Glass vase decor. Making a regular bottle. The role of the vase in home decoration

Vases are a great home decor item. Connoisseurs know that beautiful vases are an expensive pleasure, so many try to create the design of this accessory on their own. To decorate vases, you can use the most different materials: it all depends on your desire.

You will need:

  1. Glue gun;
  2. glass vase;
  3. Paints;
  4. Brushes.


  • To decorate a vase with a glue gun, take a regular glass vase of any shape. Apply the pattern you like best on it with a gun.
  • Wait for it to dry, then paint with different colors.
  • You can also completely paint the surface: the pattern will be embossed, and the vase will be colored.

You will need:

  1. glass vase;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. brushes;
  4. Newspapers or sheet music;
  5. Clear nail polish.


  • Cut newspapers or sheet music into small pieces. Coat each piece of paper with glue and glue the vase in random order(do not forget to step back 0.5 - 1 cm from the edge so that in the process of pouring water, the paper does not get wet).
  • Using a brush, even out wrinkles and wrinkles. Make sure there are no gaps.
  • When the glue dries and the paper sticks tightly, cover the vase with clear varnish.

Mastering the quilling technique

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Newspapers, craft or parchment paper;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Glue "Moment";
  5. Acrylic lacquer;
  6. Stain on water based.


  • Cut out long strips of paper and twist them into tubes (there should be enough tubes). Take the first one and use Moment glue to glue it to the very bottom of the vase.
  • Increasing the tubes, wrap the vase in a circle, press them tightly against each other. Thus, decorate the entire surface. After a thick layer, apply PVA glue and let it dry.
  • When the glue dries, cover the vase with stain, wait again until it dries, fix the work with varnish.

You will need:

  1. Plain vase;
  2. Artificial flowers (preferably small);
  3. PVA glue or "Moment".


  • Decorating a vase with flowers is quite simple. Imagine in your mind an approximate drawing that should turn out. For convenience, you can mark it on a vase and glue artificial flowers on this canvas.
  • To make the vase beautiful, you need to do everything carefully. This is a rather difficult and long process, but the result is worth it. As a result, you will receive an elegant vase that will decorate any room in the house.

Decorate a vase with glass stones

You will need:

  1. Multi-colored glass pebbles;
  2. Glue gun;
  3. Transparent vase.


  • Rinse the vase thoroughly using detergent. Glue the glass pebbles to the vase as tightly as possible to each other. You can create some kind of pattern or just stick the stones in random order.
  • By the way, in addition to transparent stones, you can take ordinary pebbles or shells.

Striped vase - simple and tasteful!

You will need:

  1. Thin ribbons or elastic bands;
  2. glass vase;
  3. Spray for staining glass.


  • Randomly wrap the vessel with rubber bands or ribbons. Place the vase upside down and spray paint.
  • When the paint is dry, remove the ribbons.
  • You will get a spectacular striped vase.
  • Best of all, such strips look on transparent or very dark glass.

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Light brown twine;
  3. PVA glue.


  • Degrease the vase with detergent or alcohol. Lubricate liberally outer part vessel with PVA glue. Wrap the vase starting from the neck. Thus, wrap the entire vessel to the bottom.
  • In such a vase, decorated with twine, dried or artificial flowers look beautiful.

You will need:

  1. Transparent vase of unusual shape;
  2. Acrylic paints in two colors;
  3. Thin and dense brush.


  • Thoroughly clean the vessel from dust, grease and other contaminants. Pour paint of the same color into it. Twist the vase until the paint is evenly distributed inside the bottle over the entire surface.
  • Paint the outer part of the vessel with paint of another color. You can draw chaotic patterns or elaborate designs.
  • Let the paint dry. If desired, you can cover the vase with a colorless varnish to fix the result.

Nothing will decorate the table like a bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase, and even tall ones. floor vases also perfectly fit into any interior. But connoisseurs of beauty and frequenters of decor and gift shops know that beautiful vases are quite an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford to buy one. However, such beauty can be made available thanks to your hands, improvised means and a few tips that we will give you in this article. We will tell you how to decorate a vase with your own hands.

Decorating a vase with your own hands is a very exciting and creative process that will be a real entertainment for you and your family. There are many ways to decorate a vase with your own hands, from glass painting to decoupage, which has become popular recently.

Painting a vase with your own hands is certainly beautiful, each vase will look expensive and unique, however, not all people can boast of artistic talent. Without one, you run the risk of simply spoiling the vase.

The same situation is with decoupage. Decoupage is a design and decoration technique that has its own nuances and features. That is why we advise you to start “training on cats”, or rather on bottles or cans, and only then, having some practical experience, move on to decoupage vases.

In this article we will tell you about the most simple and fast ways decorating vases with their own hands.

Decorate a vase with a glue gun

For this we need a special glue gun, "shooting" hot glue.

Do-it-yourself vase design using quilling technique

Quilling is the art of decorating with paper. This technique is often used to create vintage shabby chic pieces. To do this, we need the actual vase, craft or parchment paper, PVA glue.

Making a vase with your own hands using music or old newspapers

We need an ordinary glass vase, PVA glue, old notes or newspapers, brushes and varnish.

Vase decorated with artificial flowers

As we see, decorative vases DIY is not as difficult as it seems. At the same time, there are a huge number of design methods - it all depends on your imagination. We have only told you about some of them. Also, vases can be decorated with lace, threads, buttons, beads and beads, just pasting them over a vase. One of the most simple ways vase decorations are also decoration with gift or colored paper, self-adhesive wallpaper and rag or knitted covers.

Below in the gallery we have presented you some more beautiful and simple ideas decorating a vase with your own hands. Get inspired and create with us!

Every housewife dreams of having an unusual and suitable thing for her interior. It is especially nice when this thing is made by hand. stained glass painting glass has always fascinated me. It turns out that decorating a vase with your own hands at home is possible. The main thing is to determine the degree of complexity of the work performed and correlate it with your capabilities. If decorating vases is new to you, then I advise you to start with simple work. Let's start with a simple technique - applying geometric patterns.

geometric patterns

For this job you will need:

  • acrylic or stained glass paint for glass surfaces. You can also use spray paint;
  • brush (we use synthetic for acrylic paints, natural for stained glass);
  • scotch;
  • alcohol;
  • cotton wool

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease the glass surface with alcohol or any degreaser;
  2. We glue the vase with strips of adhesive tape creating a pattern with it;
  3. We paint over the parts without adhesive tape, going into it. This is necessary so that the edges of the pattern are neat.
  4. We are waiting for the paint to dry. At this time, it is better to remove the vase to avoid accidental touches and smearing of paint. Each paint dries differently, read the instructions on the paint package.

A wide variety of patterns can be achieved with this technique, from parallel lines to various intersections. You can also cut various geometric figures and stick them on the surface of the object being decorated. Do not apply a thick layer of acrylic and stained glass paint to the surface, as this may cause smudges.

For the first work, I do not advise you to choose rounded shapes, it is more difficult to work with them. Faceted vases are better. We work with one face, wait for it to dry completely and move on to the next. The easiest will be to work with spray paint. It is applied in a uniform layer, the spray-paint dries very quickly. Concerning stained glass paints drying time can be significantly reduced. To do this, just put the painted vase in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees.

This technique came to us from antiquity. hallmark mural pique is the size of the dots, the interval between them, the combination and color scheme.

Drawing technique:

  • Degrease the glass surface with alcohol.
  • We apply the contour with a dotted touch.

If you are a beginner artist, you can draw a sketch of your drawing on a piece of paper and attach it from the inside.

You can also use ready-made sketches by downloading your favorite picture from the Internet. Before drawing the outline on the vase, test it on a piece of paper. This is done in order to feel its density. Only then proceed to painting on a vase.

If you go beyond the line, you can quickly fix the defect until the contour is dry. Wipe off with alcohol and continue to work. Consider the transparency of the vase, place the pattern on one side or at different levels.

This is necessary so that the image does not overlap. Try to maintain the same interval between the points.

I used 2 types of fills in my work: Marabu and Decola. They on different basis and behave differently at work. Decola paint was in a water-based tube. And Marabu is alcohol-based in a jar and needs to be applied with a brush. It is more liquid and can be mixed to get various shades. Decola paint cannot be mixed, so it is more difficult to perform shades and transitions in one contour with this material. Color transitions can be done by breaking one path into smaller ones.

Painted floor rainbow vase

Do not leave gaps in the contours when painting and make sure that the contours are closed. This is done so that the paint does not leak out. I would advise you to start with faceted vases, as they are the easiest to work with. If you nevertheless set to work with a rounded vase, then try to apply the fill in a thin layer to avoid paint leakage.

Vase decor with fabric and ribbons

You will need:

  • tapes;
  • lace;
  • textile;
  • glue.

Decoration materials can be of various kinds. The only limitations are the size of the bottle and your imagination.

Vase decor with beads

You will need:

  • glue or glue gun;
  • beads strung on a thread, or individual beads.

You can replace the beads with more natural materials: cereals, watermelon seeds, coffee grains. You can also use pasta that can be painted with spray paint.


The word decoupage from French literally translates as "cutting". In other words, the essence of decoupage is the application. In my opinion, this technique is quite simple and does not require special skills.

But you need to be patient and scrupulous. To perform decoupage work, you must adhere to the following tips.

Work technique:

Decorating a vase with natural materials

Create beautiful decor possible without large investments and hand-made skills. There are many ways to decorate: from gluing rhinestones, bows and ribbons to painting the glass surface. Consider the main ways how you can decorate a flower vase with your own hands.

Product forms

Vases of the traditional form are no longer relevant. The shape and size of the product can be changed with homemade decor. Round, cone-shaped, flat - all these types of vases can decorate the interior, become the missing highlight. The shape of the product depends on the imagination of the master and the chosen material. Most often, round or square shapes are used for blanks.

Round vases are clear and concise. They are most often modeled plastic bottles, papier-mâché, primer and decorate. To make the vase look like a finished decorative element, painted dry branches are inserted into it. Square products are complemented by fashionable details and used in an interior designed in a minimalist style. The vase is coated with a primer or paint, and then decorated.

You can, of course, buy a finished vase in the store. But even the most expensive thing cannot be compared with a unique piece of decor made by oneself.

Vase decor


The easiest way to decorate a plain vase with your own hands is to stick a stencil, sticker or paper cut inside with any filler. They will look especially impressive on transparent vases. Additionally, you can paint the surface with metallic acrylic paints.

Advice! You can also stick a strip of rhinestones in the form of a ribbon on a glass vase. This decor can be found in sewing stores.

Filling a vase

Material for decor can be made with your own hands from cereals. Barley, rice, buckwheat, millet can be used as a filler. Each of them gives its own texture. The result will be even more interesting if you mix different cereals on paper, cover with paint and let dry.

You can decorate such a flower vase not only from the outside, but also from the inside, for example, using the same cereal. To do this, you need to install a glass or other container in a vase, and fill the space between the walls with colored cereals.


For such a decor, you need to take a vase and original bottle. Next, you should cut the surface of the container, apply a pattern on it with paints and blot the surface with a sponge to give it a relief texture. When the paint dries, you need to outline the location of the future drawing with a pencil. Next, with a pen or a toothpick, apply dots of the same size to the drawing.

Clothes decor

You can decorate a vase or a glass with your own hands with ordinary socks or golfs. It is necessary to cut off the part of the sock above the heel. Next, put the glass on cardboard or fabric, circle its bottom with a pencil and cut it out along the outlined outline. A similar figure must be cut out of the remnants of the sock. Sew the cut piece and sock together. Lay the fabric on the bottom of the container, and place the cardboard on top.

Important! For this method of decoration, it is better to choose a small container.

Paper decor

A paper application made using quilling technology can be placed on a glass or vase. You can prepare a simpler paper decoration with your own hands. To do this, you need parchment, glue and a container for decoration. It is necessary to cut strips from paper and twist them into cords. Next, stick even strips on the vase. When the container dries, you need to glue paper bundles and decorate it with rhinestones or sprinkle with colorless varnish.

You can find other uses for newspaper tubes. Glue the cardboard to the bottom, and then wrap the base around the base with bundles, forming the body of the vase. The shape of the product depends on the slope of the tubes. Ready product should be covered with varnish or diluted PVA to secure the bundles, and then paint the vase in any color.

Decorating with chopsticks

The next time you walk, collect several branches of the same thickness. Then clean the material. Make all branches the same length, paint each with acrylic paint and let dry. When the material is ready, you can start decorating the glass vase with your own hands. Having placed the branches around the perimeter of the circle, you need to fasten the product with ribbons, threads with buttons or other materials.

Other decor options

For decoration, you can also use napkins, tree bark, dry branches, fragments of an old lattice. All these elements will be appreciated by lovers of eco-decor.

Papier mache. The base of the vase is covered with a mixture of marked paper and PVA glue, which gives it an unusual shape and creates a durable product. After the mixture dries, you can continue to decorate the relief with improvised materials, you can clean the surface with sandpaper, or leave nothing to do at all. Anyway With the help of papier-mâché, you can create a unique piece of art.

Leg-split is a thin thread twisted from fibers. With this item, you can decorate many things, including a flower vase with your own hands. It is enough to glue the twine to the bottom of the container with glue and then wind it up along the product.

Gypsum. This material requires the skills of a master. Gypsum in the form of putty is applied to the vase. While the material dries, it is given a relief base with a knife or palette knife.

Twine. Any containers (glass, plastic, porcelain) are wrapped with palm fiber. It is better to fasten the twine with construction glue.

Glass decoration

Ribbon decoration


  • satin ribbons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • artificial flowers;
  • feathers;
  • paint for glass;
  • glue.

The easiest way to decorate a glass with your own hands is with white and pink flowers. To do this, you need to fold the strips in one row, wrap the glass with them, cut off the edges and strengthen the decor with glue. Glue a ribbon bow in the same place.

Advice! Tape can also be wrapped around the stem of the glass.

IN this case it is better to use thin tapes, and cut off already pasted strips. The ends of the fabric must be treated with fire so that they do not crumble.

Lace decoration

The lace contains an uncomplicated pattern. This material looks great on glass. In addition to the main decor, the glass can be decorated with rhinestones and flat beads.

Advice! I often use this decor for wedding glasses.

Loose decoration

This option is more suitable for people who work well with a brush. You can decorate the glass with swirls, dot patterns, hearts, bows, etc. For beginners, it is better to use stencils for scattering. Or offer lace and repeat its design on the glass.

Advice! For decoration, you can use simple paint or gouache.

Decoupage and decoration of a vase for a gift (2 videos)

If you don’t want to spend a lot, you can come up with a beautiful decor, even if you are not a professional in the field of hand-made art.

It is easy to find a photo of the decor of a vase on the Internet in a huge amount.

You can glue sparkles, ribbons, paint glass. Here are some options for decorating a flower vase with your own hands.

Form - which one to choose?

Today you will not surprise anyone with a vase of the usual form. How more unusual form and the design of the vase, the more organically it will fit into any interior.

Which shape to choose - round, square, flat, oval - depends on the flight of fancy and the material used, mainly round or square is popular.

The most concise of all vases are round. Even with elements simple decor such as plastic, papier-mache, primer, such a vase looks like a finished element of the interior.

Most often, the finishing touch is dry painted branches that complete the picture. Square vases go well with modern interior in the style of minimalism.

Exclusive handmade decor cannot be compared even with the most expensive purchased vase.

Decor options

Stickers are one of the easiest ways to decorate a vase with your own hands. They look especially advantageous against the background of transparent glass.

You can stick both outside and inside, additionally using metallic acrylic paints. Alternatively, you can stick rhinestones (for convenience, you can take a tape on which rhinestones are immediately glued to the strip)

Filling a vase - everyone has tools for this in the kitchen. Any kind of cereal is suitable: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, peas in their natural color or dyed.

All of them have a different texture, and which one to choose for decoration. glass vase- the choice of the master.

Just like with stickers, the decoration with cereals can be applied both outside and inside the vase. A glass is placed inside the vase, and the rest of the space is filled with colored cereals.

Coloring - with this type of decor, the pattern is applied with paint and blotted with a sponge, then outlines are made with a pencil, after which the final drawing is applied with a pen or a thin brush.

This is a universal option, as it is suitable for all types of vases: for floor, tall and, conversely, compact, for transparent and those that already have a certain color.

Decor from clothing details - here it’s just better to choose a smaller vase size. To decorate a vase, you will need simple socks or stockings.

Paper decor - for this you will need parchment paper, glue, if necessary, paint and hairspray. We cut out thin strips, twist them in the likeness of a serpentine, if desired, paint and glue on a vase.

After drying, you can decorate with rhinestones and sprinkle with hairspray to fix.

An indispensable thing in decor is a simple newspaper. You can glue an interesting vase out of it: use cardboard of the desired diameter as the bottom and then form the walls of the vase with newspaper compressed strips, tilting them in different sides, getting the desired shape.

In order for the product to keep its shape, it must be treated with varnish or diluted PVA.

Decorating with branches - for this you need dry twigs that can be collected on the street. They must be clean and the same length.

By using acrylic paint we achieve the desired color, and after complete drying, we can proceed to decorate the glass vase with our own hands. You can additionally fix the branches with ribbons, bows, thick threads.

Other decor options

Papier-mâché is softened paper with PVA glue. It gives the vase an interesting texture and adds strength.

Twine is a thread made of twisted fibers. We glue it to the bottom of the vase and with the help of glue we wind it up along the walls.

Gypsum - helps to give relief, but certain skills are required to use this material.

Jute lace - looks good on any surface (glass, plastic, ceramic). It is most convenient to fix it with building glue.

Photo of vase decor

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