How to make a man out of a man. admiration for the man himself. Develop feminine qualities in yourself. To be in the female pole

« Behind every success and failure of a man, there is a woman.' is a great truth! But it is a pity that its essence is interpreted incorrectly ... Superficially. Primitive.

In an attempt to find an answer to the question of how to make a husband successful, we turn to search engines, which give banal answers:

... a man needs to be inspired ...

Hints? - " Dear, do you remember Sveta? Her husband gave her a new coat».

Direct instructions? - " Your classmate, Vaska, opened a company. Let's ask him to hire you».

A gross interference in his social life? - " Mom found a place for you in their office, tomorrow you will go, you need to do reports there, bring it home, I will help you».

We confuse the role of a woman in a man's life with the role of secretary, assistant, mentor, partner.

... you can’t grumble and shout at a man ...

They say that we will win more if we direct our husbands with some “mysterious female tricks” instead of hysterically shouting at them and demanding something. But they - tricks - are just as primitive and inactive.

We are urged to restrain ourselves. But how not to grumble if everything is bursting from the inside? How to restrain yourself if the complaints and failures of the husband are infuriating? How to remain calm when the family goes down the social ladder, while friends and acquaintances have long managed to get to its very top?

We are shown examples of couples in which an idyll reigns, screams are never heard from the windows of whose apartments, and at the same time the head of a happy family is well arranged in life. He is successful and makes good money. And we draw the wrong conclusion: “The wife does not grumble at him, so he achieves such success,” while she does not grumble at all because she constantly restrains herself and once a week goes out into a wide field to yell to her heart’s content. And because there are no such desires, there are no annoying factors that would cause her this unbearable need to pour out the accumulated negative on her husband - he simply does not accumulate. Why? More on this later.

... a man should be praised and admired for his actions ...

Why praise? What to admire? If a loser husband lies on the couch and waits for the bosses who offended him to crawl to beg for forgiveness.

And yet, "behind every success and failure of a man is a woman." But her role is not at all to give instructions, to take an active part in the life of a man, to praise for every useless attempt to somehow cling to the landscape, to listen to his complaints and nod understandingly, or, on the contrary, to give kicks to make him move. Not in this...

Her role is elusive, invisible and incredibly important. It really consists in inspiring a man, only inspiring according to the animal principle - causing sexual attraction to himself.

How to make your husband rich? Become desirable for him!

Sexual attraction to a woman is the natural motivator that drives a man on the way to the realization of his properties, which leads him to social adaptation. You can praise him for as long as you like, admire him, show your love and care, gently hint that you deserve a better life, and even appeal to guilt for not being able to provide it to you, but so far there is no the desire to do something will wake up, he will not get up from his sofa or from the computer. And this desire is when there is an attraction to a woman.

A man lives for a woman, for the indescribable pleasure that he gets from sexual intimacy with her. And only it - this attraction - at all times pushed men to move.

In primitive times, a man went hunting in order to bring a piece of meat to his female and gain access to her body, just as it happens now with the plains monkeys. Nothing has changed since then. Only instead of a mammoth now bank accounts. And the layer of culture hid under itself the mechanisms of formation and development of relations between a man and a woman, gave them an emotional color.

But fundamentally everything remained the same. A woman chooses the man from whom she can give birth and who can provide for the family. A man does everything possible to be chosen by a woman - he fulfills his species role, works for the good of the pack, for which he receives his share of the "mammoth", which gives him a chance to be chosen by a female. This is how it happens in the unconscious. Consciously, we only feel attraction to each other, attraction.

And this is where the meaning of the great truth “behind a successful man is a woman” is hidden. Only that man will achieve more in life who is sexually attracted to his woman, only that woman can make a millionaire out of a man who knows how to be desirable for him.

The only exceptions are skin sounders. They do not need women for realization, they are driven not by attraction, but by a great idea, if there is one.

How to make a millionaire out of your husband?

So, attraction to a woman is a natural motivation for a man. Not just a good relationship, understanding and everything that includes a positive relationship between a man and a woman, namely attraction. But, of course, without properly built relationships in the family, there will be no attraction between spouses. It naturally resolves after an average of three years of relationship.

You can remain desirable for your husband only if during this time an emotional and special intimate relationship has been established. What is important is not the ability to sexually satisfy a man, as one might think. Everything that they promise to teach us at the trainings of the so-called "women's practices" rests on the ability to relieve sexual tension, even excite a man - but now, at this moment. These trainings do not teach us to be desirable for our husbands, to be in their thoughts even when we are not around. The maximum that we will be taught is to skillfully remove the accumulated sexual tension. But this is not enough to inspire a man to great deeds, social and material achievements. This requires a special connection with him, which appears as a result of properly built relationships.

Sometimes, very rarely, and less and less lately, we manage to feel the right way: to choose the right person- the one with which nature itself reduces. Create an emotional connection with him, instead of rushing into each other's arms and greedily absorbing pleasure, mediocrely spending the resource of natural attraction. Create a special intimate connection, both on the physical and on a higher - spiritual level, when possible. In this case, the union will be strong and indestructible. Quarrels, scandals, irritability will naturally not arise in it. In the same natural way, sexual attraction will be preserved in this union, which will inspire a man to great achievements. And it is precisely such pairs that are pointed out to us when they say: “ The wife does not grumble at him, because he was so successful making very accurate observations, but completely wrong conclusions...

Support, mutual respect and understanding, the absence of quarrels and the desire to listen to each other, to be close to each other - all this is present in properly built relationships. This borders on the success of a man, but does not provoke him at all. The success of a man is a natural consequence of his attraction to a woman, and it - attraction - is also one of the attributes of such a relationship.

But, as mentioned above, such relationships are very rare. It's getting harder for us to do right choice, because we are brought down by incorrect guidelines, rationalizations. They - erroneous guidelines, the imposition of certain styles of behavior - do not allow us to create a strong emotional and intimate connection. And only a deep understanding of ourselves, our true desires, the ability to see people and understand them from the inside - their properties and desires, helps us to go in the right direction, not falling into the bait placed by society. Listen to what Yuri Burlan says about the possibilities of system-vector psychology, which it opens up for building relationships.

April 5, 2017

Everyone is familiar with the common and banal to nausea phrase: "Behind every successful man there is always a wise woman." I don't always agree with this attitude. Many successful men become successful on their own initiative. Many successful men are married to far from wise women who do not know at all and are not even interested in how to push a man to success. Where does success come from then?

At the same time, women whose husbands are far from success and financial independence often ask questions:

How to make a husband successful man;

How a wife can make a man successful:

How to make a successful person out of a man:

How to help a man become successful.

So what should a woman do if the situation does not suit her? She is smart and knows that in order to have harmony in a relationship with a man, he must be accepted as he is. This has long been true and beyond doubt. But to live in poverty, when children suffer, when a woman is forced to support a family, deny herself everything and always look for something to save on, women, most often, cannot and do not want to.

That is why loving woman and wonders how to make a man successful. Her beloved man, the one with whom she lives, and does not want to part. The one who promised to love and care, promised well-being and confidence in the future. Or not promised, but she hoped. In fact, she got hopelessness, eternal problems, and his beloved, proudly lying on the couch.

So a tired woman asks herself - how to make a man successful and rich. That is, how to change him and make a successful man out of a loser. She is absolutely sure that it is a woman who helps a man become successful. And very often he interprets his knowledge in an attempt to re-educate a man, to remake him.

She usually fails. It does not work, because in order for a man to change, two conditions are needed. First, he himself must want to change. And second, he must have the opportunity to change. Without these two conditions, a woman can go to trainings all her life, read smart books, look for the answer to the question - how to make a man successful and happy, and achieve nothing.

If he initially does not have such a desire, or even if there is a desire, but there are no opportunities. Yes, and the understanding of success and happiness in men and women may not coincide. Only very often a woman does not want to understand this. And for her, happiness and success are exactly what she considers them to be. Here is my story about it.

Tanya and Vitya got married when he was 26 and she was 23. She graduated from university and worked as a school teacher in English. Although she also knew Italian and German. As she said, she learned them for herself.

Tanya was an active and active girl. She was invited to different firms translator, offered an excellent salary. But she didn't want to. Her dream was to teach and raise children. And she made her dream come true.

Vitya worked as a programmer and, as a programmer, earned very good money. He was considered one of the best in the company. He liked the work, he had excellent relations with his colleagues. Everyone respected and loved him. He was a calm, smiling, cheerful guy. True, he did not differ in great ambitions. He was content with what he had.

Tanya loved her husband and decided, as many women do, to make him happy. She began to convince her husband to pursue his career. She really wanted him to, for starters, become the head of the department, then the head of the unit. Well, in general, he’s so smart, he should earn much more. And then he will become successful and happy, in her understanding.

To begin with, she told Vita about her plans for his life. He laughed, called her Napoleon and said that everything suits him. But Tanya knew that it was she, Tanya, who was responsible. And the husband, like a child, does not understand anything and does not see his happiness.

Through Vitya's colleagues, she found out that the management was not very pleased with the head of Vitya's department. She began to persuade and convince Vitya to frame the boss a little, at the same time to show her abilities to the authorities. Vitya categorically refused. With Pavel, the boss, they were friends.

There was a small scandal, Tanya was offended, even cried. But Vitya did not give up. He explained that he LOVES his job, that leading people is not his, that Pavel is his friend and he will not substitute a friend. And even the fact that the head of the department has an irregular working day, that he is at work until late, that he has a lot of duties that take time and effort, and Pavel's family is on the verge of a divorce, did not stop Tanya.

She said, “We can handle you. You can, I know. You don’t understand how important this is for us, ”and many more of the same reasonable arguments, such as - you will plow, and I will bring cartridges. This whole campaign to force success lasted almost two years. And when Pavel quit to save his own family, Vitya agreed to participate in the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department. And he got it.

From that moment on, Tanya and Vitya stopped going to the cinema, going on picnics, and meeting friends. They practically stopped talking. Tired and always irritated, Vitya no longer joked, did not buy Tanya flowers, did not say compliments and kind words.

Tanya began to take offense at the inattention, that she was always alone, that Vitya ignored her and did not notice how much she did for him. Yes, and the money did not increase much. After all, as a programmer, Vitya received a double rate for processing, and as a head of a department, he had to solve problems at any time.

Vitya became gloomy and angry. Nothing worked for him at work. It was not in his nature to monitor employees, organize work, and solve problems related to organizational issues. His work, as a programmer, stood, he did not have time to do anything. Colleagues shunned, the authorities were always dissatisfied, the wife was offended and scandalized.

This was the result of Tanya's desire to make her husband successful and happy. They came to me only after Vitya had a heart attack in the hospital. And the pregnant Tanya had a threat of miscarriage due to nerves. Tanya was afraid that they would have to get a divorce, and she would raise the child alone, which, of course, frightened and upset her very much.

I asked each of them to tell what they dreamed about. Tanya said that she always wanted to be a teacher and have 3 more children. Victor said that programming is the most exciting thing, and he dreamed of writing some kind of super program and making a lot of money on it.

Neither Vitya nor Tanya ever dreamed of being bosses. Neither Vitya nor Tanya aspired to this, and they do not know how to lead. And if Vitya never insisted that Tanya should work as a translator, because it is more prestigious and better paid, then Tanya decided that she had the right to dictate to Vitya how to live and what to do.

Very quickly, Tanya realized that success and happiness in her understanding is not exactly what Vita and herself need for a normal life. Vitya realized that he needed to share his plans and successes with his wife. And both of them realized that in order to, you need to talk and listen to each other. Of course, there are conflicts, but now the guys know how and what to do in such cases.

Vitya refused to head the department and in his free time began to write his super program. And it already has a buyer. Moreover, the money offered will allow young people to buy good house. Tanya went on maternity leave and is glad that her husband spends a lot of time with her and gives her love and care.

Here is such a simple story of two loving people, which almost ended in tragedy. A woman can really help a man become successful. But she must know that for this there must be two conditions, his desire and opportunity. You can't make a chicken fly. You can not make anyone successful and happy against his will, without taking into account his capabilities.

Write, tell your story of success or failure. We will discuss what mistakes you made, or how you managed to achieve the desired result.

I wish you love and prosperity.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the success of a man determines his wife. It is the woman who is endowed with universal energy, inspiring the strong half to exploits, including in the material sphere. family life.

What makes a man a failure?

The influence of a woman on her lover is clearly manifested after a few years cohabitation. Someone, a purposeful, with huge plans for a career, a husband begins to spend time in a restaurant with friends. Some run away from an unhappy and, most importantly, unsuccessful life to a garage or football. Anything but being at home with your family. Others, having married penniless, in 3-4 years become the owners of 4-room apartments in the center of Moscow. What is the reason for such changes and why they occur in better side not with every woman?

Dressed White dress everyone wants to be the owner luxury apartment and expensive car. Those who do not receive this begin to tempt fate in well-known ways - scandals, screams, threats to leave and take their children if the situation does not change. As a result, the family breaks up, as the woman believes, and her relatives unanimously tell her that she has unsuccessfully married. Children suffer, she finds another companion, the same story happens. Another divorce or life in an unregistered relationship follows.

Let's try to deal with the situation. . Men are by nature earners. If they do not perform the main function, then they gradually lose self-respect for themselves and authority among others. As a result, a change in self-esteem, poor relationships in the family. The husband begins to break down at home, dissatisfied with his own financial condition. A vicious circle closes: the wife is offended, complains about the lack of money and screams at her husband. People have to somehow live, despite the turmoil.

The foundations of the success of a man in the family

The key to success in family life is, above all, patience. As far as people can stop their uncontrolled emotions and abuse in time. It depends mainly on the woman, because the man looks up to her. Even after marrying Great love, people may fail financially. The reason for this is the incorrectly chosen pattern of behavior by the spouse. She needs to understand that any man needs emotional support and energy supply. That is why he hurries home in the evening - to rest. He dreams that he will be greeted with a smile, and even if there are difficulties with work, they will support and calmly advise how to solve the current difficult situation. And it can happen every day. Economic crises, the possibility of dismissal, layoffs, non-payment wages, making contributions to pay foreign currency mortgages. All this can unsettle even the most wealthy, self-confident and successful man. In any situation, he expects empathy from the family, so a woman must show not only tolerance, but also endurance.
Every man wants to have a real princess at home, and to keep the house clean. When, after coming home, his wife meets with a rolling pin and interrogations, life loses all colors for him. Especially if he understands that she does not appreciate him at all. The world is arranged in such a way that reality is a reflection of our thoughts and aspirations. It only seems to women that after several years of life or even marriage, a man stops paying attention to trifles. Makeup, home clothes, well-groomed hair, sparkle in the eyes - all this can make him a hero, because he will be proud of such a woman and try to win her again.

The goals of a man are determined by a woman . She must constantly give him a reason for new ideas, whether it's a romantic trip to the lost islands or a new piece of jewelry. Not without inspiration. But it is better if the spouse has natural wisdom. She directs the man's actions, communicating her thoughts, but in such a way that he takes them for his own, and is very proud of the result. And the wife at the same time does not give a look that these were her fantasies.

The principle of attracting success for men

A successful husband will not be the one who constantly “nags” due to lack of money, a new position, the impossibility of buying a home. There is such a rule that the Universe does not know the word "no". To appear
positive events in life, you need to attract them. To do this, you must first create the desired result in your imagination and imagine that it can become a reality. The most important thing is to believe in achieving the goal and think positively: “I will have a happy family!”, “My husband will achieve everything and make our dream come true!”, “We will have a new luxury house!" Negative thoughts must be completely abandoned, the only way to set up your energy for prosperity and good luck. It’s not enough just to ask the Universe for prosperity and success, you need to be ready to accept fundamental changes in your life.

Contentment with what you have is the key to success

People always feel that something is missing for complete satisfaction. It could be a failed planned car purchase or a missed vacation. Everyone feels the need to have some material wealth which will lead to a state of complete balance and happiness. In fact, when a woman complains about circumstances, everything goes wrong. in the best way. The situation worsens, feelings get upset, and it seems to her that everything would be fine if her husband took certain steps. But he does not, and success does not come, and everything gets worse over time. In this case, the wife should start the changes with herself. Need to evaluate Current state cases, compare, analyze. Maybe it's not as bad as one imagines. But what if the family has material values ​​that others lack? A woman should accept her husband and position as they are, and try to come up with a plan and how to push her husband to new exploits. Maybe it will extraordinary decision. The main thing is that he believes that the thought belongs entirely to him and begins to put it into practice.

Why successful, beautiful, wealthy girls cannot find a spouse? There is only one reason - they do not attract men. They value them for their virtues, but few people want to become the shadow of their wife. This is a natural instinct that is inherent in any member of the stronger sex, even if he does not prove it with his actions. He can lie in front of the TV all day and watch football, and then one day he accidentally meets a woman for whom he will do everything possible to earn a high appreciation of his work. A man will feel like a protector, a leader in relationships, and then no crisis will stop him in achieving the cherished dream of his beloved.

When getting married, every girl dreams of a strong and reliable shoulder, stone wall and happy future. When you have to live from paycheck to paycheck, the logical question arises, why hasn't my husband become a successful person yet?

The answer is simple: in order for a woman to get the desired happy future, it is necessary to educate her husband and invest in his development.

We take as a rule the principle “If the wife does not push her husband forward, she drags him back” and begin to act.

1. Reduce comfort . The house is a full bowl, excellent dinner, magnificent, no reproaches. Yes and new blouse you absolutely do not need it, because your husband needs winter boots ...

Now stop and think, would you like to change something in such comfortable conditions? Being slightly hungry, dissatisfied and “underdressed”, a man will understand that he just needs to move!

The main thing is not to confuse motivation with indifference and lack of female attention.

2. Do not forget about yourself . Of course, you invest time, money, energy and strength in your spouse, but do not forget that you yourself must.

In the company of pots and TV, you are unlikely to have brilliant ideas, namely your impeccable appearance and the thirst for self-development will spur the husband to always stay on top.

This is like a competition in which there are no losers, but both spouses win.

3. Don't become a shadow . You may have your own projects, goals and dreams. Want to go to work, discover or learn Spanish? Get started!

You should not solemnly lay out your life on the altar of the development of your husband, and then shout “yes, I devoted my whole life to you”! By the way, no one asked you about this.

4. Find your strong point . Do you write creative texts, do you understand law, accounting or SMM? husband in this direction.

Don't do it "out of the blue". Do not want to understand loans and do not understand anything in marketing? Do not take this direction, except for the negative you and your husband, you will not get anything.

Your task is to help in what you are strong in, keep his mood and maintain self-confidence.

5. Remember about his health . The stronger and more resilient your man is, the more he can do. Start together, go in for sports, make sure that he takes lunch from home to work, smoke less and drink alcohol (just don’t read lectures on this as a child, find another motivation).

Remember the rule: sleep is necessary. Night vigils after 24.00 are allowed no more than 2 times a month. The rest of the time - lights out at 23.00. Doesn't want to sleep? Have sex. The best sleeping pill has not yet been invented.

Caught a cold - treat it, take pills with you to work, write SMS reminders. It’s not just SARS that got sick - persuade him to go to the doctor, get tested, make sure that he takes the necessary medicines, think about vitamins.

6. Maintain love . The main thing a man wants from a woman is recognition and support. Find what gives yours about the inviolability of the “rear”: kind words, morning breakfast, gentle touches, praise, compliments, regular intimate relationships. Give these feelings to him as often as possible.

7. Have time to communicate . For a man, career and self-realization will always come first. The task of a woman is to help him not to forget that there is something else in life.

If it doesn’t work out, find at least 1 evening a week to be together, what to discuss, plan, just chat.

Movies, sports, friends, meetings with family: your husband may need your help to fit all this into his business schedule. And do not forget to remind about the plans.

Leave this eternal "we don't go anywhere together." Can't your husband keep you company? Go alone. If your meeting is successful, the negative from forced loneliness will be blocked. Sitting at home and waiting for your husband to be able to go somewhere with you is wrong (see point 2).

8. Decide on a perspective . One fine morning, answer yourself honestly to the question: “Do I want to be with this person if he still never becomes financial heights?” After all, there are not so many lucky people who have achieved a lot with their work from scratch. And with this fact, you should either put up with it, or look for someone who is closer to the cherished bar. And start all over again.

The truth of life is that everything is in our female hands. We can masterfully inspire and superbly inspire men. If we want, of course.

The main thing in this case understand what happiness is measured for you (money, love, children, family, success, prestige), and make your choice.

May your family be happy!

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Every young "princess" dreams of a beautiful, strong and rich wife. And if it is impossible to influence the first and second points (here it is, that is), then with the third point the situation is completely different. Even if the wind constantly walks in your prince's pockets, you can influence the situation.

Is it possible to make a millionaire out of a spouse? Can! AND we are talking not about leaving a billionaire without pants, but about the fact that it is in your power to change the fate of your spouse and, accordingly, your own. And we'll show you how to do it...

  • The man is a hunter by nature. Do not take away this quality from him by taking on all the responsibilities of men. Don't try to earn more than it (and if you do, don't say it), don't carry weights, don't try to master a hammer drill or nail a shelf. Be next to your husband a woman who you want to protect, protect and cherish.
  • Light sawing with regular chip removal is a losing method of “raising a husband”. The saw woman's husband will not be happy. And when a man is unhappy, he does not want anything. Praise and periodic "warming up" in the rays of his talents and masculinity are much more effective than any whim and hysteria. From the phrase "You are just a genius!" a man will straighten his shoulders and find the strength in himself to take new heights. From the words “You have nothing else to do? Why waste time on this nonsense? "Exhaust" will wait years! Work like everyone else normal people!" he will close up and stop initiating you into his plans. Decide whether you need a robot that exhausts itself day after day with a hated routine job with a stable, albeit low, income? Or do you need a self-confident person who enjoys work and develops in every sense?

  • Believe in your husband. Setting “Your hands are in the wrong place. You will never achieve anything. You don't have enough brains. You are lazy, short-sighted and too gullible” initially leads you nowhere. Correct installation- "You can all. You are my smartest. You will succeed. Take action while you can. Listen to your heart and intuition. I'm always there if you need my help."
  • Set a goal - to make a millionaire out of your husband. And create all the conditions for your husband so that he himself wants to become one. First of all, at home. The husband must want to become a leader, hunter, earner. And for this, you yourself must become an ideal wife in every sense. The level of masculinity of the husband rises in relation to the correct strategy of his wife. And leave the man the right to make decisions on his own, and not based on your requirements and whims. Make decisions and ... be responsible for them.

  • Feed your husband right. Only high-quality, tasty, varied and healthy food. Without energy, there is no desire.
  • Define for your family budget special places. Let it be a beautiful chest or a special hand-made envelope in which you want to put money. Do not throw wrinkled banknotes in the corners and pockets - money likes careful handling.
  • Once you've tried the best, you don't want to go back to the worst. Create the right traditions: only the best products. Dishes - only original. Clothes are of the highest quality. The furniture is only good quality. The habit of living beautifully and comfortably will make you look for ways to increase your income.
  • Four female "elements". In a woman, an independent, self-confident queen, a passionate lover, a tender, trusting girl and a reliable economic friend of life should get along (and get along with each other).
  • Don't laugh at his dreams. Even the most seemingly ridiculous project can come true and bring a considerable income if there is inspiration and desire. Does your husband share his plans and dreams with you? Don't let him down. Be close to him, help him in his work, give him those wings that are not enough for the first flight.
  • Never blame your spouse for his mistakes. His mistakes are his headache. A wife can support men, suggest a way out of the situation, but not reproach or nag. Moreover, a mistake is also an experience. And he is not redundant.
  • Your husband's life is your life. Even if his job is to repair cars, your duty is to be aware, interested in his work and news, listen carefully and help as much as possible (even with a word). Perfect option when a woman tries to delve into all the subtleties of her husband's work. For you, the information will not be superfluous, and with your husband there will immediately be many new topics for communication.

  • Trust is first and foremost. Husband and wife are two halves of one whole. These are communicating vessels. And your task is to ensure that there are no walls and boundaries between you. There should be no mute pauses, irresolvable conflicts and long silences. Any problem should be solved by peaceful constructive dialogue between the two loving people. The happier and calmer a man is, the stronger his desire to go forward and achieve his goal.
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