Holidays fun for summer in dhow. Summer fun in kindergarten

Entertainment takes place on the playground of the kindergarten.

Cognitive entertainment script for older preschoolers

Scenario of cognitive entertainment in the senior, preparatory group DOW

entertainment scenario in kindergarten « Electricity»

Purpose: to teach children the proper handling of electrical appliances. Equipment: an electric train for traveling, paintings depicting a power plant, a factory, a city, an electrical designer, a socket and a plug for display, illustrations, an Electric train doll.

Holiday scenario on the theme "Mushrooms" in kindergarten for older preschoolers

Scenario for DOW. Leisure "Signor Amanita"

Lesovichok comes to visit the children.

Lesovichok. Hello guys! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest for berries and mushrooms. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries?

Scenario of the event on the topic " Proper nutrition» for kindergarten

Scenario for older preschoolers "Let's talk about nutrition"

1st child

Hello people,

Happiness to you, joy,

Stay healthy until old age!

Raising a question for discussion

Mathematical KVN in the senior, preparatory group

Scenario of entertainment in the senior and preparatory group

KVN "Mathematics is fun." Scenario

Members of two teams stand opposite each other. Teams come up with (or call previously composed) their names - "Counters" and "Why". Team captains are selected.

Scenario summer holiday in the senior, preparatory group. Visiting a fairy tale

Summer entertainment script for older preschoolers

Scenario for DOW. Holiday "Visiting a fairy tale"

Passes on the verandas and sports ground kindergarten, divided into sectors. In each sector, attributes and correspond to a certain fairy tale. Near the houses are the leaders - the heroes of fairy tales. These roles are played by educators. All children are divided into groups.

Scenario of a summer holiday for older preschoolers. Summer is a glorious time

Summer holiday at the DOW. Scenario

The script is built in the form of an entertaining journey through the stations.

Scenario "Summer is a glorious time" for older children preschool age in kindergarten.

Holiday duration: 40 minutes

1 commentNeptune's holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Summer holiday script for older preschoolers

Feast of King Neptune. Scenario

The action takes place on open area kindergarten, decorated with flags, stars, portraits of cartoon characters. In the center of the site there is one large inflatable pool and many small ones.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the senior, preparatory group

Summer holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment script for preschool educational institution. Holiday "Hello June!"

preliminary work: reading and learning oral works folk art, poems about flowers; walk in the forest.

Day of summer birthdays in the younger, middle group

Entertainment scenario for children 3-5 years old "Birthday"

The hall needs to be decorated with balls, flowers, flags.

Children dressed up enter the hall. They are met by the Hostess (teacher) in a Russian folk sundress.

Entertainment in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old in summer

Summer fun in the junior and middle group

Scenarios of summer holidays in the junior and middle group of preschool educational institutions

Entertainment on the water "Let's swim!"

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten, where there is one painted and several inflatable pools, around which children sit on benches. There are towels and dry clothes nearby. All the action is accompanied by cheerful music.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the junior and middle group of the preschool educational institution

Scenario of summer entertainment in kindergarten

Holiday Hello Summer! Scenario

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten.

Hello golden sun

Hello, the sky is blue.

Municipal Preschool educational institution Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 21 of the City District of Istra

Musical director Sidorova Svetlana Yurievna July 2017.

Holiday progress:

Children gather on the playground with cheerful music. They get up in two round dances.


From kindness, love and light, a miracle summer blushed!
Rye is earing in the field, jumping, jumping summer rain!
The sun is shining playfully, and in the ravine, by the river,
Flowers bloom in amazing colors.

Song "Colorful round dance" (as shown)

Host: It's good that summer continues! Everyone is in a great mood! The sun gives us its hot rays. We will not be bored, we will sing, dance, we will celebrate the holiday. And what kind of holiday should we come up with today?

Summer brought us a holiday, music flows around,

Today we will call this holiday, the holiday of Friendship!

1 child:

Girlfriends and comrades, we live happily,
We love each other very much, we do not give offense!

2 child:

We are friendly guys, we do not quarrel at all,
We are friendly guys, tell it to everyone!

3 child:

Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone to the circle of children.

4 Child. I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
Too bad we can't count them all.

Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Song "Kindergarten" (Filippenko).

Leading. Today we have the most fun holiday dedicated to Friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that we have our first friends and girlfriends.

I want to check if you know polite words.

A game "Say a word" .

  1. Even an ice block will melt from a warm word ... (Thank you).
  2. The old stump will turn green when it hears ... (Good afternoon).
  3. If you can’t eat anymore, say at the table ... (Thank you).
  4. And in Belarus and Denmark they say goodbye ...... (Goodbye).

5. If you don’t want to be known as ignorant,
I beg you, be wise
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be... (kindly), be... (kind).

Leading. I want to know if you can tell good deeds from bad deeds.

A game "Good bad"

The host calls an example of an act, the children indicate the correct one with applause: he tore his clothes, protected the weak, quarreled with his mother, warmed and fed the kitten, plucked a branch from a tree, broke a toy, broke a vase, helped the baby get dressed, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked for the help) .

Vraka-Zabiyaka enters to the music.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Hi all! Aha! This is where I need to be! (rubs hands).

Leading. Where is "here"?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I am Vraka the Ruffian. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not some kind, but the Holiday of Friendship, the holiday of true friends. And we're here to have some fun.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Are these shorty kids friends? Can they be friends? Oh, laugh! (laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, Vraka-Zabiyaka, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Check, right? Please! (Pulls out the ball). Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him has not grown up and, therefore, has not learned to be friends!

Starts randomly, deceiving children, throwing a ball at them.

Leading. Oh no! This will not work! If you play it, then for real.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. How is it for real?

Leading. It means - according to the rules. Look, we will now take the ball and we will pass it in a circle, and you catch up. Agreed?

A game "Pass the ball around"

Vraka-Zabiyaka: That's it, I don't play like that. It's not fair. Now, if I played alone with the ball, and you all ran after me, it would be great!

Leading: Do you want to play with the guys in interesting game "How are you?" . Let me teach you guys. Or to the music "If life is fun" .

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Well, we'll see who teaches whom. Well, I don't know that kind of game.

Game "How are you?"

Children use movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Vraka-Zabiyaka plays incorrectly, the host asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know with whom I need to introduce Vraka-Zabiyaka so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh out loud, from the heart. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. Vraka-Zabiyaka hides to the side, plugs his ears.

The clown Smeshinkin enters to cheerful music.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Smeshinkin. Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met today and decided to have some fun.

Leading. To us on a long wet leg
The rain is running down the path.
Dance "Rain" (girls)
Vraka-Zabiyaka. Yes, how! Shorty babies!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Vraka-Zabiyaka, are you already here and doing mischief again?

Leading. Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, Vraka-Zabiyaka claims that our

boys and girls are still very young and do not know how to make friends.

Smeshinkin. And I think it's quite the opposite. For example, do you know, Vraka-Zabiyaka, what to do in the morning?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Of course I know! They are still asking. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

"Fun Charge" ("Hey couch potatoes!" )

Vraka-Zabiyaka. It’s in the kindergarten that you are so grown-up, but when you come home ... There you can’t do without me, what will you do without me so pretty, mischievous?

Leading. But nothing like this, our guys are not only friends in kindergarten, but they are also friends with moms and dads and always try to obey them

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Eh, you! It did not work out of you my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask?! Look at yourself: is it possible with such a mischievous face, on which there is never a smile, to find friends?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Only other people are drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen, what a good good song our girls will sing to you.

Song "We divide everything in half" .

(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Ivanov)

Vraka the Ruffian (claps hands). What a wonderful song! I haven't heard this one yet!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! Vraka-Zabiyaka told the truth for the first time!

Vraka-Zabiyaka. How? It can't be! What is it with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (whining).

Leading. You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We are your name

we'll give you a new one. Want?

Vraka the Ruffian (embarrassed). Well, I don't know... Can I...

Smeshinkin. You can, you can! And we guys will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's give Vraka-Brawler a new good name- Cheerful-Laughing..

Smeshinkin. But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. And how to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to get you started. I collected along the way different colors. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are some flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns guessing riddles for the guys. Agreed?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I will try.

1. He got leeches,
I sold Karabas.
The whole smell of swamp mud.
His name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

2. He walked boldly through the forest.
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

3. Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look.
Who is this... (Aibolit - Karabas)

4. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years.
Finally saw the light.
He has grown a beard
This kind... (Santa Claus - Old Man Hottabych)

5. He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests brought him back.
He is grumpy like an old man.
This sad... (Piglet - Donkey Eeyore)

6. He is a big naughty and comedian,
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is... (Dunno - Carlson)

Or riddles about flowers
Leading. And now my boys
Listen to riddles.
And my riddles about summer flowers. Ready?

What is my name? Tell?
Often I hide in the rye,
humble wild flower,
Blue-eyed… (cornflower)

Here is a rough stem
In the middle is a charcoal.
- Petals shine like varnish.
Red bloomed... (poppy)

The blue bell hangs
He never calls. (Bell)

On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.


Familiar with childhood
Their white shirt
With a bright yellow center
Cheerful… (chamomile)

Dance "Daisies"

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (referring to Vraka the Ruffian) that our children know nothing. How could kids solve such difficult riddles?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and wiser. Do you know why? Because I'm slowly turning into Cheerful Laugh. I even want to play a game with you "Carousel" .

A game "Carousel" (with umbrella)

Dance "Friendship" (group "Barbariki" )

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughing, did you like our holiday?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for us with Veselushka-Laughter to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your fervent friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka. Bye!

Under cheerful music heroes leave.

Drawing "My friends" .

At the end of the holiday, another surprise awaits the children: the teachers distribute colored crayons to the children. Children draw their friends.

Summer holiday for children of middle and senior preschool age in kindergarten "Red summer has come, brought joy to people"

(The play "Song of the Lark" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds on a recording.)

1st preschooler:

Hello summer,

Hello summer,

Dressed in a bright sundress!

2nd preschooler:

You went somewhere in the winter.

And our summer was sad.

And now it's come to our house

And kept us warm.

3rd preschooler:

Smells like flowers in the air

Fragrant gardens.

The singing of birds amuses us

And we won't be bored!

Presenter: Do you guys know why summer is called red?

1st preschooler: Because everything is in bloom, a lot of sun, butterflies fly.

Presenter: You are right, well done!

2nd preschooler: Birds sing loudly, rejoicing in their native nature and the sun.

Presenter: In summer, the sun rises very early, and native nature wakes up. Our feathered bird friends are waking up, followed by ants, butterflies and bees. Each of them has their own job.

3rd preschooler: Do birds and bees have jobs?

presenter: Very important and necessary. Birds are the orderlies of our forests. They need to be protected, to help them in the winter cold. make winter feeders.

2nd preschooler: And the bees? They only hurt!

Presenter: Bees give us honey! It is not only tasty, but also very useful!

1st preschooler: My mother always gives me honey when I have the flu.

3rd preschooler: And me too!

2nd preschooler: I also eat honey when I'm sick.

Presenter: You see guys natural pharmacy heals

you all. Herbs bloom in summer, which cure us of colds and flu in winter. And so that these wonderful medicinal herbs enough for everyone, we need to protect our forests and fields!

4th preschooler:

The bee buzzes all day

“I have things to do, things to do!”

5th preschooler:

The fly flew up to the bee:

- Aren't you tired of buzzing?

Fly over the flowers

And collect nectar?

6th preschooler:

The bee looked sternly:

- I have a big deal!

I collect nectar

I have a bee gift!

4th preschooler:

Day-to-day the bee buzzes:

“I have things to do, things to do!”

(Preschool girls perform the dance “Bee and Fly” to polka music. Harmonization of movements: the fly and the bee run to the music, holding hands. Polka step. The bee has a camomile in its hands. The fly tries to pick up the camomile, the bee does not give it back. The bee is spinning with it, admiring the daisy. At the end of the dance, the bee raises the daisy high, the fly tries to get it, but cannot. The children are wearing costume elements - paper caps "flies" and "bees".)

presenter: A wonderful time of the year is summer! Guys, do you know poems about summer?

(Children read their favorite poems about summer.)

Presenter: Summer is beautiful at any time of the day. But a quiet summer evening is especially good. Wonderful poems written about summer evening famous poet A. Pleshcheev:

Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border,

The day says goodbye to the earth

Quietly, the night goes on

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

1st preschooler:

And how great it is to relax on the river and the sea in the summer, swim and sunbathe!

2nd preschooler:

The field turns green

Everyone go for a walk!

They call us to freedom

Sun and water.

2nd preschooler:

Sparrows are chirping

In the morning.

Let's run to the river

It's time to sunbathe!

3rd preschooler:

Need to wake up

In the summer at dawn

And charging together

Do it in the yard.

2nd preschooler:

The field turns green

Everyone go for a walk!

They call us to freedom

Sun and water.

(Words by I. Nekhoda, translation by T. Volgina)

Preschooler: And what extraordinary adventures can happen in the summer forest if you dream up a little.

A bunny jumped out of a bush!

Under the bush is a porcini mushroom.

And I'm chasing the bunny

I pick the white mushroom myself.

Alive mushroom - in a box,

And herself - on the barrel,

And under the high ash

I fell asleep inadvertently.

The stalk rustled

Someone grab the box.

I woke up quickly

Right, turned left.

Look there, look here

No fungus, that's the trouble!

Know, smarter than me bunny,

White mushroom took away, rascal!

(Poems by N. Granovskaya, translation by T. Volgina)

Presenter: I suggest that all the children stand in a round dance, the red summer is coming!

(Children lead a round dance to the “Song of Summer”. Words by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov.)


Hurry, try so hard

But it was a little delayed.

Presenter: Hello, red summer!

Summer: I welcome children and adults! (Summer bows.)

I listened to the birds singing in the forest, admired the beauty of the birch, I barely had time to come to you for the holiday.

Presenter: Come on, the summer is red and the guys, let's get up in a friendly round dance and sing a beautiful song “Ay yes birch”.

(Performed in the round dance "Ah yes birch".

Words by Zh. Agadzhanov, music by T. Popatenko.)

We are around the birch

Let's get into a round dance.

(The guys, holding hands, walk in a circle in one direction, then in the other.)

Happy and loud

Everyone sings.


Oh yes birch,

White stem!

Greener, greener

You are leaves.

(Children narrow the circle, wave their handkerchiefs, expand the circle. Repeat movements 2 times.

They bow with a Russian bow.)

Summer: You guys sing and dance well! Can you solve my riddles?

I work, I work, I work.

I mess around with flowers!

I love pollen from a flower

I don't look like a moth.

Preschoolers: Bee.

Summer: That's right, and here's another riddle:

red fungus,

Don't get in the box.

Of course you are famous

But it's very poisonous!

preschoolers: Fly agaric.

Summer: What good fellows, guessed!

Well you are visiting, but I have to go. There is a lot of work in the summer forest. Goodbye guys!

live together,

Come to my forest

native nature

You take care!

(Summer says goodbye to preschoolers and leaves.)


Well, dear child,

It's time for us to say goodbye.

Do not forget our holiday

Smile, don't be bored!

(Sounds in the recording “Song of Summer”. Words by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov.)

Goals: development of children's imagination and disclosure of talents of parents; expanding the horizons of children, developing their creative abilities, familiarizing with the beautiful, educating aesthetic qualities.

Children are invited to the playground, decorated with flags, balloons, flowers. The girls perform the "Flower Exercise".

Chamomile. Hello everyone who loves holidays, summer, beauty, fantasy!

I am a beautiful chamomile

And I really like it here.

There are colorful kids here.

Both girls and boys.

Today, a holiday is declared throughout our Flower Country.

To the Flower City where the children

Very fun live

Guests came, guests came

Unprecedented beauty.

Children perform the song “Colorful Planet” (music by N. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova. See in the collection: Matinees in kindergarten: scenarios about nature. M .: Airis-press, 2002).


And today, kids

Hat Festival is here! Hooray!

The stranger appears.


I'm a little unlucky

A mischievous and bold rogue,

Everyone teaches me something

And the name is Dunno.

Hello to you all from me.

"Feast of hats" I heard.

There is something boring about you. I have prepared a song for you. Listen:

Let's stick out like me.

Let's stick out like me.

Well, all together, all at once

Let's be camels now!

Let's pinch each other like me.

Let's bruise each other...

Chamomile. Stop, what are you teaching our guests?! Look how beautiful and friendly they all are. Really guys? (Children's answers.) And to show you what we are, we will perform the "Dance of Hearts."

“Dance of Hearts” to the music “Dance of Friendship” (music by V. Preger). Children are dancing; when the music stops, the children find a mate, that is, they choose a child with a heart of the same color, and continue to dance.

Hurry appears.


I was in a hurry to you, in a hurry.

I almost fell off my horse.

I flew into a birch

He hit two bushes with his nose.

And then fell five times

Finally I got to you.

Are you not happy with me? And if you are happy, then when I wave my hand, you will shout loudly: “Hurrah!”. Hello! I am Hurry from your favorite book.

Dunno. And now I will tell a poem about you:

Toropyzhka was hungry,

I swallowed a cold iron.

And here's more:

Toropyzhka was frightened -

Rushed naked from the river.

I was in such a hurry to have lunch.

Forgot to wear.

Chamomile. Shame on you, Dunno!

Dunno. I joked and I won't do it again, I swear on my beautiful hat. Haste. Okay, no more teasing, especially since today is a holiday. Look how beautiful the children are, just like me, and I have prepared a surprise for you.

Chamomile. Which?


In your magic box

I put the cat in.

Let's wait a little...

Get ready kids!

You didn't take that

Never in the world.

I will believe my box -

All faster, faster, faster.

I open it, and from there

A sparrow appeared.

(The trick is to use a box with a partition: a cat is placed on one side, and a sparrow is taken out on the other side.)

Dunno. But I have the most beautiful hat.

Now I'll take off my hat

And I'll start playing with it.

Well, little people

Get in the dance!

Funny hat game. Cheerful music sounds, the children pass the hat in a circle. The music stops, whoever has a hat in his hands, he goes into a circle and dances, the children clap their hands.

Chamomile. And I also prepared a surprise for the guys. I want our flower country became even more beautiful, and the guys will help me with this.

The game "Merry flower bed".

Children are divided into two teams and compete, which team will transfer the flowers faster and make a "flower bed".


Planet of people, planet of children,

A planet of cheerful and kind friends!

The song "Colorful planet" sounds.

Chamomile. It is a holiday today! Hat Festival!

hasty. And everyone knows it!

1st child.

Our grandfathers wear

Caps and panamas.

Fashion berets

It's in my mom's closet.

2nd child.

If the sun bakes

What will save us from the heat?

This is a hat and panama.

Mom puts them on for us.

3rd child.

Preserved grandfathers

An old card.

And he plays

My brother, little one.

4th child.

Very much in fashion now

Straw hats.

In an old dresser

Baba Toma has it.

5th child.

Even in a good story

What we all read

Little Red Riding Hood

The girl was named.


Hey! Which children are here?

Forget everything!

Open your mouths wider -

And she, and he, and you.

The little one will now ask:

"Who wears what hat?"

The game "Guess who wears what hat."

Gnome - ... (cap).

Santa Claus - ... (hat).

Baba Yaga - ... (shawl).

Snowman - ... (bucket).

Mushroom - ... (hat).

Fireman - ... (helmet).

Cook - ... (cap).

Sailor - ... (peakless cap).

Tanker - ... (helmet).

Dunno. So let's start our show!

Chamomile. And in order to evaluate your hats, you need to walk along the catwalk and tell the name of your hat.

Children present their hats.

Suddenly appears " live hat"- with the help of a fishing line, the teacher imperceptibly pulls the hat.

Dunno. Look, we have a live hat visiting us.

The hurried woman tries to catch her, the hat "runs away".

Chamomile. Want to know what's in it? To do this, we need to dance, then the hat will reveal its secret.

Children stand in a circle and perform the boogie-woogie dance.

After the dance, the educators distribute hat gifts to everyone.

Scenario of the summer holiday "And we have Summer today!" for children of middle and senior groups
Mishina Tatyana Vasilievna, musical director of MBDOU No. 1, Moscow.

Description: This development will be of interest to educators and music directors preschool institutions for the organization of summer leisure in kindergarten. The holiday does not require pre-training, as it is compiled on the material familiar to children.

Target: To create a joyful, cheerful, amazing atmosphere of a summer holiday.


– To promote the development of aesthetic perception and musical culture on the basis of acquaintance with classical and modern music;

- To promote the development of creative, dancing, singing abilities, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and orientation in space. Holiday progress: The holiday begins at the children's site middle group. Klepa (a boy) and Iriska (a girl) come to the children, the roles are played by adults.

Klepa Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

(Children greet each other!)

(Klepa begins to shake hands with each child).

Toffee Klepa, you'll say hello until dinner,

Look how many guys!

Klepa But what to do?

Toffee I will introduce you, and you me!

Klepa Agree!

Toffee Let's clap the guys together,

This is Klepa - a good boy!

Klepa And this is Iriska - a mischievous girl,

Here she is elegant!

Toffee And you have smart kids now.

Educator and Children We have a holiday today!

Klepa So, Iriska, we've come to the right place!

And did you find the guys from the Skazka group?

caregiver That's right, our group is called ...

Children"Fairy tale"!

Toffee We invite everyone to the holiday

It will be interesting - we promise!

Klepa And also little secret open,

Welcome to Summer!

(Children with the Teacher go to the playground of the kindergarten, festively decorated with balloons, garlands, and are placed in their places. Soundtracks of songs about summer sound on the site. At this time, Klepa and Iriska go to invite the children of the older group).

Klepa Good morning! We are happy to see everyone

Waiting for you today - games, dances, laughter!

Toffee We start our holiday

Dance with colorful balloons

Seniors are welcome!

"Dance with Balloons"

Toffee You gave us all this dance and smiles,

And so we applaud you!

Klepa Do you know, Iriska,

About a wonderful planet?

Here for all your answers,

Here is a game, fun, fairy tale,

Song, round dance and dance!

Toffee This is where the kids live together!

Klepa Friendly!

Toffee I know this planet is called "Kindergarten"!

Klepa About how fun and good it is in your kindergarten,

We'll listen carefully now!

Song "Kindergarten", K. Kostina

(soloists - children of the older group, chorus - all the children sing).

Toffee They sang a song loudly

About friendly kindergarten!

The sun smiled, looking at the guys!

We are in a great mood (looks left, right)

Klepa, where are you? Your words now!

Guys please help

Call Klepa together!

(Children call Klepa together).

(The "Waltz of Flowers" from P. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds. Klyopa appears with a "bouquet" of flowers made from balloons. At our request, the parents ordered this wonderful bouquet).

Klepa I hear you, I go, I go,

AND extraordinary flowers I carry

This is a magical bouquet of desires!

Toffee What a wonderful, bright, charming man he is!


Klepa Look, kids

On this flower is written - Game!

The guys from the older group will tell you the name of the flower.


That's right, chamomile invites us to play

And pass the colored balls in a circle!

I'll take the red ball.

Toffee And I like green.

Guys from the middle group, please say

Who has a big ball, who has a small one.

(Children answer).

Klepa We invite all children

Become a big circle soon!

Game - "Pass the ball" (held twice).

(Klepa and Iriska with balls stand side by side, in a circle. On a signal, the children pass the balls towards each other in a circle. When the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance with Klepa and Iriska in the center of the circle).

Toffee Played great!

Can I now choose a flower with desire?

I really liked this flower!

What color is he, guys from the middle group,

Who is ready to say?

(Children answer).

Toffee The blue-eyed cornflower invites you to dance.

The Colored Peas are performing now!

Dance "Colored Peas".

(Performed by children of the middle group).

Klepa Here are some funny peas we have,

And we will consider the next flower now!

The riddle will help to name it,

I ask you to guess it.

(He turns to the teacher of the middle group).

caregiver On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion).

Klepa The guys answered correctly.

Bright yellow dandelion

He calls all the guys, in a friendly,

And a big round dance!

Round dance "If a friend does not laugh."

(All children perform).

Klepa The kids danced great!

The next flower is a bell.

What is the number in the bouquet it's time to say!


The bell rings ding-dong,

Dance "Children and Nature", music from the CD disk of the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" by A. and Burenina.

(Performed by children of the older group).

Klepa What an amazing performance!

And in the magic bouquet we see a wonderful flower,

He is like a bright light

Lush, important, like a pan,

Well, of course, the tulip.

What wish will come true - now we will find out!

(Approaches the teacher of the senior group).

caregiver Today on the big planet

Everyone is happy to fly - adults and children!

All nature is warmed with warmth,

Our guest today is…

Adults and children Summer!

(The soundtrack of the song “Here it is, what our summer is!” Sounds from the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer.” Summer enters the festively decorated area.)

Summer My hello to you, preschool children!

I am a red summer, I am rich in the sun!

Klepa Welcome to visit us!

And this extraordinary bouquet,

We give you!

(Gives Summer a bouquet of flowers from balloons).

Summer Thank you, I'm amazed

And I prepared a surprise for everyone!

I will show it later.

Toffee Oh how interesting

And we invite you to play!

The game "Find yourself a mate", music from the CD disk of the program A. and Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic". All children play.

Summer I liked playing with you

Fun, fun to dance!

And now my game "Fun Fishing"

I invite you friends!

(Plastic balls float in two small inflatable pools of water. Two children - fishermen (on a signal) catch balls with nets (for a while) and put them in their buckets. The game is played multiple times.

Summer Well done, well done

With this difficult task.

And I want to give you advice

You are friends with water, wash yourself, temper yourself,

Go swimming, and believe

What then - you will always be healthy!

Now here's a surprise for you

Klepa and Iriska, please help me now!

(The soundtrack of the song “Long live the surprise!” Sounds, Klepa and Iriska take out pre-prepared baskets with gifts).

Summer I prepared balls for you guys,

Skipping ropes, watering cans and shovels.

(Klepa and Iriska take out of the basket and show the children the objects called Summer).

And for more joy

Sweets for all the kids!

(Klyopa and Iriska show brightly decorated boxes to the children, give baskets with gifts to the teachers, and give out sweets to the children. The children thank Summer for the gifts and sweets).

Klepa We want you to grow up quickly

So that sunny summer you are all on fire.

Toffee We ate berries and various fruits,

And so that the fishing was the best catch!

Summer Let summer be remembered for a long time

Wish have a nice rest to you!

Senior group teacher Thank you! Come visit us again

We are very happy to have guests!

(Klepa, Iriska, Leto say goodbye to the children and leave).

Middle group teacher We are ending our holiday

We invite all the children to tea!

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