Pulse zones: how to get to the right one? Online heart rate calculator

When losing weight, it is important to remember the role played by the pulse for burning fat, to be able to calculate it optimal indicator, and know what load will bring the result. The ability to accurately calculate the heart rate zones for training, appropriate for your age and body condition, determines their success and leads to the desired weight loss. If you are engaged in a low or too intense load, the desired result in the fight against overweight cannot be achieved.

Heart rate zones

To calculate the heart rate at which calorie expenditure is highest, you first need to determine all of your pulse zones. These are heart rate at rest, maximum heart rate during physical exertion, warm-up zones, activity, endurance, aerobic zone.

Resting heart rate is best measured in the morning, before getting out of bed. It is believed that in women this figure should be in the range of 70-80 bpm, in men - 60-70. With age, heart rate (heart rate) increases, the optimal average heart rate at rest is a heartbeat of 72-75 beats / min.

Heart rate zones during exercise are measured as a percentage of your maximum heart rate. It is calculated by the following method - you need to subtract your age from 220. For a thirty-five-year-old man, the MCHP will be 220-35 \u003d 185. Note that the older you get, the lower this figure.

Knowing your maximum heart rate, you can calculate the rest of the heart rate limits for exercise and fat burning:

  • "warm-up" - 45-60% of MCHP;
  • "active" - ​​65-70%;
  • "aerobic" - 70-80%;
  • "endurance zone" - 80-90%;
  • "red zone" - 95-99%.

What is the heart rate for burning fat?

You have calculated your heart rate zones, calculated the resting heart rate and its maximum frequency. Must choose optimal view physical activity and understand at what pulse fat is burned. Look at the table below. It contains the consumption of calories and the amount of fat burned, depending on the heart rate, type and strength of the load.

As you can see, the process of active fat burning begins with an indicator in the region of 140 beats per minute. That is, the active zone during physical exertion with a heart rate of 65-75% of the MCHP - this is the pulse zone for burning fat, its lower limit. It is great for beginners, those who are not in the best physical shape and are just starting regular sports training. Look - the relative intensity of calorie consumption is seriously reduced due to the increase in the load when running.

How to calculate heart rate for fat burning

The calculation of the heart rate for burning fat must be done based on your maximum heart rate. Determine three cardio zones of your heart rate - 60-70%, 70-80% and 80-90% of MHR. At the level of these boundaries, the heart muscle provides different access of oxygen to the tissues, and it directly depends on whether fat burning occurs during exercise or not. What happens in the border of each of these zones?

  • 60-70% (120-140 beats / min.) - during the first half hour of exercise, carbohydrates are actively processed, then the process of lipolysis begins. The minimum duration of a workout for fat burning in this mode is 45-60 minutes.
  • 70-80% (145-165) - aerobic training, suitable for more experienced athletes, a combination of strength and cardio components is necessary.
  • 80-90% (from 165) - a serious cardio load; fat burning within these limits of the heart rate stops, as the supply of oxygen to the tissues stops.

Karvonen formula

Martti Karvonen is a Finnish physiologist who developed a way to calculate the limits of heart rate in athletes. It can be used to calculate desired values heart rate for optimally effective fat burning workouts. The Karvonen method made it possible to determine that this value is approximately in the middle, between the indicators of the heartbeat in a calm state and its maximum frequency, and depends on the state of the organism and the gender of the athlete.

Karvonen formula for women

The formula "220 is the age of a person" developed by Karvonen is the most general method measurement of maximum heart rate. For women, it looks like this: (220-age-resting heart rate) * intensity factor + resting heart rate. Calculate the heartbeat at rest in the morning, before getting up, and the intensity factor is 70% of the MCHP.

For a thirty-year-old woman with a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute, the formula that will show at what heart rate fat is burned in women will be as follows: (220-30-70) * 0.3 + 70 \u003d 121 beats / min. Just remember that the formula was calculated for professional athletes, you can skip the step with multiplication by the intensity factor at first. For this woman correct pulse for burning fat is in the range of 120 beats / min.

Karvonen formula for men

At what pulse rate does fat burn in men? The calculation necessarily uses the minimum and maximum intensity factors, from 0.5 to 0.8. The formula used is the same. A 40-year-old beginner with a resting heart rate of 65 would calculate the optimal heart rate as (220-40-65)*05+65. As the total duration of classes, he will gradually increase the intensity factor until it reaches the highest - 0.8. That is, in the range from 125 to 159 beats / min.

Heart rate calculation for cardio training

You can use special online calculators that will take into account all your individual parameters - age, height, weight, planned load, type of exercise, etc. The heart rate during cardio training for fat burning is calculated based on the following: important points:

  • It should not exceed 70% of the limit, since above this value, oxygen supply to the tissues stops, and the fat burning process stops.
  • Calculations are made taking into account the load of the upcoming classes, the duration of one lesson.
  • Optimal heart rate for effective exercises with an aerobic slope is in the range of 110-130 beats / min or 50-60% of the MCHP.
  • When calculating, you can use the Karvonen formula with an intensity factor of 0.6 for women, 0.75 for men.

Pulse while running

Running is a dynamic type of training, so setting your heart rate zones for running if you are running to lose weight is especially important. After all, the rule of going beyond the anaerobic limit, when fat burning stops, works for running, as well as for other workouts. Beginner runners should alternate between jogging and walking once the heart rate reaches 140 bpm.

The calorie and fat burning zone for the average runner is considered to be a heart rate of 110-130 bpm. Use pulse meters so you don't have to stop to measure your heart rate. After the pulse reaches 140 beats, go to the step and restore it to 120 beats. At first, the duration of the periods of recovery of breathing and heartbeat will greatly exceed the time of running. Do not despair, keep training, over time, running segments will completely replace walking.

Video: heart rate for fat burning

Everyone knows that sport is our friend and assistant in finding a beautiful figure, in building muscles, in improving physical condition and physique. But not everyone knows that with different pulse beats, we train in different ways.

There are four main heart rate zones: the recovery zone (aka the activity zone), the fat burning zone, the target heart rate zone (aka the aerobic zone), and the anaerobic threshold zone (the zone of maximum effort).

The lower the heart rate, the lower the intensity of the workout. For low and medium intensity cardio in the recovery and fat burning zone, a constant intensity and a long duration of the work performed are characteristic -, and on (calorizer). Aerobic training in the target heart rate zone too.

During aerobic exercise, you not only burn calories, but also train your heart. Sometimes aerobic cardio training requires special skills, for example,.

Training in the anaerobic threshold zone is suitable for well-trained people. You can increase the intensity to this level during high-intensity interval training, where short periods of maximum and recovery loads alternate.

Consider the calculation of the pulse for the fat burning zone (FSZH):

220 - age = A

Lower limit: B \u003d A x 0.65

Upper limit: C \u003d A x 0.85

For example:

You are 30 years old. Then:

Lower limit: 190 x 0.65 = 124

Upper limit: 190 x 0.85 = 162

IN this case HRW: is between 124-162 beats per minute.

For beginners, and people with heart problems, the following is important. To get rid of extra calories and not harm your body, you need to monitor your heartbeat (calorizator). The pulse should not go beyond the boundaries of the fat burning zone (FBZ). For example, for a thirty-year-old woman, the working heart rate interval during a fat burning workout should be in the range of 124-162 beats per minute.

Most cardio machines allow you to track your heart rate. It is enough just to put your hands on the metal handles to see the number of beats per minute on the display of the simulator.

If there is neither a simulator nor a heart rate monitor - or on the street, you can navigate by sensations. The pace of movement should be such that it is possible to pronounce a phrase of 5-6 words, that is, the load should be moderate or moderately light.

You can determine the intensity of the load using the following data:

  • Very light- You maintain a conversation without problems
  • Easy- You speak with minimal effort
  • Slightly above easy- You carry on a conversation with little tension
  • Above easy- It becomes harder for you to speak
  • Moderate- You need to make an effort to keep up the conversation
  • Moderately high- It's harder for you to pronounce words
  • Very high- You find it difficult to talk
  • intensive- you are unable to talk

There is also an easy way to find out the heart rate - detect 10 seconds, count the pulse and multiply by 6. This is how you find out the number of heart beats per minute.

Each type of workout has its own benefits. Heart rate - great way control the intensity and your condition. However, it is important to keep in mind that for training in the target heart rate zone and for HIIT, you need to set aside 5-10 minutes for a low-intensity warm-up and cool down in the fat burning and recovery zone.

This online resource will help you determine your heart rate, measured in heart rate (HR), without using any physical heart rate monitors. Based on your age and maximum heart rate (HR max), you will be able to determine your training heart rate zone.

How to use?

To start measuring your heart rate, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter your age.
  2. Place the index and middle fingers of one of your hands on the lower neck area, on either side of your windpipe. Press down lightly to feel the pulse.
  3. With your free hand, take the mouse and click on the heart icon every time you feel a pulse beat (you can also use the space bar).

Your average heart rate (HR) will be shown, and the indicator will also show your training zone.

What is pulse rate?

Pulse (or heart rate) is the number of times your heart beats per minute, usually expressed as a heart rate indicator. Your heart rate usually increases or decreases depending on your body's need for oxygen. While sleeping, your heart rate is much lower than when you are running or walking. Emotional outbursts also have the ability to increase your heart rate.

Pulse rate is an indicator that is often used by doctors and medical professionals to make a correct diagnosis. In addition, this indicator is also important for those people who are trying to maximize the effectiveness of their training and control their fitness level.

How can I check my pulse?

Can you feel the pulse by easy pressure on a blood artery just under the skin. When determining the pulse, use only the index and middle fingers, as with thumb it is impossible to determine the exact pulse. The two most common points for determining the pulse are on the neck and hands.

To check the pulse through the neck area, place your index and middle fingers of one of your hands on the lower neck area, on either side of your windpipe. Press down lightly to feel the pulse.

To check the pulse on the wrist, turn the palm of your hand up. Then, place your index and middle fingers of your other hand on your hand, about an inch below the base of your palm. Press down to feel the pulse.

What is the maximum heart rate (HR max)?

Maximum heart rate (HRmax) is the maximum number of times your heart beats per minute. Your HR max value depends on your age. HRmax is a very important indicator in determining the training zone of your heart rate.

The most common method for determining your maximum heart rate is to use the following formula: HR max = 220 - your age

What is resting heart rate (HR rest)?

Resting heart rate (HR rest) is the rate of heartbeats while a person is at rest. In adults, the resting heart rate varies between 60 and 100 beats per minute. In order to measure your resting heart rate, you must measure it after you have been at rest for at least 10 minutes.

What are the different training zones?

Training heart rate zones are determined by the intensity of physical activity. The upper and lower limits of each zone can be calculated using your maximum heart rate (HR max), which also depends on your age.

: 50-60% of NP max . This zone is the most convenient and comfortable. It is commonly used for warming up as well as recovery from more intense training zones. It helps to strengthen your heart and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce the amount of adipose tissue and cholesterol in the blood, as well as normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing degenerative diseases.

Weight Management (Low Workout/Fat Burning): 60-70% of PR max . This zone is most comfortable for burning fat. It gives you the advantage of relatively small loads, while you can increase the intensity. 85% of the calories that are burned during such training come from fat stores.

Aerobic (Cardio/Moderate): 70-80% of PR max . Aerobic exercise improves your lung function as your body has higher oxygen requirements. This zone allows you to improve the function of your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Also, it helps to increase the strength and size of your heart. In this zone, you can burn more calories, but only about 50% of them will go from fat stores.

Anaerobic training (High degree of exercise): 80-90% of PR max . Training in this zone will greatly improve your physical form. However, only 15% of the outgoing calories will be removed from fat stores.

VO 2 Max (Maximum Load Degree): 90-100% of PR max . VO2 Max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in during exercise. People can only be in this training area for a short period of time. Only people with special physical training can train in this area. This hona allows you to burn the maximum number of calories. Remember that training in your max effort zone can be hazardous to your health.

The FOX-calculator project is pleased to present a new online calculator - the calculation of the heart rate depending on age. Knowing your individual heart rate is extremely important! After all, it is by this criterion that one can judge how well our heart works. It is with the help of determining the pulse that you can suspect many cardiovascular diseases in yourself and immediately consult a doctor!

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Calculation of the heart rate

It's no secret that when doing sports, you need to Special attention give to state of cardio-vascular system trying to avoid increased heart rate. With physical exertion, the heart rate increases, but this figure should not exceed the normal increase. You can only estimate how much the norm is exceeded by knowing your maximum heart rate.

What is maximum heart rate?

This term refers to the number of strokes performed by the heart per minute and not causing stress to the body.

If a person is calm, then average heart rate - from 60 to 70 beats. in a minute. As for athletes, their figure can vary from 40 to 50 beats. in a minute. In this case, heart contractions cannot exceed 100 beats. in a minute. But the maximum heart rate can be different.

How to calculate maximum heart rate?

According to the research of the scientist Karvonen, the calculation of the highest indicator can be done in several ways:

- simple (the most common);

- taking into account the gender of the person;

- complex.

According to the first method, the simplest calculation is carried out - this is the 220-age of a person. However, the figures obtained are approximate, because the heart rate depends on many factors, for example, on the gender of a person.

The maximum pulse according to the second method for men is determined in the same way, but for women according to a different formula: 220-age-6.

If calculated by complicated method which is the most accurate, then the following formula should be applied: 220-age-pulse at rest.

In addition to those listed above, there is another way to calculate the maximum heart rate. There is an opinion that it is the most effective for fat burning. The calculation formula is as follows: (220-age)*60%+(220-age)*80%. The resulting figure must be divided by 2 - this result will be the desired indicator. But there are those who believe that the most intense breakdown of fats occurs if a person has a low pulse and a trained heart.

Causes of increased heart rate

Having calculated the maximum pulse, it is advisable to keep the heartbeat under control, and with elevated rates, try to reduce it, neutralizing the causes of tachycardia. And the main ones are:

– stress;

– excessive physical exercise;

– injuries;

various diseases, including arrhythmias.

The first two causes can be eliminated on their own, and with others, you should consult a doctor.

Table “Pulse rate depending on the age of a person”:

Age Pulse min-max Average value
0-1 months 110-170 beats per minute 140 beats per minute
From 1 month up to a year 102-162 bpm 132 bpm
1-2 years 94-155 bpm 124 beats per minute
4-6 years old 86-126 bpm 106 bpm
6-8 years old 78-118 beats per minute 98 beats per minute
8-10 years old 68-108 beats per minute 88 beats per minute
10-12 years old 60-100 beats per minute 80 beats per minute
12-15 years old 55-95 beats per minute 75 beats per minute
Adults under 50 60-80 beats per minute 70 beats per minute
50-60 65-85 beats per minute 75 beats per minute
60-80 70-90 beats per minute 80 beats per minute

A professional cardiologist talks about the causes of heart palpitations:

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Dedicated to the calculation of pulse zones.

Running heart rate is an important indicator of the intensity of the load, but often averaged formulas are used to determine the heart rate zones, which may have nothing to do with specific person with his individual characteristics and level of fitness. Misha simply and clearly explains how to calculate heart rate zones in practice, and how to use the obtained numbers in running training. I recommend it, it helps to put the information in the head on the shelves without delving into the abstruse theory.

I will immediately make a reservation that the following is based on my personal experience applications found in different sources information. Therefore, firstly, I cannot vouch for the absolute accuracy of the retelling of some points. And secondly, other people's experience may differ from mine. I will also add that the information below would have helped me a lot in the early days of my running career. Hope it helps you too. I also very much welcome comments, pointing out bugs and suggestions for improvement from more experienced runners.

So, let's begin.

What are the pulse zones and the formulas for their calculation

In fact, there are a lot of approaches to calculating zones. The names of various comrades. Zones can be from 3 to 10 or more. The zones that I and some of my friends use in my training are zones according to Joe Friel, described in his book "The Triathlete's Bible". He is generally a great advocate for zone training as opposed to, for example, Jack Daniels, who uses VDOT or VO2max (maximum oxygen consumption) values ​​​​and the corresponding pace. Friel also has a separate book on heart rate training: Total Heart Rate Training.

These zones are considered as follows:

  • Zone 1 - Less than 85% of LTHR
  • Zone 2 - 85% to 89% of LTHR
  • Zone 3 - 90% to 94% of LTHR
  • Zone 4 - 95% to 99% of LTHR
  • Zone 5a - 100% to 102% of LTHR
  • Zone 5b - 103% to 106% of LTHR
  • Zone 5c - More than 106% of LTHR

LTHR- Lactate Treshold heart rate. He is just LT or AT or PANO (anaerobic exchange threshold) in Russian sources. You can read more about heart rate zones and their definition in the post of Joe Friel himself (in English). There are not only about running, but also about cycling heart rate and power zones and zones for swimming.

Of the other most common calculation methods − zones according to Karvonen. Here the resting heart rate and the maximum heart rate are taken into account. There are only 3 zones (strictly speaking, the original Karvonen formula defines one zone in which endurance is most effectively trained, but there are modifications). This is exactly what the calculator on the Runners World website thinks.

How to define zones in practice

In order to determine the heart rate zones, you need to know the maximum heart rate or the maximum heart rate and the resting heart rate.

Determining the maximum heart rate using the formula 220 minus age and other similar formulas that use age, and not real test or experimental data, is very often mistaken. So it's better not to use them. But I’ll also say right away that I strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND determining the maximum heart rate in practice. Because reaching your maximum heart rate can be simply dangerous to your health. I tried somehow, then the patient walked for 2 days.

In fact, the maximum heart rate is not so important to know for training. Knowledge of ANSP provides much more information. If it is very rough, then PANO is a pulse, starting from which the concentration of lactic acid in the blood begins to increase sharply, and the body can no longer process it efficiently.

It is also useful for an amateur runner to know his own, he indirectly speaks about the level of fitness of the cardiovascular system.

So, it is possible to define ANPO different ways. I know two. Actually, three. But the third way is a direct blood test and measurement of the level of lactic acid during an increase in the load. It can be made only in a special laboratory - this option is not available to everyone. Therefore, I will not consider it.

So, the first one is more classic, Conconi test. Its essence is that you need to run, slowly picking up speed. For example, every 200m add at a pace, say, for 2 seconds. And for each segment, read the pulse. And so on until the moment comes when the speed can no longer be increased. As long as the heart rate increases linearly with respect to speed, this is the aerobic zone. As soon as linear dependence violated, then the anaerobic zone sets in. The point of "inflection" is precisely the ANSO. I explained this very well.

How to do the Conconi test, Vasily Parnyakov tells quite well in detail in his video. Part 1 is the actual test, the running part. Part 2 - how to process the results.

The second method is the method Joe Frila which I also used. He is very simple. In the original, after a warm-up, you need to run for 30 minutes for full force at an even pace. The average heart rate over the last 20 minutes will be approximately TAN.

How to use zones in training

In fact, knowing the maximum heart rate is not necessary for training, as I mentioned above. It is much more useful to know the pulse of ANSP. All running workouts can be very roughly divided into 3 groups.

1. Running in 1-2 zones, i.e. significantly lower than the TAN. These are: recovery and long runs. There is no big difference in which zone the run takes place. Recovery usually in the 1st, long - at least half in the second. But long and difficult to do in the 1st. If you run for 1.5 - 2 hours, then you think not about how to get to the second zone, but how to stay in it without going to the 3rd. During this time, the pulse will definitely have time to accelerate. For recovery, on the contrary, it makes no sense to climb into the second.

2. Running in 3-4 zones, i.e. slightly below the TAN and reaching it. It's tempo. Usually, the segments of such a run do not exceed 30-45 minutes in duration (then this is usually the 3rd zone). The essence of such training is precisely the training of ANSP, ideally it can be increased, or at least train to feel more comfortable in 3-4 zones, in which the bulk of long-distance races take place.

3. Running in zone 5 and above, i.e. above PANO. These are intervals. Segments lasting up to 5 minutes or 1200 m. They are aimed at increasing the very maximum oxygen consumption, which in turn affects everything. But most of all, speed.

Instead of a conclusion

The best thing to do, of course, is to test. Personally, before the test, I trained using the Karvonen zones. Impressions are not very compared to what we have now.

It is also worth considering that the pulse is different in different days. Sometimes he does not want to accelerate and with the same feeling of load it will be lower. It may be the other way around: the pulse has not yet risen, but you are already having a hard time. Feelings, too, should not be forgotten and listened to. There are people who run not even very slowly, but they threw away the heart rate monitor a long time ago and train exclusively by feeling. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. Plus personal preference. Personally, I train in zones with little use of information about my pace for different distances, calculated according to VDOT tables.

Another detailed post

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