Thread teapot master class. Master class "Teapot-for tea bags How to fix a whistle if it is broken

I present to you a master class - how to make a teapot from threads and decorate it with candy flowers. Such a handmade souvenir will become original gift for any holiday, it can be filled with delicious tea bags or your favorite sweets. See my tutorial here. I also prepared many other simple master classes for children - candy-paper bouquets and corrugated paper crafts.

Making a ball of thread in the form of a teapot

We inflate a balloon.

For the handle and spout, we take a waterproof cardboard, I cut it out of the juice package.

Preparing adhesive solution: dissolve 3 teaspoons of sugar in 50 ml of water, add 10-20 ml of PVA glue. We begin to wrap our ball with threads.

If you want the teapot to be pure white, take cotton threads, because synthetic ones turn yellow from such a solution.

Dries in about 24 hours, sometimes longer. At first, they will drip a little, so it is better to place the blanks above the sink.

Another nuance is that you should not tie the ball with threads, because, after all the manipulations with it, it can simply be blown away even before the glue grabs.

My secret is that I twist the tail of the balloon onto a wire. Firstly, the ball will never deflate, secondly, you can make a hook out of it and hang it to dry, thirdly, when the ball is completely dry, you can simply unscrew the wire, release the air and carefully pull it out without bursting it.

The finished ball already looks beautiful.

We cut out the lid of the future teapot from it.

Glue the top edge.

Prepare the nose and handle. I ran a thin wire along the edge (to keep the shape), and attached lace with hot glue.

I fixed the handle and spout also with the help of wires.

The lid is decorated with lace.

Add some gold and a drop.

Our teapot is ready, it remains only to decorate it with paper flowers. The rest you will find here.

Old dishes that have honestly served their time can be used for various crafts. You can also make various products of decorative and practical use from an old teapot.

Let's tell you what you can do with your own hands from a kettle that is no longer suitable for use for its intended purpose.

What can you do with your own hands from a teapot?

From the usual metal teapot You can easily make a variety of crafts that can be placed on the street or balcony.

Flower pot

The simplest version of the product - hanging flower pot. In order to prevent moisture from stagnating in the container, which will come when watering the flowers, several holes are made in the bottom. For this purpose, you can use a drill with a drill for metal or a large steel nail.

If the teapot is very old and the metal is covered with rust, then before planting flowers in it, it is recommended to thoroughly clean its surface and paint it with any paint for metal.

When drainage hole done and the container is painted, they put it in a flower pot from an old teapot nutrient soil and plant any undersized flower varieties. Then the homemade pot is tied by the handle in the right place.


The kettle after the end of its service life can serve as a decorative element.

To transform the old metal product V designer item you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Teapot with lid.
  • Medical bandage.
  • PVA glue.
  • Silver spray paint.
  • Plastic bottle.
  • Candle and matches.
  • Scissors.
  • Beads.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Tweezers.

When everything you need is prepared, the dishes are decorated in the following sequence:

  • Dishes should be washed thoroughly with detergent and dry well.
  • The bandage should be cut into small pieces and pasted over the entire outer metal surface utensils.
  • From plastic bottle cut out various decorative details with which the surface of the dishes will be pasted over. To decorate the teapot, a win-win option would be to make plastic flowers and small oval leaves.
  • To give flowers and leaves a natural curvature, it is recommended to hold them over a candle flame.
  • Heat treatment of decorative elements

    • with a plastic heat gun decorative elements are glued to the surface of the "bandaged" teapot. In the same way, the fastening of the beads is carried out.
    • Paint with spray paint.

    After the paint has dried, the dishes can be installed in the kitchen in the most visible place as a decorative item.

    Decorated teapot

    Fountain from an old teapot

    The life of old teapots can be extended by using dishes as a fountain for giving. The principle of operation of such an engineering structure is very simple: the kettle is installed on metal pipe through which water is supplied by a low-power pump.

    Utensils are installed on the pipe

    Water flows out of the spout into a container installed below. With the right decoration of such a fountain, it is possible with minimal cost to achieve a high aesthetic effect.

    To make a homemade fountain, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

    • Metal teapot with a lid.
    • Steel pipe.
    • Wooden barrel.
    • Fountain pump.

    The production of the fountain is carried out in the following sequence:

    Such affordable option the use of an old product allows you to significantly transform the territory adjacent to the house, while the financial costs for the construction of the structure are minimal.

    Steam generator from an electric kettle

    It is not uncommon to encounter the problem of recycling electric kettles. Such products often fail when the contacts burn out. To fix such a malfunction is very simple: just solder the power cord to the heating device.

    Unfortunately, it is very inconvenient to use the product for its intended purpose after such a repair, therefore, most often household appliance used to generate steam for a bath.

    Given the high degree of humidity, it is not recommended to place an electrical appliance inside. To deliver steam into the room, it is enough to make a hole in the lid with a drill and a feather drill. After that, install a fitting in the cover for a large diameter silicone hose.

    Silicone hose for steam generator

    Then it is necessary to securely fix the kettle to any immovable object outside the bath, in order to exclude the possibility of its displacement during the boiling of water. Directly into the bath, steam must be supplied through a pipe built into the wall, which is connected to a silicone hose outdoors.

    For the convenience of turning on the steam generator, when necessary, you can install a low-voltage switch in the room, on which electricity it is fed through a step-down transformer, and from the knife switch, the current is “put on” to an electronic relay, the closure of which turns on the electric kettle.

    When using this type of steam generator for a bath, the kettle tank should be filled no more than 2/3. You should also take care of the tightness of the lid. For this purpose, silicone automotive sealant is excellent, which should be glued to the body around the perimeter.

    Silicone sealant

    Filling the tank for generating steam for a bath is carried out through a spout, which must be closed; a cork of a suitable size should be made independently from some heat-resistant material.

    In the same way, you can make from the old electrical appliance steam generator for cleaning carpets, furniture or tiles with the difference that the outlet tube must be connected to a "gun", which can be equipped with a tap to control the strength of the steam jet.


    What you can do yourself from an old kettle is described in detail in this article, but you should not be limited to the options outlined above. Everyone can come up with interesting ideas on the use of already unused dishes and household appliances.

In this article, you will learn about an interesting and for some reason forgotten accessory for dummies: a whistle, what it is for, how to use it and how you can make it at home. A whistle is needed in order to know when the water has boiled. Each person should appreciate the function of the whistle, which allows all people who use electric kettles, learn about when the water boils. But it happens that there is no whistle on the new teapot, or it is broken.

Do-it-yourself teapot whistle

There are many ways to make a whistle for dummies at home. For this, a little free time, materials and, of course, desire are enough. Let's look at the most interesting ways.

metal whistle

It will be shaped like a short cylinder. The top can take various design. First of all, you should take the metal without signs of corrosion. After that, you can proceed to the following steps:

  1. Cut out two circles and a rectangle for the cylinder;
  2. Connect these parts into a whole.


You can also make a great teapot whistle with your own hands, using just the usual corks that you use to close bottles of lemonade or water every day. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Take two corks and connect them into one;
  2. Cut a hole with a diameter of 3 mm.

Be careful when using this method, you need to make an extensive cylinder of metal that is located between the plugs.

From a toy whistle

The version of the children's whistle is suitable for teapots with thin spouts. It is located on it, covering the entire surface. And if the kettle has a wide nose, then a metal glass is better for it, in which you will need to drill a hole with a conventional drill.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the metal. Whistle out quality metal will serve you for a very long time and with great efficiency.

Never use aluminum or plastic material for the whistle! These materials are not resistant to high temperatures.

How to fix a whistle if it's broken

If you bought a low-quality device, you can fix it by following these steps:

  • You need to take the shell in which the whistle is located, and use a screwdriver to get it.
  • The next step is to remove the spring and prepare the surface for further work. To prepare the surface it is necessary to clean it.
  • When you move on to soldering, you will need soldering acid. After the surface is prepared, you can start soldering, and then clean the parts from dirt adhering to them.
  • The last step in this process is neutralization. You need to use alkali. In addition to alkali, alcohol can be used, but remember that this procedure must be carried out on outdoors. This must be done carefully so as not to harm your health. To neutralize the craft, place it in a glass and pour alcohol into it, about 10 or 25%.

Following these rules, you can easily repair the whistle or make a new one!

If your house has old crockery and three-layer napkins, then you can, with the help of our tips, ennoble an old teapot. In this article you will find several ways to make a teapot yourself, a list of materials needed for this, as well as step-by-step instructions for each method.

How to make a cardboard teapot with a base

To make such a teapot, you will need: an old ceramic teapot, acrylic paint, three-layer napkins, a glue brush, glue and varnish.

  • From cardboard we make a model of a teapot for tea leaves. You can use the papier-mache technique, in which one layer of torn paper is glued to another, and the base (we will take a ceramic teapot as the basis) is coated with petroleum jelly. We wait for drying and carefully glue together all the details. Joints need to be sanded.
  • We primed the kettle with acrylic paint. We wait for the first layer to dry and start applying the second one.
  • Now we stop working with the kettle and wait for the paint to dry completely. In the meantime, we cut out the elements of the pattern from three-layer napkins. Delete two layers, leaving only the top with the pattern.
  • After the kettle dries, generously grease its surface with PVA glue. Carefully combine the napkin and the wall of the teapot. We iron the picture with a brush with glue, smoothing out the wrinkles and pushing the air down. Moving down the pattern, apply an additional layer of glue to the surface of the napkin. We wait a day and proceed to decorate the teapot. For this, acrylic paints we apply patterns, curls and edging.
  • Finally, apply two coats of varnish for decoration.

How to make a clay teapot

In order to make a clay teapot, you will need: clay, oven, paints.

  • We sculpt an original teapot from household clay. We put it in the oven and wait until the clay is completely hardened. Take out of the oven and leave to cool completely.
  • Now you can start decorating the teapot. Apply paint in a single layer. We let it dry, apply a new one, and so on until all the gaps are painted over. After that, you can start drawing the pattern.
  • We let the teapot with the pattern dry again, after which we apply two layers of varnish.

How to sew a teapot

In order to sew a teapot yourself, you will need: threads, scraps of fabric, foam rubber. In order to make such a teapot, you need to cut it out of shreds, and then sew it into the chosen shape. For this type of teapot, it is better to make a foam rubber lining. This product can be used on the farm in order to put it on a teapot - this way it will stay warm longer. When choosing shreds, try to use as much imagination as possible to make the teapot fun and original. By the way, such a teapot can become great gift for tea lovers.

How to make a teapot in the form of a panel

To make a teapot panel, you will need: pebbles, pieces of glass, glue, cardboard, frame. We lay out the glass and pebbles in the picture in the form of a cheerful teapot. Paste them on thick cardboard and insert into the glass frame. Now you know that the kettle can be made perfectly different ways and for completely different purposes!

Tatiana Getmanskaya

Next, we take the preparation of our napkins. To do this, carefully remove the lower layers of the napkin, depending on whether they are one or two layers, leave the colored side for work. Lubricate the finished blanks with PVA glue and carefully apply a napkin, cut off the excess. Can inner part kettle decorate with one pattern, the outer with another. On the contra it turns out very nice. We let each side dry separately, in order to do the job faster, I dry each side with a hairdryer.

We decorate each half with a decorative cord, glue it with a glue gun for strength

and "gather" kettle

cover with acrylic lacquer

you can put tea bags

all is ready

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