Libra woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope. Libra Woman - Characteristics and Horoscope

A woman born under the sign of Libra immediately catches the eye. She is sophisticated and charming, always dressed with taste and can easily carry on a conversation on almost any topic. She is a born coquette, for her there is no question of how to charm a man. This woman does not like conflicts and tries to keep peace and tranquility around her.

As a rule, women born under the constellation Libra have extraordinary mental abilities. In their reasoning, they amaze the interlocutor with their truly masculine logic. These women have a very peculiar mindset, and they can easily surpass a man in conversation.

However, Libra has enough natural intelligence not to openly demonstrate intellectual superiority over a man, at least until their honeymoon is over.

The main character trait of Libra is an evaluative attitude to everything. The Libra woman is often not sure of her actions, she is constantly gnawed by the doubt that she is doing everything right.

Libra is very fond of beautiful and expensive things. They value luxury more than any other zodiac sign. If her partner is able to provide her with a decent life, then she can become a caring housewife. If there is not enough money in the family, then she will work on an equal basis with her husband for the sake of their general well-being.

It is easy for Libras to succeed in their work. These women get along well with everyone in the team. They are not prone to conflict, and their sharp mind helps them to make a successful career.

Relationships with men

The Libra woman does not tolerate loneliness well. For her, marriage is a mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation of two equal partners. She will take part in the life of her chosen one, will be able to completely immerse herself in his problems, will constantly help him achieve success.

She is able to warn her man against rash impulsive acts. Libra is able to do this very gently, without imposing their opinion at all.

Libras rarely let their emotions get the best of their minds. Even the most average Libra woman has good mental abilities and the ability to deeply analyze the situation.

IN family life she will always provide her chosen one with personal space. Libra will never sink to the point of spying on her husband: reading his correspondence or calling all the numbers in his phone book.

The Libra woman loves to talk, but can be a very attentive listener. With her next to a man can feel truly happy.

Libra's relationship with children is also good. She is able to recognize the character of her child almost from the first days of his life. A woman - Libra is able to become a true devoted friend for her, and they, without fear of condemnation, will tell her all their innermost secrets.

Her main calling is to be real woman. Here she will strive for perfection.

Libra is the second sign of the element of Air, which gives people a developed intellect and the need for communication, and the patron planet gives them love for the beautiful and sublime. That is why the Libra woman, with all her femininity, tenderness and charm, is endowed with a sharp mind and logic that is in no way inferior to the male. This woman is so beautiful, refined and graceful that she can easily be a representative of the stronger sex in herself.

Due to the fact that Libra is a dual sign, then psychological picture women Libra reflects one person, combining two principles - male and female. She can be fragile, delicate, put on beautiful dresses, walking in heels, but at the same time, if she puts on a shirt and trousers, she will feel no less comfortable in such an outfit. Yes, and her way of thinking is sometimes very similar to that of men, and it is with representatives of the strong half of humanity that she can talk on any non-female topics.

Her innate wisdom tells her how to behave in a male society, she will never exalt herself above a man, in a conversation she will always be tactful and polite. Moreover, if there is a man she likes in her environment, she will demonstrate all her best, feminine qualities, knowing full well that Strong woman can scare anyone.

The Libra woman is a great conversationalist, smart, erudite, with a good sense of humor, she always understands what in question, listens attentively to the speaker, nods and smiles. It is difficult to disagree with the arguments she gives, they are so convincing and accurate. Libra is better than other signs at mastering the word.

Since this zodiac sign is dualistic, this girl is constantly inclined to doubt everything. She has no confidence in the correctness of her choice. Although, before making this decision, she carefully calculated everything and weighed all the pros and cons. Such a duration in decision-making is caused by her desire to be fair both to herself and to others. Sometimes this indecision annoys her loved ones, but they can always be sure that her decision is the most correct of all possible.

The horoscope of the Libra woman claims that she is the best adviser in any business. This is not surprising, because she bases her conclusions only on conclusions and facts, without taking into account emotions and feelings. She will not force her to accept her point of view as the only true one, but she will make every effort so that a person listens to her advice and makes a conscious and right choice. At the same time, guided by female wisdom, she will arrange everything in such a way that a person will consider that he came to this decision on his own.

Outwardly, the Libra woman seems defenseless, weak and touching, but this happens until unforeseen difficulties arise on her way. Then this fragile person will demonstrate her a strong character and the ability to solve problems and not give up under pressure. Her relatives and relatives can be sure that in a difficult period they will be able to turn to her for help, and she will always support and never betray.

What do Libra women love?

Women born in the constellation Libra love various jewelry, so they are not able to calmly walk past a jewelry store. In their arsenal there will always be various little things for any occasion, be it a trip to the store or a social event. Libra women are the only representatives of the zodiac circle who wear jewelry with a special, unique charm.

In addition, Libras are famous fashionistas, in their wardrobe there are a variety of beautiful outfits that always emphasize their elegance. Women of this sign are not indifferent to perfumery, they buy it in large quantities and use it depending on the chosen image. They always carefully monitor their body, regularly visit a beauty parlor, and can correct their figure with the help of surgical intervention.

For women of this sign is important home furnishings. Furniture, clothes, things - everything should please the eye and be pleasant to the touch. Fresh and light aromas should soar in the air. They like delicious and refined food, they love art, classical music, luxurious and expensive things. For such a life, a lot of money is needed, which they are able to earn on their own, without relying on the stronger sex. After all, if something surrounded by Libra is plain and ugly, then they will suffer greatly from this.

Libra woman love

From an early age, the Libra girl dreams of a real, clean and sincere love, therefore, this feeling is considered the main thing in his life. She perfectly knows the art of seduction, she knows how to lure a man. For a life together, they are looking for a strong, reliable partner who will become a support for them. She has a too gentle and subtle nature, so she needs someone who can protect her from life's troubles, taking the solution of all problems into her own hands.

Remembering how demanding she is for courtship from men, the partner needs to have a solid supply Money, because a woman of this sign needs a gallant treatment, luxurious gifts and many other expensive things with which she will emphasize her individuality and beauty. But, despite such exactingness, she always has a lot of suitors who can satisfy all her whims and wishes.

The Libra woman needs a life partner more than others. He will become her friend, husband, lover and partner. At the same time, he will be surrounded by attention, care, affection and love. She will always support him in all endeavors, will provide all possible assistance. She does not tend to insult or offend her companion, she values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship too much. For his sake, she is able to refuse any benefits, and even change her place of residence.

Despite the fact that she does not strive for leadership in relationships, she nevertheless tries to manage the family boat unnoticed by her husband, gently and unobtrusively pushing him to the action she needs. She is smart and resourceful, but at the same time her intelligence is hidden under the guise of benevolence and optimism, such behavior allows her to achieve a lot. Her inner strength is always hidden behind the outer softness and femininity. And innate wisdom allows her to correctly place accents in her behavior with her husband, thanks to which he is ready for any feats for the sake of his beloved woman.

The Libra woman is a strict but fair mother. From an early age, she instills in children respect for the head of the family, accustoming them to the fact that his authority is unshakable. Develops in them a love of order, instills in them good manners. Rarely pampers them, but there is no desire for excessive custody in her, therefore, when children grow up, they feel independent and independent.

Sexual Life Libra Woman

A woman born in the constellation Libra does not tolerate haste. Before intimacy occurs, she will create a suitable environment, think over her image down to the smallest detail. In the process, she will closely monitor the reactions of her partner, and after completion she will definitely ask him if he liked everything.

The Libra woman loves all foreplay, including passionate and gentle whispers in her ear. She perceives the process of seduction as an art, and not as a physical act aimed at achieving a result. A man will not have to break her resistance, on the contrary, she, knowing about her inherent sexuality, will seduce a man in the most unexpected way.

A mirrored ceiling, additional lighting effects, all this will make an indelible impression on your partner in bed. She likes it when a man slowly and skillfully caresses her entire body, not missing a single sensitive corner. After a night of love, a man must definitely tell his partner how good he was with her, and in confirmation of the words, invite her to the shower in order to confirm his words with action.

She will agree to any experiments in sex only if they are not imposed on her in a rude manner. She wants to try something new and unknown, but only the right approach ensure her unconditional consent.

The Libra woman loves translucent outfits and prefers not to wear underwear. This behavior is caused by her love for own body, therefore, a man who wants to achieve her favor in the first place should admire her beauty and sexuality. A man who can meet all her requirements will receive the most vivid and memorable impressions from being close to her.

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Larisa Tsareva May 29, 2018

It is believed that people born under the sign of Libra are as balanced and balanced as the symbol of their horoscope. But is it really so? Consider what is the characteristic of the Libra woman according to the sign of the zodiac, and what qualities and features are inherent in her. The sages of ancient astrological science claim that this is one of the most sensual zodiacs. Libra women have inherent charm, grace, softness, sophistication, romance. They are patronized by Venus herself, endowing them with the power of love charms. Such ladies are able to fall in love with men at first sight. They have exquisite taste and know how to present themselves. Often, Libra girls have an attractive appearance and a beautiful figure. Literate and wise by nature, they are good interlocutors and great listeners.

The sign belongs to the air element, so the character of the Libra girl is as changeable as the breeze in summer evening. And this negative side zodiac. It is not always easy for a person to make a choice. Having decided something in the morning, in the evening the Libra lady can change her mind and begin to suffer from it. fair and honest, incapable of betrayal she very often acts to her own detriment, fearing to hurt other people.

Libra is not characterized by greed, commercialism, greed. They are very purposeful and can be agile in business and work. But if they achieve financial success, they do it in an exceptionally honest way, without deceiving or substituting others.

They are often disliked in the team for their straightforwardness and truthfulness.

Many people come to such women for advice and support. Their noble nature allows you to correctly resolve many conflicts. But thanks to their mercy and desire to help, Libra often finds themselves in the center of other people's events, to the detriment of their time and deeds. They say that the initiative is punishable, and the zodiac often checks the life saying on itself. For their desire to be useful, they sometimes get stabbed in the back, and attackers can simply take advantage of their kindness and trust.

Libra women have inner charm and grace

The injustice that is happening in the world and the fuss around sometimes unbalance Libra girls. To gain strength and recover they need to be alone, away from the noise and pressing problems. Best holiday for the zodiac - walks in nature. But despite the external fragility and vulnerability, Libra has an inner core. It is he who allows them to rise after any falls and go on no matter what.

Compatibility in relationships of Libra women with other zodiac signs

A lady born under the sign of Libra is the very embodiment of femininity. For life, she needs a man who will take care of her and protect her from adversity. Then manifest her best qualities and it literally blossoms. If a girl develops a relationship with a weak man, then she takes on too many worries and turns into a "draft horse".

In love, the Libra lady tends to idealize her chosen one, and excessive sentimentality sometimes prevents her from seeing the true face of her partner. Love for such people is the main priority in life. Without it, they do not accept relationships and, especially, marriage. Having found “her man”, a woman becomes for him not only a lover, but also best friend.

The woman of the Libra sign knows how to masterfully balance between home and career, she is a wonderful mother and a good housewife.

So, what signs of the zodiac are Lady Libra compatible with:

Zodiac signsCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityCompatibility in
Capricorn MediumLowHigh
Aquarius HighHighHigh
Fish MediumMediumMedium
Aries HighMediumMedium
Taurus MediumMediumMedium
Twins HighHighHigh
Cancer MediumLowMedium
a lion HighHighHigh
Virgo MediumLowMedium
Scorpion MediumMediumLow
Sagittarius HighHighHigh
Scales MediumMediumHigh

Libra women are most suitable for the Gemini man, Leo, a good union is obtained with Aries and Sagittarius.

Complicated and ambiguous relations with Libra develop with Sagittarius and Capricorn. With men also born under the sign of Libra, ladies do not have the best compatibility, although it would seem that they are similar in character, and this should bring them closer. In such an alliance, indeed, all the advantages are doubled, but also cons are multiplied by two.

Libra women are most suited to a Gemini or Leo man

Libra Woman: Characteristics and Compatibility in Bed

Libra girls do not downplay the importance of sex in a relationship. For them, intimacy is a sphere where people not only get physical pleasure, but also reveal and get to know each other even more.

A woman of this sign is attracted to intellect and inner world men. She will not be seduced by sweet words and appearance. If a person is not interesting to her, then she will not go to bed with him.

For Libra, the atmosphere of intimacy is also very important. They like to do everything beautifully, romantically, in cleanliness and comfort. You can not even hope that the lady of this zodiac will agree to sex anywhere. She likes it when a man beautifully cares and takes care.

The Libra girl is a very tender, passionate and sensual lover, but she fully manifests herself in intimacy only if she feels reciprocity from her partner. Loving man will not be bored with such a lady in bed, she is open to experiments and will delight, surprise her chosen one with new images of herself. She expects the same return from her partner, and if she encounters rudeness, disrespect and consumerism in bed, she will never tolerate it.

If a woman considers her partner a bad lover, then she may well break up with him, no matter how ideal their relationship is

Libra never fully reveals itself to a loved one, allowing him to gradually get to know himself, discovering something new over and over again. Harmoniously combining mental capacity, femininity, sincerity, such women literally captivate men, becoming the most desirable and charming.

For Libra, the most ideal man for compatibility in bed is Gemini. Relations harmoniously develop in the intimate sphere with Aquarius, Sagittarius. With Aries, Libra can have a very passionate romance with stormy sex, but the relationship will be more tied to “chemistry” than to deep love.

Charming Libra women literally captivate men

How to win and how to conquer a Libra girl?

The woman of this zodiac knows her worth. She will never enter serious relationship with a man morally weaker than himself, but he will not allow himself to prevail. She needs someone she can admire.

Possessing a sense of beauty and delicate taste, a girl will evaluate a guy in all respects, from the ability to dress and gentlemanly qualities to his manner of speech and worldview. She will not allow her partner to invade her personal space. Those who wish to conquer it must be tactful in communication.

It is absolutely easy for a Libra woman to seduce a man, she loves flirting and is not shy. But it will not be easy for a man to fall in love with such a girl. And it's more about her. Libras do not always know exactly what they want, they are not always sure of their feelings and decisions. Sometimes they too demanding of men and too capricious.

To win the heart of the Libra lady, the guy definitely needs to show more ingenuity. These girls do not accept banality and boredom. They often choose multifaceted men as companions, with a good sense of humor, charisma, with excellent manners, kind and romantic, and at the same time courageous and ambitious. They are attracted by a certain mystery, a sense of mystery. If a person is smart enough to reveal himself "in little pieces", maintaining intrigue in a relationship, he can be sure that fall in love with Libra.

Libra always pays attention to the status of a man, his activities, and will never contact unpromising, insecure people.

To please such a lady, a man should show gallantry and in no case be rude in her presence. The “conqueror” must be prepared for the fact that today his chosen one admires like a child a daisy plucked from someone else’s garden, and tomorrow she will throw a diamond ring presented to her into the river. Too much of a guy's desire to please a girl can be mistaken for weakness.

She will give her heart to the man who will make her feel like a goddess, but at the same time will not be under her heel.

Libra girls do not accept banality and boredom in a relationship

How can a man understand that a Libra girl is in love?

This is not the type of woman who immediately "blurs" in the presence of the object of their love and thrown around his neck. A Libra lady in love is unlikely to reveal herself and her feelings until she is sure that everything is mutual, and a man can be trusted. Women of this sign are mostly smart, and understand that sometimes people manipulate each other, playing on strong feelings and affection. Libra will not allow themselves to be used, so they are often careful. But they will not miss their "prey" either.

You can understand that a girl born under the sign of Libra is in love by her behavior: she flirts, smiles, tries to be around more often, looks for meetings and conversations, but does it all very subtly and ambiguously. She always keeps way back, if suddenly something in the relationship does not suit her.

She will gladly accept courtship and gifts, agree to a date. The lady will not pretend to be an impregnable beauty, she will make contact. Libras are romantic and ready to give their love object pleasant moments, touching words sometimes even writing poetry or songs.

A Libra girl in love flirts and smiles a lot, looking for meetings and conversations

Libra consider love a priority in life, they are born in these energies and will never deny themselves pleasure. enjoy wonderful feelings , but only with those men who are considered worthy of themselves. Having lost the love and trust of such a woman, it will be impossible to return her.

Libra will not forgive betrayal and will not accept a secondary role

What gift is suitable for a Libra woman, how to surprise and please her?

The Libra woman is endowed with good taste and it is immediately worth noting that it is not worth giving her frank "vulgarism". She appreciates a good perfume Jewelry, branded clothing. But this does not mean that all gifts must be expensive. You can please a girl to "puppy" delight with a soft toy, a funny souvenir, beautiful bouquet colors.

Gold ring with pearls and diamonds, SL(price link)

If a woman's hobbies and hobbies are known, then gifts from these areas will always come in handy. A man who wants to surprise his beloved will achieve his goal if he gives her romantic evening on a yacht or on the roof of a skyscraper, a trip on a trip, unforgettable days in a cozy country house Outdoors.

An unforgettable journey will be great gift for Libra woman

You can give Libra everything related to beauty and femininity: cosmetics, certificates in beauty salons, stylish accessories. They value comfort and convenience, and modern functional technique for the home will also be a good choice for them.

Many ladies gravitate towards art and will be insanely happy with tickets to the theater, to a rare concert or a unique exhibition.

Libra is very grateful and will sincerely rejoice at any gifts, except for the sheer ugliness and cheap fakes.

Summing up, it is worth saying that in Libra, positive and negative traits. They masterfully combine ice and fire, strength and weakness, good and evil. Which bowl and at what moment will outweigh, largely depends on the person in contact with Libra - what he brings to the world of the zodiac, he will receive from him. In order to see more good, good and positive from this sign, you need to project it yourself.

Libra - people born under the influence of two planets. Venus and Saturn give them developed intuition, sociability and harmony with both the inner and outer world. What personifies the sign of the Zodiac, born under these stars, has grace, tact and sophistication. By nature, these people skillfully bind others to themselves, give them their warmth and care. As for the negative, it is worth noting the excessive concern over minor events. Self-doubt is one of distinguishing features, which carries the sign of the Zodiac Libra. A woman should cultivate in herself such traits as courage and fortitude. People born under this constellation need the support of loved ones. They have difficulty coping with failures on their own. Libra wants to surround themselves beautiful people and no less beautiful things they tend to idealize the world. Very often, Libras are creative people, talented artists.

Characteristic. Libra

The Libra woman is prone to melancholy and daydreaming. She strives for perfection herself and demands this from her friends, beloved men, and relatives. Despite the apparent coldness and disdain for the world around them, Libra is vulnerable and sensitive in the soul. These aesthetes are looking for beauty in everything, they do not tolerate inaccuracy on the part of others, they love order and cleanliness. What else can tell the zodiac sign Libra? A woman born in early October may not choose for herself creative profession musician or artist, but will definitely be interested in art throughout his life, inspired by the images and works of figures in this field.

Libra. Woman. Compatibility with other signs

If a girl seeks to find a man close in spirit and character, she should choose among representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Aquarius, Libra. If you want to know passion and expression combined with romance, you should turn to Sagittarius and Scorpio. An alliance with Capricorn can be practical and mutually beneficial. Relationships with Pisces, Virgo, Leo, Aries are undesirable. Of course, you should not limit yourself in a relationship, referring to incompatibility according to the horoscope, if there are real feelings, passion and energy between you. There are exceptions to any rule and forecast, so trust your heart, not the stars.

Horoscope. Scales

A woman born under this constellation needs a strong spirit partner who can provide her with a safe rear and care. Choosing between passion and a happy future, she will choose the latter. Subconsciously, Libra is looking for a master and ruler who would make decisions for them and not be afraid to be responsible for their soulmate. Libra women are liked by men for their refined and refined taste, good manners and noble behavior. Despite the fact that in the economy not everyone manages to prove themselves with the best side, Libra compensate and caress. Women made for love cannot be housewives.

The representative of the zodiac sign Libra combines beauty, attractiveness, patience, a sharp mind and a strong character. However, this woman can be surprisingly sensual, soft, gentle and sociable. Some representatives of the sign are distinguished by stubbornness, cynicism and rudeness. The Libra girl is attractive to the representatives of the stronger sex, she always enjoys the attention of men. This is a good housewife, wife and mother, in whose house cleanliness and order reign.

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    Appearance of Libra girls

    The Libra girl almost always looks perfect. She is graceful, slender, feminine and elegant. Her hair is always beautifully styled, her skin is clean and well-groomed, her clothes are tastefully chosen and always fit her figure perfectly.

    For this woman, self-care has been elevated to the rank of religion. Even around the house she walks in beautiful clothes, with light makeup and good styling. For a secular exit, she always has a luxurious outfit prepared. There is not a hint of vulgarity in it, and the wardrobe consists of clothes in classical style.

    The Libra woman is an avid fashionista. She will easily spend the last money on the thing she likes. She loves everything modern, bright, shiny and unusual. Any image suits her, she often changes her image. A woman born under the sign of Libra looks much younger than her years, is always in a good mood. physical form. Most of her health problems are related to emotional overstrain or prolonged stress. The representative of this sign is very close to the heart the slightest problem or resentment. Her body does not tolerate cold well, so a woman should avoid prolonged exposure to frost.

    personality traits

    It is difficult to find a sweeter person than a Libra girl. She is affectionate, sensual, charming and feminine. True, this does not prevent her from maintaining a clear mind. She is prudent, knows how to think through her actions a few steps ahead, is able to go head over heels towards the intended goal. Its characteristics are determined by the following personality traits:

    • Diplomacy.
    • Sociability.
    • Friendliness.
    • Femininity.
    • Wits.
    • Equilibrium.
    • Stubbornness.
    • Sincerity.
    • Reliability.
    • Great sense of humor.
    • The ability to remain calm.
    • Responsibility.
    • Purposefulness.

    Her internal state ranges from a cute dandelion girl to a formidable woman going ahead. Such changes are regularly observed in all areas of her life.

    Possessing an innate diplomacy, Libra will never allow himself to offend a person whose mental abilities are lower than their own. They can communicate easily and naturally with almost all people. Therefore, listening to their advice or receiving help from them, a person will not feel flawed.

    Sometimes a girl born under this sign gives the impression of being vulnerable, fragile, in need of strong man able to protect her from all harm. To some extent, this image corresponds to reality. She needs a reliable partner with whom she will feel completely safe. From her you can rarely hear screaming, swearing or reproaches. Trying to suppress negative emotions, a woman would rather withdraw into herself than throw a scandal and throw out negativity on others.

    Career and place in the team

    This sign will show its abilities to the maximum in a profession related to establishing the truth. They make excellent lawyers, judges, journalists, lawyers. One of the most undesirable professions for a woman of this sign is pedagogy. Libra can hardly endure a large crowd of children, they do not know how to resolve conflicts between teenagers, they cannot cope with a variety of children's characters. It is difficult for a woman to treat the curiosity and restlessness of her students with understanding.

    Her craving for creativity and innate sense of beauty help to succeed in the career of a writer, artist, musician, screenwriter or designer. Also, she can successfully master the profession of a flight attendant, travel agent, guide or social worker. She will like a job where she can feel the respect and value of her work.

    The Libra woman is extremely difficult to tolerate criticism, especially if it is unfounded. It is vital for her to recognize her own merits. The best motivation for her will be praise from her immediate supervisor, especially expressed in the presence of other employees. But it is better to criticize her one on one.

    material question is also very important for Libra. They will work productively if their work is paid on time and fairly. But if a man proposes to a girl full content, she will gladly leave work and enjoy idleness. In this case, she will use her unrealized potential to create ideal housing and raise children.

    Marriage and life

    representative of this zodiac sign not in a hurry to burden yourself with marriage ties. She constantly doubts the correctness of the choice, goes through and tries to find a better option. Easily starts novels and also easily completes them.

    In her understanding, the ideal man should be perfect in everything. After all, her husband will become the center of the universe for her. She will devote her life to him, will be his best friend and faithful companion and assistant in all endeavors. She will be the perfect partner for her chosen one.

    A man who wants to marry a Libra woman must accept important decisions on one's own. He will have to solve everyday issues, support and protect his wife. In return, she will provide him happy life in comfort and order in the house. The representative of this sign is very devoted to her lover. Even if the couple has children, she will still love her husband more. Although she still needs some freedom. She will not walk away from her husband, she just needs personal space.

    She will make an ideal mother: fair, loving and wise. It's not her style to punish her children. She prefers to convey certain rules during a conversation. Even the mother will explain to the baby for a long time what and why it is impossible to do. She calmly relates to the whims of her child and easily pacifies his tantrums. Her children are always well dressed, polite and quite independent. The Libra woman is the perfect housewife.

    Comfort and order always reign in her home. Beautiful carpets are spread everywhere, the house is full of flowers, the walls are decorated with skillful paintings. All furnishings in the house are created with a sense of style. The finest porcelain and polished silverware - that's what you can see in the kitchen of this woman. In her house there is no place for scandals, screams and showdowns. She will settle any critical situation with the help of her diplomatic skills.

    Love and sex

    The magnetism of the Libra woman attracts many members of the stronger sex to her. She is an unsurpassed seductress. Anyone who felt the power of her feminine charms on himself will remember her all his life. In order not to lose this amazing woman, a man must constantly surround her with care and affection. This will keep her interested in her lover. Without attention and care, she feels extremely unhappy.

    Libra tends to idealize love relationship. There must be a male knight by her side, able to carry her in his arms and protect her from the cruelty of the world. Then she blossoms, becomes affectionate, seductive and tender. At this time, she forgets about everything in the world. Beloved man becomes her God. At first, a girl is able to abandon her studies, work, family and friends. She is completely in the power of her feelings and enjoys it.

    Sex for her is a source of purely physical pleasure. The physical act of love in no way touches her soul and heart. In most cases, in bed he prefers not to take the initiative, but to be led by a partner. With her behavior after intimacy, she is able to shock a man. Having satisfied her physical needs, she will act as if nothing had happened.

    Compatibility by zodiac signs

    Libra gets along well with such representatives of the horoscope as:

    • Sagittarius.
    • Scales.
    • Twins.
    • Aquarius.

    Compatibility with other signs such as Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus is below average. Since the representatives of these signs of the zodiac are workaholics by nature, they will incline Libra to the same lifestyle. Perhaps misunderstanding and conflicts in the family on a domestic basis.

    With Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, a woman can make strong friends. And over time friendly relations have a chance to go romantic. The union promises to be successful and long lasting if Libra takes the lead in the relationship. It is not desirable to build a relationship with Aries. Their characters are completely contradictory, and in such an alliance, none of the partners will be happy.

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