Causes of stress in children. General methods of coping with stress in children. How stress manifests itself and how to help a child

Stressful situations are present in the life of every person, and children are no exception. It is good if the child shares his experiences with his parents. And if not. Psychologists suggest using several methods to identify and deal with stress.

Being a parent is definitely one of the most difficult tasks in life. Being constantly wrapped up in work, household chores, parents may not notice the child's experiences. Meanwhile, many studies show that stress in children and adolescents is constantly growing - including due to exams and numerous tests.

Stress in modern life is an inevitable phenomenon. But there are ways to reduce its consequences for both the child and the whole family.

Children have their own stresses. They, of course, are not the same as in adults, but they are quite real. And they should not be underestimated. Often, at psychologists’ appointments, adults admit that when they were little, they were afraid to tell their parents about their worries, because, having done this once, they heard in response: “You are a child! You can't have any problems! I live under stress." After that, the child stopped telling his mother about his experiences. He withdrew, feeling more and more alone.

What to do: take time to listen to your child. If he's upset and you can't talk right now, then calm him down and explain that you can't listen to him now, but be sure to sit down with him and discuss his problem later. And don't forget to keep your promise.

If you have two or more children of the same age, and even the same sex, then you can easily assume that they have similar tastes in clothes and preferences. This often happens. But sometimes children in the same family, of the same sex, close in age, are very different. And being the second, third or fourth child, they feel offended if they are not perceived as individuals. grown woman At the reception with a psychologist, she said that at the age of 5 she was forced to go to ballet and tap dancing lessons, although she did not know how to dance and did not like. She liked books and animals, but her parents overlooked her hobbies, focusing on the passions of her older sister.

What to do: encourage different hobbies your children and listen to their needs.

You can experience very strong tension, as well as many people around. Maybe you hate your job, you're locked in a failed marriage, you worry about your parents' health, you worry about paying your bills - those are all your stresses. But you'll be a healthier and happier family if you don't give in to the impulse to raise your voice at your children. Stress makes us irritable. And we can explode at any moment, as a rule, on those people who are next to us. Often adults do not understand how close to the heart a child can take what was said in the heat of the moment.

What to do: Of course, it is important to focus on your feelings. But if you are stressed, then try to deal with your irritation away from children.

Making friends is very personal. And that's one of the first things kids do for themselves. Unfortunately, parents do not always like their children's friends, the people they surround themselves with.

What to do: it is important not to criticize your child's friends. Obviously, you are entitled to your opinion and perhaps in time you will be able to explain this to your child. But the first attempts of children to form their own social circle are an integral part of their development. Even when they are small, their choice should be respected.

Help the kids make friends. Not everyone has the courage to strike up a conversation with other children. For many, this is a major stress. Most often, those children in whose families fathers and mothers also have few friends cannot find friends. By the way, people who form a strong social network outside of their family tend to be healthier and happier. So encourage your child to make friends. A party or picnic for your class organized by you will help get the ball rolling if your child is not social.

When children are small, their school days stretch before them forever. In fact, the school occupies all their thoughts and experiences. Psychologists note that for many adults, insecurity began to form precisely when a teacher or parent considered them stupid. Therefore, validate your child's abilities as often as possible. Thus, you will reduce stress and increase his self-esteem.

What to do: Set aside time during the week to discuss with your child what happened at school, what you liked and what was difficult. If there are problems with reading or math, talk about it and help him at home. Or negotiate with the teacher for additional help and support.

Stress in children: causes and treatment

There are several signs and symptoms by which you can understand that something is wrong with the child and that he needs help to cope with stress. In this article, we will look at the main causes and symptoms of stress in a child, and also talk about how stress is treated in children.

Symptoms of stress in a child

In children under 5 years of age, a characteristic symptom of severe nervous tension is a sharp change in the rhythm of life: in the morning and afternoon - drowsiness and lethargy, and in the evening, before going to bed - extraordinary excitement and activity. (The best thing in this case will help a good children's "sedative" - ​​mother's lullaby; any other medicine - a sedative should be selected by a doctor).

What are the symptoms of stress in a child?

Parents must distinguish and distinguish stress from illness on the basis of signs characterized by the presence of unexplained vomiting (neurogenic vomiting), intestinal disorders, rashes, fever (subfibrillation), abdominal pain and other oddities. This happens not only in children, but also in adults - on a nervous basis. Then, when your child gets very excited, his nerves also fail, but everything passes quickly in a harmonious (preferably family) environment.

Most often, in children under 10 years of age, fears, aggression appear at this moment, or the so-called regression begins. A separate consultation with a specialist requires hyperkinetic syndrome, which in its development has two trends. By the age of 12-14, it weakens and disappears or transforms into psychopathy, and the personality becomes maladjusted.

This information is for parents, on a note, so as not to miss the moment when you need to take care of the child yourself, and when to see a doctor. Advice and recommendations cannot and should not replace the treatment prescribed by a professional doctor and, at the slightest suspicion, you should immediately seek qualified help. Some symptoms are more appropriate for one age, others for another.

Causes of stress in children

Fears, regression, aggression in children

If your child turns into a coward, then he is clearly under stress. It is not at all necessary that such a state caused fear. Think about what happened in the family: were there quarrels, scandals, maybe you were very worried, maybe you yourself cried a lot, maybe the loss of something or someone very loved and important for the child (beloved plush dog, for example), etc. d. Very often, films seen ahead of time violate peace of mind, and hence the adaptation of the psyche.

It is necessary to distinguish fear, as a reaction to stress, from age-related fears. For 5-8 year olds, fears are quite natural. They themselves “talk” about them - “read” by their parents through drawings, emerge in games and fantasies.

Unusual behavior should be alarming. When he does not speak, but tries to act as if trying to protect himself. Literally closes the door, checks all the time whether the lock is locked, turns on the light everywhere or refuses to sleep without light, does not let go of himself, cries in his sleep - almost regularly. Crying out at noise or alert at noise on stairs. A child may be afraid not only of the dark, but also of images - pictures on the wall or certain cartoons. The whole complex of daytime and nighttime anxieties of the child then falls upon the parents. The child is under stress.

Treatment of stress in a child

The main thing is to notice the stress state. And then - as the child "leaves" in stress, consult with a specialist, do not delay the treatment and the start of treatment. But do not throw the solution of problems to the doctor, but tune in to solve it yourself.

You can’t brush it off - the symptoms of stress in a child will not go away on their own. Or maybe worse. Much in the treatment of stress depends on the mother, positive emotions, love, warmth, tender care should come from her (add here switching attention, distracting games, drawing).

What to do if a child is stressed?

Having noticed signs of stress in a child from 5-7-8 years old, begin to actively involve him in games.

With older children, if something bothers you in their behavior, often have frank conversations. The most important thing is not to lose contact with them.

In the case of short-term stresses, as well as during prolonged crises, sedatives are not excluded in the treatment, which have a deep calming effect on the nervous system.

Regression is a return to the forms of behavior of early childhood. If suddenly your "adult" 7-7.5-year-old child - unexpectedly for you - starts crying and clinging to you, as if he is a baby, asking to be fed from a spoon, as if he does not know how to eat himself.

Rule for parents: Never allow yourself to get angry or annoyed! Never. No replicas like: "And you're not ashamed!" This is not a deviation in behavior, but a normal form of protection from some difficult and incomprehensible situation to his mind. He does not cope with it and asks for help indirectly.

It is not necessary to interfere with "regression". We need to caress him, calm him down. Don't be afraid to fall in love - exactly mother's love he now needs it more than anything else to restore inner emotional comfort and a sense of security. Wait out the regression with love - it will pass.

Remember what events (for example, a conflict in the family with a child) have occurred recently, and do not repeat. Understand that you adults are pushing the child into negative state its own negativity. Children must be protected from any pernicious influence, since a strong stream of all kinds of indecency falls upon their fragile souls and our “strengthened” ones today.

Stress at school

School neurosis may develop in early school age. Its cause may be psychological unpreparedness for school, rejection by peers. Humiliation, beatings, excessive severity and inexperience of the teacher. So that the child does not experience stress at school, he needs to be helped to get used to and adapt. It is difficult for a little man to do both. It is clear to adults that the transition to school life often drives the child into stress, but you can’t explain this to him so simply and thus you won’t get him out of stress. And if you don’t bring it out, you will lead yourself to another fear. Its name will be appropriate - school phobia. Fear of what might happen at school. In the first place among younger students is the fear of the teacher and the fear of evaluation.

Evaluation kills the love that the child used to receive for nothing, and now everything depends on the points awarded. Therefore, before a particularly terrible lesson, he may have a headache, his blood pressure may rise.

In preadolescence, ridicule and bullying by peers is most difficult to endure. In response to all these school fears, a child with an active life position may flare up the same aggression, from which parents are simply lost. Still: he is afraid of the teacher, but treats his relatives. Usually children under 10 behave this way. But this also happens to older people - more often because of the rejection of others, especially classmates.

All the same can be the cause of a strange confusion, an inability to concentrate, which, no less than the previous one, infuriates parents. "Does not hear!"; "At least fight back!" Are you not familiar with this? And some especially sensitive children react only in this way to any nervous overload.

What to do? Where to begin? The main questions of the Russian intelligentsia. Trying to rein in a raging child is not worth it. Increasing the severity will not help, but will only worsen the matter. With distraction too. it is useless to fight without understanding the reasons. If, with the help of confidential conversations, analysis, it is not possible to get the child out of stress, you will have to seek help from a neuropsychiatrist. Some parents choose homeopathic treatment.

Stress in children - we overcome together!

For some reason, it is believed that stress is an adult problem. But psychologists say that young children are no less susceptible to it. There are more than enough reasons for this baby. For example, for a three-year-old child, a fight in the sandbox causes as much emotion as an adult is reprimanded by the management. And when the baby cries from problems that are not serious, according to the parents, perhaps his feelings at the moment are as strong as yours after a quarrel with your best friend.

True, stress in children has some peculiarities. It passes quickly. This is due to the fact that children are set to receive new positive emotions and amazing discoveries, while adults often expect another trouble from life. As a result, to return the baby good mood, it is enough to distract him from sad thoughts and set a new direction. Don't know how? We will help!

There are a huge number of activities that effectively help get rid of stress in children, and at the same time in adults. The first helpers are loose and sticky materials. It is enough to work with your fingers for a few minutes to switch the nervous system to another type of activity. Older children can sculpt an image of their abuser or express a problem in a figure as it arises. emotional stress will be. Some are helped by a house for a child, in which you can hide, and most importantly, build together with mom or dad.

Psychologists to the question: How to relieve stress in a child?” answer that sand exercises are the most effective. It’s not for nothing that children’s sandboxes are so popular. Pay attention to the pleasure with which the children sculpt the pieces and figurines, and with what excitement the adults join in! But do not run into the sandbox in the rain or in the snow ...

There is no need for this, a session of psychotherapy in the form of playing with sand can be carried out at home. All you need is a large box (at least 50 * 50 cm), however, it will be replaced by an ordinary basin and a small supply of sand. It is better to store all this separately somewhere in the bins of the pantry. And when emotional stress in children manifests itself, you can quickly and effectively deal with it. It is enough to pour sand into the prepared box and sprinkle a little water on top so that there is less dust.

There is no sandbox nearby, where can you get a couple of kilograms of sand from? Also not a problem, a regular semolina will do. Give your child a couple of bowls of different sizes, let him spill, and when he gets tired of working with his fingers, hand him a spoon. And it’s even more interesting to mix several different cereals in one bowl and give the baby the opportunity to experiment: sort them, combine them, mix them again.

But do not forget that sand or semolina help to relieve stress in children most effectively, since they involve the smallest muscles of the hands. Although some parents prefer to buy toys for newborns and not litter the apartment. But will they have the same effect?

Experienced parents who understand how important it is to quickly relieve emotional stress in children often prepare in advance for this. They store in advance clay, sand, pieces of wallpaper left after repairs, various natural materials(chestnuts, acorns, dried flower petals). All this allows you to very effectively relieve stress when the need arises.

Clay is very popular among children. If necessary, it can be diluted to any consistency. According to psychologists, the more stress a child has, the more soft materials he is choosing. If the baby is not doing very well, it does not matter, the main thing is the process. Instead of smiles, it's better to sit next to you and try to fashion something with four hands. It will be fun!

P.S. Such exercises will be very useful if the child does not speak.

There are a number of conclusions about the dangers of washing cosmetics. Unfortunately, not all new mothers listen to them. 97% of shampoos use the hazardous substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or its equivalents. Many articles have been written about the impact of this chemistry on the health of both children and adults. At the request of our readers, we tested the most popular brands. The results were disappointing - the most advertised companies showed the presence of the very dangerous components in the composition. In order not to violate the legal rights of manufacturers, we cannot name specific brands.

Mulsan Cosmetic, the only company that has passed all the tests, has successfully received 10 points out of 10. Each product is made from natural ingredients, completely safe and hypoallergenic.

If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed 10 months. Approach carefully to the choice of cosmetics, it is important for you and your child.

Stress in children: when it occurs and how to deal with it

We used to think that childhood is a happy and carefree time, which is devoid of all sorts of anxieties and worries. But our memories are based on the comparison of adult and child life. In fact, childhood is a difficult period in terms of emotional development. The child learns everything for the first time and learns the world, which is not always kind to him. Parents make a number of demands on their child: what he should be able to do at a certain age, how he should learn. Failure to meet parental expectations and other factors can lead to extreme stress.

Stress in a child: the main causes of childhood stress

Every age has its own reasons for stress. Contrary to the generally accepted belief that children understand little, which means they are always happy, the first stress can visit a child at a newborn age. Each period of the formation of the child's psyche is accompanied by its own reasons for feelings and fear: separation from the mother, illness, socialization, puberty, etc.

Determining the cause of stress is very important, as this will allow parents to explain to the child how to respond to stress and how to protect themselves from it.

  • Parting. Whether it is separation from mother, father or beloved friends, it is always a stressful situation. Even in infancy, the child feels when the mother leaves, and behaves differently than usual. The baby gets used to being close to his mother from the first days of life and always feels that she is not there. At an older age, stress can provoke the departure of the father, the divorce of the parents, parting with friends in the kindergarten, in the yard or at school.
  • Side pressure. The child is almost constantly subjected to pressure, ranging from the first steps that the whole family expects to the pressure of peers, who also put forward certain requirements for the child. At school, this pressure can be especially strong, since it can be quite difficult for even the most sociable child to establish himself among classmates.
  • Disease. A child with a chronic illness requiring permanent treatment subjected to constant stress. He needs to visit doctors, he is afraid of painful procedures or the disease itself. Even a single visit to the dentist can lead to psychological trauma, after which the child will cry for any problem with the teeth.
  • Studies. With admission to school, the child has another reason for worrying: tests, exams, cuts, reports. Every adult can remember how he was very worried before the exam and how he did not sleep all night before the test.
  • Violation of the usual way of life. The state of the child is affected by moving to a new place, the appearance of a new family member, a change in the daily routine (first or second shift). All this leads to the need to re-adapt to new conditions.
  • Internal conflict. Parents do not always understand what is happening to the child when he begins to behave in an unusual way, because the external conditions have not changed and everything is fine. Sometimes the cause of stress is an internal struggle, guilt for something or complexes.
  • Signs of stress in a child

    Manifestations of childhood stress can be very noticeable or, on the contrary, so hidden that parents do not even realize the presence of a stressful situation for a long time. It is very important to notice the inner anxiety of the child in time and help him cope with it.

    The impact of stress on a child is very high. Its manifestations can be very different depending on the nature and stress tolerance of the child.

    Anxiety and resentment of the child may be manifested exclusively in behavior or affect the physical and mental development. It has been proven that constant stress leads to slow development, the occurrence of chronic diseases, and a decrease in immunity. Such children may suffer from severe allergic reactions, and the number of allergens is constantly growing, people often get sick infectious diseases suffer from headaches.

  • Aggression. Childish aggression is defensive reaction and the release of emotions. The child becomes overly pugnacious, quarrels with friends and parents, often screams, can break things. Such outbursts of aggression are most often reactions to stress. The child feels powerless in this situation and reacts to it in this way.
  • Return to earlier childhood. This is typical for young children, preschoolers, younger students. They suddenly start behaving like babies: sucking their thumb, starting to urinate in their sleep, demanding attention, refusing to eat until they are spoon-fed.
  • Closure. Some children react to stress not with aggression, but with withdrawal from the outside world. They become isolated, refuse to communicate, tend to retire, are often silent and do not respond to attempts to talk to them.
  • Bad dream. Young children who have experienced stress often cry in their sleep, while older children wake up due to nightmares, sleep poorly, toss and turn, walk in their sleep. Also, the child cannot fall asleep for a long time, does not get enough sleep, yawns all day and looks lethargic.
  • Striving for control. A child who has experienced severe stress seeks to avoid it in the future and control everything: he double-checks everything, constantly asks his parents if he is doing something right, requires others to adhere to the same rules. Thus, he seeks to protect himself from stress.
  • The escape. The subconscious and conscious desire to escape from problems is inherent in most children. They avoid the causes of their stress in every possible way: they try not to meet a bully classmate, they deliberately forget textbooks or a sports bag at home, they pretend to be sick.
  • Treatment and consequences of childhood stress

    Parents may miss the onset of severe stress in a child. But it is also impossible to rush into treatment. First you need to make sure that the child's behavior is different from normal: you need to talk with caregivers in kindergarten, with teachers or a school psychologist. If they confirm that the child's behavior indicates the presence of stress, treatment should be considered.

    Treatment options may vary. It all depends on the individual child, parents and their capabilities. Some immediately take the child to child psychologist, which at first also provokes stress, since the child sees a teacher or a doctor in a psychologist, seeks to please him and give the “correct” answers. But over time, the anxiety goes away, the child understands that here they will not scold him and put two, he relaxes and begins to trust the specialist. It's definitely helpful. Even in the absence of severe stress, classes with a psychologist will help to avoid it in the future, but parents can not always find the money and time for group or individual lessons.

    In some cases, the child himself categorically refuses to visit a psychologist, runs away, gets nervous, angry. You have to resort to other means.

    Treatment of stress in children with drugs should be under the strict supervision of a doctor. Even relatively safe mild sedatives such as Tenoten, Afobazol should not be given without a reason. They are recommended for children who cannot sleep normally and suffer from reduced concentration.

    The consequences of stress can be quite serious. As mentioned above, enuresis is a common consequence. Enuresis is called urinary incontinence in a child older than 4-5 years. At this time, the children are already asking for a potty and wake up themselves at night to go to the toilet. Parents often see this as a problem, but do not see its cause. They begin to punish the child, shame him, scold him for being “like a little one”, but this only aggravates the situation. A child after 5 years already understands that this should not be so. In this case, the help of a pediatrician and a child psychologist is simply necessary.

    Psychologists believe that stress is an important mechanism. It allows you to strengthen the psyche, socialize, develop, but stress can be both useful and dangerous. The latter includes the child's constant presence in conflict situations, physical abuse, strong fears and obsessive states. According to studies, children who regularly experience severe stress without the opportunity to get rid of it, in adulthood are more prone to cancer.

    Kindergarten: stress and adaptation

    most common cause stress in preschool is kindergarten. Child long time was at home with his mother, and then he is forced to change the situation abruptly, placed in a certain group, where there are no toys familiar to him, no parents, but only a large number of strangers.

    Most parents understand that the first period of adaptation cannot do without tears. The child cries in the morning, cries in kindergarten, and the teachers say that this is normal and will go away on its own. This is really normal, but it is quite within the power of parents to help the child go through this period with the least loss.

    The child needs to be prepared for kindergarten, talk more with him, answer his questions.

    • Conversations about parents. It is necessary to explain to the child why mom and dad should work, what money is and why they are needed. Stories solely about the fact that kids go to kindergarten and everyone goes there may not work, the child simply does not understand the need for a kindergarten. It is better to talk to him as adults, to explain that it simply will not work in a different way.
    • The doctor's consultation. Do not neglect the advice of pediatricians and psychologists. If the doctor says that at 1.5-2 years old this child is not yet ready for kindergarten, this must be taken into account. Emotional immaturity and unformed the immune system will lead to the fact that the child will often get sick, and instead of work, the mother will constantly take sick leave.
    • Avoid violence. It is not recommended to forcibly drag the child to the kindergarten, to threaten him. You need to make every effort to turn it into a game, to explain that you need to go. Some parents use bribery or deceit: they promise toys or say that they will bring the child to kindergarten only for half an hour. Such methods are fraught with even more stress and loss of trust.
    • Trust your child. If a child says that they are offending him in the kindergarten, they are not fed well, the teachers are rude to him, do not write it off as a lie and an attempt to avoid the kindergarten. The child must know that you believe him and protect him. You need to talk with educators, other parents, make sure that good conditions are really created for your child.
    • Don't compare. All children are unique. Therefore, an attempt to shame the child with the phrase “Katya has not been crying in the kindergarten for a long time, but she is younger than you!” it won't lead to anything good. The child will develop complexes, but he will not be able to overcome his stress.
    • How to protect a child from stress: what parents can do

      Every mother wants to protect her child. But a collision with the outside world is inevitable: this is how a child grows up. It is simply impossible to protect him from everything, but you can help children cope with problems and self-doubt.

      Reducing stress in children requires the mandatory participation of parents. Parents are the only source of support for a young child.

    • Help your child express their emotions. It is difficult for children to find an outlet for their emotions on their own. Try to unobtrusively help your child find a hobby, a favorite pastime. It can be sports, music, singing, journaling, sewing - everything that causes positive emotions, calms and provokes the release of endorphins.
    • Don't try to ignore the problem. Every parent strives to help their child, but often these attempts exacerbate the situation. For example, parents try to convince the child that his problems are far-fetched, that he still does not understand anything and has invented everything for himself. You can't calm down like that. A child, like an adult, considers his problem important, significant. Denying it will lead to isolation.
    • Increase your child's self-confidence. Self-confidence is very important for both children and adults. Children are very sensitive to the support of their parents. Therefore, sometimes, in order to help your child, it is enough to say that he will cope with everything, that he is smart and strong, and all the black stripes must end.
    • Watch your child's diet. Immunity and stress resistance of children largely depend on nutrition. A large number of sweets lead to hyperactivity and a weakening of the protective properties of the body.
    • Maintain a sense of security. It is important for a small child to know that his parents will help him. Physical contact helps to strengthen this feeling: hug the child, hold the hand more often. Sometimes they try to instill independence in boys, depriving them of a sense of security, but it has already been proven that this will only negatively affect masculinity.

    Remember that your child's problems can always be resolved peacefully. Parents undoubtedly also get tired and also experience stress, especially if the child is the first. Give yourself a break, learn to relax with your child, relax together. This will strengthen the bond between parent and child and help relieve stress.

    Every day we are faced with situations that require composure, a good reaction from us. Such situations are associated with a drastic change environment, change of psycho-emotional environment. Such a sharp change in the established way of life of a person is called a stressful situation. It is foolish to believe that only adults who experience them most often at work are subject to stress. Children are also very often exposed to stress in everyday life.

    Stress leads to minor adjustments in the child's body, helping to cope with a change in the environment. Such changes in the body are temporary, and after the normalization of the child's environment, the body is again rebuilt for everyday work.

    Changes in the body, aimed at combating stress, “exhaust” the body, as they require a lot of energy. With prolonged stress, when the body does not have time to "rest", persistent dysfunctions of the body can develop, which will manifest themselves in the form of various diseases.

    Causes of stress

    Stressful situations can await a child every day. The first stressful situation the child encounters during childbirth. During this period, it moves from one environment of life to another. In the mother's womb, the child was protected from any environmental impact, he constantly received food, it was always warm. After birth, the child has to independently maintain its temperature, look for food. The type of blood circulation in a child changes, some messages between the vessels are closed. It happens for the reason that it changes arterial pressure in the vessels and a large amount of adrenaline is released. Also, immediately after birth, the child's lungs expand and the first breath is taken, which is accompanied by a cry. This is due to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the child's brain. Another stimulant for the first breath is a decrease in ambient temperature.

    The next stressful situation that the child faces is the search for food. Food is necessary for the child to produce energy, which is stored in the body in the form of glucose (sugar). The most dangerous in terms of the development of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) for a newborn baby are the first 2 hours of life. During this period, the child must receive food. While in the womb, the child was constantly fed, and he did not need to make energy reserves. Once in the external environment, the child spends a large amount of energy on all the restructuring of the body, so glucose reserves are quickly depleted. Decreased glucose causes brain damage, which is very dangerous for the life of the child, so it is very important to feed the child during the first two hours of his life. In the future, the child learns to receive nutrition when the level of glucose in the body decreases. To do this, he tells his mother that he wants to eat, with the help of screaming and crying.

    Another stressful situation associated with the neonatal period is hypothermia. A newborn baby cannot regulate its body temperature to the extent that adults do. This is due to a small layer of subcutaneous fat and imperfection of thermoregulation processes. Also, when the ambient temperature drops, adults maintain body temperature with the help of shivering. Trembling is a chaotic muscle contraction, which produces a large amount of heat. Such thermogenesis is called trembling. Newborn children do not have this ability, therefore, with a sharp decrease in ambient temperature, children cannot maintain body temperature.

    One of the important factors in a child's life is his leisure time. IN modern world children cannot find activities, organize leisure. All the main time of children is occupied computer games and internet. Children lose the ability to communicate, to find friends, topics for conversation. In this case, it is important to choose a hobby for the child that would interest him. You can’t impose something on the child that he doesn’t like (music school, ballroom dancing, etc.), the child himself must make a choice, your task is to interest him and help the child make a choice.

    Children have to face even more serious difficulties if they come from dysfunctional families. Every day they have to go home, where a drunken father is waiting for them, no dinner, or, which is already very bad, beating or violence. Such children are very often taken away from families by social workers, which is also very stressful for the child. Children, after they were taken away from their families, are in hospitals, orphanages. For a child, such an environment is unusual, traumatizing him psychologically. The child feels his uselessness, that he has no one close. In school, kindergarten, such children are very often somewhat isolated from the rest, as they understand their social "inferiority".

    Another stage in a child's life associated with stressful situations is the sexual experience. In adolescence, the child studies his body, which during this period undergoes various metamorphoses. Children, through trial and error, learn from their own experience all the wisdom of sexual life. Such an experience is not always successful, and very often the first sexual experience is associated with disappointments. Very often during this period, children can become the object of ridicule and bullying by more experienced peers.

    Symptoms of stress in children

    As you can see, the reasons for stress in children are not much less than in adults. How does stress manifest itself in children?

    A stressful situation requires some kind of action from our body, and any action entails a waste of energy. In stressful situations, the energy consumption in the child's body increases tenfold. In addition to energy, micro and macro elements are also consumed from the reserves of the body and a large amount of harmful substances are formed. All this leads to the depletion of the body, its wear and tear. Therefore, it is very important that the stresses are short-term and not repeated too often, so that the child's body has time to "rest" and restore its reserves of substances.

    During stressful situations, a large amount of free electrolytes are formed in the body, which have a toxic effect on the cell wall. Because of this, the cell wall becomes more permeable, and a large number of various substances, including viruses, enter the cells. All this leads to increased cell death in our body. To combat free electrolytes in our body, there are substances that have an antioxidant effect. These substances stabilize the cell wall and remove free electrolytes from the body by binding them. These substances include vitamins C, PP, group B, the trace element selenium. However, the supply of these substances in our body is not unlimited, therefore, when these reserves are depleted, symptoms of chronic stress appear.

    The skin is the first to react to stress. In children, skin turgor decreases, it becomes pale, there is a tendency to peeling, the formation of acne. Very often, with chronic stress in children, due to a decrease in the amount of vitamins in the body, seizures appear in the corners of the mouth (cheilitis). These seizures are quite painful, tend to spread and are difficult to treat. In addition to the skin, the appendages of the skin (hair, nails) are also the first to respond to stress. Hair loses its color, becomes dull, brittle. Very often, under stress in children, alopecia areata can develop. This disease is associated with a shortening of the life of the hair and increased hair loss. This disease manifests itself in the form of patches of baldness on the scalp. Nails become brittle, exfoliate. A fairly characteristic manifestation of chronic stress is that children bite their nails. Because of this, the nail plate has an uneven edge, stratification of the nail occurs.

    Very often, with prolonged stress, disturbances in the nervous system are observed. This can manifest itself in the form of sleep disorders (insomnia, restless sleep), the appearance of various tics. Tics are manifested in the form of involuntary contractions of various muscle groups. It can be a twitch of the eye, a curvature of the corner of the mouth, a tilt of the head.

    With a longer course of stressful situations, the gastrointestinal tract is often affected. In children with chronic stress, wear of the upper edge of the teeth due to constant grinding of them can be observed. The defeat of the gastrointestinal tract is manifested in various dyspeptic disorders: abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, abdominal rumbling, constipation or diarrhea. Children lose weight, food is poorly digested, iron intake is reduced, which also leads to a deterioration in the condition.

    Due to the decrease in the content of vitamins in the child's body, its barrier systems decrease. This leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to the effects of viruses and bacteria, which manifests itself in frequent colds.

    In addition to the development of various conditions, chronic stress leads to an exacerbation of diseases already present in children. So stressful situations lead to an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid by the child's stomach, which can lead to an exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

    There is also such a disease as a stress ulcer, and it is associated with the development of stomach ulcers in response to frequent stress. Frequent stress leads to a worsening of the course of bronchial asthma, increases the manifestations of biliary dyskinesia. In girls, chronic stress can cause menstrual irregularities, up to and including its absence.

    How to deal with stress in children?

    It is very important to try to protect the child from stressful situations. It is the main concern of every parent that his child is happy. Try to create an environment for the child that will not make him nervous. Spend all your free time with children, be interested in their life, try to participate in solving some issues and problems that your child has. Nothing relieves stress like a trip to nature, especially to the forest.

    Try to take your children out of the city, go with them to the forest for mushrooms and berries. It is very important that the rest is active: go on a picnic on bicycles, play ball, volleyball, badminton with your child.

    The child should receive a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. It is very important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your child's diet. Remember, in addition to vitamins, some foods also contain endorphins (the hormone of happiness). Such endorphin-rich foods are bananas, salami, and chocolate. The use of these products improves mood.

    To reduce the toxic effect of free electrolytes on the cells of the body, the child must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. It is very important for a child to get vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in citrus fruits. However, eating large amounts of citrus fruits can cause allergies. You can use multivitamin complexes. But remember that taking vitamins should be limited to 30 days and no more than 2 times a year. A multivitamin containing selenium, which has antioxidant properties, also has a very good effect on the body.

    IN severe cases When stressful situations cannot be overcome in all the ways described, one has to seek medical help from a psychologist, psychotherapist and even a psychiatrist.

    Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

    Summary: Child stress. Excessive mental stress in a child. What situations cause stress in a child? Traumatic stress. How to overcome stress?

    Psychological stress is a state of increased emotional stress. It occurs in a person as a result of intellectual and emotional overload.

    In general, stress accompanies normal person all life. The first researcher of this phenomenon, the Canadian physiologist Hans Selye, said: " The only way to run away from stress is to die. "Stress can be both useful - then it mobilizes a person, helping to cope with the situation, and harmful - when it rather paralyzes the will to solve the problem.

    There is also the concept of "distress" - they denote excessive, excessive stress on the body. And stress can be acute or chronic.

    Everyone is affected by stress, including children. Some stressful situations are equally difficult for an adult and a child: the loss of a loved one, a sharp change in living conditions, etc. There are situations that can injure one person, leave another indifferent. For example, a triple received in an exam. Speaking in front of a large audience for one person is a huge tension, negative emotions, the other experiences an upsurge, is charged with energy.

    How to recognize excessive mental stress in a child?

    The child does not always understand and can express what is happening to him.

    Symptoms of excessive stress in children are about the same as in adults. This is a decrease in efficiency, increased fatigue, memory impairment, headaches and other pains of unknown origin. Increased irritability or constant depression, outbursts of causeless anger. Sleep may be disturbed, previously unnoticed fears appear.

    If a child has previously experienced neurotic phenomena (stammering in speech, enuresis, tics, etc.), they may intensify under the influence of a stressful situation.

    Sometimes a child who was calm before this signals the accumulated tension. aggressive behavior- can fight, take away toys from other children. Or cries more often than usual and for no apparent reason.

    There are other more specific symptoms as well. Some children, like adults, may refuse to eat when stressed. Or, on the contrary, they calm themselves down by continuously absorbing food, sweets, etc. Children's theft is sometimes also the result of stress - for example, troubles in the family.

    What situations cause stress in a child?

    Any significant but natural changes in life. For example, entering a kindergarten or school, having a younger brother or sister, moving, changing schools, parents divorcing, parents remarrying. Of course, different children may perceive the same situation in different ways. Some girls, for example, are acutely experiencing the appearance of signs of maturation of their own body - the onset of menstruation. For others, this moment proceeds more smoothly.

    Crisis situations (violence committed against a child or before his eyes, falling into a military conflict zone, acts of terrorism, a natural disaster that deprived a family of a home, an accident, illness or loss loved one etc.). It is important to remember: a small child can be traumatized by an event that is not too significant from the point of view of an adult - for example, the death of a beloved white mouse.

    Ordinary life situations associated with the unknown, or separation from the family, or pain. For example, the first trip to summer camp, a visit to the dentist or prescribed medical procedures (injections, gastric probing, etc.), examination in a hospital, an upcoming operation. But joyful events at a certain age can also serve as a source of stress. For a teenage girl, for example, the first date or "going out" - to a disco.

    Intense mental and emotional stress: school overload, tests, exams, situations of constant rivalry, competition with other children, information overload (television).

    Unfavorable situation in the family (discord between parents, disturbed relations between the child himself and his parents), tense relations with classmates, conflicts with teachers.

    Sooner or later, an adult develops his own ways of responding to conflicts, his own ways of dealing with mental stress. The child has not yet developed such protection against stress.

    What can parents do?

    Not so little:

    Try to hear how the child signals his tension,

    Try to save from overwhelming loads,

    Do not try to protect the child from all stressful situations. The task of parents in another is to release the child into life as stress-resistant as possible. And understanding where he can find support;

    Provide support and assistance in crisis situations. Know which specialist you can turn to for help (in many regions there are crisis services for helping children and adolescents, helplines, psychological counseling and other types of assistance);

    Teach available ways relieve excess stress. Reliable ways to relieve stress in most people are individual. For some, this is physical relaxation, communication with nature or art, with people who are close in spirit or enjoying loneliness, meditation. Help your child choose their own, individual ways to get rid of excessive emotional stress. There are also special techniques for immediate self-help in stressful situations. These are ways of muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, evoking visual images, etc. You can find them in popular literature - for example, in the book by Sheila and Sheldon Lewis "The Child and Stress" (St. Petersburg, 1996).

    How to help your child cope with loss.

    Losses in a child's life are not only the most serious traumatic events (like the death of a loved one, for example). Sometimes it is difficult for adults to understand the feelings of a baby when he has lost his favorite toy (from our point of view, sheer nonsense) or cannot get used to a new school for a long time.

    Various changes and losses are a natural, normal part of life. How can you help your child understand this?

    It may be worth talking to him about this both in a situation of real loss, and when the baby is in a calm state. Ask him to think about what losses can happen in a person's life. Express your thoughts, ask them to recall situations from his life and the lives of his friends. What could these losses be? From a lost tooth, a lost thing, moving to new apartment until someone's death. Perhaps the parents of a familiar child divorced - this is also a loss.

    And the child himself? After all, it is constantly changing - today you are no longer the same as you were a month or a year ago. And nature is constantly changing. Maybe try to draw them: for example, trees in spring, summer, leaf fall and winter; a caterpillar that becomes first a cocoon and then a butterfly; themselves - in childhood and now. What will you be like when you become an adult?

    Take a look at the family album with your child - here you can see how everything changes.

    You can discuss with your child what grief, joy, sadness, fear look like. You can ask him to draw various feelings, ask how our body behaves in this case, depict them with facial expressions and movements. While drawing, ask to think: what helps you when you feel sad or angry ...

    Emphasize that all feelings are allowed: if we are angry with someone, this does not mean that that person is bad, it means that at the moment we are angry.

    You can identify the fears and anxieties of the child with the help of drawing. What can an adult ask while a child draws? "What do you do when you're afraid?", "Does it help?", "What else can you do?". We make it clear that it is normal to experience the fear of death and loss - adults also experience it.

    What else can you talk about with your child? About realistic and unrealistic fears; that the fear will not last forever. Experiencing fears, we learn to appreciate the lives of loved ones more; fears can be shared with others and not be ashamed of these feelings, etc.

    Then you can discuss ways to resolve problems, get rid of fears. We try to work on problems together with the child. First, on paper, we make a list of problems, choices, dangers. Who can help, support, whom to turn to in this or that situation, etc.? Discuss people's attitudes in general. What is family? How are relatives related? They not only share space and budget together, but also take care of each other; they may compete and quarrel, but they also help and support each other.

    Child and death of a loved one.

    How can you help your child cope with the loss of a loved one? It is necessary, of course, to understand what behavior at such a moment is normal, and what reactions may require the intervention of a psychotherapist.

    You need to master the tricks emotional support. But very important in this case it also turns out how the family generally relates to death and whether they talk about it with the child. It is much harder for him to survive the loss, to come to terms with what happened, if the topic of death is taboo in the family. Avoid such conversations. Even a three or four year old child can be told the truth if he asks such questions. Gradually he will understand that death is a natural and inevitable part of life. And will be better prepared for serious losses.

    How do you tell your child about the death of a loved one? I want to reduce his suffering, and even the thought comes not to speak, to take him away from sorrowful troubles, to postpone the conversation until later. This can only be true for a very young child. The child needs to go through a difficult moment of life with his family. Otherwise, misunderstanding and alienation may arise in the future.

    It is better if one of the relatives of the child or a person whom he knows well and trusts informs about the death of a loved one. At this moment it is very important physical contact touch, hug, hold hands. Make it clear that he will still be surrounded by love, protected.

    The child may become furious, experience aggression against the one who brought the sad news. No need to persuade him to pull himself together and reproach him for incontinence. No need to persuade him to cry if he does not want to. In the first days after the incident, any manifestation of feelings of fear, pain, anger, protest is allowed. If the child needs to be alone, give him the opportunity.

    There are several stages in a child's experience of grief. At first he is shocked. Then he can begin to deny what happened, does not believe that a loved one is no longer around, even looking for him. But then, when the child realizes that it is impossible to return the deceased, despair sets in again.

    Experiences are as acute as in the first moment after what happened. The child starts crying again, angry. A small child can be angry at the parent who left him, and at the people whom he considers guilty of death, and at God. He can break toys, throw tantrums. A teenager may be rude, show aggression towards family members, or become withdrawn, depressed. Some children blame themselves for what happened.

    How to behave relatives? First of all, help the child name their feelings and acknowledge them. It can be fear, anger, guilt, feelings of helplessness, loss of stability, uncertainty about the future. If necessary, discuss this feeling with your child in more detail. If it is indicated, it is easier to understand how to help the child, what support to provide.

    What to do if it turns out that the child feels guilty? Ask him to draw or talk about what could have been done, discuss the drawing, real and accepted guilt, etc. Ask what he learned from this loved one, what he remembers from the time spent with him. Where and when were you with him? Can you transfer your memories to paper?

    Of course, you need to control the emotional state of the child.

    Children who have experienced the loss of a loved one may experience intense guilt. Just because they are alive. Or because of a quarrel that occurred shortly before this death between him and the deceased, if it did not end in reconciliation. The child cannot find an excuse for himself, and this can also lead to self-destruction.

    For some time, perhaps the first year after the event, there are sharp flashes of grief. Sometimes this happens even during holidays, birthdays. Gradually, the child will learn to cope with his feelings.

    Help a small child to relieve tension by letting him break boxes, tear packages, etc. For older children, offer physical work that requires considerable effort, a long walk on foot.
    Some time after the sad events, you will be able to talk with your child about the deceased person. Look at family photos together, remember the pleasant events associated with him.

    When a person continues to mentally communicate with the deceased, this is completely normal. But sometimes an understandable reaction to death can turn into pathological grief, which can last for years, or even a lifetime. In case of too acute or prolonged reaction, you should seek the help of a specialist.

    In what cases may a child need professional help (psychotherapist or psychiatrist)?

    If the child is completely unable to control his behavior for a long time;

    If you observe in him a complete absence of any manifestations of feelings;

    Refusal to eat, insomnia for a long time, hallucinations;

    Too prolonged acute experience of grief, strong fears.

    Traumatic stress.

    This is a normal reaction to abnormal (extreme) circumstances. Such circumstances include natural disasters, technological disasters, wars, ethnic conflicts, any violence, loss of loved ones, etc.

    The most common post-traumatic reactions in children are: intrusive memories of the event, recurring nightmares, games about what happened (funerals, earthquakes, etc.), fear that the event will happen again.

    The child loses interest in life, there may be a slowdown in development and a temporary loss of skills (tidiness, speech, etc.). Children begin to study worse, become conflict, aggressive. There is a feeling of isolation, expectation of imminent death.

    It is important to know how to deal with children experiencing this kind of stress.

    Children affected by natural disasters can endlessly play games that seem monstrous from the outside: earthquakes, funerals, etc. It is in the process of such games that children are cured. Even if they do not play themselves, psychologists very often specifically recommend such psychotherapy. Unfortunately, parents are afraid of these games, and they forbid them, not realizing that in this way they betray their own fears.

    Most children affected by technological disasters live in anticipation of the "end of the world" and own death. In this case, long-term pedagogical influences lose their meaning. Why study well, think about future profession, change something in yourself if you die soon?

    Children affected by national conflicts have seen violence, murder, destruction, become victims of violence or even participated in it. For them, the world is divided into friends and foes. Strangers should be hated and feared. Growing up, these children carry the ideas of national superiority and revenge.

    It is no less difficult for children who have suffered from an accidental rapist. It can be physical, sexual and psychological abuse. Such a child experiences intense shame, self-loathing, a sense of defilement. He is in terrible loneliness, isolation from other, prosperous children who are not able to understand him, he is alone with his experiences.

    A huge problem is the attitude of others towards children traumatized by the disaster. One should not think that the victims of violence and injustice evoke only pity and a desire to help others.

    A common reaction: "itself (itself) is to blame!" In addition, they shy away from them in superstitious fear, afraid of being infected with misfortune, misfortune. It is no coincidence that some parents try to hide what happened to the child, not even reporting to the police, and even more so to the school.

    The child is left alone with his experiences. He values ​​himself so low that suicide attempts, drug addiction, alcoholism, and criminal behavior are possible.

    We recommend to parents and specialists the best site in Runet with free educational games and exercises for children - Regularly studying with a preschooler according to the methods proposed here, you can easily prepare your child for school. On this site you will find games and exercises for the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, learning to read and count. Be sure to visit the special section of the site "Preparing for school games". Here are some examples of tasks for reference:

    Stress in a child is considered a physiological response that accompanies nervous tension. Many adult individuals mistakenly believe that only older people are subject to stress. However, babies are no less susceptible to the negative effects of stressful conditions and experiences. In children, stressful conditions are caused by independent first steps, enrollment in a preschool or educational institution, experiences provoked by the transition to an older age period, and a host of other factors. Since all children are individual, stressful circumstances will affect each child differently.

    It is impossible to completely protect your own children from the influence of life's difficulties, but the level of intensity of anxiety or nervousness in children depends solely on the smart and balanced behavior of mothers and fathers, their calm response in various circumstances. certain conditions. The task of parents is to teach kids the right response to any difficulties, troubles and disappointments.

    Stress in children provokes minor changes in his body, which help to overcome the transformations of the environment. Such reorganizations in the body are of a temporary orientation, after the cessation of influence on the crumbs of environmental conditions, his body is again tuned to normal daily functioning.

    Causes of stress in children

    Due to the rapid changes in children's behavior, it is possible to identify the presence of stress in them. Stress makes babies uncontrollable and their behavior unrecognizable. They develop general weakness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting may occur. Often there is an increase in temperature in a child from stress.

    All the causes that provoke stress in a child's life can be conditionally divided into two categories. The first category includes reasons that depend on the age stage at which the baby is located, and reasons that depend on the situation that has developed in his family. These reasons must be considered as a whole, since they are constantly intertwined. You can also identify a number of factors common to all babies that provoke stressful conditions, for example, the divorce of parents or the death of a loved one, injury or relocation, application to a child or the birth of a second baby.

    Stress in a child's life plays an important role and is determined by the age period in which the child is currently located. In a child under the age of two years, a stressful state can be the result of an illness, separation from parents, even a short one. Children react acutely to separation from their mother.

    Stress in a child can also be provoked by various illnesses or emotional instability of parents. Toddlers react sharply to the anxiety and experiences of their own parents.

    To find out the reason that provoked the stressful state of the baby, you should take him away from the home environment, for example, for a walk in the park. Distraction from the familiar environment will help the baby open up. Also by drawing or some role playing can overcome emotional stress in children.

    In preschoolers, stress can provoke the first acquaintance with a new social environment for him. The kid, going beyond the boundaries of the family, finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, as a result of which he experiences stress. Previously, he existed in an atmosphere of love and universal admiration for him. His entourage was made up of only native people who gave him all their attention undividedly. And with the release of the baby on the playgrounds, the baby has to learn to communicate and interact through gaming activity with peers.

    But the baby receives the greatest amount of stress with the advent of preschool Since he is without parents for the first time, he has to stay with his peers for a long time at the same time, having absolutely no experience of interacting with them. Also provoking factors that cause stress in children preschool age, are conflict situations with peers or educators, an unusual environment. Other stressful reasons for preschoolers include watching television programs containing negative information, visiting medical institutions, forcing them to comply with the regime in kindergarten, fear of loneliness, and so on.

    In children of primary school age, stressful relationships with teachers or classmates in an educational institution, intra-class competition, and poor progress often become stressful causes. At this age stage, the baby is already beginning to understand that he can be inferior to his peers in some way. However, along with this, he is not yet old enough to understand that this is normal. As a result, many younger students have serious stressful conditions.

    Also, stress can occur as a result of the presence internal conflict, the cause of which may be remorse for committing a bad deed, presenting oneself as evil, hopeless, unlucky or bad. Watching TV shows or videos on the Internet that carry negative information can become factors that provoke nervousness in children. Toddlers of this age period are characterized by increased impressionability, therefore, when they hear reports of natural disasters, military operations, etc., they begin to get very worried.

    Stress in a child after kindergarten

    From stress, the child also often has a fever.

    Stress in a child after the hospital

    Many parents complain that they cannot recognize their own babies after visiting the hospital. Children become withdrawn, capricious, whiny, irritable. They may also have appetite disturbances or sleep disturbances. Their behavior changes dramatically. This is how children react to stress after being admitted to the hospital. In medical institutions, unfamiliar aunts or uncles in a strange environment make him painful and unpleasant with the consent of their parents. They feel offended, betrayed by their own parents, but at least childhood should be joyful and carefree.

    Most parents who suspect that their children have a strong emotional shock of a protracted nature, first try to distract them, entertain them with a variety of entertainment activities, such as going to the cinema or on a carousel. However, this does not help, and the children plunge even more into their own experiences.

    How to get a child out of stress in such cases? First of all, moms and dads should understand that stress is a natural reaction of the baby to changes in his life, for example, associated with a hospital or illness. Therefore, for starters, the baby needs to provide a calm environment at home, spend as much time with him as possible, do his favorite things or games. Creativity also has a beneficial effect on the fragile nervous system of crumbs. Parents need to conduct a well-coordinated joint struggle with manifestations of stress and not contradict each other. Consistent adherence to the daily routine and daily procedures, love and care of significant adults, understanding and attention from dad and mom - these are the main steps to quickly remove the child from a stressful state.

    Also, parents should not forget that the prevention of stress in children should be on the same level with their upbringing and education.

    Prevention of stress in children is a set of measures aimed at increasing the adaptive capabilities of babies. It includes regular physical activity of children, adherence to the daily routine, sleep hygiene and healthy eating.

    How to relieve stress in a child

    Children can plunge into stressful conditions due to feelings of pressure from loved ones, they dream of excelling in sports, school, etc. It is still quite difficult for a baby to cope with factors that provoke the occurrence of nervousness and stressful conditions, therefore an important task for adults is to help children overcome life's difficulties.

    Stress in a child and its symptoms can be noticed immediately by the changed behavior of their own child. It is possible to single out general signs of stress conditions that are observed in most babies, and rather rare symptoms of an individual nature. Common symptoms include headache, sleep disturbance, increased anxiety, often aggressiveness, and depression. General stress symptoms may vary depending on the age period in which the child is located and his social environment.

    Stress in a child and symptoms of an individual nature can be manifested by hair loss, frequent pain in the epigastric region, stuttering, etc.

    Stress for every baby is a threatening state of emotional overstrain, which will subsequently affect mental health and physical well-being. However, the consequences of stress exposure are of great danger. Therefore, the primary task of mothers and fathers is the timely detection of symptoms of child depression.

    How to get a child out of stress? There are two key methods of dealing with stress. The first method is to eliminate the causes that provoke anxiety and stress in babies, and the second is to help develop positive strategies for combating emotional depression.

    Actions aimed at eliminating the causes of stress can be expressed in terms of next sequence actions on the part of fathers and mothers. First you need to find out everything about the experiences of your own child and his feelings. It is necessary to try to create a trusting atmosphere for the baby. He needs to try to clearly explain that any troubles are not a life tragedy, but are just an experience.

    Parents need to remember that their own child should be valued in any circumstances and situations. Therefore, parents are advised to openly demonstrate care for the baby, their own love, give him warmth and not skimp on hugs. When raising kids, you need to take into account not only your own desires, but also listen to the opinions and desires of children. If an adult decides to forbid something to the baby, then you should explain to him the reason why this should not be done. Otherwise, the baby will perceive such steps from the parents as pressure on his own person. An important “liquidator” of stress is the ability of parents to take seriously all, even the most insignificant problems of the child. Another so-called “liquidator” of stress manifestations is relaxation. Therefore, parents are advised to choose the best relaxation method for their own baby. Relaxation methods include family holiday in nature or watching a good cartoon.

    Under certain conditions, in order to reduce stress manifestations, it is necessary for parents to take a number of actions in order to unload the baby. So, for example, if the causes of a stressful state are associated with a lack of time for a child to perform homework due to the large number of extracurricular activities, you can try to limit the number of such activities, classes or extracurriculars. Such activities will allow the child to free up time for homework, and also help him save his own energy, which he can later concentrate on more important things.

    Sometimes all babies need is the feeling of their parents next to them. Dad and mom can only contribute to the improvement of the baby's well-being by their presence.

    If the baby is very young, you can help him understand his own emotions. Many babies have not yet learned how to express feelings with words. The ability to convey emotions through words contributes to the fact that the child will be less likely to hysteria, splash out negativity or.

    Stress is the body's reaction to various external stimuli. IN childhood stress is common. At the same time, the consequences of stressful influences can be remote, but very strong. For this reason, you need to be able to recognize stress in a timely manner.

    Stress can be short-term and long-term. The former mobilize the forces of the body, while the latter can cause deep negative consequences. The damage from constant stress is very high.

    Children's behavior does not always give out that the child is experiencing stress. To recognize stress, you need to know its symptoms, which can differ in children of different ages.

    Against the background of stress in children, regardless of age, may appear bad habits which are manifestations of nervousness: the habit of biting nails, pens, rulers, playing with hair or strings, picking your nose, combing body parts, etc.

    Stress symptoms are often regarded as manifestations of fatigue or signs of any disease or behavioral problems. It is very difficult for parents to recognize stress. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists for an accurate diagnosis of the condition of the child.

    Causes of stress in children

    Stress and emotions are inseparable. Due to the small life experience, even minor events can cause severe stress.

    The causes of stress are numerous:

    Stress is an inevitable reaction of the body to external stimuli. In other words, the organism is trying to survive. However, if the body stays in such a state for a long time, then the consequences for the entire system are inevitable.

    Stress leaves a negative imprint:

    Stress in children is almost inevitable. It is difficult to protect children from environmental influences, and, most importantly, this should not be done. Small short-term stress hardens the child's body. At the same time, the complete absence of stressful influences in childhood can bring up a helpless creature with a weak psyche from a child.

    Therefore, it is important to notice stress in time, diagnose it correctly and correct its consequences in time.

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