loan requires:

  1. Documents for the disposal of MSC for mortgage repayment:
  • MSC certificate;
  • certificate of the Pension Fund on the balance of maternity capital, taken no more than 30 days ago.
  • Passport and at least one other document confirming the identity of the applicant.
  • Application form.
  • Documents confirming permanent financial income and current labor activity borrower.
  • Certificates of marriage and birth of children.
  • Confirmation of the family's financial means to pay the down payment (the rest of it).
  • Documents for the selected property.
  • Providing these documents is not always enough to accept the application for consideration. In individual cases, other supporting documentation may be required from the borrower or seller of the apartment.

    Unofficial incomes of citizens are also taken into account by Sberbank, but they should not be the main ones. Such "gray" additions to family budget cannot be obtained through illegal actions of the borrower.

    Step-by-step algorithm for buying an apartment in a mortgage with MSC

    The path to your own apartment is sometimes not easy and often runs through a series of bureaucratic procedures. To buy an apartment at the expense of the state and the bank, it is necessary to satisfy the requirement of both instances. Below is painted step by step diagram steps to apply for a mortgage:

    1. A search is made for a residential facility that meets the desires of family members.
    2. Possibility is being specified financial organization, a real estate seller to participate in the transaction with the participation of maternity capital.
    3. An application is submitted to Sberbank for a loan. Documents are considered 2-5 days.
    4. A package of documents is collected, contracts are signed with the bank and the seller.
    5. Sberbank transfers the agreed amount, which is withdrawn and placed in a safe deposit box with exclusively shared access.
    6. The borrower draws up the right of ownership and presents new documents to the bank.
    7. The seller receives money from the safe.
    8. An application for the use of the MSC certificate with a package of documents is submitted to the PF.
    9. The PF reviews the documentation and transfers funds to the specified details to Sberbank.
    10. After paying off the loan, removing the encumbrance and entering into full ownership of the apartment, family members must distribute shares of the property among all children, according to the signed obligation.

    The MSC mortgage program was created for the maximum number of Russian families to participate in it, so most of its stages do not cause significant difficulties.

    How to pay maternity capital for a mortgage in Sberbank?

    To pay off a mortgage in Sberbank with maternity capital, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Get a certificate from Sberbank about the balance of credit debt for transfer to the Pension Fund.
    2. Apply to PF. Together with it, the received certificate of debt, originals and copies of bank loan documents, as well as documentation for the apartment are attached.
    3. Write an obligation to allocate shares in the acquired real estate to children after the full repayment of the loan.
    4. Get a positive decision on the transfer of funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
    5. Provide bank details for transferring the amount of MSC to pay for the loan.
    6. After the transfer of funds, which takes place within a month, you can get a new repayment schedule from the bank or a certificate of full payment of the mortgage loan.

    If the loan obligations have been finally repaid, then it is necessary to contact the Rosreestr to remove the encumbrance from the property.

    How to sell an apartment in a Sberbank mortgage with maternity capital

    Mortgage apartment owners life circumstances they can force you to sell your home. But what if the apartment is on credit, and even was bought with partial payment by maternity capital? The main legal problem is the obligation of parents to transfer part of the apartment to the ownership of children after the end of the loan.

    There are several options for selling such an apartment, although they all carry risks and hassles for the buyer of such a property.

    First option. The debt is repaid on the day of purchase and sale of the apartment with the consent of the bank. Documents for the removal of the encumbrance and the change of ownership are simultaneously submitted to Rosreestr.

    Second option. The apartment is sold with the consent of the bank, but the encumbrance is not removed, and all credit obligations are transferred to the new buyer. After that, the buyer repays the loan and removes the encumbrance.

    Although control over the distribution of shares in real estate between family members is not controlled by the state, it is advisable, after the sale of the apartment, to still allocate the required shares of property in new housing to the children, notifying the PF department about this.

    Use state financial assistance in the form of MSC certificates faster, because this program has currently only been extended until the end of 2018. If in doubt, call Sberbank, where consultants in a polite manner will always tell you the subtleties of procedural points. And intermediary companies will help to avoid wasting time when bypassing government agencies.

    Interested in Sberbank loan mortgage programs? Do you expect to use maternity capital funds when applying for a loan?

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    Consider how to take a mortgage in this case in this bank in 2019. Mortgage for most families is the only option for acquiring housing.

    But often you have to attract additional money, including materiel. The process of obtaining such a mortgage in banks is laborious and involves extensive paperwork. What conditions does Sberbank offer to its customers?

    What you need to know

    Maternity capital is assistance that can be used to purchase housing. Let's determine what regulations you need to analyze in order to use the certificate when applying for a mortgage. We will indicate the main pros and cons of the transaction.

    Required terms

    Maternity capital is understood as a measure state support Russian family with 2 or more children.

    The duration of this program is from 2007 to 2019. A mortgage is considered a form in which the mortgaged property remains in the possession of the borrower.

    If he does not fulfill his obligations in accordance with the contract, then the property passes to the creditor, and he has the right to sell it.

    Mortgage credit is one of the components of the mortgage system. When a person receives a loan to purchase real estate, then this property becomes the subject of collateral.

    Advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase

    We list all the features of the procedure in order to weigh the pros and cons:

    Mortgage under maternity capital is not an easy process After all, first the family needs to get a certificate. And this requires the preparation of separate documents
    Please note that it is unacceptable to use part of the capital Before the loan is issued. Mortgage amount must be
    The Pension Fund will not issue cash either. The borrower will not see how the funds are paid at all. They are written off from the accounts of the Pension Fund to bank accounts. The write-off will be reflected in the documentation later.
    State Accessible not only to parents, but also to their children
    Parents are required to register a share of the purchased housing for all family members It does not matter what age the child is or what area the apartment is. The area can be determined independently
    For the money of maternity capital, you can buy a residential property Or pay off the debt of the loan. But in the first case, it is possible to increase the interest rate, up to 14%. So it is not known whether the funds of maternity capital will help. Therefore, it is advisable to use the subsidy after the down payment has been paid.
    Application takes longer Than when choosing a standard program
    Now the banks are ready to take To prepare a number of papers

    Current regulations

    Here is a list of legislation that can help in considering this issue:

    The following Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Labor of Russia are relevant:

    How to get a mortgage under maternity capital in Sberbank

    Far from the last place among the banks that have the right to provide mother capital is Sberbank. Typically, this allowance is used to buy a home for 100 percent of its price.

    Now there is an opportunity to make an initial contribution at the expense of maternity capital.

    Loan programs

    Maternity capital can be directed to several purposes. Most often, families use such funds to buy housing on a mortgage or pay off a loan that has already been issued.

    Sberbank is ready to offer 2 programs. Mortgage plus maternity capital is suitable for those who have already issued or plan to issue a loan for a residential property.


    1. Buying a finished residential property on the secondary market.
    2. Buying a property that is still under construction.

    For money, subsidies are paid by the loan itself and interest, and are also used to pay the down payment.

    But the certificate cannot be used to pay penalties, fines, penalties if the bank's client does not fulfill its obligations in accordance with.

    The conditions for each program are almost identical. Only the interest rate and the list of required certificates differ.

    Mandatory conditions

    Mandatory conditions for obtaining a mortgage under maternity capital in Sberbank:

    The amount of the loan in each situation is calculated individually. And, by the way, the loan is issued only in rubles and at a time.

    Terms and conditions for lending to customers:

    Bid 11 to 13.5 percent
    Amount of credit 300 thousand - 15 million (taking into account the amount of the down payment and other factors)
    The disbursed funds will not exceed 80 percent From the contractual and estimated price of the apartment / house. When applying for a mortgage at Sberbank, maternity capital as a down payment is at least 25%
    Loan terms vary 1 to 30 years old
    Loan processing fee The bank does not charge
    Clients can repay the amount owed Without sanctions
    Property What is pledged must be insured
    When calculating payment terms The amount of the loan will take into account only the official profit of the borrower. Unconfirmed income can be counted as irregular income. And the bank will not focus on such funds when making a decision on issuing a loan.

    More favorable credit conditions are received by persons who apply for a loan:

    • for up to 10 years;
    • with an initial payment of more than 50%;
    • and receive earnings through Sberbank.

    It is advisable to take a mortgage on 2 documents:

    • if you need a quick decision on granting a loan;
    • if the payment of the first installment will be paid for funds;
    • if, when submitting certificates to the institution, the citizen does not have an extract from the Pension Fund on the residual amount and does not have a certificate of earnings.

    Registration procedure

    Actions are:

    When you specify all the details of the mortgage, you can apply It will be reviewed within 2-5 days. In addition to these documents, you must also submit a sample certificate for mother capital, a document from the Pension Fund of Russia, in which the balance of funds is registered
    Next, you need to conclude or (which is registered with Rosreestr) if the object is not completed
    The banking institution will transfer money against the obligations of the owner Certificate before the seller to a blocked account. You do not have to pay an initial contribution, as it will be repaid by the maternity capital. The seller will be able to withdraw funds when the owner of the certificate receives the right to housing
    After registration by Rosreestr of the rights of the owner The bank will transfer the money and draw up a mortgage agreement, which is also registered with Rosreestr. An encumbrance is imposed on the property until the loan is paid in full. The property will need to be insured.
    When the borrower has a loan agreement in hand And the mortgage agreement, it goes to the Pension Fund, where it submits an application for the issuance of funds to a banking organization on account of the payment of the first installment.

    There is no other way to cash out maternity capital. The applicant cannot also use the funds before.

    You can apply to Sberbank at the place, location of the immovable object, the place where the employer is accredited.

    The payment is annuity - the client pays a certain amount every month. Although the bank allows early repayment without setting fines and commissions.

    If the person does not make the payment on time, then the amount of the penalty will be 20% per annum. For the amount that was paid on the loan, the person is entitled to receive.

    Required condition bank - the certificate holder must use maternity capital within 6 months after registration.

    Conclusion of a mortgage agreement

    Even before signing a mortgage agreement, the borrower must clearly define what kind of property he will buy.

    The commission will evaluate the housing and draw up a package of certificates, based on which a decision will be made on the issuance of credit funds.

    First, the client must provide .

    Then only an agreement is drawn up with the bank. If Sberbank does not approve the preliminary contract, then the loan agreement will not be concluded.

    Possibility to repay a loan with the help of MK

    Payment by mother capital of credit obligations is carried out as follows:

    Does the bank give for construction

    Not spelled out in legislation separate rules for a loan for the construction of a house.

    Construction allows you to improve living conditions, which means that maternity capital can be used.

    The procedure for obtaining a mortgage does not differ from that which takes place when buying a finished residential property. The only caveat is that housing being built cannot be collateral.

    At the moment, the amount of maternity capital is approximately 10-40% of the cost of an average apartment, depending on the city, district, initial living conditions. In a normal situation, the use of mother capital has a number of restrictions that do not allow you to dispose of it completely at your own discretion. However, the repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital is seen as an improvement in the child's living conditions, which means that it is possible to pay off a loan in this way without any problems. Using this approach requires a family certificate.

    What is maternity capital

    Family capital is a certain amount that the state can transfer one time to a woman who has given birth to a second, third, etc. child from January 1, 2007. The list of ways to use mother capital is long, but limited by law. You can use the mother's budget only to meet the needs of the child: education, better living conditions, individual essentials, etc. In most cases, this money is used to purchase housing, pay off debt under a mortgage agreement.

    How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

    Mortgage repayment can be used maternity capital, if adhered to certain order actions:

    1. Collecting money to pay the down payment. Makes up approximately 20% of total amount.
    2. Making a mortgage loan. You will need an identity document, a certificate for obtaining maternity capital.
    3. Actions after the mortgage is issued. Drawing up and notarization of a document confirming the ownership of housing. The loan is registered by Rosreestr, an extract from the USRN is issued.
    4. Use of maternity capital to pay off a mortgage. To do this, you need to take a certificate of debt under a loan agreement from the bank. Then the owner of the certificate for mother capital signs a notarized obligation to register the children and the second spouse as equal equity holders of housing within 6 months after paying off the debt to the bank and removing the encumbrance from the living space.
    5. Submission of an application for the use of maternity capital at the address of the pension fund. After receiving a certificate of credit obligations, you should submit a corresponding application to the FIU, attaching the following documents: passport, SNILS, an obligation to register the purchased housing in the shared ownership of all family members.

    Choosing a banking institution and lending program

    The purchase of real estate under a mortgage agreement with the right to use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage is not practiced in all banking institutions. Such financial transactions require well-trained specialists in this field and appropriate permits. The following banks allow making monthly payments or repaying a mortgage with maternity capital:

    1. Bank of Moscow. Issuance of mortgage loans from 900 thousand to 90 million rubles. for a period of 50 years with an initial payment to the bank of 10% of the amount.
    2. Sberbank. It has individual system calculation of the maximum loan amount, as well as the interest rate, which will affect the payment schedule, the amount monthly payments. After paying the down payment, taking into account the mother's capital, the bank within a few days will cease to charge a penalty for the mother's capital that has not been previously paid.
    3. VTB 24. Provides the borrower with the opportunity to make a partial payment at the expense of mother capital. After receiving the certificate and providing it by the owner to the VTB 24 branch, the bank will determine the amount of the loan that it can issue to the borrower. Regardless of the amount, investing in a mother capital mortgage will provide a loan for favorable conditions: 11% per annum, up to 30 years, minimum fines.

    Mortgage application

    The corresponding statement has a unique content for all banks, but a common structure. When submitting an application, it is important to indicate the data specified in the documents. If this is possible, the bank should be notified of the intention to use the partial repayment of the mortgage loan by maternity capital. After verifying the data, the application must be sent to the bank through which it is planned to draw up a mortgage lending agreement. Based on the data received, the bank will decide whether it can issue a loan to the applicant, as well as determine the final conditions.

    Signing and registration of the loan agreement

    If a positive decision is made on the basis of the application received from the borrower, the loan expert:

    1. send a notice of the commission's decision to the applicant's name;
    2. make a note in the Application Registration Book;
    3. prepare a credit case.

    At a personal meeting with the applicant, the details are discussed loan agreement: maturities, credit obligations of the parties, the possibility of repayment housing loan mother capital. The contract with the final terms is drawn up in two copies, which are signed by the parties. final stage is the obligatory registration of the loan in the Unified State Register of Registration Chambers.

    Information about the balance of debt in the Pension Fund

    The signing of the contract does not end the process of drawing up the contract. In order for the pension fund to transfer matkapital to the bank, the applicant must submit a certificate of loan debt to the PFR branch. It can be obtained at the branch of the banking institution that issued the loan. To do this, you must write an appropriate application and provide the employee with a loan agreement and an identity document. The term for preparing a certificate for each bank is different and is up to 5 business days.

    Mortgage repayment by maternity capital and recalculation of the loan payment schedule

    Repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital automatically leads to a recalculation of interest, and as a result, the final amount that will have to be spent. This is due to the fact that the amount of the mother's capital cannot be immediately offset into the mortgage agreement, so the interest is calculated based on the down payment that the borrower can make. The amount of capital subsequently contributed can be distributed in accordance with the applicable terms of the contract. It will go to repay the debt directly or will be dispersed between interest and the initial loan amount.

    Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

    A mortgage under maternity capital is issued upon submission of the following documents:

    • A completed application form;
    • copies of the passport;
    • a copy of the work book;
    • copy employment contract or certificate of form 2-NDFL;
    • income statement.

    What documents are needed for the bank

    Signing, drawing up, registration of the contract are carried out according to the following documents:

    • original passport of the borrower;
    • marriage certificate, presence of children;
    • SNILS;
    • education documents;
    • certificate of no debts to other banks, according to public services;
    • full photocopy of the work book;
    • 2-personal income tax;
    • notarized consent of the spouse.

    List of documents to be submitted to the FIU

    Maternity capital for repaying a mortgage is issued upon submission of the following documents to the point of issue of a certificate for mother capital:

    • certificate state standard;
    • copies of documents confirming the ownership of real estate;
    • a copy of the cadastral passport for real estate;
    • expert characteristic and a conclusion based on the results of the inspection real estate;
    • copies of passports;
    • SNILS;
    • a notarized copy of the loan agreement;
    • certificate of residual debt to the bank;
    • a copy of the mortgage agreement;
    • certificate of registration of ownership.

    Conditions for using maternity capital to pay off a mortgage

    The provision of money by the state to improve housing conditions is possible subject to several conditions:

    • the mortgage is issued to the owner of the certificate;
    • acquired real estate by law can be registered only for children and their parents;
    • in case of temporary impossibility to register housing as common property, the borrower signs a written obligation to register family members as equity holders within 6 months;
    • family members of the owner of the certificate cannot be a party to the transaction.

    Maternity capital for a mortgage for a down payment

    Family equity can be used as a means to increase the down payment on a mortgage, which will lead to a decrease in the total amount of overpayment on the loan. This is the most common use of mother capital. The payment schedule is also recalculated, their size is reduced. The solution is standard, does not require additional legal knowledge when making an application, contributes to early repayment mortgages.

    One-time payment of a part of the loan and interest on its use

    There is also a common method of repaying a mortgage, in which part of the capital goes to pay off the debt, and part goes to interest. In the second case, half of the capital is used as a down payment, reducing the interest on the loan, the overall overpayment and reducing the amount of debt. The second half is evenly distributed over a certain period of time, goes to partial or full payment of interest for this period. Borrower can choose convenient option: for what period to distribute the second part of the capital, partially or fully pay interest.

    Repayment of mortgages by participants in the savings and mortgage system of military personnel

    Military mortgage differs from the usual larger share financial assistance from the state, is characterized by the provision of preferential lending conditions, an additional targeted loan, accounting for money on a personal savings account of a serviceman. The military is entitled to preferential terms:

    • with a length of service of 20 years;
    • those who retired from service in cases provided for by law (due to health reasons, reaching the age limit for service, personnel changes, family circumstances taken into account by law).

    Repaying a military mortgage with maternity capital has a number of advantages. The state can provide a soldier with an interest-free loan, which will become part of the down payment on the loan or go to pay off interest. The PFR also has the right to pay part of the savings from the federal budget in order to partially cover the amount of the total debt if the length of service of a serviceman is more than 20 years. The remaining clauses of the military mortgage agreement and the conditions for providing maternity capital for it remain unchanged.


    If you are already using a loan, then part of the loan can be repaid with “maternity (family) capital”. We bring a certificate for family capital to the bank, write an application, and money is transferred to the bank from the pension fund.
    At the same time, considering that “maternity (family) capital” is the money of the whole family, you assume the obligation to issue a share of the apartment for the child.
    The law does not require registration of a specific share of the apartment for the child, therefore, family members themselves decide which part of the apartment will be registered for children: at least purely symbolic.
    With maternity capital, you can pay for a loan received from any bank. In other words, when you have already received a loan from a bank, you can repay part of the loan using maternity capital.

    It is also possible to use maternity capital to purchase housing, to increase the amount of money that can be spent when buying an apartment. Maternity capital is added to the amount of the first installment and the mortgage loan issued by the bank. At first glance, this is beneficial, because the first installment when obtaining a mortgage loan may be less, but only at first glance...

    How to get a loan with maternity capital

    You can use maternity capital for a house or apartment, when purchasing this house or apartment. The “pilot project”, when such a solution was the most profitable, has ended. What do we have now?

    The first installment (from own funds) can be 10% of the cost of the apartment and even lower (by the amount of maternity capital). Formally, this is a plus for the borrower: you need to save money for a down payment less.

    In fact, there are only a few banks that take maternity capital into account as part of the borrower's down payment, they understand that their programs are unique, and therefore, "compensate" the benefits for the borrower with a higher interest rate.

    How to technically get a loan using maternity capital:

    In your hands, in addition to other documents that are required to obtain a mortgage loan, you must have a state Certificate of right to receive maternity capital. Please note that although the Law allows you to spend maternity capital in parts for various family needs provided for by the Law, but if you decide to spend maternity capital funds simultaneously with obtaining a mortgage loan, you must not use part of the maternity (family) capital funds before. If you managed to use at least some part of the capital, you won’t be able to get a loan taking into account maternity capital funds.
    You come to the bank. (Please note that not every bank has a program in accordance with which you can use maternity capital when obtaining a mortgage loan).
    The Bank, based on your income and the amount of own funds, determines which maximum size loan and at what interest rate can you issue. To the size of the loan that the bank can issue, you can add maternity capital funds. And then the fun begins.

    Certificate - not money, but the right to receive money

    A certificate for maternity capital is not money. The certificate entitles its owner to use Money especially when taking out a loan. But at the same time, the owner of the certificate cannot receive the amount specified in the certificate in cash. Moreover, the pension fund will transfer money only when the apartment is registered in the name of the owner of the certificate or members of his family.
    How to be?
    The bank adds to the owner of the certificate the money indicated in the certificate on credit, at an interest rate equal to the refinancing rate of the Central Bank (today it is 8.75% per annum in rubles). The borrower uses this money, and as soon as the money from the pension fund is transferred to the bank, the loan is repaid.
    Thus, the borrower receives two amounts from the bank:

    1. Loan amount for interest rate accepted at the bank for this program (depending on the loan term, the amount of the first installment, the method of confirming income and the availability of a personal insurance contract). The borrower repays this amount of the loan himself, with his own money.
    2. A loan amount equal to the amount specified in the State Certificate. This amount of money is repaid with the money of "maternity capital" transferred to the bank from the Pension Fund. But until the money is received by the bank from the pension fund, the borrower pays interest for using this money at a rate equal to the refinancing rate of the Central Bank.

    What is the disadvantage for the borrower?

    IN increased rate on credit.

    With a down payment of 10%, you can get a loan at 12.5% ​​per annum.
    If the borrower pays part of the first installment with maternity capital (in such a way that the amount of own funds and maternity capital is the same 10%), then the interest rate on the borrower's main loan is 14% per annum, or even higher. It turns out that most of the maternity capital for the loan term is spent on paying interest.

    Therefore, it seems more correct when the borrower still uses his own savings for the first installment, takes a loan at a lower interest rate, and then repays part of the loan with maternity capital.

    Video about maternity capital

    Maternity capital can interfere with the further improvement of living conditions. I recommend that you study the issue so as not to harm yourself.

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